will look in your name may seem like a made yoshi sally. i'm booth or a sick law. never. he will get sent. that will say. so go easy with home with a premier order, that means that you've all taken from a number of pets. so been gas iep. if someone is going to get a sense of that way, like you haven't been to dramatically a get on the media leap. yeah. when you get a chance, let me just open up the rental media store. yeah, me pull fit, accepting a pretty big with no. they don't image yes. to separate a casualties. you're running high, continue lighting to city hospital. overwhelmed, the more it is still to 30, the $69.00. is it, but this'll be the cheap ones. i mean them all the the for sickle moon. little sick when, when you know chad i know. ah, michaela linda meter since. yeah. because you in job you finally, i could see should be the focus. but why would you should be like a baby? the children multiple of these things are teaching them are in boca jordan, unique school. and if people running from the canal july year, and i still have to report to the quality of each of any pretty me you all to push out of the set, the train potential more. hm . landon logo little stacy big. but on the web, the navy, you could definitely be able to study about in obama without them hon. my love deposed to do with the made the made. they'll get it just say cool. metal stopped or a new child. i just eat up the data to be able to, we see that. so a 3 body, not 3 change to the mental m. okay. in the one all but easy that let you know, peter already didn't see one of the all we saw it a couple of chance to me. yeah. you did it all the, let's say the bundle i've been, i mean, clinical ferronte. she couldn't even going into the basie. the last thing i saw beside. yeah, annapolis had to be a set of all about us are nice. if you don't get that, it is to be needed up in the gym at the corner. gotcha. little have all that we'll do this, we're going to do this. could you talk to them? hey, i will, i will talk with the fees and complete a feature that will be be able to do with the a be eligible to get a t e. what they'll be on could it could be so one of the things that the flow for the sass or, or diesel, it may see that when we go through what i did, i did leave it, but i saw each nice, nice. yeah. so that evolve, evolve ratio for in chase, under may. so on, calculator, give it will pick up on the process in the process be shot on, throw that in the soon. you need to educate, not even allocate, shouldn't need no fly zone in 2010. the libyan government discovered that one of the u. s. embassy officials in tripoli had gone to a mountainous area and was dealing with various groups. he was expelled from the country right after that. we saw the 1st signs of rebellion in been ghazi and surrounding towns to brook and others, the medic on it for entered of into the in many or limit that i need the vehicle in the event of the bays, the focus he must see if i'm not interested in this that you need to know funded into the main fighting group a libya, it's the libya is slavic fighting group, which is related to al qaeda at which is supported. it's supported by m, i 6 and us intelligence. you're also simone. yeah. to key i corny group be general praise electrostatic secret. i mean they're available. they contact the one to me that if you connect k or a levy, call him about conical battle. probably the question fashion anybody they, they pretty much here when i asked for money. don, yoko way movies, video to democracy, can bye. i don't watch a video inside of my process, but if that's the files it could be should. yeah. not generally that it, let me do that. that's it. we just already a, we look at the libyan situation. clearly it's see now as a bit of a, you know, important strategically, but i think it's, it's more important strategically because the u. s. is concerned about china and china's role in africa. ah, with these audio they last, those are the intermediate. take niecy shenise, either libya, she would call it the one that she needs it. she is homeless, who look into it quite the same thing could afford and i try who natalie calls it, giving gonna create the cat there been laugh. phenotype psionic shanese nafrica killer china coastal shipment because it will delete, i freak, i mean was driving for us to to works quarters to dilate bill quasi scene for colin . i'm a doctor that transposed after that. she naturally that vocal i've already afraid vacation. easy. i know you told me to do with that one to one level that he was only because they were last. parents are gabriel, the 2nd in the back of this and get a new plays it. ah, ah no paula. money presbyterian, which is, you know, deliberate him a bit, so i'm not getting them out of that because i don't want to on at ledgent, they're coming to other students that are not joining us on. did you want anybody to come to concerning? chris understood, we thought warranty sims, hey, nathan, hey, i'm not really. so we're in a long time. anything we'll come see no shocks on off a coffee table, multiple offices on i don't do much for him for that. we know that many of the families are getting out, luna, children getting out from what you understand. i but are the rebels prepared to stay and fight for aleppo at this point? absolutely. dean shops, tactics and theories of being practiced on the streets of syria as we speak now. where we didn't promote the tactics and explained them to people through the facebook pages that we have. and also the youtube channels. this is how aside from, you know, putting flowers on the spots where fallen heroes fell and raisins from graffiti campaign while you march from cleanings 3 to make you know, nice and best. think this we can do something even better than the regime can do in terms of services. the pages that assist you today regina university and it does seem to be reading the future. it's in the syria and is i can see them in the cottage miller, the habit element home in america on the refund for that recall. and what does that mean? month, regardless, the last can you let the jamal how's that a joe way down, but you know, and i'm in the, in the supply, in an amount of them back at his level. cuz that's how the muslim world called couple of the with the orange revolution, with my station, the last chance for a democratic russia my down to the emergency tag and soon as they leave for you, we look last week i called them in to say one of the channels that the agency, the stamp and i'm not able students will, the lady will send me out a little up all the money it up a be then a time it will be that them in that each of the protest is in thailand. had continues that demonstrations in the capital bank called me. ah, i said because of the move it made up and move it out of a jewel. i'm all the on the phoebe and the on. i mean, i've been di, the rosie a employees must get ah, was so, but she knew what the med did. maybe donnell is going to show you the, the office of the southern wanda. but all of them, all, i mean with some blog piano. people don't want to live with it. i mean the a at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent, natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate, extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of local b. both any resistance to the british was answered with doubled cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance as they are. men, women, and children are shot whenever they can be met with squatter. henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in 1846. australia's bass is rightly described as blood soaked and races. if at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent, then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had decreased till 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of full recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far. and i will never be a victory for russia. we solutions you will, you will wait unless you do a new modem. wish luka a mean korean war is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the united states. as a mom on media comes to know, she's just been in common with america for sure. and you're not in your gauge of conflict of russia. forges american forces are hurting the fan nato allies with nato escalates even more than the special military operations become a war when you put them up. so that was the show and that all that does is my dog. i see it, i see it, you us, thank you costliest, you got what i mean live. so you story issue a unique and you stop to with almost them. let's see where you live at home. still furnish them in your sewage, nero's eager for the girl who's nearly 2 thirds of the american voters support cameras in the courtroom. it's only decent that jeep key and sweetest, loving mother. that about began to speak to somebody about charlie. so again, it's a pension and burial and associates. camilla galloped and randy steve due to the stadium and mechanical performed edition in the union, did not see that the shift to be made yet. and even then to set them down to make it to the fishing meant they are seen will associate, that is from that g, but everybody that a to so your system doesn't agreement that doesn't matter. literally it either the data casita for now to work with his immediate focus associates in the form. did you go the christ associate that summer focused on some some integrated agency diligence can more for she still would get that that the economy to the sheet so shyly, demography. she who to rally any josie more to more thought oh, so teeny and most dimension and sat the if it on the on yeah. ah, we've seen is obviously a close working relationship between google and a ca, between facebook and the cia and f. b i on domestic security issues here in united states. and generally, with a lot of the high tech companies, including all the companies that provide cell phone communications, the ca for a number of years has maintain a venture capital firm called inc. you tell, provide seed money, venture capital funding for new technologies. now, these companies start up companies with new ideas and new new offerings. they're happy to get the cash, but what do they have to provide in return? while they have to provide the ca, once they field these new technologies with the capability to use them or abuse them, google started up with venture capital funds from the c i to the out of my diploma . maybe canada a been going to receive the p. c. solve the issue about a software that we have for your industry, the majority in their movement that we'll talk again saturday and make that in kentucky. and yet, pdc fully majority space tv converge. the software la, you media. i mean he can use me. ah, when i sort of the group, that's ok they mostly, they're not easy but satellite diligence. yes. good. a somebody gave me la google lots of us. so, so of the video and i really ain't there. and facebook i a google pdf v c edge edge. it's janet to with safety, blue sr, compact sun on the mall or net. meanwhile m came to kava i manifest on to cool with the with pool manuel a senior my mall is pure an article at a job though and should i think that goal so we could awful property, mentor of nathan school ah human while i get waste talk to him about pull my part of the study money, i mean the new jane fit a for maternity dot t k e. c. without the phone, the law j main, lat pole. other as a photocopy, dumber they thought he mall told rob d a multiple sophistic. got the so call me him wall. there's to put his impure as big a cool. many providers in it that i'm not devonte in there. piazza but vocal full year in april district, they did. she did electric stop it broke up left, shed and all her tooth toner seated in because she only berra cool may be fighting for it's yeah, no father, the login exists your name or if it is in your school, be gimme a psycho seattle scott at the comedy as he goes to domino of kelly baler, avi dot a, a former directly mol, jenny, a faith pick on a couple 2 bedroom aesthetic or she, b. a psychology pathetic, imprint. bethaly fuel, woody dot a dot, a police, you'll see them on can authentic on medical my j still the i me cheeks have at kimberly co c live in another quality known for c in contra paternal default, say out of math and a 4 to 6 weeks and my in be tablet adoni of c elephant. they start with the budget with his infant that his son that, that came most cool man made that in the most ranty. but she never pulled itself a cited in everybody's it multiple to live is even. ah, a secret. i mean to you that the lady will send out a bit bettany. let one of the lead that and one of the lead that am what i live, the lady will send me out a bit, go away, gone. he met without facebook, without twitter, without google, without youtube. this would have never happened. facebook has had with feel better . my video games offices come yes, hoping you on the a sent to me is that the dani mall. again, that's still a good idea. they should tweak that. i'm already going on with that. you know, people are studying. wow. that in florida, my cnn, i guess the cameras time i got in and molested out of the list of and i'm not able to send up. well, it's yet people at the boxing for the medical and say we should, we that we saw no money for that so on. if i wanna fall mcdahl and willing come the bill aggregate we completed un duncan bowman for matthew identity saying if you go with a still mean, but i don't have to for my book in national, let's say coleman at his post. they tend to want a buckle with ladyman, so in a semester i got a 30 sticker, but in she validated with equilla at spectrum. but as in buffets look, a little pony. let's see old me, she, ah, with many of these countries around the world, as we know, cell phones, a number of cell phones, even in places where you don't have internet access. that there are cell phones in africa. that's very true where internet penetration rates are very low, but a large majority of the population in the country, even poor countries, will have cell phones because there's no landlines. so that's the only way with which people can communicate. so it's become an important tool. again in the arsenal of those who are work to promote democracy, human rights, ah, this is disturbing the one i want to know about, but we have blurred out her face out of respect. but this is possibly the most interesting piece of video out of iran in the world today who did a incidentally technica that i will sit in on your end ah, the game downloaded on the internet or smuggled on tv can reach people that we personally cannot with the with the training in lead banner or do i get a cd and he gets all those discuss a cd, a painting. good, good r t put george me a, but he's always so draining out with a kid on you, made a admitted into what is a desire to live with any. will it be so that you get with hulu. ah saw that easy process and was the arabs frank in the middle east. we can't expect that democracy will happen the next day. it probably is going to take decade before this culture is. would it no society ah, leading to my nissan altima sort of, i thought his m o d co called dall law. what did he want a lot, but she'll make it more so make, did ye throw out there? so like a city bed. again, i'm your daughter. we no longer at least somebody sped. don't let jane dickie body fall, decked out matthew will be for all day. ah, for to spit jolly. is she farmer sadie? molecular biology that she had avoided daddy wally, give all you know, we'll get father was the got the good logical mulder. he's better. yeah. she had he been lucky. they'll be glad to gait. she should already been in the bed. well again, no luck o monica, yawning, really valuable dance. so they gladly go below plastic with gelatin. wally can chill a lot event that'll yes you need us to. so me. he more to the event that i said to me as the song j zed, ah . with ah ah with boy ah ah, a government has been killing its own people and on bass ideas. it's amazing that this is not to be covered in western media. it hasn't been covered for the last 8 years. i'm here for 5 minutes and then i'm told the 1st 5 people they found it was 5 decapitated heads dividing up in a quarterly equus. the demand employee, fos, could that it can use me no fight, but to say, keep doing your follow kid. the v v. inflammation will almost all the independent journalists pointed out that nato and the u. s. would directly responsible for initiating the military conflict in ukraine, our casualties of it as long as we want the war to continue. we will fight that more using ukrainians as proxies and we will fight it to the last ukrainian death. that's what's happened in dunbar this whole time. this is, these aren't objects, these are people. and so that's why i do what i do. that's why i'm here. on ship energy coming from last year, russian gush chip and she bows, affordable and ship. you are in the stable, which has the blue not the gauge. did you say will that there's no longer there a it's a so form that i can't that i need to shouldn't need to pick the water as long as their muslim ship works. but what about you dealing me when you both use commercial munoz and you can probably squeeze in that meeting and i'm not sure who you're cooling. who your why do you decide on sasha? just sanction country, a section of kristen because you want to change the behavior of government because cruise them that hasn't happened. sanctions hasn't function with new students yet. they committed another terrorist act, another crime. they entered the border territory, opened fire and civilian vladimir putin bronze thursdays, ukrainian length attacks on russia's brielle region and terror with security services, saying explosive devices helping discover hidden across the year. a premium group designated as terrorist by russia house claim responsibility for the incident leader was previously tied to neo nazi ideology. and also i had on the pope it was agreed that.