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Coffee shop auto right here in columbus for hosting us all week. Exceptional hosts. We really appreciate it. Chuck todd will be back tomorrow with more mtp daily, tune in tonight with a special edition of hardball, 11 00 p. M. Eastern and with all due respect starts right now. Im jothe pride of miami, in pocket, fires a spiral to his receiver, oh, so close. Now rubio takes the snap. Oh, he drops it. Rubio passes to his man. Just out of reach. Here comes a quick one to rubio, he snags it, heres the hand off. A fumble. Rubio, wide open. Youch. One final chance for rubio to save the game. Can he do it. A couple thousand but what were seeing is a couple of hundred. Not even filling the end zone. A hfrtitan nicbrirery, luck 13. The volley of personal attacks got a little out of hand the last debate. As we prepare for tonights sequel, controversies exploding all around the frontrunner. Donald j. Trump certain to come up during the debate tonight, at least some of them, the first flat came from an interview he did with Anderson Cooper last night, where he was asked how muslims view the west. Do you think islam is at war the west . I think islam hates us. There is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us. In islam itself . Youre going to have to figure that out, okay. Youll get another, but a tremendous hatred and we have to be very vigilant, very careful, and we cant allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States. I guess the question is and of people that are not muslim. So this has been a huge controversy since he said it on social media and cable. He said things like this in the past, it has helped him and will this hurt him and will he address it in the debate tonight. Does it hurt him getting the republican nomination, hurt him in the chances of being the president of the United States. In getting the republican nomination, weve seen through exit polls a vast majority of Republican Voters are favoring a muslim ban, its just a fact. Do i think it will hurt him with those voters, i do not. Do i think that it will make it impossible for him to be unifying president of the United States if he actually believes there are millions of muslims in the United States who clearly do not hate america, who have kid whose go off and fight and die for this country overseas. Its an outrageous statement and again, make it very hard to be a unifying figure in the country. Will it hurt him in terms of the votes we have coming down the road, i dont think that necessarily history is that he wont take it back and it wont hurt him. I think were at an important time with the debate tonight and where the antitrump forces are trying to get statements just like this to take him down. I think one of the implications tonight is which of the other almost certain, trump will be asked about it, the other candidates will be asked about it. Thats almost a certainty. How will the others step up . Weve seen in the past, weve seen candidates pull their punches, but someone do you have a decency moment tonight which elevates them. Its not hard for the other candidates to stand up and say there is an element of radical islam around america that hates america, but there are peace loving citizens of this country and other countries who have no hatred, they love the country as much as you do, mr. Trump. Trump controversy number two. Campaign rally in fayetteville, North Carolina, one of the donald supporters in the audience cold cocked a protest ter in the face. Today, that protester spoke to msnbc kate snow about the incident. Youve said that when you woke up today and saw the video online, because people started sharing it, thats when it really hit you. Yeah. Yes, maam. Because i tell me about your thoughts. I felt it, and yeah, i was there, but it seemed it didnt seem it was like i got hit, and now im on the ground getting detained by the police and i did not look at the videos, and i really got hid, and they watched it. Really, like, as you could see on being escorted by officers, like theyre still at theyre still leading me up the stairs. There has understandably been a lot of reaction to this today, including from Hillary Clinton, who had a response in this interview with rachel maddow. Count me among those who are truly distraught and even appalled by a lot of what i see going on, what i hear being said, you know. You dont make America Great by, you know, dumping on everything that made America Great, like freedom of speech, and assembly, and you know, the right of people to protest. Clearly, i know that everybody in public life gets protested against, and sometimes people do have to be removed. But it should be done in an appropriate manner. Other people in the audience should not be joining in. Mr. Trump should not be urging people on. This is deeply distressing, and i think as the Campaign Goes further, more and more americans are going to be in a really disturbed by the kind of campaign he is running. Mark, this comes after what a lot of people see as a pattern, emerging pattern of rowdy, including a Time Magazine photographer who got choke slammed by a secret Service Agent a couple of weeks ago. Do you think trump himself bear responsibility for the atmosphere that is becoming pervasive at some of these events, and the actual incidents of violence in question . They do. They make an announcement saying dont engage in violence and there is sometimes these incidents that they dont know about, obviously. These dont happen at other candidates events. He has had things on the podium about people leaving on stretchers. My view is that theyre not fully responsible for stopping it or the incidents that happen in every case, theyre now responsible for aggressively trying to tamp, and saying dont hit people is not enough. Sort of a mocking tone in that pa announcement, sort of like a kind of a joking quality about it. Trump himself whips people up and the comments he talked about, he wanted to punch somebody in the mouth, back in the old days, people would have been taken out on a stretcher. He ferments i think, not directly violence, he doesnt tell people to go hit other people, but the mood in these crowds is something that i have not seen, and ive been doing this for the past 25 years, president ial Campaign Rallies, it happens at almost every trump event. Its way too cavalier about it. Ill say again, i dont know if hell get at it tonight. I will say, another means that is feeding into the antitrump forces to say there is something off about this. To rally other people in the party against him. If they dont do something about it soon, something much worse is going to happen at one of these rallies, and it will be a huge problem. That looks pretty bad. Im not diminishing it. Hours before the debate, something happened on his press conference on thursday night, allegedly, when reporter Michelle Fields, allegedly, had a rough encounter who she says grabbed her arm and nearly forced her to the ground after she was trying to Ask Donald Trump a question. A Washington Post reporter identified the person as Trump Campaign manager lewandowski. Their sides of the sorry, trump said such an incident never happened. Dismiss fields, calling her a quote, attention seeker. The ceo is demanding that lewandowski apologize. Will this fight hurt him in the debate or in general . Well, i think in general, donald trump does not have that many news organizations that are favorable towards him. This one has been. I think in terms of the media that drives coverage on the right, bright bar matters a lot. Being in a fight with them is no good. It goes back to our previous topic. Roughhousing, roughness, undue roughness going on, but it talks about the other things in the rally that we see is their attitude how they treat the press, is again, not something you normally see in president ial Campaign Rallies and the way they treat the press has not been appropriate for a long time. Its a broader issue. No video, even though a lot of video cameras in the room, and the campaign denies it. I can say trump can fieght with the New York Times, fighting with them is a different thing. Different elements to them, but all three of them, again, i think in both in the antitrump forces to say this guy, remember what jeb bush called him, a chaos candidate. Right. And there is an instability that comes out of these. The trump people will complain about the whole thing, but this is, i think, great news for the antitrump forces, whether youre john kasich, marco rubio or ted cruz. You can benefit. Two things quickly. I know weve heard the bell, but a photograph of this woman with a bruise on her arm. It doesnt prove anything. But there is something that happened there. And corey lewandowski, his eksz plan nations and posture has shifted somewhat. We need more clarity from corey. It cant be dismissive and cant be about attacking this reporter. So now, some nontrump news. Marco rubio has expressed remorse last night over his campaigns decision to get way too aggressive and personal with donald trump. Last month, rubios campaign stumbled after he looked too robotic and rehearsed on the debate stage. After failing to win contests, poll number drops, he must win florida, no one on the debate stage who needs a break through performance more. So what if anything could marco rubio do to change his fortunes . Supporters have long said a world class president ial candidate and political figure, tonight is the night for him to rise to the occasion. I dont think hell do done rickils dismissive of trump, but he needs to explain why he is the best republican nominee and the best president ial candidate. Can he do that on a four persp stage, it will be hard. The idea of shifting strategy, taking on trump was a good idea for marco rubio. The way in which he did it was not a good idea for marco rubio and it has certainly backfired on him. I dont know how easy it is for him now. He cant retreat to optimistic generational the bartender. He cant go back to that, without looking like a clown. So he is going to need to find some way to say you know what, ive taken this conversation in the wrong direction, but donald trump still needs to be confronted. Its a tough line to walk, but he has got to get there somehow. The reality is there john kasich and ted cruz are perfectly good on the debate stage. Marco rubio has a different style and its a powerful style. Lets see if he can pull the preverbial rabbit. The michigan momentum to the other midwestern states and other states, including florida voting next week, well show you new campaign ads he is trying to leverage success, after this. Theres only one egg that just tastes better. Fresher. More flavorful. Delicious. With more great nutrition. And 25 less saturated fat. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Make healthy saychoices. Ten but up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients. From food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens. Complete multivitamin. With vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health. After last nights debate, Bernie Sanders has stuck around in florida. He has been here all day. Hillary clinton headed to North Carolina and illinois. That doesnt mean the Sanders Campaign seeding that ground in those other states, midwest in particular, Hillary Clinton after the big upset on michigan the other night, sanders has hit the illinois and ohio airwaves with a bunch of new ads. Lets take a look at two of them running in the chicago area. The first one, mentions someone many chicagoans love to hate and that would be mayor rahm emanuel. In chicago, we wbr id wbr9463 have endured a corrupt political system. The chief politician standing in the way of us getting good schools is our mayor. If you have a president ial candidate that supports someone, b you have candidate who is not willing to take on the establishment. Bernie sanders is definitely not afraid to take on the system. He looks beyond the system and sees better possibilities for us. He sees it not the way it has wbrid wbr9763 to be. Im Bernie Sanders and i approved this message. The second ad we want to show you is an ad that features sanders getting arrested for civil disobedience in his youth. The fight against justice and inequality has been the work of his life. Bernie sanders, as i a student, he was arrested protesting segregation. He was there when dr. King marched in washington. Now, he has taken on a broken criminal justice system, Police Misconduct and end mass inn carp rati cars ration. Its time to stay with him. Im Bernie Sanders and i approved this message. So mark, Bernie Sanders rides out of michigan with a lot of momentum. Weve talked about that. Five big contests, couple bigger than the others, but five big ones on tuesday. Where do you think the state of play is now . Clearly ohio, missouri and illinois. For sanders. For sanders. Sanders claims that things have narrowed, theyve seen improvement on the ground, not tied, but narrowed gaps. If you are a campaign that comes out of public polling has you down 20 and you win, you think maybe the same dynamic will play. I think theyre very good for illinois and ohio. The trade message that he is now driving is a good message for all of the three states you mentioned. The fact that he was able to get a quarter of the black vote in michigan, replicate it in ohio and illinois and particular, puts him in the game in those three states, i dont believe they have any chance he will win florida. Delegates. Accumulate delegates. The previous strategy was on super tuesday, dont worry about delegates, weve got to win states. This state is totally different. Accumulate delegates. Ill tell you where the clinton people have a little problem. Political director, amanda, talked to us and said we need to exercise the message. We saw it, the Campaign Manager said the same thing. We need to clarify her position on trade better. Well, clarify her position on trade, because she has changed her position on trade. What does she stand for on jobs and trade. Shes going to have to do that in a powerful way. There are a bunch of things where the smell test is a problem for the clinton campaign. Trade, you and i know theyre free traders to the depth of their souls. You know why she stands. Most people in their heart know, because of nafta, all the things that happened in the 90s. They attack sanders on things that dont pass the smell test in the other direction. The coke brothers. Calling him like that is he a coke brother ally. Its ridiculous, in the same way this thing i believe about the auto bailout, somehow against saving the auto industry. It does not pass the smell test. I will say this. One thing ill say. Directly to camera. Hillary clinton is the heavy favorite to win the nomination. She is ahead in both pledge delegates and super delegates and while Bernie Sanders has some stuff going on, she is the heavy favorite to win the nomination. Brooklyn, thats the state of play, but it could change. Right. You have to clean up these problems. Because they are things that actually when you think about the things that undermine her most, some of these issues are that she is honest, trustworthy, authentic, those arent just about email. Theyre the way conducting the campaign. They undermine her basic credibility. Coming up, what the president , that would be president obama, said today about the republican race and the Supreme Court, the vacancy there, after these words from our sponsors. Look like this. Feel like this. Look like this. Feel like this. With dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. Their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. And feel like this. Dreamwalk. Until one of you clipst da food truck. 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The republican political elites and many of the information, social media, talk radio, television stations, have been feeding the Republican Base for the last seven years. What youre seeing within the Republican Party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time creating an environment where somebody like a donald trump can thrive. What im not going to do is to validate some notion that the republican crackup that has been taking place is a consequence of actions that im taking. It is very important for them to reflect on what it is about the politics that theyve engaged in that allows the circus weve been seeing to transpire. Circus. Circusy. Weve heard a lot of this before. He is a great student, we used to call the freak show, and we call it the circus. Did he say anything that surprised you, his culpability, whats going on with the republicans . No, he didnt surprise me at all. But look, barack obama has no culpability. You can say, should have reached out to republicans, bipartisan ship, but the climate, the things that he is referring to, he is correct about. He did not begin the Birther Movement against him. He did not begin that. He certainly capitalized on it. At lose in the republican electorate are not Barack Obamas responsibility. Some of them in some ways he has driven the Republican Base crazy, but thats not his fault. You can say whatever you want about barack obama, but he is conducting his presidency with an attitude of civility. He is not whipping up the fre y frenzies of the mob. 100 agree, but he could have done health care in a bipartisan ship, and he chose not to. He could have helped the Republican Party help themselves. Small. The other message he got today at the press conference was whether the political pressure to nominate someone to the Supreme Court whether he feels that it limits his options. I think its important for me to nominate a Supreme Court nominee quickly, because i think its important for the Supreme Court to have its full compliment of justices. I dont feel constraint in terms of the pool to draw from or that im having to take shortcuts in terms of the selection and vetting process. So lots going on on capitol hill on this issue and both sides feeling em boldened. Where do you think the president he is in terms of his ultimate goal in terms of getting someone nominated and confirmed. The only attitude one can have, he believes he has the Constitutional Authority and responsibility to nominate someone to the court. If the Republican Party decides that they do not want to accept that, there is not much he can do about it, except for i do believe, as ron clain said in the show, an actual nominee. The right nominee. It seems like obama is thinking about that in a smart political way, will change the calculus on the republican said. Will it change it enough to get a nominee appointed, confirmed, i dont know. But it will change the calculus some. I agree, particularly if its the right one. Preparing for the debate tonight. The only thing, thats been my view from the beginning. When the republicans started doing this, theyre going to have to back down. But they need the right nominee and the republicans need to find a way to back out the hole they dug. How to stop donald trump, well ask somebody how to do just that, after this word from our sponsors. Every day. Earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, two united club passes, priority boarding, and 30,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. Find fast relief behind the counter alrgies with nasal congestion . With claritind. 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We have new ads in ohio, folks on his outsourcing, donald trump, trump ties, body wash, umbrella, trump everything, all made in bangladesh, none made in ohio. This is the David Letterman argument. And letterman is featured in the ad and people should watch the video. He made the point in a comedic way that broke it. Were up there in ohio on outsourcing, were up in missouri, an important state next tuesday, and were talking about the testimonials of the trump university students, who have been defrauded by donald trump, who paid 15,000 out of their own pocket and got nothing from it. So five states on tuesday, how many are you in. Four. We added one market in florida, right here, in tampa, we have a brand new ad, talk about the trump tower tam parks ypa, you have heard of it yet. This is trump pretended like he was the developer on this. He wasnt. The he partnered with these d list guys, they built it, it didnt work, people who wanted to live there put down 100,000, trump filed for babankrupt see, lost it all, trump went away, he actually made money on the licensing rights of the apartment that never went up. Some suspense, the polling place do you have any metrics or anything to look at between now and the actual voting to say our plan is working, or do you find one . No, weve been until the field and i think it was part of the reason weve talked about these markets, we just were in. Weve seen data that show trump behind in illinois and missouri. Behind. Who is ahead . Cruz. Cruz. And very close race in ohio. Some of the private polls, some up a few, some down. Florida, our poll shows marco rubio co down fidown five. Were going into markets where our data shows that trump support is soft. So trump ends up winning only one of five or two of five. He is in big trouble if he only wins one. Youre saying youre on tv in places now where youre in striking distance or actually in the position to keep him from winning . Yeah, absolutely. Yes, thats what im saying. Thats very contrast to the narrative of people saying trump is going to sweep. Tuesday is an important date, no doubt. No matter how it goes on tuesday, this race continues. I think there is a path to stop trump no matter how tuesday goes. But like if you say, he loses three or four states on tuesday, he is in real, big trouble. A split i would say in parts of the Republican Party that are now committed to trying to stop trump. A split about what the most plausible way to stop him is. One group would say that rubio winning, kasich winning, going on a divided field with various people and holding him under 1237. Others say lets get to crews versus trump, because cruz has a better way of stopping him on his own. What say you . I think both of those are very realistics, and then going back to marks point, goes against the conventional wisdom that trump is in really good shape right now. I think he is not. Regardless of whether its a oneonone with cruz or rubio or kasich, or a fragmented race, its hard for him to get to 1237. We put out a memo on this, you can read on the fix, if the field consolidates quickly, there are a number of paths for him to lose the plurality of delegates, which means no one gets to 1237. You have variety of themes and messages you tested out in your ads. Lets say john kasich, Marco Rubio Ted cruz or their staff are watching right now, what would you like them to do in the debate . I think that they should raise in the debate the issues that where the trump is the most vulnerable, but sometimes hasnt gotten the most media attention, thats related to trump leaving regular People Holding the bag in order to enrich himself. Undermine his areas of strength. Immigration, the fact that he cheated immigration laws, brought in Foreign Workers inn stied of hiring american workers. That ties to trade, what we just talked about, his past in outsourcing, going at those two issues, position of strength, and really, if he is left having to defend importing Foreign Workers and outsourcing in the last five days between now and ohio and illinois in particular, those are going to be a bad five days for him. Let me ask you yes no answers. No promises. Whether they help him politically or hurt him. Saying islam hurts or helps. Hurts. Long hall. Hard to say. People getting punched at trump rallies, helps or hurts. Hurts. And fighting with that hurts, the bright far hurts is because it highlights his trouble with women. The Campaign Manager manhandled a female reporter. Allegedly. No, not allegedly. Its true. There is audio today that just came out of Michelle Fields and the reporter talking about it right as the incident happened. Lastly, this woman is broader than that. Do you remember megyn kelly, a news story out about trump models where he imported 14yearold girls, really young girls, paid them slave wages. Thats the biggest one of the three you mentioned. Tim miller, thanks for being here. Up next, people from the cruz and kasich campaigns to preview the debate tonight. Remember, if youre watching us in washington, d. C. , you can list listen to us on bloomberg radio, 99. 1 on the radio radio. Language of bug. Hey cortana, find my katydid video. Oh this is so good. If youre trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. Just sketch it on the screen. I dont have a touch screen on my mac, im jealous of that. You put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. I use ats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. Joining us now, alice stork, Communications Director for ted cruz campaign, and duffy, the newly minted. Great to be here, thank you. What is governor kasichs goal. Continue doing what he has been doing. He distinguishes himself from the other three, because he is the only one that has a record. They know how to describe problems really well. He is the only one that has fixed them and go into great detail like he did last week, which propelled us in michigan. Same stage tonight. You opened ten offices in florida, and how many people are in them. Weve opened up ten offices here and we have people working them. How many. We have people working in all the offices. I want to answer the question about the debate. Ted will be up there tonight, showing the true contrast between hes a consistent, proven conservative against mainly twoman race, between him and donald trump. A true conservative who is not conservative and does not have a proven record of accomplishments, and someone who would rather stand on the debate stage and insult and attack their opponents as opposed to talking about substantive issues. I want to ask you both right now in this order, ill ask allison first, to not be circus, just be smart, political analyst, predictors, the last Republican Debate was by the likes of many republicans, conservatives, sort of a disaster for the party. This is kind of embarrassing, the party is committing suicide on stage. What do you think the tone and tenor of this debate will be like . What do you expect to see tonight. I think we will see a lot more showing of contrast, and i will say, you know, governor kasich has done a fine job on the debate stage of keeping it positive and not attacking and being its not hell talk about the issues and not about attacking the other candidates. Thats important. Ted has taken the same approach. I could speak for ted. Hell talk about the substantive issues and show the contrast, but you know, well see. Donald trump and marco rubio, they prefer to spend the debate time attacking each other. Will this be more of a john kasich in toto. Im not sure. It will delve right back into that, the three fighting about New York Times releasing this and that and insults and kasich is going to be the one thats distinguishing himself. You have to remember what happened one week ago in detroit, where kasich got to talk about his record, had 412,000 new sector jobs, the revival in ohio, talk about issues, but thats what is distinguishing himself. Thats why you see the new poll out last week, showing that for the three candidates Going Forward in the states, its a threeway race. Its tied. What is john kasich chances becoming the nominee. Donald trump or ted crmarco rub . If you dont want to answer, dont answer. If marco rubio drops out. You prefer trump wins florida. We dont prefer anyone. We prefer john kasich, because he is the best person. Which is better . Reality is were looking at a t twoman race, ted cruz has consistently beat donald trump. You dont want to answer . Will you answer . And the fact is, weve got head to head polls, wall street journa journal, New York Times. I agree with that, or will you answer my question . Are you declining to answer my question . Which is better for ted cruzs chances, rubio or trump. The best would be if ted cruz won florida. Nonanswer. Ill ask you about the trump question, we discussed this at the top of the show. A bunch of controversies happened today and trump rallies, one deals with a reporter and a protester who got punched in the face. A trend that these rallies have gotten a little unruly in various ways. Do you think donald trump personally is responsible for some of the things going on in his rally, and if you do, what do you think he should do about it . I think look, he is responsible for the tone that is set in any of his rallies, the language that he uses, i think it is not appropriate for a president ial candidate. But for, you know, activity that happens outside of his purview, i mean, you cant hold a candidate responsible for what happens in the crowd. He does set the tone for the event. And i think thats something, i think more than anything, if he were to approach these venues with a more positive tone, focusing on inspiring the crowd, instead of rallying them up. Its despicable what happened to all the reporters, but thats you know, thats the realm of whatever. But whats more to the point is what trump has talked about suing the press, and invading the first amendment, right to free speech, thats not a joke. That a serious proposal that he has laid out there. You know, really goes right to the core of our whole system of democracy. Thats a serious issue. You shouldnt laugh it off. Both on record for your candidates. [ inaudible ] does he believe what . That islam is hateful to the west. Look, i think were talking big picture. I think were talking about are we talking donald trump. Im asking if islam hates the west . No, i think there are bigger issues. I think talking about isis, radical islamic terrorists, yes. You dont want to answer that one either . Does he agree or disagree with what donald trump said. I think radical islamic terrorists do hate the west. Its a great day for having lee out there. It will be interesting if cruz i suspect he will. Good luck, good night. Up next, whats at stake in the miami debate, two great reporters give their take here at the titanic, right after this. 72 of women say they often make healthy choices. But up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients. From food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens. Complete multivitamin. With vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health. One a day. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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We asked the question earlier in the show, what if anything could marco rubio do to change the script and change his fortunes, you followed the campaign and have followed it for a long time. Tell us what you think. He has to win florida. Its not clear. They found him nine points behind, 20 points behind. Talk about tonight in the debate. What does he need to do on the debate stage. He is still in it. The most electable guy. People have left his campaign, electability has left. I dont know if he can do it. What do you think about jeb bush, about the meetings that were going on today . What do you know about how those meetings went and about where jeb bush is leaning, and if it might matter. He and marco met last night, so those were out of the way. How it went, everyone was very tightlipped and no one wanted to commit i think from the campaigns, you know, to saying it went well it didnt go well. It makes it sound like a little late to really see a change. I dont know if maybe he is waiting to see how it goes tonight. Patty, this thing with rubio we made fun of in the show and doing an event at a football stadium with a small crowd, how could that happen . I dont think they ever intended to fill the whole stadium. They wanted to use a portion of it. Im not sure how a campaign that has been so good at knowing how things look would let that happen. Across the street is an early voting site, the library, the john f. Kennedy library. There were many voters, but several mentioned that the stadium wasnt full last night. The regular people noticed that. In the context of the fourperson race we have, i continue to be stunned how Little People are talking about john kasich. Right. He is so far behind in delegates, even if he wins ohio, hell be Something Like 400 behind, even if rubio wins florida. It just seems extremely unlikely anybody but trump will win. Cruz maybe if he gets a oneonone. But this contested convention, imagine the entire primary has been about an up rising about the establishment. It could shatter the party. Im not sure i see it. Patty, let me ask you this question. Today, who has a better chance of beating donald trump here . Marco rubio or ted cruz . I still think rubio. Just from talking to voters, of course, dade county, so thats going to be always more favorable to him, but he has been getting those folks out over the past few days. Whether it will be enough is what im not sure about. Comment about kasich and his delegate deficit which is huge. Do you think that just if he does win ohio, which is obviously there is no certainty of that wouldnt be the case, but what do you think of the argument that hell make if he does win ohio, that he has demonstrated he can win in important states and he should have a path to go forward as he is the best antitrump out there. Decent argue mament to make, can carry on the legacy, conservative party, that doesnt play to the party that they have. He can argue he is well positioned to win pennsylvania, blue states, moderate conservative, not super conservative voters. He has a good case over ted cruz if its a threeperson race, because he only does well with the evangelicals. The debate last night, back and for the each of them talking point about a position, sanders saying Hillary Clinton didnt support letting the children from Central America in, opposition to the immigration bill, do either of you have a sense how that is playing in this state at least in the democratic world . Ive heard more about the Cuba Exchange than i have about the immigration exchange, because it was newer. I think the previous day before the debate, clinton and Sanders Campaign had been out hispanicing each other, we did immigration, at the end of the day, they promise they dont want to deport children, nonviolent criminals. How big of a gap is between the two of them, im not sure. A real left in the party on immigration and you see the same right ward drift on the Republican Party. Its astonishing to watch the two sides debate on immigration. Its like they live in two different universes. The thing about last night is that both clinton and sanders were competing about who is going to be the most lenient, who is going to protect the immigrants who are not criminals. They both in their ways strongly promised not to Deport Anyone who is not a criminal. Thats extraordinary. President obama. It goes before and beyond. President obama said hell protect 5 million people, specifically the parents of citizens. That would be extraordinary if they do that. What nomination, same question to both, which nomination fight do you think will be going on longer before we have the nomination, republican or democratic. De facto nominee. Democratic, i agree. So smart, that must the truth. Absolutely. What was your favorite karaoke song. Total eclipse of the heart. A woman after my own heart. Sing it for us. Absolutely not. All right, patty, i love to hear you sing that. I really would. Well be right back wiafter the messages, with who won the day. G that just tastes better. Fresher. More flavorful. Delicious. Only one egg with better nutrition. Like more vitamins d, e, and omega 3s. And 25 less saturated fat. Only one egg good enough for my family. Because why have ordinary when you can have the best. Egglands best. The only egg that gives you so much more better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Feel like this. Look like this. Feel like this. With dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. Their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. And feel like this. Dreamwalk. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. 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