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Our home to your Largest Nuclear power plant, the barrage hit, so where Russia Nuclear Energy Workers are saying with hello and welcome to our see International Broadcasting alive from last. Theres just policy our im right im, im gonna take a look at the top stories today and somalia at service to open fire on a hotel the set off in a column, the claiming lives of 9 civilians. Security forces killed the attackers, but the situation is still unstable. This, as africa has been wise for protest against western interference on the content. All t course for no kind of boot tackler has the story. Theres an air of change blowing through africa and one that is increasingly resistant to the power and influence of the west indies. Yoga this weekend. Over a 100000. 00 people marched in support of the countrys defense force, demanding an end to the interference by the west in ethiopia and affairs. Iowa. As you can see, there are lots of residents of the city he came out to condemn. The western countries lead by the United States who interfere in our affairs, are sovereignty and unity. They want to dismantle ice. I came to condemned that we are saying start as you want i that i live enough is enough. We shall not accept any interference. Resale parents dont want anybody assistance work on our own and bring change to ourselves. Or we condemn the indirect pressure on ethiopia by the west and the United States. I want to call on them to take their hands off ethiopia, with which they are terrorized in our country. I want to tell them we are capable of solving our own problems by ourselves in the east then, and central parts of the african continent. The old god is being challenged. Shed is, but one example says its independence in 1960, from france, whose an Army Generals have ruled a bus lanes of land. And they were supported by the former colonizer 30, was supposed to mark a day of transition from military to civilian rule in fed pools. Of smokes billowed from the city capital and jemina as well as other areas. As champions of all walks joined, hands, tired of waiting to demand them end to military rule of the transitional military council, and also the end of francis interference. The Security Forces response was brutal. Ah, ah, i forgot to go over with you until the day that he died on the front lines in april 2021 general in that is the bee was francis mann. Paris supported and protected him against the attempted cause and also turned a blind eye to his brutal 3 decade long rule. In turn, the me protected francis interests in the region. Both military and economic. France even supported the transitional military cancel that was formed after the bees death, which is now headed by debbie son, mama de b. He without an election, installed himself as leader and even pushed back of the transition date by a further to yes, a move that angle, the people you see that francis, its good. That frances, withdrawing its military presence in the region because france is always at the side of the leaders, keeping them in power. We saw that france has done nothing about whats happening here. On the internet, on the radio person macaroni said that france has no connection with whats happening because its an internal affair of chad. But i think thats not true as it was france, that helped Mohammed Debbie to take power. We know that all the decisions come from france, but his asked me, theyre all, i think all this french mil to present in africa is for its own interests. I think france is the course of all or suffering. Frances, in control of have retained the happens. He and chad was seen all to france, no to the existence of france on all territory. I leave that report by Human Rights Watch point the finger at chad Security Forces and the youth to suppress opposition to military rule. When it comes to france, the country was quick to deny any head in the suppression. France plays no role in these events, which relate strictly to chatty in domestic politics. The false information about france is alleged involvement has no basis. But ordinary, tedious and not buying this denial, france as to faced the chief responsible for the massacre that took place yesterday as the transitional, military government, which extended its mandate for 2 more years with the support of france. The people of chad were not only on the street to protest the government after yesterdays bloody repression of protests killed. More than 60 people in chad, france condemned to violence from wherever it may come. Its as good as a blank check to carry on. Chad is bleeding under a dictatorship imposed by france for paris. Africans dying are worth it for protecting french symbols and interest. France is evil and must get out of africa. France if also implicated in another violent what sport of the weeks of cooling off violence classes between the democratic republic of congo was military and the em 23 rebels has risen again. The d. R. C and rwanda, if it strained relations since the 1994 genocide which saw squaws of people cross the border into the d of see all the while the french government was supplying weapons to the region in such countries, genocide is not too important. Is this the legacy fronts will leave behind in africa, the plunder of resources, supporting of dictators, and also killing of civilians in the name of fighting terrorism in sudan. More signs of resistance to once the west than engineered power sharing agreement are beginning to emerge. On thursday, a 155 people died in flyable pleasures in the blue nile region illustrating of frustration for people on the ground against western attempts to create artificial, manipulated government structures which are pro western friendly in africa. And just to round of the wave of negative sentiments to whats the west africa, a major wisdom power says that africans must be prepared to die for the democracies. What exactly canada, deputy prime minister, christy freeland, was thinking when she said that is not immediately clear. But it did not go down well in africa. Democracy can only be built by people themselves for themselves. And a democracy can only be defended by people themselves if theyre actually prepared to die for their democracy. Liberal day, a good day flip in a day is part of french, National Heritage and immortal the country is proud to ascribe to. But here in africa, both the action and in action of france stand against those very same values. And for a growing number of former colonies and african states, oh, our policy seems a more appropriate phrase cannibalization. For oddity ingenious beck o russian fighter jet has crashed into a house in the siberian city of includes. And the local governor has confirmed the 2 pirates of killed in the incident. There was said to be no other civilian casualties. This on verify video apparently shows of the moment of the crash on sunday evening. The jet can be seen as it approaches the ground, followed by a huge plume of smoke coming from the sites authority, say the resulting fire has been brought under control. A local reporter was there and brought us these details. When i heard him sidney turner, you know, well enough where now at the site where the crash happened, special services are working behind my back rest curious, policeman and the investigative committee. The governor also right. He said that the pilots had died. There were no more victims, the fire was completely extinguished, as resident say, the area was filled with acreage smoke, but now it has already cleared. Authorities also say the residence of house is close to the crash or now with their relatives. The class happened and includes a city located 5000 kilometers east of moscow. It comes the 7 days offer another plane at a similar fate in the city of yeast. Earlier, my colleague, rudy. Since we discussed the details of the incident with ortiz marine and casa river, according to a source that spoke exclusively to r t, that source said that the plane was actually circling the town for 20 minutes. And there was no connection with the pilots at the time. So a fighter jets another one was sent up there to check on that. They saw that the pilots were unconscious and this and they couldnt do anything. And then the plane crashed into the house in that house. 5 people lived there. Thankfully, there were not at home. Very lucky for them. Of course the pilots died. We know that there are no other casualties at the moment where anyone reported injured. Theyve opened the criminal investigation to this that a fire and sued and competent. About 200. 00 the square meters we can see. And some of the footage there, the smoke. There were 2 buildings that caught on fire. The one that crashed into and then the one next to it. But thankfully, like i said, no one injured except for the pilots of course, and the open, the criminal investigation into this. And the commission has already been set up to look into why it happened or so as i understand, or its really worrying stuff here. Frankly, this is the 2nd fighter jet crash in russia in just about a week to what happened with the previous one. The previous one happened on the 17th of october, and it was in south russia. In that case, the fighter jed crashed and said 9 Story Building the pilot. So in that case, managed to attract themselves, moments before the crash. But again, that was a 9 Story Building. People were there. So we had 15 people who died and 900 people who were injured. And in that case, pilot the pilots report said that engine fire as they took off. So slightly different situation there, there, its pretty much more or less straightforward, but in this particular case, were still waiting to find out what happened and what happens to the pilots. Why were they unconscious . According to the Russian Defense minister, ukraine is preparing a provocation. Annual target and citizens and their bid to discredit the russian army. It said that for most reigns will attack civilians on monday during the distribution of humanitarian aid in the hardcore region. Pass off the grain of forces on sunday, launch artillery barrage at the russian city of a good dar where europes Largest Nuclear power plant is located. One of the objects hit was a hotel way employees of the rushes state. Atomic Energy Company have been staying on seas. A reuben closer and gave us this report about the attack. The city of another door is indeed a home to europes Largest Nuclear power plant. And its been under constant attack by Ukrainian Military since the start of the special military operation by a russia its now partially operational. Its not in full operation at the moment. However, attacks against the city and the Nuclear Power plant continue every single day. Now on a sunday, ukraine had the also targeted civilians in the city of and our good door, according to a local officials, a hotel was frog as at least 3 shells. I hit the hotel, which is which houses russian, the employees of the russian atomic. An agency so far we do know that no one was hurt during that attack. However, an official from the Russian Atomic Agency who is there at the moment i said that he and the employees of the company were the target of this attack. Now the russians are, of course, there at the Nuclear Power plant to ensure the safety of its operations. But sir, if the Nuclear Power plant is struck by ukraine, it will certainly translate into a huge tragedy in the region survey that was associated the city of don as dan is out that have been under attack by ukrainian forces, reportedly easing french weapons, they hit residential areas at a school in the vicinity miller and in the city of housing Authorities Say at least one civilian has been killed and 3 wounded in a turret sack on sunday. As an improvised explosive device placed on a st. Pulled detonated as a vehicle was passing by the blast, shattered windows and near by residential buildings. This incident comes off the has on authorities announced the closure of an entry point into the front line region earlier this week. The aim has been said to prevent civilians from traveling to areas most at risk from ukraine. Effects civilians in the region all be moved to safe ground. This for this shows, people tune up to board a ferry at a local point, pulled. These events come amid warnings from the Russian Ministry of defense and local officials that he is full says offset to be planning to launch a major offensive on the area. As a result of the security concerns russian president , whether it puts in this week, the fed martial law in house on and the 3 other territories that recently voted to join russia. The Russian Defense minister has warned that he may use a radioactive bomb in a so called full flag operation, an attempt to draw other countries into the conflict. Russian minister of defense, sergey show you how the series of phone calls on sunday with his counterparts from the u. S. U. K. France. And to here on the issue as fear is about the conflict escalating to the use of Nuclear Weapons amounting, while less than politicians tend to downplay russian concerns would accuse moscow making f 3 roof references to Nuclear Weapons. Not all were simple. It politicians share such a view, instead believe in the conflict may be globalized by nato. The very likely american sabotage of the north stream Gas Pipelines has shown what nato is capable of. Lets be wary. They are capable of the worst up to and including the false flag use of an atomic weapon to globalize the conflict. France must get out of this vicious circle. Nicholas sanchez, the former president of francis join state lawmakers in rejecting the western interpretation of the conflict and ukraine. Questioning why the Euro Commission as a mr organization is responding to the confrontations in a manner that is beyond its purview. Promoting emergency solution alone, which the politician is certain only results in both fatalities. Meanwhile, Mainstream Media is for the next phase of western politicians that the criminal is preparing the pretext for an escalation of war in ukraine. The fellow european politicians, all states in the opposites that russia has little interest in this war spreading, and moscow is far more rational than what is being betrayed. According to the noise intelligence chief, we perceive russia as a rational actor. We must remember that russia has a different historical understanding and a different world view. The world looks completely different from the kremlin than from norway. We discussed this issue with glen dyson, a political scientist, and professor at the university of south eastern no way, who believes the native states, all those who are motivated to escalate the situation. People are not allowed to suggest to sit down with russia and, and suggest that we have their work at a peace agreement. Because at the moment anyone who suggests this say, well, thats what put in one, which means to either you support the war or you are russian. Again, this to say, its a big shame that theres no alterations out there with enough courage to say that this is, this is gone way too far. And we, we should sit down and find a peace agreement. One doesnt have to agree with russia us in nation in ukraine wont, can oppose it, but one can still admit that need to have provoked care and contributed to this conflict. And its both in our interest and our responsibility to sit down with russia and try to work out an agreement. Instead of seeing more and more people die on the battlefield, leave the us military force could intervene in ukraine. Thats a message heard from a former c. I a director, david, patrice. I think that the red line for nato is directly related to an attack on the nato member country. That said, i think it is possible that russia could take an action in ukraine, that would be so shocking and so horrible that the United States and other countries could react in one way or another. But as a Multinational Force led by the United States and not as a nato force, this statement comes along with news that the u. S. Army is 101st airborne division, a light infantry divisions. Visualizing air operations is now deployed less than 5 kilometers away from the remaining crane border. Almost 5000 so called screaming eagles was sent to you for the 1st time in almost 80 years. And as western media puts it, a sending a clear message to russia and nato allies, they are here and ready to fight. So were, were closely watching them. So were building objectives to practice against that. Replicate exactly whats going on in ukraine. Were the closest American Unit to be fighting in your grand. Did i keep this on . I keep this on our toes, right. So yeah, my colleague, rory sushi, spoke with political scientists and jonas eunice center. He says, washington really interested. Not in your graham, but all about maintaining is global hedge of many. As we understand the u. S. Army is most elite airborne divisions have been deployed to europe now for the 1st time and nearly 80 years. Its now weve been practicing for a war with russia just miles from ukraines border. Eunice, what does it tell us right now about the tensions between russia and the United States . Do you think . I think before we get into the tension between russia and the United States, the u nighted states obviously is not very happy on the military situation in o crane. So this is the 1st result. First consequence, i get from that news that they considered that situation not evolving in the sense they would like to have it. Secondly, it is a continuation of the u. S. I aggressive policies, of course, as they have been organizing several that maneuvers in that space 2 years. And thirdly, it really shows they are not very much interested in kind of reconciliation or a diplomatic solution, but they are using their muscles. I think they are not interested in the piece of solution for a certain reason, because for them the conflict is not around about a crane or, or russian policies towards a crane, but its about maintaining the global hagan money. So if they fell off the table and agreed to negotiate a peaceful solution, which is the demand of the rest of the world or great parts of it, the will have to acknowledge a turning point in their global agen money. And this is the main reason why they are not interested in a peaceful solution imposed on you know, while i still have you with us lets, lets assess the current sanctions imposed by the e. U and other western countries. When it does come to the sanctions, i guess i should say 15 percent of the world has been currently for the past several months, sanctioning russia, that means 75 percent of the world is not sanctioning russia, of course, the functions mostly in the western hemisphere. How would you assess the effectiveness of sanctions, for example, in europe . The idea of sanctions was to isolate russia and it was to break the ration will to continue this military operation they are pursuing in cream. And in both terms, we can clearly states that they have failed. They have failed to achieve their goals of isolating russia. They have their goal in stopping this military operation. And even worse than the United States, they is forced to broaden its sanctions regime targeting more and more and more countries its targeting or threatening to target jerky. Its threatening to target saudi arabia. It is already sanctioning year and so we are getting to a position where the United States basically is tending towards stopping all Foreign Trade and all for an investment because almost all the rest of the world will be targeted by thanks. So underline that they have not achieved what theyre concrete exec goal. Most us inflation moved back up to 40 year High Pressure in the Federal Reserve to raise interest 0. 75 Percentage Points which will make americans suffer even more from storing Energy Prices and higher costs of living. But this slightly, the fact that seeing how speaking that simple is tie the peoples worries about inflation. When i hear people talk about inflation as i heard in there, we had to change that subject. Inflation is a global phenomena phenomenon yet the you, the european union, u. K. The british have a higher inflation rate than we do here. Its not the fight is not a bad inflation. Its about the cost of living. However, the inversion has hit record high is all seen since 1982 sitting at a point 2 percent at the end of september. As a result of which prices are increasing faster than salaries. This is only half the problem as personal savings of reportedly drops by 15 percent over the last year. We heard from some americans who told us how their daily lives are affected by soaring Energy Prices and the rising cost of living. A savings in our retirement money now, and i just dont know how these people, you know, without any segments, are going to be able to afford all of the things the way things are going right now with 4 dollars a gallon of gasoline. Obviously we all work in just to survive, right now. Im in my 41 k and my savings, which im not happy with. Thats how bad the economy really is. When people have to start using for one k savings and all the economy could be a lot better than what it is. Now, the Economy Service is terrible in inflation shareable is ridiculous. This felicia may gas, but our government wont let us have it. Who is in office right now . To live in a vain rest . You go, i the night you in all me, off to the Islamic Terrorist Organisation book or rom had abducted them along with another 270 full school girls. In 2014, there are still nearly a 100 of the former students held in captivity. Local correspondent, clued si beatrice has more on the story. These development of the rescue off 2 more gill sticking from chip or in the last day to use. Bring still talking a number of gills, rescued or found by the Nigerian Army denatured an army. Autolycus said, Ongoing Operations to rescue more gales or did not. Civilians is hampered by drugs and things. Forrest in the region. So i didnt see it. When the army attacked the camp, i ran into the forest because i was afraid they will come again the following day. I was that was how the army found and rescued me and my 2 children now and since we had been abducted, they didnt let us out of the forest can come on the day the army attacked to rescue us. I was inside the house with my children. My husband wasnt at home. The army told me to follow them. And thats how i was rescued. My husband to still life. I dont want to continue my education, but i had started to receive before my abduction. I just want to support my children, you know, at the head of operation happening. Take said the gigs, rejoice, sanky and yoga. Now pu, aged 24 and 25 respectively. Were rescued along with the are 6 children in some be self forrest by troops of 7 division, 49 terrorists when troy laced and to date more than 8 to 1000 insurgents of surrendered to the military. Dinner insurance authorities planned to appoint shelter comes for the over 80000 people, formerly sympathetic to the terrorist up to 70 percent of the people that have received amnesty by turning themselves in are women and children. Most of their movements. Now you notice is theyre looking for food and acts of criminality, detracting neuropathy, individuals to get money to get food when they go to attacks, and thats what they had we saw where quarterly loosed is to get, i would order rescued agencies. But they also said that to this crisis, like many orders in particularly west africa, will again b r to the back of the line when it comes to 8 and support from western countries. Im quality beatrice. Our teen use may do glory. Ill let wraps up this hour. The latest news shake out of see the home for more up the minute global and region is really back at the top of the hour. It was nice to have the louis. Mm hm. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic or development only personally and getting to disease. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very care to kill time time to sit down and talk with in the ukrainian oligarchs, private armies. A murdering thug had a salary of 1300. 00 a month. But this, the well arm, nationalist battalion fighters who were beyond the control of the regular army, had to do the dirtiest work, but not even the Ukrainian Special services dared to perform with mother bother you. Show cranes cannot. Some i listed you was put in your mind, you read to the restore girl a unit of christ. Upon that sunday, who could i insult austin would upon us and then you can turn it off to get away from all sorts of option into and you know, today was focused on listen on

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