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Good morning, everybody. Welcome to weekends with alex witt. Heres whats happening. They came by the thousands last night, black and white, young and old, gathered in a charleston arena to hold hands and mourn and pray for the nine lives taken at Emanuel Church in a city shattered. Everyone old and young, all colors, all religions, all backgrounds, all neighborhoods, all walks of life we all have one thing in common our hearts are broken. And while the city mourns today the investigation into alleged shooter dylann roof deepens, the very latest Court Documents show each victim was shot multiple times. Law enforcement sources say that roof bought the gun himself. And they also say roof has spoken freely and admitted his guilt. In a new interview nbcs mark potter spoke with a friend of roofs who claims he spoke about a different target just weeks ago. We were all out here drinking one night and he said that he was going to the college to shoot the college up. And i think that because that College Campus is so hard to get on to because my sister went to school out there, you have to have all kind of pass toes get out there. You cant just come up there. Somebody has to sign you p. You have to know somebody. Im thinking maybe he couldnt get into that school and he settled for the church. Roofs friend dismissed the claims that roofs actions were racially motivated. I hate the fact that everybody is trying to make this guy out to be a racist. How can he be a racist with black friends . Like everybody has a breaking point in life. Ive never heard him say anything about segregation or racial comments. To msnbcs adam riess in charleston now with new details about what happened wednesday at the Emanuel Ame Church. Adam, with a good morning to you. What have you learned . Good morning, alex. The arrest or want revealing more details about what happened at the church behind me on the night of the shooting wednesday night. We learned he walked in wearing a fanny pack. He sat with the Bible Study Group for about an hour, sitting right next to pastor pinckney. At this point he stands up he opens fire hitting the victims multiple times. On his way out he stands over one of the surviving victims and makes a racist comment. We also learned pastor pinckneys wife and youngest daughter were in the Church Office at the time of the shooting cowering under a desk. They could hear the shooting. They called 911. Just an unbelievable scene of horror. We also have learned it was the father and the uncle of dylann roof who called police the night of the shooting after seeing his image on tv saying that is dylann roof and he has a. 45 caliber handgun. The roof family put out a statement yesterday. I want to read it to you. It reads in part our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those killed this week. We have all been touched by the moving words from the victims families offering gods forgiveness and love in the face of such horrible suffering. Now, thousands gathered at the td arena here last night. Charleston residents, a vigil to remember those that were lost saying we will never forget them. They each had a rose. Heres mayor joe riley. If that young man thought he was going to divide this community or divide this country with its racial hatred we are here today and all across america resoundingly say he measurably failed. This disillusioned killer is on the wrong side of history. His ideas, long descredited about racial superiority are in the dust inbin of failed civilizations. The mayor said we all have one thing in common all of our hearts are broken today. Alex . Adam i want to ask you about the timeline. Has that been definitively released, the amount of time it took for dylann roof to attack and kill these nine people . And the numbers of times that he reloaded his gun. Theres one report that rereloaded seven times and then he made his way out. Of course we know he made his way north to shelby north carolina, where they said the arrest was pretty much uneventful. He was identified by a woman who was driving by. Hes a florist. She called her boss. He said keep following him. They called t 11 and they were able to capture him. Adam riess, thank you for that. We have much more ahead from charleston this hour that includes the emotional testimony of the relatives of the victims as dylann roof just stood by. Plus will this most recent shooting do anything about the obsessive gun culture in this country . Nbcs White House Correspondent Kristen Welker has a report on that. Also developing this hour authorities in upstate new york are following new leads in the hunt for twoer ins prisoners who escaped earlier this month. State police are investigating possible sightings of two men in stuben county. They are determined to recapture the men. Were not going anywhere. Our plan is to pursue these men relentlessly and until they are in custody. We will not stop our search and we will not stop chasing leads until we put richard matt and david sweat back in prison. A correction officer placed on administrative leaf as part of the on going investigation into the escape at Clinton Correctional Facility. Department of correction officials said no Additional Information was available. Why are police releasing information of this possible sighting a week later . Why wait before making it public . I will speak with a former investigator with the u. S. Marshals service and ask that question. Lets go from there now to the weather. Rough start to this weekend for many parts of the country. Near ft. Worth tropical depression bill dumped rain. Central florida, a thunderstorm tore down trees and damaged homes. In fact, this is what it looked like in a town dot of orlando. One homeowner had her pool roof heavily damaged. It was like a dinosaur coming across the street. Wow. Orlando tied a heat record friday when temperatures reached 100 degrees for the first time in 17 years. The weather channels Reynolds Wolf is here with the forecast. Good morning, reynolds. Well, alex, were keeping a sharp eye on parts of the midwest where we have a chance of strong storms today. May actually may produce tornadoes, heavy rain maybe hail. The areas most effected will be the upper midwest. Des moines maybe even chicago. Another big issue that we have is really going to be the tropical depression remnants of bill driving to the east which will increase your rain chances. Next storm will press in with that moisture thats already at the surface which means more wide spread shower activity expected for new york perhaps even into much of the jersey shoreline. Definitely into places like washington, d. C. Charleston knoxville, and every spot in between. Louisville also getting in on the rain action today. Tonight, we see the showers migrate up into new york city out to long island. From roanoke to norfolk. Weve got the thunder boomers. Tomorrow we see them continue to migrate into parts of maine, vermont, new hampshire. The deep south is not what youre going to see but feel. Ex excruciating heat. Hot times in the south land. Youve got to be careful. Take it easy over the next several days. Thanks so much for that. Humanity in the face of tragedy. 2 incredible display of forgiveness by the victims families just days after their loved ones were brutally murdered. Were going to hear more of what they said to dylann roof in the courtroom. And a bit later, after decades of debate the Confederate Flag continues to fly over the South Carolina state house. What the president of the naacp has to say about it. Thats ahead. Audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is you imagination. Nissan. 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At 12 past the hour you are looking at the outside of the emanuel african methodist episcopal church. There is a growing memorial present and more and more people bringing flowers, balloon, paying respects. Some have left notes to the victims and their families and also members of their church. I attended this church before on different occasions so it was very close to home. So everyone is effected. I show him that this is what we do when people are hurting, is to show our love. Folks here praying. Got folks here preaching the streets, singing the gospel songs together in unity, in unity, not division. This is a beautiful thing. That unity in the face of so much tragedy was even apparent at dylann roofs bond hearing yesterday when the families of the shooting victims were given the opportunity to speak directly to roof. I just want everybody to know to you, i forgive you. You took something very precious away from me. I will never talk to her ever again. I will never be able to hold her again. But i forgive you. And have mercy on your soul. You hurt me. You hurt a lot of people. But god forgive you and i forgive you. Wow. Joining me now is South Carolinas state senator thomas who served in the state house with the reverend clementa pinckney. Welcome to you sir. Listening to those statements in the court, also the one wes heard at the vigil, it strikes you that you dont hear words of vengeance or hate. You hear these words like forgiveness and mercy and love. Its an incredible testimony for the humanity at a time when we could really use one. How do you think this community is Holding Together so well . I dont have an answer for that, alex but i can tell you right now im proud to be from this state. Its been a very difficult 72 hours since these tragic deaths. Our state motto here is dont spiral sparrow, while i breathe, i hope. Listening to the words of the victims families last night, ive never seen a greater desplay of gods grace here on earth and it gives me hope. What can you tell me about your colleague and reverend and senator pinckney . What kind of man was he . He was amazing. He had this huge powerful voice. And he was such a big, strong man. Such a big, strong presence. Behind that all that power and that booming voice was just the most gentle kind and loving spirit. And, you know its hard. Its been very hard because i tell people you know i didnt know all nine of the victims. I knew senator pinckney. And if i hadnt had these last three years to serve with him i probably would never have known what a great man we lost. He was a giant. So after the mourning comes the questions of why and how do we as a nation stop this from happening again . Senator, what do you think needs to change . You know i think a lot needs to change. And right now you have to understand, weve lost a colleague and a friend. And were still in that grieving process. But i think that we start need to start having this discussion and, you know, at the center of these senseless killings was hate. And it was a racist act. And so you know i think weve come a long way in South Carolina and in the souths but we still have a ways to go and we need to continue these conversations on race around so we can continue to heal. We have tragic events like this one. Symbolism, theres been a lot of talk about the fact that the Confederate Flag still flies over South Carolina state house. Does that need to change . We need to have that conversation. I can tell you as the youngest member of the South Carolina senate its 2015 and i dont think thats a symbol that my generation reveres. And, you know the argument about heritage is in my mind become somewhat stale because you know its been taken up as a symbol of hate. I believe it was taken up as a symbol of hate on wednesday night. And so you know its tough for me to find a reason why that symbol belongs on our state house grounds. I think it belongs in a museum. It belongs in a confederate relic room but i cant think of a good reason why it should be front and center in front of our state capitol. I think a lot of folks look down on us for that and i think most south carolinians want to have this conversation now. Ive gotten a lot of feedback on this. Yeah. In terms of gauging things what do you see as the state of Race Relations in your state . You know i think that the reaction to this anomaly, i think, has been has been encouraging because people have come together all over the state. Look at the scene in charleston. Look at what the folks said last night at this bond hearing. You know we have work to do. We need to continue the conversation. But i think, you know i think we just have to keep sharpening on this and keep Getting Better and keep working on it. South carolina state senator, thank you so much for your time and your candor. I appreciate it. Thank you, alex. Thank you for having me. Youre welcome. Still ahead, gun culture in america. As yet another mass shooting grips this nation, the calls for new Gun Legislation remain unanswered. Well talk about it. It took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentyfifteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Its so shiny. I know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. 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We can help keep people safe and to us that feels really good. New york police are investigating a possible sighting of two convicted killers who escaped from prison two weeks ago. Theyre focusing on stuben county near the pennsylvania border 300 miles southwest of the prison they escaped from in dana. They were seen a week or so ago walking near a rail yard. Sweat and matt used power tools to cut their way out of a Clinton Correctional Facility there on june 6th. At the conference of mayors in San Francisco last night president obama reiterated his demand for gun reforms as this nation yet again mourns for the victims of a mass shooting. Joining me now with this story, in nbc news White House Correspondent Kristen Welker. We hear so much about these National Conversations but the politics in guns in america sometimes seems insurmountable. Youre right, alex. For all the anger and sorrow here in washington right now there still seems to be very little appetite to take it up legislatively. President obama who once vowed to change washington has on this issue like so many others resigned himself to the fact that change just might be impossible. As the nation comes to grips with another mass shooting president obama is again expressing his outrage. Every country has violent, hateful, or mentally unstable people. Whats different is not every country is a wash with easily accessible guns. Reporter even jon stewart channeled his frustrations in unusually somber remarks. I honestly have nothing other than just sadness, once again, that we have to peer into the abyss of the depraved violence that we do to each other. Reporter still for all the anger the president seems resigned to the reality, theres little chance of new Gun Legislation while hes in office, with strong opposition from many republicans to new gun laws. Even the governor of South Carolina telling va vana they always want something to go after. There is one person to blame here. Reporter addressing the nation in the wake of a mass shooting is something the president has done more than a dozen times since taking office. A turning point some thought in 2012 when a gunman killed 20 children at sandy hook elementary school. We cant tolerate this anymore. Reporter lawmakers on both sides of the aisle pushed for expanded background checks on gun purchases. A measure backed by more than 90 of americans. But even that couldnt get the votes. This was a pretty shameful day for washington. I cant think of a single issue that more exempt flies his frustration with being able to change this town than the gun control frustration. Reporter while lums are expressing their brief again, few are calling for change. As nine families in South Carolina prepare to bury their loved ones. Now in the aftermath of the sandy hook shooting president obama announced 23 executive actions aimed at combating gun violence including several to improve Mental Health services. There is no indication the white house is considering similar steps in this case. There are also more lawmakers in congress now who argue stiffer gun laws violate the second amendment. Alex . Okay. Kristen welker at the white house. Thank you, much. Meanwhile, another call from the president of the naacp cornell brooks to remove the Confederate Flag that still flies over the South Carolina state house. A rent nbc news survey asked americans whether they felt the flag served as a symbol of racism or a representation of southern pride. Feelings were split down the middle with 49 on either side of that debate. Heres what brooks had to say this morning. I grew up in the south. I made my home in the south. I love the place where i come from and i certainly understand that sense of her tnlg that people have in terms of their family histories. But their families histories in terms of the antebellum south go to their family albums not that flag. That flag has come to mean hate. It has come to mean exclusion. You mean to tell me a flag that stands beside the flag of rodesia and the apartheid error south africa is a flag that we can wave in front of the state house in the state of South Carolina . That is morally incorp. Prehence i believe. What do you think should happen to the Confederate Flag . You can all talk to me on twitter. My handle is alexwitt. Meantime coming up, more on the new leads in the search for those two escaped prisoners in upstate new york. What police knew a week ago thats just coming to light. Thats ahead. When you think of the United States Postal Service . Exactly. 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Default fears have greeks rushing to banks and withdrawing as much money as possible. More than 2 billion withdrawn just this week. Talks between greece and creditor remain unresolved. Fire crews are scrambling to contain a large wildfire about 40 miles or so south of anchorage, alaska. Since monday that fire has burned nearly 7600 acres and damaged 11 homes. The fire is 0 contained. A big sticky mess in elk grove, california. A tractor trailer overturn causing a black substance to spill on the road. And on several nearby cars as well. They were covered in black sury. No injuries reported. One of the deflategate balls are up for auction. Once the deflategate scandle broke they realized they were holding on to history. Potential pile of cash. We realized, you know were a young couple. Were starting a family soon. It could be used as good nest to start that family. The opening bid expected to be 25,000. A first in aviation. Two british pilots first in the world to fly planes in formation through a building. This happened in north wales. Red bull sponsored the event said the pilots were only three feet off the ground going at a speed of 185 miles an hour. Wow. And those are your fast five headlines. Developing now, new details about dylann roof and how he acted in the days before the Church Massacre and n. Charleston South Carolina. Newly released police documents reveal what roof said to a witness during the onslaught. Were also learning more about what happened during his bond hearing yesterday. Joining me now nbcs mark potter in charleston right outside that Detention Center. Mark good morning to you. Lets get to the hearing first because it was very emotional, wasnt it . Yeah absolutely was. Youre right, were stand oug side the Detention Center where mr. Roof is being held right now. That hearing you talk about on friday was packed with victim family members and one survivor all of them choked by emotion. Mr. Roof youre charge with nine counts of murder and one count of possession of a weapon reporter at his hearing dylann roof stood shackled in a small room armed guards behind him, appearing by video from the jail. Through most of it he kept his eyes down and had little to sgra h what is your age . 21. Youre 21 years old. Are you employed . No, sir. Reporter but it was the victims s victims family members speaking off camera to the Court Speaking of loss and heartbreak. Among them the daughter of 70yearold ethel lance. You hurt a lot of people. May god forgive you. And i forgive you. Reporter a woman who survived the massacre spoke directly to roof. We welcomed you wednesday night in our bible study with open arms. Reporter her 26yearold son Tywanza Sanders was killed protecting others. Every fiber in my body hurts. And ill never be the same. Reporter Court Documents allege roof stood over a witness and uttered a racially inflammatory statement. These friends say they never saw that side of him, but were worried when he recently bought a handgun and they say threatened to open fire at the college of charleston. We were all out here drinking one night and he said that he was going to the college to shoot the college up. Reporter his friends thought it was just talk. Until they heard about the shootings at Emanuel Ame Church. When you heard he had been implicated in the shooting of the church, what did you think . That he really ak he was serious and he really actually went and did all of this stuff he said he was going to do and he wasnt joking. Reporter on friday roofs family released a statement saying, we are devastated and saddened by what occurred. We offer our prayers and sympathy for all of those impacted by the events. At an evening vigil charleston residents gathered to remember the victims and to grieve hoping they and their city can start to heal. And dylann roofs next Court Hearing is in october. Meantime, Authorities Say they are still investigating this indication and are now focusing in on making sure they have a successful prosecution. Alex . You know, mark extraordinary interview with his friend there. What else did he tell you . Well, he was interesting. He said that he didnt consider dylann roof to be a racist. Hes black. He said theyre friends. Others said that there was evidence of that. So you got a lot of mixed statements from people there. But his main point was you know we were told something that we didnt Pay Attention to. And the mother of another one of dylann roofs friends said theres a lesson in all of this. When someone starts talking like that carrying a gun, talking about plans to go shoot something, even if you dont believe them you should Pay Attention and tell somebody who can do something about it. Its time to Pay Attention to that kind of thing. Everybody is feeling badly because there were some clues that were not acted upon. Yeah. Absolutely. Lessons to be learned though. Not soon enough this this case. Le. Also with us from charleston this morning is usa today national reporter. Welcome to you. What are your impressions as youre there talking with people in charleston . My impressions are really that people here are really wearing this their religion on their sleeves today and talking to people about faith and forgiveness. A lot of people hearsay theyre angry, of course about what happened but really the city needs to move forward and the way to move forward is to talk about faith and talk about gods forgiveness which i think is interesting because obviously were in the middle of the bible belt here and people here are really just focusing on that. The other thing i thought that was interesting and my impressions here is that people want things to change in terms of security in churches but they dont want to be able to go to a wednesday bible study and have an armed guard there. People dont want to show up to church and have a Security Guard outside. But because people say that this is an open place where doors should be open to people when they come to worship and they dont want people to feel like they are not welcome when they have these Different Churches and Different Church events. Thats what people are talking about here this morning. You know, you talk about faith, in fact as you know charleston is also known as holy city. Thousands attending last nights prayer vigil. Later today and tomorrow many of these rest departments are going to head to church. What can we expect there . Are there going to be a number of vigils . There are going to be a number of vigils a number of Prayer Services tomorrow and today. I think were going to expect to really hear about theive loos of those people hearing about what they were doing on that wednesday bible study. Really talking about kind of emotions behind this. The Church Services i just imagine are going to be very emotional, packed. People are going to talk about gods feelings, gods love but theyre going to talk about redemption and really repenting for your sins. Thats what they were talking about in the Court Hearing yesterday, while the families were saying they want to have forgiveness and they forgive, mr. Roof. The other thing they were talking about is you need to repent, you need to ask for gods forgiveness and this isnt going to be us saying we forgive you you need to take action on your part to rectify what youve done and the people youve taken from this world. Extraordinary testimony to the human spirit there. I know you say people dont want to go to chump and have to have armed guards or show id or some level of security to get there. But today and in the near future will there be a security presence . I think theres going to be security presence because i think some people here are wondering what went on sunday comes and you have multiple gatherings of people multiple gatherings of black people talking about this, are we going to have copycats. People are thinking about that. Its in the back of their minds. The preachers here and the parishioners ive talked to said thats not going to keep them from going to church. Theyre not going to walk in fear. So thats really interesting. The other thing i thought that was interesting was people were talking about the fact that mother emanuel had security cameras and that was really important. Before they even knew they were going to be under attack they had already taken some steps to secure their building. They had already taken steps to look and be able to see the faces of who was coming into that church which of course proved crucial. So i think that churches are probably going to be having those cameras up this sunday. Okay. Thanks for weighing in. Appreciate it. Hillary clinton is in San Francisco where shes expected to announce again about the role that race played in the charleston shooting. Her comments at the mayors Conference Today will come on the heels of her call for gun reform one day after the shooting. In order to make sense of it we have to be honest. We have to face hard truths about race violence guns and division. How many innocent people in our country from little children to Church Members to Movie Theater attendees, how many people do we need to see cut down before we act . Join meg now ed political reporter with the washington post. Ed, always good to see you. Lets talk first about what more Hillary Clinton is expected to say today and how does that play into her campaign . Well, this is one of an on going series of appearances that shes making. The mayor is obviously a place for her to talk about a little more of her thoughts on this and several other things shes been talking about. I would be curious to see when at some point soon she gets more specific about what should be done in the wake of things like charleston. Does she have a gun control plan, does she have a plan to deal with Mental Health concerns or perhaps with security at churches. Something of that nature. Shes been somewhat specific in certain realms but not in others. Of course she doesnt take questions from reporters too often so we dont get a chance to ask her specifically what more she would do. Certainly going to the mayors is another opportunity for her to discuss that. And other aspects of the things shes talked about. Immigration for one thing and of course, you know making sure the economy continues to rebound. Yeah. Lets get to some of the reaction were hearing from republicans. Heres that. This was an evil act of aggression. I dont know what was on the mind or the heart of the man who committed these atrocious crimes but i do know i do know what was in the heart of the victims. They were meeting in brotherhood and sisterhood in that church. It was wednesday evening. They were praying. Go to the mideast a lot. Ive seen hate up close. Ive seen communities where everybody has been killed because they were a different religion. And you think, thats just over there. Well, sometimes its just not over there. Any time theres a traumatic situation people want something to blame. They always want something to go of. There is one person to blame here. A person filled with hate. A person that does not define South Carolina. And we are going to focus on that one person. Ed what do you think is the calculation on the gop part, particularly from president ial hopefuls . Well, i can guess why you played the bush clip because he was saying there, i dont know what was the motivation. He then faced questions later in the day about that. He was asked directly do you think the guy was racist and he said initially said i dont know and then said look nine black people were killed you can draw your own conclusions. Last night in tampa at a similar event he did use the r word it appeared to be racist. He caught on as to what was coming if he didnt speak out more clearly about that. Lindsey graham has been probably one of the most forward leaning guys on this and you cant blame him given this was happening in his own state. Raising concerns about this being a hate crime. Remember, also Lindsey Graham during the gun control fights of 2013 was quite passionate about trying to make sure that at some point the National Criminal background check system includes some measure of Mental Health concern. That if there are people who are being treated for it or who have committed crimes and have a mental 45e89 mental Mental Health history that gets worked into the background history. There was bipartisan support for it. It was also a response to the on going push for gun control itself. I think you saw nikki haley there hint that there isnt necessarily moment to revive that. The president himself quite frustrated by the fact that he wasnt able to get it done a few years ago has talked about it in the last 48 hours. But theres no real political will up on capitol hill at least to revive this. I had one democratic staffer say to me look 20 babies died in a school a few years ago and we couldnt pass a bill. Symbolism here. Do you think this might have been a missed opportunity for republicans to be part of the race debate and, specifically to one of the strongest symbols of racism the Confederate Flag. Theres been a little conversation about that and i will imagine it will continue. Again, i think thats why you saw bush for example, go back and clarify he thinks its racist me didnt want this to drag out over the next few days. I think others will have to weigh in. But it appears all of them have stumbled in some way. Even rick perry last night apparently accidentally called this an accident when he meant to say it was an incident. For whatever reason republicans continue to struggle to talk about this. Many of them do. And, you know why is that . You know is it because theyre so worried about winning the day and not looking beyond sort of the moment and trying to transcend it . Thats not clear. But i think at some point, yes this is an issue thats going to be talked about in the president ial campaign realm between ferguson last year the problems in baltimore, statin island, this type of thing. This is an issue that needs to be discussed, whether its discussed during a primary or general election well see. Its something theyre not going to be able to avoid. Yeah. I was wonder if theyre saying things for political reason and if they feel the same and think the same thing as theyre going to sleep at night and looking internally. You have to wonder. You do. Ed okeefe, thank you for that. This story behind a very wild scene in tucson. Dramatic end to this police chase. Yikes. Thats next. I think she tried to kill us. Are you kidding me . No, its only 15 calories. 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Estrogen should not be used to prevent Heart Disease heart attack, stroke or dementia. Ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. Start the interview with a firm handshake. Ay,no dont do that try new head shoulders instant relief. It cools on contact, and also keeps you 100 flake free. Try new head shoulders instant relief. For cooling relief in a snap. They make Little Hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet, those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. How can something so little. Help you do something so big. When youre not confident your companys data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. We monitor Network Traffic worldwide, so we can see things others cant. Mitigating risks across your business. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. A dramatic ending to a Police Car Chase in tucson arizona. This traffic light caught that moment, a truck driver trying to flee police. The driver plowing thousand that busy intersection just ramming through multiple cars. Several gunshots were heard. The driver then attempted to make an escape and ran out of the cameras view. Police then shot him with a taser. He was later taken to the hospital for serious injuries. Officials say the truck was wanted for an ongoing felony investigation. Also developing, authorities in upstate new york are following new leads in the hunt for two prisoners who escaped from the maximum security prison in new york last month. Earlier this month, rather. State police are investigating possible sightings of two men in Steuben County near the pennsylvania border who may fit the descriptions of the escapees. Also a corrections officer has been place and administrative leave as part of the Ongoing Investigation into escape at the Clinton Correctional Facility. Department of correction officials release nod Additional Information. Lets bring in arthur rodwick, director at the department of homeland security. Arthur arthur, investigations at the u. S. Marshals services. With a welcome to you, arthur look, these two guys escaped on june 6th. How does the time frame affect the likelihood of their recapture because we hear all the time its like the first 48 hours and then you may have some problems. Yeah, that is true. But i think this case is moving from the manhunt phase into a traditional fugitive investigative phase, which means the 800 officers that have been up there around the prison facility, that number will slowly but surely dwindle down to about 10 or 15 core investigators that will not only be looking in the new york area but also around the country around internationally. So the police are announcing theyre investigating this june thinth possible sighting, one week after the escape but a full one week ago now. Why would police have waited seven days before making this sighting public . I mean you dont want to give up all your leads. I think obviously this case has drawn national and international attention, so when you get leads like this you want to fully investigate them without letting all the information out to the public. And i think whats going to happen is were going to be hearing a lot more leads that have been investigated. But we have no 100 confirmed sightings of these individuals since they escaped. So i understand not wanting to release all of your you know, investigation tools or that kind of thing but if you see people in an area doesnt it make skensense that you would tell the community, hey, be on the lookout, theyve been spotted here . That is true in some circumstances but we dont know exactly the facts surrounding the whole leads. So, you know im sure the decision was made not to let it out in public because a lot of times when you do let this information out in public obviously the bad guys know and they leave the area. Sometimes its better to keep these types of leads under wraps to fully investigate them first before you let the information out to the public. So arthur these guys are reportedly hundreds of miles away now. Is this by foot . Is someone helping them with a car . Whats the likely hood here . I think more than likely they probably were supplied with some form of transportation. Obviously we have no type of crime of carjacking of carjacking or vehicles being stolen so somebody is assisting them on the outside, not only with transportation but support, food water, all the essentials to keep them on the run. Im curious how important keeping the public involved is going to be here and how you do that as time lapses. With the news cycle we have today, its very difficult to keep this in the forefront, but i think because this case has generated so much interest that its not going to be that difficult to keep the leads. When leads need to be released i think this will generate obviously a lot of publicity. I wouldnt be surprise fd we start seeing leads from different parts of the country pop up. I know theres been some investigation in canada as well as mexico. Okay. Arthur roderick thanks for weighing in appreciate that. Remember the ice bucket challenge . A new way to raise money for als is about to begin. Audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is you imagination. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Head shoulders with old spice. Americas number one male dandruff brand. Keeping you 100 flakefree. Guaranteed. While smelling 100 handsome. Take a whiff. Head shoulders with old spice. Bring us your aching. 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I make it and i feed my dog beneful. I feel proud because i know that i helped make that bag of dog food sitting on that shelf. In addition to celebrating fathers, tomorrow is also global als day. Here in new york organizers are gearing up nor an inaugural charity swim event called the New Amsterdam city swim. Joining me comedian seth herzog who is also one of the emcees for the event. Seth how did this event get started . This event got started actually in holland, in amsterdam, a guy named vert vonn verts, his friend died of als. He swam the canals to raise funds, and then every year more people started doing it with him. I think it started in 2008. So its a big deal over there and theyve raised a ton of money. This is the first year theyll be doing it here New Amsterdam. Hence the name. Proceeds go where . To a place called project mine. Pro jekt mine is the first global collaboration als research project. Normally in every other country, theres their own group that has their own als research. Thats the first one thats like a global collaboration. So i see youre wearing the same shirt there in that promo. I am. How did you get involved in the cause . I got involved in the cause through the president of unilever a guy named keyes came and show me at the fol ln show where i work up stairs and said you are a funny dude you need to host my event. Actually he came and saw me at a comedy show i do downtown a show called sweet every tuesday. He came there and then we talked. He wrote me in. Im so glad to be involved. We should say, anybody who does see the fallon show gets to see you first. Thats true. You do a great job of it. Thank you. Can we talk about the ice bucket challenge. Raised more than 220 million. Why is it you think these kinds of activities are so successful in raising money and awareness for als . The ice bucket challenge was so successful because its a way to get people involved interactively. You got to post a video of you doing something wacky and tag your friends and they got to do something. This is a similar thing. Its one day only. But you people love the challenge of having to swim in the hudson. Its a challenge, not only is it cold and theres currents but youre dodging bodies and all sorts of stuff. Thats the comedian moniker. Thats be clear on that. Very few bodies. Good to see you. For anybody who has got a curiosity factor here to get more information on the charity swim to benefit als, visit newamsterdamcity swim. Org. Thats a wrap of this hour. Join me at noon eastern. More smart political talk on up with steve kornacki. How do crest 3d White Whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste . Lets see. The paste didnt seem to do much for me. The whitestrips made a huge difference. 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