And he pulled until the very end. I dont know, maybe he was afraid, although he didnt look like a man. In general, in the end, when he agreed to the operation, neither he had a chance. I dont know that i couldnt save him, but here, here, everything is different. And what if Something Else could be done, and its not gives me peace. Doctors save lives, but i didnt save any more hospitals. I wont go to her for a cannon shot. Fools injury is very serious, rapidly losing blood until shes in a state of shock , something needs to be done. You must help her quickly. Thanks i dont know. When you saved this woman, did you think about it. No. Well, you see. I dont know, like i dont know. Well, do you succeed . No, you need a few more sessions to consolidate the success achieved. I feel. I can not deceive the bones, but you are not alexei this not fair. Wait. I cant lose you. Just not now. Ive never met one like this. How are you hold marusya what happened you didnt call . Certainly. Psychologist there is no other stupid photo. Well, who is this kostya doctor . The doctors, by the way, killed your father. Didnt kill anyone. And dont blame doctors for everything. Now you are already on their side. Well, you always wanted me to be happy, mom and kostya. Im happy, i would see, now its your father. Really, really . You dont understand, you should immediately break up with him mom, yes, mom mom bad her would not recommend to daughter. Thank you only you pity me. Then blame yourself. Hello. Do you remember how you sighed for your gala the whole brain. I was told that women can not be trusted, and then such a roman marusya can be trusted . Yes . You brought it together yourself. What does it mean that listen, you knew perfectly well that i like her, and you took her away with me, she would be better off. And you will play with it and throw it away like a doll that you are tired of. Are you using me . It was you who wanted to use me. You wanted to get to her with my help. What are you accusing . Come on, come on, bay, come on, fled quickly. Everything is fine. Its all right. Dear building we must communicate. Run i love you. Yes, konstantin karpov, im for him, whats the matter . Captain tikhonov of the investigation department, you need to go with us, you cant right now. Later i have a very important matter now, i dont know, lets face the wall, hands behind your back calmly calmly girl calmly, otherwise ill have to violate you. Calm down, listen, what a circus with horses. People like you infected with hepatitis during a blood transfusion, now you will feel it all in your own skin, listen, well explain that i did something you are detained on suspicion of criminal negligence resulting in death. Egorov Oleg Pavlovich i think you have not forgotten the name of your patient. Dont break your hands. Go idiots. Lord, where are you now, goodbye . On may day demonstrations we felt so connected we felt so connected. Become a force that will restore justice become a pillar of the country. Protect your future and the future of your children. If you are stand aside, serve under the contract. Start everything right without a lawyer. I will not speak, i do not need a conclusion. Please sign this, what is this this is a subscription, and if you are not allowed to leave, sign and you will be free until the trial. If you run away, you will be put on the wanted list. If youre innocent, why run away logically here, please. All i can go. Yes, wait for the agenda, goodbye, goodbye. Kostya yes, wait, marusya left the keys, so she went to her hostel. Marus marus wait, we need to talk. Why are you here . Why werent you released on bail in prison . Marusya, im not to blame, not you, i could not do anything. Your father gave consent when it was already too late. Id give anything for him to live, you know. I know , but theres nothing i can do. Well, i cant be with you. The death of a father will always stand between us, please, ill leave tomorrow, wait, dont go, dont go, you see, i went down the drain. No need. If not guilty, she will return to you. For example, i can take this circus to the theatre. With me, it means to the circus only yes, well, what if your marusya is not there, i only have you about this fool. You think you will say it again, they will fire you in such a tone. Dont fire me, i know too much. Its time for you to go. I need money. I need a lawyer. To prove my innocence. I have no one else to turn to. I will help you. I have you marusya i wont give you money. Here i will solve your problem. I have one lawyer, wait for the call. Thank you. Come on, were brothers. I, too, in the answer i am not guilty, especially. Ok its all over now. Byebye. Well im taking over case. And if it happened as you say, then, well, in a week at the most your brother will be a free man. I need him under investigation. As long as possible, but not convicted. Unexpected for this unexpected request you will get twice as much. Its nice with you. Please keep me informed of all developments. I do not like. There is still justice in the world. Mom, dont you think that you drink too much strong coffee. No, i read that coffee helps the heart work. Oh, mom. Even my heart was relieved. Its you, thank you, tell me so do not be afraid, met with this killer. Well and here it is his police . The police detained, of course, the police let everything take its course. I wrote a statement to the prosecutors office, and they made them work. Do you remember uncle . He arranged it all. Out of respect for a colleague and your money, by the way, came in handy, which you then brought. Why are you looking at me like that . You dont have to look at me like that. By the way, i didnt know that it was your kostya who turned out to be the same doctor, but even then i said that you werent a couple. It turned out. Of course, to the right. He seems to me he met with you only in order to ingratiate himself with you in trust to find out what we are going to do next. Do you hear yourself, what are you saying . He definitely couldnt. We met him, by chance it seems to you that by chance i see through such types in my life. Its not why you always talk about things you dont know about. As then in childhood, when kostya died, although i was not to blame, i didnt understand something. I heard right. Are you saying that the socalled doctor was innocent . Im asking you. And i turned out to be right. Hello hello you to whom i am konstantin karpovs lawyer i hope you are familiar with this whom well, the doctor who operated on your husband petrovna in order to establish the truth. I need to get your consent to the exhumation. For what, well, the extraction of the remains of your husband oleg from the grave, i receive egorov your voluntary consent to this not very pleasant procedure. It would somehow be preferable. No, of course, i could get it and all the decisions officially. That with her age such a gift does not pass. Look, sometimes people die. And i i know, karpova he is young, but an excellent specialist, and your fathers case was very neglected, and you, without understanding, made a scandal. When can i pick up mom . I dont want her to stay here. Your mother urgently needs coronary bypass surgery and a pacemaker. How much does the operation cost for free, but we urgently need to resolve the issue of a pacemaker. We can provide it to you, but it is better to supply more advanced models. They are significantly reliable, but the price is impressive plus the rehabilitation period of care. And mothers nobody wants. Excuse me, i have work to do. Three mother want, what are you talking about . I didnt even go near your mother, i swear. It requires exhumation. I dont know anything about it, i didnt know anything. There will be no exhumation. I promise you. They will be there, they will be convinced amazing people exist amazing people the legendary show is coming back soon on the russia channel premiere on the russia house channel we are together. Darling, my life on all fronts. Well , i have one sound and i dont need 50 words for everyone. Well, at your age, you know, aunt they say, that life after 50 years only begins from tuesday at 21 20 on the channel, russia stanislavsky director gillerovsky reporter work on himself. I really want to visit the trick. This is a very dangerous place. I dont go for tricks myself. I dont believe in payments, because everything you just said is not true, after all. I dont believe that ksenia andreevna could kill the real killer, his system works flawlessly, what can i say, stanislavsky s square of our back is an unusual dramatic turn, just like shakespeares everything that connected with this case and everything is very strange soon. Good afternoon. Whats happened . Why did such a rush happen without my knowledge . If you remember, you gave me a power of attorney, this exhumation is needed. First of all, you without this expertise. It will be difficult for you to prove the truth. And it will be difficult for me to defend you in court, listen, you know, id rather serve time in prison. Than let you do it young man, its time to decide whether you want to get a term or whether you want to remain at large an honest man. I refuse your help. Give me back my power of attorney. Quick ok ill do it the way you want. Stop this exhumation story immediately. Okay, young man. But not everything can end so simply. This is the current official conclusion, but it can be interpreted. Karin no independent now you will draw your own conclusions. Well, who will win over whom . Do you understand . Thats all, it will stretch the time and what you wanted, what in the end well, how in the end konstantin will justify and everything is so why did he still refuse to be exhumed . Well, probably mr. Karpov was excited that yegorovs wife happened heart attack. Shes in the hospital now, right . There will be some kind of complex operation coronary joking. And i need some kind of branded pacemaker, according to the doctor of the operation, while they are looking for money in doubt. This is interesting information. Ill take a loan from my mothers friends and call my relatives. Can you ask alexey for money . No but why not for him. This money is small. Youre not forever with a return. No, its out of the question. She needs to get a better pacemaker for free, whatever allows it. I understand. But do it. This is my personal request. We will pay you for a maximum of a week, we will deliver all the best. And your yegorova will be as good as new. Thanks. Yes, i just dont tell her daughter about me. Why should i think its okay if they find out, well, just dont say thats all, yes, and dont tell anyone about the fact that i came here either. I have a subscription, they are everywhere. Ok go. How many million million million yes, no problem, come to my office tomorrow afternoon. Thank you brother. Emy penalty hello yesterday your brother today you are you decided to save each other again . You are talking about bones. Yes you understand, brotherly feelings, in general. I did everything as he asked. I even ordered a very good pacemaker. So as soon as the money is paid in, you can prepare egorova for the operation. They could tell me more about this operation. I have a bypass now. Hello wait uh, you said you need to on the situation has changed you dont worry with your mom, everything will be alright. You have good friends appreciate them. Hello hello can i talk to you i want to thank you for what you did for my mother. The surgeon did not tell me anything about the fact that it was you who settled everything. I just saw that you are talking and thats it. Understood. I did not expect, thank you what kind of money is this, i feel my heart like that without any pitfalls there. Now your mother will have a good stimulant, and not some chinese fake there, and they will transfer her to a ward with all the amenities and a nurse. I dont even know what to say. You dont say anything. Consider this my apology for the stupid story at the coffee shop. Thank you hello how are you feeling . Hes good there. There is a very nice young man, dad liked him, but dont speak for dad. I dont like alex. Why is it interesting . Hes overconfident. Listen, by the way, while you were gone, he only talked about you, happiness without money ends quickly. And you stupid can lose such a chance. Thank you. Our conversation i wont. Fine. What do you want to know . This whole operation. I had to carry it out. But the day before i had a flu fever, and i could not operate. Egorova kostik karpov replaced me, his qualifications corresponded complexity of the operation. He did everything right. And i couldnt even do better. There is a conclusion of a medical examination. Then why our conversation i was just interested in your opinion. So i can go. Yes, thank you again for taking the time to visit us. I hope this helps bring justice. Where all the documents are in the same will, mom, do not interrupt. Its important to me that you remember everything. You remember everything. Mom, i remember everything, only you dont think about everything that is happening here seriously sofya petrovna please dont worry, everything will be in okay. Thank you. Everything will be fine. Dont worry. Lets all go. Will be good. But as . The operation has passed. Thanks my advice. Take a rest. Have you completely exhausted yourself . You see, you were afraid. Thank you doctor. Thank you. I have an important conversation with you. Ill prove that im actually better than i look. An iron flying arrow and drink for friendship, you and i are young goths guilty 75. This is not a joke, lobsters 10 roasted pigs. T with burning candles 75 these are jokes and songs again a concert of vladimir wine we are shocked to see the premiere tomorrow 13 45 on the channel russia thank you friends, look at the holidays alexandrovna Andrey Ivanovich hang up the wedding event codenamed. You suit me starts well when there is a choice. Well, beauty will light it up. You said you are good at looking when you have confidence. Trust me today will be hot. You merry aunts are going to look for men and they will find them. Its just a pity that the result is still unpredictable god of surgery Andrey Ivanovich sklifosovsky doctor. You come to me tomorrow at 21 20 on the channel, russia and dont look at me like that. Or maybe kostya is not to blame. Why are you ruling out this possibility . The investigation isnt over, after all. You werent responsible for that boys death. I dont want to know anything, finish everything, whatever you want, you might think, i need more than anyone else. Just know, i would remind you that you recently spoke about alexei. Now you are going to marry him. And people, by the way , change. And alexei did so much for his mother, he did everything for her to recover. Kostya police did not lift a finger. Yes, like today, huh . Here is the indicated time but im a little late. Have a seat. Well, your investigation is over. Means meaning, no trial date has been set. The investigation showed that there was no corpus delicti. Got it figured out anyway. Understood. Free, goodbye. Goodbye. Best wishes. Everything is fine. You are practically healthy. I hope now you understand that we are not white coat killers. Yes, of course, if alexey hadnt forked out, you wouldnt have done anything, and what does alexey have to do with it . Hes not for my daughter. I know perfectly well that it was he who paid for the ward and operation and stimulant. Well, i dont know what you re talking about, but another person paid for the operation. Your heart is beating. Trust your husband, hes not guilty. What have i done . We need to tell her urgently, dont worry. Its certainly none of my business, but the choice should be her heart is a complex organ, it will tell you how i made the right choice. Everything will be fine. How am i to blame . And where is marusya, i urgently need to talk to her. And she asked you not to tell. Yes, but i really need to see her. I am not to blame for the death of her father, i was acquitted. I beg you, tell me me where she is. Kostya marusya is getting married. Like this. Marusya alexey decided to get married. This is her choice. What should i do dad . Bad i beg you, i beg you. Tell me. Well, tell me, i dont understand. My cancer is inoperable. Is there nothing that can be done . The doctors said he stayed for six months. I dont blame you. I know that kostya died by accident, that it was an accident, i always knew it, as you always said, that it was easier for me, if you are to blame, then its not my fault. May everything be fine with you. They are not guilty of what they are accused of painfully. Forgive me girl. Sorry if you can. Im after you. Lets go something happened. I dont love you. You throw everything. The new owners are throwing everything away. Well, you cant take it with you in a backpack for the rest of your life. Ill start a new one, my friend is calling me to khabarovsk, where a surgeon is needed in the clinic, so marusya kostya kostya im not to blame. When is everyone at home . Good morning on the air is a sincere family program, when all at home, which claims that harmony in family life is the first thing. That is why today we are marusya washed her lovely eyes when visiting pavlukhanov. Now you need to introduce by name all the greatsounding ones. This is my faithful companion in life, wife natalya eldest son arseniy ukhanov daughter valentina ukhanova and the youngest alexander rukhanov, by todays standards you are a large family with many children. Its interesting, the predisposition of a large family, where does it come from from a good wife and a good husband from good Living Conditions from a successful firstborn who inspired thats how good i need more of these, but i it seems to be some kind of totality, then uh, this is not only our desire. I think that it is from above that something is given to us to decide on a large family. Now, especially in our time , it is very difficult due to the fact that it is both troublesome and expensive. But when e appears, children womens happiness, its just huge, were there brothers and sisters in childhood, on whom you also focused, realizing that in your life there should also be brothers and sisters for you. I was the only one in the family, my grandmother raised me. I think it applies to me too influenced by the fact that, for example, i did not have a father. I really wanted for my children and become a good father. And when i had the opportunity. Of course, i spent absolutely all my free time, uh, spent with the children. You even now when there are many tour concerts, and when the opportunity arises, we go somewhere , we all travel together. I rest, for example, only when i am in the family, the need has been in such a big family since childhood. And here it is, like a childhood dream. And in general, indeed, many people are afraid and in vain. On the contrary, i am very grateful that everything turned out this way. And if our family expands, it will be generally great. Natasha correctly said from above , strength is given from somewhere, opportunities are given, that is, one should not be afraid once upon a time. Yes, i had a lot of doubts. How can i feed my then very small family consisting of my wife and first son. And now it comes to 10 children. Im sure that i ll do just fine, and everything will be fine, and the time enough is enough and Everything Else is enough. I am beloved. The city later at night, a foreign country will save me in gods temple. Ill pray, ill light a meeting for russia, for mine, too, there is such folk wisdom, if you want the difficult path to be easier, take a child with you and it will help you from above, because some kind of help from above came, which suddenly opened up new opportunities, proved that everything is not enough, and then enough power. And from where some circumstances appeared, of course. Uh, we do this all the time, really, when we are afraid of something, uh, we doubt, but still we go forward, it comes to us, but my parents still help us , because we are very grateful to them, and mother lyubov nikolaevna, father valentin saranovich, when we leave on tour, they stay. With these three, well, adults, of course, children, but all the same, it took a lot of help, and we can safely work, they are taught by the unusual valentin sayranovich. Papa nationality marietsky beauty, united by understanding. And im an amethyst. I look like a mari grandmother, that is, his mother is the motherland of girls, where are you were born. I was born in bashkiria, a small town of birsk on the belaya river, i grew up there and when the question arose of how to go to study, and for folk singing my dad he decided to be such a determined and able person. Well done. He is a doctor, a radiologist of the highest category, who has been doing his job all his life, he sees right through. He decided that he needed to move, uh, send me alone. He did not dare, the only thing. I am third. I have two hundred more. Brother, for the sake of them to move, dad did not start, they studied. In our city , everything is fine, everyone has unlearned. And here youngest daughter. Yes, and we just got off the ground and moved here folk signs. The older the dad, the easier it is to persuade him, the youngest daughter. Thats probably, since your first born is blue, the full name is arseny. Yes, it means arseny, you did not disappoint your parents so much that the young generation that appeared, then, is partly obliged to you, but you got the youngest, most inexperienced parents. They were more fun. Now they have become more serious. Yes , my father was less interested in work since he appeared. Im, well, a little kid. So it was interesting that you have a drum set there, and not an accordion, not boyan, not an accordion. That is, it is a step aside. Why did the first wakeup call come when, uh, my parents took me to a concert . And i found a drum set backstage. Sat down for her began to play something. And in the end, they heard it on stage, and they picked me up. In the end, i went to drums, but in fact he didnt go somewhere behind the scenes. We had a tour, and at one point there was a shock stop on the stage. He just walked out during the concert. I started not to play. Yes, our colleague sings, and im used to always hearing his song. Its just that an accordionist is also an accordion player, and then im watching a backing track, but only as some kind of drummer only in a state, and then i hear that its a little crooked there, i think i dont understand, im watching, and this is senya right at the concert. She stood on the edge while we somehow turned away. How many was canopy four sits there, and the people joy. There is such an adviser still in each of us lives called lenin. Maybe well quit, maybe not today, as the dialogue with him takes place literally a year or two ago, i dont delivered the same interests of desire to play the drum kit, but then i found it. Why play what we are asked at school, or you can even play for yourself what you want, but did not quit. Yes why well thank you parents . Which will not let you just throw the tool, where the line of autumn efforts and child abuse is one thing when parents make efforts. They understand that we will go through this transitional stage and then it will be picked up by its success and another thing, when suddenly this and it suddenly. Uh, it was a childhood craze for drumming, well intended. Fate is for someone else. How to understand many parents, sending their child to a music school, do not think that he will become some kind of musician; they think more that this is like a childhood hobby, and then he, well, will go somewhere to study, they do not a good profession, what a pity so, the appearance of valentina when you appeared in arseniys life because he was the most happy , of course, when he was three years old, i appeared what valentina turned out to be in character, since she grew up only with me she grew up brisk, yes, when she appeared to her, of ​​course, fun was the most attention. So i, for some reason, was already not happy with my sister, then i cant wait to fall in love and be in life. I heard that you are into music too. It is forced voluntarily forced or voluntarily honest. I dont remember anymore. I think i myself wanted to go to music school. And when i came to the lesson for the first time, after already listening , they took me and said that i had a very good voice. I have good data, i sing well. I myself liked to sing. Now. At what stage studying music, what do you learn to play or just vocals and still play. I have a tender son project, my heroes are my most. Do you think that music can become a profession or is it still a part of a cultured person that will definitely be in him, but at some level it will remain, what do you feel . I wouldnt want to go into music. Now. Im studying the last year of a music school and most likely, i will leave the music school later. And i think i will also continue to develop in this area. I wonder how mom and dad are still in at some point they will be free. In fact. We dont insist we dont have this , and were afraid that children will do something for us, and then we were put at point blank range by a music school this is the language of music, that is, they study the musical language there, as children study at a music school. Accordingly, we can communicate. Including in the language of music, and valya is now walking. Uh, in the actors house , shes into acting, so, uh, shes still a creative person. Here he sits. Sasha is very well behaved. Well done sasha how old are you . Our youngest. Sasha plays the button accordion, do you think three cats in one apartment is not enough . I think, well, okay, but id like another dog. Its not enough to be ready yet. Hmm, i dont know, you have three children of the three cats family, which means, each cat, it turns out who is yours . She knows, yes, why did you love her so much . At first, when dad brought cats, i thought that bagheera this is a cat and i will. If you play the most, you said dad brought it ready. Did he bring them all at once . They will be there, they make sure amazing people exist amazing people the legendary show returns soon on the russia channel premiere on the russia channel its not my vantus plumbers. And i never wanted everything to be as before maxim averin well, where are we surprise . Everyone is 50 saturn 21 20 on the russia channel when we walked in the may day demonstrations, we felt such unity, we felt such a lifting holiday. Special holiday issue 18 00 we see with you the first document about the founding of odessa by the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the generous mercy in the russian emperors odessa turned into one of the most comfortable cities in russia cheerful life beloved russia could never exist without novorossiya, the longsuffering city was a cleansing destruction of finances. Within three or four days, from 50,000 people were destroyed from the entrance was his black wounds trade unions show the local population that the government is ready to end with only one, odessa will cease to be odessa russian pearl films by Alexei Denisov premiere may 2 at 15 05 on the russian channel everything is fine cope with. Yes, you cant cope with denis , you cant see the coast from here, you need to hit the norwegians to them, well cover the antenna with a bucket and we will send other coordinates. Normally , the prison is not afraid without words at all. Where are you from . Is there anywhere to hide here . I did not understand what you want, or something, crossed and secure everything according to the storm. You points goes, everything is here. I cover the rescue. And the film borisov summer i did not understand about the operation. This quiet sadness will touch everyones heart, and everyone will agree. Whom to ask in russia will never be silenced by the harmony of russia without a voice, they are like grass without being sprayed. Remember yourself. Thats how it really is at this age. I was a thug bandyugan, interesting. The fact is that my mother raised me alone at first without a father. Eh, and life was very hard, because where she worked, the garment factory went bankrupt, we didnt live in a hostel, she was a very creative person, she was also engaged in painting and everywhere she tried to somehow earn money to feed me, but minus was that there was very little time for me, but here is her e love. Of course, i felt very strongly, but i was left to myself as such a yard kid who, uh, talked with the same yard guys somehow and older guys yelled robbed, and we were interested, and we also snippa there was something hooligan there. It was a long time ago. And this is in orel in the city center class here is a hostel to fly. These are happy for someone for someone not, the nineties, it would not be. Eh, happiness, yes, misfortune, in my opinion, when my grandmother began to raise me at the age of 11 after the tragic death of my mother. And what happened . I think it was necessary to do for the competition, but not a wall newspaper, but photographs, well, to fly to take pictures of the beautiful views. Well, the chernozem forest is everything, this is a river. Oka and orlik so coincided that the pilot, e, had a birthday, his son pilot decided to congratulate his son to do an aerobatics figure, but i didnt finish it, of course, this was all very circumstances for me. Yes, its sad to put it mildly, but the fact that my grandmother began to bring up a person of another generation, my grandmother, by the way, was also an orphan, and she laid the right life values ​​for me. And here in the first three classes. I was a loser, and then thanks to upbringing. Here is already a music school, i graduated perfectly and already all sorts of bad thoughts have read me. I wanted to reach for the beautiful, these are lyrical troops that i wrote for my grandmother. Very beautiful. The most important thing is that it was laid down by my grandmother, who had time to communicate with me. We talked a lot with her, and before going to bed and during the day, and thats all our free time and its a pity, of course, that now i already understand when she died a year ago that i didnt appreciate or didnt appreciate that time the communication that she gave me, but she also gave me the lesson that remembering herself and rejecting everything that she told me. I now observe in myself that all this remains in me, therefore, when our children do not listen to us, but we tell them. I know theyll hear it anyway, and then, well, they record. Yes, distant memory is recorded. Its just, well, there is a period when you also want to recover adult personalities, yes. No, no, no dad. No, you dont understand. We can also conclude that since my grandmother i had the opportunity to pay more attention to you. And here is the same boy who could have gone down a completely different path from him, but you are a completely different person, that is, upbringing and attention paid, how much they know. Many people want to create a good family and hope for fate and they themselves are trying to meet somewhere to find you, as it was. I, when i entered moscow at the institute, came from the city of orel, i saw natasha and the first impression. I was even afraid to come up, that is, for me she was a princess goddess for a couple sitting together. Here i am i didnt look at the teacher, nor at the musical stan, but at natalya well, i was afraid to come up and here was the case of a handkerchief that fell in the corridor, and i thought that it was natasha who got up on the handkerchief asked if it was dropped natasha said no, the handkerchief is not mine. But, if you want to get acquainted, consider that he is mine. That s how you completely dropped it, i want to ask, accuracy, means fate. Yes, it sounds fabulous. And somehow the handkerchief sounds very native. E, so fate led all the same, and the fact that natalia reacted this way, it means that you were noticed. Natasha was seen, of course. He came to moscow as such a modest guy, he walked around in a shirt. That is, you are sleeping. You see, there was a big contrast. I already lived in moscow then. I lived for 4 years. I graduated from a music school. I mean, ive already looked at it. Uh, so to speak, to the local public, i mean young people. Of course he was behind me. Many tried to care. Well, somehow everything was not to my heart, how the present differed from the present, too, but they are still not the same, well, you saw something. Will you feel something . Yes yes, of course, you know this feeling when you are a person, as if you already know, and you finally met him with the feeling that this is who i was looking for, yes, and the desire to regret. I once heard that they didnt speak in russia before. I love you, they said, i pity you as much as women could say to a man, that is, a woman said to a man. Yes, i pity you. That is, it means that they did not say well. I love it wasnt like that. And now there are five of us. God so fell out not asking for wings. You simple freestyle to the suns degree looking for, but maybe its pouring next , maybe the girls are looking for the lord the accordion came out , it seems to many that this is such a first stage in front of the button accordion, it already has more buttons, which means who has more buttons here is more important, and there is also an accordion. So its generally something imported there, at least ours. Here you have kept fidelity to the harmonica. Tell me about it, natasha sorry to the harmonica. Pasha fell in love earlier and for life too. Dont be jealous. Tell me i am very grateful for my grandmother vera grigorievna, who not only raised me, but also gave me the way into life, because somehow, about her feminine essence, even when i was four years old, she felt that o her grandson needed a musical instrument, but not immediately, because in the ninetieth year, when everything was depreciating in our country , she went to the market for a bicycle, so that this money would not depreciate there will be a bicycle. Well there grandson will i do not move. No, well, at least the property was acquired, but the bicycles were snapped up. She, of course, was upset, but suddenly she heard. Yes, some harmonica player plays the harmonica, the markets will be able to come up. Yes, harmonicas were brought right on the market, and now they are playing, yes, and she bought it, but here the second person is very important to me, who really infected me with love for this instrument, because at first there was no love, to be honest, there was no, but thanks to the composer and my teacher to what derbenko. But at first i even stopped playing the harmonica, and then my mother was still alive, uh, a year, i didnt practice. And when my mother unfortunately died. And grandma came and she had a dream to learn how to play the harmonica, and then she came to her grandson, who had already turned 11 years old, and he plays with two hands, two funny geese, and so pasha and where we studied, i say, well, there we are, and Evgeny Petrovich is standing, as he was specially waiting. Oh, pasha, where have you gone . And now he started working with me. And here i fell in love with the instrument, understood, and the most complex works that you know. It was the gypsy fantasy of evgeny derbenko. Yes, its actually not the hardest thing to do. But now it requires that it would be desirable to play out before this. Yes , all editions of our program. You can look on the internet in the application or on the site we look. Ru . From doubts to revelation they will prove, amazing people exist amazing people the legendary show is coming back soon on the russia channel i need to urgently give birth to a child we watch on holidays alexandrovna you suit me tomorrow at 21 20 on the russia channel i see my favorite faces anniversary among friends, a flying shooter , with you young people are preparing 75. This is not a joke, uncle omarov 10 roasted pigs and a cake with burning candles. These are jokes and songs. Harmony she is so unique, than she better than button accordion and accordion, without offending cardio players and accordion players, but you chose it. For some reason. I do not share these harmonica instruments this is a whole family of instruments, when in russia these instruments were super popular. This is the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th centuries there were more than 100 varieties of harmonicas. Each province had its own variety. Eh, sometimes even a few, for example, here Sergei Yesenin played the harmony of the livinka, and played the harmony, the yelets piano. He even mentions them in a poem. Its just that not everyone knows that a lilinka is a pot, he writes. There, the path is crooked. On a summer evening , a blue recruit went with a rollicking livinka, that is, an accordion in Nizhny Novgorod had its own harmonica in saratov its own harmonica, but there was a tradition. So that harmonicas were not given to nonlivny guys , they made sure that she was nowhere in another area. This harmonica didnt hit. Shes in a different area. Yes, even in a different area. Well, Sergei Yesenin could afford it thanks to his popularity, have a livinka accordion. And so the masters followed very strictly guarded their secrets, but it got to the point that the last the master died and the thread broke and did not pass on to anyone, did not pass on to anyone. Now modern masters have to disassemble old tools to think of something. How was it there . What metal alloy are there any of these analogous features . Yes, yes, everything influences everything even now some people bring instruments. He says it sounds great, but the mechanics of the buttons are already bad. Uh, the hulls are shabby. Lets. We will insert into the modern one. Corps insert this soul of harmony of the voice of harmony of the new corps. She will not study, because this is a combination of factors for me, the button accordion is also an accordion. Its just, well, the most fancy. Sorry for the expression of the most possibilities, but in spite of these all possible button accordion can not embody. Eh, thats all, the variety that is in saratov and lame harmonica and turtle accordion and i have a collection of instruments at home

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