Of the Central Election Commission of russia. Congratulations on the anniversary to the current composition and its leaders. And, of course, everyone who works now and has worked in past years in this most important government body and, above all, records a verified organization electoral processes. You are independent in your work; the superiors above you do not have all the solutions. You accept , publicly and collectively, obey only the laws and act on the principles of openness , publicity and the highest responsibility. The trust of voters in the results of these elections largely depends on your professionalism, objectivity and transparency in organizing elections. You are doing everything to ensure that elections are held fairly and legitimately in strict compliance with the law over the past 30 years of the russian electoral system. Passed big way. It is constantly being improved, using the latest technical achievements and the best world practices to harmoniously combine tradition and innovation. Thus, in recent years , Digital Solutions have been actively introduced to make participation in elections convenient and accessible through Video Surveillance systems at polling stations. Modern technical means are used to automate the processing of votes of voters; in many regions of the federation , remote electronic voting is used. Today there are all conditions for every citizen of russia could freely express his will and choose to do so at his place of residence or at his actual location. At the polling station or at home . On the day when it is convenient, because now it is possible to vote within a few days. Dear colleagues , i will also note your educational work to explain the significance of elections and the participation of every citizen in them; you interact with russian Political Parties , representatives of Civil Society and your colleagues abroad. Bring in more contribution to ensuring public political dialogue and stability. I would like to specifically thank you for your enormous help and assistance in creating the election commissions of the donetsk and lugansk people s republics of the zaporozhye and kherson regions for the fact that you acted boldly and decisively, despite the difficulties and numerous threats. Dear colleagues, in fact, this year we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the entire electoral system of russia; it is rightfully considered one of the best in the world, because it is based on transparent and understandable to citizens electoral procedures based on strict compliance with the norms of electoral legislation on the protection of the National Interests of the sovereignty of russia and the Free Expression of its citizens. It is the people who are the source of power in our country. He determines its Development Path and emphasized that the Central Election Commission owes great merit to the effective implementation of the most important constitutional right of citizens to elect and be elected. Once again, i congratulate you, dear colleagues, on your anniversary. I wish you health, success and all the best. The parliaments of the new regions of russia approved the leaders of the regions, the republics leonid the beekeeper was elected head of the lugansk peoples republic unanimously speaking at the inauguration ceremony. He named the priority tasks of improving the standard of living of citizens as the restoration of cities. And the development of industry and agriculture in the villages. He also thanked the residents of the deputies for their trust and support and expressed confidence in the continuation of teamwork, the head of the region took a solemn oath. I swear when exercising the powers of the head of lugansk of the peoples republic to faithfully serve the people of the lugansk peoples republic; to comply with the constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws; to respect the constitution of the lugansk peoples republic and the laws of the lugansk peoples republic; to respect and ensure the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms ; to carry out the decrees of the president of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the government of the Russian Federation; to honorably fulfill the high duties of the head lugansk peoples republic. Evgeny balitsky became the head of the zaporozhye region and his candidacy was supported deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the ballet region noted the special role of members of election commissions who were involved in the september elections, despite threats and danger, they performed their duty. The governor himself wrote on his telegram channel today, the main task is to make sure that the people who voted for him are not disappointed. Well, everyone will have to go through a difficult path of adaptation to new realities, whatever one may say, but we lived with you for 30 years in other legislative dimensions. Today we need to integrate. This path is not simple. People need to understand the value of a budget. What is the value of justice . Kherson region, headed by vladimir salde, a deputy of the regional parliament, three candidates were presented with support and was awarded the acting head of the region after the results of the secret ballot were announced. Vladimir balance, officially took office as governor ; the first deputy head of the president ial administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, was also present at the solemn ceremony. Everything that is happening now on kherson land is historical events. The first regional duma was elected popularly with a very high level of participation of people, but i would like to say separately. Glory to the gratitude of the entire system of election commissions, great daring historical changes await only for the better and even further towards victory. Denis pushilin became the first head of the donetsk peoples republic within russia; the new head of the region has already taken the oath; the ceremony was observed by state television and Radio Broadcasting company donetsk correspondent vadim topalov. The hall with deputies of the Peoples Council in anticipation historical decision, they will have to choose the head of the donetsk peoples republic. I even shake my voice, because, well, this is truly a historical event. We are electing the head of a subject of the Russian Federation for voting. All is ready. A special ballot box has already been delivered to the hall. It is with its help that the secret voting procedure will take place. You see, it has already been sealed. There is a forum among the deputies; those present were greeted by the first deputy head of the president ial administration of the peoples republic of russia in modern history, consisting of russia will forever go down in history, and deputies presented their programs to the expanse not only of donbass but also to the history of all of russia. The main thing is the development of the republic as a selfsufficient region, the strategy for its revival is already in place, and now deputies are being introduced to the rules of secret voting by the chairman of the counting commission. Natalya pshenichnaya reads out, and the procedure that will be used in the future, the voting has started, the deputies threw the ballots into the polling stations, after checking them, the counting commission announces the results. Hallelujah a truly historical event, 80 deputies voted for the candidacy of Denis Vladimirovich pushilin for the post of head of the republic; he was elected unanimously. A short break is announced to lower vladimirovichs emotions. What kind of congratulations are now actually, yes, in fact, good emotions are positive emotions, but still waves of thank you for the solemn part. All is ready. Assistant to the head of the donetsk combined arms command school. Sergei shpakov sets up cadets for drill training at the military school , which is carried out daily. How much per day guys Denis Pushilin is engaged before the oath of office ; the main question for the republic is a happy future absolutely. We are now part of great russia, so we definitely have an absolutely happy future in the donetsk peoples republic, and the residents absolutely turned out with dignity in the future. The ceremony started to welcome the new head of the republic , the russian anthem sounds. He makes his first speech as neither a temporary, acting, but the head of the donetsk peoples republic. Justified the wellbeing, i will return to our homes as soon as possible so that our beloved donbass shone on the map of russia with the lights of great Construction Projects and glorious labor victories, congratulated the new head and Sergei Kiriyenko with a special edition of the russian constitution vadim topalov Andrey Rudenko Oleg Bondarenko lead, donetsk in the common interests of preventing the world from sliding into a big war, the head of the Russian Foreign ministry called for this from the tribune of the General Assembly un Sergei Lavrov emphasized that this outcome is being pushed to this outcome by the attempts of the United States and its allies to maintain influence by any means from starting conflicts to nato expansion, now, according to the minister humanity stands at a fork in the history of its kind; the hallmark of the collective west has long been the rejection of principle, equality and total nonnegotiability. Accustomed to looking at the rest of the world from above, americans. The europeans listened, made promises , assumed obligations, including written and legal obligations, and then simply did not fulfill them, as the president noted. Putin west is fighting the real empire of lies. Lavrov noted that, in an effort to expand influence, in addition to the atlantic, he is also trying to cover the pacific ocean, as a result, a partner. In russia and china , the expansion of brix and the strengthening of the influence of the osians have also become a reason for new bloc intrigues. A new dangerous manifestation of nato expansionism has become attempts to extend the blocs area of ​​responsibility to the entire eastern hemisphere under the crafty slogan of the indivisibility of security, the euroatlantic and the indopacific region, according to the date of the task washington is creating militarypolitical minialliances under its control, such as the us troika japan republic of korea quad. Tokyo seoul kandera winton is pulling the participants of these structures into practical cooperation with nato, which is introducing its infrastructure in the pacific theater. The undisguised focus of such efforts against russia and china is to collapse the existing axes, inclusive regional architecture creates the risk of a new explosion of a dangerous hotbed of geopolitical tensions geopolitical tensions in additional. And to the european already heated to the limit. Speeches lavrov answered questions from journalists, for example, about the fate of the black sea grain initiative, the minister noted that it was impossible to resume the deal due to the persistence of unilateral sanctions, and the secretary general. Antonio gutteres. It cannot do anything about the illegal restrictions that the United States and its allies have imposed on russia. If the ukrainian part of the package was carried out quite efficiently and quickly, then the russian part was not carried out at all and uh , at the same time, several times while it was still functioning, this is the ukrainian part of the initiative along the same corridors in the black sea that our uh, sailors opened for for the safety of bulk cargo ships with grain, these same corridors were used several times to launch drones, surface drones for strikes, and we warned against russian ships several times. And that wasnt stopped either, but thats the main reason we pulled out of that deal. She ceased to exist. This is what was promised to us. It all seemed like a deception. In the donetsk peoples republic, russian artillerymen hit militants positions with psychological weapons, crews, d30 howitzers fired a volley of shells with leaflets. You know, the ammunition is painted red to easily distinguish it from others, instead of explosives and submunitions, the shell is loaded with more than 300 leaflets, each calling on the nationalists to lay down their arms and surrender in order to save their lives. The time is set and it explodes in this air or the stalker is dropped at a certain quadrature. Ukraines membership in nato does not meet american National Interests, this statement was made by ron desante, the governor of florida and a contender for the post of president of the United States from the republican party, according to the politician, kievs entry into the alliance will only increase washingtons obligations and there is no benefit for the United States from such an expansion of nato , the Landing Party criticized bidens ukrainian course and the democrats, the politician is sure that kiev does not seek to end the conflict, and the white house only approves of such politics. More than 110,000 people took to the streets of israel this is already the 38th week of nationwide protests , people are unhappy with the judicial reforms being carried out by the government of netanyahu in tel aviv blocked traffic on the streets, where the complex of government buildings is located , i note that earlier protests attracted up to half a million people. At the center of medical radiology in the ulyanovsk region, where they treat oncological diseases, they tested a new domestic drug, its composition is a radioactive isotope mixed with protein, the medicine can help the patient even the most difficult fourth stage of cancer about the first results, artyom petrov i am now holding in my hands the transport bottle for the new the drug we started used in our center for the treatment of patients with Prostate Cancer. This is a lutetium preparation, but with an Important Note importsubstituted, it is obtained from Raw Materials of the state Corporation Rosatom and the Research Institute of atomic reactors. Seriously connected with the russian protein molecule. The first four patients have already been treated with the new drug. The first results and their analysis show that the characteristics of the drug are in many ways superior to similar drugs that are registered in the Russian Federation of our foreign uh, manufacturers. Our patients must be treated with highquality domestic drugs. One of the first to receive the new drug was nikolai samsonov at the dimitrovgrad center for medical radiology, a man who came from the chuvash republic. Oncology was discovered at the fourth stage, when global damage by metastases had already begun, in our country. And the drug, like a radioactive sniper rifle, hit a target that was detrimental to health. I felt better earlier. If i, when i couldnt go up to the third floor in his city apartment without rest. Now i go up the mountain and pick mushrooms and go fishing, that is, i live a full life. At the Nuclear Medicine center. Patients are kept in separate rooms, which are monitored around the clock. And not only by video, special continuous sensors measure radiation in each room. Such a light indication is located along the entire department ; it plays an important role; it determines the radiation fund, the excess of which is immediately read by the sensor, followed by a loud sound for the entire floor. Serena radiofar is a drug that is used in the dimitrovgrad Nuclear Medicine center and is capable of fighting a number of oncological diseases in the first place. This is visible glands where they are used, 131 here are the options for bone metastases, where osteotropic radiofron drugs such as samarium, such as strontium are used, such as for the treatment of Prostate Cancer bone metastases Prostate Cancer their doors for patients unique not only for russia but also for the whole world the center opened exactly 5 years ago, during this time more than 90,000 people from all over russia underwent inpatient treatment in dimitrovgrad and almost 6,000 mtsens were provided with hightech medical care. For each. For those undergoing treatment , all necessary conditions have already been created in this center. And recently , traditions have developed here after the patient is discharged , they go to Health Square to ring a bell to notify those who are just undergoing treatment, doctors have saved another life. Artyom petrovich damir gubeev vitya Light Industry of moscow demonstrates explosive Production Growth in the current year only in the first 6 months the volume of products produced by capital factories has more than doubled, what is the reason for this and what domestic clothing brands will replace foreign companies, Varvara Nevskaya found out from knitwear and cotton to nonwoven fabric and accessories interfabric exhibition , the second largest in europe, is like a small town on an area of ​​28,000 m². There are more than 800 textile suppliers and manufacturers from more than 40 regions of russia and twelve countries of the world, belarus, uzbekistan china, turkey and india, notably 1 5 of the total number of participants, 145 companies were founded and successfully developed within the capital region. Now, if we are talking about moscow, then in moscow, in my opinion. Now , due to changes in logistics due to the fact that, say, europe is today in the zone of unfriendly unfriendly countries and so on, they are changing. Uh, the structure of the fashion industry and business, and moscow now has historical opportunities to become one of the worlds fashion centers. And for this there are already all the prerequisites, more and more from the capital Light Industry enterprises are entering the full cycle of production of various types of fabrics from spinning to the release of finished products, and we see how domestic demand is stimulating. Uh, the final stages of product creation, and therefore cannot help but force suppliers of fabric developers, chemists to interact as actively as possible, because soon the availability of resources in the territory will determine the business, success, the market has long been no surprise, modern technologies are being introduced into production processes, to suggest the client, be it an independent designer or a large factory for sewing clothing or home textiles, then why did he have to leave the country of technology before . That printing allows you to convey the design on the canvas in the most colorful way. Ahh. You will be able to see, if you look at such a canvas, clear boundaries, clear, bright, beautiful designs; Digital Printing on fabric has gained wide popularity among fashion designers and fashionistas themselves, and today is actively used in the manufacture of wardrobe items of a wide variety of styles, from club chic to sports comfort is a Capital Company started in 2018 as a gardener printer for printing on natural fabrics. After 5 years , it was added or nonprinting equipment for synthetics for printing readymade products and an entire sewing workshop. This means that the company is able to satisfy the needs of both a Large Customer and a client who wants to brand just one vessel or sew a tshirt to order. Any client who wants to sell his own products, his own with his own design and his own print. Maybe, contact us to give us your print, we will print it on the fabric he needs, we will sew the necessary product and all the goods are ready for sale. This is called turnkey production of a product from design to sewing. In total, over 250 Light Industry Companies Operate successfully in moscow, and in the first 7 months of 2023, the volume of their product output, compared to the same period last year, tripled; this year it grew by more than 200, and percent, if look at the index of Industrial Production in the electrical industry, a electromas confidently leads among all industries in terms of industrial Production Growth. Over the past two years, the number of Light Industry enterprises in the capital has increased significantly; the departed western brands quickly began to be occupied predominantly by small and mediumsized enterprises. After all, the industry already had a good supply of talented designers and fashion designers of accessories and fabric manufacturers, and fullcycle production was opened in 2020 ahead of the pandemic. We launched our production in 2017. We started knitting still in moscow at our warehouse premises. Our first knitting machines stood in 3 years, the Company Managed to attract investments, purchase a sufficient amount of equipment and seriously compete with the luminaries of the industry. Today the company produces 100,000 tons of knitted fabric per month. And they dont plan to stop at this figure, but next to us there is a machine that produces a very popular knitted fabric called deflex, which youve probably heard is very often used for sewing. Sportswear for gymnastics leggings tops rash guards, and are knitted in a large roll of spreads. The fabric is blank on all knitting machines. There are 28 in this production, which allows the company to present 20 different positions of only knitted fabrics of different densities, weaves and widths. They also produce fabrics and canvases for Digital Printing and nonflammable textiles, an indispensable fabric for the decoration of public spaces, be it curtains on theater platforms, prides in Hotel Lobbies or bedspreads in kindergartens, the quality of manufactured products is closely monitored there is a whole laboratory in production every day that conducts languagemechanical tests on fabric. We check for shrinkage. We have a heat press machine. We check for peeling for the formation of pellets using the martin dale method, we check the fabric for hydrophilicity and we check the fabric for dyeing strength using dry wet friction. This year, dozens of new brands have appeared in moscow, offering their customers highquality, beautiful and stylish things, both in the mass Market Segment and in the more expensive segment, with an ideal cut of natural fabric, bohemian aesthetics, everything that pampered consumers love so much, real french chic, made in the heart of russia , we have such tags. Give it to dad when you get it dirty, that is, we thought through all the branding there with some interesting points that our consumers always paid attention to. Yes, there are fabrics. Ah, we have always had wonderful masters and now only we can be convinced of this even more. We have very good knowledge. This means that it is also a very good school, and which allows our masters to make highquality products and accordingly. Eh, were no worse. We are only better. The capital strives to cover the needs of both the buyer and the manufacturer once upon a time, starting with the production of quilted and jacket fabrics this is the largest moscow enterprise that was able to reach the full production cycle, producing millions of meters of fabric per year or hundreds of thousands of textile products from outerwear and highquality insulation actively purchased by other moscow factories to form for specialized departments. In this juice. We produce readymade product. At the moment. We have an order from the ministry of emergency situations for winter and demiseason uniforms for games. This is what the Moscow Region will be equipped with. Another promising area for the production of sportswear. After foreign manufacturers left the russian market, professional athletes participating in the countrys National Teams arose. An urgent issue is the purchase of new equipment. The Company Acquired a special laser cutting complex that allows you to create the cut of the future product, individually for each athlete, taking into account his height and dimensions. Here we are convinced that western brands are leaving. The industry played into the hands of the opportunity for domestic producers. Finally emerging from the shadow of big foreign names, attitudes began to change. Well , russian manufacturers tried everything and everyone understood that it is much better to work with us than with foreign ones. This is a short period. This is complete openness. Uh, in front of the customer. This is an opportunity to quickly adjust the order and, if anything, add to it and complete it. And moscow, in turn, creates for business the most comfortable conditions when placing an industrial site. In the capital, investors are guaranteed regular access to the largest sales markets, developing infrastructure and, importantly, a whole range of systemic support measures, including subsidies and investment loans. This is not a Financial Support measure. This is support with the search for alternative suppliers with logistics, search for Raw Materials and components for existing production, this is a portal of commodity cooperation, which has been going on for several years now. We are developing quite actively growing manufacturers. And this is export support, and b2b sessions. Ahh, symposiums in which our entrepreneurs participate and show their products on foreign markets thanks to a grant from the moscow government of 44 million rubles. Another capital enterprise promo purchase the latest equipment. Here you see weft straightening equipment, which is already in operation on the left side. We have a printing machine that we bought in addition. We are installing it now. They have been on the market for more than 20 years printing on silk, cotton, viscose, and linen; kilometers of fabric, and this is not metallfor. The companys textile Design Studio sells its designs for fabric in 25 countries around the world, setting a trend and being the most cited in all of europe. The last year has allowed the company to significantly replenish its already Solid Customer base, being based in russia it is more comfortable to work with a domestic manufacturer than with a foreign one here you may come

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