On this show tonight, super pacs but the love the trump lax. Donald j. Trump billionaire plans to jet down to washington d. C. To meet with units, not yet bff House Speaker paul ryan. Ryan again said he was not yet ready to back trump adding quote, i never said never. I said at this point i wish i had more time to get to know him before this happened. When asked what he would do if trump asked him to step down as chair of the republican conclave in cleveland, ryan added hes the nominee, ill do whatever he wants with respect to the convention. Today, trump announced that Chris Christie would head up the Transition Team and nominee continued to add more names without doing very much to publicly court people to get on board. Its just more drama but i think its a mistake not to do this. We want to bring the party together. Does the party have to be together . Does it have to be unified . Im different than anybody else perhaps thats run for office. I actually dont think so. It doesnt have to be no, i dont think so. It would be better if unified. It would be there would be something good about it but i dont think it actually has to be unified in the traditional sense. So john, is trump right . Does the party not need to be unified in the traditional sense . Does he need paul ryan and other waivering republicans to win this thing . Ill remind you of a piece of fact which youre fully aware. Republicans lost five of the last six popular votes in the president ial election. The Republican Party starts way behind. I think donald trump needs every republican. He needs all the unity he can get if hes going to overcome advantages Hillary Clinton has in the general election. Any republican faces any democrat, you need unity. Hes never going to get romney. There is a number of slightly less but prominent republicans. Hes not going to have full unity. He basically can say which is the truth on some level, im supporting stuff that they dont like and therefore they are not going to support me. Thats not the only reason. I think he can get by with less than full unity because in the end, paul ryan whether he endorses him or not will be for him. Look, i agree there is an advantage to being the outsider and any establishment rhetorically speaking but again, there is a reason why paul ryan is the most powerful, the highest placed republican in the country elected official and a lot of people do represent, not their endorsement matters but there are people that look to them as this person signals whether this guy is a legit contender or not and when there are people backing away from trump, it doesnt help. He needs all the votes he can get. Here is part of why. When this campaign is over, the Trump Campaign will reveal how far behind they were doing. We know they are far behind and further behind than people realize. That means that you cannot if you dont have support of the groups of people like paul ryan, you have to build networks, fundraising. Trump needs help. The campaign cannot build it on their own. Right, this is not a campaign with a fully built general election campaign. Exactly. Symbolically not that bad but substantively really important. I agree. Donald j. Trump businessman has been cashing in his two cents about the economy. The low minimum wage is not bad for the country and trump wants to see it raised but would leave the decision up to the states. On taxes, he changed his tune a little by saying his proposal from september was only an opening bid that could be negotiated. While rich people will still see lower taxes, they will probably end up paying more than he originally proposed. The donald is also drawing criticism for his comments on the nations borrowing habits. First he said last week he was open to the idea of quote renege gating the countrys debt and today told cnn the u. S. Government will quote never have to default because you print the money end quote. Today on a press call with reporters, former white house advisor added these warnings to the trump pylon. This is the most risky reckless and regressive tax proposal ever put forward by major president ial candidate. His plan hands trillions in tax breaks to millionaires and corporations, blows a massive hole in the federal budget and even puts Social Security and medicare at risk. So mark, as trump shifts around, moves around, slides around and engages in rhetoric, is he playing with fire on economic and business related issues . I think he is. Trump can get away with shifting positions and straight or tthod. I dont believe he can win this election unless more americans think hell be a good steward of a good economy than they do about Hillary Clinton. Hes alienating on the right and left and for his purposes, hes alienating people in the Business Community that will look at Hillary Clinton and say i may think shes too liberal but at least more stable. Look, i mean, trump has a lot of glaring weaknesses as general election candidate but the one thing he somehow has to this point been able to avoid is the romneyization of donald trump. His tax plan given hes a billionaire giving democrats easy ammunition to paint him as being just another mitt romney, another rich guy out for rich people and doesnt care about working people, doesnt care about people, frustrated, alienated by the state of the economy could be on its own enough to cost him the election. He tries to move to the left and says maybe not cut taxes as much for the rich. Thats fine. Hes got to explain things, not on tweets or voice only interviews, he has to look the country in the eye and say i get the economy. I think the reason is immigration policies, his trail policies have been so potent. They also want somebody thats not going to make it. There is a sense there this is a problem. Im sure all a problem because again, you got to have stability. This is why trump is so wrong about the notion unpredictability Foreign Affairs or domestic. I think the country could take it. The stakes are getting higher and more personal in the general election poker match between donald j. Trump and Hillary Clinton. Over the past few days in response to news that clinton is getting ready for battle, trump upped the anti on his woman card criticism with a string of attacks on clinton that mentioned her husband, former president bill clinton. Take a look at part of the collection on morning joe put together. Hillary clinton just ordered 90 million worth of hit ads on donald trump and its hit ads on donald trump and women. In the history of politics Hillary Clintons husband abused women more than any man that we know of in the history of politics, right . I mean, have you ever read what Hillary Clinton did to the women that bill clinton had affairs with . Do you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, im guilty. So the Clinton Campaign has not engaged directly in all those things. They put out a statement in the name of a spokesperson changing the subject and pointing to things that trump said unrela d unrelated. John, if team clinton continues to turn the other cheek, what will it take for trumpl to breakthrough with the attacks on bill clinton and Hillary Clinton regarding his personal life . I believe it is virtually impossible for trump to breakthrough with these attacks unless the Clinton Campaign starts to get rattled and reacts to them in ways that create more openings because for most americans, bill clintons behavior with respect to women, deplorable as it was is priced into stock. Bill clinton, for a lot of people old news. It will take the Trump Campaign doing a stunt, i say stunt. The Trump Campaign doing something unorthodox and new. Maybe having one of the women appear at a press conference so out there that a reporter asked the clintons about it. I dont think a reporter will ask unless they are basically forced to. The right wing will egg reporters on and one or both the clintons will be asked and that could be a game changer. Also in the same vein, some new information, some more recent information, some fact on the ground were not familiar with, talking about kathleen willy. The clintons would have to be asked directly about it. I agree. Potentially potent destabilizing combination. Asked about a new fact in the way they wont go back and relitigate. Trump thinks he knows new facts, by the way. He does. When we come back, assessing Donald Trumps strength and weaknesses, surprising to see who is saying what. Well explore all of it after these words from our sponsors. P blah. If you were watching the trump train barrelling down, youll see there are currently two tracks of thought about how the presumptive no, maminee wi fair. On one side, the more liberal Washington Post Editorial Page Editor wrote on sunday the democrats should fear trump in a general election writing quote, we dont want to hear your certainty about his november defeat. Nor is it reassuring to read how happy the clinton camp must be to be facing a weak opponent. They need to be running scared, smart by scared now and for the next six months. When twothirds of the country is unhappy, rational outcome cant be taken for granted. In a sprang switch, reversal, something, the wall street Journal Editorial Board took the other side of the argument saying Trumps Campaign will im mode unless he changes his about and does so quickly. So writing today the wall street Editorial Board quote, if mr. Trump really wants to be president , hes got to build a broader coalition. Time is more fleeting than he seems to think and doesnt act more like a genuine leader soon, he may find his candidacy imploded before hes nominated. Mark, how important well, lets talk about two stories. Its interesting, right . You have such diversity and smart people that people from the left who seem to be scared of trump or at least casting a warning and then obviously people on the right at the wall street Editorial Board. Talk about the ways, the assessments seem to cross lines. If you look at a snapshot of where we are and the last six president ial nominations and demographics, youd say trump may be not that he cant win but would be hard. It seems to me the people who are saying worry about trump winning or trump could win are basically making two judgments. One is trump has the magic, that trump is going to defy convention again and build a coalition that nobody can currently see in the data and second, that Hillary Clinton is such a fund mentally flawed candidate. As long as trump represents change and she represents the same, trump will win. Part of this is an argument and maybe slightly different way of saying sort of what you said. An argument between art versus science because the scientists really believe if you look at the demographics, you look at the Electoral College and things we talked about, democrats having built in advantages and facing a huge uphill fight and art people say man this year is so crazy this man is capture lightning in a bottle, anything can happen. Those people are also informed in many cases by having been wildly wrong about trump for a year. When they all said hell never win the republican nomination. Many people now are saying trump you should look out because he could be a strong general election candidate or burned by having been too certain about weakness as a nomination candidate. Yeah, we always look at the end of a campaign and the winning side. Geniuses. You cannot he cannot imagine the gap between the number of employees in brooklyn for clinton and employees for trump around the country thought about who will win the Battle Ground states and raise money. They are so far ahead. Opposition research, they are so far ahead that trump has just a whole other layer of this advantage that i think, you know, candidates matter most. That stuff will matter if trump doesnt get it together soon. And the money. And the money. Coming up, paul ryan, donald trump and the battle for the hearts and minds of the Republican Party with two of the best reporters in the business. Well be right back with them. 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And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your abily to fight infecons, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist abt humira. With humira, remission is possible. Weve been talking about donald j. Trumps challenge and one of the latest pickups, here is a clip from the circus. In congestion with Bloomberg Politics from an episode that aired in early march. I think everyone is buying into the inevitable and he cant be stopped. I believe he can be stopped. What are you doing or plan to do to stop him . [ laughter ] exactly. What are you doing . Were working on it. So that was ed a couple months ago. Here is what the same republican pollster and strategist said. You still anti trump . Well, no, im going to support the nominee, you know, judge are you going to support trump . Im going to support the nominee. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Are you saying there is a possibility trump will not be the nominee . No, not at all. Im supporting the nominee. Trump, i believe, will be the nominee at this point. So joining us now to discuss how things are shaping up for trump, our colleague, the great al hunt in the washington burro and karen of the Washington Post in her papers newsroom. He went from an employee and strategist to the movement to being for trump. Is there symbolism there . Its called getting on a train thats left the station but you can see how uncomfortable he was. I dont think he believed it. He probably had fingers crossed. Karen, is that at all significant or one of many forum against trump at this point . I sort of love this formulation and were hearing it not just from him but a lot of other republicans. It will support the nominee. Its sort of like harry potter, you know, he who must not be named. You know, i think at this point, i think all of these men and women thought they would have some weeks to sort of get used to the idea and, you know, try it on. See if it fits of having trump as the standard. Then we had an incredible turn of events between last tuesday and last thursday and, you know, i think for a lot of them, its hit so quickly they havent gotten their heads around it yet. Al, let me ask you a question about money and trump. Last week trump started to put together the national announced he wasnt selffund and raise money and there is going to be super pac money and do the party. The question is who will do this stuff . Anthony today says hell help trump raise money. The billionaire stan hubbard says hes going to raise money for trump. Is trump going to be able to make the nut on the finance side, or is this going to be his biggest obstacle . I think it will be a hurdle but hell make most of it. John, let me turn to a more serious money question. Namely his tax comments this weekend and i hate to correct john, but he didnt change a little. That was a massive overhaul. What he said was that the rich would pay a little bit more. His proposal, 35 of his tax cut goes to the top 1 . 1. 3 million to the top. Now in a 4 trillion change, he says they wont. Thats because donald trump, i think, has no idea nor does he care whats in his tax plan. Why does that matter . Because people like paul ryan who do have principles say this guy doesnt im melissa with breaking news. We are tracking new reports of tornado activity in oklahoma. Lets listen into kfor. Were looking at this storm here from the chopper and the continued large tornado continues in roth. There are two areas that both have tornados on the ground. Lets go back to the chopper. Okay. Here is chance right here. This is the large low tornado here and its still on the ground. Go chance. Yeah, mike, im not sure if this is the first tornado or second tornado on the very back of the storm, probably, oh, just on the south side of roff. It spun up real quick. I dont have condensation to the ground but its heavy rain look at the vertical motion in that. South side of roff. This thats an update from chance for the roff tornado. Okay . We got two tornados here same t simultaneously. Here is the wedge tornado in roff. This is to the southeast of that big tornado. This one is looking east out of mill creek. Go, john welsh. Yeah, mike, thats the bottom of it this is a highbased tornado. We get around the stunt cloud and will come around to give you a better shot but this thats amazing. The vertical motion in this one east of mill creek here has was really climbing very fast. Theres a lot of energy in the upward motion. Man, thats incredible. Look at that. Thats amazing. Go john welsh. Confirmed tornado located. That tornado right there is going to be south of connerville and east of mill creek and northwest of northern Johnston County is where that is to the southeast of roff. Incredible video. Focus a little bit. Yeah, mike. Like you said, that will be west of connerville northeast of mill creek is kind of where were shooting. The good thing for this tornado, there is not much out here but very highbased storm. Obviously not very strong. This is on the backside of the cell that weve been what took us so long to get around to the where is this . Lets look at the tracker. Still a large tornado here near roff. We can hope and pray nobody in roff is injured because its on the southeast. This is a separate storm to the southwest of the wedge tornado h higher based but has spin and vertical motion to it. This tornado has strength, as well. Its down here northeast of mill creek near connerville in northern Johnston County heading up into coal county right here. Go john welsh. Amazing video. Yeah, mike. It is losing intensity a bit and this is what it did earlier. Pretty descent sized funnel earlier and lightened up and broke down. There is a lot of spin in here. The cyclone is spinning. We have a large area. Doing a great job, john. John is quite a ways away. So his signal is intermittent. Hes not close to Oklahoma City. Look at it roping out before our eyes. Roping out. There is another area well watch. Bring the camera to the right as that ropes out there. This lowering scud cloud here is continuing to rotate. Its continuing to get lower so well continue to watch this area. We got about 20 more minutes of gas on board before we have to go to paws valley but there is definitely still a lot of spin in the atmosphere and this is going to be south of the other storm. This particular storm is going to look at radar and just from here visually its growing in intensity, mike. John, appreciate that. Lets go to max two, emily sutton, lets go to max two, emily sutton. Here is the storm coming in now near pink. Lets get an update. Go, guys. Hi, mike. Were still on the top of the storm now on highway 9 and located just northwest of the town pink. The storm is starting to blow itself out a bit. Were watching the rotation and definitely inflow. Very broad circulation but definitely blowing up cold air. Emily, appreciate that. What we have here, emily reporting with mark dillard coming into the county. Lets go to max two. Where is this . We had perhaps a couple brief touchdowns here. The rotation with this is not very big. Looking at it here from Doppler Radar and from the team of trackers here underneath it, the rotation right now is reasonably strong but not very big so putting down little needle funnel clouds with occasional little brief bounce tough downs and thats what has been happening and it keeps trucking to the east, northeast and north of highway nine and close to pink right now. Could it produce more tornados . Yes, it could in the Southeast Side of Oklahoma City metro area. This is much closer to Oklahoma City here. Pink, bethel acres, shawni, pink, bethel acres, shawni. Pink, bethel lakes, south twin lakes, shawni. Smaller circulation here but tornados are possible at any time with this storm. Lets go back to emily for an update on it. Emily . Yeah, mike, again, we are keeping a close eye on circulation. It is a broad circulation but its kind of turning over on itself right now. Wow. Thats really neat. We are watching the rotation and, you know, earlier we definitely had a funnel with it. This is incredible to watch. We are looking at highway nine by the town of pink. It hasnt produced a funnel recently but were keeping a close eye on the circulation. Its got horizontal rotation, mike. Horizont horizontal vort see. Were getting a minibreak down here. A lot of rotation down here. There was a little tornado. Another little one to the right. Another area here thats potentially tornado, as well. A lot of rotation with that. John, we can hear you. Go ahead. Yeah, mike, there is about three different areas that are kind of putting down these little tornados left and right. Go back to your left, jack. Zoom in there. There was another descent sized little long tornado that was coming down just moments ago and actually just lifted up just to the right of that. There was another little maybe pencil tornado coming up. So there is a bunch of spin in here and were looking at a scud. You can see if you zoom out, jack, you can see the scud is continuing to rotate here. Everything in this particular storm here thats going to be just south of connerville, south of storm here, everything is rotating. I got scud in front of me continuing to rotate and well get brief touchdown tornados and pop back up. Luckily they are all very, very limited in intensity, however, it just shows you this could get together and put down a very large tornado here, mike. Appreciate that, john welsh. Dont go too far. Lets go to the storm tracker. Were, you know, we got a descent little mini outbreak here going on. Up here to the north near orlando, were talking october north of guthrie. The spin rate on these is coming up and were talking about in particular orlando now. I know aaron is on this. The spin rate is coming up. Would not be impossible to get tornados on this. We are watching a continuing weather situation that is developing in oklahoma where they are having multiple tornados on the ground today. Wnbc dave price is standing by here with the latest. Give us an idea what we are looking at. We have severe outbreak, which is working through southeastern oklahoma and making its way towards areas of eastern texas and into louisiana and into arkansas. Its going to be a very busy night in this section of the country. What weve already seen is a very large funnel tornado and a second touchdown in the area. Look at this activity and melissa, youve lived in this part of the country. You know very well even with all the preparation that you can put into making sure youre set for one of these storms, they can break out in moments. They can move through rapidly and thats what creates the danger and we are ripe for more tornado activity as we head through the rest of the night. Lets continue on and take a look at what to expect. You see the live radar picture in the righthand corner of the screen and as you can see, reds and yellows, intensity of the systems beginning to roll through and of course, the circulation at the same time is what creates all the danger and high winds and many of these storms which rolled through this afternoon and two tornados have stayed on the ground for particularly long period of time. Seven, eight, nine, ten minutes or longer and that gives them plenty of time to inflict damage. Thats our concern as we head through the rest of the night as night fall begins to take place and you cant see what is coming towards you, the only thing that gives you notice is your radio, television and the sound like the sound of a train rolling through your area or your neighborhood and those can be extremely destructive. Another massive danger that comes with tornados that we hear about suspects here but oklahoma people know so well is hail. What is this situation with that today. Two things, number one weve seen hail rolling through some of the thundershowers which have pushed true the area. Thats one danger and the other danger is debris. I dont know if we video of the funnel tornado but you can see the debris field and record the debris field rolling through and often that is what can inflict so much danger and so much injury. Those are concerns and these systems plenty of energy as they work towards the east and thats why this dangerous situation with no end which with no end thats definitive. Its not as if that expires within the next several hours. Its going to be a very long night. One of the dangers you were saying we can see in the cloud on the upper right hand part of the screen where the funnel meets the ground making an impact for the tornado. You can see the debris literally flying up and rain and intensity of this rotation which is incredible and dave, this is obviously not a place you want to be outside in a car where you really want to be is under ground. Let talk about options for People Living in an area where this is happening. Most people that live in this part of the country have tornado shelters. You want to be below ground level and shelter in an area that is secure. Thats the important thing. If you know there is an impending storm, go to the lowest level of your home and thats where you want to serve as your bunker. Thats where you want to be. These storms can move through not only with incredible intensity but incredible speed and once one of these storms roll through you can see the skies begin to brighten and light come out. Its a remarkable thing to witness but furry is extremely dangerous and in the event that you are in one of the areas where we have a Tornado Warning, please take cover immediately. Bring a radio, bring something that you will continuously be able to get information from and go to the lowest level in your home. People really do live by those Weather Radios in places like oklahoma. They really take them very, very serious will you because often times if a tornado is on the ground, its actually too late. You want to be with your tv on and have the Weather Radio ready at all times because you can get under ground to places you can be obviously before it hits your area. Radio, television for as long as those methods are able to continue to broadcast. Thats going to be the primary source of information but as you see this storm chaser video and live pictures brought to you, the purpose of that is to be able to communicate the seriousness of the situation. These are not storms which are meant to be witnessed in person. The importance here is that you listen to the municipal authorities in the path of the storm, if you are in an area where this pds is declared or an area, of course, where you have a Tornado Warning in effect. Take note. Take cover. And be prepared. And as we enter now this period where night will begin to fall, the situation becomes even more dangerous. Well continue to keep track of all the weather activity in this section of the country over the next several hours and if needed, we will break in and tell you everything we need to know but in the meantime, this is the area where severe storms will continue to roll through into oklahoma, arkansas, sections of north texas and into louisiana and well continue to watch the situation. All right. Dave price, thank you. Weve been tracking tornado activity in oklahoma. Well stay on top of the story for you as it unfolds. These are pictures from earlier. You can see how violent they are. Back to with all due respect after this. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by st health plans. Very fancy glass house and media criticism boulevard. The latest column for getting way too much wrong about Donald Trumps candidacy. John of the new york times, thank you for joining us, fella. I like the glass house analogy. It is. So the times was skeptical of trumps candidacy on the news side as any News Organization, is there soul serarching and lok at trump in trouble, trump in parol . There is always soul serving with trump. Im not technically on the team but i believe so. There is always have you talked to colleagues in the cafeteria . Im not allowed with this new job but of course, there is always examination of what we do. I think you saw a change in the way we were covering trump kind of where david sanger come in a few weeks ago and started doing with other members of the Political Team and doing good driving policy pieces. I think we among everybody else were late on doing that with trump. I think we had good company. I know we did. Do you expect we were talking earlier about the notion of possibility that some people who having been really wrong in the first part of the campaign now may over compensate and be doing not necessarily sucking up to trump but sort of second guessing themselves so much from before when they didnt take hem seriously, they will over rate chances and be like oh, must be brilliant because it must have worked before. Definitely. Thats what we do. We in the media do it and react to what we screwed up on last time around. I think there is a real parol. That said, this campaign has been so hard to kind of surf that how can you not . Its going to require a little bit of testing where we need to be on that. Maybe asking. What are the tough aspects of covering trump Going Forward and particular challenges covering him . I think some of the hardest things are a, checking our assumptions and talking about here is the map and this is what we know to expect. Look, im in a great position where i get to sit in my chair and judge the coverage, which is never not that comfortable for me to do because this is hard. So i dont know what you do. You cant assume anything is what its always been. Just because it was thus, so far thats a horrible guide. Secondarily and people talk about this a lot right now is donald trump knows how to fill the air time. He knows how to fill it with his agenda. Hes compelling. He knows how to make us kind of sit and voters, too, at the end of their seats. How do you balance that against real elements of the race . I dont see Hillary Clinton being the same kind of candidate. I think, i assume that shell have to push herself a little more to be out there but thats going to be really hard. What about this issue of his lack of specificity . Is that a challenge for him. Big challenge the press covering him. I think so. That should become less so. Once we get past and you tell me once you get past what is happening in this race and that race and this will happen. Its time to say okay, time to deport 1 1 million immigrants. What does that look like . Hillary clinton, okay. Isis, middle east, you were, you know, allegedly very hawkish on the war issues and foreign policy. What is that going to look like . I think we have time to kind of do it right. Im going to give you an opportunity to exercise a great prerogative of your job, which is who covered trump well . I mean, i think individual reporters at every organization have covered him well and im not saying that as a cop out. I mentioned a couple stories we did. I think the Washington Post has done a very nice job and they there was a story by the by line im remembering is costas but a second by line, when he came out of the gate and, you know, a lot of reporters were like wait a minute, donald trump is not serious. You know, i think they have been vindicated nicely. Every organization has bright spots. Its what is the collective News Coverage said and think collectively the News Coverage missed it. We had bright spots but people here didnt want to cover him when he looked like he was getting in the race so every News Organization had bright spots and less bright. How can you somebody raised this over the weekend. I in 2011 wrote donald trump, give me a break. You know, very skeptical. At the same time all talking to people in the Tea Party Wing and going to events on the ground hearing people saying im not going along with what this establishment is telling me. You heard from voters are. There was a bar set. Trumps relationship with fox . I gather thats like there is mother daughter, landlord, tenant, trump, fox. Its improved from the days of statements saying he has a sick obsession with one of the stars. You think that was a high point. Not a great moment but i think hes going to be i mean, i know hes going to be on prime time with megyn kelly a week from today, i believe. That will tell you right there that rift has been, you know, taken care of but there is a long way to go and a lot of tile for fighting. Cutting away from News Coverage just to show trump events. Just go to bed. To show trump events. Just to show events, live events. I think they have to have more discretion. Its compelling tv you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then l lerty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. 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Its dark, its complicated and controversial and nearly killed you then and yet, youre doing it again. Why . Well, for a couple reasons. One its broadway. Thats any time youre asked to star in something on broadway, it doesnt happen every day. So you got to take it seriously. The fact that its so its controversial, the subject matter about child abuse, its a tough sell on broadway. I like the commercial risk. But personally, i dont, i just didnt think i had done it right. I didnt go far enough before. I didnt i held back and then in looking at it again and with joe, the director said lets reir reimagine it and go darker and deeper. Its a new thing. A new attack. You play the abuser which is part of the key element why its dark and difficult. Yeah, when i was it starts with a Conference Room of any business and im dragging Michelle Williams down the hallway, throw her in the room. This is how it starts. Throw her in the room. What do you want . Why are you here . Shes playing a woman thats 27 years old and she sits down in my place of work and says lets talk about when you abused me when i was 12. And she aint leaving. So the feel good play of the season. There are a couple songs. I dance a little later and its it just it just its unlike any other play because we start where some plays climax. We come in the room in round number nine of a tenround fight. Were there already and we stay there for the 90 minutes. So, you can get a good feel how the audience is reacting, how do audiences react to this . Since we opened and they start to understand what the subject matter is and heard from friends be ready. They come in bracing themselves. You can feel them. And broadway especially drum the audience is so smart. These are some of the smartest theater goers in the world and to hold them and to hang on to them so that several times during the show its dead silent, dead lsilent. Friends say were afraid to breathe. Its suffocating because it just gets worse and worse. Is your goal to do your performance the same every time or alter it . It changes every time, but it has to start here. It cant you cant ease into it. A lot of plays come in with two or three scenes where were all fun and easy and starts to get we come in dramatic. And at a high level. And so you want to get on top of that horse and ride that same horse. You may do this and this and this and this when youre doing it to keep it alive but you got to get on the thing at a gallop. I want to ask you about a top pick that is almost as dark and almost as controversial as this top pick of blackbird when is the United States president ial election. I came and visited you in michigan last year and we talked about the president ial campaign and i want to play this sound and catch what you had to say about where you thought wed end up and where we are. I think its the best this system is allowing us to do because we branded a clinton and we branded a jeb bush. If its not jeb and hillary come election time, id be very surprised just because thats what the brands are and maybe it wont be jeb. I dont know. It doesnt seem like hillary has anybody that will challenge her. So, kind of missed the mark. Like 58 right. So on both fronts. I might have swung and missed there. What talk about what trump says, how trump impressed you as a performer because trump is the big surprise and thing you missed. Hes not ill pressed me as a performer. As someone in the entertainment business, hes a manipulator and did a masterful job taking how we market a president , which is, i guess, you guys know about how long thats been going on but just seems to be especially with cable news now and with social media even more so, someone said its a kardashian world. Youre not feeling great about trump. How do you feel about Trump Supporters . I think i agree with the fact they were betrayed. They were betrayed by the Republican Party, that, you know, maybe it goes back farther but carl rove and company, promised them things that didnt happen and they are disaffected but its also so look at anything that trump has done. It also plays into hatred. It plays into whats the worst possible thing we can create and then fan that flame and thats why you have racism and bigotry and make america hat should say make America White again. Thats what it should say. Thats what it should say. He knows that. Hes playing to that. Whether he can take it all the way to november or not, you want to say no but where is he tripped up yet . But, you know, i look at the stats and hope to hell everyone that doesnt want to be to be president shows up and votes. Bernie sanders won your home state. What do you think about sanders and the movement . I love bernie and the ideas hes got. Somebody that went to woodstock now is running for president and all those ideas and lets just make the world great place and legalize this and Free Health Care and free college and going for all of that. Great ideas. That thing called congress is a problem. And i just i just its not like hillary or not, and i do, shes got International Street cred and its a dangerous world and i like that shes been around several times, certainly as secretary of state and her whole history and the fact that again, like him or not, bill clinton is available as a sounding board. Internationally, i feel safer that way. I got to ask you one last quick question, this election four movie titles of your movies. Which one applies better for this election . Good luck. Something wild. Dumb and dumber or the squid and the whale . Oh, god. All very if trump wins, and jeff daniels, thank you so much. Everybody go see blackbird. Feel good play of the year. Here in new york city. Well be right back. Doctor abou. 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United states Postal Service priority you we leave you with news marco rubio does not want to be Donald Trumps running mate. He has reservations about Trumps Campaign and has concerns about policies that remain unchanged. No marco on the ticket. He didnt pick up. About everything, about this race, thank you for watching. And we say to you. Oh, yes. Hardball with Chris Matthews is next. Would trump dump ryan . Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in california where ill speak at the institute for public policy. Did donald trump say ill fight every man in the house for a dollar . Not yet but hes ready to fight the speaker of the house and not worried about party unity. Does the party have to be together . Im different perhaps than anybody thats run for office. I dont think so. I have to stay true to my principles, also and im a conservative but dont forget, there are conservative parties. Republican

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