kasselman, sworn in, and commissioner o'brien also gets sworn in. so that is it. thank you. clerk: commissioners, items number 13, vice president's report. vice president clyde: i would like to begin my report by recognizing a woman who gave extraordinary service to the small business community and to the san francisco community, joanie chang, who passed away a few weeks ago at age 41. she was a compliance officer with standards enforcement. she was charged with implementing the groundbreaking san francisco law that created healthy san francisco, and the reason i would want to recognize her is that she was a real model in how to educate the community, how to communicate with the small business community. she did it with grace. she did it with just great intelligence and compassion, and i think that the small business community should really an extent -- note should really extend our -- should really extend our sympathies. she was taken way too soon. she believes newborn twins and her partner, -- she leaves newborn twins and her partner. she was only 41 years old, and she is diagnosed with cancer seven weeks ago, -- was diagnosed with cancer seven weeks ago. for the members who would like to send condolences, there is a website that was created by her friends and family. it is www.giveforward.org/ bakeanapple, and i would like to think the office of supervisor campos for providing this information and, again, to her partner, and to the new twins. i would like to send, you know, our condolences and our appreciation. thank you, so i am just going to move on. i did attend a convention with bettie yi. she is our representative to the state board of equalization. she made it very clear that she did not favor a patchwork of regulations regarding the alcohol industry because it is so difficult to work. she did make it clear that her office is not interested -- her office is interested in keeping small businesses operating, and her office will work with businesses that are having trouble meeting their tax payments. she was very clear in response to members of the public. the state board equalization now requires substantial deposits from businesses, businesses, who do not have track records or businesses that are changing their corporate structure. that was brought up at this meeting. her office is responsive to the synthesis go small business community. please contact and the board to work note payments and to work out schedules. she is focused on we are still in economic crisis, and she emphasized that she did not want to see businesses closing. she also discussed marijuana and the challenges of legalization and taxation of the marijuana industry and challenges of the industry that is threatening to pick up and leave if they are taxed. this is going to be extremely challenging. the merchants organization in north beach did note -- did have a presentation, and i will encourage everyone to support this fund project. thanks. president yee riley: thank you. next item, please. clerk: next item, commissioner 14, commissioner reports. vice president clyde: i have been trying to keep the small business public more informed about the proposed congestion pricing that is being proposed by cta, which is creating a very large corridor in our city that would be charging a fee of entry and exit, morning hours and afternoon hours, perhaps in each direction, and the possible impact that might have on our small businesses. i attempted. attended a workshop cta last month and brought up some of the concerns of the small business community which i attended a workshop. -- i attended a workshop. also, phil did a report on this for channel 5 news, and it was also mentioned in the column, so i just want to continue to keep putting this in front of the public as much as possible so we can get some feedback and have folks be aware about what the potential costs might be in the business community. president yee riley: thank you. anymore reports from the commission? seeing none, next item, please. clerk: commissioners, item number 15, general public comment. president yee riley: seeing none, public comment is closed. clerk: commissioners, item number 16, new business, which allows commissioners to introduce new items for future consideration by president yee riley: the riley: -- consideration by the commission. president yee riley: seeing none, next item, please. clerk: item number 17, adjournment. commissioners, the meeting is adjourned at 11:46 p.m. --7:46pm. >> good afternoon, open to the full board of supervisors. >> supervisor avalos is absent, can we have a motion to recuse him today? without objection, he shall be excused. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i have no agannouncements. >> items one through six, this is the consent calendar. >> would anyone like to separate any of the items from 1-6? please. >>aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >>aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> these resolutions adopted and the ordinances are passed. >> item 7 is an ordinance authorizing the department of the environment to authorize a grant from $75,000 from the california department of toxic substances control and the amending of the ordinance to reflect the addition of one grant funded position. >> this ordinance is passed. >> item 8, ordinance amending the police code for increasing the fines of would ring, pursued, concealed weapon, for certain crimes on vehicles, platforms, or bus zones of the mta. >> aye/ >> aye/ >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> no. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> the motion passes. >> a -- item 9. >> resolution authorizing the sheriff's department to retroactively entered into the third amendment to the agreement between the city and county of san francisco. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >>aye. >> of the item passes. >> item 10 is a resolution approving a loan through these and the skin is pulled transportation association for a quality improvement. >> the motion is adopted. >> item 11, resolution adopting findings and of the california environmental quality act to extend a grant in the amount of approximately $470,000 from the u.s. environmental protection agency and the cesar chavez a sewer improvement system. >> this resolution is adopted. >> item 12, resolution adopting the fire department to enter into a 10-year agreement with presidio trust to provide fire and emergency services. >> same house, same call? the resolution is adopted. >> item 13, resolution adopting -- authorizing the fire department to enter into a 10- year agreement with the national park service to provide fire and emergency medical services to national park service managed areas within san francisco. >> this is adopted. >> item 13 -- 14, the hiring of permanent career severely and federal firefighters displaced by the closure of the national park service fire station in presidio. >> this resolution is adopted. >> item 15, ordinance amending the planning code to allow new full-service and small self- service restaurants with a conditional use authorization to permit some said especially for the establishment as the right and to prohibit all large fast- food astonishment. >> this ordinances passed on the first reading. >> 16, a resolution approving and authorizing the single line relocation agreement between the san francisco. this commission and the state university to relocate existing centauries sewer and storm drain easement. >> this resolution is adopted. >> item 17-22, the committee reports. >> they considered by the rules committee in a bag of a meeting on this day, august 5th, and 10:00 a.m. and will forward as committee reports. item 17, settlement of a lawsuit. item 17-18, salomon of a lawsuit for $245,000, i did not seen ---19, and settlement of a lawsuit for the 2011s. item 20, salomon of the lawsuit and approximately 83,000 -- segment of the lawsuit -- s ettlement of the lawsuit. >> can we take these on the fifth reading? >> item 23 is a resolution condemning the appointment of cherly brinkman to the but of directors on attention in march, 2014. >> this is passed. >> apartment of michael garcia to the appointment ended july 1st, 2014. >> this motion is approved. >> item 25, the bremen of the john newlin to the intended commission. >> this motion is approved. >> 26-29 with considered by the services committee on a regular meeting at 10 the d a m and forecasted as reported. a resolution the german and the transfer of a general that the license also of the public convenience. >> in house, sam colt? this is adopted. >> item 27, resolution transferring a type 20 of beer and one liquor license. >> a house, same call. >> item 28, except an expensive gift to rebuild trills and retaining walls. this is approximately one and $65,000. >> this is adopted. >> item 29, to expect an extended grant from the historical endowment in the proximate amount of five and a thousand dollars for the palace of fine arts historical landscape and park improvement. >> the same house, same call. >> please read items 30-34. these were considered by the land use committee. they were afforded to the board as committee reports. item 30, authorizing the office of economic and work-force development to retroactively accept and expand in grant in the amount of $750,000 to plan and manage the employment program. item 31, resolution authorizing the same office to except and expend a grant in the amount of 400,000 from wal-mart to plan and manage an employment program. item 32, a resolution to retroactively except and expand a grant in the amount of $100,000 from the california public utilities commission to support the implementation of californians low income energy efficiency program. item 33, authorization to retroactively except an expanded grant in the amount of $200,000 from the evelyn and walter haas jr. fund. >> these are adopted. item 34. >> a resolution authorizing the port commission to accept and expand a grant from the united states in fermenta protection agency in the amount of $1 million under the diesel emissions reduction act. >> same house, same call? this is adopted. now will call for introductions. -- will call for introductions. >> sadly for many families, this is elastic of summer vacation. i am having my daughters look for items that are related to the ordinance that i am introducing today. i was horrified to find prickings bunch bob and horrible comic characters that are marketed in fast-food. today, i'm very proud to say that i hope that we can make history along with liverpool, england, in protecting the health of our children. we want to target restaurants that serve toys with happy meals. this will set nutritional standards for companies to use voice -- toys. i would like to thank a couple of the co-authors along with the number of organizations and to help us with this project. our legislation is aimed at promoting healthy eating habits for children to address issues related to childhood obesity. this requires for fast food and other restaurants that use toys or incentives that they must contain fruits and vegetables that must exceed 600 calories per meal or 200 calories for a single food item and they must not have beverages that have excessive fat or sugar. recently, the center for disease control has shown with the data that since the birth of the happy meal in 1979, for 30 years, the obesity rate for children has quadrupled for the age group that my daughter is in, 6-11. in the last 30 years that they have been in existence, the obesity rate has quadrupled. this has tripled for children that are 2-5. a survey recently said also there aren't the economic implications. -- there are the economic indications. there are the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. we have dedicated considerable resources to fighting childhood obesity with programs like shape up sf, healthy eating programs. programs that provide greater access to healthy foods. this legislation will help to further a cause that we have established as an important front to maintaining a high standard of living for people young and old. i registration will encourage restaurants that encourage and healthy meals for children and used to -- will have health your toys and healthier eating habits and food access to children and families. i urge your support and thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, madame clerk. i am introducing a number of items, a regular garden patch of policy for considerations. first, i am introducing an ordinance to authorize the reentry consul to work with the superior court. we created a reentry court. this requires that a steering committee reestablished and advised. this body established a council nearly two years ago which is perfectly suited to serve as the steering committee. i look forward to working with the security court -- superior court to create a court that will have a measurable impact on reducing recidivism. in a companion to the charter amendment that will be on the ballot, and introducing an ordinance that her skirt up -- prescribes the procedures. this ordinance is the complement of a proposition ew -- e . those that registers will cast provision about to make sure that it is verified before the vote is counted. if consulted with the department of elections, will continue to work to make the voter registration process as secure as possible. we aim to pass this ahead of the november elections so that people will better understand how the proposition will work. this would go only into effect if the proposition passes. we will become the first city in the state of california for election day voter registrations. as i indicated, there is a very lengthy and paper heavy plan, in the thousands of documents, i was inspired as i said in a key in the morning. all of our offices received thousands of pages of documents. today, and introducing an ordinance to overcome -- said that any of these documents can bese