Law got struggling with a profound economic recession that has led to mass on rescue is now set to elect a new president. But the demonstrations continue with protesters burning and effigy of the countrys acting leader and Security Forces are on the hiler. The broadcasting live direct my students moscow. This is our teacher national. Im john thomas. Certainly glad to have you with us. Now, russias president putin has held talks with his iranian and turkish counterparts into iran. As part of the often try a Peace Process for resolving the conflict in syria, it focused on measures to eradicate the hot bed of International Terrorism in the war torn country, as well as the escalating Energy Crisis in europe from on this, we can cross live to our correspondence, katrinka, who is in to ron ilium, what have been the main takeaways of this summit . John, good morning. Well, this sub blame game that to has to do with russian gas exports has been going on for weeks and weeks now. And the e politicians keep saying that the gas prices are going through the roof because of what Vladimir Putin has been up to because of how the russian government has been pulling the gas strengths. But here in the rainy and capital latimer potent decided to silence the critics with what he called facts from a to z. Because there are several routes that enable gas supplies from russia to europe. And according to the russian leader. If you look at most of these routes in each and every case, theres always some kind of aspect in which european Decision Makers are shooting themselves in the foot. Take nord stream, one in 2, for example. The 2nd pipeline has long been complete. However, its not being certified now. The turbans for the 1st pipeline are supposed to be in maintenance, but they cant be returned to the baltic sea because of the russian sanctions. We chose to defer, whats his gas prone have to do with us . The close one pipeline for scheduled maintenance. The other pipeline was closed because of sanctions gas promise. Ready to pump as much gas as is necessary. Its the west that is imposing these obstacles. Theyre doing the same thing with oil and petroleum products. Gas prom has always fulfilled and will continue to fulfill all of its obligations. Its our partners who are trying to shift the blame for their own mistakes on to gas problem without any justification. So a like you just heard and thats very important. President putin, a warned european politicians against a similar approach when it comes to oil. Now, besides this here and to ra Vladimir Putin had a one on one meeting with his turkish counterpart. Tie, fair tuan, for several weeks anchor has been trying to act as a mediator and help ukraine with resolving the issue of blocked grain in its black sea port cities. Now a we heard from the russian leader that is still work in progress. However, what moscow really wants to see in this case is a fair approach, which means no sanctioned on russian grain and fertilizer exports. Now, earlier these talks were held as part of the so called astronaut piece process, aimed at achieving a resolution for the searing conflict, or do they reach any agreements on that issue . Well, shawn, of course, so with the co village ukraine, with the Energy Crisis, the syrian conflict has taken somewhat of a back seat. But here in the radiant capital, the leaders of the 3 countries reminded that russia, iran and turkey created the only successful mechanism as they put it for a piece dialogue. And syrian that happened 4 years ago. And despite supporting polar sides in the conflict, and despite different political goals, the 3 leaders are on the same page when it comes to one particular aspect. And this is foreign actors in syria, russia, iran, and turkey. Despite our divergent views on what is happening on the euphrates, have a shared position that the u. S. Must stop stealing from the syrian people. They must stop taking oil from there, and they Must Withdraw from the country. We believe that in order to achieve long term stability, their control over the entire territory must be transferred to the official government in damascus under the control of the armed forces of the syrian era republic. This is also still work in progress, which will definitely continue because there is trust between the 3 leaders. And the next such summit is going to happen in the russian capital. Moscow. Right, artillio katrinka sing across some historic talk there in tehran for us. Thank you for that for sure. That you know, university of ron professor said Mohammed Mirandi says that the u. S. Is being hypocritical in its criticism of russias military operation in ukraine. I believe that the United States is on the decline. And thats something that the iranians have been telling turkey, among other United States is ive been on the decline or decades now, the crisis in liberal capitalism, the endless wars. And of course, these and this wars are, make the, the western position on ukraine quite ironic. Because on the one and they condemn russia for the war. But on the other hand, they initiated wars and rock on libya. They supported this. So hes in yemen. Theyve imposed brutal sanctions on venezuela, cuba, nicaragua. And they cant, they carried out a dirty war in syria, so theyre really in no position to talk about you. Crane and the russian roll them. And iran, russia, china. These are countries on the rise. They are powerful. China, as, of course, a global power. Russia is a major power. Iran is the most powerful country in west asia and the United States. And nato simply do not have the power anymore to confront all these Different Countries at the same time. Despite china being one of the largest investors in africa, the chief of us aid says beijing is not doing enough to prevent an escalating food crisis on the continent. One country in particular, stands out right now for its absence. The peoples republic of China Signing on to the road map, removing export restrictions in its fertilizer exports and releasing some of its grain reserves either to the Global Market or to humanitarian entities like the world food program. With significantly relieve pressure on food and fertilizer prices and powerfully demonstrate the countries desire to be a Global Leader and a friend to the worlds least developed economies. Countries that have sat out this war must not sit out this global food crisis. The number of people facing starvation in the horn of africa is expected to reach at 20000000. Within the next 2 months, china earlier confirmed that it would provide emergency Food Supplies to a number of countries in the region. But apparently, that is still considered to be not enough to relieve the manager and crisis in africa. Ortiz ritual blevins, explain the man the power who made her name in the white house by pushing president obama to take a more hawkish approach to libya and syria has now turned her attention to china. As she leads the notorious us agency for international development. The former envoy to the us who also supported regime change in several countries, regardless of the collateral damage, is now claiming that china isnt doing enough to help the people of africa prevent a food crisis. And shes not alone. U. S. Corporate Media Outlets or having a field day running with the phrase dat trapped diplomacy. Theyre using it to claim that beijing carries responsibility for the current economic crisis entree longer. While ignoring the activity of western organizations like the i m f, which have long been accused of signing off on predatory loans for developing nations. But when it comes to preventing global Food Shortages, beijing is arguing that it is in fact actively working to do just that. Looking at africa specifically, which is in Samantha Powers, cross hairs china and now its a new program for countries affected by major drought and a horn of africa in march. And beijing ramped up as a to south africa and the phase of devastating floods in april. Theres all kinds of china has been providing emergency food aid for more than 50 countries in asia, africa, and latin america since 2016. And in response. To the latest comments from washington, beijing says the us should take a good look in the mirror before criticizing the actions of others, the u. S. Has done nothing to reduce its own food, consumed for energy, and has even exploited the situation to inflate grains prices and seek selfish profits. China has also pointed out that its the us which continues to pro long conflict in ukraine by supplying new episodes despite the fact that even president bible himself has been warning about global Food Shortages for months. But while washington has earned its title as the largest export of armed in the world and china is not even close, Samantha Power says the us should also be recognized for writing the most humanitarian aid. The United States has long been the leader in responding to mandatory and crises. And we are proud of that leadership and incredibly grateful to congress and to the American People for their compassion and generosity. Its notable that she brought up congress there because its capitol hill that is now in the process of passing legislation for next years military budget. The latest version of the National Defense authorization act, specifically states that money from the pentagon cannot be used to transfer things such as humanitarian aid to afghanistan, and thats no accident. In fact, even when one congresswoman introduced a waiver to allow the us to give it specifically to afghanistan, her own lawmaker shut her down. Afghanistan is facing one of the most horrific humanitarian crises in the planet. We should be doing everything in our power to deliver humanitarian assistance to the afghan people, not needlessly limiting the aid we can supply. That humanitarian crisis was triggered by washington, moved to replace billions of dollars in aid with crushing sanctions. As the u. S. Withdrew its troops and the Biden Administration sees more than 9500000000. 00 worth of afghanistan, central banks, assets over fears that they would be used by the taliban as it swept back to power and cool. So all Samantha Power claims trying to isnt doing enough to help and refuse to admit how much the u. S. Has done to fuel the current problems in the 1st place. The main stream media continues to claim that when beijing does something, it must be some sort of a trap, as if the u. S. And his allies havent become known for the same traps that they are now accusing china of spreading all around the world. One person has been reported killed and 3 others wounded, including a child in ukrainian showing of the done yet city of got to go on wednesday morning as kids forces have unleashed devastating artillery fire on to residential areas. Another done yet. City you have seen a lot there has also been shown by the Ukrainian Army with civilians, homes destroyed in the attack. Local officials claim that around 1700. 00 buildings have been destroyed in the republic since february. And in the neighboring lugens republic, the Ukrainian Army has made another attempt to make a territory games after russian led forces. Recently took the entire republic under their control large but i got the reports from the ground on the outskirts of bela got of course we witnessed a somewhat rare spectacle and attempted offensive by ukrainian forces. Mm hm. So i thought that you found movie. Yeah. In support. Of the game on the white glove, the ukranian troops here belonged to the infamous nationalist cracking battalion. Their intent was to get close to bill or god of k, through the woods near by. They were met with a hail of artillery fire. If possible, after that, we were ordered to retreat, every one ran away, we kept shouting, dont shoot at the soldiers who were behind us. Dmitri was wounded by shrapnel. He was left behind by his panicked brothers in arms, in all full kracken fight, his wood, captured alive. One of them, an officer. Heard of. How did commanders treat the troops in . I dont know like earth worms just crush them under foot and kept walking, said i, we will do. How is morale in your units in crackin . No, no, there no morale. No one wants to fight in all with. It is watched the sky for rocket launchers. She couldnt, and now they sent us right into it while also telling us there was no one there. No, with he is telling the truth. What we know is that ukrainian artillery in an apparent act of revenge for their defeat here. Crackin is an infamous outfit. Their fighters sent shock waves around the world after filming themselves, torturing and killing, unarmed russian prisoners. Shooting them in the knees, suffocating them with plastic bags, and cutting their eyes out. All the while laughing for months they had been station didnt hide, give. We now know why they were sent away the laguna, we were sent to belle grove car because of a condo plan. They found some corpses in his back yard, who, with the 7 people he killed civilians for what, for nothing, just killed them. He buried them in his yard while you and you didnt think that that was savagery. It was savagery. The city of cognitive has always been viewed as a pro russian city, which is perhaps why the Ukrainian Government stationed one of its most brutal and sadistic battalions. There, the locals certainly made that dislike plain. Where were you stationed in the city center, where we were last stationed in a church . You say last . Were there many bases was moved on . We kept changing that. How often . About month ago, until surveillance would publicize our location. What do you mean . I mean, publish on whereabouts online, through telegram they would say, here is a unit we contrast with them. Here. Dmitri claims that he had no choice but to join. He says the Territorial Defense unit that he was with was merged with kracken. He says he is no say this nationalist or neo nazi. What if they decide to exchange you in a prisoner swap . I wont go back to ukraine. Come again. I wont go back to ukraine, you refused to be exchanged. I can go back there. We cannot verify whether what he told us is true. Kracken fighters are well aware that russian courts are off to them. And moscow has repeatedly promised that it will bring the men involved in these inhuman torches, mutilations and killings. To justice more, id gasdio haughty from bela gorenca lugens peoples republic. Washington says it needs to strengthen its resilience with so called friendly allies and to cut other countries out of supply chains. Not as washington accuses some countries of failing to comply with a u. S. Dominated world order by developing relations independently from the western agenda r t. Rachel margin has more. The u. S. Government is acting like a jealous partner who wants to be in control and know where the other is and who they are with at all times. Its the kind of behavior that stems from deep insecurity in relationships. Sanctions are one instrument of control imposed through the us treasury department. If a country poses a threat to washingtons economic or political agenda, us sanctions ensure the other nations keep their distance from that country. And headed that same Department Treasury secretary j jaelyn is now threatening countries that break what it considers to be the International Economic order. In other words, the washington and western lead world order and vows to impose harsh consequences on those that abuse it. Claiming that economic integration has been weaponized by russia and referring to the need to recruit and integrate us allies into its supply chains. It sounds like the classic military posture of your either with us or against us and with china and russia, but applied to global trade. Working with allies and partners through french shoring is an important element of strengthening economic resilience. Well sustaining the dynamism and productivity growth that comes with economic integration. But why should any country be forced to choose a camp or clique . This isnt high school or super bowl sunday. Were everyone picks a team in a bandwagon. Mature adults or countries are quite capable of entertaining diversity of interests. But the only diversity washington seems to want is really for itself, brazilian supply chains mean a diversity of sources of supply and eliminating to the extent we can, the possibility the jib political arrivals will be able to manipulate us and threaten our security. This sounds like it means less diversity for other countries who engage with the u. S. And that washington is attempting to justify this control by evoking the need to protect its own security. Unfortunately, for washington, the days of it calling the shots are pretty much over. Bidens visit to the middle east in an attempt to ban Global Energy supply to washingtons interests. Ended in frustration by his remark suggested that washington is having a difficult time adapting to the reality of its middle eastern allies, diversifying their own interests away from washington. We will not walk away, leaving vacuum to be filled by china. Russia were room. Well seek to build on this moment with active principle, american leadership. Washington no longer controls its conventional allies now that they have other options in a multi polar world. India, for example, has refused american requests to ban russian ships from its ports. The South Pacific seems more interested in dealing with its regional partner, china, even close us, ally, and next door neighbor, mexico has insisted on maintaining neutrality amid the ukraine. Conflict and latin america has seen a populace shift in recent elections away from us friendly establishment parties. While bolivia, cuba, al salvatore, nicaragua and venezuela have refused to criticize russia over ukraine. But as they say, you cant make someone love you. And all the strong arming by the west treasury as it feels its control slipping away is not likely to win it too many hearts and minds. Truly as acting leader appears to have won the president ial election according to a secret ballot by parliament as mass protests persist in the south asian country, torn apart by a spiraling economic crisis. Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the president s office. Some of them burning an effigy of the interim leader, while demanding he resign as a symbol of a tarnished government. Meanwhile, Security Forces have been on heightened alert and the largest city colombo, amid the election with soldiers patrolling the streets and waterways. Our correspondent runjun sharma, reports on location a miss, very secure she around to Parliament Building in she langa nominations, have a start date of for the next president of the country. Interesting, lee, one of the mean opposition need on that project. Lima dog has withdrawn his candidate and decided to support dallas. Hes from the break away faction of the ruling body, essentially. Now that up from torontos in the election that we come, singing was the acting president in the Prime Minister of the country right now. And dallas, hes from the vehicle, the faction of the ruling party, essentially roger upshaws party. Were think protest once again break out in a suite of colombo simply because they dont want iran in victor missing to take any sort of position in the government. Now interesting, 8. 00 to 125. 00 parliamentarians are going to cost a war to and all eyes on the 28th of july when sri lanka is going to appoint its new president , a president also to live a we just had the phone to the body to go through is not valid. Know china has warned it could respond with force if the speaker of the us house of representatives, nancy pelosi follow through with her controversial plan to visit ty, one next month. If the u. S. Side obstinately clings to this course, china will definitely take resolute and forceful measures to firmly defend its National Sovereignty and territorial integrity. Pelosi is due to travel to taiwan in august to show washington support in mid rising tensions with china. It will be the 1st visit of the us House Speaker to i want in 25 years. Beijing considers the island as part of its national territory, while the u. S. Has not recognized taiwan as an independent country. Washington has shown strong backing for type a proving supplies of military assistance. The island held its largest ever military drills with u. S. Support. Earlier this month. For its part, beijing firmly opposes any form of official interaction between the u. S. Anti one saying it will have a severe negative impact on bilateral relations between china and the u. S. Senior fellow at the pan goal institution think tank. Kindle shoes as washington is actually interested in a military escalation between china and i want seems to me washing is not happy with what was your grant that we are our end of the war asia. So, you know, if it trigger having people, this is a frustrating, you know, a lot of people who are stand, do we need another wall . Do we need another war in people unstable asia . If particular south east asia, asia, thats the dispatcher, but he can only be around the world. And now we are having economic or want the world but a washington. He is not doing enough. Remember, washington, the government has repeatedly the are committed to this. Why cannot principle, which means i want to bother trying to, but actually we are doing another rule in terms of behavior. So this is, you know, i think, you know, probably can never taught us government. They are simply not 20 worth. They. I think for the chinese are to be the better prepared for the worse and whatever happened a, the content of the us publication. Indias Prime Minister says his country is planning to become a major arms exporter by developing its own weaponry industry as a so called defense echo system. Currently India Largely rely on the imports from other nations for its military needs. India has been the Worlds Largest arms importer in recent years, accounting for about a 10th of the Global Market. Russia is a key player in those imports, providing an estimated 60 percent of the weaponry supplied to new delhi ortiz. R t. T examines indias new move towards self sufficiency in defense production. This is a radical shift from the policy that india has had followed on defense. Since 947. 00 since independence more the wrong store. They get in the direction of Self Reliance, says kristen ability and complete independence grad. Mr. Moby has given us a very clear direction for the indians in defense services. Now he is asking them to not rely on any of the foreign weapons and ammunition, but a go for domestic production. Today, a large part of the budget earmarked for the purchase of defense equipment is being spent on procurement from indian companies. In the last 4 or 5 years, our defense imports have come down by about 21 percent. Today we are moving fast from the biggest defense importer to a big export or bench, or more. B has been trying very hard to change the overall mindset within the bid aqua see within the Political Leadership as well. And in the us defense services, because been consistently underlining that india can not be dependent on others. We developed the habit of being dependent on Foreign Countries for even the simplest products, like drug addicts we were addicted to the products imported from abroad. To change this mindset, we worked on mission mode after 2014, after learning from the approach of the past to create a new ecosystem of defense. Clearly, branson more be nice that india has to fight on its own. India has to be less relying on strategic alive and he is moving in that direction. Hes going in the direction all basically says sustainability, a Self Reliance in almost all sectors on the issue of ukraine. India remained neutral. India did not take any sites and that was in alignment with this mindset with this thinking that we cannot be of partisan, we would rebuild not budge on our independence resolve the foreign policy. India stood by russia. These are we ukraine. India did not work against russia at the united nations. And this is part of that might said that india will maintain its strategic independence. Whether its, you know, warrant you clean, or whether its domestic reduction off weapons, 29. 00 and a half minutes. Thats when i will be back with another full infrastructure to stay with us. This is our change i

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