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Up pay and go ahead and call them and companies to make concessions and let it go. She ation process the good side of your company today. Busy the late this global news roundup. Im the and this is all the international. So one of the top different about has met with the russian and for masses grade level than most go to discuss the further development of the neighboring countries. Already typed by that full size, a machine. Yes. To assist you guys. I would like to know the importance of russian chinese cooperation for ensuring justice and World Affairs for ensuring a balance of interest. Some of those processes that are developing and very different directions. Recently we have very successfully coordinated our actions with other countries of the global south and achieved positive results of the east asia summit in jakarta, at the group of 20 summit in new delhi. And of course, within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization. Because you dont want to you both china and russia are committed to their independent form policies. Our cooperation is not directed against anyone. And its not subject to interference from the outside. At the same time, china and russia as leading world powers and permanent members of the un security council, very special responsibility for maintaining global strategic stability and progress in the world. Is a surgery lever of that, you know, global heavy weight of diplomacy has no discount, divide one eats and theres plenty to discuss. And both man address the several issues, a sort of a lover of most notably, suggesting that that they meet in difficult times challenging times. And that makes the importance of that meeting and this meeting that taking place here at all the more central to both of these huge regional powers, china with a vast manufacturing economy, the biggest on earth and russia. Of course, what is vast Energy Reserves on these 2 partners . No, just accelerating and tightening friendship. Becoming the central focus for both the countries in a geostrategic way. Both men outlining at their wishes and desire to develop the infrastructure that ties the education. Of course, youve got the, the obvious, a recent meeting and visit to russia, whether north 3 in premier as well. Im sure that was discussed, although it wasnt mentioned. So both china and russia, of course, a boat, the subject of a lot of scrutiny from the west. The rush of course, uh because of the conflict and ukraine facing vast sanctions which it seems to be doing fairly well under. But of course, the pivot east china is that the central partner for china lake was china coming under significant pressure over taiwan as well. So plenty for the 2 meant to disclose. But the mood was one of friendship. The one he referring to, sir, gala over all of us, his friend himself, a veteran, a diplomat, and chinese put political official if you like. And so gala rob also responding saying that this relationship, which the 2 leaders had led the way with this warmth on this increasing accelerating friendship that they wanted to emulate them. I suppose these meetings, i liked the one that took place here behind me this evening. And today are all about flashing this out and putting meet on the bones of these at bigger statements from the to prime years. So i dont know some under the german im boss of of, of question. You know the latest statement by jimmys 4 minutes a cool try as present she using thing and dictate that. Jeremys, on the bat of balkan made a comment during a trip to the United States basing has cooled. Her was a blade to the political pro vocation. He thought to meet china is extremely dissatisfied with the relevant remarks made by the jam inside. Inside the opposes them. They are extremely upset and are serious infringement of chinas political dignity on an open, political pray. Vacation china has made its solemn concerns known to the german side, 3 diplomatic channels, a stand ups and some of the statement which has made waves beyond both countries involved was spoken during a tele vice in the view in the context of the current conference. Heres what jeremys talk to him. I actually said we will support you crying as long as it takes if putting a were to in this more. What side would that be for . Are they dictators in the world like she like the chinese president . Yeah, my colleague, you know, neil spoke with the chairman of the general Position Group for solvency and constitution. Ralph t name their position said bab should resign because a raw the on the problem. I think language could seriously affect future relations with key economic part and that china, no one could see her as the top comedian of the country. If it was not that serious. C one said in the European Parliament that we are at war with russia. This was sounding like, delivering a declaration of war. I mean, as a minister you cannot say these things. And she also said that mister putin had to turn by 3. And thats 60 degrees. Well, you could think that she could dance in the ball. So i said, doing pair reads like that. And lately she said this was a very long yeah. 516 days. Obviously she was referring to the ongoing operations. But this was a fun minutes that she should have every but been profited and be careful. And what shes saying now to outrage the chinese who are also our pop as many ways this is simply impossible and i would call in for her immediate resignation. But if you consider that we have seen a decline of 39 percent of export to the United States of america. That was our traditionally strongest economic partner and an increased by about 40 percent of exports from germany to the peoples republic of china. Then you see that here already the balances, the economics balances have shifted dramatically and that is probably the new belt or that, that we are looking at. We all go a bit more eastward. But of course not when we deliver arms and weapons into conflicts that we use words to describe it our practice to nationally, that should not have. This is a, a Coalition Government we have in germany and that it, and its for a bulk is from the greens and i would submit that the greens have never really been in the position before of, of such global at leadership. And so in that way youve got this person use the same comments, perhaps on not having to box it up. Now shes the most important diplomats in, in the country. Is there an issue where she just doesnt know what she said . Yeah. Be have that feeling a lot, but then again, one should not be a minister in the government and no government. And also in germany we, we show top quality standups for our patients. But unfortunately, and you are right, that is it. And didnt say that not the best of being selected for government positions in germany right now. Its been a new weekend in the past with 550 yet. Most of it is killed in new clarity and selling in donors of the tax of continue this monday with keys. 4th is targeting the republican administrative building. Massive amounts of the beams of rising earlier on the subject. No casualties were reported. In fact, in fact, but officials have revolted, a fallacy in another area of the pop is comfortable following renewed input and strikes made a lot mean key. Theres been a wave of high level dismissals among you creating a move to leaks allows by the nations parliament, the cabinet, the secretary of 6 deputy defies that is including im a mile the how old the let go. Early i miss my the found her so embroiled the scandal jew to the circulation of a state message imposing that you could in forces have taken control over a Strategic Point in the, in the dentists republic. The statement was then tablet as by her, a fence on the ground, the dismissal for alex eve resnick, of being forced to leave his position as defense, minutes of june to a Corruption Scandal less than 2 weeks ago. This is kayla. Sorry. Hes having a tough time keeping things together unto is full of has continued to struggle to make headway on the front lines all these that seeing if i was wondering what are the guys who have, who is in the field for us expense on this a concealed howitzer stands alone in the woods. The stuff be trained on roads and pods that you paid in full. It does have new choice, but to use waco, waco. Yeah, im like, oh, this is a more were ready to start. This is by call. Were watching one shopping reading. The students one round and coming fresh target has come in. In this case, anatomy, ukrainian boss, of course, would personnel carrier but as being spot of roaming through the flesh. And the came in the, perhaps a troop rotation or perhaps the munition to fluid positions. At any rate. Its on the far of these drone footage shows the auburn personnel carrier for soldiers are seen walking away from it. The abc speeds away, the driver knows whats coming. As the soldiers walk through the woods, shells haul already flying in an explosion meters away. In the off them off, the 2 soldiers are seen running away. Oh dear. These is the 220 Regiment Artillery Battalion Veterans of these particular theater concern. When i been out since ive been here since the 26th of february 2020 to the beginning. The most important thing is the feelings of this isnt for nothing, but as soon as you feel that our work will lead to victory. Whatever happens in the episode of the suite, these same battery achieved a direct heat on the waiting time, the tags, the lives of 152 millimeters show impact. So that isnt all of the gradients have to watch out for the stadium positions. See this closer to the ground that the deep uh, into the woods, the 228. 00 more tags hide on the cover. The a lease is a much more dangerous area, closer to the front, for the teams of pride and target. High danger, high stress usually is do you regret coming here and goes is known as the opposite. I am proud to be here with my soldiers. Not those that are in. Yeah. Those are the soldiers on the other side too. What would you say to them . Cuz i tell all this cuz that uh well what can i say they should lay down their arms, put their hands up in surrender, to go back to their families, wives and children, and live in peace. But until then, new quota says poolside tourist the come in i a front has proved challenging for you. Great and rushes. Tillery here, reeves a terrible to on ukrainian troops, and with the wind coming soon. But treat cover still remains will be gone. For i guess the of odds, the from the guns a recent nathan statement saying that keys requests a weapon race of policy is the both actual capacity this puts is in q and a power, an immediate reaction. The chair of inquiries, national security, and the defense counsel submitted an article outlining how to win the conflict and one essential goal. Its a positive just asians as a few along with them. If its simple, given the electrical political cycle from the possible changing environment in europe in the us, in terms of preserving the stability of the partnership. I move to income, military assistance to ukraine and long term cycles. And legislation is considered a visionary step to continue to suffice all the legal aid, kia, soul sizable opposition over the weekend in europe, including prob, west files of gathered on saturday. The voice, the discontent with the check government. Accusing of carrying more about the situation that you claim that is people with disabilities wave banners include on the leadership of buying and it support bookkeeping, said hudson fate. Im checks into the human. Were just wasting our lives in the money in our buckets. This war must end as soon as possible because the only way forward for europe is peace. The way acts as though it cannot done like the way theyre treating check citizens and the lack of attention to this check republic. They can give a priority because they provide the interest of all the powers, like brussels and ukraine above full and especially america. I disagree with the way the government is dragging us into the will. Settle settles. They should stop supporting ukraine and start carrying about their own people. Not only is our government falling further in debt, but its also guaranteeing ukraines which is nearly 20000000000. 00. And a few crane fails to pay the burden and will rest on the track to tax pare down to the north african nation of libya, the mass residence in the flood robbies pool. Since youve done that has been pulled, the media set on the fly by protests is outraged by the Associates Response to the prices space video. So crazy on the social media and so forth of the shows the mans house on fire. A large part of the flooding it could win to dimes collapse and made torrential rain demonstrators of kids. The abilities of not doing enough to secure those facilities. And that thing in adequate moses for that and look at best with a devastating foot and could last week in the north african country and made a hurricane like storm in the mediterranean. The u. N. Is put to the death toll of 94000 other people say it is much higher. More than 11000. A number of countries including russia have sent a country. Lets suppose the libyan national. All the reiterated that locals all blame in the current government for the chaos and destruction. The old political circles, and all those who make themselves out to be politicians in all parts of the country have fallen in the face of this catastrophe. As soon as it happens, and people learned of the number of casualties, the entirety of libya rallied and old political barriers were overcome. Our military units arrived at the epicenter of the disaster a few days ago. Some politicians are now trying to weaken the media and public criticism in their direction and take advantage of the situation. Libyans continued to be vocal in their criticism. They criticized the government in tripoli. They criticize the politicians and the policies that were implemented in the country and led to its destruction. Some countries want it to save individual politicians and center journalists whom we received and who went to deer now. But they broadcast the opinions of analysts and ministers in an attempt to reduce the pressure from society on certain individuals. The. Its jose us faces a deepening labor crisis. I mean, proven it strikes against some of the nations top companies, thousands of employees. Thats 3 of the country, the biggest, all of them, i guess, have been on strike with union reps saying those companies of an increase in profits of the expense of workers wages the membership is fed up with fed up with fully behind of this compound. It has made a quartz of a trillion dollars in the last 10 years. 21000000000. 00 in the last 6 months alone. And now work as wages and conditions have went back. Whats the United Auto Workers, the u. A w. One of the stronger unions in American History has made a large amount of concessions over the past few years. And now they want to re gain last rounds. They want higher wages for their workers, they want better benefits. They say the automakers are making record profits and its now time for them to get their fair share. And this is actually the 1st time in the 88 years. So the history of this union that all 3 of the major automakers in michigan. Ready big 3 auto manufacturer. Ready United States are on strike, then the strike is rolling ahead despite and by new ministration, saying that they want to improve things. They want to bring a resolution at this point. Its important to know that when the clock was ticking, we had the buying administration saying that they were trying to find a resolution. But now as the strike rolls on ahead. 1 we have by who has boasted of being the most pro labor president and saying that hes pro union. He supports organized labor. Now we have the by the administration and the president himself making some excuses. Please stay at the table as long as you can to try. So well work this out and theyve been around the clock and the companies have made some significant offers. But i believe it should go further to ensure a record corporate profits mean record contracts of fighting doesnt seem to be making any progress by bringing the 2 sides together. That doesnt seem to be the case as we watch things on both. We have a situation where the United Auto Workers is simply unwilling to accept the wage increase that still lantus is offering. Meanwhile, ford is rolling out of a random of production there. They are rolling out all kinds of electric vehicles. And now the u. A. W is saying that they want an increase in pay for this increase in work that ford doesnt seem to be willing to offer that and meet the demands of the u a. W employees. They are telling outlets they would lose. 2 significant amount of profits and that wouldnt be worth the cost. Now. The president of the United Auto Workers union and says. Busy auto workers are expecting that biden to offer them more than words. Oh inducements i going to be. And weve been very clear about that. No matter what position we expect, actions not whats. Whats interesting is we see to stated goals of dividing administration, combat inclined to change and championing the rides of organized labor, classing ahead to head in the state of michigan. The installation reduction act of the by the administration lose all kinds of subsidies for the manufacturing of electric car. So theres all kinds of subsidies for changing the roads or in doing any other kinds of tax incentives or corporations. Biden seems to want electric cars on the road. However, as there is now a ramping up of production to make those electric bars to buy the ministration, caesar, the automakers dont seem to want to pay the wages and benefits the auto workers will be expecting for this increase in production. And at the same time, oil prices are rising, and we now have the 5th Credit Rating of the United States being down. Great. Many are looking at this spans of this strike where the big 3 auto makers in michigan are on strike. Auto workers are on the picket line. Many of. Busy thing that this is yet another confirmation that by the nomics has failed and i saw him a member of the United Auto Workers union and tom mission left. He says joe biden has made some bold statements like cooling. So the most pro, you the president in us history as a country faces, am i to labor crisis . Of course, the present mean id say it doesnt bode well for them. That there is a strike the let alone from an organization that has been something up and allies. So i would imagine that hes in a very uncomfortable position right now. Having to weigh the interest of the auto makers on the one hand versus the Union Workers that hes claim to be the champion of. He said that he was going to be the most pro Union President and us history, which was a pretty tremendous claim for some of them like him to make a although he did say 2 weeks ago that there were quote, there will be no, you a w strikes um i think now is an opportunity for him to put his money where his mouth is sort of speed because a, a group thing he has that the Democratic Party has relied on for support for a very long time is now on stripe, given the issues of gasoline prices, food prizes, everything being more expensive, the value of our dollar being diminished. So yeah, these are the bread and butter issues that matter to everybody in the country really. But in particular, to the people in the or it will be you who are striking for them. Its been 41 years since 11 needs and militia with is ready. So for massive, thousands of policy is in the refugee compound, in lebanon. On this grim anniversary, eros top different right has reminded the world of those atrocities as the savage massacre at the sovereign should. Teela camps is just one example of the acts committed by the organized turing machine of the criminal is rarely regime against palestinian citizens, including innocent children, women and men. These crimes have been continuing for decades with europe and us support for zion. This occupiers, the sovereign should till a massacre will always remain as a shameful blot on the face of supporters of design this regime and false advocates of human rights, especially the us and u. K. Is already so it is, i believe. So last class im conduct to the of the efforts to facilitate the flow of the product senior refugees in the sub. But im sitting here, this fixed in bay with the kidding with, which includes the entire families all said that theyve been perpetrated by the so called for latins militia of Christian Lebanese soldiers. We heard from a postings to by a sense, but at the end of minds that off the master could begin this cold weapons so that people didnt wake up and know what was happening. They didnt start shooting. They started slow tring in. So i samuel is when i laces in race from civil records, israel was prepared with everson needed for the massacring collision ball dozers. Everything was ready and slayers were knotted from time to time to lie top account. People came to realize it was ease well doing that, but people felt it was the usual escalation and didnt the cab to anyone that there was a massacre. A delegation came out to tell them they were safe men, women, and children. There were no fed in and then a delegation of women left, but they didnt return it late. It became clear that they hadnt been slow toward the massacre continued. There was only one general is to because they were prevents in the process or in one from entering the camp. They also prevented anyone from live in as every person who was trying to leave would be returned by these rileys, who would make them believe that there was no need to leave the camp. There was a jump in his journalist name sherry tyler who was able to answer become he entered the camp on so i charge, crying he communicated with him by pointing to ask him why he was crying, and he replied to them that there were slow trend. The people, the journalist entered the house and found a man and his wife had their place of prayer and their breakfast slaughtered, they bloss on top of the foods on their prey and rug. Southern use began to spread the news row with a testimony of one of the frontiers, who said that there was a number of these really all me who was the uniform of the for launch and participated in the masika. When the news began to spread, they begin to one, the largest number possible, the storm doctor hospital and gas the hospital, and also stormed a shelter at the beginning of entering the camp. They slaughtered, everyone raped in, this is and killed them. These were bone chilling scenes that arent difficult for the best thing to even imagine. The news began to spread more more the pressure was put in these realtors stopped the massacre. So they called the people and told them to go out to the main street. The round about between stop ranch until the people gathered until that moment they were aware that israel was behind this and the women came out to raising their hands a wide flat. While women we dont have part is when they sold the badger san. How not space launch the collapsed. They realized that it was a massacre. This is where the massacre begins. They didnt have mess. Yeah. And then one, not even pregnant woman, because of hands took out eyes, household representative organs. They committed all those but very cox and came for the young people. They asked the used to meet at the Sports Facility when they gathered his real head for pad the picture. They buried the youth in life. And all of that, while the world did not move, and the lord did not take its course to prosecute the criminals. In this case the here re sick massacre to these day the smells of blood are still spreading through the allies. We come in this one way up the mask. So face this slide is wells main ally, the us having promised security guarantees of the past in your refugees interest alone. So you and condemn the trustees of genocide and implicated as well, but no soldier or official from either is when old level has been punished. A headset and my dad until now the law has not taken its course and is there justification . Is that the one who perpetrated the massacre ariel sharon died . We hold is responsible in the name of this room. Would you mind at ease will be tried for the crimes committed against our people . And we will not forget the mass of girls dollars that dot ga dot basha, not by tier solve be a and they got the near slow to house. I wrote it down in the book so that it would not be for godson. The history and sacrifice of all people. I lost. My family was nonsense. My mothers father 5 brothers, 3 sisters, my uncles and my son, i have counted 54 deceased from the south branch of de la muskrats. I have the right to request a trial of everyone who committed a crime against old people. The same hand is the one the plan of care without the medicine salvation feel that all people are still carrying their wounds in dreams of returning home. The least try to the matches is that every year i love the candles and the unknown soldier and make it hard child to send and say to them, you are in my house. We have not forgotten. You may god have mercy on all the matches. When were well, but so for this thing is out as always, is going to have your company here on auntie. Im, im on the list. If somebody ellipses with the movies, the previous looked like some numbers

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