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Governments refusal to buy russian and get as bowl in slaps. A special tax for the media reports on what it calls ukraine crisis, fatigue among european plus the u. S. Wants iran to drop it extraneous demands if it wants to revive the nuclear deal, which washington itself pulled out whole a few years ago. With it is, all teens are nationally in moscow and a very warm welcome to you, but its a busy program on this tuesday and were working hard to give you all sides of the story is essentially doing what the Mainstream Media fails to do. And we do start the program with crimea where a start, a state of emergency has been declared following explosions at a military stock piled near the city of john coy. Russias Defense Ministry says the incident was an act of sabotage. A massive blaze followed by plumes of smoke was seen in the area earlier tuesday. The head of the russian region says 3000 civilians have been evacuated from residential areas near the side, with no serious casualties recorded in the aftermath of the incident. Officials say civilian infrastructure has been damaged by the blasts with the residential buildings, a power plant and a Railway Tracks all effected. His report now from one local john list shortly after the explosions that the 1st reports of ammunition explosions near the village of my school. In the junker District Attorney began to come in at around 6. It would be covered if the if yeah, if you do a local residence, posted videos of fires and columns of smoke and social networks, the Defense Industry said that the destination of ammunition or the military was a result of sabotage and civilian infrastructure was also effected. The damage Railroad Tracks were quickly restored, but they uses temporarily restricted for safety reasons. The head of the republic guy acts in all stated off the explosions are over. There will be a commission that inspection of all the effected sites. Now the territory has been blocked off by Security Forces and all the local residents within a radius of 50 kilometers have been evacuated, temporary accommodation facilities were prepared for them. 121 people, house or 3000 evacuated, have gone there, while others went to stay with their friends and acquaintances. Disposal experts will be involved in claiming the scattered, unexploded ammunition officers from the federal security service. The Investigative Committee is on the ministry of internal affairs, also working out the scene. Right here are some of the very latest comments from the head of crimea. So to k, extend off regina done according to the russian Defense Ministry. The cause of the incident in the junker district was sabotaged. I am continuing to work at the scene where there was a fire in detonation of ammunition this morning with more than 3000 people were evacuated from the settlements of may sco and his ob score. As soon as the detonation is over, a house to house search will begin to evaluate the damage with everyone affected will receive assistance of florida should we woke up at 6 am after hearing an explosion. Then the blast came more frequently in the bathroom as trunk blast wave covered as we lay down in the bathroom with a child. Plaster fell down. Everyone ran to the basement. You know a yard would chips a flying everywhere. Some kind of get a naders from shaft or Something Like that were lying around. They were such powerful explosions that he was really scared. And with children, the very scared, a shell flew into the neighbors yard and into the house. It didnt get a need and it just lay there. Another explosion completely demolished the wall near the house and our neighbors. In the morning the shelling began, then i sat in the house during the impact, the windows were completely knocked out. I got scared and immediately ran into the basement. We sat there for 3 hours. It was frightening to moscow now, where dozens of top military officials from some of the worlds most powerful countries are sitting down for talks, mulling over the current job political state of affairs around the world. And the concerns of the event is hosted by russia. The Defense Ministry and correspondent donald quarter, now reports. Well, this years moscow conference on International Security kicked off with a keynote speech by Vladimir Putin. The russian president focused primarily on the wests destabilizing role in the ukraine conflict. But also said that this is just one part of us lead efforts to stow conflict around the world. The russian president spoke a bit about those efforts in africa, latin america, and specifically around taiwan, even accused the west of trying to organize a nato style military alliance in the far east. Now Vladimir Putin also said this means 2 things. Number one, that the age of unit polarity is coming to an end. And number 2, the west is desperately trying to hold on to the last remnants of its a gemini around the world. Western officials know how many ukraine ukrainians have died in the name of that a gemini, and how many more will die in the name of it in the future. And yet, it seems like thats a risk theyre willing to take since, according to russian president Vladimir Putin, the west has been using these ukrainians as cannon fodder. And a proxy war against russia yet gives you this week in order to maintain their had gemini, they need conflicts. Therefore, they decided that the people of ukraine are to be cannon fodder. They implemented the anti rush project in ukraine. They turned a blind eye to the spread of new nazi ideology to the massacres of people and on bass. They pumped up and continue to pump up the key of regime with arms, including heavy weapons. The situation in ukraine demonstrates that the United States is trying to drag out this conflict. Certainly after potent speech we heard from Russian Defense minister, sergei shy go. And he echoed a lot of what the russian president said in terms of the end of western unit polarity and natos attempts to fight a proxy war against russia in ukraine. But he also spoke a lot about the never ending a flow of weapons from the west into ukraine. And while unfortunately, a lot of them are making their way into the hands of black market tiers. Shy, go also said that others, many others are actually finding their way into the hands of Russian Troops in the, in the form of war trophies. But probably the most important thing shy go said during the speech is that russia is not interested in employing Nuclear Weapons in the ukraine conflict with, from a Military Point of view, there is no need to use Nuclear Weapons in ukraine to achieve the set goals. The main purpose of russian Nuclear Weapons is to deter nuclear attack. So some very high ranking defense officials from around the world have come here to participate in this conference. And thats basically a rundown of what rushes leadership decided to welcome them with short time ago. Here in the program, i spoke with retired indian and marshall and head of the peninsula foundation. Think tanka and mothers. What on . He says the world has been dominated by the western military Industrial Complex for, for too long. Looking at, pick an omics you find that the world has been dominated, and much of the instruments of Global Governance are skewed the words they cannot make dominance across the. But if you look in union that they can shape quite independently. And if you as an allow the opinion and to look off, its a good security. They wouldnt have been much problem. Its only when nato has now taken center stage to take care of the invite you to be in the que would be western europe security particularly. And europe in union now actually little have they realized that theyve actually become enslaved american lead the european lead. You know, medical lead Economic System and once you get selected to where you are part of the overall military Industrial Complex. Absolutely. Economic on the now to the latest from the military conflict inside ukraine and on bass says Ukrainian Forces have reportedly shelled containers of Nuclear Waste at the origin, a power plant this according to local authorities. The reactor is protected by the complex itself. The ukraine is apparently hitting the cooling systems. Officials are telling us. Meanwhile, local authorities, a russian lead, forces are advancing and on yet republic, reaching key ukrainian strong holds on the front lines. You can see it on the map right now. A neighboring lugens republic is under the full control of allied forces and the retreating ukrainian troops have left behind a vast supplies of unused ammunition and thought is eager to shut off. Now reports from the ground. Ukrainian troops often have to retreat very hastily and abandoning loads of ammunition has become something of a habit for them. Like here for example, you can see dozens of artillery shells. These are soft get made, but they abandon both soviet made and western supplied javelin miss isles. British and laws, equally alike when ukrainian troops and this Little Village received in order to fall back. It was already too late. Russian troops had critically closed in making their escape. A Herculean Task key of forces ran light on their feet. So special units they load whatever they can find into trucks like this one, food is taken to a special place. Were all these shells and will disarmament are examined and those that are deemed safe youth they are being sent to the front. Those that are not, well, theyre safely destroyed every other st junction here has been excavated and turned into miniature strongholds inside civilian houses. Foxholes providing quick shelter from the shelling, so it really couldnt. Ukrainian troops were living in the houses kitchen. They dug out a small shelter there so they could hide in case of shelling and survive, even if the home were destroyed. There are trenches across the whole town. They defended their positions very well. They were preparing for many years. They kicked the locals out of their homes, or made them sit in the basements and used them as shields. As weve been covering this war in the dorm bass, weve seen countless civilian households, which have been re purpose by the ukraine and military to serve as defense. Fortifications, this one is no exception. The owners were evicted by the ukrainian troops. And now, well, whoever used to live here this, we have no place to return to what south, i dont have a choice. German taxpayers will now have to foot the bill for replacing russian gas imports as a result of western sanctions. That is, according to germanys economy minister who slapped a special tax on german households. Here on the market is decreased. Levy is that fair, responsible way to distribute and bear the additional costs that have accrued among the population. The alternative would have been the collapse of the German Energy market and with a large parts of the European Energy market. Germany developed a Business Model that was largely based on the dependence on cheap ration. Guess this model has failed and it is not coming back with. The minister also stress that germany will need to quote, change in a hurry is the countries households will now be paying almost 500. 00 euros extra per gas per year, or the levy will come into force on october. The 1st germanys largest importers of russian gas have been struggling to handle the storing prices, while the government is under pressure to offer relief measures to citizens. And i spoke with the Vice President of the after party and the federal state of bavaria. Mister rayner office, who says people shouldnt have to carry the politicians burton. The gas levy is only the tip of the iceberg. But all together, the story Energy Prices, which have been caused by those sanctions, they are the driver of a very high inflation rate. And we have to ask, who gets the orders for this for the sufficient for this behavior. And even our energy minister, hobbit has made it here in the United States, the north stream to, i mean, whats ready . What could have opened already last year in september it was shut down. This is totally against the interest of the german economy. Now we have this major crisis in terms of you permission. If people have to carry the burden costs or the gas surprises, triplicate it, then this is the and i would say tolerance of freedom choices for politicians. They will have to find a fusion. Meanwhile, Natural Gas Prices on the markets in europe have reached our highest since march. Theyre up by more than 10 percent. And this comes as more and more media reports have been revealing so called inflammation, fatigue. Elsewhere in europe. The public concerns turning away from the ukraine crisis towards domestic issues such as the energy crunch. Lets get the thoughts and opinion now about the contributor rachel marston. The price at western leaders are willing to download onto their own citizens in order to maintain anti russian sanctions. Keeps going up, the headlines in european media havent been about any kind of great Ukrainian Military victories against russia. The kind of headlines we saw near the beginning of the conflict or about how western sanctions are bringing the russian economy to its knees. No. Instead, the talk here in europe is all about how much damage is going to be done to European Countries and the Bank Balances of their own citizens. So now the western process is starting to ask whether western unity in favor of egging on ukraine to avoid negotiating peace is about to crumble nearly 6 months into the war. Public outrage over the invasion is giving way to concern bordering on panic. About its alarming. Knock on effects on energy and food prices and the cost of living. That in turn is feeding doubts about western staying power. How long before europes already shaky unity crumbles . 6 months into the conflict information fatigue is creeping in front pages of european media spend more ink on cost of living than on military operations. Opinion polls reveal that Energy Prices are scaring more people than russian nukes. So western governments, art putting the squeeze on russian president Vladimir Putin as much as they are on the daily lives of their own citizens. Switzerland, for example, is the 1st country to announce rolling blackouts as a strategy thats on the table for this fall. Italy, spain and germany are the 1st to take the lead in policing room temperatures across the country with limits for heating and air conditioning. All these measures because of the looming energy crutch. Now, you know, things are getting pretty bad when the leading german media. Theyre spiegel is calling for the government to fire up the nord stream to pipeline, to bring relief to the german in european economies with russian gas. At some point, public pain at home, overwhelms western citizens. Initial good, well talk ukraine. And although sweden and finland used the situation in ukraine as a pretext for dropping their non aligned position in favor of join nato, earlier in the conflict and new survey finds that 80 percent of austrians want to maintain their military neutrality. Even amid all the western rhetoric painting moscow as a threat to europe and even poland, which was spitting nails at russia at the outside of the conflict, is now struggling to find polish volunteers to help you, cranium, migrants, human rights advocates already fear the return of well an unfortunate mentality. I know what happened before the war. How poland, the polish government, Big Companies treated people from ukraine. I think this attitude will come back very soon. Initially, westerners wires receive peace return quickly to ukraine and gave the benefit of the doubt to their leaders that they knew how to do that. But theres clearly been a horrible miscalculation from which western officials art backing down, retard us. Army commander daniel davis lays out the Inconvenient Truth in black and white. There is no chance, no military path that ukraine can win this war. There simply isnt. We have to be honest about that. And so that if you keep the sanctions on there, they hurt us more than theyd heard putin did. Western officials know that they be dragging their own citizens into a costly losing battle while misleading them into believing otherwise. Or are they just so blinded by ideology that they mistook their desires and fantasies for reality . Either way, theyre starting to realize that the popular revolts over anti russian sanctions that they were trying to engineer for russia are now much more likely to had their own countries. Instead. This is our into National Good to have you with us as a u. K. Rail union leader mc lynchs spoke to flurry of criticism off. He questioned the western version of the crisis in ukraine. His comments on ukrainian corruption and not see ideology course as social media storm. Seeing him accused of being pro putin makers should focus on getting a fair deal for Railway Workers and getting our trains run. And again, not a piece of tutoring or Chinese Communist party. So on top of being paid by his members, he has enough time to do pro bono p. R, for putin, implying that any one other than russia putin is responsible for the invasion is a pro putin talking point. The trade union leader has been accused of peddling kremlin propaganda. After you said that you had promote trouble in ukraine where there is quite a lot of corrupt politicians in the interview. He also commented on the freshest grip on ukraine, claiming that ukrainians quote, playing with nazi imagery. They partly behind the escalation of the conflict. Now mclinn, shes not the only one who has been publicly scrutinized off the, refusing to follow the western narrative on ukraine. Even Amnesty International found herself in the cross says of ukrainian president zalinski. After a reason i missed the report said the Ukrainian Forces were deliberately using humans as human shields, i should say. And critical voices have also been heard from america. With u. S. Conservative ann coulter saying that there is no point to nato that the u. S. Has been dismissing russia for fall to law political analyst and the u. K. Radio host, alexander mckays says, theres no longer room for truth in the public sphere. You are not free to express your opinion in britain if you are a public figure as well as miss lynch has certainly become due to these high profile role in the current round of rail strikes. Now it must be said that america might be described as the empire of lies by present fuson. But britain is a country where wheel locks in a series of self deceptions, no more self to see a group of people can you find than those in parliament. And those in the media see elite opinion has to keep a series of lives going on. These lives are about the fact that the about what has happened in ukraines is 2014. The lies about britains role in the ukraine, both before and after 2014 and in the current war. And the on the reasons that the russian government has for starting what they refer to the special military operation. No truth can be discussed inside the whats called the the public sphere in britain. The us, once iran to abandon its, quote extraneous demands and talks on renewing the International Nuclear deal. And its response to the latest Draft Agreement to iran says washington isnt being flexible enough, but the Us State Department begs to differ the only way to achieve a mutual return to compliance with the j. C. P. O. A is for iran to drop. Further, unacceptable, demands that go beyond the scope of the j. C. P. O. We have long called these demands, extraneous, they have no place in vienna. They have no place in the discussions regarding a potential return to compliance with the way the us and iran are the odds over the Un Nuclear Watchdogs probe into uranium traces found a 3 undeclared sites in the country. A fair rod. Once the inspections dropped. However, the youth, its part in international deal, once iran to address concerns about the uranium sites. Iranian demands include the removal of it, elite military unit from a u. S. Tara blacklist, which washington has refused to discuss alongside the nuclear issue. Iran also seeks guarantees that a future us president will not abandon the treaty again. Of 2015 deal involve toronto green to certain restrictions on its atomic industry in exchange for the evening of western economic sanctions. However, the u. S. Unilaterally withdrew from the deal in 2018 under then president trump, who branded the agreement as fundamentally flawed the current top to revive the active and ongoing for 16 months. And i spoke with Iranian Foreign policy analyst, a said, most of the hosp check them, who says the u. S. Has no interest in removing the sanctions on iran. You know, since the start of the talks, iran has reiterated that it would take part in the thought for removing the sanctions and ending leverage is any kind of leverage is a including problems with the i e a. And in other words, you may not go into a deal, especially with a country like the United States, which has been very much irresponsible, at least with regard to so many nations, including iran. And then they keep all the pressures in place. Thats the plan. They want to keep the sanction of the structure in place. They do not want to take responsibility for their last the withdrawal from the j. C. P. O, a irresponsibly. They do not want to show committed to any kind of deal if we arrive at a deal ever and all throughout the past months when there has been kind of stale, maybe the ox, its been only the only only uranian party that has been presenting initiatives to get out of the stalemate, and this is the 1st time that they say the, the europeans have brought new initiative often stone throwing and riots. Thats how the elections wound up in kenya, where william router has been declared the official winner. The result though, cause outrage among supporters of his opponent, the former prime minister, rayleigh being ah, a tooth that right, a dingo delivered a speech today, calling mr. Route, hose victory, undemocratic, and demanded the election is re run. It comes as full members of the countries election commission, refused to recognize the results of the president ial poll, saying the final stage of the results verification was not transparent. Lets get some more details now with local reporter, armando tiana. Ryan loading her hands at his tease to concede defeat, following the declaration of the resolved by the chairman of Electra Brody or Political Party who declared his opponent dr. William some way to to ask the women of the 2022 general election. Now mister deena, in his address at the k i c. C today. He said that the i e b c. Contravene didnt know by announcing the winner of the 2022 general elections along in his statement a tom the, the i e. B. C, need no target forum scenes for all the commissioners. Distance themselves from a verizon that was announced by the chairman for an actual county before commissioners claimed that the i beseech him on or from actual cutty did not engaged him under the final bonds of this election. Had opaqueness in neat, we today could not decide to buy the electrodes. Result, however, members of the absurd was drawn from the country and even the international body. The town between defended to general elections as a free and fair. I know dingo has said that the reasons that will announce the declaration that was made by the chairman of for much of a copy should be tom to non envoys. Yes id, he support us to remain calm as they had following on the, on the required processes. Of course, to now designs that shall probably follow too badly election to re election over this process or to get to know who is that right for. Are we not of the 2022 president ial elections . I can year elections wrapping up this i was program on our to international. Really appreciate your company tonight and thanks for joining us here. For this Program Assay dot com right now is heaving with articles. Check out the op ed section where tempers flare, otherwise check out our seats, telegram channels, odyssey and gab, as well. For the meantime, thanks for joining us. Ah ah ah ah needs to come to the russian state patrol narrative. Ive stayed as im phone and ignore some scheme. Div jimenez ingles also a group in 55 when. Okay so mine is 2000 speedy. When else about with we will van in the European Union the kremlin. Yup. Machine. The state aunt, rush up to date and split r t sport neck. Even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube. And pinterest and with ah, the eradication of love ism was also conceived by hitler who formed the general plan. Awesome for the colonization and german ization of eastern europe. The plan involved about 80 percent being killed, relocated me. That was really it was he just nichol. I busy you really just give us proceed to me actually up when you my of food, i be zeroing him. Yes, go firstly, knew you dont, was threatening yet. Seller. Asks the unions into personally. I mean, i wish history did a good. Yeah. My yes, that you amazed, lovely so that she missed school, that was the gate mission much already know itll be you see me image me say with nationals, but then you seriously and then you share will change plans get us, but itll be really changes. Williams co especially with a sub to get the pensions the upgrade to being he is eating. Yeah, i could only just just lay on school and i dont just get nobody there. Im not sure what i do for grades of pretty my purse that i need. The national are pretty close legal finance. Can you just look in your notes, excuse practical toyota with the more stablish will dont shake dominion. Great, and see if i can push that with let sure at least anybody in yalls number has made somebody about geez q and a something about sped, not that stuff. No, he said hed be just on the phone, but we just an apology. Jim, you mean you on you tom Bruce Marshall i yeah push a lunch can do ards. One jury is a skis, but you do it unfortunately, because of course both of you that it would start to push that with just on the phone late fees for be done, but you can do it to new coin without the problem before. So big contradiction,

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