Transcripts For RT News 20221108

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Rising inflation and between currents in the country with its one minutes past 10 am on Tuesday Morning here in the russian capital. Im peters got taken over from rachel blevins. Im gonna be joining us from welcome to the programmer, bidens public Approval Rating plummets to near its historic low dust. According to poll conducted on monday, which is of course on the eve of the u. S. Midterms and it adds to concerns that democrats will lose the majority of seats in congress when theyre held today on choose day. During the midterms about a 3rd of us, congressional senators could be voted out. While in the lower parliamentary chamber, the house of representatives, all 435 seats on the ballots. New governors for 36 states will also be chosen on tuesday, as well as a new 27 secretaries of states who are responsible for the elections. Major domestic issues such as abortion, access, gun votes, rights are very much in focus. Now, much of the u. S. Media has been echoing bidens warnings that us democracy is allegedly at risk. And thats prompted fears that republicans could take control of congress and drawing parallels with a possible red wave when in the failure to the failure of democracy. Thus, as us citizens seem not to share such concerns when asked what motivates their votes . As most americans, they domestic problems are their top concern in the upcoming election. Always drives everything. I think that that is probably the factor that most directly influences peoples day to day lives. So definitely a prominent decision in voting. I think the economy is an issue, but i think abortion is a huge issue, especially in this city. I think the economy is definitely a big issue right now. I think a lot of people will be motivated, motivated by it, but i dont think the economy is like the Biggest Issue that is happening in our society right now. Well, one you could take a look at the condition of everything, the jobs, the unemployment, people are struggling. I cant even get so security and the benefits that they offered me when i was paying taxes. I dont get. So there are hundreds of thousands of people that are really crushed under false economy. According to recent polls, 79 percent of americans say their voting decision will be driven by economic issues, name and domestic problems as their biggest concern. Us as washington recently approved a 400000000. 00 a package to ukraine. Amendment firmly focused on events abroad, crane ukraine, ukraine, United States ro, never, never, never recognized russias claims on the ukraine. We demonstrated the United States commitment to the government and to the people of ukraine. Pla, crana in washington. Its all ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. And its not just costing time. Its also costing money over 18000000000. 00 already spent. No surprise that with washingtons big names all focused overseas, Many Americans are feeling left behind. It seems ukraine 1st america last, according to the latest polls, at least when it comes to the issues that americans are concerned about. Ukraine is nowhere near the top of the list. Americas working families are getting crushed by inflation. The high gas prices are squeezing them dry, the cost of living keeps going up and up. Mortgages are also rising. But yet the government of the United States continues writing checks to kia with prices, surgeon and american. Struggling to keep up. The Federal Reserve takes a bold step to chain what seems like relentless inflation and raises Interest Rates by 3 quarters of a percentage point. Its biggest hike in nearly 3 decades. Food prices, up, 13 percent rent up more than 6 percent. If youre in the market for a car, new or used, youre paying more about 9 percent more than this time. Last year. Weve never seen drastic actions like this under janet yelling. We never saw this on november, nancy or even alan greenspan. You actually to go back to the early 19 eighties under paul volcker, and i think this says a lot about not just how high inflation is, but how stubborn it raytheon and other military contractors are making a killing. But the American People are suffering. Is anyone now shocked at the public is fuming . Is im getting my money to ukraine. I have every way, disrespect to you because youre in 1000 equation with 80000000 grey dad. Im sorry, bill in my mistake that you are a fraud. Now, some would say that heckling Public Officials is certainly not the way out. But what exactly does one do when the president himself seems to be somewhat out of touch with reality . Not concerned about with im concerned about with when the people you, a lack did are focused on a country overseas, while things in your Community Just keep getting worse and worse. You might think that its time to be a little bit less polite. Maybe its time for some unconventional politics. The polls are now swinging to the right, regardless of any shouting at town halls. My republicans arent exactly peace does either. And no ones expecting that if they come into office, theyll pull a complete 180 and reverse u. S. Foreign policy in europe, ukraine in particular, but unlike their rivals, they seem to have at least picked up on the widespread public opposition to prolonging a foreign war at the expense of the American People. Nation building didnt work out too well in iraq, afghanistan, i dont think we should be doing it in ukraine. So targeted military assistance. One thing i favorite that, but yeah, this kind of nation building where its less about our national security. Its more about nation building. I think is a problem with ukraine and everywhere right now, our country for our border is how to control human traffic. We have inflation, gas prices out of control. Im with now. Such words from republicans have sent the democrats into a tizzy. Joe biden is now talking about Nuclear Armageddon and saying hes not interested in any talk of the escalation or negotiation. Biden is declaring roughly half the electorate to be here, redeemable right wing extremists, and hes also taken actions to cause an Energy Crisis that is certainly not unrelated to u. S. Foreign policy. Now its Little Wonder that even for some long time democrats, this is all gotten to be a little bit much. Now i believe in a government thats of the people by the people and for the people. Unfortunately, todays Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government that is of by and for the powerful elite. Now in the mid term elections, americans dont vote for a president. They vote for representatives in the house and the senate. But these mid term elections are turning into a referendum on one man, a man who is not on the ballot, but does live in the white house. So while biting goes on with his democracy is at stake mantra, it looks like a lot of americans are just not thrilled with his performance. And they may be recalling a few things that his predecessors sad about america 1st failed martin r t new york. So geopolitical strategies and us state departments, consultant johns, to delete these believes that despite concern for ukraine, the American Public still puts his own needs. First. A most americans are being pulled is being concerned primarily about inflation, heights and gasoline prices run away, crime illegal aliens and the Russia Ukraine war does not register very high for most americans because theyre concerned about the wrong well being an Economic Hardship right now. I believe most americans are still very concerned about the well being of ukrainian people, but ultimately every country and every citizen me is going to be concerned with his own well being. First, the Republican Party is going to come in with a very robust agenda that will be promoting economic growth. I think well see a number of issues that also help provide for Economic Relief for every day americans because theyre entering a period of great anxiety. And i think the Republican Party will look to see how we best alleviate that anxiety by promoting job growth, economic growth, energy production, safety for our citizens, and feeling the border and providing for control of our sovereign territory as the United States of america. Over to pakistan now, where protests have raged across the country for 4 consecutive days after the pines, assassination attempts on former p. M. Iran con, last week. And this comes of the country. Supreme Court Ordered police to investigate the shooting local journalist beings as the details. After 4 days went farmer pie mr. Emerson con, wasnt acting vizier, but then he was leaning the lat long back towards capitelli slammer. But today the Supreme Court, i like his plan has ordered the police sieve off be largest virus off one job, probably just had a case against the attackers with in front to for ups. In the meanwhile, in 4 days, the protesters that support us up with, im con, and they protested across the country in on major cities. He went today and they were out on the streets. There was anger that they were had for it. I guess the government and the for Dmitri Claudia in his go, you will take revenge for him on kong. It doesnt matter. The march continue, sir, and you firm on con this he or not . All children will answer their houses and will fly them like they did tell many more will you kill, how many more will you burn alive . We are here. Come and kill us. We will die for our country. We will step forward for him. Ron con, we will march for him, run con audio man. I want to warn all federal institutions and the government stop this one day, you will have to answer for this. They will be running the rest of the 4. Please, maam. Suspects one is the primary. So one is the into their melissa. Not that hes be hot seen that on me off. He said had implant cameras are raising serious quest housing in his press conference yesterday. When he was asking the judicial system. Well fight a justice so that today the Supreme Court has ordered the case must be the district within 24 hours. Been long mass will again, start from over 0 brought on tuesday, and it will go to the festival. And then it will come back to islamabad in 2 weeks, al clevi, so inbound counties recovering. He has been shifter to his home, but the other liters of the p t. Their baby lynbrook s. And later in im con, will join them. I mean, the luck on our tv is slower, but pakistan will tensions are also on the rise in west africa as anti government, protested ropes had in gonna as fuel and food prices hit record highs. His or some people in the streets had to say, hi this i to hi, we are 5 in a book on by medicine cannot be right. We have the most expensive a new. We have to come out and protest. I have had enough. It has been 30 mismanaging of a nation. We have been land our resources, everything that we have has been mis, appropriate with appropriate bio political elite. If you have seen that, what should belong to . The people has been taken away from the people. We are not happy or we dont see a and people are talking, were looking. And i mean, i dont want him to get crowds. So to the states, to rally against what they see is the governments mismanagement. Amid a worst thing, economic crisis, calling for the president s resignation, protest is also demanded an end on going forth to the i m f, which the president sees as an opportunity to overcome the downturn. And cautious with his earlier pledge of a no 8 policy gone. And journalist winston saki says the i m. S low will not save the country from a full blown recession. Currently, the gun is economy has so face significantly cease the early this year. I was trying to, to, theres been a plant in plant in the country to a full blown economic recession. Inflation rose from 10 to point 9 percent in general to tennis of in point 2 percent in september. And some of the analysts to believe the actual level is more than twice or fisher and possibly as high as 98 percent. Our debt level as increase. So astronomically compared to 2022 to 1. 00. And for that reason, our inability to meet our Debt Repayment at lies has brought a lot of pressure on the economy. The solution is possibly dam if will give us a boost, but it will not basically take away what we need to do in the country domestically by reviving our Domestic Industries and companies and also focusing on our records. In other news, rushes become indias top oil supplier, overtaking the usual major exports, is like saudi arabia and iraq. The new trade figures emerge prior to the Indian Foreign ministers visit to moscow. On monday, the talks with his russian counterparts, the 2 day trip is aimed at expanding corporation between the countries during a period of key global challenges. Energy of course, is a major topic on the agenda, especially after the g 7 confirmed plans to push a price cap on russian oil. But new delhi and moscow share more than just energy. Both the members of bricks and beyond economic and cultural partnerships, they also cooperate heavily in defense. Recent polls also show a majority of indian people also considered russia the countrys most reliable partner. Since new delhi gained independence back in 947 with defense relations with moscow, also viewed as crucial by most doctors, civil come our daughter, politics and foreign policy. Experts also expects the chip to be construct if visitors very significant such and spatial leave. Then there is so much, then chin at the international level, there might be some more new in this shape or there might be 5 more to do that such and of course and for very involved, you get to read that full security down at the bottom. She went on, so our strong relationship in relation to our different i, which is very thought, yeah, really not jeopardize hard relationship with russia at the fall stopped us. Faith and russia are also on the fans that will not buy a relationship with United States of america at all. Russia. Thats not, you know, so i do understand that there is that kind of a one. Sometimes both kind of us in the, in be American Ship and relevant lot jim, literature, randy, dumpsters, tech and j konami and bilateral applies. And thats why we are kind of, you know, kind of a void of fine, no rush and relationship. And if we wanted, as you know, you were the African Parliamentary Union cause to fight against extremism and terrorism. Molly and bacchanal faso have agreed to take matters into their own hands. Thats after western cheap involvement failed to pay off pumped in the countries to art, to stabilize the region of the correspondence corolla. Thought la has the story african countries in the hell are cooperating in the common type of security. For years, the region has been and f p center for conflict. And critics, i saying that this is largely due to the actions and in actions of wisdom governance. There are currently not enough funds to meet peoples ever increasing needs, which compromises the humanitarian relief that can be provided. More than 400000 people are now internally displaced in molly, forced to leave their homes, livestock, and livelihoods behind. And france in particular, has he checked that itself out of a conflict . It promised to quell a decade ago. The situation remains dire. Im in some of the most brutal fighting in the region. And now many of these countries, i rejecting cooperation with france and pinning their hopes on a new alliance with russia. Perhaps with the new security situation, we will re examine our relations with russia to see if it should be strengthened in one sector or not. A number of former french colonies in the hell are cooperating with each other for the security of the nations. As stated by bacchanal fossils captain abraham toward his 1st visit abroad to money. The most important thing for us in the Current Situation as the security challenge. We came here to share experience on how to strengthen our military cooperation and how to conduct our operations better and to secure the population. This is the Main Objective of the visit. And while the influence of the west diminishes, countries like the United States, a being accused of hiding behind the veil of democracy, and lou rallies as they throw functions at some of the poorest nations in the world. I am taking this step because i have determined that the government of kina faso has not established or is not making continual progress toward establishing the protection of the rule of law and political pluralism. The hell has become a byword for conflict. Following years of an easy fighting and for the millions of displaced people in the region of head to endure the brutality of that conflict. Hopeful peace seems untenable. Got about 5 t, enjoying this new England University scholar, eunice bou, you says the western attempts to secure peace in the style have only exacerbated the situation on the ground since 2014, when the bar can operations started, things have gone from bad to worse and then we realized today that this, the way this whole situation has been handled, has led to further stages integration, terrorism chaos. I think this whole countries, its high time, did they get organized and look for ways to cooperate among each other to serve their own interest in the interest of their population. I think what happened in molly when, whats happening now in booking a parcel is, has some sort of postcolonial reflexive in the sense that these countries have, are tied from the, the form of glowing powers. They havent seen any positive things coming from all these interventions. And now this which in size to new partners, maybe they can get better security and Better Development through these new policies. So it is understandable on the western media has slammed the uganda tons in the joint crude oil pipeline project, which could relieve the impacts of the Energy Crisis on africa with the u, accusing the countries of Human Rights Violations and harming the environment. The pipeline was done with around 1500 kilometers long would help top in so you can this massive oil reserves and also supply the countries through the port in neighboring tons of near hoping stabilized oil prices in the region know back in september the European Parliament votes its issue, a resolution condemning youve got the funds in the a lot of backlash in the countries which accused the you of fronting in defendants for as a result of that, the European Parliament rethought its approach and overturned its decision. Greenlight seen the project just days before the thoughts of the africa hosted un Climate Change conference. Earlier we spoke to a journalist from the exchange newspaper, who says the pipeline could benefit all parties, but the doesnt want to have a constructive dialogue due to its own business interest. And in the apathy to me means it is a barely bid or mission of attention validation, but also support when it comes to Energy Ambitions in the developing economies. I found it to be a matter of business in the matter of economy monopoly because we all know that one of the most biggest import that africa, but also kind of in this case on oil. And if you got in touch with me, i would bring the Pipeline Projects on board and really functioning well. Well see that number dwindling. And if that number drink to, we could see no, it hasnt yet becoming if you got any of the stuff kind of look at. So becoming independent. And i think its time right now. So there you can, you know, itself to have a kind of composition with africa on proper ways. Going how we can explore fossil fuels, but also sustainably transferred from that standpoint to clean energy. Us Climate Change some. It kicked off in egypt on monday, yesterday, with leaders from 120. 00 state taking part the organizations the secretary general said that the plan is done on the brink of climate health. One of the main topics on the agenda the conference is addressing the lack of funding for the common cause from western states. A recent report by climate foundation, carbon brief shows that the u. S. U. K, australia and canada, all the leaders in carbon emissions, but failed to pay their 1st falling 1000000000 short notice by these countries being the most vocal supporters of the green narrative. Well, the executive director of the pon, african climates, Justice Alliance says that western states all playing a game of Musical Chairs with the african counterpart when it comes to Climate Change. Their point here is about the implementation of the commitment. And thats why you are saying this is our hope of implementation. There are lots of commitments we to the admin fee after they mandate, you know, in glasgow. The mandate in there since copenhagen. Ive never met it. What do we, our thing is, as long as we are not degree this, it would defeat as long as we are, we are, we are trying, were, were, were, were, were, were playing hide. Our defeat game will never tube in this club. This will be like an end unless game of Musical Chairs come here, come this the other got madison, the death. We come down to see that as that next year. I did 2 men. Well, chance is telling us that we are, we are missing the timid tipping point. We didnt mean to be cd us. I did the future generations when doug vent ashley, these people, the lead us, who are here pretending that they are taking action with out there is nothing that doing french finance minister, bruno lamar has lashed out at a multi 1000000000. 00 u. S. Investments and its Clean Energy Companies saying that the media makes European Companies less competitive with overseas firms. The official even threatened to meet washington in the world trade organizations caught some large Foreign Companies that wanted to set up in europe. And now hesitating between european and american sites on calling for a united, strong and coordinated response from the e. U to our american allies. Either they will be resolved there, and we hope they will. Thats why we have the task force to discuss this. Or we will have go to the w t o and in visits, retaliatory measures for the move, which is called the inflation reduction, and creates tax credit tax preferences for green American Companies, giving them significance investments with tens of billions of dollars, as well as tax credits for components produced in us factories, which could lower potential investors and businesses away from europe. But its not only the u. S. Clean energy firms that can stand to benefit from the global crisis. Its also fossil fuel firms. Lets take a closer look at the profits of Us Oil Producers who benefited from sewing prices making over 200000000000. 00 since the start of the war in ukraine on issuing sanctions against russia. Of course. Now this is twice the amount compared to the same period last year, and according to some experts, the cash flow is a record breaking amount for the oil firms. And the use concerns are not unfounded. As the u. S. Government subsidies on the firms higher earnings create better conditions for doing business in the u. S. As you can see on the screen, Natural Gas Prices in the European Union or over 4 times higher than in the United States and europe, electricity prices are almost twice as much as in the u. S. Financial and banking professor Richard Vernon says the e response to american attempts to undermine business in your, in the European Union is expected. It is high time. It is long overdue because essentially the us has been acting very much against the interest of its allies in europe. And this is almost been official policy to bring down the european economy. The u. S. Has been exploiting its allies for its own benefit. And at the moment it seems to be one consideration as to the ports, the us dollar, which has been crumbling and ensure that the us dollar remain strong. So by nothing down the european economy, the euro has been falling and that has boosted the us dollar. The u. S. Has been a biggest beneficiary of all the sanctions imposed on russia since 2014 already. Ready it was that perhaps even wont be as in those days because these were very, very one sided sanctions on europe. While American Companies didnt have those sanctions. And so German Companies were told, no, you cant deal with russia, you cant export. Well, anything Agricultural Products or anything else and they stopped and then American Company stepped right and then applied the same thing to russia. The european leaders should break free from that and admit that the sanctions are clearly not working. Well, thats a wrap for this. Our moneys pizza, scotts will be back again in around 30 minutes time with all the latest news views on analysis, right . Say on nazi out. See them . Ah ah ah. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense. Very dramatic development. The only personally im going to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk ah ah ah ah ah ah, with ah, with ah, the eradication of self ism was also conceived by hitler who formed the general plan ost for the colonization and german ization of eastern europe, the plan involved about 80 percent been killed or relocated me. Those labels he just knew who i busy usually. Yes. Give us proceed to me or story up when you might have put your name. Yes or steam you dont was threatening yet. Sailor asked. So unions into personally, i mean, ill switch history to the group. Were good. Yeah. My as of that you amazed. Lovely so that she missed School Without us the year mission. Much already know bill please see me image miss

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