To put people on cover its traditional, ill show you whats beauty. And then vision is up next to enjoy the, [000 00 00;00] the we are in moscow standing in front of one of versus most iconic symbols and embodies greece, elegance and the distress that goes on a grandiose scale. The boss, i see it, or the said long as i thought about is the prima ballerina of the ball show a. And one of the most famous dancers of our time having graced all of the worlds best stages she chooses to make the boss really her home, the taking the time to meet me here. And this is the imperial for a of the boss or a theater in spectacular location. Youve said that the boss right doesnt actually accept everybody. What do you mean by that . Who does the boss . We accept it. Thats so the nice a special place i so its out the stage of the bull show you is not your typical stage it whatever it is, steve, whats in tradition need so emotionally is it has a rich history with a great artist because downstairs and seniors whose grace said lady in the z, even on a psychological level in which crossing that line which separates the wings from the stage is not something everyone can do within the even died. Beautiful auditoriums, where people watch the shows themselves when you see it from the stage, your hard stops start loading. Theres so much anxiety, not everyone is capable of overcoming that fear. So 1st of all, theres the psychological tension that some simply cant handle. And then of course, the stage of the boss choice, special as i said before, not everyone has the presence to occupy it. And thats the record. When you enter it, you need to make an impression will go, but you need to own it because the stage is so big, the more to so not every artist has been successful in this regard, is not every artist has been happy on this stage of sticks to what im talking about, our guest performers for me though. As soon as i walked on, i realized it was the place for me, my theater, my stage, my audience, and ive been dancing at the bull show for 20 years now. It has seen some of my happiest performances. When you started your career, your very young and you have said yourself that when rehearsing jacelles descent into madness, that you had to rely on the cues of your instructor. Because you yourself have not experienced those emotions and didnt know exactly how to move through that i guess you know, to what extent does the emotion play into your dance and how do you express that emotion in your dance . A, a bonus to kind of, i remember my teacher telling me where i was supposed to be her day and theres no but how i was suppose to show my heart a with the adjuster, because i see at the well that thats not where i was supposed to look so that the motion in the madness scene would read. Should the audience avoid that . No. And i definitely escalate. It wasnt just a life experience. Spend helped me build out the character of, she says, has a good performance experience to was, i dont know how many times ive done. She said by now, as in russia and elsewhere. But each performance is unique because theyre all different and it depends on who youre dancing with, in whose eyes youre looking. Skills that the how your partner takes you by the hand. Incredible emotions, lexington empty out on that stage and the moment last thing. And what was the reason that they may not even be there during rehearsals, but if its still numbers only, theres a stage magic that can turn that what the Language Line is, the heart of a and her partner who provide entities in an algebra to make it 3 of the hideaway only in the art is, can tell you what amazing changes he or she can experience because at a moment like that, or that the motor for, when youre fully immersed in your role, every role can be danced and slightly different ways. Every story can be told with the variations, with different feelings, and in a different flight. Ive never had 2 performances in my career that were exactly the same, that apparently theres Something Different every time and it makes things very interesting. But other than way approaches and serious, im kind of following along with that and nothing happens in a vacuum. The motions actually affect an artist on stage. The plasticity of an artist on stage outside of motions is something thats something that you cannot control when youre on stage. To look over here theres, i need to be able to control my to keep on stage talking about emotions. Its true that sometimes they can alter your plasticity and movement and they can be hard to control the lets say i feel like turning my head not like this with a duck like this today. Most of the, of the way it makes a different of those of the world and its a reflection of how im feeling at that moment. The deal is that, or maybe i feel like offering my hand not like this you, but like this, the, it creates a different mood. The ballet dancers tell stories with their bodies. So i, you, story is salem inches, caustically speaking in the short you can see our face as well. If youre sitting behind ro, 5 or 600, its up, which means that we can only express our emotions with our souls before, which is how russians dance. They and our Body Movement replies to conceal the you bring up a good point in some ways that de la gives a form to the intangible, something that we cannot grasp. It gives meaning in a lot of ways, in this sense, is understandable by everybody. Is it for everybody, or do you have to have that special, unique quality to understand that way as a form of our . Theres this stereotype that valet is an art form for the chosen few. What am i strongly disagree . Just as long as viewers do a little bit of homework to understand what the ballet is about to ask them what the artist are dancing about and whats happening on stage, then theyll get everything. The viewers will even think, gonzales, success, simple. After all, it actually makes perfect sense. Why was afraid of going to evaluate before whatever made me think i wouldnt be able to understand it. Thats because body language is simple and easily accessible and modern technology these days give us a greater range of tools or technology as well. Modern dancers are like a top fleets and have greater cap ability to stand on the stool. Everything has evolved with they jump higher, do more turn to from crazy live in that its all very impressive. Should we cherish our solutions for sure. But we also try to build on them and try something new that. And so we like to showcase new possibilities to move dancers today even look different compared to 40 or 50 years ago. As of if its all very impressive as up by the move. Sure. Thought fit to that. By the way, i have to point out the echo in this room. Its pretty intense. Its fun to play with. One of the interesting facts about the ball. So i guess classical ballet is often confined if you will. Maybe thats not the right word by the idea of the choreographer. Um, have you yourself ever thought about going into modern ballet or trying something a different so that you can have more freedom as an artist . The other question, thats a pros. Great question. There are many new answers to consider here. Classical abilities have been around for centuries. At one point i realized there was no need to invent anything else. Some of this valley is genius. As it is. All you need to do is perform it as brilliantly as it was choreographed. It helped me at the time because that was when i was in a spiral Young Valerie knox. But i used to think i should go like this or like just the stuff that can explain the deal. It just sits on here. I thought i should give this look or place my foot in a different position. I feel it keeps thinking of how to do everything my way back was staying within the boundaries of the initial choreography. Because the, just the, when you call it, every artist is unique. So we all have a certain, this disease kind of us and certain physical limits and technique or stuff. So i stopped obsessing about all those relevant things and just done with the right mood and with souls to him. Its always a great pleasure when the emotion youve been trying to channel throughout the show. Lots that comes back to you from the audience. That was that i said, so thats the most important thing for me. As an artist, it up to the, the most iconic part of the bulk of the theater is its a historic stage. Catalina novick over has been with the culturally for over 2 decades. And shes the white person to help us get a better understanding of what this dieter is all about. The so it seems here we are in the big stage of the traditional hall. So it is said that no other theater in the entire world can do with the bulk or a theater does. What does that mean to, to my video, its very difficult to judge and the most so its definitely unique festival by outstanding video. This whole way, were staying with you, our historical and secondly, by the great size of, mostly by all means bush. So it was always able to stage something to a big. Theres lots of sets and awful. Instead, design and costs choose and numbers of outstanding arches and in the bali field as well. Not Many Companies can perform classical ball it on such a level as we can do because we dont have only just some outstanding condensers for doing leading flies. We have the whole core, theyve all a, which is trained in the best possible way. So thats why when you look on the old henry page, such as swan lake or by a there or some other titles where you need, if huge, quote de la united with the same b or c, then you definitely have to look after only very few companies and as well, such as will show a new skin that made it very saw throughout lascola and covent garden, but not many, because truly a lot of efforts must be done. So be, is the idea of such kind of level. What is the mission of the policy . Prime recently is of course to promote tossing large and russian culture. And in that sense, when we build our repertoire on both sides of a printer theater. So we have numbers of different titles every year in ball and in the order. But of course, his goal is to see one to the phone from russian classics. Because we think if we dont do phone russian quietly from the proper way, who else in the world would do this . So this is our prime mission to preserve and the highest point of rushing noise. And then of course to show the highlights of wealth culture. So our 2nd goal is to perform old mazda 2 pieces, and of course, one of the main goal of the bull. Sure, as of industry, if it is much easier, its a life unit. So we have to produce something new and we have to be getting in the sense and we have to move it forward. And when, as people speak about tradition, they tend to forget that one of the main condition on this house is to produce near things, new music and new productions, and to find new stars involved in the field. Now the classical stage is behind us. It is fantastic to see, well, i think this whole it is a very how to say soccer or like very special whole for the russian soul. Also because numbers of absolutely outstanding actors were coming or that stage, mainly and trying to send you that you feel like pretty see of scale along are law offline of out of here for a restful use done or you just said to me was, i cant receive the oh were here and we were, we were thinking so our so as all of the energy and all of the odd was on the stage and this was never taken away. We all feel we uh, under the production on a full, she is our main leader. She leads as so over difficult times and as to the energy. I dont know how everyone feels. He also in these books to which we were looking, if you was in 20 century, 114 leaders of Different Countries were sitting in his books watching for form loses in the walls. I saw you name like the guard or candidate or guys the, they all was eating g as well from that stage of their announced the verse of soviet union or the death of william. Because this was also done on that stage. So this whole itself is very special, but so is also very particular. First of all, its a very, very beautiful and full of history. And sometimes we feel that its effects people who come to work on that stage as in new directions. Lets say because they, tom was a very daring guys use and then they tell me when this page, they look into this whole and all of a sudden, sometimes they really feel the heavy pressure. All this history and re themes. This page, them give you my chance to do the stakes in what they are doing on that stage. Okay, so i have to ask you been here for many years . This is kind of a home for you. Uh, has the audience changed over the years . I mean, why do people come to the bulk like, what do they get from come here . I would think thats more than 70 percent of our what is has a tool of doors of his art manuals people to come to the most golf courses and wants to come for the bush, or at least for the ones in this house. But i think big number of our orleans are 2 lovers of this form of art. And those are the people who have been several times for the years. But very often people have particular fashion, either to visual in voices, out to the ultra as an art board towards the bali. And im lucky, im one of the people who love both opera and the way. Now, earlier we talked about the balance between old and classic and new works. What about set designs . The boss really has a big norma, sets amazing costumes. Its all part actually. Is there ever a desire or an idea to move to a virtual sense or use technology to kind of enhance the performance or is it all traditional . Its, its kind of depend on the creators. In real theater, you dont saved sort of stage design. You need just an outstanding, she wouldnt be one stage, but the school one, audience comfortable choice. They dont expect this concept of for theater. This is something they would not like to stay in the boss if audience comes here, they expect. Sounds being absolutely expect. Excellent. I dont, so maybe in the future of staging something new production of some fee or a ball is we would use new technology is possible, but this new technology and never can replace outstanding, shouldnt beings on stage and then they work. So pete, of course, of course, what about the costumes . They are in a, in themselves, just great ornamental pieces of art. I understand theyre all made right here of both. So it has a traditional have its own workshop season. So for many years, i think also the history, we have our own workshops and the very advanced and our in Custom Department is really outstanding. I think if you will look on numbers of our different productions, you will see absolutely outstanding costumes. And well see from the number of this cost it was, this is impressive for example, now for the medical over 200 customers, one made. And of course they can do more than costumes, and they can do all the questions and they can do questions for the ultra. And they can do to choose for the buyer or different kind of shapes of skits as its, as its needed. Now, a little bit of trivia for those who might not know the Costume Department is actually really easy, little to locate if youre looking at the most or theater. If you see most or from the front back to the apple or quadrant. You see the windows, which i gets to our Custom Departments, the a lot of People Associated both with belly. But also opera is incredibly important. As weve been discussing, what makes an opera an opera . What makes it different from just being a people thinking on a stage and costume unless you go to the call center. So what are you still of course can enjoy any score be performed just like this and process when you come to the theater. People like who, who, who, who are, who has done with it as well. He wants to see a full scale performance. We want to see not fingers on stage, much characters on stage. We want to see drama. We want to see x one. To feel compassion, not only because of the beauty of the music, but because of the action which takes place on stage. Thats why and why, why and proper altura production is really musical theater. Im in the theater where people perform. But as a performers, they have music to sink and not words to say the was there to witness one of the big oper, premiers of the season that the ball. Sure. The renowned offer senior. So lowest of the partially theater aboard the client is going to help us understand more about this enigmatic, artful the, the going to hello, hello. Do you mind if i ask you a few questions . Of course. So i guess my 1st question is does one have to understand opera and Classical Music in order to enjoy it . Or can you just listen from your heart . You have the more store you this. I dont think its enough to just close your eyes and enjoy the music. Theres not, certainly you need to be able to understand opera. How does, from the oper as almost like a drug addicted to education, youre either totally addicted or you develop on it completely, or thats why, or audiences arent as large as other genres more accessible to everyone around the world. Yes, so i believe understanding opera is important to, to because them, it will find its way into your soul. Now kind of a weird question, maybe, but do you ever think fun or for therapy or is it just strictly work for you and leave it in this way . Its a difficult question for me to answer. Probably because i was born into the opera theater into its not fair. I was the essentially raised backstage to me. Its impossible to live outside off from outside use. Your voice must be very important to you. What happens if youre going through a difficult time in life, or if youre just even sick . How does that affect your voice while of being an office thing or is more than just being a professional level, you have to be able to sing whatever condition youre in that they didnt put once i had to perform 5 days after my brother died. And 4th, and we were performing car man at autism and it was one of the most challenging experiences of my life because of to when a person is in a state of grief, they dont have full command of their body, then use them. But the power of art is so and then that when i go on stage, i forget every thing is going back to your previous question. Its a form of therapy because only on stage i truly forget about my problem. The. So when youre thinking, what do you want the audience to feel beautiful, which is near cause and above all, i think the viewer has to be able to understand the character im playing. My will get to the words that we say or rather sing. If i do not tell the full story, a singer always tries to present the character and opera through the sound, through intonation, to act as a sing ours, we always try to reach out to our audiences and makes them feel a whole range of emotion stuff. And that includes sadness and melancholy, and it gives me great pleasure to see if you can crying in the audience, because it means we did a good job on stage presenting a tragic story or a sad one, or an emotionally intense one. It means weve been able to make people reach an emotional climax to see. Well, thats true and i believe it means your real professional. If you can make people cry, a system that you are a human, which means youre small compared to the big stage. Everything here has to be bigger than life. Is a difficult to express emotions when youre just a tiny person on a big stage in the audience a so far away doc and use not. Oh yes, definitely. And do you need to develop certain skills to be able to do it . Im not, its not enough just to be able to go deep into different emotions. Because as you mentioned, the stage is huge. The 1st row was about 35 or 40 meters away. It was thinking about, i cant say exactly, but its really far away. And as to the back seats, we cant even see them from where were standing. So it certainly involves exaggerated movements and facial expressions. You have to be very expressive, so everyone in the audience can see your emotions, vehicle. We also use heavy makeup materials and when we things were mindful of voice production with because our voice has, has to reach far and wide out. So the se, optical performance is always about exaggerating, pretty much everything on stage level must big to back in the time of varying audiences used to sing along and they would share on the stars on stage. Now that would be considered really taboo. If youre here at the mostly, if you kind of ever wish for that to happen in opera, or you any more because it does happen, which is particularly with famous arias like cub, on your or delilah. Because its more common in concerts than in office venue. I dont think its really in the style of offer for the audience to sing along. Although i think its couldnt be nice to have this choir, the audience choir to join in on pieces like really ladon name, mobility, or even the have a new era. But i dont think it works within an actual performance some more they think of us more than the new music. Theres a lot of computers involved guitars, different things. A lot of people say that the quality of music is going down. Do you think that this will affect the opera and if so, how so . Yeah, thank you sir. Im one of those people who believe that very little genuinely talented Music History and created today all of these except move into our for centuries. But it also may be that we do not appreciate contemporaries of the plan off. It was more maybe a 100 years from now. There will be operas by some of todays lecture known composers alongside mozart, verity and tchaikovsky can speak. So i think only time can tell me, suggest lock shooting is not the united states. It is a vassal states or the coalition against peace from ukraine to cause. It is defined in ministration. It is against most of the world that historical wind is blowing against the west. A hi, im accepted and im here to plan with you whatever you do. You do not watch my new show. Search like why watch something thats so different. Whitelisted opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to please or do have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your facts for you. Go ahead. Change and whatever you do. Dont want marshall stay main street because im probably going to make you comfortable. My show is called direction. But again, you probably dont want to watch it because it might just change the way and say look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except were so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind anticipations. We should be very careful about visual intelligence. At the point obviously is to create a truck rather than fit the various jobs. I mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the team and the robot must protect this phone. Existence was on the the, [000 00 00;00] the russian attack had a call just strikeouts at ukrainian trojan control positions in the time yet for public. As a clare off of recently captured, update continues to report on the ground. This is the, the nets which is filtering the launch the ukrainians. They were the 1st to gain a foothold here. The 1st order of business pulled them here was to strip citizens of the net or something as basic as the right. As the access to tap water, a lot of math here, 10 files to continue strengthening bosses and full says has was come on the defend

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