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He was impeached in texas on a number of counts in a complex case against him, alleging that he provided special favors to a party donor and his newly acquitted in Texas State Senate trial amazing story, but it raises a more important question how did this happen . Why did this happen and most interestingly, who really runs texas in his first interview since the acquittal attorney general ken paxson join us thank you very much for coming glad to be here its a wonderful place. So congratulations to you, thank you for your acquittal, but i am intrigued by the fact that you were even declared a stove by him, how this happened, first of all, let me say that the case was, as you mentioned, very complicated; indeed, madness was happening, but i sincerely believe that the case was politicized and i am sitting here, thanks to the lord and savior jesus christ, i was acquitted. It was not only about the law, the process became completely political and i did not know how everything will turn out from a political point of view. This is interesting because both your supporters and wellwishers would admit that you are the most aggressive and legal opponent of the Biden Administration in the us in a republican elected by a large margin in a republican state, but it is republicans tried to remove you. Yes , it looks like that, but in fact i think that the house of representatives many people do not understand this. I spent 10 years in texas, we have 150 house members and 65 of them are democrats. These 65 are democrats. They always vote in a block. They choose which republican they want and vote and then he must turn another 10 votes, because his vote also counts towards the baker. So whoever gives the democrats the most, the most accommodating republican will be chosen in this case. I i believe that i believe that uh . Wait, are you saying that the republican speaker of texas is elected by the democrats almost like that, yes , those 65 votes are hard to overcome, all you have to do is find 10 more republicans, because he has his own vote and you can usually find 10 republicans. From among his friends, or whom he will appoint large committees, for example, to signatories to state affairs. So you can have a majority in the texas house of representatives but still not have control, and thats exactly whats happening. The last about 1416 years. This is madness. Yes, its crazy and people dont and the media certainly dont talk about it. This is literally whats going on in the Texas Chamber of us really. Not just in the senate. Everything is fine. They are very conservative. We did a lot of good for texas. They are often blocked and many of my cases are blocked in the house of representatives because the current speaker is under control of the democrats. Do you really think so . Yes, i was in the ward and saw it. This is in action i was pushed into this i was blocked against the speaker of the republican speaker for this reason because could vote for a democraticcontrolled speaker. I didnt win because the democrats were against it. Me. Its not like democracy is supposed to work thats the way it works in texas right now so this gives me an opportunity to give me an opportunity to speak out on this and i will speak out about it. I have a pretty specific example. Why doesnt this work . And here we are. Two of the four house lawyers who conducted the investigation worked at the department of justice in washington. And this is not a coincidence. Explain a little for those who didnt follow the house Investigative Committee, five members, three republicans, two democrats, the texas house on the nonresponsible for they investigated my case, and they hired four lawyers. Two of them were from bidens justice department. Its no coincidence that they were sent there, but you filed 48 capes against the Biden Administration. Yes , i think that was their motivation. Weve caused a lot of trouble for the Biden Administration. If we didnt win, then we slowed them down; we won about 77 of our cases. So we pose a huge problem for the Biden Administration. And so they wanted to get me out of the way and apparently that affected the lawsuits being filed in texas and other states. That is , do you think that the attempt to remove you from your position really came from the administration . Im sure that i think so, i think they also planned it. Groups in texas that we can talk about that were probably actively involved in this interesting and some of them were republicans some were republicans. Okay, so lets get back to your case. How did you find out what was announced to you . Impeachment . And what happened, i literally knew nothing, a meeting of the Investigative Committee of the house of representatives took place about 34 days before memorial day at the end of the session. They were wrapping up hearings on major bills. And they decided to spend one day investigating me. Naturally. Before that they are 3 months old. There was a secret investigation going on that we didnt know about. There was no transparency behind closed doors. Without due process. Almost immediately after your reelection. On the third term they did not begin to investigate. Yes, but i didnt know about it. They started in march, as they say, somewhere on march 1, and conducted an investigation of the secret behind closed doors, so that no one knew, even in the Investigative Committee of the chamber, not everyone knew me reliably. It is known that one of the republicans had no idea until the very last day that i was being investigated and he was told to vote for him by letters, does not know anything delhi and despite his objection, but he was told that his yaro would suffer if he did not vote for impeachment these five members held a hearing in one day it took 4 hours and less than 48 hours. I was announced a letter on the saturday before memorial day without the opportunity to present my side without the opportunity to testify under oath, which is required by law. They are required to bring witnesses to the squat; no one has been sworn in. They had no witnesses. They brought in investigators who allegedly interviewed witnesses, which were obviously rumors and lies. This is how it all went and it took less for you to be completely surprised. I had no idea, they didnt talk to me, they didnt tell anyone. And what happened after you were impeached . What are the consequences, the consequences are terrible. Was i immediately suspended . I lost my office. I could no longer file claims against the base. At first, your suspension meant that i could no longer be in the office. I could not manage affairs in the office, despite the fact that i was elected, despite the lack of evidence, there was no verdict , they did not present evidence, they did not present witnesses. Im leaving, how nice. This is a very strange process. That is, you didnt even know that an investigation was underway, how we just learned that an investigation and impeachment procedure are underway. You have been suspended from work. Yes, exactly, which in my opinion is contrary to the constitution, i think it shouldnt be this way, because they have to prove something before going to the smoke of the will of the voters , but everything was exactly like that. The will of the voters, my term lasted four and a half months. Now im almost four months into my halfterm suspension. I didnt have the opportunity to do what it was for, how can you be removed from Office Without a conviction. It seems, pretty crazy, but he allows it and i know that the Lieutenant Governor of denmark proposed changing this so that evidence of misconduct is required to remove a person from an elected position. You just wake up in the morning, and theyre like , youre an elected official. Well , now thats not the case and you came out in limbo when they did it that day on that saturday. I had to leave the office and havent been back since. I couldnt do anything; i couldnt manage the legal operations. And now i have to go find out whats going on in my own office. Many people left. They caused a lot of damage to texas by doing this. You thought that everything was in the hands of the voters. Yes, i thought that after the election i , uh, if they could do this to me, they could do the same thing; they removed you from office and paid you. No, they had to by law. I am the attorney general, according to the charter, i definitely have the salary of the financial inspector of glennheogo. For some reason, you decided, you know , im not going to pay you. Lets judge himself with me, and he knows that if i apply for a visit to him, it will be difficult for me to win any business, because they took your money. So what should you ultimately do . I was deprived of even the opportunity to speak. In a sense, we were under orders. They are disclosing both countries somewhere. I think since june, so i could no longer even defend myself from the fact that a journalist had leaked from the house of representatives a subscription not to disclose a subscription, so i couldnt answer any, that is, you werent accused of anything, right, and you didnt were able to present their version of events to the investigator, and did not refuse. We tried to send someone to their sham hearing, which lasted less than four hours, and they said, no, we dont want to hear. Why couldnt you talk about this publicly, you live no in texas and you just look quietly and see all these trends, especially in connection with emigration, it seems that texas will become a democratic state. I think thats their goal, i think thats why its so important to clean up the texas house of representatives. We have a message that resonates. Voter. We do have such a message, but with this civil war within the party that dave fallons carl rose those or because they have no control over it. And hmm i think this is leading us down a very bad path. And we have a problem with voter fraud because now we cant prosecute it in texas because the 1951 law that required the attorney general has been repealed. I wasnt there yet in 51. But then we brought such cases, because the local prosecutors who are controlled had a quarrel in large counties such as the city of austin or harris, houston, or bayerson. They werent going to prosecute. So they did it. We had 900 cases. So all this talk that the falsification was not a pure lie. We did it. I only had one lawyer when i started doing these cases. I persuaded the legislature to allocate another we were completely busy prosecuting election violations and suddenly the court of appeals for criminal cases. All republicans said no in front of attorney general in controversy constitution because he is in the executive branch, that was their reasoning, that it is impossible to be in court, because they said that this is a judicial function, so i could no longer be present in court, if they are right, the court of criminal appeal is the court of last resort in our state. In this they are similar to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the final authority in civil cases. So they could remove us from one area of ​​law, if they are right, the Supreme Court should say between appearing in civil court affairs. Im not allowed either, because im part of the executive branch. If this were correct, then every attorney general is barred from going to court, meaning the Texas Attorney general is barred from prosecuting election violations. Thats right, despite the fact that it is written in the law. One of these things that is not prescribed to be done is four things under the Texas Constitution and one of these points is everything that is required by law, who makes laws for the assembly of the tihas. They passed a law in 51 that ordered the attorney general the judges were prosecuting voter fraud, mainly because i think they didnt trust the local prosecutors because it was a political issue and that was what they were doing, they were bringing cases of violations and we had a lot of them. Now guess what, whats more of them is a little bit of defense of democracy, prosecutions for fraud, if we dont fix this, if the court of criminal appeals, which i think was appointed by george soros, because no one knows who they are, theyre all republicans, but maybe, even the republicans dont know who they are if i walk into the room republicans and i ask you can name one person in the isolation court will be lucky. If they name just one and i think it was a brilliant move to get the right people there. Now we have no protection, because local prosecutors do not deal with this. But now it turns out i cant. I tried to force the Legislative Assembly to adopt the law and repeat it. Allow this by the senate, by an overwhelming majority. I accepted it and guess what the dev fillan team told me in the house of representatives. We dont have time for this. We wont do this. We have no time prosecute election irregularities. We do not have time to reaffirm this status so that i can begin to reinitiate cases of falsification of them to change the composition of the court of appeal in criminal cases. The speaker told me we dont have time for this. In my opinion. This is the most important question of all, because the rest of the questions depend on whether we can elect the right people, of course, and if the voters have the right to see their elected ones. Attack after if the voters of power talk about this, if we lose the state, then the laws will change all the laws about the elections will change how in california you can just send ballots by mail, which i know, voting by mail, having fought it in the last election and won 12 cases, which unfortunately other states have not fought. I know that voting by mail is completely unreliable. If you just send newsletters to everyone. You have no idea who is sending them back there is no verification, when they say it is impossible to prove falsification, they are right, because usually when sending you you have to fall under one special category along with that statement. You sign and submit an affidavit of your signature. And then when you send out your newsletter. They send you envelope ballots. You sign this envelope with your signature , put in the ballot, and they check the signature, not the best way. But at least this is something, but i have them in my system for sending them out to everyone. We have no idea. We have no confirmation of the signature, we have no idea who votes and when they say falsification. This is what they want to say about the system, because we cannot prove violations in the elections. Here, whats going on in america so thats why georgia, which most of us thought was a conservative state, became one of the most leftleaning states in the country because of mailin voting, i was sitting there on Election Night. I told the president , i think it was in may, mr. President said. I have 12 lawsuits in the most liberal districts, and i lose everywhere, because the judges there are liberals , and the court of appeal is behind the liberals. Ill have to find a way to get to the Supreme Court or the fifth Circuit Court of appeals before its too late, bye. They did not grow rehabilitated shadows. Otherwise you wont win texas i guarantee if Harris County can send out 2. 7 million ballots and you lead texas by 600,000 votes youll lose if a few counties do it theyll just honor it. How many votes do they need . We won every single trial, all 12, and i told him we would lose. At least one end for you. He didnt believe me. I said look at other states, because if this is happening in texas and its similar. Right program im focused on texas you better make sure that this will not happen in other states and, of course, in georgia, where there was the same advantage in favor of trump, they did not stop it 4 years ago. This is the governor attorney general. They simply signed a consent decree, and there they did not check the mail ballots by signature; bring them and put them in the box. And guess what, in georgia, where there was the same margin in favor of trump, now suddenly in texas there is an 89 margin in favor of trump, thanks to the protection of electoral levels in georgia. He lost how much 14,000 im not sure, but not that much and i knew when they suspended counting votes on Election Night, and i sit there and watch. Thats what they wanted to do in texas and all the ballots. Whats the matter . What are you talking about they stopped counting on the night of choice, because they needed to find out. How many actual votes to determine how many mail ballots to throw in, and they would repeat it in texas her. You think it was a scam. Yes, i have no doubt that i went through this whole process not because of technical problems. This was definitely planned. And the same thing would happen in texas, its much more possible stop counting on Election Night when everyone has done have you ever seen this before by 3 hours. I will say. Ive never seen anything like this in my life, and i realized when they stopped the honor and then trump was leading in all these states, i knew exactly what they were doing, because there is no way to know where these ballots came from, they could have been filled out by anybody. This is not a dangerous conspiracy theory. I saw how it all happened, i was part of the process , they tell me that im crazy, when they raise this topic, they tell me to shut up and right now they want to disbar me for investigating fraud in the general election and on top of all this. I have to deal with but why karl rolf isnt upset about this, hes a defender of democracy, its just a question. Why doesnt karl worry about this, he seems to be taking all this money from some billionaires, some of whom i know are good people, they think it helps or karl convinced him that he is somehow helping. Why preventing fraud with mail ballots shouldnt happen. Top priority. I think for anyone who cares about democracy, republicans or democrats. This should be the number one issue and the fact that the media is constantly suppressing conversations about it and social networking Tech Companies are discouraging the discussion tells me that there is a reason they dont want to talk about it. And its amazing how they treat people for raising the issue, although in fact, in my opinion , no, the problem is more important even immigration, whatever, because all other issues depend on whether we have real elections, that you can trust and you think it all comes down to this issue of voting by mail, as far as i know, i dont know about voting machines. I tried to get people to bring some evidence. I didnt see them. So i didnt see it either. Im openminded. I didnt bring you proof, but i know 100 that they are cheating with mail ballots. I know this for sure, and we tried people, and we had a lot of cases for this. And its not just that, well, thats why they can claim that there was no falsification, because that no one in the country initiates such cases, except for us, this was the case before. Now there are no cases, who initiates them. You can name the case , you know that they are not being prosecuted, the Prosecutors Office is not prosecuting cases. Although this is a violation of the law, it affects the fundamental basis of our democracy. This is killing democracy, we dont have it, if such letters can be carried out. You vote by mail, we dont have a democracy. We have control gorsky could you tell us since you were investigating cases of election fraud. How exactly does mail ballot stuffing occur . This is what, what do these registrars do are the people who control the polling places administrators who choose in these counties. They decided that the linguist could bypass the law in texas and the law could be sent by mail. Only if you are out of state at the time of the election or you are disabled or you are over 65 or you are in prison, but you are not a criminal and all the criteria are quite broad. I dont like this wording, because it leaves the possibility of fraud, but the Legislative Assembly decided so, so these are the rules, but what they said these judges are local administrators. We will send out millions of people, it is estimated that somewhere between 78 million ballots were sent out in texas to just anyone who lives in the county. So , if an election administrator colludes to tell people where the ballots are, they can simply take them, fill them out , sign them, and send them back. You have no idea. If there is a program for this, it is impossible to find out, i cannot bring a case, because i do not know who signed the ballots. I cant prove that the voices are not real, its almost impossible exactly this. It seems to me that they were trying to achieve in texas and then when i saw how this happened in other states pennsylvania , wisconsin, michigan, it affected our elections, because guess what, we all vote for the president. We all have National Elections for the senate in congress and thats why i filed the lawsuit, i filed the lawsuit because i thought, wait a minute, the constitution requires these states to follow their own laws. They didnt follow their laws. I cant prove the falsification, even they probably wont be able to prove it rigging because of the way it was done, but i argued that they did not follow their own laws. Although they are obliged to the Supreme Court. We lost 7 to two. I think they should have listened to our cases. And this is what a colleague of lawyers said. This was an unfounded claim and although you are killed , the Supreme Court agrees with you. You should be punished for filing this seek. Although they were not elected, unlike me. Amazing, what is this . This is the story congratulations thank you thank you for coming. Thank you for inviting me. I really appreciate it. This is my first chance tell at least part of the story. And of course i will continue to do this. Im very grateful that you invited me. Congratulations. Thank you. By the way, thanks. September 24 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. September 24, 1799, the crossing of the saint pass. Ready troops under the command of Alexander Suvorov made a heroic crossing of the cis pass. The path of russian soldiers through the alps from northern italy to switzerland became unprecedented in history. For this campaign , suvorov received the title of generalissimo. Lets translate everything from clerical to understandable so scary if there are instructions. All my life, when we walked, we expected to do it in 10 days. This will be a record on the edge of possibility. We are all with him because he is the only one at the maximum height. Dont go higher. Youll just fall like a stone down at the speed of the wind. This is a super cyclone killer cyclone. Its like hes chasing you. Russia is helping the karabakh armenians on the part of yerevan through inaction and sheer ingratitude. Was it possible to hear

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