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But the light hasnt hit you yet and you still see it, but its not there anymore. Just imagine my friend, what would have been the reaction . Had it been another network before we go, lets have a look at the roberson, of the, from burly will carry me off the north coast of sicily on, in the for the we can see a pyro classic flow of lava and mash racing down the sides of the volcano and reaching the sea, no injuries or destruction of in reported. The volcano is one of the wolves was active and has been a rock to almost continually for 19 years. While that wraps up on this news, our Technology Dot com for more International News will be back on the top of the out with what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. Only personally, im going to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk a little be while were on. Were on, eileen, i doing that. I can do more than one will be grandma work. I. How about the shy polish iea . Thank you. Okay, my mom. I thank you for giving my up. Did you me a new new blue hole on my door magic. And she says yes or on pm labianca alana young challenge or double doors shopped. I am or by no 130 in ah, a coming but love and you the no messiah petune. Dont say a lighter than gallop, but plus murder, thousands abreast, but brutal up on de cibola, kodachi bull, my lung chill with me. But i want octobers syllabus number, lima, i, yes, i, yes, you that will be the hulu. So, me just do. I am sorry, deep down cup lima power plus you get thousands. Somebodys got to pollute. More than trying to find young kind of thing or jerry can we do need to understand what were doing and still restrict dunstable duty. People decide palupa to be to be the media and thought chip id depending on, on digital and without the international pushing, by the central part. All you do, just accept the book store to book will go move on to come back. She left she left to put on on september 30th, 1965 mark the beginning of what was to become one of indonesia. The darkest chapters that night, 6 High Ranking Army officers were kid not been killed in an attempted coup known as the september 30th movement. The army, led by us back general hospital, took advantage of the situation and blamed the murders on the indonesian p g. I. The worlds 3rd largest communist party, after those and the soviet union. And china, me wondering what, what it was mentioned. Im located, i will, i am and im on the this new adult life for to, for the core on it to go to got up the little balance and im falling more leo, more typically on the news that the nickel data on the 50 feet are call well, me, me magic killing and violence of information or me an id. 65 was neither inevitable nor spontaneous group. I mean, when we did that it was going to kind of strategy. I had got a little already to do what was equal to big. I was going, i mean, in the military was not just the armed wing of the government in these military was running large parts of the country itself and had real ownership of the means of production throughout the country. They also have economic interest that could have been threatened from the left in the weeks and months after october, 1st 1965. The communists were portrayed as not only enemies of indonesia, but enemies of hod, either enemies of this land or enemies of religion. In general, and some of the very conservative muslim organizations were against him as well. So i could get you a quote on about a month where we can go up and go. Yeah, keenan, but he will not be communist and his mom and you are going around me and shes got he might pick up. Will matties hey, i could do it. Yeah, you dont think that that would be that was lisa young, but she had shadow study since that amy san derek. A passat ferry. See both on and it will come back on for him and come back to canada and get him a couple club apartments. Im not gonna come back said anything. Happy cookie nash eating and when i look into so i cannot be corrected, kicked out the laddie much, much wide open. Okay. Ah, ah, let us get rosemont bus america. Big guy, you took the court and political the doc set up because an invalid small at the court, no this month and the 5 is more than failed on this one. The 2 and one, but i think they did not have an ideology of our struggle. They did not have weapons. Denise them, other guy, little guy that the bottom b. P. Black. Honda yeah. Turned out that nobody got the picture of it. You know what . Im just shopping what i was as you will be shot then im going to go. So i got the formula that you got on the big yet pickle out that the power supply going yet did that even more nationally. So gardner support for the p k. I was seen as something that could challenge the armies authority internationally and against the backdrop of the cold war. So cardinals, none, alignment to either the capitalist or socialist can became increasingly intolerable for west germany, the u. S. And their close allies. In fact, the indonesian president was the leader of another Line Movement in the re shaping the World Without the control and conditional assistance of the rich countries. This, along with the support of the p t, i increasing the pose a threat to the global north imperial economic and political interests. In the early 960 asia was considered even as far more important than vietnam in the cold war. The reading column item lunch plus gill, strategic sierra vista, he is also doing the reading from item lunt mc on globalization warden sheets list source on the i whites craft da slant one sign of happened. It happened rule sang st. Thats the communist. The sharper type in audience mit that i come up here really on admittedly than on the market. In fact, as early as january 1965, a transcript from an official meeting in the west, german capital bon describes the importance of indonesia in the cold war as a barrier or stepping stone to communism. In australia, the document goes on to write that west. Germanys National Interest in maintaining their presence in indonesia requires sacrifices of a financial nature. In denisia is a crucial testings. Around the time of the meeting and 9 months before the genocide started west, germany remained silent when the Indonesian Army decided to send a message to the p, k i and carried out mass killings of temptation workers. So here i am be reached at dodge and realty art a she in jakarta, air shape, unbleached on wellness minister there prepared to go. Im often young ones, when enough to musicians is on a brief sharp. They are poor goodness for im going to walk and get on my order. You, brian, roger, it bob paulson feel, who not communist the ship land persian america pulls all blue would prob advisor, 1st name and last name, sir, palm, be the commonest. And that all 3 are here, not garish hong this high fuel will not there per skin and lessen the atom. You begin wouldnt be addict. The p k. I did not react to this provocation. Neither did west germany. Instead, it continued its support for the military. Following the end of world war 2 and the partition of germany tensions increased between the capitalist west and socialist east of the country. The western was quickly to establish itself as the legitimate German Government on the stage. And this became central to their agenda at home and abroad in 1955 as part of their anti communist strategy. West germany implemented the hashtag doctrine in an attempt to isolate east germany from the rest of the world. The doctrine prescribed the day, the federal republic would not establish or maintain diplomatic relations with any state, recognize the german democratic republic of us value august us in no need and have eyes and the did the diesel legal guilt body to show able phenomena of. I mentioned the ones who got but i didnt muscle involved on them for the time if you will, just by the end of 1965. The equivalent of a 150000000 euros was sent to indonesia by west germany in an effort to prevent the cardinal from recognizing the g d. R. At that time, the economy of the capitalist west was dire, and the federal minister of economics said that if age should be approved for political reasons, the cabinet would have to take responsibility for it. And buster vats wrote that if they continued to hope, they would also strengthen the circles that are sympathetic to them, such as the army. But this aid was conditional in december 1965. Thats wrote that the opening of an invitation embassy in east germany would lead to the severance of diplomatic relations and the sensation of economic aids. Over the months that followed, the current support for the Indonesian Communist Party did not fade away. West germany decided to take a more aggressive approach in this also took up young fish, moved on to policy, documented and taken on hunt is a document to come visit, dusty bullet to give them a form unfound polito. Sh. Really deerish of all good chub leash didnt get not seen. It was winter stood just 5 days after the electrical jakarta, west, German Embassy sent a message to bon reporting. That tensions between the army and communists had erupted violently. Their port out that the crew was probably not directed by the communists. Knowing this west germany agreed to export pistol grips to indonesia just 3 weeks later on the grounds that it would be unjustifiable if he refused this in direct 8 to the Indonesian Army which is currently using armed force against the communist party for an 8 float hart is on, while corks is floated and indonesia rivers. I think the mother in law able to like our little normally my, the real, my dad had a mini little uni lindy. Rather than my mom who am i at the time i thought man. Yeah. Young fe. I left with idea he up here, i am wrong, my at night i look at who are nearby in again i did that means and i get up and get nathi handler with i knew im there on. Yeah, not that i had left at united in 2014, when asked about the number of victims in indonesia known by the German Federal government during the massacre. They responded having no precise information on the actual number of crimes committed in connection with the events in indonesia. But this was a lie. Our investigation in the archives of Germanys Foreign Office showed that the west German Embassy in jakarta, had even listed the 10s of thousands of electric communists killed across indonesia via havent she, im finished. Can you post that if shed mom, thoughts in that same on, on and that ones agency with them rush lift fell loose, the immunization record on zide s over the seniors on done deal with the or part time or sierra room from 6000. 00 towards the mice corners, middle yoga room for 6000. 00 total homeowners on dish communist desk. Yeah. About jack carter. I initially roomed saint pauls in florida. Right. All weekend coolness wont be open. Ill get this right up the report logs, the number of losses from october 1st, the very same day. The massacre started and when deaths are listed, the language used by german ambassador vats is telling how skill haunted meaning exterminated. The specific term used by the nazis to describe their own crimes against humanity. The same month as the report was sent in november 1965. Thats revealed his knowledge of the armies intention. Not only to reprimand the perpetrators of their leaded crew, but to crush and destroy the Indonesian Communist Party through the naturalization of its leaders. A report on the rest of the peaky ice chairman and the head of the trade union also includes the news that the pci is general secretary. He and i did was, according to army sources, captured by military near soto in central java, on november 21st. And shot dead the following day at that will be filing up by nearby, by guy that doesnt create that, blah, blah. If she blew me by that warren, i remember among but believe daddy daddy, undeniable gotten wrong about a buy into a dot com or theyll buy lobby. If was out that will be at that. Now to block my dad he to do. Id he can move dnb bizarre yet doom or as i got ya man, go tomorrow they do a good. Yeah. Again. Yeah. The valley shy of young b. B. E. Got a do not do whom i do about we young doping out on the other british on your b b. E v. A blanket. Yeah. Eakwood acre t line. Yeah. All, galloway, unbeatable and i do. And then broke down and then back down to from data to pot bungie. Gov. Be bundled into because oh hello, around getting a oh that the other more what i call im gonna do. I will try to come down to the to get them can be no money will much indeed give me hope. I hired me back. I had to try to talk to them. I forgot to mark martin adams on the abilene. I the i guess to get the bottom line with our leanne. Well, i guess i have to talk to me. I didnt even have that gentleman mum break. Im not the one it do being in buggy, indonesia gone beside or scalia to get them in one head up budget month, levy. I doubt that should be done. Yeah. But im not nissan. Yeah. By law id probably be indonesia. Its about a guy battle a possible by natalie, but by now to time actually i could i could, i am going to be fine. Blacky done monkey. The bubble in the de la bron bought millions that matt c devolving need. The letter d n i w, blending nuremberg going to back am now a to be that that its at the map. I got to be german. You need arbitrators. You to calla tyrannys yet dont normally my to be dad. Be had perpetrators. It a man then, but wasa it 2 months before this, all of the heart of dictatorship in 1998 memory of the massacre was silenced. Forcing survivors sullivan fear of speaking out. In fact, most of the perpetrators were and sil are celebrated as heroes. Who continue to publicly voice anti communist tapes, speech therapy. Now press the key, the capital s p a. And this can tam, when the re can fluffy from am to community into an i, weve got a monkey. Me cant, theyre going to get down. Now i am not acting up on your cell, im almost done but hang up on me and then when i come to mind that when youre going out the last one when i do move, so let me ah ah ah ah ah. 4 nicholas supplant, the now another. But how does that mean to be so if you do know that if they do me get that i can do that over but the mother lucky the morning and see if the 2 done to come to his i yeah. But his son, the my not dissimilar, grew up orderly my a month to month gummy, younger than amberly mark. Good. The dads house are under our bar and i got a call to burn cassandra, tim, you know, put the little did up money shelby. But i had nico it down, but outside malia would you was august the story, blah, blah. Old thought, money gunship that them do are kind of put up up, up, up a young i done. Did them by the name, small guy, reset among d. Hurry bon, along your mac was done, did he do me a breaker at or a young kid up rosella, and cumbia massey. He look at and those mono up, up, up yonder teeth and what any tom is more sad, sad kalen and smuggler. Up up, up, up, up to, to monticello. Yes. All. Ah ah ah ah, well, dont me double alex, shes just gonna be on the left in columbia. Nobody but i just bought a level that he thought young real name is logical. Theres a lot of college cool with which yeah, it is public. If youre to be a number big enough, feel afraid that make you go this night to put him on museum bush and below that season. Now she did the with the, you know, at the, did the snow with it just had like, i dont, i dont buy a deal. This would not have happened here from dado, as vida didnt push this agenda. This war with that because im here this week, boston on that i should need to. What about a, a, get a new will not, but for them this is put is okay. I can still and if there with, with a initial you want to pull up not to get a can use to put body when you do do or 2. But you also still listed on those a what i see the student both the little gear lation says do it on bob. Ah, a 3rd coming days off the climbing bridge attack. As a glass or reported any cleaning control of that or city. We will take serious steps to provide an adequate response, can measure it with the levels of threats to the russian federation. No one should have any doubts about that. But it says the transactions in crimea and of the Border Regions of acts of terrorism against russia and warms. They were both harsh respond

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