Despite everything, life in the planted city did not stop. Leningrad wartime newspapers reported about concerts and exhibitions, about the work of cinemas and libraries, about new books and even tours of moscow artists in besieged leningrad. All Public Gardens and city gardens were laid out for vegetable gardens, and cabbage was harvested. Leningraders gathered right in the city center. They did not forget about the smallest residents of the city. The Pediatric Institute has developed recipes for nutritional formulas for babies in besieged leningrad. Soy milk, reconstituted zalifa vegetable oil, pine needles and yeast soup. But perhaps the main symbol of the courage of leningraders and their faith in victory was the performance of dmitry shostakovichs seventh leningrad symphony in besieged leningrad. Poet Olga Bergolts recalled. The only one remaining in leningrad at that time. The orchestra of the Radio Committee was reduced from hunger during the tragic first winter of the siege by almost half, yet these surviving, terribly exhausted musicians and the leadership of the Radio Committee came up with ideas to perform the seventh at all costs. Leningrad. Now in our concert we will perform an excerpt from the legendary seventh symphony by shastakovich. Actors, participants of our. During the concert, documentary evidence from the people of the besieged city will be read. I dont want words, i wont, there werent any then, there was only a word, we must, without hesitation, go to dig trenches. Nobody forced anyone, it was sacred for the homeland. I remember how my mother and i walked through our yard in the spring, it was sunny, warm, my soul was happy, we survived the winter, we are alive, and i wanted to run, i let my mother out i ran my hand, tried to run, but could only take a few slow steps, i was very surprised by this. In my childhood head, as i remember now, it flashed, because i remember that before the war i ran, why, i cant do it now, childrens brigades were created in houses that helped adults put out lighters, we were wearing canvas mittens in protective helmets on their heads, as incendiary bombs pierced the roofs. One girl, while working on a machine, was still playing with dolls. No, no, thats not true. No, its her i took the doll on my way to work. She had to take with her some, you know, expensive, well, expensive thing for her, she took this doll with her because she considered it such a valuable thing. This is because the house could be bombed. Yes, she didnt play, and this is just her personal thing, about some kind of game with dolls. Here we can say, she didnt finish eating, didnt finish singing , when she knew what was needed, a detail needed to be made, she took the doll in order to save her house, the house could collapse, and this is hers, an expensive thing, to be preserved, and how old are these girls was about 13, 14 years old. The list of orchestra members, which i will not forget until the end of time, most of the names were marked in black pencil, they were no longer there, of the remaining few were ob. But in red pencil, these are alive, but absolutely incapable of work, finally, there were names without a mark, which to some extent, apparently, could do something, they will never forget the first rehearsal, the rehearsal lasted about 40 minutes, there were no more strength to play, i did not have the strength to conduct, during the siege we played 160 concerts, open studios transmission 59 opera and ballet performances managed to play everything that the soviet composers who remained in the besieged city wrote, this is our asset, our sad liability, these are 27 people who died of hunger, or rather not so much from hunger, but from the environment , because the situation was such that the normal human psyche could withstand it. With difficulties. On january 12, 1943 , the soviet offensive operation spark began and ended. Successful breakthrough of the blockade and the connection of the leningrad volkhov fronts. South ladishskoye lake was laid in the shortest possible time. The first train with food entered leningrad on february 7, 1943, people were crying, hats flew up with joy, the train was brought from the mainland by the Senior Driver of povolkhovstroy, ivan perozhenko. After this day , food and other goods began to be regularly brought to the city, but few people did. I knew at what price it would come. Just 2 weeks after the completion of the construction route, the bread ration of leningrad residents was equal to that of moscow. Residents of the city began to receive cereals using cards, butter, fresh meat. Lives and fights, there was siege football. In 1943, the football championship was held in leningrad. 20 teams took part in it, they were divided into three groups. The team of the 36th reserve rifle division, Major General yakov bystrov, won the final matches. And here is another bright sports episode of that time. Leningrad dynamo met with its teammates in moscow. And composer dmitry shestakovich, by the way, himself a football fan, wrote a note about this match in the krasny sport newspaper. Football team arrived in moscow leningrad dynamo team. On september 8 , leningraders played a match for the first time after a long break. Hero, representatives of the glorious defenders of our beautiful leningrad. I, as a leningrader, experienced especially strong excitement when i saw the dynamo Football Players led by captain allov, the favorites of the city, successes and failures. Performed well, the team made a good impression, especially in attack, where allov, fedorov, sazonov played excellently, and if the leningraders drew the first half 2 2, then in the second half the defense could not cope with the moscow attack led by solovyov, also, by the way, a former leningrader, and conceded two goals into their own goal. With a score of 2 4, the leningraders lost, we wish them success in defending, sporting honor, the great hero city of leningrad. Says leningrad. Attention, comrades, the troops of the leningrad front, as a result of twelve days of intense battles, broke through and overcame. January at 20 00 the city of lenin salutes the valiant troops of the leningrad front with 24 artillery salvoes from 324 guns. Hears with delight the russian salute, oh, it is liberated leningrad that is breathing deeply, we remember the autumn, the fortyfirst, the transparent air of those nights when, like whips , the bombs of the executioners often whistled rhythmically, but we, subduing fear and. Crying, repeated with a wild explosion in the sky, you lost the war, the executioner barely set foot on our land, and that winter, that winter, was etched in everyones soul forever, that hunger, that darkness, that evil thirst on the banks of frozen rivers, who did not sacrifice. Betrayed those dear to the hungry land of leningrad, without honors, with their feet in one big fraternal trench, but having forgotten what crying means, we repeated through death and torment, you lost the war, executioner, as soon as you raised your hand to the city, a dream that seemed like a delusion of pride, so let the world today hear the roar of the russian salute, yes, it takes revenge, rejoices, breathes, victorious. Siege leningrad became an example of incredible courage and fortitude for the whole country. On may 1, 1945, in the order of the supreme commanderinchief, leningrad was named the first hero city. City name. The civil feat of the writer danil granin, thanks to which today, through the decades, we hear the voices of the people of the blockade. The future sometimes throws stones at the past, you should always be prepared for this, ready for what you prepare by collecting stones of truth about yourself and your time. Them and for himself, but thats how man is made, the field of truth, the whole truth for him, is ultimately more important, more expensive than dubious bliss, ignorance and lies. Why did we revive these longgone people, their ancient torment and pain . We answered this question to ourselves many times and still didnt know the answer, but we were convinced of one thing, this had to be done, all this it happened, and living people should know about it, every time i asked why you remained alive if you spent. Here throughout the blockade , it often turned out that those who were saved were those who saved others, stood in lines, got firewood, looked after, sacrificed a crust of bread, a piece of sugar, not always, but often, compassion and mercy, these are typical feelings of bliss. Life, of course, the rescuers died, but what amazed me was how their soul helped them not to dehumanize, how people who stayed in the city and did not take part in hostilities were able to remain human, you you know, there is such a sacred space when a person returns to compassion and spirituality, in the end it is not power, justice and truth that always triumph, and this is the miracle of victory, the love of life for a person. Dear friends, today is 80 years since the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, this is our great holiday, today we remember our outstanding ones. Who made a huge contribution to the liberation of leningrad from the siege. Marshal of victory georgy zhukov. Commander of the leningrad front colonel general. They had already served in the bundeswehr and nato for several years, such as general adolf heusinger, in 1941, it was he who developed the barbarossa plan, and in the sixties he already became chairman of the nato military committee. In 2022, the st. Petersburg city court recognized the blockade of leningrad by the occupation authorities, the troops of nazi germany and their accomplices as genocide. A memorial plaque was unveiled at the peskarevsky cemetery in st. Petersburg. Memory of the genocide of the population of leningrad and the heroism of its inhabitants. The blockade was declared a war crime and a crime against humanity. And this is another History Lesson for all those who today became the heirs of nazi criminals. Leningraders defended their hometown, did not waver, did not give up, did not bow their heads, and won. City above the free neva, city of our labor glory, listen to leningrad, i will sing for your soul. Listen to my song, leningrad, i will sing you for my soulful song, here , friends, my kamsomol youth passed, for the sake of mikra. From the song of the young schlieren snows next to me, the birthplace from the song of the young shliro songs next to me, with this impulse, wherever you meet. Met me, old friends, i recognize you, my restless youth, old friends, i recognize you, my restless youth, song. In the daytime, the city falls asleep with the road, in the parks and gardens, the linden trees are spreading wide, in good night, my dear city, in the parks and gardens, the climates are rustling good night. Dear dear friends, our memory, it conquers time, 80 years have passed since the day the blockade of leningrad was broken and the city was completely liberated. And we will always remember the immortal feat of its inhabitantsdefenders, those who survived and gave us life. Happy holiday, friends, happy day of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. With victory, unconquered city, with victory leningrad. Do not forget about the terrible years, when the neva water boiled, the earth was drowning in the fury of fire, and there was neither night nor day, we fought along the banks of the neva, enemy divisions were marching on the city. Our great soldier stood, but the immortal leningrad survived, let us bow to those great years, to that glorious commander and fighter, and marshal. Countries and nearby , lets bow to both the dead and the living, to all those who cannot be forgotten, lets bow, lets bow, friends, with the whole world, across the entire earth, lets bow for that great battle, we broke the ring outside of people, we flared with anger in their faces, the russian soldier summoned from the snow, laid, laid for the enemy regiments, that great death is over. My world turns blue into the sky above you, above our eternal mother neva, on the glorious soldiers head, let us bow to those great years, those glorious. Peace and fighter and marshals of the country and ranks, let us bow to both the dead and the living, to all those who must not be forgotten. Lets bow, bow, friends. The whole world, all the people, the whole earth. Let us bow for that great battle, the whole world, all the people, the whole earth, let us bow for that great battle. Take off your glasses, where did you come from . From singapore. Thank you. Mash, hello, ive arrived, listen , tell the girls, let them send them the documents by mail, ill look in the car for now, hello, hello, hello, no, no, this is an answering machine, most likely im at a lecture now, thats why. Do you have information, leave her after the beep, fight , hello, he squawked at us at work, the boss kicked me out of the business trip early, so im here, good afternoon, everything is fine, why didnt your husband meet you . Hello, no, no, this is an answering machine, most likely im at a lecture now, so if you have information, leave it after the beep. Its true, yes, i didnt believe it myself when the doctor told me, and its already the third month, honey, i, i m so happy, repeat it again, im so happy, my cat, i thought id never become a father, my angel , you are my angel . Milechka, come on, get ready, get ready, come on, dont forget your phone, yes, come on, come on, come on, this too, lets hurry up, get ready, get ready, come on, come on, come on. Lilya, go, go, go, you said that she would arrive tomorrow, but she arrived today, hurry up, why are you trembling so much, are you afraid of her or something, well, we love each other, lets not discuss this now, i please, ill call you, now you tell me everything, yes, ill tell you, ill tell you. Thats it, bye, light, ill explain everything to you now, well, explain, there are at least 20 of them, yes, of course, yeah, that means fifthyear student, it turns out that. That i dont see myself as a mother, especially with you, but you know, yes, you, you re just not capable of loving anyone, you know, youre generally just an empty, cold, stupid woman. What you said . A woman who doesnt want to have children, theres simply no point in her, shes a senseless dad, go to. Get out of my apartment, get out, great, great, you soulless icy bitch. Doctor, why is he silent, why is he silent, why is he silent, why is he silent. Pash, pash, we can reschedule our meeting to a couple of hours, no need to get yourself in order, you know, when i realized that i couldnt live without him, when i was lying in the dorm. She was sick with pneumonia, and he pressed me to me every day, gave me broth and gave me a cola, but you didnt love him, love, what is love, chemical dependence due to evolutionary processes, here is a person who is next to you day and night, friend, partner, borya gave me. A feeling of home, family, stability, so that borya would betray me, i was sure that sooner rather than later the sky would go to on earth, what could this be, you tell me, well, that s why, youre young, beautiful, you never wanted anyone to appear, well, its not only fulfilling a role. We agreed, daughter, how old is she already . 17 , whats wrong with the boarding school, excuse me for a second, 17, 17 years old, youre only 17 years old, and the child has practically no chance. He wont survive, i understand that this is a very difficult decision, but think about whether you can handle it, light, what happened, im fine, pasha, really, tomorrow ill be fine, right. So, today you are at home tomorrow, you need to rest for the weekend lets go out of town, ill rent a cottage. Pavel evgenevich, how should i understand this . Light, you and i are friends, until, until you want to change your status, i worry about you as a friend, if as friends, then i wouldnt mind hugging you from the tree on the weekend. Im really fine. Stop, we breathe for 30 seconds, why did you just take it and leave and you didnt stop him . What are you looking at, quickly calling, im calling, calling, window, window, girl, administrator, that svetlana viktorovna, judging by the examination data, you have extremely good health, and your heart is so young to envy, i think it was a normal attack of intercostal neuralgia or . How did the children react to the divorce . Do you have children . Thanks for the help. Can i help you with something . I would like to talk to the priest. Father is busy now, wait a little. please come in, thank you, i was 17 years old, i loved him very much, he promised that we would get married, and i was happy when i found out that i was expecting a child from him, but he got scared , said that you disappeared, and mom got sick, very sick, i knew she was dying when she got to the maternity home, boy he was born premature, with a heart threshold , they didnt even show him to me, he didnt breathe, they brought him into the intensive care unit, they told him to give up on him, not to get used to it, i then thought that both mother and son would not be taken out, i refused, i refused my child, i go into the intensive care unit, and there he lies, small hands, red, all covered in wires, i thought i could forget, but i didnt forget, i keep dreaming about him, we dream about him as an adult, so what did you come to ask for, my daughter, if its about the atonement of sin, then god has already forgiven you, young she was, unreasonable, she sees how you are toiling , you cant find peace for yourself, you can pray for him, i dont know what its called correctly, you cant, you cant pray for the peace of your soul. Light light pasha what are you doing here . I warned your secretary that i was taking a day off. Mil told me what happened at the fitness center. Why didnt you call me right away, thats why you didnt call, i knew that you would come rushing, this wont work, now were going upstairs to your place, collecting all your things and going out of town, were not going anywhere, in general im taking a vacation, for so long, and how much will you let go . May i know where . Can you, to my hometown, where, to my hometown, i need to resolve issues with an apartment with relatives, in general, nothing unusual, ill rest there, 2 weeks . I hope, i hope that you will die of boredom there without me, perhaps, perhaps, i will miss you, stay awake, at home and think, okay, i have to go, i want to leave early tomorrow, of course, bye, call me when you get there. How did this happen, who did it . Well, this is his exboss, the situation is like this im out of my mind, im already afraid stay with the elyuzhka, where was this era . Skleposovsky, look at rtr on monday. We gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us . Yes, when . My soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me. One bullet is still in me, this is. So my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this chicken to the drive and says baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only. Honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing , from monday to thursday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement copilot, flight. Into the unknown, kanwu island, they heard, they just reported, there was an earthquake, they are asking for help to evacuate the injured and the wounded, its really bad there, lava is coming soon, sasha, everyone on board, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, im going on one, the second engine is on fire, reduce the speed, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one. But i dont see the strip, i dont see the strip, follow the instruments, crew, on friday on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, its not difficult to understand them, its important, its honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, where. You cant find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, kids, this is the work of your hands, lets open it laptop, ill tell you a secret , there are resources on the internet about elections, i opened the site right away, its up to date, data on candidates, elections, places and dates, Voting Results of election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the tsikrf portal. Choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. Hi, hi, tell me, youre going on vacation with pavel, well, the whole office already knows us, that they know that youre having an affair with your boss, that youre going to go on vacation together, that hes already rented a cottage outside the city, well tell me how everything turned out for you, but nothing worked out, exchange a vacation with pavel for the renaissance of your memories, here are the keys to my apartment, look after it and dont forget to water the flowers, i rushed off. Hello mom, long time no see, 17 years have passed, but you know everything yourself, why you came back, do you know . If it were possible to turn back time, how much could be returned, they would learn to treat your illness, and my son would be next to me, forgive me, mom. Where are you going . Should i ask the director, do you have a relative here . No, but i need to ask, ask everyone, find out, and then i get reprimanded because of you, theres an internal phone number, call the reception, make an appointment, get permission. Then its possible, but the manager is not on vacation right now, she will be there the day after tomorrow , tell me what your name is, well, marya ivanna, and that i have svetlana, marya vana, i m here for a reason, i really really need to talk to someone. Who has been working here for a long time, with a midwife or a doctor . You know everyone here, this is anfisa vasilievna berezan, our midwife, shes been here for a long time its been working for 20 years already, but how can i find it . Well, today is her shift, they are on their lunch break, the cafeteria is there. Upstairs, thats where youll find her. Thank you. Mila, what are you doing here . Ugh, you scared me , well. hello, traitor to the motherland , how is it for you to live freely, but you came in to get your things, i thought it was light at work, thats it, she went to her small homeland, but there to heal her nerves and she looks like somehow not very good, something happened, but nothing. She pretends to be a victim, herself, herself with her boss, with pasha, you were such a bitch, so remains, but unlike you, i never pretended, so, maybe youll sit down, sit next to me . Friend, you say, yes, i remember this birth, the girl was giving birth, you cant give her 16 wounds, she had a hard time giving birth, there was an 8hour waterfree period. The little boy was immediately sent to the intensive care unit , asphyxia, they gave him oxygen , his heart stopped, but he was premature, our doctor, sava ignatievich, looked at the heart and said, hes not a survivor, he has a severe heart threshold, i then ran to the intensive care unit and asked how the little boy was doing then they tell me hes gone, hes dead, you, but it turned out, sava ignatievich, our Federal Center sent him, he agreed with someone, he had an operation there, so the boy survived, yes, who knows, they dont report this to us, this sava, hes working now here, but no, girl, he left about five years ago, the boss left, now, anfisa, you are coming, now, thank you, and they will tell their friend. To look for sava ignatvich. Hello, hello, are you from Social Security about the debt for gas, hello, one, light. Svetlana, you, me, tyudin, me, oh my god, svetochka, why are we standing here , come on in, come in, my girl, let me look at you, what a capital city you have become, you cant tell right away, how much you look like your mother, how similar you are, you ll be with us for a long time, but how will it work out, i have one thing to do here, oh, take off your clothes, sit down, tell me how you lived all this . All day, i ll come to you later, but were talking, i need to pick up the keys to the apartment now, i have things to do, oh, light, your cousin is in the apartment now, brother, senya, and what is he doing there . Lives with his family, excellent and for how long, yes, about a year and a half ago, oh, forgive me, well , then their third child was born, and there was not enough money. Ill rent, i offered them myself, well, just dont think that they took it like that, came in and lived, that is, when my mother was dying, none of the relatives helped, his father was his mothers brother, so he completely merged, oh, dont be angry you on. He was just a kid then, and his mother, irina, also died, about 7 years ago. Ill figure it out, and who are you going to . Who are you . Well, hello, sen, how are you living in my apartment . Sister, hello, brother, you know, im not for that i paid for your mothers apartment all this time so that you could live in it like this. Come on, wait, light, what are you talking about, we are family, and the fact that at the age of 17 i was going to the neighboring yards for my mothers funeral, your father didnt even show up for it, these are family, and now his son lives in his mothers apartment, how do you like this arrangement . So collect your coins senya, hurry up, well, youve changed . Sister, youve changed, you know, life will force you, dad, anya woke up , shes about to start yelling, dont be angry, little sister, you see how things dont work out, yes, father died , so sorry him already, aunt, and who are you, i am sveta, aunt, and you are our aunt, or just. Aunt, this is our aunt, yulka, your cousin aunt sveta, aunt sveta, and you will live with us, listen, and really, its light, if you want, we ll free up the next room for you, and masha and i are here, with the kids, well, until we come up with something, in cramped conditions, but no offense, well, light, light. Svetochka, come in, tyodin, can i put you up for the night, ill definitely find a hotel room tomorrow, but today its just too late, svetochka, what hotels, come in, come in, theres enough room, come on, its sunday, im a miner, my father is a miner, and we live in the city of shakhtersk. My wife saw 6 years on tv, she said i will marry felix tsarikati and give birth to his son, it so happened, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhovs evening show, on sunday on rtr, we watch, love is when we watch. In one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let s look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time, for two, three, sign lets look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. I still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, then this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of three points. This, by the way, is officially proven to be proper nutrition. How to properly deal with stress . You need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. The right drugs. For us , correct habits are like crutches, but shouldnt we slap a little kefir, and im not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism. This is some kind of parallel agenda, why dont you worry, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch. And this is your mom and i going to primorskoye to dance did you go on foot . Why walk . On a tractor, grishka the tractor driver was in love with your mother, but she laughed at him all the time, why . I didnt like his mustache, she said, it must be ticklish to kiss , oh, its like you, husband, children, no children, but my husband died or something, yes, Something Like that, we parted with him on bad terms, well. Under stress, my various ailments worsened, i decided to come to my hometown, away from problems, but the doctors advised me, but heres where to live now, okay, you dont have children anywhere if you make money, then so, but you will live with me, i still work all day long at a childrens hospital, but here you know, its just a stones throw from the sea, two stops from a pine forest, stay light, they persuaded tyudin, so they persuaded. Ill take these photos for myself, scan them as a keepsake, yeah, thats it, enough with the old ladys tongue, now we ll drink some more tea, oh, ill put you to bed in the back room. I wanted to move the chair so that this door wouldnt hit, oh, i think i tore off the back of the light, well, you also came up with the idea, its so heavy carry one . I need to call a doctor or find this massage therapist, an osteopath, an osteopath, a homeopath, but we dont have anyone, and as a replacement, i got sick, oh, i need to go to the hospital, oh, listen, light, go to semyon, let him come, let him come , hell give me a painkiller injection, he can, hes this one, oh, veterinarian, oh my god, tyo din, next time you may not get up at all under such loads, you need to lie down and lie down, but i cant lie down, what are you doing . Youll go instead of me to change the Sick Childrens linen and wash the floors, but no, i have nowhere to put my healthy ones, what am i, the light itself . You see, the situation is hopeless, you need help, well, i can take you to the hospital by car, i know how to solve this, cleaning company, why, well, this is our traumatology department, oh, well done, girls, well done, how much . You paid them, lets assume that this is a fee, girls, take a closer look, i myself often forget about this, well, upstairs we have an Infectious Diseases department with boxes, there is neurology, this is our therapeutic department, remember, i was here as a child, when i broke the keys here, nothing at all since then the only thing that has changed is that there were still drawings with hares that were so stupid, oh, i forgot to tell vera. That the girls will work instead of me tomorrow . Tell me everything, dont worry, dont worry, tata, she said everything, that they will work for me, while my back is jammed, why is she so small without parents . Its scary without my mother, theres no one to go see her, they brought her from the city yesterday, my mother left her at the bus stop, well, the floors are washed, the dust is wiped off, the linen is ironed, oh, thank you, sveta, i helped out, and you, lets settle down with. We have a sisters birthday here, there will be a banquet, yes, i need to work, they sent me documents from the office, but ill pick you up, but im disabled, or something, ill take the bus. And you, lets rest, relax, yeah, great , just wonderful, and the phone, well, why put the phone in, its for weaklings, yeah, oh, mr. Policeman, i just need you, what happened, look, he knows how to lock me, number i didnt leave my phone, call a tow truck, i dont have time, its. Now the owner, now in an hour, im in a hurry, call tow truck, and youre not local , well, what does local mean, not local, the rules are the same for everyone, forgive me for gods sake, excuse me, i thought for a second, i was spinning there myself , hello, i was thinking, how is it, little one, better, stable condition , thank you, but we have complete nepotism, if a person is in a hurry , lets say, you know, he got scared and doesnt open you, funny, oh, he opened, excuse me, so, Yuri Mikhailovich was probably in a hurry to urgently call to the hospital, youre the immediate one, fine, kinder you need to be kinder. Hello, you are light, come to us, i have today is your birthday, dad is such a delicious thin sponge, its true i dont have a gift for you, lets go, but nothing, tomorrow you will buy a living book, what is it, a living book, this is the kind of book when you open it with all sorts of figures. Houses, trees, animals, knights appear from cardboard and paper, there will be a living book for you, hello, oh light, you are on time , come to us, well, semyon, you surprise me, before i couldnt cook scrambled eggs, but now, well, dad maybe meet my wife, masha, its very nice, congratulations, thank you, and sina he told me a lot about you, but you see a couple

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