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A residential building in the city of out ah, hello and welcome from russias capital of moscow. And from wherever youre tuning in, this is our to international, the weekly. But the top, the stories for this hour and this week pleasure to have you with us. Im carol isabel, gaza claims 3 children have been killed in israels latest attack on the strip with the death toll rising to 24. Since the moment tel aviv renewed it strikes on friday. Israel has denied accusations of the attack saying an unsuccessful launch of a heavy rocket by Palestinian Militants was behind the desk lay on saturday. Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants fired rockets that television in response to deadly attacks on gaza. Journalist hen could are we reports from a local hospital as the Israeli Aggression on the gaza strip continues, and the 2nd day of the aggression comes to an end. We are now in elk for hospital one of the main hospitals in the gaza strip that i received at least 140 palestinian citizens. That has been insured by israeli airstrikes since yesterday, according to the minister of her health, at least 15 palestinians have been killed. So far there is nothing clear. We are still hearing explosions in the background and theyre seen at Fire Exchange in and out of gaza strip. And as you see, the ambulances are everywhere, ready and steady to receive any injuries from the gaza strip. Today at least 5 palestinian residential houses have been targeted. Hundreds and i have been left homeless. Tens of palestinians have been injured and this will continue. This is not the 1st escalation or aggression that gaza strip had been a witnessing. We witnessed a huge escalation, 200820122014. And last year it was a deadly 11 day of aggression palestinians in the gaza strip. Are, are, are waiting, are anxious. A waiting for us. He is flyer, but at the same time there are pleased 5 calloused indians in the icy units. And we see families waiting to hear anything about 3rd beloved ones that are either injured in the i c units or injured and receiving treatment in else you for hospital. We can also see in the sky expo genes for year, and we still dont know what that to note is hiding for us. But its very obvious that there is no choose or any ceasefire agreement. And all the news that there is egyptian delegations and you and interfering for a seas. Flyer have been not officially confirmed. Unfortunately, palestinians are waiting and no one is safe. Everyone is looking forward for a shelter. This was in the study from gaza, palestine earlier on saturday. The Israeli Army Struck a residential building in gaza. Ah ah ha. Toby says its prepared to conduct the military operation for at least a week with a change of fire continuing for the 2nd day in a row. Israel claims garza has fired more than 449. 00 rockets towards it overnight and throughout saturday, one of the rockets reportedly hit a residential building in the israeli city of ask alon ah oh, most of the rockets fired at israel were intercepted by the iron. Dont system. This footage reportedly shows the interception of the missiles from gaza over the israeli city of their own local residence, shared with us their views on the ongoing conflict with the iron dome system probably hit a rocket that fell on the roof of my neighbor. We had a big boom. Weve got used to this situation. Its not good, but unfortunately we are used it name as i land on amazon. Luckily, the family to parents and 2 children were acting according to the safety instructions and went into the shelter. And this is what kept them safe. Generally, we are ready for all kinds of events. We estimate that the heavy fire of rockets will continue in the coming hours. And even in the coming days when we are getting ready to evacuate residence to morrow and during the week, which will seem as in past operations. Darrow is a city that has got used to the terror of rockets for over 20 years ago. The conflict flared, one idea of forces killed a commander of the Islamic Jihad movement hitting a residential building in the process. 10 people died in the strike, including a 5 year old girl, which has sparked protests and an armed response from local militants. As the world watches the worsening of the already dire humanitarian situation and gaza electricity and much of the area has already been cut due to fuel deliveries. To the strip being stopped by television, we discussed the crises and the International Response to it with human and labor rights lawyer danco bullock. Life is franco li, according to the un on livable in gaza. And now without any electricity, which is also gonna affect, of course, the ability to pump water. So people will be on the verge of, of, of it on sustainability. And thats of course, the whole plan that israel has. Ive been saying for years that this is a slow moving gems. Israel has been blockading garza preventing garza from getting life saving medicines from getting food again from getting the water. Israel wants to either forcibly remove or destroy the population in gaza. That meets the definition of a genocide. I dont see the International Community as fulfilling its duties to prevent war crimes and human rights abuses against people in the occupied territories. And i want to add, you know, the u. S. Recently said, well, we think is utilized the right to defend itself. Well, what about the palestinians right . To defend themselves. The c u. S. Supports the genocide. Lets face the u. S. Cs. Israel is, its client, stay as the chair in the middle east, and it supports its designs on taking over all the occupied territories. Its been 3 days since pelosi left taiwan. But tensions between china and the u. S. Remain high in the wake of the us. How speakers controversial visit beijing launch military drills over the island, making good on its promise that taipei will pay a price for hosting the u. S. Official. Hey, james military exercises around the island included Ballistic Missile launches, which landed in the waters of ty, ones northern, southern and eastern zones. Chinas armed forces also conducted drills in 6 zones surrounding the violence. Beijings military said the exercises were focused on training for a joint blockade. C target a fall and airspace control, taipei couldnt den beijing as the evil neighbor next door, also accusing china of destroying the Taiwan Strait with military drills. Washington has also criticized the drills describing them as irresponsible and provocative in retaliation for the house speakers trip. Beijing has several cooperation with washington in several key areas. China is foreign ministry, stated cooperation is now frozen. An area such as dialogue between defense departments, military maritime consultation cooperation, any legal migration and crime, as well as Climate Change Chinese Military officials. Ive also allegedly stop responding to calls from their pentagon counterparts. Lets take a look back at how the situations been developing. House picker, nancy pelosi is plan to visit taiwan potential stop in taiwan. Visiting taiwan is in taiwan. Why is she assisting that . She may well go to taiwan. It would be a serious violation of the one china principal and a grave infringement on chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity. Those who play with fire will come to no good and ah, 3rd, we are in unpredictable moment. Chinese military assembling at 6 different locations around the island us china relations are on shaky ground. Seems to me your main goal was to stir up trouble. Thanks for bringing more problems to the world. America stands with beijing announced it will impose, it becomes the best advice sanctions john will stop cooperation with us on several formative issues of measures are being directed at United States. Now the u. S. Is acting treacherously on the taiwan issue. Taiwan was also affected by policies trip. As china, the islands biggest trading partner, banned imports for more than 30 taiwanese companies. Are teas, nikki, ara and takes a closer look at the consequences of policies. Visit to taipei. Toner is already taking action as it warned. It would fall out from pelosi as well when trip has been swift and brutal to quite rightly. People are asking the question, we have seen the chinese authorities take multiple economic actions against individual chinese companies. An entire sectors of the economy. Taiwan has already paid a field and is likely to continue to do so. The coming days and weeks. What concrete tangible benefits can you promised high one offset the cost of your trip. A tricky question. Slickly deflected because she knew exactly what shed done and americans have made a bit of a habit of doing things like this, throwing others under the bus in service of their own goals and the consequences over this brief trip are already taking hold. Global markets all spooked and the Largest Military drills around tie one in decades. Ah but it might prove that the economic measures imposed by china will hurt taiwan. The most fading has already banned imports from 35. 00 taiwanese exports plus restrictions on some fruit and fish. And one might not sound like a big deal, the ban on son to which the island was already short of plus if a key component of ty, ones greatest export semiconductors, which have not be mentioned. Well not yet. If beijing does decide to go further, people on the streets will be sure to feel it. China is tie, ones largest trading partner after all. So is it any wonder that there were people in taiwan who werent engaging in the pillow . See, love fest money on the bill. What do you mean below . See what the hell i doing here right now . Come all the way here to sport the 2. These people support yourself. You want to support us to fight against the peoples of the ration. Army americans always ask us to let more to when hes people joined the army. Whenever you come to taiwan or want us to buy more weapons from you and fight against the Peoples Liberation army and urban terrain, its none of your business. I hate to support taiwan or to provoke a war. What the hell are you doing here below . See the relationship between the mainland and taiwan is already very tense. Youre supporting to one, but we dont need your support. You are literally pairing oil on the flames. You only make things worse. So who did this flying with its 1st was simply pelosi. He wanted to be picked up in a chair in ty pay before he attention. He gets kicked out this november, or was it the war hawks in washington hooping ratcheting got the anti china rhetoric for months now . Oh, and of course, the military industrial complex, the very heart of American Foreign policy american officials have been quietly pressing their tie when these counterparts to buy weapons suitable for a symmetric warfare. A conflict in which is smaller, military uses mobile systems to conduct lethal strikes on a much bigger force. We could say what it has here is a win win. Not only does it make money on selling weapons, but it also has a leaf on us weapons at the ready in the region. Should it decide it needs them . As we know, taiwan wouldnt be the 1st to pay the price for the policy. The dc warhawks, people in afghanistan all starving because the government cant access its own money, which is frozen by the us. Those tens of thousands of venezuelans have paid the ultimate price for the u. S. As punitive sanctions. And then theres the ukranian people who critic say dying needlessly, just in american porn, and the u. S. Proxy war with russia. But apparently in the long run, its always a price worth paying. We have heard half a 1000000 children of god. I mean, thats more children than died when i went in here a shame and you know, if the price worth it, i think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think the price is worth it. So now have tie one and pelosi wont even give it a 2nd. Thought she got her photo after all professor of politics. Joseph mahoney believes the bite administration is openly meddling and chinas affairs and policies visit to taiwan could be the tipping point. For many are concerned, the fighting has been hollowing out to one china policy and the principle of strategic ambiguity. Or his characterization of china as a strategic rival is pressing nato to consider china as an adversary, his block, building in asia with office, including perforated Nuclear Submarines draw strayer, i his meddling and chinas affairs, and now shes young to bed. Hong kong anti one. His admission of us troops and tie his efforts to draw chinas immediate neighbors and to the so called indo pacific quad, his encouraging japan to increase military capabilities and amendment to upgrade a controversial Missile System itself for you. All while asserting us will come to tie, wants defense, and at times, equivocating on the one china policy. All of these collectively represent several red lines, cross from aging perspective. And now what close it coming this might be the tipping point. Heres a quick look at how china and taiwan is military resources tally up. Ty, paste, total active forces are just a fraction of what megan commands. The number of chinese aircraft, navy, ships and tanks also vastly exceeds taiwan, military forces. The United States has been supplying the island with arms for years, including talks of a Nuclear Program in taiwan to deter a potential chinese attack, as well as speculation on the possibility of a direct military confrontation between the u. S. And china, in the region of strategic importance for washington. Over the years, the u. S continued to increase its unofficial military presence in taiwan while also sending hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to tie pay despite rising. Ted touches with bay jing while officially sticking to its one china policy. Political analysts, dakota, lily says pelosi is visits a tie. One goes against the u. S. One china policy. I think this does, it does. And these statements do contradict the one china policy do contradict official us policy statements. And i think the United States has kind of walked a type rope ever since the recognition of the peoples republic of china. I believe that the recognition of the peoples republic of china as the sole representative of china and the chinese people, was done less out of respect for common sense and decency. And the republic of china is so small, in comparison to the norms of international law, which dictates successive states. Clearly states the peoples republic of china should be the only successor states. There is kind of this push for a new cold war. And this policy that weve been, the one china policy is kind of one of the last bastions of peace and tranquility between the United States and china and the United States. And the rest of the world at least one civilian has been killed and 9 others wounded. Including children and ukrainian, showing up a residential block in the city of china in the lugens republic. Thats according to local authorities. This amateur footage reportedly from the scene shows part of the building in flames with a shell impact crater, apparently seen on the ground nearby. Official say the fire was parked by a direct hit on the civilian building. Windows have also been blown out and some nearby homes have also been damaged in the neighboring don. Yes, Republic Official say at least one civilian was killed and 7 others were wounded. In saturdays shelling of this city by ukrainian forces. This on verified amateur footage appears to show the aftermath of the attack saturday, showing allegedly targeted apartment blocks in the center of don. Yes, a local school also with no casualties reported though the building itself was heavily damaged. This comes after a previous round of showing on friday, killing 5 civilians and wounding more than 31 people who according to don, yes, the authorities, we spoke to some of the victims in the hospital pleased to go for pistol. There was a whistle and an explosion, and then everything was on fire. I turned my head and saw that my wife was thrown into the passenger compartment. I want to find her myself, but i had no strength left. My wife died. I have struck knowing my leg and broken thoughts, my 2nd like an swollen and also i have bones beneath my daughter and i arrived at the hospital at 1st it was quiet. Then there was an impact, was heard an explosion. I grabbed the child and said done, and then came a 2nd blast. Then went to the Trauma Department and the nurse there said youre bleeding. The doctors examined me and the child. I had sharpness in me and the child also had 3 fragments, a big one and 2 smaller ones. Meanwhile, done, yes, republics, forces supported by the armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to move westward towards the borders of the republic. Earlier this week on yes, the Republic Forces claim to have taken control of most of the town of pesky a key point used by ukrainian troops as a firing position to target the don. Yes, region. The militia continue to move towards of the car with battles in the area, ongoing r t correspondent, romano, closer reports from the ground. We are heading to the front line positions just on the outskirts of done that sc. Along with the nest republics, 100 and 85th infantry battalion. Now ukrainian positions are a mere 500 meters away from where were heading. We have to walk very carefully and constantly look down because this area also came under shuffling many, many times. And ukraine had spread those butterfly mines here, once you step on one of those, you can tear your leg off. Now, this is one of the temporary positions of the 100 and 85th, a battalion of ids and netscape republic. The Ukrainian Army positions are very close to the place where they arrest, you can see have a bunk beds right over there. And the guys are just waiting to store me for any positions right now. Have a chance to speak with one of the fighters, foremost, for faith. Our battalion consists entirely of reservists. These are ordinary civilians who previously worked as teachers, doctors, salesman, miners, drivers. For those we just want peace to finally come. So our wives will become and children will stop dying was working with all the fight has become more intense. The ukrainians have started fighting back more, but weve made a major push lately. Half of the ukrainians arent actively fighting. There are many people who were mobilized, who were forced to come here laser gazing at some of the ukranian surrender, but most of them are afraid that they cant go back close behind them wont let them out alive like this. And if they move in our direction, they will be shot in the back group. I was how weve reached the frontline positions of the 185th infantry division, Ukrainian Army positions used to be about a couple of 100 meters away from here. But now this battalion have already moved forward, so you cranes positions are now at least 500 meters away. We are in the trenches at the moment and there are constant reminders. Be careful. It says caution. The sniper is working. No, possibly neutral. Its been heated here in recent days. Theres artillery in tanks firing. There are counter attacks from the ukrainian side. There is massive fire from our scientists that we are moving towards africa taking up positions. We are in a positive mood feeling good. Now we asked the military if we could to raise the drone here to take a look at the cranium positions. They said, yes, we could do that, but our drone could be stolen by ukraine, so they offered their own renovation. What theyre doing right now is attaching a line from a fishing rod to the drone. And they said in case theres some kind of Electronic Warfare or ukraine will intercept our drone, will be able to really back. Ah, we are now leaving the frontline positions of the 185th battalion of the nest peoples army. Theyve made quite a lot of progress in the last few days. Moved a deeper into the territory currently controlled by ukrainian nationalist. It is hope that this progress, their advance will continue and ukrainian nationalists will finally stop shelling the people of done. Exc ramon cauthrin archie learners, peoples republic. Ah, no threat of a direct conflict between World Nuclear powers is evident and tangible thats according to a russian diplomat attending a you and conference on arms control. Group number senior principle rama is the gross violation of the principle of equal and indivisible security as a result of the harmful expansion of the military block of countries claiming undivided, military, strategic, and geopolitical dominance. It provoked an acute crisis in the center of europe. The hybrid military campaign has been unleashed against russia, which, which could result in a direct conflict between nuclear powers. My eager vase, nev etzky, was speaking a new york at a review conference for the non proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. He once again reaffirm moscows commitment to building a world free of Nuclear Weapons. Moscow also says it was see immediate resumption of the non nuclear deal arguing theres no alternative to diplomat. Also underline that the progress achieved over the years has been div valley by the u. S. When they ignored russia, security concerns. That sentiment was echoed by china, which called for the rejection of double standards and Nuclear Non Proliferation may, wont, the United States should withdraw all its Nuclear Weapons from europe and refrain from deploying Nuclear Weapons in any other region. For china, the question of the Nuclear Threat posed by washington is not without cause. According to nearly declassified documents for bided to the new york times, the u. S. Was ready to use Nuclear Weapons against Mainland China in 1958. During the Taiwan Strait crisis, military planners in washington detailed plans for a strike using low yield 10. 00 to 15. 00 kilo town Nuclear Weapons. The aftermath of the attack would have stretch as far as shanghai. Meanwhile, the u. S. Is pointing the finger at eat on imposing yet more sanctions on its petroleum industry. Washington is demanding. The country returns to the 2015 nuclear deal name, the joint comprehensive plan of action, which the u. S. Itself quit under president donald trump. We have imposed sanctions on entities trading in Iranian Petroleum and petro chemicals. We will keep using our authorities to target or wrongs exports of these products until iran is ready to return to full implementation of its commitments under a mutual return to the jcp away. American studies professor at the university of toronto, food is the believe, the idea of sanction need on for a deal. The us itself quit shows the current chaos amid washingtons political establishment. You know, the United States has an addiction on sanctions and they have the sanctioning. Ready for the last, for the years, so you dont have been surviving. And theres sanctions, you know, mean prospering under sanctions admin, sciences and in different fields of providing services of the people here are quite expensive. And sooner or later, the american official realize that by sanctioning countries, theyre not going to each of the objectives. They have was the United States. That left the agreement during the Top Administration and by the administration could return to the agreement and the 1st day of by the presidency. The same that he did with the paris climate, the codes and other agreements that tom had left. He refused. There are lots of problems in washington. Theres a lot of disagreement and in fighting and the run in government conditions your life. If they dont Pay Attention to this chaos in washington, youre going to face the same difficulty that they faced the last time. That was the weekly with this hour and the weeks hop, news stories be sure to check out our t dot com for more coverage. And dont forget to follow us on twitter, instagram, facebook for more content the next time. Ah with mm ah, welcome to all the parties that efforts to isolate moscow sandlin to west comparing it or south africa, claiming that depression were to have its own Nelson Mandela government, which to be ostracized. And the countrys economy. Boy quote, it is not a viable historical lesson to be applied against, perhaps another international, colonial thinking. Well, to discuss that im now joined by and talk to us at wiley moment in south african position. And this is an ally of Nelson Mandela. This is a while, its great to talk to you. Thank you very much for your time as well. Lets see. Now, youre literally your worlds apart from russia and ukraine in johannesburg, some 15000 kilometers away from where we are. How much attention is given to this conflict in your part of the world, and how is that covered the world . Is that global . Really . You know, theres nothing any way. A model for right now whether it is body music is there with that youre going over the discussion by law always a

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