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To do with the incident with from lost out of the world. This is our t international. Im Rachel Blevins here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. We begin with the ruling and the case of the image, 17 point disaster. A dutch court has sentence 3 people to life in prison in absentia for the unintentional downing of the plane, which was shot down over the don bass back in 2014. The suspects to russians and one ukrainian have denied their involvement. A 4th defendant, a russian national, has been acquitted. Heres how the court described its decision is not one of them. And you see the Civil Defense presented as an argument that the Prosecutors Office has a constantly one sided view which has been upheld throughout the entire investigation. Useful. The essence of the defense line is that the Prosecutors Office has adopted the point of view of the Ukrainian Special services from that point is that the prosecutor received many materials from Ukraine Security service. However, the Prosecutors Office has also carried out its own investigation and has confirmed the origin of the materials provided. That was the judge reading some of the reasoning behind the acquittal of the 4th suspect in this trial of russian citizen. And he was acquitted because there wasnt enough evidence to link him to the deployment of the massage, or that he could have done anything to prevent it. When we have the other prospects, we have 2 russian citizens and one ukranian and they were convicted of murder and for kaufman aircraft crash. There was sentence in the sun life imprisonment and order to pay 16000000 euros to the families of the victims. The court found that i make 17 was brought down by a russian made missile that was fired from a form field and bit of a mice in the eastern ukraine. And that those 3, the 2 russians and one ukrainians were responsible for transporting the message from allegedly, a military base in russia, ukraine. And then back after the tragedies, according to the judge, all intercepted conversations between the suspects are legitimate. However, they cannot prove that this was a coordinated effort that they worked as part of a team. And also its how clear who pulled the trigger, if you will. They dont know that. And there is no evidence pointed to either one of the 3 men that they couldnt have convicted. The suspects happened 2 weeks. The convicted, i should say, now have 2 weeks to file an appeal. Well see if they do that. But whats interesting is that the said that this is not a case all of an international conflict. Weve already seen some experts come out and say that there was surprise that russias alleged role in this was downplayed, which is of what they saw. They thought that the response from the hague, the verdict would be much harsh, and definitely that did not expect that we would see any russian citizens acquitted. So here we have at least one the attorney in the acquitted, defend, it says he wants to know why not all of the wreckage from the aircraft was analyzed by western investigators. It was not taken into account by the court, but we dont know why. And thats the problem of this summary verdict. So to say, therefore, we have to read the whole verdict in writing, but im very anxious to know why our, our arguments were not followed by the court. And the problem is to didnt on sure, lets say our arguments in our views and please on, on those aspects rushes foreign ministry, has slammed the dutch court to judgment, calling it a bias and politically motivated ruling against moscow. In passing its judgment, the Court Preferred to ignore the fact that all the conclusions of the dutch Prosecutors Office are based on the testimony of anonymous witnesses, whose identities are classified as well as on information of dubious origin and materials transmitted from the interested party. The s b u, which has been repeatedly convicted of providing false contradictory information. We deeply regret that the District Court of the hague has neglected the principles of impartial justice in favor of the current political situation, thereby dealing a serious reputational blow to the entire judicial system of the netherlands. Independent journalists, sonya van den, and believes that the trials, lack of objectivity and accuracy, is unprecedented in dutch legal history. It was a show trial because 1st of all, they did not really do a thoroughly investigation in the beginning, and the malays required. It was not allowed even to go to the place of the accident later on. They were allowed to, but yeah, it was to be expected that this show a trial is it can be like dead. And i think its unprecedented in just that curious picture that used to ignore defects and this is what they are doing. The radar evidence was never taking into account. It was never at taken as a piece of evidence. Also it just, they didnt take into account and it actually wasnt ukrainian. Did the frank man, its what was found at the wreckage, where the numbers of them ukrainian barbara 7379. So actually, you know, its in ukrainian and fella. So as straight away, they blamed russia, russia, and it is, and that it actually, so i think this whole trial is candy should start with all the pieces of evidence they have from both sides. And then you can speak about a real fair trial. And this is not, havent nancy pelosi has announced she will not be running for reelection as leader of the house democrats. Thats after republicans won the House Majority in the mid term elections. And with great confidence in our caucus, i will not seek re election to democratic leadership in the next congress for may the hours come for a new generation to lead the Democratic Caucus that i so deeply respect. So at this point we have republicans taking control of the us house of representatives. Nancy pelosi will no longer be the speaker of the house. And shes also stepping down from leadership of her on party. Ringback will be in the minority. So it appears that now the republicans are taking up the role, the democrats once l. And now the Biden Administration may be subject to the kinds of investigation and scrutiny to which democrats held trump. This is what they said. Our investigation is about jo, bud and we already have evidence that would point that joe biden was involved with hunter biden, only so, so we want the bank records and thats our, thats our focus. Were trying to stay focused on was joe biden directly involved with Hunter Bidens business deals, and is he compromised . Thats our investigation. Marjorie taylor grain. A prominent Congressional Republican raised the issue of ukraine and the billions of dollars sent there by the Biden Administration. She said, it seems like ukraine is more of a priority than the United States, and perhaps almost ukraine seems like the 51st state of the country rapp. Zalinski seems to be a high ranking u. S. Official, but she says she wants answers about all the money that has gone to ukraine. Over the past year. Im calling for an audit of every single penny that has been sent to ukraine, including aid money and any other monies that have been given to the Ukrainian Government to defend their National Security, where our, our National Security has been ignored. The reality is that many of the weapons intended by the United States were the Ukrainian Military gone directly into the hands of terrorists and criminal organizations. Some of them simply been sold on the black market and other questions are being raised about the money that is ford into your brain, from the United States as well. So it seems that the question may be taken up by republicans for congressional investigations, as they take control of the house of representatives. There is an interest in seeing where some of the funds have gone. And if there was any foul play by the, by the ministration and its congressional allies, when it came to writing these 1000000000. 00 and billions of dollars to checks to ukraine. So itll be interesting to see how the u. S. Congress proceeds. And what turns up in any potential investigation with republicans back in control of the house of representatives ukrainian president ial adviser is trying to put a positive spin on the incident that saw and this will land in poland, killing 2 people. Continuing to divide Global Opinion by claiming that russia not ukraine was responsible and stressing the incident, should encourage nato to be tougher on russia. Issues. I think this is a good story within the framework of which we will once again discuss the format of relations with our partners to avoid any ambiguity. This will allow nato countries to develop a tougher attitude in terms of protecting that territory. This is not the 1st time when a rocket has flown into the territory of another country. Accordingly, the war in ukraine in such a large country of course, will affect the territories of other countries. Meanwhile, president landscape is urging Ukrainian Specialist to participate in International Probe and what he called quote russian aggression on the polish border doubling down on claims that moscow was responsible for the missile incident. Young this celeste thomas, i have no doubt about the reports from the commander, the f fulsome commander in chief, the lose me that it was not our missile and not al miss. Ill strike, i have no reason not to trust them because ive been through this whole wall with them. I believe this is a Russian Missile based on our military reports. Stuff couple, well its definitely an interesting story because most of key halves biggest supporters. I mean, were talking about you at the u. S. Nato. Poland itself are all saying that the evidence points to ukraine in terms of who owns that rocket that landed on polish territory and killed 2 polish people. And still, latimer zalinski is clinging on to this narrative that russia launched the missile despite the fact that nobodys blaming he have for being at fault here. The west is still in correctly claiming that russia it was the initial aggressor in the ukrainian conflict. And so somehow theyre still saying its moscows fault, but at any rate he has basically stubborn clinging to this rejection of the facts. Its really frustrated. A lot of people in the west, even one diplomat from a nato country, reportedly told the Financial Times that this is really hurting the wests confidence in the key evergreen. This is getting ridiculous. The ukrainians are destroying our confidence in them. Nobody is blaming ukraine and they are openly lying. This is more destructive than the missile. Now, one might be able to understand why it wouldnt be easy for key of to backtrack on this at this point. Because a, when this actually happened just moments after we got wind of this incident, we heard from ukraines foreign minister, who said that it was a const, a russian Conspiracy Theory to say that that missile was launched from a Ukrainian Missile defense system. That it was a Ukrainian Missile. And then after that zalinski actually called for action to be taken in against russia for all this as if he was ready to bring every one into a potential 3rd world war over all this. And again, those statements were made immediately after we got wind of this incident before the facts were established, but theyve been established now and key of still not going back on that. The most shocking of all of these events happens back in march of this year when a, an, an unidentified drone actually flew through the air space of to nato countries, only to crash in the capital of croatia after running out of fuel. It was later determined that this was launched from ukraine and that was definitely confusing for the croatian president as well because nobody was actually hurt as a result of this. But also nobody noticed that it was flying through that air space. So the croatian president was very confused about that and also mentioned that it was launched from ukraine. Lets take listen what he said. How is it possible for an old style aircraft to spend more than one hour in the sky over nato member countries and no one notices it. The situation is that the u. A. V flew from the territory of ukraine and crashed in zagreb when the fuel ran out of it is also the issue of ukrainian under sea mines in the black sea because around the same time as this correlation incident, we were getting reports that turkey had begun to find a number of ukrainian under sea mines that had become dislodged and started floating away. You can imagine how dangerous this could possibly be. For all the sea traffic there is in the boss for a straight or the mediterranean sea. This is something that even russias Ministry Defense warned about as well because of the, the amount of storms that are there. And the fact that storms can dislodge these underwater mines. So, but whats even more interesting is that the key of regime is not facing any consequences for any of this. I mean, it really, it really seems like the west has freighted a monster, basically by the endless flow of weapons and money into ukraine and the state there just doesnt seem like it wants to follow anyones rules. Political scientists and interNational Security expert marks the bona said the key as your fuel to admit responsibility for the missile incident could backfire on its bush for more western support. And this is incredibly destructive to the key of regimes propaganda. Because here we see them being directly contradicted and doubling down on the lie in the face of even the u. S. President himself saying otherwise, i think that this is not so much them are trying to break free as reacting petulantly as a child confused. Because they have become used to an expectant that whatever absurd lie that they claim blaming russia will be backed up by them. Um, as if its gods honest truth, no matter the situation. But here we see with a, a direct potential ward war 3 sparking event with a missile landing and a nato member that they walked back from that paula and sugary think it stands towards ukraine after the deli missile incident. Thats according to the former mayor of the polish city of loveland, who adds that the cases and provocation aimed at boosting further military aim to kiev. Of course this is a ukrainian rocket. Of course, this is a provocation on the part of the ukranian authorities. The rocket could not be fired 100 kilometers in the opposite direction by mistake. The purpose of the provocation is to accelerate the supply of weapons to ukraine, to intimidate europe with terrible russia. So that Civil Society demands an increase in assistance the ukraine from the governments of European Countries. We have seen a ukrainian regime had dedicated to the process of trying to drive natal on European Countries into this war. And theres, there is a form of what not formal, there is a brinkman ship being played on the part of the Ukrainian Military authorities and government. But quite frankly is a dangerous situation to how europe, in, it has been clear from salt and. Busy position that this is not being treated the way the new premium government would like to be treated. But there is also the theory of the elements within nato may wish for best to be treated exactly as a provocation. And theres a reason for natal involvement. So whether it has been an accidental suffer going all the time to or the that may have had the made of liberal, has that it has been fire deliberately in the wrong direction. Then both to the same thing, ultimately a provocation on the part of ukraine or Us Congress Woman has washed out of the countries funding of ukraine after worldwide acknowledgement that it was, it was responsible for the poland missile incident. We more stop letting zelinski jim on money and weapons from us taxpayers while hes trying to drug as into world war 3, no more money to ukraine. Its time to end this war and demand peace. Meanwhile, in a bid to reassure americans on the threat of nuclear conflicts, the us secretary of Homeland Security release. This statement. While the United States has express concern with Russian Nuclear saber rattling, we do not anticipate that a Nuclear Detonation in europe would have any direct Health Consequences on the homeland they arrest has already spent nearly 55000000000 dollars on ukraine war aid. And biden is asking congress for an additional 37000000000. 00. That is 20 percent larger than russia entire annual defense budget. Us veteran, karen, quite cowski believes that us policy on the ukraine issue is driven primarily by business interest. The United States defense establishment is making a lot of money, you know, through via the american taxpayer. In depleting all of our reserves, old weapons sending them to ukraine. That freeze up production lines for more of what we want. And then of course, justifies demand to the congress that our own budget, our own military budget can be increased. So this is something that i think benefits, its viewed by american government, people, as you know, it benefits it, benefits america, not in the way that we think of a war. But just in the way we think of a business military business. The next house of representatives that will be sworn in in january. Many of them do not see the benefit of conducting this proxy war and funding this proxy war in ukraine. Its very clear that we dont have the resources to throw away anywhere and certainly not to conduct a proxy war that has no real benefit to the security of americans. As the cop 27. 00, summit continues as largest sponsored coca cola has worn the title of worlds biggest plastic polluter for the 5th year in a row, according to a brand on it by the angio break free from plastic pollution by coca cola has increased 63 percent since 2021 each year. The n g o collect Plastic Waste produced globally by industry from a variety of environments anywhere but in the garbage where it belongs. And in 2020, to more than 31000 coca cola Branded Products were found. The results come as experts at the cop 27. 00 summit voice concerns or pollution, devastating biodiversity, and the lack of african engagement on the global agenda proclaimed judgment on how do you feel about the incineration . How do we feel about that, that the problems of plastic and the solutions are not coming from a series. The solutions are coming from europe, and you can compare some issues of europe into perusal of africa. So the problem is just broad that we are not being properly engaged on the, the solutions that i actually, i happening on the ground. We see that plastic pollution already impacting our by diversity on the oceans because our faces are starting to eat the plastics and also like theyre stuck on like in a plastic and then they die. I can also like its becoming like a pollution to the water in oceans and also like a plastic like on a line as well. So thats a lot of like, you know, i challenges with the plastic. We spoke to a climate activist who says that despite western declarations on Carbon Neutrality and Environmental Protection and still allows companies to exploit natural sources, further damaging the environment for so many times lupe young countries of allow the companies to come in now countries and exploit as many populations and companies from western world have been promising to he done it to the target by 2030. But today we are seeing towels. She will in over 62 percent of the new paper and that is go drop in uganda and it wont last for 20 years. So these kind of projects and whenever they are being supported by the western world, we feel like disappointed, we feel like it is a ppo chrissy whereby we are putting our people in danger because this sim Country Companies promised to freeze out promise to heat, then it is a target by 20, but at the same time they are in they likely few wedding force you for a project is african countries are suffering mass, human displacement as the effects of Climate Change. Shake the content with millions of people left homeless and uncertain of their future artes corolla has more africa is the fastest urban izing region in the world. And its cities are expanding because of migration and extreme weather events. According to research by the brookings institution, 56 percent of urban residents, thats double the global average level in slum housing in africa. This as more people look to cities for opportunity. But south africas land and migration issues. Some might say, influenced by a hint of colonialism. We are constructively, softly pushed away from the cities because of our color, i guess because of our own social economic background. So that is very disappointing, that there is no transformation in as far as the special colonial. I parted, planning is concerned according to the state of climate in africa report, the continent is heating up faster than the global average. That means more widespread drought for have those what are scarcity and extreme weather events. But Climate Change is also a fragility amplifier and it can easily make a situation worse. If youre looking at, you know, slow set onset climate impacts like, you know, just verification or drought that isnt combined with all of those other Socio Economic factors. And so thats why its really complicated able to say exactly how many people are moving and why according to the internal displacement monitoring center. 20212. 6000000 people. Busy were displaced in sub Saharan Africa due to weather related disaster. And the well bang for the existing could be as much as 85000000 in the same region by the year 2050. All of the evidence suggests that were going to see more of these kind of extreme weather events. But whats really important is at this point, of course to try to address those rude causes as much as we can to make the Climate Changes or the changes in our production and our lifestyle that we need to. But really to accept that somalia, ethiopia can yes to dan, are unlikely to change or be able to change their kind of weather and patterns in the years ahead. And we need to start addressing and thinking forward about what it means to adapt to our changed environment. Loss and damage is a controversial term at the Climate Change talks in egypt. Ha, developing countries, 12, as that bullish liability and compensation for their bio diversity laws from the emissions of rich countries. Rich countries are refusing, clutching on to the emissions lead and profits while evading liability at all costs. So what is the Climate Justice . They talk about, if we think about why we see poverty inequality across the african continent, much of that is also due to the historical i, historical debt owed by those very same countries who colonized these areas and who have created those systems, which are so fundamentally unequal, i think you see a lot of reluctance from the wealthy countries because it, im, you know, 6 jackson responsibility. And right now were talking about, you know, the global out of adaptation goal, which is a 100000000000 annually. Or, you know, thats, thats what were looking to finance. But if you start to look at responsibility down the line, you could be looking actually in dollars of Climate Change is truly a universal issue than schuman settlements. And heavy tides should not only be the concern of the few. Got abolish has a lot of t enjoin is back. The British Government has walked the sale of the countrys Largest Semiconductor plant, 2 chinese o. Next period, citing National Security concerns. Today i have issued a final order under the n s i act requiring next peria to sell at least 86 percent of new port wafer fab. We welcome Foreign Trade and investment that supports growth and jobs. But where we identify a risk to National Security, we will act decisively next very, i will have to sell 86 percent of it shares despite the Chinese Government saving the company from bankruptcy back in 2019. But says, am paid to view links to the communist party as a threat. Hundreds of people will have to find new jobs. We spoke to the director of European Studies at redmond university who thinks that the decision is not in london, economic interests, but its desire to comply with u. S. Foreign policy. This is a political interference of the market, at least in a 500 a job. So that be loose and also for the for the british companies. Competitive advantage also in danger and also dummy to the investment to environment for you. Okay. Put it after the breakfast. Ok ought to be very neat. China, maybe india market to replace it with a Single Market of the pin units. So those behavior actually is on their fire to the oil, or theyre turned on the okay relation, because you, okay, you said 5 eyes, allies of United States. When the u. S. Puts the law of chips and semi conductor, and then the force or the allies of the 5 ice allies to follow this law. So it doesnt even your case, not dependent, no sacrifice that the economic interests to serve for the american National Security. Thats all for now. Be sure to check out our t dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. Well see right back here at the top of the hour. Mm. Ah a with a with hello and welcome to cross talk. Were all things are considered. Im peter labelle. Nato is hybrid war against russia just became more dangerous and frightening. A missile fired from ukraine by ukrainians. Lannigan. Poland clearly demonstrates what can go wrong due to a mistake or miscalculation. Of course, the collective west instantly move towards invoking article 5 of the nato treaty, which means starting world war 3. A

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