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North lawn of the white house. Kristen, before you head off on that trip, there was a big meeting in the white house yesterday. The president , top congressional leaders, both parties. What came out of that meeting . I saw certainly the sound of everybody saying were going to Work Together, bipartisanship. I feel we hear that every two years. Anything come out of that that says this different . Reporter well, no, nothing came out of it that sounded different. What you heard publicly from president obama when he made remarks at the top of the lunch he was interested in hearing from republicans. We do know they discussed some is areas of agreement like increasing funding for fighting ebola and isis. However, when that lunch ended, the statements that weigh good from both sides seem to suggest theyre still dug in on some of the key issues, particularly immigration, steve. President obama has said he is moving forward with his plans to issue an executive order on immigration before the end of the year. Republicans have balked at this saying that could make it difficult to get any of the smaller deals they want to get done on things like trade and infrastructure. For their part republicans are also digging in on the president S Health Care law. They say theyre going to bring up bills to repeal the law. That is aimed at sort of mull fig the base that a lot of the senators who won ran on that platform, steve. Its hard to see theres a new tone here. Having said that theres a lot of pressure on both sides to do something. President obama is facing his final two years in office. Republicans now own the congress. So if they dont get something done theyre going to own that as well. This issue of Immigration Reform, though, is going to be a major Sticking Point moving forward. The white houses response to that is republicans can deal with it by passing something. Of course there is a bipartisan bill that passed in the senate so the white house says, look, pass something in the house and then we wont have to act unilaterally on Immigration Reform. It doesnt look like that is going to happen. The pickering is going to continue. Steve . Just quickly, the other major issue is this nomination, Loretta Lynch, for attorney general. Whats the expectation in the white house they think this is going to go through smooth sailing, a lame duck thing . Whats the thinking on getting her confirmed . Reporter i think they do think she will get confirmed and thats part of the reason president obama picked her. She is someone who has a good reputation for her service as u. S. Attorney in brooklyn. Shes twice confirmed. Were hearing from lawmakers on capitol hill already who say were interested in hearing from her. I think the biggest question is that second one that you point to, steve, timing. Is this going to get done in the lame duck session or after once republicans are in place in the senate. Mitch mcconnell has said thats what he would like to see, the latter, that he thinks this confirmation process should hold off until then. President obama has said he will defer to congress to basically determine the timing of this. Having said that, steve, this all just came out yesterday. So were going to be hearing a lot more throughout the day about Loretta Lynch probably getting a lot more reaction, so that could change. But at this point theres an expectation from the white house that lawmakers will have to get together and figure out the timing of it. The broader expectation is she has a good reputation on things like civil rights. She is also taking on corporate fraud cases, so she does 0 have a fair amount of broad bipartisan support which, as you know, is rare in had this town, steve. Thats certainly true. Kristen welker live at the white house, good luck on that trip coming up. Thank you for joining us this morning. In meeting with the opposition at the white house yesterday, president obama was sticking to a ritual. What youre seeing here of course isnt president obama, its his pred secessor, george bush. He held a similar lunch with nancy pelosi after the midterm shell acting that made pelosi speaker of the house. This picture is bill clinton in 1984 meeting with the man who was about to become the speaker of the house after the midterm republican landslide that year. Newt gingrich was his name. Maybe you remember him. Bob dole and al gore are also both in that shot. So yesterdays lunch between obama, Mitch Mcconnell, john boehner and other congressional leaders is part of a longstanding tradition as are vows this week of cooperation and bipartisanship. The American People just want to see work done here in washington. I think theyre frustrated by the gridlock. Theyd like to see more c cooperation. And i think all of us have the responsibility, me in particular, to try to make that happen. The American People have changed the senate. So i think we have an obligation to change the behavior of the senate and to begin to function again. This morning the official start of the first test of whether a fully Republican Congress and the white house will be able to Work Together. Thats the news president obama will nominate Loretta Lynch to become attorney general later this morning. As you flerd Kristen Welker she comes to the job with a deckd in new york. She needs to be confirmed by the senate. And so here is a test. Will she get confirmed easily . Will it be a big fight . Here is another test, probably the biggest test in the next few months. What about immigration . The most immediate test for the president and for republicans after this election. And what about the idea of real cooperation and bipartisanship. Theyre talking about it now but weve heard it a million times before. Will anything actually be different this time . Here to discuss all of this, former massachusetts congressman barney frank, capitol Hill Reporter kate and will blaze. When you looked at all the names out there, there were some tom perez, for instance, you were hearing from republicans a lot of negative stuff like republicans were sort of gearing up to fight tom perez that was the nominee. Seems like the white house here it in picking Loretta Lynch mighting saying this is not a fight we want to be having right now knowing we have immigration coming up. Is that a fair way to read this . You would have then been picking two fights. A secretary of labor confirmation fight. I can see not doing that. Shes a very good prosecutor. Shes an africanamerican woman. And i want to discuss one of the greatest hip ypocrisy ive ever heard, naming an attorney general in a lame duck session is inappropriate. When the republicans were in control they impeached bill clinton. So the notion that it is legitimate in a lame duck session to impeach a sitting president and, by the way, one of the two counts that have impeachment only went through because members who had been defeated, republicans in the 1998 election, were allowed to vote. If that had gone over to the next congress only one if there is a delay here, the republicans say we want to do this after the lame duck and the president says, you know, as a gesture of good faith, im fine with that, do you think even if it goes to that she should be okay to get confirmed . Probably. You never know. If i were the president i would not be making unilateral je gestures of good faith because the record has been they do not respond. In 2002 you showed george bush shaking hands with nancy pelosi. The following two years the Democratic Congress came to george bushs rescue against the rightwing republicans whether we hit the financial crisis. Look, its not a good thing to have a lame duck attorney general. Why wait three months . I dont see any reason not to go for the confirmation. I imagine many conservatives want to ask very tough questions of Loretta Lynch. They might want to have a very tough confirmation process and most has to do with eric holder and less with lore tta lynch. Is she going to follow in his footsteps of making this a divisive policymaking office. As a political perspective, they dont have any interest interest in the fight. Everything, every single piece of legislation from trade negotiation and power to exporting crude oil to Keystone Pipeline is subtext to the immigration fight and that, to be honest, is completely 100 in president obamas hands. So lets talk about immigration right now then. The president , basically the white house is sending out the message, hey, you have this bill that passed the senate last year, the summer 20613. Its been languishing in the house ever since then. Basically, republicans, you have until the end of the year, Republican House. Take that bill, put it on the floor, put it up for a vote. Im ready to sign it. Republicans in the senate voted for it. If you do that, i will not do anything unilaterally. If you dont do that, i am. Is that a serious threat . I think it is a serious threat. I think we should expect executive action from the president , its something hes been promising for a long time and there would be a lot of pushback from his own base if he didnt do it. I to think that the president has wanted to give republicans a lot of room on immigration and every time theres sort of a hint at room, he takes thatter seriously. And so i think he sort of sees john baoehner and Mitch Mcconnel and he sees these tiny little hints they might try to get something done and so he wants to wait. I dont think that after everything i heard coming out of the lunch that it was very contentious specifically on the subject of immigration. I dont see how he doesnt do is there a solution here . Is there a way to get that bill from the senate, the bill that passed the senate, a way to get the house to vote on it . The house will vote on numerous bills. It is honestly caned of absurd. The only thing up for debate is whether he gets a comprehensive immigration bill. That word is all that matters he to him f. Republicans dont give it, hell take executive action. If he doesnt take executive action, republicans will present a Border Security bill, visa bills, theyll go through everything except for amnesty for the 37 million illegal immigrants. The problem with that it goes against the facts. Theyve been in control of the house. Thats one branch. The senate did it. You say the house will take it up. John boehner hasnt asked Barack Obamas permission to take up legislation. If they wanted to pass the narrower bills, they could bring them to the fore. They did bring a number of smaller bills to the floor the last congress but the senate hasnt brought them up yet. They have nothing to do with Border Security. The Biggest Issue that we have the biggest, i think, oh, well, well do that if you can seal the border and make it totally secure and thats a goal post that will move forever. What i particularly find troubling was your statement, though, well if he does this on immigration, that will be a problem for all the other issues. This notion if the president does something on immigration that the republicans dont like they will not cooperate with him on other issues is a total negation how legislation is supposed to work. We should do this issue by issue. If mcconnell says the president should do immigration its like waving a red flag in front of a bill. The Republican Party is not supposed to act like a dumb animal. That is whats going to happen. It is it is whats going to happen. You pay a political price for it. Spend as much time in congress as you did, congressman. The idea is you have to work with people, have relationships, compromise and, to be honest, you penlly experienced this. If you push through a stimulus bill or Health Care Bill that poisons the well, youll get no cooperation moving forward. Nonsense. If he pushes executive action well have a repeat of urbina last terms. No, here is your problem. Yes, i have been there and did work on a bipartisan basis. I was voted one of the five most bipartisans by the republicans. I think your job is to do both. You fight where youre right. We had cooperated very much with george bush in 2008. We gave paulson and bernanke more support than the republicans. Obama gets elected and the republicans announce they want to defeat him and there was no cooperation. The notion that he started this fight, there was an effort in the senate to work with Olympia Snowe and susan collins, no, were pulling back. Chris dodge thought he had negotiations going on the financial reform bill, and he got a call from shelby saying, sorry, we cant do anything with you but oppose it. Its historically inaccurate. Let me ask you this. The bill sitting in the house, the one that passed the senate the and i think it was 15 who voted for that when it got through the senate, most democrats in the house would vote for that. If it were on the floor, how many republicans in the house do you think would vote for that . It changes a lot and i think it probably has changed since the last election. I think a lot of members, new members voted in in the seats that republicans gained probably look at that and think that they did win on an antiimmigration platform in part. And so i dont suspect that it would have the same support that it had last congress. Would it be enough with the minority democrats i think it would be close. There are members, there are democratic members who have been working on this issue for a long time who says they absolutely have republican support and if it came to the floor, it would pass. If it just got a vote. But its tough to say because the language changes a lot from republicans. Sometimes its like we have to, you know, get Border Security done and then we can talk about citizenship. Right. It just varies so much and i think this last election the antiimmigration im sorry, antiimmigration bill, people against the senate bill not antiimmigration, look at it and say, okay, we won. So sorry. So real quickly, you said amnesty earlier. Now what is in this bill is a longterm the senate bill is a longterm path to citizenship, all sorts of fines, going to the back of the line. Is the concept of any kind of path to legalization, path it to citizen shship for you, blanket considered amnesty . No. For me personally. But its an extremely Divisive Political issue for those that reside in congress, steve. My point is on this entire issue you cant attach yourself to the adjective of comprehensive. If that is the most divisive aspect of any immigration bill, why dont you attack every other aspect of immigration that we do agree upon. By the way, there are numerous bipartisan support measures for Immigration Reform. That one in particular doesnt have to be attached to the rest. Except 90 , we have those here who are law abiding but came here illegally and thats an impact on the economy. Some of the Border Security stuff is an unrealistic spending of a lot of money to accomplish a goal thats not going to be accomplished in a free society. Weigh cant seal off the american border. To the extent thats a condition, a precedent for anything else, nothing will happen. The other point i want to make is this. I just want to get back to your notion that developing relationships mean you cant disagree on any one issue. Nonsense. George bush became president and pushed through tax cuts. That didnt stop us from cooperating. I wish we hadnt. No child left behind with ted kennedy. In a legislative body you have to disagree strongly on one issue but Work Together on the issue to where you agree. The republicans are now announcinging if he does something they strongly disagree with, they will with hold cooperation and other issues they agree with him even if its in the interest of the country to do it. Senator leahy. Theres another divisive issue weve been hearing a lot about the last five years that came back into the news in a big way yesterday. Going to be a lot of fallout for this. Well tell you all about it right after this. Or retirement. But when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on what matters today. 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[singing] mony mony nearly five years after the Affordable Care act was passed into law in two and a half years since the health law by a single vote by john roberts vote, the court agreed to hear a new challenge against the law. Another test for president obamas signature achievement. The case concerns the tax subs is disthat currently help millions of people afford to Purchase Health insurance under the law. Challengers say the taxes are being unfarply leveled against citizens in the three dozen states that opted out of running their own state based Health Care Exchanges and instead rely on the federal government. So the court is taking this case. We know that four justices had to agree to do so. The reporting i have seen says its the four most kfb justices, roberts is not one of them. Sets up roberts again as he was the last time as sort of the swing on this and it really looks like as im understanding this, this is deja vu all over again. This is the months of suspense leading up to the onday when the Supreme Court kept this legal. I say the Supreme Court has a chance to john roberts has a chance to say, you know what, if he feels he messed it up two years ago, he can undo it right here. Its deja vu again as a political question. Its a much simpler legal question. This one is whether or not what the congressmen in charge meant what they wrote down, exchanges created by the state. Thats the question. We talked the last segment and the truth is the congressman i continued to debate during the commercial break, the folly. If you attempt to restructure something so large as the health care market, youre going to make some mistakes. And they wrote this law clearly making mistakes. Now the question is, will you be held to your word. Your point about deja vu is correct. The only question politically, and i hate to say this when its the Supreme Court, does john roberts have the spine to overraul obamacare . Barney, is this do you look at this and say a mistake was made, this particular issue . Yeah. I will say this, the Supreme Court justices had an argument about a case which said if you destroy a document or any other tangible object you are subject to a penalty. The prosecution went after a fisherman who destroyed fish and they say you have to read this in context. Yes, its true. A fish is a tangible object. But you have to read it in context. And so its not unheard of for them to say were not just going to look at the literal meaning and they mocked it, you have to read it in context. I do think people obviously did not expect there to be the kind of political outcome there was or so many states to reject they expected all the states would just they wrote it not anticipating what was a reality and clearly if they if we could rewrite it or they could rewrite it, im not there anymore. The political outcome the only thing i would disagree with what will said, you hate to say the Supreme Court is political. Its like saying, i hate the sun is shining. Theyve been political since 2004. Thats a fair point. They are totally political. On both sides. The point is that if the republican side wins this case, what they will do will be to deprive people in a lot of states of some subsidy. Now i dont think politically thats the best position to be in. Thats a choice they can make. Can the affordable kay act as we know it, can it continue if the ruling goes against it . Well, i frankly spent most of my time for two years on financial reform. Im not an expert on the details. I will say this in thames of comprehensive, you do make a mistake. I think what we did comprehensively, the problem is in some of these cases things are interactive. That is if youre going to have universal coverage despite preexisting conditions, you need a mandate. Some element, you cant just do that one piece by piece by piece. But as to the specifics there, thats not just something that will be difficult for the markets, you know. Its going to be difficult for insurance companies. Youve seen them sort of talk about how every little bit works together and this is part of it. This is about getting the maximum amount of people in a system and if you if people dont get subsidies and then they can get a hardship exemption theyre not in the system. It is detrimental to the market and not just to people. Yes, obviously it would hurt a lot of people who need health care. Theres that piece of it, too. You asked if its the death of obamacare. The answer to that question is, do the American People want obamacare . By the way, i think a fascinating statement he said that is a mistake and mistakes happen. Well, if the people want obamacare, what will happen the Supreme Court will kick it back to the legislature. Congress will go back and look at obamacare and decide if they want to amend the law. Although this gets to the discussion weve been having earlier the whole Supreme Court review process could be sidestepped if one party wasnt locked into were going to repeal obamacare and nothing else and was open to lets fix it here and there. This seems like a fix that could be made. That party represents a good portion of the American People. Can i respond here, by the way . You made a big deal about the fact i said a mistake was made, i think they made mistakes, frankly, in the constitution. Im not sure about the declaration of independence. One of the first things they did was to amend the constitution. Of course mistakes were made in the process. The normal course of events is a comprehensive bill passes and then afterwards you go back and fix a couple of things. Even if its not a comprehensive bill. There is a piece of legislation, a form called a corrections bill. The republicans wouldnt go along with that. That was also true with financial reform there were a couple of things i would like to go back and redo as long as people are at warfare over the whole thing, that doesnt happen. The only reason i find that significant is the government will be arguing in opposite, or at the very least, well, you know what we meant. You know what we meant, honestly, isnt good enough. No, i didnt say anything to contradict that, i cited the case of the phishing situation where they made a mistake and it would have been bet fer they made clear what they meant. The course says a fish is not a tangible object because we want the bill to make sense. Of course the fish is a tangible object. They take that into account when they interpreted in that context. More on had this. We talk about this more tomorrow and obviously in the weeks ahead, a huge ruling will come down at some point in the next number of months. Keep a close eye on putting tuesdays republican landslide in perspective, a different way of looking at it. Well go to the big board, remember that thing from tuesday night. We have it here in the studio. Ill take you through it right after this. Goodnight. Goodnight. For those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. Introducing new aleve pm. The first one with a sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. Now you can have a good night and a. Good morning new aleve pm. For a better am. Yoplait light is now better than ever. It still melts in your mouth. With 90 calories. And is now aspartame free. Yoplait light. It is so good; its better than ever. New nestle© toll houser for delightfulls morsels. In honor of our 75th anniversary, were bringing you nestle© toll house chocolate filled with caramel, Peanut Butter, cherry and mint. So Peanut Butter up some blondies and brownies. Caramelify those chocolate chip cookies. 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Lets go back to the most recent four twoterm president s. Well start at Ronald Reagan and look what happens during his presidency. He comes to office in 1981. A total landslide when he got elected. He gave his Party Control of the u. S. Senate. 53 seats. In the house, defensemmocrats c it the permanent democratic majority, but this was a high number for republicans in that era. A lot of conservative democrats. Working conservative majority they called it in the house at that time. Reagan governed. When he was reelected, after the 86 midterms, the same point in reagans presidency that we are now at in obamas presidency, well, lack whats happened. Democrats have come back. Now they have 55 seats. They have a strong ma rt jort. Republicans are down a total of eight seats in the senate since reagan is sworn in. In the house, democrats now up to 259 seats. Republicans down to 176. Republicans lost 16 seats. So on reagans watch, the Republican Party steadily lost strength in the senate big time and in the house to a lesser extent but they lost strength. So thats the story of reagans presidency. Now we look at bill clinton. Bill clinton came in in 1993. Huge, huge majority. 259 seats for the democrats in the house. 57 for the democrats in the senate. Active two years. The first two years for clinton and then the republicans had their midterm landslide. 96 he gets reelected. 98 more midterms. After that same point in the presidency look how much its changed. Republicans now control the house of representatives. They hadnt controlled it since the 1950s but six years into bill clintons presidency republicans control it. Democrats are down 47 seats from the start of his presidency and republicans now up to 55 seats. Thats a drop of 12 for the democrats from the start of the clinton presidency. You look at george w. Bush, hes a republican president with a republican majority in the house. 220 seats. Its 50 50 in the senate. They actually with dick cheney as president , republicans controlled the tiebreaker. Thats what bush starts off with. You know the story of the bush presidency, 2006, the shell acting, the democrats take back the house. Look at this. The senate, democrats get control of the senate so the republicans, that majority that george w. Bush walked into, hes lost 17 seats. His partys lost the house. Hes lost a seat in the senate and it got much worse two years later and the final election that bush was president for in 2008, the senate numbers, you can see here, this is what the final election in bushs presidency produced when barack obama got elected, democrats surged to 257 seats in the house. 59 in the senate and ended up getting up to 60 for a point there. Huge, huge majorityies for democrats at the start of the Obama Presidency and, of course, im sure youve heard all the stories this week, the estimate after this election is the republicans will be up to 248 seats in the house, the most they will have had since world war and in the senate theyre sitting on 52. That number could go a little bit higher. Youre looking at significant losses here for the democrats during obamas presidency. 70 in the house. 15 in the senate. A very big number but its important to rebound where he started out at 259. Not every president starts out that high. I think when you look back at history, you can see one of the best things that can ever happen to an Opposition Party is the other Party Winning the white house being in the opposition is going to be good for your numbers in congress. Being president for a couple terms is ultimately going to be bad for your numbers in congress. Doesnt mean there arent some serious issues to talk about here, serious potential problems with the Obama Presidency and with where the Democratic Party is right now. But i do think the context is important to understand this isnt the first time the president has seen congressional numbers fall on his watch. Ill be back to talk about tuesday night which was encouraging or discouraging for Hillary Clinton as she decides shes going to run for president again. Well talk about what this means for her. I thought itd be bigger. dad theres nothing i cant reach in my subaru. vo introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru,a subaru. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. 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The folks ready for hillary plan to hold a strategy meeting, too. That group sent an email to potential donors on wednesday night, just a day after the election which said that now is the time to convince hillary to jump in. We already know that she would likely be the most high profile candidate in 2016 but what can the 2014 midterms tell us about where she stands with voters . She campaigned for candidates in ten states in the weeks leading up to the election the. Only three won and a fourth louisiana senator Mary Landrieu is now heading for a runoff where she has a very uphill fight. Clinton campaigned for 11 gubernatorial candidates and five of those candidates won. For more on the post midterms hillary, im joined by ann lewis, White House Communications director for president bill clinton and is af adviser are for ready for hillary and the columnist for the new york times. So, ann, let me start with you. Ive heard a couple different interpretations of what this means for hillary but one is it offers an opportunity for her now to sell herself to the Democratic Party or sell the Democratic Party on the idea after fresh start, on the idea that, you know what, the Obama Administration began with, you know, great potential, got some major things through, and has now reached the point where for the last two years she has stalled, big losses. She can be the fresh start, the reset button. Shes not part of the administration anymore. She is her own person, her own brand. I hate that term. Does that resonate with you . Let me start first with where i think we are. It was painful. I think we now have a congress that will spend the next two years making Political Warfare instead of trying to pass legislation. Thats not good for the country. But the good news is weve got to start looking forward. So what do we know now that we maybe didnt know before about Hillary Clinton . We know that in a tough climate and a really tough landscape she went out there and worked hard for Democratic Candidates. The numbers i have are something is like 25, 26 candidates of whom 12 won, 13 lost. As i say it was a tough year where people know she went out there and she talked about the kinds of values that we ought to be talking about. She talked about middle class families, she talked about growing jobs and the economy. She talked about raising the minimum wage, equal pay, making life better for the next generation. These kinds of issues that democrats will be talking about as we go forward. So i think she set that as a standard and, as i say, she was doing it at a tough time. She ran in 2008. She became secretary of state. As secretary of state, youre not political, youre not doing all of the events you just described so shed a break from all of that. This was her coming out as a political figure. Do you think she liked it . I went to a couple of those events. I got to see her and i thought watching the response from the crowd, watching her interact with the crowd, that in some ways she was remembering how much shea also likes the political side of things. Hillary has never said she was reluctant to get out there and campaign. She likes talking to people. She likes listening to them. I watched her working rope lines where just tons of young people were crowding around to see her. You couldnt be human and not be moved by that. What shes hearing from the people she sees, that she hears from, is so strong and positive about lets go forward. Youve been watching hillary the last two months. What are you seeing . Well, i think a lot of people have an idealized version of her in the sense that, you know, theres a lot of obama fatigue which was reflected on tuesday night. And theres this thought of, you know, well, shes tougher than he is. Shell be able to get things done and i think that helps her. Excuse me. Let me say here the one fact that we will now deal with is the contrast is not with the current president who will be out there again trying to govern, but the context is with the congress. It is determined by rand paul and ted cruz and you have john boehner over there, sort of like a lion tamer with the chair with his various factions and then Hillary Clinton over here. Thats the difference. Shes going to be different from the Republican Congress and while they, as i say, are fighting, trying to continue to make war, shes going to be out there saying here is what we should be doing, here is how we can move forward and people do have some memories that shes done that before. The thing that always struck me was back in 2008, obama had moved ahead in the primaries. She gave this speech, she was in rhode island and she was sort of mocking his idea of hope and change and saying the way he talks it sounds like the clouds are going to part and the celestial choirs are going 0 to sing and peace and love on earth and was really mocking it. I have returned to that line so many times over the last few years because i think, you know, he sort of has come up against exactly what she was predicting. She was basically saying, look, theyre not all going to sit around and agree with you. It will be partisan warfare, trying to destroy it at every turn in the road and that seems to be what happened. So whats her answer to that going to be . I think her answer is going to be, unfortunately, there is partisan warfare. It is even worse than it used to be. I was a senator and as a senator, i reached across the aisle. I got legislation passed in a bipartisan way. So i think i know what it takes to reach across, if you will, to compromise and get action when you can but, you know, when you cant, thats when you stand your ground. You fight back and youre talking about whats most important to you and to the American People. Do you 0 think, joe, do you think thats the kind of message democrats after eight years of the Obama Presidency will be looking for . Yes, absolutely. No question about it people you know, people people want a president who knows how to who both knows how to fight and knows how to get things done. And, as i said, i think a lot of people theres a lot of people who think to themselves, well, if only hillary had been in, she could have done this. She could have done that. Which may or may not be true but thats the perception. All right. Election day was four days ago the results are still coming in. We finally have a winner in one of the closest congressional races in the country. Well given you those results in california. 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Scott peters has held off republican carl dimaio in the 52nd district. Separated by fewer than 5,000 votes out there. This means that both openly gay Republican Congressional candidates in competitive races lost this week. The california race contended with a textbook definition of an october surprise. Carl demaio facing allegations of Sexual Harassment in the final weeks of the campaign. The certificasearch for an enda political species down south. I make a lot of purchases for my business. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. 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And elsewhere across the south georgia congressman john barrow, the last remaining white democrat from a deep south state in congress, he was thrown out of office by ten points. Tuesdays elections saw a solid wall of red. In state legislatures all across the south. Two years ago obama did better in North Carolina than kay hagan did this week. His 2012 numbers slightly outperformed Michelle Nunn in georgia, too, even better in West Virginia Senate Candidate natalie tenet. Challenger ed gillespie conceding just yesterday. This is something democrats are going it to have to grapple with. They had good candidates in the south. Many ran great campaigns. Some had Famous Family names. But all of them ended up doing just as badly, maybe even worse with white southern voters than president obama did. They will never get back to a majority in the house but how can they do it with everything they tried this year failed so miserably. Joining me now to discuss this is former South Carolina Democratic Party chairman. Dick, thank you for joining us this morning. I want to start by showing this was a Greg Sergeant in the Washington Post yesterday, a liberal writer in the Washington Post, the Democratic Party has a cultural problem. Hes talking about voters in your neck of the woods. He has been doing fine in thames of appealing to and getting strong turnout in the south and everywhere from nonwhite voters. In the south particularly where you have heavy populations of blue collar working class white voters, Democratic Candidates are now basically stuck at like 20 . They are excited about Michelle Nunn, could not do any better than barack obama did. Unless you can improve with those voters youre writing off the house for a long time. Do you see that problem . I see the problem but cultural issues may play a part. The strongest, most dominant factor in the south is that under the last 20 years, the Voting Rights act, has been use ed to resegregate our voters. By way of example, one out of three voters in South Carolina is africanamerican. One out of seven house districts is africanamerican because, as we come to each and every census and we redistrict, republicans in a very cynical way use the Voting Rights act to coagulate. He was gettinging 60 of the vote and they what do republicans do . They snatch africanamerican voters and put them in his district. You seem to be talking about had this idea of unpacking, where you take a district like youre describing, overwhelmingly africanamerican, and you spread the population into several other districts, making them more xcompetitive. The stumbling block is the incumbent does jim clyburn want to give up that safety . Absolutely. Ive talked to him about it a number of times and jim clyburn understands whats going on. Because of that 124 state house seats up, we only fielded real Democratic Candidates in five of those and we won one of them. Theyve done the same thing in the state house that they did for congress, which is to take districts that have become more cosmopolitan, if you will, 34 africanamerican electing an africanamerican by 60 of the vote. They take that district when they redistrict up to 65 of africanamerican bleaching out the districts around them. The Obama Justice department was faced very recently, section is five of the Voting Rights act was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. They could have weighed in and said, wait a minute, we need to redo redistricting. Theres a Supreme Court case being argue d by nyu law professor next week to retroactively apply this shelby versus alabama case so that we can unpack the districts and stop this madness of resegregating our states all over the south. The share of the vote, the Democratic Candidates are winning in the south among white voters. A huge part of the population in the south used to be democratic. Theres a lot of reasons for that transition. The share now continues to drop. The democrats got under 40 . And then the benchmark was 30 . Now were talking 20 . In the deep south youre talking 10 . What is the reason for that growing sort of disaffection with the Democratic Party . Well, i think theres two issues in the south. One is it is cultural. When the Democratic Party, the party identified with being against guns, against being god. There is a cultural issue with many southerners. However, we are able to communicate better values, better messengers. Theres got to be when youre voting to the state house representative, do you talk about gay marriage or about jobs . We have to define the elections, and were letting the republicans define them. Does the National Party, which talks a lot about, you know, womens issues about gay rights, does the National Party then hinder that ability at the local level. Weigh want to talk jobs, we dont want to talk cultural issues. Is that part of the issue . Well, i think that is part of the issue. President obama came in. Hes cut unemployment dramatically. The stock markets twice what it was when he came in. Gas is below 3 a gallon. All these issues, none of them were talked about in local races or statewide races. A gay marriage and by abortion when the real bread and butter Kitchen Table issues are not being talked about. Appreciate you joining us this morning. A big hour of news and politics straight ahead. [singing to himself] here she comes now sayin mony mony. 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Watch out what you wish for. All right. Thanks for staying with us this hour. For incoming majority leader Mitch Mcconnell winning may have been the easy part, the biggest opposition may not come from the democrats. Well have more on that in just a minute plus a very interesting report from kentucky but, first, we want to turn our attention to a story that may have gotten less attention as the National Conversation turned to the midterm elections. The problem at the heart of the story definitely did not go a y away. Yesterday we learned that president obama will be doubling the number of american troops had heading to iraq. 1,500 more boots on the ground there. The pentagon emphasizing that they are not combat troops. Mainly they are there to train the iraqi army. Were going to go live to chr Kristen Welker at the white house who can tell us what this is all about. Kristen . Reporter hey, good morning again, steve. Thats right. The administration is insisting that those troops will not be in combat roles you but there is a lot of skepticism about that this morning. Heres what we know so far. On friday the administration announced it was more than doubling the number of u. S. Military forces now on the ground in iraq from 1,400 to nearly 3,000. Pentagon Officials Say the forces will train, advise, and assist the Iraqi Military in its fight against isis militants. Now the announcement comes about three months after the u. S. Launched its air campaign against isis targets in iraq. U. S. Military commanders feared that without more u. S. Advisers, the iraqis could lose the battle. So those new teams will be spread out over the northwest and southern iraq and in two hot combat zones, steve, anbar and the north baghdad province. Weve talked a lot about those areas. Pentagon officials insist is they are not going to be in combat, but they are trained troops and they will be able to defend themselves. Now the announcement comes with the nation still weary from the wars in iraq and afghanistan and skeptical about what seems to be an ever expand iing mission in e same region. Some military experts warn that there will be further increases, more advisers, more troops on the ground. Now, of course, steve, president obama heads tomorrow night. More opportunities for the press to ask him questions. This will undutedly come up when he travels overseas. Steve . ChrKristen Welker live at th white house. Thanks for that report. Appreciate it. Thanks. Back in june president obama told congressional leaders that he did not intend to seek Capitol Hills approval for any actions he undertakes in iraq. At the same time senator Mitch Mcconnell was among those saying he believed the president didnt need any. It will be interesting to see if mcconnell Still Believes that once hes in charge of the Senate Majority. In fact, theres a whole lot about a Mitch Mcconnell hadled senate that will be interesting to watch. Until then we wanted to find out all we could from the people who know mitch mccome the besnnell n kentucky. They have had front row seats. We have asked them to help us figure out how he got to where he is today, who he really is, and where he might be heading next. Our original report from kentucky native perry bacon. The American People have changed the senate. Reporter mcmcconnells entire political career has been a balancing act. And here in kentucky, observers say the louisville native has always ultimately found a way to thrive. Hes not going to come around and just wrap his arms around you and make you feel like youre his best friend, but he is someone youre going to walk into the office and say, i want to talk to him. Reporter in his early days the former lawyer was a moderate republican. He was someone who was for collective bargaining of public employees, someone who was prochoice. Reporter and as his party became more conservative, as parts of kentucky became more conservative, Mitch Mcconnell moved to the right right along with them. The courier journal has not been a supporter of a lot of his policies and actions in recent years particularly including his move to the right. Reporter in 2010 a rare m misstep. Mcconnell backed candidate trey grayson instead of a certain tea party upstart with a libertarian political pedigree. Thomas jefferson wrote the government is best that governs least. Likewise freedom is best when enjoyed by the most. Reporter in the four years since rand pauls victory mcconnell has managed to mend fences with paul and keep moving further to the right. It is ironic theyre like best friends and theyre using each other. He wants him in power so he can say im more main stream and mitch wants rands blessing. Reporter rand paul campaigned all over kentucky this year for mcconnell helping to shore up the senior senators tea party support. You will be heard in washington. Reporter as majority leader mcconnell will need to wrangle conservative aif fex that at times can be very hard to control. As for the opposition, it includes a democratic president with two more years in the white house. Still, democrats in kentucky remain optimistic about what mcconnell will be able to accomplish. I think having reached his lifetime ambition he will now start worrying about his legacy and he will not want to be perceived as someone who was a total obstructionist. Hell want to be perceived as somebody who actually accomplished something. Reporter so after 30 years in the senate, Mitch Mcconnell now has his dream job, one in which he faces his toughest balancing act yet. In louisville, this is perry bacon reporting for msnbc. All right. And as perry just mentioned the biggest opposition facing Mitch Mcconnell in the senate might not come from democrats. It could be the far right of his own party. Senators like ted cruz will pose the biggest obstacles. Last fall when mcconnell was trying to negotiate a way out of the shutdown, ted cruz tried to lead a rebellion meeting with others in the basement of a nearby mexican restaurant. Mcconnell prevailed. He and harry reid helped to reopen the government. In the end speaker john bane her a lot more trouble getting the right flank of his membership into line. But for mcconnell, ted cruz was an added complication in an already complex negotiation. Joining me again now are former congressman barney frank and will cain. So Mitch Mcconnell, Senate Majority leader with the Republican House and the democratic president. Weigh all know the story this is the job that Mitch Mcconnell has wanted his entire career. He doesnt aspire to the presidency. He aspired to be the majority leader of the senate. When i watched him this week, he had that press conference the day after the election. I have to say i covered him a little bit on capitol hill a few years ago. I saw a different Mitch Mcconnell at that press conference just in the sense that the fact he was having a press conference taking questions a little bit more friendly, a little bit more opening up. It struck me it made me sit back and wonder, you think much of the lbj. When lbj became president , he became something that nobody ever knew he was. And when he was Vice President , when he was in the senate, he became something completely different. I wonder if mitch mccome, as john said in that piece there, if Mitch Mcconnell, now that he has reached this job hes always wanted, is he going to be different . I have no idea. Im not an expert on Mitch Mcconnell. One of the evaporatings of no longer being in office is that i dont have to tell people more than i know. I honestly dont know Mitch Mcconnell very well. I dont think anybody does. I think were now in what they call the hot stove league when the baseball season was over, when that was the only sport and people felt they had time by speculating on things we really dont know the answer to. Wow. I appreciate that humility. Im not going to mirror it, though. I think weve to assume past is future. The past evidence we can draw upon is that hes understated, a behind the tactician. I think he will probably approach the job attempt to go fly largely under the radar both for himself and the Republican Party and keep the focus on president obama. You mentioned ted cruz. Ted cruz is much more interested in symbolic fights, flashiness. I think there will be some tension. I think the direction of the Republican Party most likely will follow Mitch Mcconnell. Small bills, probably even some with bipartisan support. And he doesnt want a shutdown, no impeachments, no spotlights on republicans. I have to ask you, would that be the case even if the president does something unilaterally on immigration . You suggested before that would shut it down. I dont think so. I think you were right the second time. I just have to go back. When Ronald Reagan was unilaterally in violation after statute aiding the nicaraguan countries, i was working with republicans on Immigration Reform, the last amnesty that Ronald Reagan signed. But i also think that the problem inagree the problem is not so much in the senate. I think the problem is with the house. The house leadership in a number of areas is very conservative. The republican membership of the house became more conservative last time. A very good story about mainstream conservatives being replaced by people to the right. So, for instance, on things lake the export import bank, on the replacement of housing finance, on a number of other issues, thats where problem is going to be. I think, also, the problem is going to be when you said be careful what you wish for. Im going to be interested in seeing how the Republican Congress deals with this question of legislating authority to increase combat role in the middle east. Thats a major problem for the republican fight. We talk about the ted cruz factor in all of this and you go back to the shutdown. It was members of the house that ted cruz was meeting with. Its not necessarily his own colleagues in the senate. Hes probably alienated some of them. The appeal of ted cruz and the power of ted cruz in the republican universe, be it seems, its more in the house than the senate and its with the grassroots. The threat the primary voters. And the threat to somebody like Mitch Mcconnell, if he wants to do something and ted cruz says you have violated the purity of the conservative cause, hes going to find a very receptive audience on talk radio in the house. Im glad youve come to the procedural defense. They dont need ted cruz. An honest, decent, deeply conservative man who is chairman of the Financial Services committee, major policymaking position. One of the problems and you talk about comprehensive legislation, im pleased with the legislation we adopted. Republicans wre refuse to accept our request to compromise but i think thats very popular. Health care is not. But financial reform on the whole is. If the republicans in the house decide theyll go after the independent Consumer Financial protection bureau, thats a political problem for them and thats going to be, i think, where the tension will be. He so now to mirror your earlier humility, the first place we will find evidence is the question you just asked me. It will regard amnesty. It will regard executive action. You are right. That will be the test. What will be i didnt say it will be the test. What would be the republican response to that is what you asked me. I think Mitch Mcconnell will not want to indulge any conversation over impeachment. He will not want to see a government shutdown. It doesnt mean there will not be bipartisan goodwill. It could poison the will. Will he have the power to tamp that down . Yes. Yes. Mitch mcconnell has efficiently wielded power throughout his time as minority leader. Constitutionally, it is a house matter. Even under clinton the senate didnt do it. But heres the issue i have. Again, i want to go back. Trying to think of a historical precedent after we had our debate where one party got so angry at a procedural abuse by the other party that it shut down cooperation. I cant think of any. I can think of the time Ronald Reagan was president. I was there. He was doing the irancontra thing. He was violating even a statute, and we were very angry and we cooperated elsewhere. An example within the past two years. Democrats thought the filibuster has been such a procedural abuse they exercise the Nuclear Option and said there will be a 60 vote threshold. Republicans arent going to repeal that. So theres an example of exactly no, thats my example. Thats my example where it did not lead to any meltdown. Democrats did something the republicans thought were so terrible theyre going to keep it and it did not meet any meltdown. My point is youre wrong that people can get so angry about one thing that they shut down areas they have a perceived selfinterest. Its how you do it. If you poison the well Ronald Reagan had a statute. We are running up against the clock. But my thanks to will cain and barney, well talk to a little bit later in the hour. Stay tuned for that. Coming up, the question of who still gets to be in charge of the democrats in the new congress. Will any of the cast members change . Stay with us. 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Who led House Democrats before nancy pelosi . If you dont remember, it was Dick Gephardt, a twotime president ial candidate as well. Its now been 12 years since nancy pelosi has been the top democrat in the house. That is the longest tenure in more than half a century. It looks like its going to be extended for at least two more years. Both pelosi and harry reid in the senate said this week they are here to stay. But there seems to be some pressure from the left for new democratic leadership. Steve israel, chairman of the party of congressional Campaign Committee stepped down after two cycles. Politico reported some democrats are eager to see even more change with aides complaining that pelosi is too focused on reaching women instead of forming a broader message that could play to other groups like older voters and men. Nancy pelosi is still wildly popular in very effective as a fundraiser. She helped to bring in more than 100 million for democrats this cycle alone. And harry reid has been able to get bills passed through congress. Speaker john boehner has not. So is their sticking armed the right thing for the Democratic Party or is it time for new blood . Joining me again is political adviser ann lewis and alex burns is here, senior political reporter for politico. Alex, you wrote this week about the democrats and their bench. It is striking when you look at Hillary Clinton, talking about the lynn lynns for a generation now. Nancy pelosi has been running the house since 2002. What is the sense . I think not much longer but probably for a little while still. And part of the reason you hit it on the head in terms of her fundraising abilities and harry reid, both of them have this iron grip over their caucus right. When you look at the next generation down. You look at the next generation down, there are some promising ranking members on committees. There are some promising folks who have been recruitment chair. There isnt an obvious person who has the stature that nancy pelosi had before she became a minority leader when Dick Gephardt went off to run for president unsuccessfully again. There are people who maybe in another two years may be under a president clinton, that would be a natural time for turnover in the house. Nancy pelosi is by far the most prominent elect ed official in the Democratic Party. It would be hard to replace her in any number of dimensions. How long do you think she wants to keep doing it . Shes a speaker, they lose it in 10. Maybe we can get it back in 12. Now youre at a point its hard to see the democrats getting the majority in the near future. How long do you think she wants to stick around . Well, for sure the next two years. I agree with every point that alex made. I want to add one more. Both nancy pelosi and harry reid are not just leaders sort of out front. Theyve been fundraisers for their colleagues. They are strategists. I dont know anybody better than harry reid at knowing how the rules work, how to make them work. Nancy pelosi has made the most of being minority leader. Thats one reason. But the second, im going to have to say this to my friends, changing congressional leadership is like not changing the face of the party. You would have to go even further back to say, okay, who is the last majority whip or minority whip who really stood for or changed the image of the Democratic Party . Its not that easy. Its not just who is on the screen or, better yet, who is on cspan which is where youre going to see them. I think the idea of having that kind of change would be a lot of pain for relatively little gain. Thats what people will conclude and it will be up to nancy then to decide her next steps. Alex, in terms of how these affect campaigns, trickle down campaigns, we saw every Senate Republican saying dont vote for my democratic opponent because harry reid will run the senate. We dont want harry reid running the senate. Im sure they can raise money saying nancy pelosi, no, no, you dont want this. Are they actual liabilities when it comes to votes being cast election day . You talk to folks on the house level and they say nancy pelosi is, that you do see her image in campaign ads in a way that you dont with harry reid. Harry reid is more after symbolic punching bag for democratic control of the senate. I think the idea if you got rid of him and replaced him with Chuck Schumer that wouldnt be an issue for republicans. You may recall back in 2008 when Mitch Mcconnell was running for reelection back then he ran ads. This new york guys favorite candidate. Changing up in the senate makes that go away, i think is sort of a fantasy. The other thing i always noticed when i covered nancy pelosi, the minority at the time, she had a really tight leadership circle. There were people she knew and trusted and nobody could get into that. I wonder if thats one of those things. If thats part of the reason. I think she has a tight i will say a strong leadership circumstanle. They go out and do the work. They produce the votes you need. There is a reason she has been as effective as she has in an uphill situation. She has a circle of leaders, the whip situation and she counts on people to produce. If they dont produce, there will be some changes. Well 2016 then, Hillary Clinton, harry reid, nancy pelosi. That might be the face of the Democratic Party for better or worse. Martha coakley lost in a race that has brought criticism. She just might be the worst candidate ever. I want to defend Martha Coakley from those charges. Im going to use the big board to do it. This is a pet peeve of mine. I will take care of it next. Eir, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. 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See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov here we go, here we go, here we go. Fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm there are more reasons than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. One verizons the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. Thats right america. With xlte in over 400 markets. Two and heres something for families to get excited about. Our best pricing ever get 2 lines with an incredible 10gb of data to share for the low price of 110 or just 140 for a family of 4 and three get 150 credit for every line you switch. The more you switch, the more you get. Verizon. In massachusetts fox news is now projecting Republican Charlie Baker had will beat democrat Martha Coakley. It is the second time in four years that coakley has lost highprofile races to republicans in this overwhelmingly Democratic State. Coakley, i dont think she should run for office again. We have Martha Chokely screwing up her second is and presumably final statewide bid. Democrats ever say, hey martha, why dont you run for office again . I dont think so. I think Martha Coakley is done. Martha chokely. Screwing up against. Losing the unlosable race. How did she mess this one up . You heard this 1,000 times this week. You probably read it 1,000 times this week. We wanted to use the big board, though, to given you a different perspective. Martha coakley did lose. Theres a headline youd see. But Martha Coakley did lose the governors race to a republican, charlie baker. You see a close race there. About a 40,000 vote race. Baker becomes the republican governor. Massachusetts is a very Democratic State. Its a state that president obama carried by 30 points, that hasnt voted for a republican candidate since reagan in 1984 when he was carrying every state, its a state that is elected one republican senator, scott brown, in more than 40 years and immediately threw him out of office. Massachusetts is a very blue state. This result is not that a surprising and i dont think says much about Martha Coakley at all. Let me show you what i mean. You have to go back here not to this but to this. This is 1990. Were going to go through the last generation. This is the governors race in massachusetts. Notice anything . The republican beats the democrat. The democrat was conservative and the republican liberal but there you go. Bill weld reelected mark roosevelt. Okay. Maybe that was a fluke. Perfectly credentialed democratic attorney general. 2002, now the democrats are going to get it back. The state treasurer is from western mass, has good moderate appeal. My goodness, look at this. Another republican comes in and gets elected governor of massachusetts. This time its mitt romney. Four straight elections republicans beat democrats for governor of massachusetts. Okay, all good streaks have to come to an end. Mitt romney abandoned the state in the middle of his term. Duvall patrick came along. Duvall patrick under 50 gets reelected but this guy, charlie baker, comes along and gives him a real race. Patrick would have won either way. And then along comes 2014. Anyway, in 2014 Martha Coakley goes and she loses by a point. That is five times in the last seven gaub in a torial elections that a democrat has lost to a republican. Of all of the losing Democratic Candidates in that time Martha Coakley came the closest to winning closer than any of them. In all that have time, over the last generation, just one democratic candidate for governor of massachusetts, Duvall Patrick in 2006, has gotten more than 50 of the vote. It is a very, very blue state. Its a very Democratic State except when it comes to gubernatorial elections. Charlie baker fit the mold of the exact type of republican. Socially liberal. Fiscally moderate. Martha coakley ran a decent campaign. I dont think she melted down. I dont think she blew this one. I dont think she choked. She was running as a democrat in a state that likes to elect republicans governor. Its one of the weird quirks of massachusetts so, please, go easy on the Martha Coakley stuff. She did lose but i dont think its her fault. Back with the game show after this. For over 19 million peopl. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Ring ring . Progresso you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. Well vegetables. Shh taste better in our savory broth. Vegetables . 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Let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together ive got some real estate here in my bag it took me four days to hitchhike from saginaw ive come to look for america give me a little kiss. Hello, darling. Im supposed to give you a kiss from may mother. Youve got it. Heres one for the next door neighbor. That was the late great richard dawson. He couldnt get through an episode of family feud without kissing every female contestant in sight at least once, all part of his charm, i guess, at least if you were safely watching in the comfort and distance of your own home. I can promise that you i will not be kissing any of the contestants in a few minutes, whom we hold our very own special first ever Family Edition of up against the clock. Not just one but two contestants at each podium, brothers and cysisters, fathers and daughter and spouses all standing by. A family battle for the ages you dont want to miss it next. , which saves paper, which saves money. 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The non habit forming sleepaid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. Live from studio 3a in Rockefeller Center usa, its time for a special Family Edition of up against the clock. Todays contestants, he fears flying and she loves turbulence, but the skys the limit for this couple. Say hello to husband and wife alex burns and m. J. Lae. You may want to avoid sitting next to them at a musical where they enjoy singing along. Its father and daughter, joe and kate. He was one of the toughest congressmen on capitol hill, but his big sister was the one watching out for him on walks to kindergarten. Sister and brother ann lewis and former congressman barney frank. And now the host of up against the clock, Steve Kornacki oh, thank you, jim cutler. Thank you, studio audience. Thank you, everyone for tuning in at home. Another extra fun edition of up against the clock today. A special edition of up against the clock. An all Family Edition, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers, daughters. Thank you for joining us. A couple twists to the rules to tell everybody about. I think youve been watching at home, you probably know how this this fastpaced political news and Current Events quiz works, but we do have some twists today. As always we will have three rounds of play. 100 seconds in the first round. Those are 100point questions, our easiest questions. 200point second round. 100 seconds there. And 300 points for the third round. The twist is since we have so many of you, contestants have had to decide one contestant to play in the first round. The other one will stand behind and then theyll switch places the second round. The third round, our freeforall round, everyone will be at the podium, whoever rings in first gets to answer the question. If youre wrong, your partner can blame you for that. You get the points if you answer correctly. If you answer incorrectly we will deduct the points. There are several bonus questions scattered throughout. We will get to them as they come up. Contestants have you decided who will play first . Then take your positions, please. I will ask the contestants who are not playing this round along with the studio audience for absolute silence. Any hints, any suggestions, any coughs that suggest youre trying to give an answer, you will be evicted from the premises on the spot. Very tough security rules here at up against the clock. With that well put 100 seconds on the clock. We have our three firstround 0 contestants. These are 100point questions. A special Family Edition of up against the clock begins with this. On thursday Robert Oneill stepped forward saying that he was the navy s. E. A. L. Who shot and killed who . M. J. . Osama bin laden. Tuesday night, these two states voted to legalize marijuana. Time. It was oregon and alaska. Back with this 100point tossup. This independent senator announced this week that he plans to introduce legislation to make election day a national holiday. Ann . Bernie sanders. Bernie sanders did that. 100 points for you. 100point tossup question this Ivy League College this week d admitted to placing mmt j. . Harvard. Harvard placed hidden cameras in classes. 100point tossup question soon to be Senate Majority ladier Mitch Mcconnells wife previously served secretary of labor. Incorrect. Ill complete the question. Previously served as both secretary of labor and as director of this volunteer program initiated by the kennedy administration. Joe . Peace corps . Correct. Stop the clock. Joe, not only do you get 100 points for correctly answer that go question, you have triggered the video bonus question. Its very simple. This is a no risk proposition. A special celebrity guest who will read a famous quote for if you you can quickly identify who said those words youll get an extra 100 points. Again, no penalty for guessing. Ill ask to you direct your attention to our video monitor and the former host of the family feud mr. Louie anderson. Hi, this is Louie Anderson with this weeks up against the clock quote of note. Which u. S. President whose son also held office once said happiness of so ciety is the en of government. Good luck. Do you know who said that . John adams . He said that with confidence and hes right. 100 extra points. Lets get the clock rolling. According to the latest jobs report the Unemployment Rate edged down to a sixyear low at 5. 8 in october. What was the Unemployment Rate the month before . M. J. . 5. 9 . 100 points for you. 100point tossup question. Among those weighing bids to succeed colorado senator Michael Bennett as chair of the democratic Senatorial Campaign committee, is this delaware senator who won reelection on m. J. . Chris. The majority of women did not wind up supporting candidate for Texas Governor wendy davis and instead supported this republican. Ann . Greg abbott. 100 points for ann. Thats at the wire. Brings us to the end of the 100point round. M. J. And her had husband in the lead. Now youll all switch places. Good luck. The stakes are going to get higher because were moving to the 200point round. These questions twice as hard but twice as have usual. Contestants a lot on the line here. 100 seconds on the clock. When we see that well begin round two with this. Once infamously miss identified by Martha Coakley as a yankee, this former red sox pitcher commented curt schilling. Wanted to congratulate charlie bake they are week. This week president obama awarded the medal of honor to al alonzo cushiing civil war. Correct. 200 points. 200point tossup. After abandoning his own effort to defeat illinois governor pat quinn last year former white house chief of staff bill daly will now bruce brown er. 200point tossup. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell testified this week in the ray rice appeal hearing is the son of a former republican United States Charles Goodell. Incorrect. Ill complete the question. Is the son of a former republican United States senator from what state . New york. Virginia. Incorrect. New york. Barney yep. New york. New york is correct. Stop the clock. Barney, not only do you get 200 points for correctly answering that and getting the buzzer to work, that triggers our use it or lose it bonus question. Now here is how it works. This is not a riskfree proposition, this is for an additional 200 points. I have here a question, a followup question that is related in some way to the one you just answered. If you choose to have the question and answer it correctly we will double what you won and youll get 200 more points. If you choose to use it and get it wrong we take the 200 points away. Will you use it or lose it . Lose it. He wont take it. No fun that way but well put the clock back up on the board. 200point tossup round. Its high stakes. Seven years after leaving federal prison this legendary governor force add runoff barney . Chancy. Forced a runoff this week in a race for a louisiana congressional seat edwin edwards. It was announce this had week that a new campaign to promote sevntencing reform will be bank rolled by George Soros Open Society Foundation Lawn pd by this wellknown organization barney . American Civil Liberties union. Correct. 200point tossup. Ted kennedy jr. Was elected to the state senate on tuesday in what state . Connecticut. Connecticut voters did that. 200point tossup. Considerable speculation this week Charles Grassley kate . Dairy queen. Correct. Praised the frozen treats as a good place for you know what. At the wire for kate brings us to the end of the round. Lets check in what were doing. Team alex, m. J. At 1,000. Team barney in at 500. Kate and joe at 200. A wide range there but dont worry because anything can happen when we move to the 300point round. This is the freeforall. If you all crowd in there, everybody have equal access to the buzzer. Whoever rings in first, ill call on you. Each team gets one answer as usual. Otherwise the rules are the same. So you can negotiate strategies among yourselves. We are lowering the lights for dramatic effect. These are 300point questions. This is the round that will crown a champion family and it begins with this. HiOhio Governor john kasichs 31point margin of victory is the largest in that states governors race since 1994 when this Ohio Governor and future senator was reelected alex . George voinovich. Among the embattled kansas republicans to survive tuesdays election was this controversial secretary of state alex . Crisco vac. American idol star clay akin finished second this week. Who did he finish second to . Renee. Incorrect. In the 2003 American Idol finale. Reuben stutter. 300point tossup. If ed gillespie succeeded in his bid to oust mark warnerer, he would have become the first former rnc chairman to be elected to Public Office since what mississippi governor . Barney . Haley barbour. Correct. 300 points. 300point tossup. Louisiana senator Mary Landrieu, who now faces an uphill fight in a runoff election, is the daughter of former new orleans mayor Maurice Landrieu better known barney . Moon. New jersey Democratic Congressman rush holt who is retiring after eight terms in the house is the son of rush holt sr. Who was the senator from this Appalachian State . West virginia. West virginia is correct. 300point tossup. Spending just 37 independent candidate for governor bob healey received 22 of the vote in this new england state. Alex . Rhode island. Correct. 300point tossup. Alex mooney, the former chairman of the maryland Republican Party was elected to a congressional seat this week representing a district in this neighboring state. West virginia. West virginia correct. 300 points at the wire. Is it enough . Its not quite enough. Team alex and m. J. Have won with 1,900 points. A ferocious comeback. An honorable effort from joe and kate. Alex and m. J. , big wolf will tell you what youve won. As our champion your name will be engraved using the finest sharpie ink on the up against the clock gold cup and a dvd copy of the 1988 film cocoon ii and youll get to play in our jackpot round for todays grand prize. A 50 Gift Certificate to kwik food meal cart, the only street meat vendor in the greater 45th street area operated by the former chef of the russian tea room. Delicious. Enjoy the meal and congratulations. Back to you, steve. All right, m. J. And alex. I mo you want that Street Vendor food so im going to given you a chance to win it right here. This is your jackpot the bonus question. Get this right, the giant check is yours. The question is this. With her victory over former massachusetts senator scott brown this week, New Hampshire senator jean shaheen has defeated three former or current u. S. Senators in statewide elections. Name the other two Gordon Humphrey and johnson. Wow, that was easier than it was supposed to be. Thats correct. You win the check. Congratlulation congratulations. You guys are on your way to the street meat vendor. Everybody else, we thank you for playing. Congratulations with the jack pot. Well be right back after this. receptionist Gunderman Group. Gunderman group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. New aleve pm the only one with a sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. Yyou would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. Then ill use a bunch of them. What are you doing . Dish issues . Get cascade complete. One pac cleans better than six pacs of the bargain brand combined. Cascade. Now thats clean. Ring ring . Progresso its ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. Its our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. We asked people a question how much money do you think youll need when you retire . Then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. I was trying to like, pull it a little further got me to 70 years old im going to have to rethink this thing its hard to imagine how much well need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. This is officially the most crowded table weve ever had at up. I said at one point i never wanted more than three guests. Four is too many. This was the first ever up against the clock Family Edition. First of all, i want to make sure were any family relations frayed by this . Everybody still intact here . Were good. Well, congratulations to you guys first of all. Have you signed the mug yet . We did. Excellent. Dont drink from it. Was there a strategy . I do what she tells me. Yo ur the master mind. I get the credit. And a near miraculous comeback. I got them mixed up. It can happen. But he used to be a republican. Hes an independent. You get did there was a trick question there. Trick question. And i was too fast. Can i ask a question i chickened out on . So you didnt want to take the use or loser bonus. When Charles Goodell ran for a full senate term in 1970, he finished in third place yeah. There you go. Need to rekor. You still would have been 100 short, i think. But it was really fun. This is usually where we do what should you know for the week ahead. Anybody got a good one . I think its all about the attorney general no, maam nargs. Its really interesting pivot for the president. From getting shellacked to putting forward a nominee who is qualified. Pretty aggressive comeback. Ive got something i would Like Congress to remember and for everybody to know. Weve been hearing all week since tuesday night if the president does something on immigration, it would then be impossible for congress to act. So i went back and reread the constitution. Just to make sure. And the article about congress, its the first one. They dont have to go very far. They can just read article one of the constitution. There is no rule in the constitution of the United States that says that the president acts first, congress is forevtherefore unable to act. They have the power. They have the right to do it. Civics lessons for any tenth graders out there. What do you think . I agree. Its going to be huge on the hill in the next couple of weeks. Its going to set the tone if reid brings it up in a lame duck or waiting until january to go through the nomination. Whether or not the republicans are so opposed to doing anything in the lame duck. If harry reid will let them do that. In the lame duck the republicans impeached bill clinton in the lame duck. Thats the hypocrisy. Its okay to impeach a president. But confirming an attorney general for two years is much too important. Well, lets see what happens with this a. G. One. I have a feeling it might be smoother than it could have. The name tags are yours to keep as well. That was a really fun game. Other things you should be looking for, kansas state to defeat tcu tonight. Look for that game of the week. Thank you for joining us on up. Coming up next melissa harrisperry. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. You know how fast you were going . About 55. Where you headed at such an appropriate speed . Across the country to enhance the nations most reliable 4g lte network. Hows it working for ya . Better than ever. Howd you do it . 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Has the moment for Immigration Reform finally arrived . Plus, the importance of getting loud following a loss. And miss alma adams goes to washington. But first, what president obama can learn from president bush in one word. Surge. Good morning. Im melissa harrisp

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