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Appears, the fighters who ran near me in the same way , chaotic shots were fired at houses, they shot at windows, but i was those pills that we saw are a serious tranquilizer, a person forgets what it is pain fatigue everything that is used in ukraine is done in a factory manner, by a Research Institute and nato based on the alphabet. And then there are similar activities all over the world, and dozens of those biological laboratories in ukraine immediately come to mind. We will take on this matter. It will be an honest detective. We watch Educational Programs and documentaries to explore the world. Fifth studio we continue the conversation with fedor italovsky, director of the primakov Moscow Museum of russian criminal science fedor gennadievich thank you for staying with us . Uh, we were talking for those who just for the tv viewers who tune in to us. We talked about north korea about security. Um, and theres another one here. Topic, it is clear that this country, as you know, borders us, and there are a number of other countries that border us and which have recently attracted attention. Just recently at the government level there was a meeting with uzbekistan a and our interests there are understandable, historically justified, and economically political. Well, these are different. This is clear due to our close interactions for centuries already, but, nevertheless , these countries are pursuing their own politics, and as i understand it, the General Assembly will be held this week, and this is such a platform, where except uh, the actual meeting of the assembly itself will be a bilateral meeting, and as i understand it, there will be representatives of, uh, Central Asian ones. Uh, they used to say that the Central Asian countries would be there for meetings. Why is this important . Well, there is another very interesting point, besides the fact that there will be speeches, in particular speeches at the General Assembly. He is the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyeva. Eh, it will be still very important from the point of view. Uh , development of the situation in the region, a meeting at the level of heads of state in the format, 5, 1, which joe biden, us president , plans to hold a meeting with the main states of the countries of central asia. And it is noteworthy that this is the first meeting of this kind that will take place at the level of heads of state. Such meetings have been held for a relatively long time, but they are held at the level of foreign ministers, and this mechanism is used by the United States for multilateral dialogue. E s with strange regions. And yes, communicating their positions and interests to washington. It is noteworthy that such formats exist, that is, by the European Union the countries of central asia with japan and from a number of other states once such a meeting was held in the 5 1 format, uh at the level of heads of state with Russia Washington has very serious plans for central asia, the region has long been the focus of attention of the United States and uh. I think that now the United States is looking at the countries of central asia primarily in the context of confrontation with russia and china because traditionally, this region has been a zone of interests influenced by the presence of economic political, but still russia and to a slightly lesser extent, although to an increasingly greater extent. Uh, in recent years, most of the countries in the regions are involved in trade and economic relations, both with russia and china, most of them either participate or show interest in the chinese project, and one train one way, and hmm, almost all countries in the region , despite the restrictions that their allies tried to impose on russia in the United States, they remain quite reliable partners of the Russian Federation in the trade economic sphere, therefore, i i think that for the United States, this is a systemic task, firstly, to influence these countries. Secondly, uh, first of all, with a purpose. Uh, limit their cooperation with russia, but in the long term, the United States is extremely interested in uh, limiting cooperation with transcentral asia with the peoples republic of china in the United States is now trying to initiate a number of uh projects in the transport and logistics sector, which uh should act as a kind of alternative, and the american to the chinese belt uh, and the routes, uh, to the United States , of course, are extremely interested in the resources of the countries of the region and in uh, supplying them to uh, and the asian european markets, bypassing russia. They have already said. Well, maybe i even prefaced my question a little. And what, maybe america is 1,000 km away, which can actually offer these countries . This question has already been partially answered and nevertheless. Apart from what you have already said, what else can america offer that is so attractive to these countries . Well , lets be honest, they turned away from us and from china first of all, these are investments of large american capital, but we know that American British oil and Gas Companies already have serious investments in kazakhstan. It is clear that the situation in which a significant part of turkmen gas goes primarily to the Chinese Market is also not satisfactory for the americans, and the americans want to get access and maybe for this they will also be provided with the appropriate Investment Opportunities to involve these countries central asia in alternative transport and logistics systems. We know that the United States for a long time under the previous Afghan Government actively supported the implementation of the logistics corridor project. E from uzbekistan through the territory of afghanistan to the ports of pakistan uh, now uh in afghanistan the taliban regime is in power and this creates uh, in general, great difficulties for the americans, but there is an opportunity, for example, to act indirectly and attract turkish capital uh, attracts investors and e from the countries of the middle east from qatar from other countries that work closely with the United States. And this may be, uh, in fact, such an indirect scheme of washingtons influence on the development of the situation in the region and the presence of the United States. And fedor genrikhovich. Well , very often there are analytical notes of this kind that the states are interested in, to put it simply, doing poorly. Well, create another hotbed of instability in this region. Do you think it will be possible to do this . Of course, and this is also one of the instruments of influence on the development of the situation, because if the americans do not succeed, they will build alternatives to, uh, russian and chinese influence in the region. E systems of influence on the countries of central asia, then, of course, they will, uh, contribute. Uh, we know the destabilization of the situation. Uh, in general, such a very specific , uh, dynamics of the situation in afghanistan with the presence there of an Islamic State, uh, against which, by the way, the taliban are waging a fairly active fight against attempts. Uh place the islan franchise with the Islamic State in china a. Im in china in afghanistan here. E. Hmm , there are contradictions between the countries of the region. There is a rather serious contradiction between tajikistan and kyrgyzstan, and there is, uh, a difficult situation connected. Drug trafficking in the countries of region a. And of course, the americans can also influence here by various means to destabilize the situation. Uh in the region, if uh, and their plans will be slowed down or encounter resistance from russia from china well, you are right. On my a very subtle point of view was that if the americans do not reach an agreement, they begin to act using terrorist methods. Well, in fact, we can draw the following conclusion from your words. It is true. And, unfortunately, this is the practice of the American Business establishment. And if they dont buy, they start trying to kill. This is a fact, but there is another fact. We see this very well in ukraine, and zelensky is on his way to meet with biden. Someone says that this is a routine meeting. Someone says, its understandable to ask. Weapons are money there and so on. You you know, i was attracted by the publication, the New York Times this is a newspaper, probably like a newspaper. True, in soviet times only for democrats in the usa , so she admitted after her own investigation that the market in konstantinovka is a settlement that is controlled by the whole, and according to the newspaper, she was released from the complex of letters of the ukrainian forces. And what do you think, what is this, is this an attempt to put pressure on the ethylene or is it some kind of accident or is it a desire to show off how they objectively investigate and cover the situation. Uh, do you think that in the United States , among democrats and republicans, there are different positions in relation to the actions of ukraine, despite the fact that externally it looks like such a consolidated monolithic position, uh, of the entire american establishment. In fact, everything is more complicated, because many people understand it very well. Uh, what difficulties do the americans face in ukraine, uh, in terms of uh, those assistance programs, and the supply of weapons, when the money disappears somewhere, when they act in ukraine systemic corruption, when the situation in ukraine is very largely controlled not only and not so much by the zelensky government as by such business bureaucratic clan groups, but by the groups of oligarchs existing in ukraine and the United States. Here , uh, they are trying to carry out their opinion and in fact there is. Uh, those who are among the democrats and among the republicans say that the United States should think first of all about its own interests. Supporting uh ukraine and the zelensky regime, but thats one thing the main Strategic Task is the militaryeconomic exhaustion of russia by inciting this conflict, and another thing is this. Eh, what to do next with ukraine, how will it develop . How to ensure its viability . I would draw attention to the fact that it was the United States that actively supported zelenskys actions when he decided to arrest the oligarch igor kolomoisky. This is such a very remarkable fact and the americans are very afraid. Uh, so that a group of oligarchs, uh, ukrainian can to control the situation, uh, in a number of regions and in the country in general, sometimes more uh, significantly than it can, and the current government, but in kiev, is american. This causes concern, and then the funds of american taxpayers, when they go into the black hole called ukraine , need to be explained. Eh, why is this being done to fight against russia . Well, well, well, a year. Well, two. Whats next . Yes, thats a good question. You know, there are certain notes that have been changing lately, regarding lighting in the west. Uh, like a conflict on ukraine has another remarkable moment. Uh, the german newspaper deville, authoritative in germany, uh, once was very much and now, of course, they listen to it there uh, and heres this speech. E on the television of this newspaper. As i understand it, nato and the Ukrainian Armed forces are passing off tactical successes as an operational breakthrough of the ukrainian front. Nato is announcing significant advances in the area of ​​bakhnuto, that is, artyomovsk. And this is a military expert who , uh, on this, uh, the germans say this in the media, and who unconditionally support, who now, uh, lets say strongly so. Uh they get nervous and come up with an initiative to ban the entry of our cars. Well, in general, im not even talking about europe now. Im talking about the west in general. And fedorovich, what do you think , after all, this is the vision of one chain, he has the times, deval, there is the guardian and other british newspapers, suddenly they begin to see the light and if so, then why is this being done . Well, insight is still very far away, but naturally, uh, and in the United States and strange western europe , there is an understanding that uh, the socalled ukrainian counteroffensive. Uh, required quite serious resources, but from a Military Point of view did not produce, uh, significant results. This is a very serious contradiction between, uh, how Public Opinion in the west prepared the socalled ukrainian victory for the fact that ukraine there, uh, will achieve significant uh, successes at the front, and whats happening in reality, when it s clear that in general exhausting. Uh, what s happening is not as much as russia expected. How much of ukraine and ukraines Economic Resources are significantly limited, and the hole in the budget is 40 billion dollars annually. Eh, then, in general, its something that is almost impossible to cover from your own resources. And this is a hole in ukraines budget and, uh, the intensification of hostilities will require additional resources. And these resources, of course, will be provided by westerners, but the taxpayer begins to ask questions. A. Why is this . How long will this last . And what will be the risks for European Security . Will this all turn into a more significant conflict than, uh, the clash in ukraine and uh, wont uh European Countries have to be involved to a much greater extent and the United States potentially to a much greater extent . In this conflict, rather than what is happening now, to what extent is ukraine ready to be a kind of cannon fodder. Uh, the Ukrainian Armed forces in counteraction with russia wont the country need, uh, more significant participation . Thats all these questions are being asked. And not only taxpayers are being asked by representatives of the american european. Elites. Perhaps with time. This has some influence on the decisionmaking process. Well, lets wait and see fyodor genrikhovich, youre very welcome. Thank you. We talked to you. I hope that we will discuss more in the future, there are a lot of topics. All the best. Thank you very much i will remind you. Fedora italovsky, the directors of the primakov Russian Academy of sciences, was in touch with us and discussed Current International topics. It was the fifth studio. All the best. Pentalgin extragel contains the highest dosage of a substance against more inflammation pentalginextrogel against more inflammation in muscles and joints cashback 60 million rubles. Sberbusiness clients. Open a business card, pay at any convenient time and receive 10 cashback for purchases during the sber Business Promotion period; millions of entrepreneurs trust us. Hello are we going to extend the mtpl . Hello yes yes stop vasaga no, nothing special. Its just insurance. Value your time. Buy a policy. Compare osago themselves for a better price and without overpayments. At scooter, we knew that people needed unusual shower gels, and svetlana knew how to add some spice to them. 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Allow yourself more every month and return 2 1 2 of your bet with bonuses. Thank you, hurry up to apply for a loan with increased cashback. Its more profitable to collect primer. We continue to broadcast to a thousand libyan residents turf cities went out to protest. They accused the authorities of negligence, which led to the destruction of the dam and flooding; protesters gathered in the entire mosque demanding that demonstrators intensify their efforts. The mayors house was set on fire. Rescuers, meanwhile, continue to clear the rubble in the most difficult areas of the work. Specialists from the Russian Ministry of emergency situations did not deliver 30 tons of humanitarian aid. Also , local authorities asked russian rescuers to help vaccinate the population in order to prevent an outbreak of infectious diseases. New migration a crisis. Covered europe in just 2 weeks , about three thousand migrants arrived in the canary islands. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the year the total number of Illegal Immigrants was only 14,000 euros, the commission promised to strengthen control from the sea and from the air abroad of the European Union, the topic will be continued by Olga Ponomareva this is stuttgart one of the largest cities in germany now, when migrants make up almost half of the population, the city looks Something Like this skirmishes set up by migrants, 26 Police Officers were injured , they threw bottles of stone at them, and when they ran out fired shells at the summer cafe, they threw chairs from the cafe at the police, then we tried to immediately remove everything so that they could not grab our chairs again, despite internal problems, germany agreed to accept some of the refugees. In your pussy. After several refusals, the head of the ministry of internal affairs, nancy fraser, gave in, the same one who promised to deal with the atrocities of migrants after the new years riots in berlin, so far that germany will shelter 3. 5 thousand of the almost 13,000 Illegal Immigrants who have descended on the italian island, the situation is critical migrants arriving through tunisia and from africa are blocking roads and demanding that the gates be opened. In europe, in an attempt to push the authorities , they attack Police Officers. In order to deal with migrants, italy has increased the period of detention of refugees in temporary camps to one and a half years, but it is already clear that rome alone cannot cope; it was worth sending part of the flow from lampedusa by ferry to the island of sicily. As you arrived from the Migration Center , 300 people immediately fled after an emergency meeting of european leaders french president macron sent his man melony to the italian Prime Minister, the head of the ministry of internal affairs , jhurald, dermanen is known as a riot fighter. Just arrived. As it turned out, he was not for the sake of saving rome, but in the interests of paris. France is afraid of the influx of migrants from italy and is already taking measures at the border policy, so no, france is not going to accept migrants. And as the french president promised the italian Prime Minister , france will help italy contain its borders in order to prevent the influx of people. As for those who arrived at the lobby, buzovoy part details, european rules must apply to them, according to which arrivals must request asylum at the border. And those whose application for asylum is not approved must be immediately deported to their country of origin. This means that the entire burden of processing and deporting Illegal Immigrants must continue to be borne by italy, the head of the European Commission, ursul underland. True, i stopped by lampedusa and unveiled esthers rescue plan in the action plan proposed by the head of the European Commission 10 points with specific measures. We talked about destroying the small boats that smugglers use. It is necessary to introduce surveillance at sea and organize an Eu Monitoring Mission from the air, but after leaving for the international, a scandal broke out; it turns out that behind her back, the head of eurodiplomacy, jose barrel , actually annulled the agreement between italy and tunisia. It assumed that in exchange for subsidies, the wellknown country would not release boats with illegals and in its water area the action of the barrel caused it. And not at the premiere of italy togething in order for those staying could have been deported illegally ; longterm agreements with the countries of north africa are needed, and suddenly this man is trying to break the agreement with tunisia and bury all the efforts of italy in the previous months. We must pay tribute to not only barrel was buried. These efforts of africans are being driven out of their homes by the food crisis of instability due to changes in the leadership of a number of countries and, of course, the lack of funding from previous sources of support by the head of the food program. The un admitted in an interview with abc that it no longer has money to feed starving children afghanistan and neighboring countries ukraine has cut off all resources from the un; other countries are deprived of food aid due to lack of funds. In addition, there are a number of structures that profit from african Illegal Immigrants, according to the report of the Italian Division of the organization. Save the children said minors who are traveling to europe unaccompanied. The mafia takes over and they provide intimate services or become powerless slaves on agricultural plantations, meanwhile the situation is no better than in europe and in the United States from mexico this cargo train, overcrowded with migrants, is on its way, as fox news reports, the Border Service in san diego cannot cope with the influx of Illegal Immigrants and for now simply does not let them onto the streets. But are such measures capable of keeping 6 1 2 million . That is how many Illegal Immigrants arrived in the usa under the president is strong Olga Ponomareva evgenia zemtsova to lead. Air raid alert throughout the country; powerful explosions thundered today in several regions of ukraine. What are the consequences known . Found the culprits, american journalists came to the conclusion that in the market tragedy in for konstantinovka in the donetsk region, kiev is to blame, and the investigation was published on the day of zelenskys arrival in the United States. The task is to find and neutralize in the krasny limansk direction , engineering and sapper troops are clearing roads and Populated Areas of cluster munitions. How is this work going . A crash in an open field was discovered by the American Military a day later. Lost fighters the last generation at 35, where the planes were found. What other new details are there about this strange incident . In a number of regions of ukraine last night

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