Transcripts For RT News 20221115

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Targeted, a mosque out of the world. This is our t international. Im Rachel Blevins here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. Almost half of you and Member States abstained or voted against or resolution adopted by the General Assembly calling on russia to pay war reparations to ukraine. Co sponsored by dozens of countries including the United States, the resolution received the lowest level of support for you, a you praying related motions since the war began. Now 94. 00 country supported the initiative to quote, hold moscow accountable for violating International Law with 14 nations including china voting against the resolution, claiming a lack sufficient legal basis. 73 states, india and brazil among them chose to abstain. For more on this, lets go to our correspondent caleb mob, who joins us from new york. So kayla talk us through who supported the resolution who voted against it. And what was the russian reaction to the initiative . Well, we had a 14 countries that outright voted no, and on top of that, 73 countries that abstain and didnt vote. And this is certainly significant because sense the ukraine conflict escalated. There has certainly been an effectiveness on the part of the United States and mobilizing the world to condemn russia not today. As the boat took place, it became very clear that a number of countries just were not comfortable with this resolution. Now, the Russian Ambassador to the un, the band he took to the party, im any pointed out that a number of countries simply dont want to go along with what appears to be an attempt to justify the outright daft of russian assets around the world. He also pointed out that the entire bases through which this is being carried out doesnt fit with un procedures. Decisions like this should be made by the un security council, not the General Assembly body where the United States took this resolution. Here as the more of what the Russian Ambassador had to say about todays resolution. They did not perform very well. We ship this trip in said you what you didnt ferry already of this initiative is obvious from a legal point of view, the provisions of the draft to not stand up to any criticism or legally no and void. Its an attempt to legalize what cant be legalized from the point of view of current International Law used to show this is a classic example of the concept of rules faced order when a group of states does not act on the basis of International Law, but seeks to sanctify lawlessness and using the authority of the General Assembly and positioning it as a judicial body, which by definition, it is not previous owners just wants to. Now, the Russian Ambassador also pointed out that one of the key deceptions from those supporting the resolution was this claim that somehow the money that was being used would go to help the ukrainian people. When in reality, the money was going to be used to prolong this conflict to supply ukraine with more weapons, to carry out more military actions and in prolong the conflict lead to more killing lead to more death. Now it was also pointed out. 3 by many critics of the resolution that there are a number of countries around the world that have suffered at the hands of the United States. Whether its through unilateral sanctions, military invasions, you can talk about iraq. You can talk about vietnam, korea. 2 other countries and those countries have not yet received any reparations for the crimes committed against them by the United States or its western allies. There were 16 countries that signed a statement, pointing out that there are a number of countries around the world that have suffered illegal invasions, sanctions, attacks, slavery, colonialism, and that those countries are certainly entitled to reparations. However, the reparations should be carried out on a sound legal process, not simply through these resolutions that are just presented randomly to the General Assembly. And, and that was a statement by 16 Different Countries urging a no vote. So we did not see the United States effectively. Mobilizing opposition to russia, as it had earlier in the past previous month when it comes to ukraine related topics of the General Assembly. On top of that, we saw a repudiation of this measure from many members, state 73 countries did not vote on this chose to abstain. 14 countries voted know, along with russia i, it was a moment where it became clear that the support the United States has had for its efforts to isolate russia or staff to russian asset sentence, unilateral sanctions on russia attempts to push russia off of the International Economy that support may be fading as the economic consequences of this effort from the United States and this prolonging of a conflict. As the economic consequences become more and more apparent, many countries around the world are starting to ask questions and not have the do the as them they may have had once before. Are you kayla mop and thank you for that report and to go further in depth on leslies cross. I have now to robert patillo, a civil rights attorney joining us from washington. D. C. Robert, its great to have you on the program today. Now if were talking about reparations here, when it comes to this resolution, what are the steps were looking at taking . Are we talking about taking ownership of the frozen russian assets that the west has taken . What are some possible consequences of such a move like this resolution that was passed . Wilt interesting, the resolution law that was passed today prescribe to create forms to susan could fill out claims forms almost like an Insurance Claim against the Russian Federation as well as documentation that can we put in place to verify the dates for the intervals created. Whether will do personalized injury of business and re housing and rebuild sorts of things and really doesnt really spell out exactly how Little Things will be paid or if they will be paid out. Of this seem to be more so perfunctory than anything else. No one will meet on the bones to describe how exactly it will be actually. Yeah, thats a good way to describe it. Now, in comparison to previous resolutions condemning russias actions in ukraine, this one actually received around half as many votes of support. What do you make of the drop in votes for this motion . Specifically, did it have anything to do with what this resolution was . Or do you think that it was more about the public approach and how they see the conflict . Oh, i think many nations understand the rank of parker see of this motional. As was mentioned, the report of the United States bill could be hit with want reparations claims will pretty much every nation in the world at this point in time. If you add in the british and the french and many of the other colonial empires, i dont think theres a corner of this earth that wouldnt think they deserve reparation from those nations for the people who have been killed and maimed by their wars and colonization, empire over the course of the last several centuries, i think the nation to the abstain are realized that one, either we might be on the receiving end of one of these resolutions in the future. If we find ourselves in a situation being at odds of the western powers, and secondarily, many of them would rightly want to fall claims against the u. S. Many, the western powers, reparation for whats happened to them. Yeah. That where it have parker see always seems to come into play any time we have a resolution like this one, which is of course, usually supported by the United States. Now if we take a look at previous resolutions against russia up to you and they havent really led to any significant change in the global diplomatic outlook, do you expect to see any changes this time around . I do not and leave the un immediately as organization to showing themselves in the meanwhile be paper tigers, that the quote unquote rules based order that they put in place of the course of the last 75 years or so. I think the new nations realizing are just meant to means paying the global order of them being in charge. And everyone simply phoebe into the was the own mercantilism system of, from the colonial days. And i think because of this, many nations are starting to ask questions about whether or not these organizations are working in the best interests of, of their countries. Because when they have emergencies, when they have problems domestically, can they really turn to the route to have any sort of teams when it comes to fixing and helping the situation or, and, and certainly theyre wondering why this is this discussion is being hard right now. Now that law Russian Ambassador to the un, as well as a former russian president , have said that this resolution was being deliberately used to still funds from russia. Would you say that those are valid accusations . I do think theres quite definite questions that exist will regards to where these funds are go are coming from where theyre going and they simply create a situation where they can oh, put forms out there. Anybody who feels like it can fill out a form and then be like the Russian Federation be liable for it. I think those are real questions are going to happen and oh, weve seen the sanctions regime that have the anticipated impact on the russian economy. The many people thought that would be sanctioned. Russia would be all but bankrupt within 6 months. It seems to not be working. That means is be an effort to expand this outward. Ill do further economically press russia to in the war. Yeah, certainly it seems like there is a lot of grasping at any means that are possibly out there. Now, another person commenting on this is former russian president met with that. Who also said that western countries tend to veto other resolutions on reparations, such as se, ask dana san vietnam or korea. Do you think that the u. S. In its allies are using un as a tool of political pressure here . When it comes to what they support and what they choose to veto. Oh, absolutely. No. I think African Americans here in the u. S. Have a strong claim for reparations give to you as government. Have you looked for the postcolonial, african nations in Southeast Asian of central and south america . They have very strong claims reparations against the colonial powers over the course of the last several centuries. But i guarantee you those resolutions came before the general was simply that those will be struck down in due course of the maxim will be a case where the International Orders only meant to hold up the old colonial powers. And everyone else has to be outside looking in a while they were resources. Now speaking, im sort of that international order. I mean, there are fears that the un could eventually faced the same destiny as the league of nations. Do you believe that the current state of international institutions, like the un could be at risk and that we could see really it transition as the world starts to move into more of a multi polar order a wanting to you and has to figure out how theyre going to modernize how they are going to become more in league with the nation is or the world it is, is today theyre very much stuck in that post world war 2 era where they were created are not very responsive to the news of the rest of the world, a viewer in african nation right now, what is a cool region . You have to support the you in our there mainly been an impediment of your caribbean nation, taking the haiti, for example, were my familys role the you and came in to do an earthquake really for decade ago and with one of the biggest scandals of World History of the un soldiers raping and pillaging through the countryside. Ill leave the entire generation fatherless there today than the island nation is no better all so unless the you in can figure out how they can be relevant in the 21st century or how that can be more responsive to the needs of more than simply the western colonial powers that yes, the organization will fall apart because of without internet legitimacy. What exactly do they have to hold on to . Absolutely, certainly a lot of glasses that can be learned from this one. Civil rights attorney, robert patillo. Thank you so much for your time. And inside those rachel and continuing the theme of responsibility for interference in Foreign Affairs germany. Chancellor shaw has claimed that russias military action in ukraine is a president. The leaders seemingly forgetting about multiple conflicts and other countries in recent history. It is a question of the russian war of aggression being a breach of International Law with a dangerous precedent. Small countries can no longer be safe from the behavior of their larger, more powerful neighbors. The statement comes just days after the un General Assembly adopted a resolution denouncing israels occupation of the golan heights, internationally recognized as syrian territory. It was seized by televi after a brief war, in 1967, and annexed in 1981. The Un Resolution also stated that the transfer of civilians to the occupied territory was a breach of the geneva convention. We spoke with the Vice President , ive been very as a f t party rayner roth, us who said that germany is comments are hypocritical due to the countries on violations of International Law. If you want to interpret it, what does it cant . The chancellors choice is saying, you have to take into consideration that germany is very dependent on its western allies. So to say the shoulds and also for a minister bear book act a little bit like spokespersons offer washingtons interests in 1999. For example, germany did, its a 1st to the unlawful military intervention in chic was lavion in serbia. And this was also a precedent for further actions which have not been properly backed by International Law. Like for example, in the activity of germany in syria. And also in afghan, his tongue. So if we go further, i mean germany kept out, also iraq in 2003 and of libya and 2011. But many western countries led to by the United States into re and theyre in a very, a brutal way which was not backed by International Law. And so we have to see that we get out of those double standards and look at those things as they are. And were going to go now to take a live look at the live feed from the g 20 as sessions are starting to kick off and bali, indonesia. As you can see there, it appears that indias leader is arriving earlier. We had russia as a live, rob arriving, walking down that red carpet there. Certainly looking forward to the talks that are going to be happening any speeches that we may be able to cover. So be sure to tune in throughout the day as we continue to follow the g 20 summit with the latest from there. Again, thats happening right now. And folly indonesia. Thats where representatives of 19 countries plus you were seen arriving at the summit. As you can see there from the live feed, now theyll take part in the Plenary Session focused on food and energy. Security. De one will also include a series of multilateral and bilateral meeting between World Leaders that russian president Vladimir Putin earlier announced that he wouldnt take part in the event due to a busy schedule. But the Russian Foreign ministers are de la rob is in bali heading moscows delegation and he arrived just moments ago. So well continue to bring you more from the summit later on throughout the day. Turkey is interior minister has rejected washingtons condolences over the recent terror attack and symbol which left at least 6 people dead did him as soon as it was, we have received the message sent to us. We do not accept the condolences of the u. S embassy. We reject them for turkey a. These condolences are really like a slap in the face because its been accusing washington of supply and weapons to curtis spiders in Northern Syria and according to turkish authorities, it was a member of the p k. K. The occurred to some Peoples Party now the p k. K has since come out in line and your responsibilities saying that they would never target civilians directly and that they have nothing to do with the blast that we saw in a symbol. However, earlier were heard transferred to a woman from syria was detained, and she apparently confessed everything and said that she was working on the orders of the p k. K. Thats why when the White House Press secretary released the statement saying that they stand shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies, turkey a encounter and terrorism. Naturally this rob them the wrong way in the countries and serum ministry. By the way, the further saying this is like a killer return into the scene of the crime. First, that there will be announcer and not everyone will soon see what that is. We clearly understood the message that were trying to deliver to is what we call the terrorist. And well give this act a strong response of course our line. So the state that supports terror regions and sends money for their development should be up for discussion. He said that they see a betrayal and that this will, of course, that they are running out of patients. That said, it remains to be seen what they exactly mean by that of course. But its important to mention here that the kurdish issue has become a thorn and relations not only between turkey, a and washington, but also sweden as it tries to join nato, the military alliance. Because turkey has said before that it will veto we then membership as long as they continue harbor and what turkey considers terror and protecting them. So i am sure that well be hearing about the issue with kurdish fighters in Northern Syria in the months to come as sweden continues to try and join nato. Kiana has revoked the accreditation that journalists to violated roles banning them from entering the city of her son thats after ukrainian troops arrived in the city following rushes, withdrawal. Ukrainian media says that at least 6 journalists, including from c and then, and sky news, or among those target. We got the details earlier from our correspondent donald quarter. These reports of journalists having their work permits taken away, including those from cnn and sky news actually started coming after our quite disgruntled statement from the Ukrainian Militarys leadership keeps top brass claimed that these journalists began working in areas of her song that are now occupied by Ukrainian Forces against the order of vladimir lensky, that they actually wait until they get the ok from key of and interestingly enough, this news actually comes alongside the, at the accusations from zalinski himself of hundreds of a legit russian war crimes actually. And the western media has widely reported on these allegations, of course, with a small disclaimer that they havent been able to verify any of them. Given the fact that they havent been allowed to go to these areas in carson, where these alleged war crimes even took place. So on top of that, these journalists who are apparently have, have allegedly had, there are reportedly rather had their work permits taken away. They were actually working there to try and framed the entrance of Ukrainian Forces into her son as something that the locals welcomed with open arms. Lets take a look at their coverage. I mean there is no. 7 he liberal ation, this is juan liberation. Feels like no one really has to wonder why cnn gave so much attention to scenes like that. And so little to the actual ukrainian nazi salutes that he somehow found their way on to cnns coverage of the entry of ukrainian troops into her son. Really something shocking, but perhaps, i mean its just easier to make it look like everyone welcomed the Ukrainian Military with open arms because before the Russian Military withdrawal Russian Troops took weeks to evacuate civilians from there. So its very likely that the vast majority of pro russian course on residents or left the ukranian authorities are calling these repressions basically so called filtration methods. And this is something thats really that weve come to expect from areas that have been taken can that the ukranian military is taking control of because weve seen it also in areas and heart of as well. But the western media is already published a lot of pictures of basically her song citizens facing abuse from pro key of citizens. Citizens facing abuse are accused of being pro russian without any sort of trial. And their time. You can see in the pictures that theyre tied to polls and just basically fatal facing mockery from pro key of residence there. And like i said, there have been no court trials. And as i said earlier, most of the pro russian residents from this area likely already left. So who knows who these people that were seeing tied to these polls actually are. Many of them may be actually supportive of the key of regime. And actually what weve heard from ukrainian officials is that this is something that doesnt really matter too much to them. If the Law Enforcement system fails and does not successfully deal with a treatise than the military will deal with them, there is no other way. Have talked to the military and they have sat say they will just shoot them like dogs. After we eat, well be looking for the demons who voted for rushing the referendum. A night hunt awaits us. So its definitely interesting to see how key is basically given a blank check to carry out these extra judicial, military lead punishments of people who havent been put through any sort of court process. Theyre allowed to take the work permits away from journalists, western journalists, and after of course, they already been their own domestic opposition media. And at the same time, the western media still continues to call you frame to democracy. Over to the us now are a fresh scandal has erupted to new york over and torres, ukrainian, neo nazi, whos on a country wide publicity tour. His name is dimitri, because ascii and he was called out for his views by an activist during a media then. Now the accuser was subsequently booed and thrown out, while kosky was allowed to remain a member id. I got a Max Blumenthal editor of the grades and says that the western narrative of ukrainian troops fighting for democracy doesnt stack up to the reality. On the grounds. Now we see the ukranian authorities actually banning cnn in sky news from her son are because they said i need to complete their stabilization activities, which obviously includes disappearing, torturing, and possibly even killing those accused of collaborating or sympathizing with russia or being flooded with waves of lurid accusations only targeting one side and then the side we, the us taxpayer supports is being presented as fighting for democracy in these images. Stand completely at odds with that there are people who understand on social media that something deeply disturbing is taking place. When members of the openly neo nazi as of battalion which was identified by the New York Times bought by the german broadcaster Deutsch Avella previously by a jewish groups like the anti defamation league. As neo nazi are now touring the United States. And this shows something deeply sick that is taking place in the United States, where the established elite culture is tolerant of naziism. To the extent that those nazi say were useful foot soldiers in u. S. Empire. Russia can not be cancelled bads. According to austrias top diplomat. Speaking had the meaning of the use Foreign Affairs council. So i boom to that, its impossible to change geography and history for this reason that cant be account, so culture against russia. Nevertheless, its also impossible for relations with russia to stay the same. Eventually, these european politicians are acting and talking like theyre having a fight with a neighbor and they can afford to move. They talk about how a relationship with russia is inevitable because while the right next door and until recently, things were pretty good between those neighbors. You know, they were dropping by russia to ask for some gas for the law more, or, you know, to power the entire e u economy. But then washington drop by for coffee and started bad mo thing, russia and encouraging brussels to get another of its neighbors. Ukraine to go through, exit rushes, garage door, and now brussels is so deeply invested in that fight that theyre now going to run it out of their own kitchen. Because this tuesday, the you is set to launch a Training Mission from Ukrainian Army out of poland and germany that set to cost another a 107000000 euros, and another 16000000 for ammo and weapons. Now, up to 20 of the use 27 Member States are set to be involved with the command based in brussels, under the leadership of the general staff admiral ever they bleach all. And heres how the use chief diplomat yoseph burrell is describing the operation today. Important decision is due to launching all the Training Mission for the Ukrainian Army and some lot of countries willing to participate on these Training Mission, which will be training about 15000 new credential to us. You think that burrell job as chief, you, diplomat, would have been to avoid e u military involvement through diplomacy rather than come out bragging about military action. So, you know, another banner moment for e u diplomacy. Theres also the question of the resources from Member States being funneled into training ukrainians at a time when generals, like, for example, former french army, chief of staff, pierre, the vig, have long complained that the military budget leaves his own country vulnerable. The same general has been making media rounds here in paris denouncing france in europes involvement in this pricey conflict. At bianca. Actually, we are an estates of permit escalation since february 24th. This god, its time to return to a peaceful approach. The crane conflict does not suit you repeat interests, especially the interests of france. But if, as the general says, the ukraine conflict is of greater benefit to washington than to europe, then why isnt brussels telling washington to pay for it . It seems that the u. S. Is getting the best of both worlds when it has managed to get both ukraine and brussels to do its dirty work against russia all getting brussels to foot. The bill for conflict that even this prominent french general describes is having diminishing returns. And thats all for now. Be sure to check out our t v dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. Well see you right back here at the top of the hour. A look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. We should be very careful about our personal intelligence and the point obviously is to great trust, rather than fear i would like to take on various job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with i dont think that the United States or the United Kingdom had the slightest interest in ukraine itself. Shed way something to mobilize people around. I think that ultimately their goal is to undermine

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