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Intelligence service. And bob way fixed funds to tackle rapidly falling apart infrastructure while still struggling with draconian u. S. Lead sanctions imposed 2 decades ago. Even in this industry, we have no choice. We cant afford to pay rent anywhere else with across the globe around the clock. This is our t great value with this for the news block. I mean, we begin read breaking news. They came monetary in convoy of civilians leaving territory control by key ebs forces in the upper rozier region has come. Busy very ukrainian shelling with many dead according to local officials, a warning, disturbing images follow the head of the upper was a region has said the civilian vehicles moving towards russian control territory came under fire from ukrainian forces. 23 people are reported killed and further searching for wounded over it doesnt strikes were heard in the attack ahead of the results of the referendum kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Pascal for that. Any shelling directed out territories that become part of the Russian Federation would be seen as an act of aggression against russia itself. Could an attack on the new russian territories be considered inactive aggression against the Russian Federation . It would not be considered anything else. Yeah, thats of 2 former ukrainian regions, along with the independent republics of the don bass, are to officially become part of russia. On friday, the president earlier signed it ordered to carry these up for osha and her san territories. To be independent of the background to the the vast majority of voters cast their ballots in favor of such a move. In recent referendums with some parts of those areas, still being contested by ukrainian or russian lead forces. Later today, the heads of the 2 regions and the 2 republics are set to meet plumber and sign a treaty to join russia. Ortiz maria phenomena told me more why my food has signed, decrease declaring name dependence of the 2 regions of his son and the per rogia. And this is just final formal stab before these territories. Along with the dont boss republic, Something Else can logans become part of russian. Officially. It comes youre right. Youve just said that tough to 5 day referendums held in all these 4 regions, showed that the absolute majority of the people there are those who cast their ballots. I have to say risking they alive. Go into the polling stations on the constant shelling. Want to be with russia, they voted in favor of joining worlds biggest country. But the west, hes not ready to recognise the results of these votes. Many western leaders already use strong wards to say that they will never recognize rushes claims to what they believe is still the ukraine. Inter, are we now hear that nature . Secretary general is about to hold an unexpected press conference later on friday. The topic of it was not officially announced by judging by timing, right after wide report and speech and all the sightings, we can expect that the focus will be on the joining the un secretary general also told the reporters that the move would violate the United Nations charter and has no legal value. Moscow that believes that a dead stay with the un charter particular with its part that states the right to self determination. Later on friday, we expect an official ceremony in the gorgeous your gifts. Keyhole off the grand kremlin palace, the largest and most beautiful reception hall, there were waterbury, and is expected to sign all the necessary papers and treat it together with the hands of the don boss. Republics of lugens and the need to finalize the joining. And also later in the evening, we expect massive celebrations and a concert here in stone. The rad square away is hundreds and hundreds expecting to attend to celebrate, of course, and the great new member is into a big family while ukraine and its western allies have dismissed the referendums and refused to recognize the result. Here has said International Observers as well as the vote will be put on a global wanted list and well have them sanctioned. We heard from one of those as early as a frenchman who says he has been supporting the people of the don boss since 2014 and said he was not surprised by the referendums, results, and shared with us his impressions of the his words, the termination of the residents, there was a see you im of those french people who have been supported the dumbass since 2014. So im not surprised at the results of the referendums. I have had an opportunity to speak with the people in the dumbass, and i have been profoundly impressed. Ive been most depressed by the children there. Those children have been growing up under shelling attacks for the last 8 years. You can see the trauma, their eyes. I believe that any father and grandfather would become an easy by that. Look. I believe that people of the dumbass are results we determined they have had enough of the suffering. They just want to move on to think about freedom and peace. First and foremost, to day these people are thinking about their lives. We also heard from several members of the Russian Parliament about what they called the importance of the referendums for the people who live there. Store assuming this 8 years under bombs. And it is clear that people in the neck and began school run to the polls and will do everything to get away from the ukranian oppression because they will go sky when i was in lieu camps. I saw with my own eyes, but it had been through suffering that people were really tired of the war of the extermination of children that had been going on for 8 years. So i expected such results possible good after a long separation. Finally, such a long awaited event for the residents have done boss honest and simple people who have a character of steel. They have not run away for these past 8 years. They have remained in their homeland. They have chosen their own fate in their future and voted to return to russia. While the referendums took place during constant ukrainian shelling, which is documented by International Journalists who travel there are to observe the voting process. One at french journalist whos covered attacks on civilians and on boss was seriously injured after he himself was attacked in turkey. Adrien mac, a is a former french service, with no reporting and shedding light on events in the embattled republics ortiz maria philosophy. Again, not a chance to speak with them. The v, as well as the csm 2 men attacked me. The 1st pulled my head back and the 2nd try to cut my throat with a knife. Fortunately, i reacted and pushed him back. So the knife at my cheek instead of my neck, they are so sliced my hands several times and i was stabbed 3 times in the stomach. Have a cut of about 15 centimeters. I managed to escape and run and hide. I knew that they had been looking for meanest, humble, and unfortunately they found me and tried to kill me. Id like to emphasize that they were professionals because only a professional tries to cut the throat and a very precise place. I am a former member of the French Armed Forces and i know how you can kill a person with one blow with a knife. I think they were Ukrainian Security service agents. Are some ukranian activists that were bossy. Okay, do you think the attack was in any way connected to you work on the conflict in ukraine . Yes, yeah, im a freelance military journalist for several months now. Ive been working in the dumbass where ive shown american infringe bombs that have killed civilians. Do Ukrainian Armed forces in the Security Service demanded my death and offered money for my murder, and said that this amount would double if i was killed in russia for almost 3 weeks now, ukraine wants me to be killed. If i, you scared, nausea uphill. I am not, and i say to you now that i will return to dumbass. I will continue my work and continue to show the truth. Bombs are falling daily internets. Id like to point out that in the center of the city and dennis, there are no russian rockets, no military units. Civilians are dying because of these bombs. I. Oh boy, whats your assessment of the results of the referendums recently held in the don barza and had a soundings parachia. I wasnt on bass for 3 months and i met very few people who were against it. At the same time, people who opposed the referendums were not tortured or thrown into prison. More than 90 percent of people want to become part of russia. This is normal because right now ukrainians are killing their own compatriots and dumbass using european bombs to think the population of dumb boss wants to remain a part of ukraine, which was to kill them. This is absurd, therefore dumbass needs russia to survive. Adrienne bookcase. Well, we will keep you updated right throughout the day as the say of people in don boss, these up rogia and her son regions watch the process on veal of the future that they themselves of chose ah, another story to bring you to day the head of the Russian Security council, Nikolai Patricia has said the u. S. Could have been involved in sabotaging the nord stream pipeline system. As the u. S. Is the main country to benefit economically from the gas supply root being rendered in operable . Now, those claims were also raised in a later statement by the head of russias foreign intelligence service. But when was up, in my opinion, the west is doing everything you can to hide the true perpetrators and organizers of this International Act of terrorism. We already have some evidence that points to western footprint and the organization and implementation of this terrorist attack are prosecutors office. Is investigating the incident. And all that comes after a former foreign minister of poland deleted a controversial tweet. He post that following the recent under water bluff of the north stream pipelines the statement, as you can see here, finished with the words. Thank you, usa, attributing the sabotage to washington while on wednesday though rather, love sikorsky wrote a nother post that we can look in at our news wall here. The polish politician car fight that quote, he was blood. The nord stream is par ally signal its good for poland, but as you read through this, youll notice theres no mention by possible us involvement. Us officials also done play the impact of the incident would have on europe, even as Energy Prices sore across the continent. On tuesday, the us secretary of state anthony blinking, however, noted washingtons aspirations to end the use dependence on Russian Energy and promised the surgeon supplies of liquefied natural gas working to continue to search. Ellen g supplies to europe in cooperation with global partners, including, i mean the pacific towards noting that our own Oil Production is up by more than 500000. 00 barrels per day. This year. Our Energy Exports are up more than 20 percent since last year. In fact, we became the largest elegy supplier to the European Union in the u. K. This year by russia will hold an emergency meeting tonight self the Un Security Council regarding this sub but on the nord stream pipelines. Scott ritter, a former us marine court intelligence officer, believes that the former polish foreign minister stated the truth in his deleted tweet and the washington is likely responsible for the attack. I dont think sikorsky sat in on any meetings. I dont think sikorsky at any insider knowledge. I think of course youre just stating the obvious with the pipeline was blown up. He knew it was the United States. I think in this case we just go to the one party. You actually made a confession. Thats the United States President Joe Biden february, 8th of this year, stating very clearly that if russia were to send forces into ukraine, that United States would shut down the north stream to pipeline. And when asked why he could do that, how he could do that. It wasnt as a German Allied cetera. He said, well shut it down. It appears that joe biden is, in this case, at least a man of his word. Theres no other party that you know that a would have the political clout to carry this out in be have the incentive of, you know, the United States was confronted with the fact that the german people were beginning to rebel against the u. S. Dictated policies that were being implemented by the German Government regarding your Russian Energy, not purchasing russian gas, et cetera. And were going to demand that the north stream to pipeline be opened up so that they wouldnt freeze to death this winter. And by blowing up the pipeline, United States is taking that possibility, you know, off the table. So, you know, the United States is not only the likely a candidate, but all of the circumstantial evidence would convict United States. Virtually any court of law would hear this case. Ah, hey, lets bring you another headline story today, and its an african. Zimbabwe needs 40000000000. 00 to develop its collapsing infrastructure according to the countries deputy finance. Our funding requirements for infrastructure covering all sectors of the economy and the 14 priority areas, amounts to 40000000000. 00. But having looked at our Financing Options in the fiscal space that we have, we are constrained in that area yet constraint. Thats how the south east african nations sees. It feels after 20 years of us lead sanctions affecting the lives of millions of them by winds. At the un General Assembly, several African Leaders asked washington to remove the burden while the countrys president has called for a quote, immediate end to the restrictions which he says are illegal. The on line deleterious efforts of the ellipse was sometimes wanted to humper and to slow down our progress and villas this sus dinner bu and inclusive development. We was up again core of what they needed. And when the snow removal, the sanctions imposed in 2002 half severely hindered the countries development. Zimbabwe leader says the restrictions have prevented the country from climbing outs of an economic crisis leading to thousands of people fleeing with many of those left behind suffering from. So if youre dried on starvation, no other say economic mismanagement by local authorities on the seizing are farmland from white farmers has exacerbated the situation or corresponding color boat let topler as more zimbabwe is buckley and the sanctions imposed by western nations and led by the United States the press up continues this by the poor economy situation in the region. And while these sanctions continue to be palpable on the ground, the us says that they are not targeted and ordinary citizens. That is not our view as the u. S. Government not to say that the Economic Situation is not a problem. In our view, the sanctions are very targeted. This is a Crucial Point on distinction on what we believe is misinformation. But is it so . The reality on the ground tells a different story. As in bob, one government says that the sanctions have absolutely better the economy. There is no way any investor comes to an economy or a country which is under sanctions. We also havent been able to excess affordable loans from the International Monetary fund and world bank because of that, which could not be attended to because of sanctions. Most people wa, formerly employed their pigs in the local cabinets or to juice above and rulers. But most of the services in products you normally buy didnt yes, dollars and change it to be. And i saw that is yes, dollars which in afforded him of in those its not working. So at the end of the day that ended up ching to move out or rented out and see those or quality places like goods, ordinary them bob with the ones feeling the desperation and poverty of the situations. Im not exactly thinking the u. S. Government for the sanctions . Sure. You do it. Yeah, we are wish is that the legal sanctions imposed in our nation be removed because of them we have been live in a difficult life. Our kids are not going to school school, sorry, demanding that we pay thesis. These dollars, and we cannot afford that because there are no jobs. Its not easy living in a cemetery, but we have no choice. We cant afford to pay rent anywhere else. But their m as a retired widow, i can no longer afford to pay the rent that is being demanded in us dollars. As youth, were disgruntled, we went to school and attend various qualifications which we are failing to use because there are no jobs. Hence, most of us are engaging in activities like bricklaying or leaving for south africa to find better employment prospects. I dont know why its not easy to be evicted from one house to the other. Dear, the failure to pay for rent. Therefore, i after to even a cemetery, so i can have somewhere to lay my head. Must go, is concerned about the sanctions against them. Bob, wy, and believes that the country as a sovereign independent nation has the right to make its own decision and choose its own political partners. African leaders to as recently as the United Nations General Assembly were all firm and united in the call for the sanctions to be lifted. So while the u. S. Seems convinced that the sanctions are targeted and not hurting ordinary them. Bob was the situation on the ground. Looks rather different. Got out of tea. Angel is back talking of sanctions. The European Union is preparing a champion and a throne of them against russia, including imposing tide her trade restrictions. But its not all plain sailing with past measures, boomerang, and hurting the you itself. Brussels has been forced to backtrack on some of its earlier decisions. Heres our t contributor, rich morrisons taken, the hey, you know what they say . 8 times a charm is sanctions. Were actual divorces and not just g o economic or geopolitical breakups than the European Union would be hollywood legend. Elizabeth taylor, if she had divorced any single one of her ex husbands 8 times. And i guess that makes russia Richard Burton then because brussels has Just Announced that its breaking up with russia yet again with an 8th sanctions package. And the u. Brass says that its really going to make moscow pay the price this time, which frankly would be a nice change from previous sanctions, packages, which have mostly just made europeans pay the price. So today, were together proposing a new package of biting sanctions against russia. So whats going to be the game changer this time around . Well, these new measures are set to ban russian toilet paper and other Hygiene Products from being imported to the e. U. Russia has the Natural Resources that the you largely lacks to make such things which are particularly important right now in light of german toilet paper. Manufacturing giant haggle, declaring bankruptcy as high energy costs start taking their toll on european manufacturing. So europeans who have been encouraged to shower with like 3 drops of water to save energy because the big brains and brussels cut off the supply display. Russia may now have to cas whatevers left of their basic hygiene overboard for keith to how many squares of toilet paper per use are required to stick it to Vladimir Putin according to the you. All they might be about to tell us. Previous you sanctions have worked so well that theyve had to constantly backtrack on them to save themselves and their allies from total strangulation at their own hands. In july, for example, brussels amended sanctions against russian banks to allow for food trade, east sanctions on russian companies, selling oil to certain countries. And on the provision of insurance for russian aircraft and sea vessels. And their components which are, are critical part of the Global Supply chain. The u. K. Did pretty much the same thing the following month. Brussels backtracked on russian coal sanctions just a few days ago to avoid harming its own Energy Security even more than it already has. Next up, reportedly backing off on russian fertilizer and cement sanctions. But you never know it from listing to you Commission President ursula of underline. And i want to make it very clear. The sanctions are here to stay just a little more effort and maybe they can actually find a buzzword to wriggle out of the sanctions they imposed on their own energy supply. But its all about the principle of denying russia revenues to pursue its interests in ukraine, right . If thats the case, then why have e u and us imports of russian metals from aluminum to nickel surged over 20 percent in some cases over the past year. The sanctions dont really seem to be hitting their stated target, but at least maybe europeans can find comfort in the notion that as the Winter Energy crunch sets in, they can rev up their metabolism and stay warm by laughing at the seemingly endless e u. Clown show just dont last to tears though, as it risks wasting tissues. Ah, the u. S. Senate health agreed on the legislation to send an additional 12000000000. 00 and military and economic aid to ukraine and has also pledged to supply it with advanced or defense systems. Here has been pushing really for months for the pentagon to provide the advanced nussum surface to our a Missile System that says the u. S. Has already allocated nearly 55000000000. 00 of spend to support ukraine, including high mars multiple rocket launch systems that local authorities and the done by a se hump being used in a tax on residential areas. In well ukraines president s lensky has rejected peace talks with russia sing, negotiations are impossible. At early 0, she rushes, implementation of the so called crimea scenario, and another attempt to an ex ukrainian territory. Only that there was nothing to talk about with this president of russia while this is clear and obvious uses. Retired u. S. Or force Lieutenant Colonel occurring petoskey. Says that piece is still a distance away. Thats washington doesnt seem to be interested in conflict resolution. United states is controlling and of pulling the strings in many ways for government. So they are not going to be allowed to negotiate, even if the majority of the Korean People want the war to hand its United States. I think thats standing in the way. And i say this because we have multiple examples of putin and leverage, reaching out to talk and those a been rebuffed and every and every tour politicians in washington d. C. Would like to see continued war and they would like to see ukraine dominant in that region. Because we own ukraine, i mean United States. Oh ukraine screens. This is, this is a known fact. It has been for, since, since before, 2014. And that, thats, thats clearly evident. I mean, thats not even news. We know this. Ah ok to another story, generating a lot of interest lately, sending a message to guitar to protest its record of human rights about is the goal. The stated goal of a newly unveiled kid by a dangerous sportswear brown, which is on field. Its design for the countries Football Team to were at during the upcoming fif, a world cup. The reason behind it alleged abuses they say by the co tory government orbits Migrant Workers with the Danish National teams, new jerseys, we wanted to send a dual message. They are a protest against guitar and its human rights record. Thats why weve tone down all the details for denmarks new world cup jerseys. We dont wish to be visible during a tournament that has cost thousands of people their lives. We support the Danish National team all the way, but that isnt the same of supporting guitar as a host nation. When the claim abide, worker is dying because of unsafe conditions in the country provoked a response from the firm which world proposed governing body rejected any responsibility for this situation. And the Mission Statement for the tournaments says the event is supposed to bring countries together. The clothing manufacturer, question, hummel, maybe violating a cargo rule of fif is under which both equipment must not have any political statements. Breaking the policy could mean factions against the dangerous want. Are back in may fif. Her head gianni infants shrugged off the concerns after a reporter asked about 6500. 00 Migrant Workers reportedly dying during ca. Torres preparations for the tournament. He said, the issue was out of fif is, remember, when you give work to somebody, even in hard conditions, you give them dignity and pride. Now 6000 people have died in other works and so on. And of course, fif is not the police of the world or responsible for everything that happens around the world. And whether it was his decision or not later, the fee for chief apologize for saying enough. And earlier we spoke with the radio host, the social come to the curry, harrison who sees that the whole kit controversy is more, but at business and money flows running the lucrative world cup finals. I think the entire mechanism of sci fi, its like being a member of a country club. Youre not going to leave that country club and lose all of it spoils. The recognition and such an at the end of the day, hummels name is all over the news right now. What a good day for hummel but its all about creating stuff that sells that creates energy and focus more on these games. Remember, these games bring in tourist money, they bring in merchandising money every click, every blog article, everybody that writes about it makes the brand bigger and stronger. And it doesnt matter if its good or bad. Its the brand and the algorithms eat it up and you and i are going to watch. Even the more controversial it is, the more you and i are likely to watch. But the cats out of the bag and for fif at a claim that it has no jurisdiction, theyre doing business. Like you can say, no, i cant do it. If we do business with you, you have to, by the way, reveal all the new things that you claim youre doing in guitar cutter. However, you like to pronounce it where you have given human rights where you are protecting your workers. You claim youre doing this. Lets see the evidence, no evidence. Were going to increase that contract and make sure were even tighter. Police people are not blind. People watching right now are not blind. This is why were talking about it. If youre in the mood to dig a little deeper into that, or indeed any of our stories this friday, our website is a solid starting point to head over to hard to dot com, or it didnt stay here. Alternatively, for more programs, right ahead. Ill see you again with a wrong one. Ill just dont hold any. You wont have to say proud disdain becomes the advocate an engagement. It was the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. With ah, ah below in welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. Im peter lavelle. Western audiences have been flooded with one wave after another of propaganda when it comes to ukraine. But what matters most is the generation of political and strategic facts. For example, the induction of 4 ukranian regions into russia and the sabotage of the north stream pipelines. These realities will determine the outcome of this conflict with

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