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That means, the view of this or that company on what is more profitable for them to do, more correctly, and so further. Now the ministry of energy in our case, in particular at one time, the ministry of industry and trade intimate. Eh, i was able to significantly advance this work, that is, industry demand does not compete, but create pull demand for consuming industries. In this case, Mechanical Engineering in particular. And secondly, this is standard, we are all by and large , the soviet union will not be particularly remembered there as positive examples, but it was absolutely true that we all work on different technical policies and, accordingly, this is the view standardization of the view of requirements both within industries or even macroindustry and between industries. This is also another one of those important tasks of the indica, which nu copes well with. So the answer is yes, it is the same and there is no need to wait until tomorrow for these results, but it seems to me that within a year or two there will definitely be quite serious results for a number of nomenclature groups. Result yes, yes, of course, but they have such a pickle oilmen didnt show us in the movies, even thats why we have a slightly simpler task about this. Ill ask again a little later. Let me remind you that we are in direct contact with the studio, vladimir yakushev, the authorized representative of the president in ufa, vladimirovich , can you hear us. Yes, good afternoon, i hear you. Yes, good afternoon and in the last form, you talked about how interactions are built within the entire district, between regions, in some places there is mining, and in others there is direct industry. Now, if we talk about today and the future, how do you see the further development of the ural industry . Good afternoon dear colleagues good afternoon Alexander Valentinovich Alexander Viktorovich Alexander Valeryevich Mikhail Yuryevich everyone who is present in the hall today, the hosts are positioning the Current Forum as the twenties, so we can say that it is anniversary , so i want to congratulate everyone and note that over the years the site of the tyumen oil and gas forum has become very authoritative. Professionals actually meet there and have discussions discussing new challenges. Well , unfortunately, we can state that from there these challenges become more global, but it seems to me that its just the local oil and gas forum tab that is on it is not discussed and solutions are found that allow us to then move forward and overcome these challenges. Today we are discussing it again. How will we continue to conquer technological ones . An industry such as the oil and gas industry is such a very important priority for the country, what will our Industrial Enterprises do , and Alexander Valentinovich spoke in great detail about what the management infrastructure looks like today and i want to fully share his position that we started this work from 2014 and exactly then fundamental documents and a general plan for promoting import substitution and industry parliaments were adopted. And what is very important is corporate plans, when each enterprise has determined for itself where it will move in terms of import substitution and, again , the figures that Alexander Valentinovich announced, that is, in the fourteenth year, when we started and the percentage of imported equipment was 67, now 38 this is a huge amount of work that has been done during this time. And just if we are talking about the urals, then this is the work. Uh, in that infrastructure managerial, which was voiced at round tables, working grains, drawing up road maps, our ural enterprises took the most active parts. And if, again, we are talking about the fact that these are the roadmaps that are now being actively discussed. Here are representatives of two companies and alexandra valeevich and mikhailovich who are participating in our Panel Discussion today. This is also an enterprise that operates today in the ural Federal District, so a lot depends on them how work will be organized in this direction. Otherwise as for our industry, and you remembered my previous speech at the last forum. We have three constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are directly and closer to hydrocarbon raw materials. This is the tyumen region and there are few of them. And we removed three of our others. Those who this is the sverdlovsk region, chelyabinsk and kurgan this is an actively developed Mechanical Engineering industry, but the tyumen region occupies a special place here. Eh, that means tyumen is also a source of hydrocarbon raw materials. And at the same time, again, Alexander Valentinovich noted this. Theres a cluster here the oil and gas industry, which was created, is working very actively. Today, right at the junction between the industry that must provide work, oil and Gas Companies and the oil and Gas Companies themselves. Therefore, tyumen occupies a special place here, which is why, probably, the forum that is being held today in tyumen it is not in vain that it is carried out there. Therefore, as part of the further movement, these are the tasks that are currently formulated. Well, first of all, i would like to point out that no one stopped. Thats it that in the fourteenth year those documents that were adopted and the programs in which enterprises are moving today. Uh, everyone continues this work with the adjustments that will be made. Here, within the framework of road maps and the changing situation, the enterprise, naturally. The entire infrastructure that exists today in the ural Federal District will also clearly respond to them. She contributes to this. I talked about this in the previous form, i emphasize it again today. This is what concerns our research and Educational Centers, and this year, when we summed up results of work efficiency at scientific and Educational Centers. Let us remind you of two of them. Yes, these are the ural west siberian and all subjects included in the ural Federal Districts. Today they work in one or another educational center. Based on the results of the assessment in 2022, both of our research and Educational Centers entered the top three. This suggests that Industrial Enterprises are actively working today with scientific and Educational Centers, and the base of scientific and Educational Centers is our universities, that is, the task just to stir up our University Science and bring it closer to our direct industrial customers in our research and Educational Centers. Today it is being decided and this assessment is no longer ours. This is an estimate. Uh, federal government. It was there that this decision was made. And representatives of the largest corporations were involved in this assessment, so this is no longer an assessment of the authorized representative of regional leaders or the universities themselves operating in the ural Federal District. And this is an independent assessment, which emphasizes that are we moving forward in this regard . University science itself, as such . This is also a base that allows us to move uh, in these complex processes of technological sovereignty of import substitution, these are two branches of the Russian Academy of sciences, which also work within the ural Federal District, the ural and siberian departments of sciences. And these, of course, are the most powerful industry institutions, the most powerful institutions that today, uh, work, fulfilling orders from large corporations. And uh, entering, entering these corporations and again tyumen serves here such a striking example, because today all the largest oil and Gas Companies have such scientific bases. And this is very clearly presented, just today in tyumen. Therefore, this entire infrastructure is precisely aimed at solving the issues of import substitution of technological sovereignty in solving the problems that we have been dealing with since 2014, the country of the urals. The Federal District is each specific region and, of course, it is fundamentally important that i would like to draw your attention to the fact that now road maps specifically for oil and Gas Equipment will be formulated in all areas, which my colleagues have already discussed in sufficient detail and in a very professional manner and are fundamentally important here by the local authorities. I define this task for myself. We need these road maps so that we see all our Industrial Enterprises that are engaged in the production of this equipment and do it in such a way that these Enterprises Feel their integrity and uh. They saw their participation in these specific fundamental documents a place so that we dont lose anyone, so that we have such a vision and understanding and , of course, it is fundamentally important that here we also see not only large large corporations, of course you saw small and mediumsized businesses, because this is a new window of opportunity. This is uh, today, on the one hand there are problems on the other side there are opportunities. And we are talking about this and it is fundamentally, of course, important for us that then the firmware of these roadmaps in the regions of specific municipalities in the plans of specific large, small and mediumsized enterprises, so that these documents were just such a common chain, in this case we will then get, uh, maximum effect and maximum result. Well, as for the ural industry, i will repeat the work again. In terms of import substitution and technological, as we say, the restoration of technological sovereignty, it did not stop; we did not stop this work for a day, and naturally now within the framework of the adjustments that will be adopted. This work will be actively carried out in the ural Federal District. Thank you Alexander Viktorovich, in his speech, Vladimir Vladimirovich noted that tyumen occupies a special place, here, tell us how in general, the issue of technological sovereignty is being resolved in the region, and there was also a subject noted in your speech, what needs to be done so that the road map and what is happening in region s all this was stitched together in a single chain. How to do this in practice good afternoon, dear friends hmm , many speakers here have already said that everyone began to engage in technological independence not yesterday and not in last year, and by and large began to actively engage in 2014, no exception. This is our region. And we began this work through a mutual agreement that was concluded between the Regional Government and all our oil and gas producers. At the same time , our role in the implementation of these agreements is to provide such a platform for our industrial companies. They are all Service Companies that produce products or provide services. Had the opportunity to directly dialogue with companies and present what they produce. This brought a certain result of success, but over time, the realization came that it was impossible only for our tyumen enterprises to answer the challenge that Gas Companies face in matters of technological independence, so we decided, as we say, a search funnel to the size of our country and realized that most quickly and effectively respond to these challenges. It is only possible in cooperation with operations with companies that operate also in other regions and the realization of this brings us to the thought that a new form of work and new competencies are needed. That is why already in 2019 an oil and gas cluster was created; our partners are the company gazpromnesia. Once again, many thanks to Alexander Valerievich. The function of the cluster is to collect technological challenges that oil and Gas Producing Companies Face and look for the best solution, creating cooperation buds between enterprises that are leaders in the market today. At the same time, they are located in different regions. Today in the cluster. Already 135 companies from twentyone regions of course, the core is our tyumen enterprises, but uh, we believe that at the current moment in time, taking into account the challenge that we face, we need to move away from competition and move to cooperation. Then we will be able to move faster, given the volume of the market that is freed up due to the original foreign company. And excuse me, instead theres enough work for everyone, theres enough work for everyone. We have also, since the fourteenth year, systematically provided Financial Support measures for our Industrial Enterprises that operate on oil and gas one of the most popular is compensation of costs under leasing agreements based on a down payment. I will say that since the fourteenth year we have collectively provided only this one form of support for this ford. Uh, we spent 4 billion 200 million rubles. And there is another unique form of support for our industrialists, which , as far as i know, is the only one we call it industrial cashback. And we return 3 of the cost of purchased equipment, paid for by uh, Oil Producing companies in our tyumen industrial companies. This also applies to participation in a cluster, but having a business registered in the tyumen region. At the same time, i want to note that such effective cooperation allowed the cluster participants, but i will speak for our tyumen for 2 years 2022, increasing revenue by 48 . A. It seems that the results are not bad, but you can definitely move faster and even more, uh, and more and move faster, because well, rely on parallel imports or imports from friendly countries, it seems to me the task may be operational, but its definitely not a strategic bet to move from one dependency to another. We definitely need to move faster to develop domestic products. And here, relying on the experience of our work in the oil and gas cluster. I ll talk about two or three things that my colleagues have already said, im just emphasizing and presenting them as confirmation of their words. Uh, well, whats important is whats good. This means there is a challenge , we have found a solution for a product or a service, we need to test it, how it happens, and as a rule, tests. Today we are holding wells. We even encountered the fact that there is a waiting list of up to two years for testing. And even if you conducted a successful test for one of the visits for one of the customers. You most likely have to sell to another customer. You will have to pass the test on his terms. And all this, of course, greatly lengthens it. Today at Aleksandr Vladimirovich he spoke about the need to create a common testing infrastructure. We have a lot of it, each company has something of its own, we analyzed a bunch of different test benches, but either your own, uh, or are not available for small companies, you need to do this, you know, the marketplace, the entire infrastructure should work for everyone. It must be accessible, and most importantly, certified and the results of one test must be accepted by all customers, all oil and Gas Companies, so that there are no these several visits to the test. Colleagues also said this. This is absolutely the right direction. And here it is necessary. All Market Participants will agree on this, moreover, at a meeting this evening. I will speak, tyumen region ready to participate in the creation of a test site in tyumen for inclined directional drilling. We are even ready to participate in financing this project with our budget investments. Well, of course, so that all interested parties take part in this project. And the second one passed well, you passed all the tests. Well done thats great. Then you find yourself in procurement procedures and on a par with uh Foreign Companies that still exist, both with parallel imports and with other manufacturers. I understand that uh i respect the fact that every oil and gas company has its own procurement procedures, but we must also take care to reduce the risks of companies that invest in the development of new equipment and new technologies. And there are good examples here. I wont name the company, but longterm contracts for future things are concluded, in general, various legal structures that allow companies to take risks, but at the same time with the understanding that in case of a successful result, you will enter into longterm deliveries, because in my opinion the key, or, as it were, the main indicator of the success of import substitution of technological independence is not the development and production of some type of equipment. The result will only be effective when this equipment is sold, sold in large quantities and is used. This result will be the final effect of all our great work. And today Alexander Valerievich also spoke about this, that as part of the implementation of road maps, we must create these longterm interaction tools. And, of course, uh, the third point, which i said at the last forum and will say now , seems to me to be that we need to jointly grow into Large Russian oil Service Companies. Im not talking about the creation of any one monopolist and giant. Let there always be a competitive environment. But still, directors create this demand for new equipment and technologies, and i see it as very difficult to solve this problem at an original level. This is still such a country problem, but we could would be, using understandable tools there for regulatory regulation of tax incentives for Financial Support. Ahh. To provide an opportunity, taking into account our countrys competencies in this area, to grow. E. Let several of these Service Companies, which , having filled the russian market, could eventually Enter International markets. It provides services there, competing with the best international companies. Administration. The question will be Alexander Valentinovich report. Heres how you feel about this initiative and the possibility of creating several Service Companies, what to talk about . They say that this is a very important direction, in principle, our work is joint and that of government politicians as well, but this is the direction. By the way, regarding interaction with our friendly countries, for example, uh, we are talking not only about the fact that we attract or buy some components from friendly parties, but we are ready to promote our technologies outside the Russian Federation, including to any country depends on competition. Naturally, and how therefore it is necessary create products that must be competitive. I think we have every opportunity for this. I feel we have a huge order from the oil and gas complex, only 3,000,000 per year. Uh, three trillion rubles worth of purchases are being made. This is a huge order for our industry and the products become competitive when you have them. And supply and demand, respectively, are not in a single copy. And when this production is carried out on a mass scale, thats what concerns our friendly countries. By the way, i was talking about technological sovereignty, that the president set such a task; he set tasks at the council for National Projects and Strategic Development in six areas. And here is one of the directions. This is precisely the development of cooperation with our friendly strangers. But we understand that, in principle, our country is open to the sanctions that were imposed against us, it was not we who imposed. They closed this one from us, in fact, other countries that do not want to buy there, uh, i mean , unfriendly countries they dont want to buy our oil ; they impose ceilings on prices and so on. These are not our decisions, so in this case we are open to work from a friendly country and from a nonfriendly country. By the way, we have examples where companies from all over the world are happy to work in russia and continue to work today. When it is economically beneficial for them. E, actually, e we do not set ourselves a task. Uh, ensure 100 subsistence farming in our country. This is impossible because the world is designed this way division of labor, there are competencies of certain corporations, or countries in one direction or another, and there are advantages of the competitive Russian Federation, which other countries also have, therefore, we need to cooperate. But most importantly, this is what we are talking about here today at the panel session. And, well, we have realized in recent years that, with regard to critical technologies, without which it is impossible to ensure the development of our country, it is impossible to ensure the development of various industries, including the fuel and Energy Complex to get by, therefore, to create critical technologies, special work is required, lets say, even if these are conditionally not massproduced goods, even the most accurate ones should still be able to do this. Do it within the country, only to exclusively complete it without cooperation with other countries, that is, there may be operations, but the fact is , what should be our licensed technologies, which we should be able to use. Well, for example, i can give an example from what we discussed today about this rotary control system that is used in production, and the Technology Hydraulic fracturing, underwater production complexes that too. We have never had such underwater complexes, because there was no need for them. Well , the volume of production on the shelf is not as large as the task set for today on land. For several years our russian industry. Uh, together with customers from the oil and gas complex , we created such complex technology and equipment, and in this sense we are no longer dependent on foreigners. And it depends on whether they will supply us with this equipment or not. And so i mean like this, like things that we have identified. Well, you yourself said it, approximately 1,400 in total. Yes, this equipment technology, which is classified as critical, we still have 220 of them imported. Eh, dependence on them we will soon, within the framework of our roadmaps and agreements, complete the work in order not to depend on them and ensure the Stable Development of our industries and technology and the economy as a whole. Thank you Mikhail Yurievich and you paid attention to this when you answered the first question and you and i, when we were talking about the video before the start, which was uh, a preview of our entire discussion, and it talked about three eras for man in the beginning, stone, then metal, and then no , i think that derivative oil is, of course, modern Synthetic Materials. To what extent today russian chemistry cannot always meet the demand of the final manufacturer, which today exists in order to withstand everything possible. Well , first of all, this is me sitting on the stage with the leaders of the oil generals in the first rows. We are not offended. No, we treat this with understanding. Well if seriously, then again, using the example of sibur , let me remind you that, over the course of 15 years, sibur has invested more than one and a half trillion rubles in the development of the capacities of production plants that would convert accessible , meaning gaseous, liquid raw materials. Directly into Synthetic Materials into polymers; Development Program for the Nizhny Novgorod region; Development Program in the tomsk region ; voronezh region. Well, of course, its not there, i say, with a completely open heart , first of all, of course, in the tyumen region. Yes. In tobolsk they allowed bring several million tons to the market, as base products flew to the propylene field, of course, special chemicals , including with uh various, several capacities have already been introduced for smallscale, so called special chemicals, so the country as a whole, uh, and starting from the ninth year, when sibur has started investing in these projects for the country as a whole today. Weve been around for probably five or six years now, but practically, hmm. Regardless of the import of polymers, at least for most of the branded assortment. This is exactly the case, and im talking about pvc and living chemistry. This one, especially pumpers about thermoplastics, raspberry anhydride and much more , the country has moved in terms of location, probably yes, with the launch of projects, especially the launch of projects in tobolsk from the second ten, and in terms of the size of capacities or volume capacity we produce polyethylene polypropylene products from the second ten to eighth and seventh place, respectively, projects that are currently being implemented are in the active phase of implementation in the amur region in tatarstan and in the city of nizhnekamsk and kazan and just recently , with Vladimir Vladimirovich viktorovich, we started the construction of another capacity here in tobolsk, they, accordingly, will move us to the top 3 country in the top 3 in terms of production capacity, it is important that this not just a ton, it is important that this is all done in the closest cooperation with industries, not even with the industry, but with the industries following us ; processing those industry areas where we actually supply, not even a branded assortment of this or that polymer, but the fact of a readymade solution with certain strength characteristics, transparency, viscosity, and so on housing and Communal Services medicine, agriculture cars buildings construction hmm packaging, of course , yes, here is an incomplete list of those industries that work with us today and this is definitely a fact. Well, i think that this is Alexander Valentinovich. He can confirm this. Eh, the fact is that they have no problems with loading their capacities due to the lack of raw materials, that is, we are definitely completely provided for. Another thing is that there remains very good potential and Ongoing Events from our former partners since last year. They created a very good niche, because, for example, in the production of four and a half million tons of polymers, a million tons were imported to russia, we see these statistics and, accordingly, for last year and this year we are about 700,000 tons. Of this million, imports were replaced. That is, this is import substitution, on the contrary, yes, that is, they brought imported polymer here. Yes, we were able to develop technologically prepared for this and offer our industry clients. Which are already engaged in processing and offer polymers with similar properties, only russian ones have another direction this is import substitution in products of the order. If we convert this into base polymers, a pallet, one and a half million tons of polymers still enter the Russian Federation in finished products, accordingly, import substitution in products. Yes, that is, again in joint work with industries. This is another niche that allows us to saturate the internal demand here, develop ourselves and together support the next industry. Here, well, taking into account the video, we finished, yes, which you remembered and, of course, its all from oil and gas, and here we look at our older brother at this industry or the oil and gas industry with respect out of gratitude. Of course, we will remain reliable partners for them. Thank you, he says that i am reminding you about our regulations. We have 10 minutes left, so i will now ask one question to each of those present at the polar meeting. E alexandrovich what are the new opportunities today . Appeared for the industry of the tyumen region to enter new markets . Yes, press the bell, there is an application that is frightening with its novelty. Come on, are you ready . Look at many of our nifiga companies that are doing business for friendly countries

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