probably accusations of growth in food prices in their recent contract with hello and welcome to international broadcasting live from much so i'm more of a mommy and as always is great to have us take a look at today's top, sorta joining a joint press conference with her. russian counsel for south africa is 4 minutes a has on the line that 100 independent addresses relations with russia. we, as africans, need to resist. is this impulse of wanting to direct a double standard form of international conduct toward us that what i do is okay for me, but you cannot do it because you are developing country or you are africa. that is an abuse of international practice. wellness. have you munious to africa itself from us, determine the ways to solve problems on their continent. we share a partnership for accelerated growth and wish south africa speedy development. we talked about conflict resolution in african, for example, in countries like molly sudan and mozambique. the international community is obligated to support the paths african countries of chosen for themselves. russia will contribute to the resolution of conflicts in flash points across africa, including the training of local peacekeepers. sports are his own co was out of the corner of inventory and shows this report at the beginning of this meeting between the 2 foreign ministers. one of the things that the south african foreign minister mentioned right from the get go was the, i actually, the neo colonial, the anti neo colonial, rather legacy of the soviet union. and the amount of aid that the soviet union gate africa throughout the 20th century. she said that she wants warm relations between russia and south africa and african south africa to continue to develop in the way they have since that time as well. we also heard at this press conference about what exactly they are going to do to deepen cooperation. we heard that specifically in the sphere of atomic energy and infrastructure. those are 2 areas that russian south africa are going to deepen their cooperation in the future lever. i've also mentioned that russia is dedicating itself to a further helping peacekeeping efforts in conflict zones across africa. as well. now, another thing we heard what that was mentioned here were upcoming joint military exercises between russia, south africa, and china. this is something that washington has taken issue with. it's called it provocative, but both foreign ministers basically said that every sovereign nation has the right to decide who it's going to conduct a joint military exercises with. so obviously that's that stance that washington has taken on these upcoming join. military exercises has displeased that these 2 countries, as well as likely other other countries who find themselves in the same position. let's take a listen to what they said. this williams. we do not violate any norms of the law of the sea. so i don't understand the mixed reaction from the medium. america believes that only its forces are allowed to conduct exercises anywhere in the world. so they are engaged in exercises within the framework of indo strategies, right next to china. and this does not cause a mixed reaction in the media. our exercises are transparent and russia, china, and south africa has made all the information public was closed, asked them about these claims by the united states that russia is somehow weapon ising food, and that the actions of russian president vladimir putin are somehow ah, harming the african economy, i was able to ask both foreign ministers about that as well as the kind of pressure that washington has been putting on african countries that dare to say that they're going to have warm relations or even cordial relations with the russian federation in terms of um, the south african foreign minister, she focused really on the grain deal, the ukraine grain deal. and the fact that i'm, that most of that grain is not even going to the countries that need it. the most is actually going to western europe. so the south african foreign minister actually called on journalists to find where exactly that grain is going. she said, it would be really nice to see some sort of investigative report into that. to understand why that's happening. as for sir gay leverage, he laid the blame squarely at the feet of the west, slits at the west. let's take a listen to what he said for a minute. it's them good. we have repeatedly provided confirmed facts, proving the problems in the food markets began long before russia's military operation. according to the us, we turn everything into weapons, oil, gas, sports, and so on. i handed over a text today that sets out the situation in the food markets. after the you and hed proposed the initiative. we immediately agreed. and now we've implemented 2 agreements about the grain deal, which is somehow being implemented. but everything goes to the you and not to poor countries. as for russian, fertilizers and grain, the un didn't help the west remove obstacles to our exports. and indeed, there is no line about food and grain in the sanctions. but there are points about bands for ships to enter ports where a ban on our banks using swift. but the west continues to insist that food is not under sanctions. all the important issues are being sidelined, those now and surprisingly on the number of topics that were discussed was of course, the ukraine conflict, which russia said it's always open to negotiating an end to war, at least a ceasefire. and it's actually a key of that laugh rov explained which has a flat out reject it any sort of negotiating. and he pointed to the fact that vladimir zalinski had a made it so that it would be illegal in ukraine for ukrainian officials to actually have any sort of negotiating going on with the russian side. so we heard a bit about that, but that's basically a rundown of the main topics that were discussed at this press conference here in pretoria. in the business way african opinion, the u. s. has said the son is you an invoice to the continent? the last little follow the reason does it bother you as far as research completes, as zombies. and some ago was she attempted to portray moscow as a troubling issue for africa, which is war and weapon. the station of food is exacerbated food insecurity and caused untold suffering. and the global economic head winds caused by the actions of a single man president who is creating an unnecessary dram on africa . economy. america meant right now, he's trained to rescue their influence here in the african continent, and sometimes to change the opinion of the grand countries in the war in the ukraine. this is the 1st thing you see, mozambique, korean canyon. the other countries are the quality for countries are part of the members of the security council of the united nation. so this is the 1st reason that the secretary mozambique 2 of the most of the other countries to, to try to change did the opinion their african government trust in the russian or russian government. this is all right. can say right now because the western countries are coming here are coming here and they have to confront a few years ago and tried to make some things. so in to say, we have the development of the piece and etc. but we don't see anything under jerry, as we see always wars in some parts of the african continent. so this is the 1st reason we are we are look for the other friends. the fact a security service has launched an investigation to the corruption within the ministry of defense. and what mean the claims would be the worst corruption scandal to engulf the armed forces. since the beginning of the credit in conflict in korea are using the 1st to buying overpriced food frequently. and so just having signed a deal, the price is $2.00 to $3.00 times higher than the current rate. for instance, eggs, which was around 19 u. s. as in shops will bought for $0.46, the deal side, the december is estimated to be worth $30000000.00 ingrained investment. i like save reason of denied the allegations, but and out the ministry would launch an into old. it all tease kellum open has more this comes on the heels of yet another scandal. now it's now being reported that the national anti corruption bureau as just arrested, the minister of infrastructure in ukraine. and it is reported that he may have received a $400000.00 bry in order to secure contracts for machinery and equipment. so this is what the ukranian president recently sat on the issue of corruption. yeah. what you, i want this to be clear. there will be no return to what used to be in the past to the way various people close to state institutions or those who spent their entire lives chasing a chair used to live. i think law enforcement officers who protect the law, the interests of the state, and ensure justice. now as comments about what's going on in the past, are quite interesting. when you look over the pandora papers, it's become obvious that zalinski got filthy rich as a result of these corrupt practices. but now as zalinski is making these comments and has a big conference is being held in denouncing the issue of corruption. it's important to understand the context. there is rising discontent in the united states. u. s. public is not thrilled about the fact that their tax dollars are being spent by the billions and what appears to be a very, very corrupt country. here's some of what we've heard from us officials regarding the billions and billions of dollars being handed here by washington. that's one of the things that i really was focused upon. in fact, i raised it was present zelinski himself. i said, look, if you have a scandal, if you miss of mr. misuse these, these resources, it's gonna, it's going to saint cloud, the support in the u. s. and he got that. and then we had a later meeting with a lot of their defense officials and government officials. they're doing detailed software, they're keeping track of every spare part that comes into the country. were sending over an inspector general from the pentagon this month. so i came away very impressed by the level of accountability. now some of the very same officials that were in that room are reassuring this figure from the united states. so there was no wasting no us taxpayer money are now under arrest and it appears they were doing just that. there is quite a bit of legit concern among the u. s. public about the fact that billions and billions of dollars are being given to a country that is notoriously corrupt. and one looks at the recent statement by zalinski and you know, convening of ukrainian officials to make statements and found the podium against corruption. you could almost look at that as an attempt to reinvent and cranes image because the neat the surface people realized there is a very big problem and that lots and lots of money is being ord, indicated by washington with very little accountability. the question now is how long will the american public continue to tolerate? this is of publish footage claiming showing you claim, placing the entry personnel i'm times alongside. buildings in the see populated civilian areas inside the city. ukrainian force is all making fortifications ah, lines of soviet era tanks and armored vehicles are concealed amongst the buildings . you say as denying such claims. this was a report by amnesty international made in august 2022. where it was clearly stated that military bases was set near schools and hospitals at times for lot from civilian areas. the reform kids war crimes outrage, ukraine officials are the organizations subsequently apologize for causing distress, but was soon leader has ignored evidence of his crimes. instead, wages campaign of russian hates just this month and time door to the sort of how he cleaning drill. writer's filled the wounded, dying russian soldier, suffering in a trench for 3 hours. it noted the video was recorded and repaid visiting journalist the following morning. the article also provided the intimate thoughts of one euclidian soldier on the matter. they aren't humans just, it's a totally different feeling, shooting an enemy in front of you and when working from a drone. but after the 1st time, it's like your hunting. you have all this hate inside of you. i look on the monitor and it just becomes a question of hunting them down. i could have a gun independent just jason. michael believes that most media turn a blind eye, t ukrainian war, carm's, jude to the ross, a phobic narrative, prevalent among western hours. well, this is something that has been happening since the beginning of this conflict and has been happening on plain sight since the conflict began almost a year ago. we have seen social media a wash with. ready images of tanks, artillery pieces and soldiers in hospitals and schools. the western media simply has refused to cover this or give any serious traction for public consumption. there has been no international condemnation for the very simple reason that the international community defined as the collective west is very much russell phobic . we are looking at the swift development certainly within the media and the political sphere in the west of a new cold war. so we're essentially going back to a default position of cold war reporters in the west, where those enemies of russia are effectively get from whole passes for human rights violations, war crimes, and various other cranes in the international sphere. poland to the germany will face international isolation, angelica me of its position in will. politics is in peeve in the re exposing of its leopard, 2 tanks to cave, germany, not agreeing to send tanks, risks internationally isolating them and their position will be very weak if they continue. so this is interesting. poland, calling the shots over germany now way better. send those tanks, berlin, to prove that you are a real man. by the way, quick reminder, germany has been funding footing. the bills for the block has its largest contributor with poland, being the top recipient of that funding, which means that poland job is basically bossing around germany over tanks like the teenager making demands, were of his parents while living in their basement, taking a weekly cash allowance and if that wasn't enough, poland has also been demanding reparations from germany for the 2nd world war. basically having a tantrum that berlin has blown off completely. and now poland has been demanding that germany let it give its toys away to its friend ukraine. when the deal was that, if germany gave poland some tags in the 1st place, they wouldn't be allowed to leave the toy box without dogs permission. but the polish prime minister has recently told dad, you're not the boss of me, have a listen. who lost germany for permission bought this as a secondary even if eventually we do not get this permission. we within this small coalition that you and of germany is not in this coalition. we will handle our tanks together with the others to ukraine. so in recent hours, german foreign minister and the lena bear, bog, basically signal that they'd be willing to let poland give its tanks to ukraine. so some of the playground kids have joined in to gang up on dad chanting free, the leopards now in front of german chancellor, olaf schultz is off his last friday, the leopards being those german tanks. so the pressure has been on former british prime minister boys johnson, remember him while he crawled back out from wherever he was hiding in obscurity for a trip to achieve over the weekend where he was hanging out with ukrainian president lyres. zalinski talking about the need to quote, gives the ukrainians all the tools they need, some in the u. s. or even saying that president joe biden should send abrams tanks, which both defense secretary austin and joint chiefs. chair, general milly are both reportedly against, but they're saying that binds should do this. only a sort of a ruse to suck germany into sending its tags directly to ukraine. are you arguing here for the us, sending abrams tanks to ukraine? 100 percent. we don't have to send very many. all we have to do is soon enough to unleash what germany has and what the 10 other countries and nato have. nato has to share the burden forever. germany's position has always been up till now that unless the u. s. sens, it's abrams tanks to ukraine than it won't be sending any of its leopard tanks directly to ukraine. meanwhile, french president, a manager in my call seems to be trying to buy time to avoid being ganged up on like schultz is over the issue. michael is refusing to rule out sending look left tanks, but also saying that he quote, asked the army minister to work on it. all his drama is over. tanks that have already been described by supreme allied commander, europe. that's u. s. general christopher for volley as of not even being a silver bullet for turning the tide in ukraine's favor. so a lot of thanks germany is getting from its so called european allies for footing, the bills all these years. and now, being treated like a pariah, because it won't cave to their whims, cave used pre filled with in russia and ukraine, but they were held in bella luce, surely off the cof. it began to buy time for you. crew with no intention of a diplomatic solution that was admitted by the hand of ukraine's main intelligence direct through it. in his latest interview, the main task we set for mr. careers was to delay the process in order to buy time since he personally knew to people in the negotiation process who represented the russian side. while this is quite a revelation, hey, we have a senior, ukrainian official, openly admitting that it was participating in peace talks with russia in bad faith caves. defense intelligence chief has said that he tasked the negotiated a. he said, and his curve with heading to bella luce and just 4 days after the lord to the special military operation, to delay those discussions. now, he was very clear that it was in order to buy time. but what did he mean by? they swell? korea had been asked to use his contacts, to slow down the talk, so the ukraine armed forces could take action to quote, repel the enemy. remember, this came at a time when western countries were drawing up sanctions packages against russia and were discussing the supply of weapons to ukraine. yet ukraine security forces seemed so concerned with a peace talks that they kidnapped and killed korea dumping his body on the side of a road in the ukrainian capital. now, of course, all of this comes as ukraine and their western buckets accuse russia of not acting in good faith at the negotiating table. i am extremely concerned how russia has been acting at the negotiating table. actually, i don't trust what russia is doing at all. any negotiations needs to be real, they need to be a meaningful. they can't just be a fig leaf full russian re armament um and for the recruitment of soldiers and moscow, of course, reject such allegations and accuses ukraine's packers of mischief. and let's not forget that a russian ceasefire proposal for the orthodox christmas was rejected earlier this month. all this gay goings, i, it doesn't seem like the collective worst once piece. i mean, all these tactics are they, are they in fact fix for these war games? you thing will x, remember that it is here is a been alleged that this piece process has been sabotaged by the direct intervention of western leaders. most notably, british prime minister, boris johnson, who is said to told zelinski that piece is not an option during one of his visits to the ukrainian capital last april. now this came a time when there was a you reported to be a tentative piece there on the table between russia and. 5 ukraine and, and he told us lensky reportedly told zalinski to break off those talks. now the, you, the united, united nation, 60 general antonia gutierrez, just last week said there is no serious chance of pistol was during his address to the world economic forum. at the same meeting, of course, western leaders were talking about am more arms and setting more arms or more weapons or to ukraine. so, but when russia has consistently underlined its commitment to pace, it appears others are not negotiating in good faith. we do know that the minsk agreements, which i can to bring peace to the dumbass were not signed by the west in good faith has been pretty much admitted by the, than leader of ukraine and the agreements, main sponsors, germany, and france. here is a reminder of what they said. the 2014 minsk agreement was an attempt to give the crane time ukraine use this time to become strong as you can see to day. the ukraine of 20142015 is not the ukraine of today. since 2014, you queen has strengthened its military posture. it is the merit of the men's agreements to have given the ukrainian army this opportunity. thus the time the prudent thought was an asset for him, turned out to be in fact an opportunity for the ukrainians with his latest revelation appears to undermine the west plains. and i was very serious questions about where the pigs is really on. it's a gender at all. all the and a war correspondent tell us, roper says that while russia sat down ready to strike a p still in march last year ukraine was mine time, the simon of moon to the fail to minsk agreements brushes. we have the place we're waiting for, your cravings announced to come they delayed, then for hours for days. so that ukrainian part was playing for time. this is nothing you. we have this, this map to thing from a, from, from a chancellor miracle which she opened. he said that, ah, with the music agreement was only 2 by time. the medical story was an interview in the german side, but no german news outlet. after that asked questions, put this topic on the, on the roll. nobody did it, and this is the same. um, western use will not come with this. what he said about what playing on time, and they will still say, hey, russia is the one who doesn't want to talk. but what we see right now they don't what they don't want to negotiate anything. and we see from the past that music agreement was only 2 by a time and whatever they proposed to russia end of march last year. anyway, we, we saw whole march that you will all the negotiations. they will always play. surveyor was targeted by the worth because of its position on the conference you grant, according to serve him for alexander woodridge. western countries are threatening bell gray was stopping european integration. so the freezing investments and sanctions latrina, they told us, you must succeed. this plan of negotiations with christina and if you do not accept it entirely, ill, thirstily face a halt in the european integration process. secondly, as topic and withdrawal of investments. and thirdly, comprehensive political and economic measures that will cause great damage to the republic of serbia. moral as the situation was clear, even before his statements about now, things are, let's say, out of the blue and the well known. because now we have a recognition that the western powers that be great 5 as the would cause them share . let's say more or less the ultimate them and serbia saying that they should accept the agreement though it does on possible. otherwise they will do at least 3 things. as stated 1st, for further e e o. integration with serbia will be blocked. second, foreign investments will start and 3rd, and the most important assortment academy will suffer because they didn't say exactly sanctions, economic sanctions. but they said that they have a mechanisms of punishing sort of b r for it. so this phone, it's not, not willingness to cooperate. let's say in that regard that he didn't mentioned the specifics of this agreement. he only said that it was arranged and agreed with the all you members on 13th of december, and that even though the member countries have been recognized also said that they are okay with the agreement then that they are can go further with the implementation of it. so now we will see what was the specifics of the agreement will be thought will she said that regarding the southern side there is not much to be of joyful about there. not much to be happier regarding the statement of the agreement. so best to hear from the president, the m himself and what he said about that topic printing with coastal and so there is no longer a rational approach to solving problems. i saw the said, the g 5 meeting, no matter what i said, no matter what facts i provided, no one listen to me. intelligence no longer plays a role. they have their own agenda, which is the defeat of russia. and everyone who gets in their way will be purged, the pressure is everlasting and it hasn't stopped. basically, they said that the, even the barricades were which service would dump as their means of self defense because their status and their security is being con, that even those americans were seen as a matter of for the stabilisation by serbia. and as i said, the pressures are here and are ever present, especially since the beginning of the russian, especially the oppression in that regard. as the situation on the, on the ingredient frank lines are getting heated up. so is this vision goes through basically have like a correlation of the 2 topics and the in that regard to do to several boss days on the, on the training front and several russian successes, we can say we see that the brush on serbia will basically it's it's like a mirror perspective by looking at $11.00 problem. you see the reflections on the other and then the other way around you are a little maintenance plan to change the way the country's national debt. ceiling is calculated to of a his, i propose a change of national debt sitting from a fixed dollar amount to a percentage of the countries g d p. the plan comes of a report record highs of us debt now exceeding $3120.00 as well. as investors concerns over future market stability. as the contributor chris, i am, the gave us more details on the matter describing the move as fraud. the u. s. plates, it's inflation based on what it calls a consumer price index. and the problem with this index, when it's calculated, it doesn't count the huge amounts of items when it calculates. and it also does not calculate a difference in price search and through quantity. so what my quality is, if you buy a new car and the next year the car company comes out with another model of that car and that car is more expensive. they won't count that as an increase in price. now the trouble is global markets and the financial analyst, and now seeing this is the joke that it is right? so really that having to come up with a new solution in order to, to divert attention elsewhere and to come up with a new way to crates, you know, very interesting numbers for the global markets. essentially what i think they're trying to do is to completely wipe the slate clean, right? because the minute that you stop being able to measure inflation or debts as we prefer, or government debt in line with actually economic growth, it becomes impossible for us really to see how much money they're borrowing and how much debt the countries it. and as the u. s. controllers the global reserve currency, which is the u. s. dollar, it's more impossible for us to add up all the dollars in the world to see if that printing any more. so really, it said it might need some massive scam that they're probably hoping is going to reduce the concern in the global market as to how many dollars they're printing and how much debts they're accumulating. day by day it's just going to put the markets into further tomo right, because as a, as an analyst, as an investor. right now, i'm trying to look at the u. s. economy, which is basically tagging anyone trading in us dollars around the world and figure out where, where will, if i deploy my capital the minute i cannot see the debt on the balance sheet. not spoken to fill me with confidence to invest money, not just in the u. s, but pretty much anywhere in the world because i.

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Germany ,Serbia ,United States ,Minsk ,Belarus General ,Belarus ,United Kingdom ,Washington ,China ,South Africa ,Mozambique ,Poland ,Russia ,France ,Berlin ,Ukraine ,Americans ,America ,Ukrainians ,French ,South African ,Ukrainian ,Soviet ,British ,German ,Russian ,American ,Antonia Gutierrez ,Vladimir Putin ,Bella Luce ,Alexander Woodridge ,Joe Biden ,Olaf Schultz ,Boris Johnson ,

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