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The 11 am here in most go. This is all to international, always good to have to company. Lets see whats happening around the world and shop top story. This is a breaking, develop one on the heels of up to a expelling a top engine to promote new daddy has retaliated in kind, altering out a Senior Canadian official, the high commissioner of canada to india, with someone today and informed about the decision of the government of india to expel a Senior Canadian diplomat based in india. The concern diplomat has been asked to leave india within the next 5 days. The decision reflects the government of india is growing concerned that the interference of canadian diplomats in our internal matters and their involvement in anti india activities. While the tit for tat response comes off to adjusting to the accused in your having a hand indicating of a permanent sic toledo on canadian soil. All seasons and sharma takes us through. But twist sometimes to canada has accuse the Indian Government of involvement in keeping the canadian c separate to see the deep signature. Over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents. So the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen har dave sing, major canada to come on, go to bed or call us sony separatism is basically the see community see group there. Austin, for demanding for testing, for uniform jobs to be a separate stage. Basically asking for a c homeland cause carlos on the issues somewhat dead in india. But its been kept to live in the policy because of canada, simply because the community is a major, works back for them. No need. You are basically all hes wanted in india and he was gone down in canada on 18th of june to those seeing that these countries, National Security officials have reasons to believe that indian agents of war behind the killing of hardy, in new jersey, india has rejected these allegations such unsubstantiated allegations, sick to ship the focus from callous dining terrorist and extreme is have been provided shelter in canada and continued to threaten india sovereignty entered tauriel integrity. The inaction of the canadian government on this matter has been a long standing and continuing concern. So the canadian government is making allegations of Indian Government being involved in the keeping of those the separatists veto, had these things, the driver and the Indian Government, rubbishing all those obligations, very, very shop lee and calling them apps. So the government thats recently hosted or successful g 20 summit in new dennis. Remember even during that summit dot minnes. Nothings more the have call. No it just seemed to though he gave him a scolding over the extreme as edelmans without moving on his sword. Having a direct impact on india. Now these so called peaceful protests and canada are all formerly sectioning the toilet leadership of india. In fact, they are assassination sweats. Also be made by the soon taken by canada is going to have a very, very good thing impact on the biological ties between the 2 nations. Needless to say that the relationship between the 2 countries is going to be framed, photo wise, but many would say that it is canada last name. Yes. For me. Indian tip. On old 59. 00, it says that the canadian Prime Minister is supporting terrorist groups in order to gain local sympathy. Pam, this is too high, as it is government, people from the those kind of groups and supporters and the facts of loss on the sick community. There, and therefore he thinks that front of somebody supporting the 3rd groups. You might get this in the woods. I think that this is a very misplaced priority in the spot because it is going to eventually, but on the canada as well being by itself titled is dont belong to any. But i didnt choose a shunt on india that to look this fellow who was a tentative eastern or anything in the, in im dealing with the towering sort themselves dealing with them. They are trying to pass on the blame to endeavor to is absolutely unfounded and baseless, and has been dejected as absurd by the Indian Government. Also, at the same time, they have not provided any evidence that a little room to potentially and there. But the thing is a chevy, and there is no proud to stand on a spot as they have concern. And so they have expend one of the diplomats, which is the count as you know, the diplomacy is that i suppose city. Therefore, india has been constrained to also expand their diploma and distribution is that in my view, the relationship has gone down significantly as its unlikely to redeem itself unless the canadian government generally addresses the issue of federalism separatism. And ex Service Somebody gets to ukraine is taking its case to court against poland, suboxone and hungry. The legal action kicked off of the World Trade Organization up to the 3 in the states, refused to lift the bond on ukrainian grain exports according to punish me to the trio was apparently abandoning an you project the promoted kits green on the paper market. The poland hundreds to the back here, withdrawing from the platform due to procedural caution and the fact that ukraine could use the information provide on the called mission platform. I guess these 3 countries and its pre double to your proceedings. Ukraine in poland are starting to sound like a couple whose marriage is on the rocks, and have consulted divorce lawyers with poland being told to avoid any contract that could possibly be used against it and legal proceedings. What happens with these 2 lovebirds . It seems like just yesterday, poland was bullying western European Countries like germany and france to cough up gifts of weapons for its girlfriends libraries. Zalinski now its taking self preservation measures along with its neighbors hungry. And so that key against what sounds like a really toxic partner. One who keeps making demands even when you say no in defense of your own interest. Doing whats right for yourself, isnt that what everyones told to do in relationships . Well, what happened is that these countries bordering ukraine insisted that ukrainian gray and the band from import into their countries for fear that otherwise it would just end up stuck there and competing with their own farmers gray and driving its value down and not even a month before the next polish National Election on october 15th, so really bad timing if that were to happen. So instead of trying to see the solution from these countries perspective, have blue gasket and has now just sued all 3 of them through the World Trade Organization. It is important to prove that these actions are legally wrong, and thats why we will start legal proceedings. The systemic approach of budapest and warsaw of ignoring the position of the institutions and trade policy. I think will be a problem for the you in general. Because there was no unity, there is actually like a guy who just cant understand why brussels is with these countries. Well, because theyre in a binding committee relationship. Do your side piece hoping for a ring and use think toxic tactics to manipulate them into getting whatever you want the gloves have really come off now though, calling team unity, im united and reading the main theme of cleaners. So as virtue signaling, its almost like, uh, you gotta let these guys push you around kind of messes to brussels. Will the answer is probably, i mean, yeah, theyve all been loving, zalinski pushed them around for the last year and a half or so. So its kind of their kink, theyre probably going to keep doing it by the way, kia is taking even more of a turn into psycho ex territory by threatening that unless these unilateral bands are lifted by these 3 countries, then its going to go after polish apples and onions and hum, gary and cars all with retaliatory restrictions, by the way, why does almost every bad breakup involved . Targeting cars, destroying them, smashing them, keeping them restrict, seeking them in this case, doesnt matter if its personal or geo political, it always involves handing the cards anyway, this way, as drama. Set off when the post Prime Minister last friday said the process decision to drop the cranium. Great in for a fan. The therapy and Commission Imposed on behalf of the 3 countries plus armenia and bulgaria was not going to work for poland. We will extend the band on ukrainian grade imports, and we will not listen to berlin vander, line task or web, or because it is in the best interests of polish farmers to do so. Poland will continue the prohibition, and the embargo will be maintained. We will not let ukrainian grain undermine the polish village. So colon defied queen ursula there. And so far it seems like no one, not even her really wants to get involved in the crossfire as poland. And you frame are tossing plates and lamp shade at each other. So really just another day for team unit east by club. It comes as the bulk area, a country that has opened up silos to creating an export is now in a bit of a job. Hundreds of farmers have rolled onto the streets and protests, blocking roads with tractors on demanding that the restrictions be immediately reinstated. We have from some of those at that very demonstration. The most of the we cant operate like this because were operating the low cost and were doomed to fail protesters about saving bulgarian agriculture. Many problems have accumulated over the years, especially at the moment with the conflict in ukraine. Were witnessing prices plummets for agriculture products of all kinds at the moment. Recreating goods are coming in at non market prices of political and military costs because everything is being done to help you crane. They just haul notice loops, we have produced a crop at the last and now we have to plot the new one which will also predict will be a loss like loss. Can anyone to produce and lose, you could produce a product at a much lower price because it does not comply with european requirements, and they pay lower rents for the lands they cultivate and now to its nowhere and people pay for 100. 00 microns arrived on the atanya and island overland producer. Joe stopped at the departure of the atanya and p. M. On the head of the european commission, they visited the landing spot to witness the crisis. Fox hunt. Number 2, that has a long to be in the fast for the full. So those setting sail from africa and the way to europe was 8000 miles when some rising and just the last few days, locals are actually now minority. The population of to 6000 people were both said that this influx of refugees that are plants are more than a 100 shares as well. The 400. 00 bad migraine and shelter as low locals whole to traffic towards the town who protesting against room was that a new shelter maybe set off from the island, the islands, deputy, may i give a sense of what the sentiment on the street is not we cant take it anymore, were tired. We cant go on like this. We no longer want reception centers, we no longer want migrants. This message must reach both the a tally and government and europe. The people of one producer are tired and angry. Enough enough from today. We dont want any more migrants. Theres nothing more to add. Were tired of welcoming people, migrants, headaches, it is the number of the local population. It is shameful. Were a small island. We cannot let in 200000 immigrants every year. Europe has a band and this, the Italian Government doesnt care about us. We dont have hospitals, we dont have the structures to welcome every way. We want a freelance producer. We want to live some tourism in pushing these european governments are hurting us. We are really tired and exhausted. This is a failing government. They are incapable not to do so. Once freedom nonsense. We ought to be able to work freely and live from tourism. We cannot welcome 200000 immigrants every year. The visits of wonderland and georgia maloney. I didnt expect anything at all from that. I just hope that wonderland realizes how we live on the great emergency situations that exist on the small island. We have look and theyre all, its to say that we are tied as welcoming, but we are not locked into sheets because in that case, there are people who need to be faxed as well for life, but someone must have fox, they must not abandon us. Lets go on less than come and take to as mollys to nursey from across the sea in libya, states that as part of escalate in africa, the migration crisis will watson on the west. Best significant responsibility. The impulse, i waste phenomenon of the regular migration that emanates from the north african shores towards the coast. Severe of proceeded by desert crossing rid, its undoubtedly exerts of pressure on the north african countries to serve as a barrier against migrants. The previous regime and libya served as a guarantor of Border Security and external control over the entire coastal strip of libya. At that time, the libyan state remained unified and untouched by conflicts with the libyan armies stationed along all borders, insuring the states of stability and control. However, the situation changed after the winds of change and blues to the west, which took on various forms of change. In libya, there was a military intervention aimed at settling scores between western countries and the good off your machine. After libya was left to face its destiny of chaos. When it comes to discussing the issue of illegal immigration after the fall of the regime of 2011 things became more complicated and the numbers increased significantly. Instances of drowning and the sea also escalated because Human Trafficking gangs do not care about the safety of the migrants. They cram into ranking cheapo just need their solely motivated by profit. Whenever problems increase and libya and political stability dwindles the problem of worse and escalade, as evidenced by the increasing number of migrants in recent times. Therefore, this prediction holds true. The more instability there is, the greater the number of migrants heading towards european shores. There must be a serious effort to address this issue, the president of sara, near and has accused us of fixing to into fit in the west african nations elections. When the elections were at the height of coal and the results, this is one of the problems started the Election Commission of sierra leone and had done all their calculations. Galatians, all the processes was now requested to stop them from calling the resolved by the United States. So dont know whos accusing who of interference. I declined and i said, i have never called this institution. Im not going to call them now. Julia smiled to be a suggest the u. S. One to the 2nd round of elections because it was clear that she was going to win despite the statements here says that free town still has a great relationship with washington and looks forward to maintaining it manual upbeat. Father, we have some abdul for tomorrow, executive director of the campaign for human rights and Development International and lawyers. These latest claims he does worry about sierra units democracy being on to mind. This is the link. It shows something. So the by at least yeah. True. Then these are very serious allegations and theyre very serious check to us democracy if the democracy that the latest its done to promote and protect it comes to the outcome of the sort in the election. Its comes with a very deep mix feeling because the chorus, the region on the body and the africa union of the continent to base in organization and see only is it the outcome of the elections as a free see a credit move of course as well. But the least remains with a should i, the states having problem with the transfer is the part of the type of mission of the result. And also the, the union russia has a know that its set to withdrawal from the virus hero optic council. And Organization Established 3 decades ago with the aim of nations in the region. Avoiding cold war era minutes retentions. Due to the fault of the western members of the council, denmark, iceland, norway, finland, sweden, and the e. U. Is activities have been virtually paralyzed since march 2020 to the finished presidency, did not confirm its readiness to transfer leadership of the b a. C, to russia in october 2023 in violation of the principle of rotation disrupting the necessary preparatory measures. Also known as to be a c h, a group consists of russia, segment, sweden and norway. However, according to moscow, the walk of the bodies being disrupted since the start of the ukraine conflict with the counsels weston partners of refusing to pass for the hand of opening rotating presidency to russia. Lets bring in now law is he on this became chief editor items election news he on his welcome to the program. Good to see you. Im, i want to ask you just 1st off what say you believe that most goes decision to leave the council is justified. Who said, cooperation be so at any cost . No what i, what do we see that the, these western countries like finland and others, they left these bodies year ago over a year ago, i was participating in the arctic college. So saw me in more months last year and i was the only finished person in place. There was absolutely full blockade from the western side to so i think that we should see this in the right perspective of russia made its conclusions from the western parties. They disappeared from the tables. Whats interesting about that you mentioned to pos and experience, and this blockade of western media does not suggest even this move about not preparing to hand over the rotating presidency. Some lights say its light and childish. This is suggests that the west lacks diplomatic capabilities in the current context of the absolutely, this is the shows that the regional interests are not secured and watched at all. What i see that the most on fortunes here is that these Indigenous People who have these borderless regions of their culture and harry beach of the west is building walls, do the region where they absolutely dont be long. The arctic region is a very digit for the world, not the playground for the western interest. Absolutely. I mean, the optic region is obviously very strategic pay important. Its also very re so rich and the number of people that ive spoken to him program over the last year. Youre in the hall, always talk about how the west and interest in that area might exactly be linked to the resources. But could you just kind of talk us through, what is it that says the state of the north . Why is it become such a focal point for so many players . This is what i see that there is a military strategy. Call it a point of us where we know that the northern fleet, in the more must region, the protection of the, of that border line. These gibson opportunity for the, the west faults, canada and usa to punch military pressure against russia. Thats why i thing that the of, its not only what these inside of the, in that region, but also a ball, the, the, the airspace and the, the what their ways they are very interesting for the, with wants to, to get russia week. And its, so its a life i see the this is a g o strategy call a flash point. And im a very afraid of these plans what they are now bringing off the field. And again, its more must region is basically all for your optic council. Like i mentioned, it was found at the end of the cold, who on basic team, the goal was to sort of prevent those tensions. Of those, his results, the thing does it suggests what kind of retarding to that or on the other hand, are we seeing basically just to kind of crumbling, of old structures that weve relied on for a long time and in the face coming new structures. And it kind of knew well for most of the systems watching together with different players to the whole serving or what the nature is doing now in greenland. And after to cool bulk, van helsing get, i see that the they are trying just rich raw should do is lead me to defend the contract. Its country and its region 19. Just putting all the nato air forces to do right to the next to the more mask and other of it for those russian interest. I think i see that there is a bar, although they want districts rush. Im really sorry, lake as dread that you probably do the breaking point. Well think pressure on arctic region. Well, its really interesting to get your specs, especially i dont actually know that youve seen that and would want. So you want us to help spot some experience that was the youngest, the current chief upset mc. Let st news. Speaking to us from the gods committee, things like as long as the ssl will kick off the job site, thats what thousands of employees have done. That 3 of the biggest ultimate cause in America Union reps claim those companies have been reaping process of the box of the 9. 00 to 5. 00 blue collar walk falls for the membership is fed up with fed up with folded behind. These companies has made the quotes of a trillion dollars in the last 10 years. 21000000000. 00 in the last 6 months alone. And now work as wages and conditions have went back. Whats the United Auto Workers, the u. A w. One of the stronger unions in American History has made a large amount of concessions over the past few years. And now they want to re gain last rounds. They want higher wages for their workers, they want better benefits. They say the automakers are making record profits and its now time for them to get their fair share. And this is actually the 1st time in the 88 year. So the history of this union that all 3 of the major automakers in michigan. Ready big 3 auto manufacturers, United States are on strike, then the strike is rolling ahead despite and buying the ministration, saying that they want to improve things. They want to bring a resolution at this point. Its important to know that when the clock was ticking, we had the buying administration saying that they were trying to find a resolution. But now as the strike rolls on ahead, we have by who has boasted of being the most pro labor president saying that hes pro union and hes the boards organized labor. Now we have divided administration and the president himself making some excuses. Please stay at the table as long as you can to try. So well work this out and theyve been around the clock and the companies have made some significant offers. But i believe it should go further to ensure a record corporate profits mean record contracts. Fighting doesnt seem to be making any progress by bringing the 2 sides together. That doesnt seem to be the case. As we watched things on the fault, we have a situation where the United Auto Workers is simply unwilling to accept the wage increase that still lantus is offering me while ford is rolling out a whole ram of production there, they are rolling out all kinds of electric vehicles and now the u. A w is saying that they want an increase in pay. Ready increase in work the ford doesnt seem to be willing to. Ready offer that and meet the demands of the u a. W employees. They are telling outlets they lose. 2 significant amount of profits and they wouldnt be worth the cost. Now, the president of the United Auto Workers union says that auto workers are expecting that biden to offer them more than words. Oh inducements i going to be. And weve been very clear about that. No matter what position we expect, actions not whats. Whats interesting, as we see, to stated goals of dividing in ministration, combat incline to change and championing the rights of organized labor, classing, head to head in the state of michigan. The installation reduction act of dividing and ministration foods, all kinds of subsidies for the manufacturing of electric car. So theres all kinds of subsidies for changing the roads or in doing any other kinds of tax incentives or corporations. Biden seems to want electric cars on the road. However, as there is now a ramping up of production to make those electric bars to bite the ministration season, the automakers dont seem to want to pay the wages and benefits the auto workers will be expecting for this increase in production. At the same time, oil prices are rising, and we now have these big Credit Rating of the United States being down. Great. Many are looking at this spat. This strikes where the big 3 auto makers in michigan are on strike. Auto workers are on the picket line. Many are looking. A this is yet another confirmation that by the nomics has failed. We had from a member of the United Auto Workers union told mr. Lock, he suggest the job ive just been somewhat falsely advertising himself is the champion of watkins writes. Of course, the front of the United States. It doesnt bode well for them, that there is a strike the let alone from an organization that has been something of an allies. So i would imagine that youve got a very uncomfortable position right now having to weigh the interest of the auto makers on the one hand versus the Union Workers that hes claim to be the champion of you said that he was going to be the most pro Union President and us history, which was a pretty tremendous claim for Something Like him to make a although he did say 2 weeks ago that there were quote, there will be no you a w strike . Um i think now its an opportunity for him to put his money where his mouth is so to speak, because a, a group thing he has that the Democratic Party has relied on for support for a very long time is now on stripe, given the issues of gasoline prices, food prices, everything being more expensive, the value of our dollar being diminished. So yeah, these are the bread and butter issues that matter to everybody in the country really button particular and so the people in the right w who are striking for them. Well, those are just some of the stories which are being an eye on catch, more all to, to come take a look and have a great day. I of the the there over 50000 self proclaimed fitness influencers across the globe. Some share a science back helpful tips. Others promot fitness advice. Thats misguided head, best and dangerous at their worst understanding of using on this edition of 360 view, were going to discuss the

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