>> which include business at 10:55 p.m.. >> before i take roll i'd like to remind everyone to turn off your pagers, electronic devices. when speaking before the commission we ask that you speak directly into the microphone approximately three to six inches away and we ask that you spell your last name for the record. if you feel the need to engage in a secondary discussion while these proceedings are going on that you take those discussions outside as they become extremely disruptable to the process. [roll call] >> thank you, we have a full commission today. commissioners the first category on the calendar is item one. the department sponsored planning code amendment. the item is being proposed for continuance for august 12. item two is a request for adoption for a policy to promote growth safe building standards. the continuance is september 2323, -- 23, 2010. please be aware that item 18 has been withdrawn. the item is no longer before you for consideration. and item 19 case number 2010.0156 d, the d.r. has also been withdrawn and the item is no longer before you for consideration. with that information, commissioners i am not aware of any other item on calendar being proposed for continuance. president miguel: if i may, the one item you proposed for continuance to the 23rd -- >> oh, that has to go through a different date. president miguel: it has to go to a different date. which item? >> 2 oo 2. we need to move that to the 30th of september. president miguel: is there any public item -- comment on items proposed to continue? hearing none -- >> i'd like to move -- president miguel: excuse me. >> i just feel that -- >> if you could state your name for the record. >> melody clark and the item one on the items proposed for continuance, this seems to have a major impact on many residential districts. we've heard nothing about this. is there some reason why it's only been continued for one week when you're going to expand nonresidential requirements on parking to apply to all zoning districts? >> you're refering to item number one? >> yes. >> this seems like a major item and as far as i know there's been no outreach, nobody knows about it. >> well, i'm sorry there's a staff. i don't know misrogers. >> commissioners this item was first heard by you in april of this year. at that time you considered a policy that would do the same thing in effect. i'm sorry -- considered a policy that would make some of the changes that are now going to be before you by ordinance and also we did share a draft zoning administrator bull ten that would make this same change through a zoning administrator determination. and at that time we've since had a hearing in june and july, and you wanted to not only make the change through a zoning administrator bulletin but you wanted to consider it as allegedly exchanged. so this item was heard in july and this will be the hearing to consider the item. president miguel: thank you. commissioner olague. oil this has been out for some time. so i'm ready to -- and it has to do with car share not so much car share specifically and the policies around car share. i don't know perhaps miss sullivan if you can brief miss clark -- >> roger. >> rogers because i think it's -- it has fewer implications than people might assume. with that i'd like to move that we continue items one and two -- one to the next week august 12 and two to september 30th. >> second. >> commissioners the motion on the floor is to continue item number one august 12, item two to september 30th on that motion commissioner antonini? >> eye. >> commissioner moore? >> eye. >> commissioner olague? >> aye. >> thank you commissioners those items are continued as they've been reannounced. commissioners the next item on calendar is your consent calendar. there's only one item on the consent calendar and i'm not going to go through the whole usual spill. it's been often sent and considered as the regular calendar item. it's case number 2010.0660 c for 1324 polk street. president miguel: we'll consider that as the first item on the regular calendar when we get to that area. >> great. then commissioners you have questions and matters. item number four is consideration of adoption from your regular meeting of may 27, 2010. following any correction -- following public comment we do ask that you accept the draft minutes. president miguel: is there any opposition to accepting the draft minutes? if not. commissioner olague. commissioner olague: moved. >> seconded. >> commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commission borden? >> aye? commissioner lee? >> yeah, commissioner olague? >> aye. president miguel: commissioner antonini? >> i would like to congratulate the mayor and compliment the board of supervise ors for the candlestick project. also in that vain i noticed some of you have seen on television this move by some billionaires to devest half of their income and i think that's a wonderful philanthropic thing and certainly there are many things as part of that plan that might involve significant amounts of private investments. historically much in san francisco much of what we have today have been the effort of philanthropic individuals. the new concourse, golden gate park, even the original keys stadium were all from individuals. so to that end it certainly would be something -- if someone's looking to put some money into something, i think this could become a reality. many parts of it, the park, the stadium the infrastructure, probably if we could involve some private individuals who feel so inclined. but i think it's a good move moving forward with this plan. >> i understand commissioner antonini would join the group in the near future. >> i was talking about wealthy individuals. president miguel: commissioner borden. commissioner borden: today i am going to speak to the >>. they're meeting at 455 golden gate. i went to say how we support the high speed rail and how our planning practices of co-locating transit -- helping with transit is critical in why high speed rail needed to have it in san francisco. we were able to highlight some concerns that we've had about the separation of streets along 7th and 16th and commons that would break up mission bay from the rest of the city in the current plan. also there was an gnarl the chronicle about temporary structures to take over the vacant land. i wondered if that would be something that become through the planning commission because it's just a temporary land use. >> thank you marco from the planning department. no, this is going through section 312. so it's just a basic neighborhood notification. the project doesn't involve any entitlements that would become to you. commissioner borden: it sounded really fascinating, a really great innovative idea but just how to better understand and how it's going to come together . the last thing is i have the opportunity to go to an event where actually president miguel was also with the transportation commissioner from new york city janet caun and she was talking about all the cool parklets to make their streets more livable. what was so fascinating was that it didn't take a lot of money. it didn't take a lot of time. all they did basically was paint -- paint roadways. they changed -- they reclaimed broadway and made that more of a street grid. they did some really phenomenal things all through the city. they're working on plans to rewrite the way the bike legislation is on the federal level. they're hoping they can adopt it. so they could have the bike lanes near the curve. it made me think in a city like new york city if they could make these things ham, we should -- happen, we should be able to as well. you could do a pilot without going through a lot of process and give them people a case that would show them it could work. we could paint the street and check it out just like the sunday streets and the success that took off there. president miguel: there was an excellent example. and i think the one thing in everyone's mind was how quickly they were able to get things accomplished there. it was absolutely amazing. also had the pleasure along with commissioner borden and commissioner lee being at the mayor's signing of the candlestick unter's point legislation. actually signed in effect. as per on tuesday michael and peter were there to present the section of the extension of the underground that is going eventually into china town but basically the section that is south of market street and the two stops there. and a really full discussion of the south of market stops. we haven't heard so much and in that kind of detail as to the south of market with a standing room only crowd, very, very involved, many of the old-timers but a very large number of younger people who are studying land use planning. it was a pleasure to see them there as well and the questions they asked. the department did a very, very good job on their presentation. it was really excellent. >> thank you. commissioners if we could move forward to director's reports. director's announcement and a review of last week's event, board of appeals and the historic preservation commission. >> i don't have too many annoyancements today. i want to be picking up on commissioner's borden about new york city's program. we met with janet. she was in town a year ago. and that was our basis for pavement to park program that andre is in charge at this point. we do have five of those now in place. they've been a huge success in many ways, some more than others. and we are now working on very modest ones that are essentially taking a few parking spaces and commercial spaces for tables and chairs that the public can use. and that was quite successful and quite attractive. if you haven't seen the one on divisitero. so andres should be credited for that. staff has been in charge of painting of pavements and planting of plants. it's been a wonderful staff and team building effort at the same time. >> good afternoon, emily rogers planning dcht staff to give you your weekly report on activities as they pertain to planning and land use. this week we have three items. the first was an ordinance that would amend the castro street n.c.d. this would enable the permitting of restaurants of both large and small self-service by conditional use authorization. it would also permit special food accomplishments as a right and would delete a division that would allow certain establishments on one parcel. you heard this item on june 17. and unanimously recommended approval. this week at the committee there were comments on opposition. there was also a couple of informational hearings. the first was on the partner set project. as you know, it is an existing residential neighborhood with about 3,000 units adjacent to lake merced. it's a mixed use development program to replan and redesign the sight. the project would increase residential density, modify transit facilities and improve utilities in the area. about 1700 of the existing units would be maintained in exists towers and over a period of 15 years the remaining 1500 units would be demolished and fully replaced. an additional 5700 new units would be added bringing the total to about 8900. the planning director summarized the project. michael yarnie gave an overview and the development agreement. peter discussed the n.t.a.'s role. and our staff manager provided information on the development of design guidelines for the puck blick realm, urban form and the development. commissioners we expect to hold a certification hearing on the e.i.r. and bring a development report to you this fall. no action was taken. the other hearing was on the academy of heart. this was a request that maxwell and mars -- from maxwell and mars. we described the completion of all 37 problems of a.a.u. we discussed the successful removal of 35 signs and we described how all the outstanding information for transportation has been submitted enabe ling our department to produce a project description and we expect to publish notice of preparation and a scoping meeting by october of this year. again that tie temperature was informational so there was no action taken. -- again that item was informational so there was no action taken. we could have at least two hearings on the impact in response so this resolution, i'd like to share with you this let every that came from our chief environmental review officer bill whiteco. it was also your request that public comment be extended. and the department is also offering to produce a guide to the cpnc to help the product understand a very large document. so the board was pleased with that response and in turn, they tabled this item instead of sending it to committee as had been planned. many people mentioned that the 12 ordinances was finally approved, enabe ling over 3,000 units -- enage 3,000 units and possibly a new waterfront stadium. this was the final passage. this week there were several planning and land use ordinances that were introduced. so i expect that they will be before you within 90 days. the first introduced by mercurini. it would create ground floor controls for industrial districts and allow small corridor uses in some districts as well as some other modifications and you'll have this before you in 90 days. supercampos introduced a planning code adding sections. this master plan should identify the needs for health care services in san francisco. it would recommend how to achieve and maintain appropriate destruction of this facilities. the ordinance would require -- after this health service master plan is adopted then it would require that we find any land use application for a new health care facility with the health service master plan. so this is kind of a complicated, involved ajoint hearing but between the health commission and the planning commission and we will go over there this in detail in the coming months. supervisor duffy introduced an amendment to create temporary uses and clarify that these mobile food facilities cannot be conducted within buildings. supermaxwell introduced the resolution urging the planning department and the redevelopment agency to establish specific pro owe col -- protocols for corporation with native american groups in candlestick and the hunter's point shipyard. and the mayor introduced the ordinance that would amend the building code. this is re latelated to the feed the furrow blegs. this is a technical knowledge policy challenge for calculating the fee rate when somebody chooses to defer an impact fee. and certain clarifications about when a project sponsor may choose to defer. last ordinance i wanted to describe that was introduced is a couple -- it's involving the affordable housing legislation. this is changes to the interim control that is in place now as well as parallel changes for the permanent control so that the controls will not be before you but the permanent controls will. lastly not yet -- an ordinance that was introduced is a request that the city attorney draft an amendment to the administrative code that would require that any department that produces for distribution a memo or a report that's more than 10 pages in length should distribute that copy electronicly. and that paper should only be a request. they said it was primarily targeted towards e.i.r.'s and reducing the amount of paper for e.i.r.'s distribute odd the board of supervisors. however they consider any tran my talls between us would be within the department and not subject to this proposal ordinance. so publicly produce materials for the board and not for the commission. that concludes my report unless there's any questions. president miguel: commissioner olague. commissioner olague: when the detail of the developers agreed, you said you would come back regarding partner said. >> partner said in the fall, yes. commissioner olague: and i was wondering if they addressed the lots of rent control housing and how that might be -- did that come up at all. i don't want to engage in a consideration -- >> it did come up and they're preserving the present control units. president miguel: yeah, i think that's basically correct. but the details have still yet to be worked out. but they have committed to controlling the units. commissioner olague: so that obviously just pertaining to the draft e.i.r. they wanted us to have two hearings? >> in fact, they withdrew that request after we responded with the affirmative. and we would be producing additional documents to help people understand that large document. they seemed sithes satisfied with that and tabled that request. commissioner olague: so we're having a hearing here and i forget the date, the final date for the ctmc comment. >> september 23. commissioner olague: that's the hearing date. is that also the date of the end of the comment period? [inaudible] commissioner olague: at the end of the september? it doesn't look like we're going to have two hearings, then? >> [inaudible] commissioner olague: so they didn't make any comment to them. i brought this up before but when i met with them, they were very insistent that we would hear the project before the end of 2010. i want so guarantees that won't happen. i don't know how staff or even members of the public or this commission can be expected to turn it around before the end of this year. i'd like some staff to check in and make sure that, you know, that that's something that's going to be considered -- taken seriously by that project sponsor because when i talk to them, -- they -- they dismissed what i said. and we're pretty insistent that we'd hear it before the end of this year. president miguel: our schedule is not thears. commissioner antonini? commissioner antonini: a couple of questions. i would assume that a lot of land use requests would be before us. if there are some that would not i certainly would like to see if we could have some sort of hearing to hear them because they sound fairly significant. >> all the items will be scheduled for you. the item that's in interim control, that does not come before the planning commission. but the ones related to affordable housing will. the only item that i do not want -- will not have before you is the items code. >> i think there was one that was administrative. >> that one hasn't been introduced yet. commissioner antonini: and the other item, and we'll be hearing this, there was something brought up about the frontages of residential properties. i'm not sure what that relates to. >> i've not seen that ordinance. commissioner antonini: i guess we'll see it when it comes. president miguel: commissioner olague. commissioner olague: at some point, we can introduce amendments as a commissioner. we can add a later date. but i would like to understand that better because, you know, it would be nice to introduce a legislation at some point. >> we can get you information about that. commissioner olague: ok. >> commissioner -- is the commissioner here -- >> [inaudible] >> ok. thank you historic preservation commission did meet yesterday. it was a pretty short calendar, but just briefly, they did have the amendment various sections of the planning code which would include article 7-eleven. it's on your calendar. i want to say that the commission did have a discussion for over an hour and they continued it for two weeks. but again miss sullivan will go into that with you. they did have some environmental impact reports before them. they believe that both of those the one with 800 presidio, they felt it was adequate for sequa standards. and didn't feel the need to write a let tore the e.i.o. for

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