China and his attacks on the head of the federal reserve. On up, the latest on the health of the oldest Supreme Court justice. The latest on the impaeeachment debate. And we go to brazil where fires continue to ravage the amazon. With me in new york is matt welsh. Matt wiley, and gabe debenedetti. Also with us is kara lee in france covering the g7. Thats where i want to start this morning. Its 2 00 in the afternoon. President trump heads into meetings with other World Leaders more isolated than ever. A host of global challenges facing the president. Overnight iran claiming it test fired a new missile and north korea conducting its seventh Ballistic Missile test. The headline in the new yonew times reads World Leaders g7 expectations, a nice chat, some good wine, no unity with trump. As the Washington Post puts it as economic and political headwinds gather across the globe, leaders of the worlds major powers are bracing themselves for a different kind of turbulent force President Trump. Theres no bigger headwind than the u. S. china trade war which escalated yesterday. Look, china has been hurting our country for 30 years with the money theyve been taking out. Other president s should have done something about it and they should have done it a long time ago. Whether it was clinton, bush, obama, any of them. They should have done something about it. They didnt. Im doing it. I have no choice. Hes doing it with no choice. Lets turn toe kara lee first. The agenda that Emmanuel Macron and other leaders want to talk about verses what they have to talk about because of what happened here in the u. S. And President Trump over the recent days. Yeah. David, the overall theme of the summit is supposed to be this global inequality, the gap between the wealthy and poor. Thats not going to be what everyone is really talking about. You know, weve seen President Trump come into the summits and be a disruptor. Usually when you go to these summits, all the World Leaders, even if theyre not on agreement on things will try to put on a good face, agree where they can and paper over disagreements. Theyre not even trying to do that this time. The host of the summit, Emmanuel Macron of france, decided to do away with the communique, a document at the end of the summit thats usually boring but outlines various areas on which the leaders can agree. Theyre not trying to do that now because of the last summit in quebec, President Trump refused to sign on to that communique. Theyre coming into it acknowledging that they are not all on the same page and hoping, i guess, to try to agree in certain areas maybe or make headway on certain issues, namely the economy. The president yesterday with his moves on china really pushed that to the forefront. It was already going to be an issue. There are a number of leaders who are worried about the u. S. Trade war with china and how thats affecting their economies, particularly in europe where weve seen softening of those economies. Then you have a number of World Leaders worried about whether President Trump will slap them with tariffs on some of their goods. These threatened that with germany on cars, france on wines. Then you have iran and north korea and those issues. Overall it will be focussed on the economy. And then theres a number of side conversations that will happen individually with World Leaders. Then theres sort of these other Big National Security issues to deal with too. Carol talking about the worry that permeates that summit, mentioning the fact that the president decided not to do this communique. He said President Trump wont agree. Its pointless to do. There are moments like this yes, this annual summit, but also the g20, other moments when World Leaders get together. The role of this president , the role of the United States now comes into clearer focus. What does it tell you now . As you look and take stock in what carol was describing, the attacks on Jerome Powell what does it say to you about our role as a country, his role as a president in an International Forum like this. What hes done is said as a world leader im actually going to back the United States out of its traditional relationships with its allies. You know, he did that when he started attacking natd t ining. He has done that remember in 2018 he pushed the g7 to readmit russia. Hes done it again, despite the fact weve had both our Intelligence Community and now Robert Mueller saying, you know, there was more than 100 contracts between the Trump Campaign and russia, and plenty of reasons why all of our allies including the United States would not want russia in. As you said, to attack our own institutions and compare them negotiaatively literally to the premier of china. So hes weakened the influence of the United States globally, despite the fact we are one of the worlds most powerful nations, thats creating a National Security concern. I want to say one other thing thats important with regard to the fact that this was going to focus not just on the economy, but on inequality. That is actually a National Security concern. Its a global National Security concern, which is one of the reasons why you have to have conversations about it. One thing that trump about this week is suggest he would punish allies like france and germany by sending isis terrorists to their countries. Thats the way he has tried to create relationships globally. That is not good for the country or for the world. Matt welch, the conversation about the importance of the institutions like the g7, g8, g20, has gone on for decades. When you look at his approach to this, what does it say to you about the integrity of a Multilateral Institution like this, if hes going to come in and upend it, theres a gap between the rich and poor but also a gap between President Trumps america and the rest of the world. Theres a rising nationalist ti tide between the richest countries and the poorest countries, and Boris Johnson is there talking about brexit, if theyre going to have one at all. That tide doesnt like Multilateral Institutions. Doesnt like the world trade organization, sees that as a scam by which china secretly steals our money in front of us rather than this is the way we can impose at least some rules on the way they conduct their behavior. They dont see it that way. So this is what it says. We have a president that doesnt really have respect for that. Im old enough to remember when conservatives used to criticize a democratic president for being mean to our allies, keeping allies at bay and supporting they better not bring that up again for a generation. Sit one out. Take a knee. This president really has every kind of criticism that you saw against barack obama by conservatives for the most part, this president not only has embodied but has tripled down on. Carol lee this has been a krus thing that you have written about. Recent years, allies have become frenemies. How has the president s inability to get along with other World Leaders, to broker the kind of relationships that have bolstered the International Community in the past. If you look at the way President Trump approached, say, german chancellor Angela Merkel, he was critical of her during her campaign, that continued once he took office. There wasnt an attempt to forge a relationship there. At the last g7 summit in canada afterwards he was sharply critical of the Prime Minister trudeau, after that summit we saw Emmanuel Macron try to have this bromance with the president , he tried to forge a friendship with him, thats the language in which he felt he speaks, that is what is important to him. That fell apart. He couldnt get him to come around on the iran deal. The president withdrew from that. He withdrew from the paris climate accord, Prime Minister abe is another one, theres been rounds of golf, a sumo wrestling tournament, he tried to forge a relationship with President Trump, that has not paid dividends for him either. Now everyone is focusing on the great relationship between the new Prime Minister of the uk and President Trump and their friendship, theres a lot of underlying issues in which they disagree. It remains to be seen whether that will be something they can move forward with as well. Carol lee, thank you very much. Appreciate the update. Still ahead, the Supreme Court cancer scare that is worrying liberals. But first a twitter tantrum tanks markets and catches the president s own advisers off guard. Off guard. Chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Work so hard give it everything you got strength of a lioness tough as a knot rocking the stage and we never gonna stop all strength, no sweat. Just in case you forgot all strength. No sweat secret. All strength. No sweat. What might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. Babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. Help prevent this talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. What you see here are the president of the United States and the president of france sitting down for an impromptu launch. Emmanuel macron convening this forum in southwest france ahead of the g7 summit. This was an unexpected lunch between these two leaders. There is a bit of reprieve here this afternoon before a working dinner takes place tonight. If we hear anything, well bring that to you live. After he attacked the chairman of the federal reserve, the president watched the dow jones drop precipitously yesterday and then ordered more tariffs. He tweeted that on october 1, 2 250 billion worth of goods wil be taxed, as he put it, at 30 , thats up from 25 . And in eight days tariffs will increase from 10 to 15 on 3 30 billion worth of chinese products. This month the dal has faow has more than 4 . Ron insana joins us now. How much of this is directly attributable to what the president did yesterday. We were concerned about the Global Economy, the u. S. s role in the Global Economy. What changed yesterday . Well, when jay powell was speaking at the feds annual symposium in jackson hole, he hold out the possibility of an interrate red Interest Rate reduction to combat against Global Economy, then the president was out tweeting about tariffs, and thats when the market tanked and continued lower. The president during his tweet warning that he would later in the day impose further sanctions or tariffs on china. So the market sold off. The tweets after the market closes what will happen with these tariffs, then you get an official press release from the u. S. Trade representative, which is just reprising what the president tweeted and saying as soon as possible more detail will be given as a result of this. I want to know if well have this trade war on christmas. There was a delay that the president imposed. The delay of the second round of tariffs seems still to be scheduled for december 15th. The tariffs already in place will go up as he said on october 1st from 25 to 30 . Then those other tariffs on some goods will start on october 1st, on others december 15th. Particularly those that will likely to be christmas gifts. Lets go back to southwest france, this impromptu lunch taking place. Lets hear what these two have to say. The Global Economy, our differences and fix the situation in terms of trade, because i think if we can fix a great part of the world, this is very important as well. And how to find new ways to relearn. I look at europe, we need new tools for the economy and new tax cuts. And third the digital world, how to frame this new world, obviously climate and environment is a big topic. We know the divergences in climate, but we need solutions, and i think in our conversations we will see some solutions. Thanks again, mr. President , for taking this time, being here, and being a part of this. This institution will be important in the lives of france and very important and were always happy to have you here. Thank you. Very nice of you. We look forward to it. We have a lot in common. Weve been friends for a long time. Every once in a while we go at it a little bit, not too much. We get along very well. We have a special relationship. We all remember the eiffel tower dinner, that was a good beginning. We have some really great things to talk about, and couldnt ask for Better Weather or a more beautiful location. Next year well be hosting in the United States, that will be very good. That will be great. So far so good. The weather is perfect. The guests have been fantastic. Everybody is getting along. Well accomplish a lot this weekend. Looking forward to it. Thank you for having me. Thank you, donald. Thank you very much. A little bit hard to hear there. Let me go through my notes. We had the french president meeting with the u. S. President. A lot of talk from Emmanuel Macron about the economy, needing to find new tools for the economy. He talked a bit about tax cuts, climate notably, something on the ajegenda at the g7. And you heard him say he and the president of the United States have a lot in common. Gabe, the president of the United States remembering fondly the dinner they had together at the eiffel tower. What do you make of their relationship at this point . They placed faith and optimism early on. Where does it stand at this point . The u. S. President said they have a lot in common he didnt just say that. He said the weather is very nice. Thats true. The reality is there are few World Leaders with which President Trump has had a solid steady relationship. Macron is someone who basically has tried hard not to play trump but tried to make sure hes in trumps good stead. His public statements have not always been positive about trump. You see someone pull trum noop th trump into this lunch. Get him in front of the cameras talking about how good friends they are. Macron is one who can talk to trump and get him not to have many outbursts. Do any of these people have confidence this will stick . Probably not. They are students of the last few g7 meetings, but its typical of International Relationships that everybody is trying to figure out their posture towards trump and no one has figured out a fulltime strategy. Its very minute by minute. Its a lot like Republican Leaders on capitol hill. Know one knows where they stand with the president. Thats how he likes it. Ron, let me ask you about what the french president wants to get out of this meeting. Hes talking about the Economic Issues hes worried about, mentioning taxes. Well talk with shannon in a bit about the looming trade war with europe. This is a fear they have as well, whats playing out with china could be happening in europe. Yesterday the president threatened to put tariffs on french wine because france is threatening to put taxes on u. S. Technology companies doing business there. The relationship may be more fraught. In addition to that, the president threatened to put tariffs on european and japanese autos by october, which would almost guarantee a global trade war. As it s the shg is, the actions yesterday almost guarantee well go into recession. If you look at europe, as you know well, europe has negative yielding bonds. In other words, their bonds, if youre going to lend youre paying them to lend the money. Theres 16 trillion worth of negative yielding government bonds, mostly in europe and japan. Were running out of theyre running out of tools with which to deal with a slow economy. The u. S. Still has positive Interest Rates. Thats forcing money to come into our bond markets. Do they engage in tax cuts . Do they find ways to stimulate their economy . So i think all of that is on the table. Theres no easy answer to any of these questions. Very quickly, what did you learn from that about who is calling the shots here or shaping the agenda for this summit to gabes point about this being a strategic move. I was struck by how mentioning climate, calling it an agenda item its likely to be one that persists throughout the course of the weekend. Was called the paris accord. Yeah. What i saw was the wind blowing. I think thats the problem that all of these leaders are having with trump. You never know which way the wind will blow. He is the unpredictable president. What he says at any given hour of the day may change in the next hour. And thats part of the challenge here. So, you know, hes trying to set i agree with gabe, hes trying to set the public terms of the debate to rein donald trump in. But what we all know is donald trump will change with the wind. It doesnt matter what was said here. Thats why donald trump also kept it light and frankly not very substantive. As the first course is being served there, we will head to break. Well keep you updated. Ron insana, thank you very much for joining us on set in new york. A new health care for the oldest sitting Supreme Court justice months after she missed arguments for the first time in a quarter century. Well bring you the latest on rbg next. And skills and effort and talent. Please consider volunteering and feeling that feeling that you helped someone today. They give us excellent customer otservice, every time. E. Our 18 year old was in an accident. Usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. All i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. If i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. Were the gomez family. Were the rivera family. Were the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. Get your Auto Insurance quote today. 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You get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. You get fast and Free Shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. Thats what you get when youve got wayfair. So shop now gura. We just learned that Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent another round of treatment for cancer. She received Radiation Therapy for three weeks for a localized malignant tumor on her pancreas. Heres what she had to say a few days before she traveled for treatment. Ive always said ill stay on this job as long as i can do it full steam. If that means at my age, 86, you have to take it year by year. So i know im okay i was okay this last term. I expect to be okay next term. And after that, well just have to see. Well have to see. This is what the Supreme Court said in a statement. The tumor was treated definitively, theres no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. Justice ginsburg will continue to have periodic scans. No further treatment is needed at this time. Last december surgeons removed cancerous nodules from her left lung. Dolly lithwick joins us now. The front page of the daily news, hang on, ruth. She talked in that interview at Duke Law School about being able to go full steam. She emphasized this time and time again, her mental acuity and her ability to do the job despite this. When people see video like that, they panic because she seems super frail. She talks really slowly. Ive been covering her for 20 years. Shes always looked like that. I think she was frail and small and tiny and a slow talker when she was 17. People see that and they flip out. Thats how she is. She just is an incredibly careful deliberate speaker. That said, shes 86, people dont usually survive their first round of pancreatic cancer. The fact she has a second tumor is terrifying at some level. I just think shes exactly what you saw there. She just is sharp as a tack. She is incredibly meticulously careful. When she had lung cancer last winter and we flipped out the reason she took longer to recover is because she refused to take pain meds because she was working the whole time. Major lobectomy on the lung and wont take pain meds. If you look at her medical history, that was the first time in 25 years on the court she was not present for oral arguments. What do you read into that . Is that something we should have more worry about . I mean, im not an oncologist. I think to the extent you want to worry, its worrisome they did this through radiation and not surgery. That tells me shes 86 and somebody didnt want to go in and do surgery. Theres a lot of things to worry about. I take her at her word when she says she will keep doing this job as long as she can. There was certainly no drop in her productivity at the end of this term. She was amazing. You can see the way shes the senior dissenting justice, you can see shes assigning dissents strategically. Shes very careful about how she is kind of creating her legacy and handing off cases to the other liberal judges to write. Shes thinking i think about her exit and grooming the next generation. But i also think watching her work this spring, shes a gladiator. Shes amazing. Gabe, ill ask you, Oliver Wendell holmes was on the bench until he was 91. Help us understand the political context in which all of this is happening. There is the worry, but also the waiting thats happening as well. The reason you see covers like that on the daily news is the political atmosphere around this is so fraught. You have President Trump wishing her well, but the reality is if shes no longer able to serve on the Supreme Court, theres no world in which republicans dont get ative justice on thehich would essentially make the court 63 in terms of conservatives to liberals for decades to come. Theres a reason Justice Ginsburg is out there so publicly saying i will keep going as long as i can. A few weeks ago there was an interview she did where she pointed out there was a republican senator last time i went through this who thought i would be dead and talked about that. That guys dead and im not. Shes trying to show shes punchy. Shes trying to give liberals but also everyone who is not a trump supporter basically reason to say lets not go crazy here. Dolly, thank you very much. We could be getting to the point where theres a democratic debate that lasts just one night. Think about that. Only ten candidates have made the cut so far. Steve kornacki will walk us through who has a fighting chance of making it to the debate stage in houston when we come back. Conditioner that helps protect you from wrinkles all day. Pants washed with downy wrinkleguard and detergent are virtually wrinkle free. Try downy wrinkleguard. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. 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Steve kornacki will tell us what could change as we get closer to debate night or debate nights. Steve . All right. Its crunch time here trying to figure out who is and isnt going to be on stage for the next democratic debate. Its coming up in the middle of september. The deadline to qualify now just a couple days away. Youll see maybe some thinning here, some thinning of the field. All the pictures you see here, these are the active Democratic Candidates for president. Theres still at this moment more than 20 of them. There are a number who have already dropped out but still more than 20 who at this moment say they are still running for president. Not nearly all of them are going to meet the criteria to get into that next debate. The dnc has raised the threshold, you need 130,000 individual donations, and this is the tough one, you have to hit 2 in four separate polls. If you do that, do both of those things, you get into the next debate. Right now whos qualified . Ten candidates. They have met both of those criteria. That next debate, theyll be on stage. Theyll be there. Their campaigns live on. The suspense is this. The deadline to qualify end of the week. August 28th. You have to meet the criteria by then or you dont get into the debate. The suspense is this, three candidates are here. Williamson, steyer and gabbert. They have not met the polling threshold. One of them have. Tom steyer has reached 2 in three of the polls, not four. By august 28th will there the oob poll th there be another poll that the dnc recognizes come out. And if one does, does steyer reach 2 in that poll. If he does, then hes on stage. That would mean 11 candidates would qualify, not one night then two nights of debates. Thats the suspense with steyer. Tulsi gab bettbert, she hit the polling threshold in two. She would need next week two more polls to come out where she hits 2 . Hard to see that happening. Keep that in mind. Marianne williamson needs four polls in the next week where she hits 2 otherwise shes not qualifying. All of those other candidates appear nowhere close to qualifying for this debate. Really, the sus pent over the next few days, its tom steyer, can he hit 2 in another poll. Will there be another poll to come out . If he does, 11 candidates, two nights, two stages. If he doesnt, this is it. Ten candidates, all on stage together, all on one night. One single democratic debate. Have not seen it so far. We may find out in a few days that well have our first one. Steve kornacki, thank you very much for that. Matt welch, Michael Bennett spoke yesterday at the Dnc Convention in california. He was critical of the way this whole process has been structured. We are rewarding celebrity candidates with millions of twitter followers, mibillionair who buy their way on to the stage and candidates who run for years. There is a fight to get on the debate stage. Are candidates unfairly left . I would add to that list senators no one has heard of and have no numbers in the polls despite running for many months. Thats a long list actually. You can see his critique there. At the same time, if you look at the field, at least half of it the whole time started at the 1 level or below, and have yet to come up at all, to show up. The only person that has risen from that to show some difference is andrew yang. Even he has a cells around 3 or so. If you take the rondo vote in the democratic primary, you have the left, center, theres a random category, marianne williamson, andrew yang, i would put Tulsi Gabbert there also. Theyre not getting more than 3 of the vote. Democrats are focused on winning. So y you will get williamson not in this debate but in a previous one is that everyone was excited about, but she has not shown at all in the polls. People have no patience now for this type of thing. In the 2016 race, a lot of randoms in that race. Democrats are focused on winning. The field has shown that. Youve been watching this unfold. You have those who have been on the margins, and some have been a real presence at the debates. For the most part, youre right. Andrew yang is the one people often think of. Theres a certain mayor from south bend that no one heard of. He was at zero percent, got in in january and now is a serious contender. Hes one of the top four or five people in this race. If you were Michael Bennett, a serious minded senator who has been around for a long time, its hard to make the case this process rewarding these people and not seriousminded people like me. Thats to a certain degree true, but these people are saying theyre not happy with what tom steyer is doing. Hes spent a lot of his own money to reach the donor threshold for this debate. Basically what a lot of them are trying to say without actually saying it, dont want billionaires buying their way into the race. Theres little indication that tom steyers presence in the race is stopping one like bennett or other candidates that dropped out. Ive been following this for a long time this is what martin oma omalley did in the 2016 version of this meeting. Didnt work for him it wont work for Michael Bennett. If we move ahead to Texas Southern university where this takes place, will it be seen as a failure by tom perez if this is a twonight affair . I assume the goal would have been to whittle it down to one night at this point. I think the answer has to be it will be frustrating, but thats not fair its not fair to call it a failure. Part of whats happening here is the Democratic National committee trying to make sure that its being responsive to both the need to get it down to a candidate who can win and at the same time creating more opportunities for people who are nontraditional candidates. Its hard to get the balance on that right. Part of whats good about these debates, good about these debates we should not forget is people raising issues that should be debated. W at a certain level this is formulating what the democratic platform is. One reason mr. Yang is so interesting, hes pushing some of these ideas that other candidates were not putting on the 25ib8, like a vtable like a tax. All the debate about whats winnable, electable, but part of a primary is to help a party formulate what that party will run on. To the extent this is supposed to be about issues this is how were getting to the issues. Two candidates will join us tomorrow on up. Former congressman john delaney will be with us at the table in new york. Hes trying to land a spot in the third debate. And the former governor of massachusetts, bill weld will join us. It looks like the field of republican challengers to President Trump will be getting larger. Up next, sum ser fmer is fo flipflops, especially when it comes to the president s policy positions. Thats next. Every day, visionaries are creating the future. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Applebees handcrafted burgers now starting at 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, now hmm. Exactly. 7. 99. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty announcer only fidelity offers four zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. And we have zero account fees for brokerage accounts. At fidelity those zeros really add up. Maybe ill win saved by zero spending time together, sometimes means doing nothing at all. Holiday inn. Were there. 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I dont want to take away peoples Second Amendment rights. I dont want to take away the constitution having to do with gun ownership. We cant let that slope go to easy that were talking about background checks that all of a sudden were talking about lets take everybodys gun away. People need weapons, unfortunately, for protection. Thats not the only walkback of the week. Just days after the reports the white house designed a payroll tax cut to combat a weakening economy, the president said this. Im not looking at a tax cut now. We dont need it. We have a strong economy. Certainly a payroll tax cut president obama did that in or order to artificially jack up the economy. The latest on what well call a summer of flipflops for the president. You may recall in june he changed his tune days after he originally said he would accept campaign help from foreign governments without necessarily mentioning Said Campaign help to the fbi, also in the month of june he warrant iran an attack on anything american will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas overwhelming would mean obliteration. When iran shot down an unmanned u. S. Drone, he did not retaliate. In july after he bathed in racist chants in North Carolina at a rally, he later said he was unhappy with what the crowd said. Gabe, let me start with you. Theres a great piece in the New York Times about how the president s aides are surprised about whats happened, him acting impulsively out of the control of aides. How much is this that, others having to pull him back versus this being a genuine flipflop on the president s part . I dont think we can draw too much of a distinction there. If were going to grant this is a premise of a summer of flipflops, i would like to extend this saying this is the five years of flipflops. Thank you for playing. The reality is this is the president s m. O. I dont think its a strategy. You have people in the white house and around him constantly trying to contain him, push him in direct directions. A lot of people who talked to him every day or talked to him over time say he frequently sides with the last person he talks to, thats why you so often have advisers trying to be the last person in his ear. In these particular cases, i think what you basically have is a situation where again theres a reason no one will take him at his word and why you do have the economy sort of not really knowing what to do here because he has shown a lot of willingness to impose tariffs, amp up the trade war. At the same time he talks about it in a way such that he doesnt really understand what hes doing. No one knows what the mechanisms will be there. The argument there is he doesnt actually know what hes doing. What you see, maya, is his inability to evolve on any of these issues. The most immediate one is gun policy. Where the movie played out the way we thought the movie would play out. Said one thing, talked about meetings, talked about hearing people out and got on the phone with lappe air and here we are. This is the man last week said he was the second coming. The chosen one. The chosen one. It is very, very difficult to not have a conversation about whether or not hes competent to serve as president. I say that because there are actually objective measures this week. So theres the possibility, of course, he is just a president without a platform and, therefore, hes not going to stick to one position and hes going to waiver based on whoever is influencing because he doesnt stand for anything. Thats one narrative. The other possibility is, as we saw with Ronald Reagan who actually did have alzheimers and it was kept under wraps, i just dont understand why we not actually ask and have a confrontational conversation about whether or not theres something more going on here with his health, because there are certain statements and behaviors that simply require some analysis because he is the leader supposedly the leader of the free world. I just want to say that its both those things. I dont know which one is true. Im not making a statement of fact. But this week was a new chapter in bizarre. I want to pick it up from there. Im looking at peter bakers piece. He quotes from matt riley from university of virginia, done many interviews with president s past. Is trump really losing it or is this just more of the same but more . How do you respond to that . Who knows . It feels like more of the same but more, but a lot more. It wasnt chosen one, it was greenland, the nasty comments. He retweeted at lengths wayne alan root. More than once. More than one reference per president ial term is enough. To your point, its an important one, what id like to see and we havent seen enough of as a reaction to donald trump is maybe a president shouldnt have this much power. If we dont like a trade war i certainly dont like a trade war maybe congress should hobble the president s ability should use its own legislative function, we need to have more of that conversation. Well leave it there. Matt, maya, david, thank you for being here. Tomorrow katy fanning will shown us, Michelle Goldberg and maria hinojosa. Thats 8 00 eastern on msnbc. Ahead at the top of the hour, a weakening Global Economy is the backdrop to the g7 summit. World leaders have no shortage of fires to fight, both literal and metaphorical. Anmed taphorics your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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We begin this hour with President Trump on the world stage. Hes on the ground in southwest france for the annual g7 summit after a whiplash of a week back home here in the United States. In the last hour, President Trump sitting down for lunch with the french president , Emmanuel Macron who stressed the need to come together in addressing the Global Economic slowdo slowdown. How to fix the situation in terms of trade because i think if we manage to situation, we fix a brat part weve been friends for a long time. Every once in a while we go at it just a little bit, not very much. We get along very well. The weather is perfect. The guest is fantastic. Everybody is getting along. People accomplish a lot this weekend. The french president setting the agenda at that surprise lunch. President trump arriving in france as he escalates his trade war with china. African selling his trip to denmark, we cant forget what happened last year at the g7 summit that took place in canada. Since that meeting, President Trump has taken on almost every leader he will meet with this weekend. Accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of being meek and mild. Bemoaned military contracts the u. S. Has with japan. Hes chastised germanys chancellor Angela Merkel and says germany is controlled by russia. In the same month he called the eu a foe of the u. S. He also said macrons suggestion that the eu build its own army is inconsulting. Shannon pet that pee, Annette Lopez from business insider, eddie glaude the chairman of the center of africanamerican studies at princeton university. Eddie and kimberly are msnbc contributors. Shannon, you a brand new piece out looking at the backdrop to the conference taking place in southwest france, looking at what happened yesterday between the tweets, the president s attacks on the head of the fade, escalating the trade war with china to the comments he made as he walked to marine one at 11 00 eastern time to fly to france on the red eye flight. Help us understand how that backdrop is a blanket folded over whats going to be taking place there, those conversations in france. Reporter right, President Trump has definitely brought his trade war to europe. Theres a lot of issues these leaders need to talk about, National Security, the environment, iran, for example. The focus, because of this fixation trump has on his trade war with china will certainly be on trade. He has a lot of issues with europe as well. He runs the disk here of fighting a trade war on two fronts. He wants to talk to the french about an internet tax they have. He has threatened a wine tariff on france. Europe, he has hung car tariffs over their heads if they dont open up their markets more. Japan, hes also mentioned the possibility of tariffs on japanese cars. Hes not showing any signs of backing down from this trade rhetoric even as, back home this trade war with china continues to escalate and theres more and more concern from economists, investors that the u. S. Is going to be thrown into a recession as the president is facing reelection. Shannon, what did you make of what we saw a few moments ago. The president of france having an impromptu meeting, not on the president of the United States official schedule. He outlined what he saw as the main agenda items. What does it say about the approach he and other leaders are taking . Reporter there was a lunch where he talked about the importance of u. S. Relationship, hes optimistic about a good meeting. Before macron had this photo op lunch with President Trump, macron gave an address to the french people which im told is something quite unusual for him to do, where he outlined his goals for this meeting, put a big emphasis on Climate Change, the issues in syria and the middle east with iran, but he also said im going to try to get things done, all the leaders, wink, wink, President Trump and maybe uk Prime Minister Boris Johnson dont agree with me. Ill do my best to get them on board, but i may not be able to. So understand that. I think it was to the french observers here, they felt it was a pretty stark statement from macron. Shannon, stay with us. We see Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson coming down the red carpet. I mentioned all the folks the president of the United States has alienated. Hes not one of them. Hes been on the phone with Boris Johnson, theyve spoken i think five times by phone. This will be the first case that they will meet as president of the United States and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Of all the people hes meeting with, hes the one he has praised and sees as a Kindred Spirit at this meeting. Lets be clear, these are western allies. They should be people we should be working with. Our economy is affected by theirs and vice versa. The president has set up almost everybody else as an adversary to the point theres not a lot of expectation that much will happen out of this conference. So, yeah, it will be interesting to see his interaction with Boris Johnson, bojo, and what comes out of that. I think the fact that heading in it seems most of our european allies, the leaders, want to do no harm, want trump to do no harm and want to get out of this with as little damage to that relationship as possible. Eddie, lets talk about the definition of that term allies. How much of an alliance has changed as a result of President Trumps role on the world stage. The meeting before that going back to the mid 80s. How is our notion of what an ally is and what an alliance is changed . I think the frame of alliance has changed. For donald trump, its always a zero sum game. Its always a matter of winners and losers, not a matter of friends and enemies. Its what have you done for me lately. To the extent thats true, the notion of alliance that emerged out of the post world war ii era, that brought this era of peace, quote, unquote, has somewhat been tossed to the side. When you combine that with utter ignorance, the wall of quotations you butt there lets be clear. That was a collection of stupidity. What does it mean let me add this, too, when you saw the lunch, macron laid out his agenda and trump is talking about the weather. Hes completely out of his depth. The way he approaches the notion of alliance, this is bound up by zero sum game which leads us to the conclusion that hes destroying in some ways the post world war ii era. Talking about the weather, the meal that they shared in the afl tower the last time President Trump was in paris. The underpinning for this alliance is economic. This is a group of the largest advanced economies in the world. Sure. Thats part of it. But one of the reasons we have this Economic Alliance is so we dont fight each other anymore. Thats what former secretary of state cordell hall said in the 1940s. Countries that trade together dont fight one another. Were talking about an erosion of trust. I think we should stop throwing away these conversations about democratic or republican values. He doesnt have human values. Its hard to have alliances when you dont have values, when you dont have shared beliefs aside from getting power and using that power to get money. Thats what donald trump is. Well see that throughout the whole show, every problem weve been running into as a country, were beginning to see more and more, is because our president is amoral. And all he cares about is himself. So hes willing to let the world divide itself in two with this china tariff situation which seems like its going toward decoupling. Welcomed that yesterday. Exactly. Were have a half china world and half american. Nobody wants that again. Nobody wants it again. It was an ugly world. It was a dangerous world. That is all trump does, make the world more ugly and more dangerous. If we can get through this weekend without him making the world more blatantly ugly and dangerous in front of our faces, in front of our friends, this is so embarrassing, then we get through it unscathed. Thats all we can pray for for the next year and a half. Shannon, as i look at the president this morning, what peter baker has written about in the New York Times, julie paces piece for the a. P. , she talks about who is advising the president , the advice hes taking, how few people make up his team of advisers. I wonder what your thinking is as you watch him and see him meeting with the french president as we look ahead to the meeting with the u. K. Prime minister. How influenceable he is. In the past there was blind optimism that if you could get the president oneonone, you could make a deal with him. How much has that dissipated, that he is a president who is unleashed and uncontrolled by those around him . Reporter its interesting. I was just talking to a white house advisor, i guess well call this person who said in the early days there was a sense you could team up with someone else. You could do an end run around, you could be the last person to get to the president s ear and you could change his opinion or flip his mind on something. These days in the white house theres not a sense you can really do that anymore. The sense is this president is going to do what he wants to do. You can make your argument to him. And people do that, people express their opinion. There are different opinions about china in this white house. You see Steve Mnuchin and Robert Lighthizer pushing for a deal. You see mike pompeo who wants to see him go hard on china. Peter navarro, one of the lone survivors from the early days of this white house, they can all make their arguments. Theres an acceptance that in the end the president will do what he wants to do. Shannon pettypiece, im going to resist the urge to fact check what the president said about the weather there. Reaching swing dikts across the country, deck caucus chair Hakeem Jeffries will join us. A tactic being used to deter others. How a trump official said cruelty against undocumented immigrants is the point as the administration looks to detain families indefinitely. Is less bulky. And it really protects. cause it turns liquid to gel. 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To bring children became a ticket to get into the United States because you had to be released within 20 days. This protects children. Its a deterrent. The reason this is so important this is a deterrent. We are doing all we can to just to deal with the things coming across the border. Im david gura, the Trump Administration is doubling down on the controversial plan to hold Migrant Children and their families in Detention Centers indefinitely. The white house wants to scrap the florez agreement so there would be no limit on how long immigrant families can be detained which is likely to lead to a court fight which President Trump seems to want. He says hes looking for a way around the 14th amendment to end birth right citizenship which he previously called a magnet for undocumented immigration. Kimberly, let me start with you. This is likely to end up in court, up to the judge to approve the change the white house wants to make. Help us understand the path forward. By doing this, it would be less cruel because families would not be separated. They could be held indelphly but they couldnt be split up. Thats the argument. What weve seen is a clear consistent message that donald trump believes that being tough on the border means building a wall and trying to stop people from entering the country. And this is the only way he can effectuate that. As you said, this florez settlement, this has been in place for 40 years, a result of litigation over really horrendous treatment of children who were held indefinitely. They cant detain children for more than 20 days, but it set minimum standards of how these children are to be treated, what amenities they get, to make sure theyre fed effectively. Thats what this is about. By reversing that, that takes all of that away which is very concerning to immigration advocates. This idea that its deterring, its nonsense. If this would deter people from coming to the border, then the child separation crisis would have deterred them, the Current Situation that a lot of folks are being held in right now in border facilities would have deterred them. Its not. There are horrific conditions in these countries in central america, something that the United States could have a hand in trying to address, but instead theyre putting up this trying to put a stop sign at the border in a way that puts these children in jeopardy. Thats what donald trump sees as a winning message. Eddie glaude, as she travels through central america, shell encounter people who are not deterred. Theyre unfamiliar with whats happening here. Speak to that, if you would. The presidencies this immigration policy as a puzzle. There have been maybe a fivepiece puzzle. Take from that what you will. He thinks this will be the final piece to make it so nobody will want to cross the border. I talked to maria before. She said many women who have their children, have no idea this is happening in some ways. There are the pull factors of the u. S. Economy, promising in some ways a better life, and the push factors that are happening in the countries themselves, in guatemala, the places pushing people out. We need to understand this as a complex geopolitical reality. The u. S. Has not been a good actor in some ways. Lets be very clear, david, lets stop trying to treat these claims as rational, as a rational argument that warrants a rational response. These folk are pursuing a white supremacist agenda through the policy of immigration. To attack the 14th amendment from the back side, to do this with regards to immigration has everything to do with the demographic shifts in this country. As long as we take these issues as if there are serious concerns about the, quote, unquote, border crisis, then we have been distracted from what is actually going on. Theres an argument being made thats backed by policy that the country is browning, and they dont want that to happen. So what were seeing here is the implementation of an agenda that we need to describe as call it what it is. It is a white supremacist agenda and the head of it in my view, im going to say this, is Steven Miller and, of course, donald trump. Help us understand what to do with that distraction. You say call it as you see it, call it what it is. Then what . If you call it for what it is and then people say i embrace it. Guess what . Then you must be that. And then we have to make a choice, you see . Oftentimes what we do is we try to name it differently so people can then evade are you embracing a position that by definition is a white supremacist position . Yes or no. Well, its not quite that. Then what is it . Then lets talk about the question of immigration, lets talk about the question of whether or not theres really open borders. Thats fine. But are you embracing this agenda . This agenda as we see it as white supremacist. If you are, you and i and other voters, we have to make a choice. We keep dancing around things, david, which allows folks who thinks they can go back to their suburbs and picket fences or nice apartments in brooklyn and feel good about themselves when, in fact, theyre embracing a policy that is in my view profoundly insidious. We need to call it what it is. Its a human rights violation and its disgusting our president , the human rights violator is sitting there with the rest of the g7 and pretending he cares about their values. Again, the word values. The insulting thing about this is the president of the United States doesnt think the rest of the country cares about human life. The president of the United States thinks he can throw this in front of our faces as americans and were going to accept it, that were going to say its okay. His surrogates are not even smart. His surrogate went out there and was supposed to not say it was a deterrent and he broke in the interview. These people are not talented, but they do assume, they make the assumption that we are as aim amoral as they are and we will swallow the same and en za theyre willing to push on us. We should be insulted as americans that our president thinks we have so little moral rectitude, that we have been taught so wrong in american schools and churches and every social gathering in this country. We should be insulted that our president thinks were like him. You mentioned his surrogate, acting surrogate. Just making that point of clarification, cuccinelli still not nominated or approved. A fire so big it thens the entire ecosystem. The unprecedented fires ravaging the amazon and the controversial comments of the president now fanning the flames. E president fanning the flames vo sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our liquid has a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no next day grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. This is up. Im david gura. Catastrophic fires continue to burn in the amazon, the Worlds Largest rain forest. It could mean our battle against Climate Change is reaching an irreversible tipping point. It provides 40 of the planets oxygen. More than 74,000 fires just this year alone. The Space Research center says thats a 79 increase in fires from the same period in 2018. Its being linked to brazils deforestation policies and illegal logging. Growing International Outrage has brought Environmental Policies to the top of the g7 agenda with the french president threatening to block a trade deal over the amazon fires, calls president bolsonaro a liar on his commitment to Climate Change. The known ske admitting brazils government lax resources to fight the massive number of fires and all this could have dire consequences of the worlds ecosystem. The brazil correspondent for the Washington Post maria lopez, shes been covering the fire and deforestation in brazil for years. Thank you very much for being here. The president addressed whats been hang in the a happening in the amazon. What did he have to say . The president last night announced hes going to be sending the army in to try and combat this fire. Protests erupted here in saw a paulo. Thousands gathered to call for an end of the destruction of the amazon. They had to call for backup security because there were so many people demanding answers. The fire is still raging in northern brazil. Two states declared a state of emergency. Hospitals are saying theyre seeing patients coming in complaining of respiratory illnesses, pneumonia. The situation is very critical. There was footage the president of bolivia posted of a bolivian tanker plane dropping water on these fires. Help us understand the international feed, if theyre to be fought, reduced, what needs to happen . Were talking about a massive region. At least in brazil there hasnt been a unified national response. Experts say these fires were started by cattle farmers who were trying to clear the land for pasture, but they got out of control. Brazil has never faced a crisis at this scale, especially with this much international pressure. This is quickly becoming the president s largest domestic and international crisis. Here in brazil hes facing a lot of pressure from the agricultural groups that helped get him elected. Theyre worried a boycott on brazilian goods could affect the bottom line. Lols narrow says hell no longer tolerate illegal logging. The fact is he campaigned on a promise to open the amazon up for business, and that includes logging and mining. So whether the government will actually clamp down on deforestation once the world stops watching, thats the big question right now. You are among those watching, eddie. Your reaction to what is seen here . Astonishing to see Something Like that from the vantage of outer space. Its horrifying, horrifying. A combination of a number of things. One is, of course, the reality of Climate Change. Weve seen forest fires across the u. S. And burning in california at alarming rates. This is the size of texas if i understand it correctly, if not larger. You combine that with greed, absolute greed. Its man made in a number of different senses. It owes horrifying to think as stewards of the planet were allowing this to happen. The folks in brazil are talking about sovereignty, brazil first. Its a language we hear in our own country. Marina, you write about this in your piece, who controls the amazon, who is the steward of the amazon. Help us understand that debate. I mentioned the french president weighing in, the german chancellor wanting to elevate this to the top of the agenda. What eddie was mentioned, how folks in brazil feel about the amazon as a place unto brazil. We have to remember for bolsonaro and a lot of supporters, this is a question of sovereignty. Theyre coming from a viewpoint of, yes, we have a problem but its our problem. Let us fix it. A g7 meeting that brazil is not invited to and brazil wont participate in does nothing to quell their fears. Bolsonaro, its clear hes looking to lean on trump to represent brazils interests. Well very to see what the International Reaction will be here. We were talking about the interpersonal relationships at the g7. This is a world leader that donald trump has some friendship with. First of all, if donald trump can find a brazilian rain forest on a map, i will eat this wall street journal, i will eat the whole thing. Second secondly, bolsonaro is the trump of brazil. He was also pushed by social media, super right wing forces, youtube, twitter, lots of bots. Its the same energy. Its that same authoritarian, women hating, racist energy. Hes the trump of brazil. Like the United States, brazil was at a point where it is a very desperate, very politically fraught moment. Bolsonaro was able to take advantage of that anger, that disruption. Here we are talking about him hating his country and the Natural Resources that come from his country as much as donald trump is screwing over our national parks. Marina, last question to you, and i characterize this as a tipping point. How close are we to that . What are experts saying about what needs to happen here . Experts say were very close to a tipping point. If we see 5 more deforestation in the amazon, we could reach a point where the forest doesnt regenerate itself and it starts shrinking on its own. Thats what they call the tipping point, the point of no return. Were very close to that. It seems like under the current bolsonaro administration, were headed towards that. So theres a lot that needs to be done to stop this, and it needs to happen quickly. Marina, appreciate the update. Marina lopez from the Washington Post. Congress jumping on the impeachment bandwagon. How long can Speaker Nancy Pelosi keep her parties at that. House Democratic Caucus chairman Hakeem Jeffries joins us next. Announcer ride the totally realistic traffic jam. Beep, beep, beep, beep children traffic jam announcer and the worlds first never bump bumper cars. Children never bump announcer its a real savings hootenanny with options that fit your budget. Thats fun for the whole family. Announcer only at progressive par. Maybe an insurance park was a bad idea. Yeah. Yep. Announcer fidelity is redefining value with zero account fees for brokerage accounts. And zero minimums to open an account. At fidelity those zeros really add up. 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The slow and steady drum beat to impeach prs gaining strength. More than half of the democrats back it. Jerry nadler asking other committees to share their findings. A new poll from monmouth showing the majority of americans oppose impeaching President Trump. Joining the panel, Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the house Democratic Caucus, also a member of the aforementioned house judicial community. Big call yet. The House Speaker said the public is not there yet on impeachment. Whats the metric for that . Is it a poll like the one i showed there . Is it sentiment among the caucus, a majority of House Democrats in favor of this . How do you assess when we are there, if were going to get there . I think what the speaker consistently said is we should follow the facts, apply the law, be guided by the constitution, and committees of jurisdiction, including the Judiciary Committee that i sit on, should continue to do its work. Jerry nadler has said we are conducting an impeachment investigation. I support the efforts of the Judiciary Committee to sort of uncover the range of misbehavior that weve seen, present that to the American People in the most compelling way. Jerry nadler has said were going to have hearings on obstruction of justice, hearings on abuse of power, hearings on the culture of corruption and decide whether to recommend articles at some point later this year. Let me parse a little bit of that. Help me understand what the Judiciary Committee chairman is saying. Is it right to say the impeachment process is under way . The hearings are taking place, you look at the letters he sent requesting information in the service of impeachment. Are you comfortable saying the impeachment process is under way . I think what the chairman is saying is amongst the many areas where the Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction includes determining how to hold a rogue president accountable, and the committee has a particular responsibility to try to uncover and present that information and hes going to do that work. The Overall Congress at some point will have to decide how to weigh in. There are varying perspectives as it relates to members of the house Democratic Caucus. Im personally of the view that, if you start a formal impeachment inquiry, you have to be prepared to finish it and you have to be prepared to present the strongest possible case to the American People. Knowing the senate is unlikely to act, but the house has to be in a position where you can lay out to the American People the things that have happened that should be inconsistent with the rule of law and a democratic republic. Before i go to our washington correspondent who i know has a question for you. When you were at congress on the conner, im sure the people asked you about this, constituents asked you about this. What you described what the House Speakers metrics are, following the facts, et cetera, how much does that matter . How much does that groundswell matter to you and your colleagues as you debate how far to go with this . I believe the august work period is incredibly important for all of us, to be home in our districts and interacting with the people that were privileged to represent to get their perspectives on dealing with this president and accountability. Its our solemn constitutional responsibility at the end of the day. Every member is going to have to follow their conscience. Using the weeks that weve been home to really interact with the individuals that were privileged to represent, process that information, we come back to washington after labor day and were going to have to make some decisions shortly thereafter about the best way to proceed. Kimberly atkins, get in here. I understand youre saying the speaker is saying you have to apply the facts to the law and move in a methodical way. Were a year and two months out from an election. Is there a deadline, a timetable that a decision has to be made, a fear that it could reflect negatively on the members as they themselves are seeking reelection . Thats an important question. In my view, there is no deadline when it comes to our constitutional responsibility. The window doesnt close. It seems to me the window does not close and we are also in an intense environment with this president where every hour feels like a day, every day feels like a week, every week feels like a month. Oh, yes, it does. We just all want it to be over, this Long National nightmare. I just dont think were on a timeline as it relates to what needs to happen. The only timeline should be do we have the information where we can present the strongest possible case to the American People. By the way, in order to do that, we need fact witnesses and we need documents. The administration is stone walls our accountability efforts. Ultimately when that happens between an article one branch, house of representatives, article two, executive, the courts have to resolve it. Weve been winning. Were winning in the second were winning at the District Court level, Southern District of new york. Weve done the same thing in washington, d. C. We think well win at the d. C. Circuit level. Ultimately the Supreme Court may have to resolve this. So much of the focus was on gun policy and you talk about where we are visavis this president. Out cant be looking at him in any way as a goodfaith negotiator. You look what he said about gun policy in dayton and el paso, gilroy right before that. What is the path forward . You and your colleagues come back to washington early to talk about gun policy. We have a president who has said one thing yet again and has done another. How can that en generaler any optimism or anyone watching the show that it will change. Theres no reason to be optimistic. But we can also be hopeful and the sick fans that dominate the senate will see fit to do the right thing. Distinguished sick fants i think you have to say. Ive been on the house of the floor. We talk about calling things what they are. Its 9 00 a. M. Everybody should tell the truth. Youre not optimistic, you think something could happen here. We have to continue to put the pressure on the United States senate. The house has acted. We passed in february, universal background check legislation supported by the overwhelming majority of the American People including independents, republicans and gun owners. Mitch mcconnell is bottling it up. Im hopeful he wont be able to sustain that level of obstruction particularly in the face of the continuing possibility of mass shooting after mass shooting and the everyday violence that takes place in some communities in new york city, chicago, los angeles and other inner cities throughout america. Eddie, you have a question . One of the contexts of the debate about gun violence is the spike of domestic terrorism and the ideology informing it. Many of us have to raise children. We have family members endangered by this. It hits us at a visceral level. What is the Democratic Caucus doing to speak to the kind of convergence between the easy accessibility of guns with this violent and ideology of White Supremacy . The richairman thompson and Homeland Security committee will undertake a series of aggressive hearings to both highlight the problem and present solutions to the American People. Weve been in commune caution with the fbi at the highest levels. I know the fbi has also briefed other members of the house on the republican side as well as folks in the senate. It seems to me Christopher Wray is taking this seriously. Weve seen increased enforcement activity to preempt things. Theres an underlying sick philosophy of individuals worshipping at the altar of White Supremacy and the fans of hatred have been flames of hate r hatered have been fanned. Let me tie this altogether. Talking about calling it as you see it, for what it is. Youve dorn that as you talk about the president , his associates and allies and advisers. Whats the message from House Democratic leadership about that. It seems after these shootings there was a moment when a lot of Democratic Candidates felt liberated to speak about things in real terms. Is that a directive, you should feel comfortable and call things as you see them . We should always be in a position on behalf of the people we represent to call things as we see them. We need to continue to keep our focus, i believe, on dealing with the economic anxieties and woes and concerns of the American People. We may be heading into a recession as a result of the fact that this president continues to engage in erratic behavior. It will hurt working families, everyday americans, senior citizens. We have a Health Care Crisis we have to continue do drive down costs. We hope to do it on prescription drugs. We should be thinking about enacting a meaningful infrastructure plan. There are affirmative things we as democrats want to get done to help everyday americans. Thank you for making the time here. Hakeem jeffries joining us in new york. Why joe biden snubbed the dnc meeting. Our mike memory is with the former Vice President. He got a special serenade last night. Take a look happy birthday to you happy birthday to you. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. Crab . They love it. 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As the detroit news points out, eight frontrunners have met defeat here. Only three recovered to win the white house. Nbcs mike maamly is on the biden beat. He serenaded mike on his birthday, joins us from new hampshire. Happy birthday, mike. Let me ask you the big question. You have so many candidates in california. The former Vice President is not there. Does that say anything to you about his attitude toward california which a lot of democrats see as in play, different system for al getting delegates. Does it say much about that or is this the president trying to chart his own lane . Reporter i would say, david, this is about the widen campaign trying to remind voters of what separates him from the rest of the field. Yesterday was not just my birthday, but the anniversary of the day when barack obama chose joe biden as his running mate. As political reporters we struggle always about whats the best way to assess voter enthusiasm for a candidate. Also often it gets boiled down to crowd size. I will say as the crowd fills in for an event in the next hour, it looks like a fairly typical one for biden, a couple hundred. There are some candidates who would love to draw that routinely. Its certainly not on par with else or Bernie Sanders who draw closer to the thousands. The Biden Campaign pushes back. They say, listen, theres certainly public polling that has shown that biden has as deep if not deeper commitment among his supporters than some of the other candidates in the field. They say, listen, donald trump is the biggest motivator for any democratic, whoever the nominee will be, theyll be there for joe biden. We shouldnt be there just on what excites young white progressives. For joe biden, the pillar has been the support he has among the voters. Theyre squarely behind joe biden. The last question here, we saw the kayak constituency in carlos arroyo, new hampshire, which i enjoyed seeing behind the Vice President. There was an odd moment where the president told the anecdote about remembering the assassinations of Martin Luther king jr. Tell us what you make about him continuing to go to this wouldbe as nation of president obama. Tfs a jarring moment. I havent heard him talk about the as sass nation of barack obama. What we have heard from biden at these events is him relating the formative experiences of his political career. He was in college in the 60s when rfk and Martin Luther king were assassinated. There was a big contingent of College Students there, and i think what he was trying to say was, look, for me those as nations were like for me what it would have been for you if president obama had been assassinated. Any talk of assassination struck us all as an odd comment. Mike, thank you for joining us from new hampshire. Were getting a statement here from Prince Andrew, duke of york with regards to his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein in the past. Sarah harmon has details on that statement. Want to get an update from you on that. Reporter a lot of people are going to be looking at this twice. This is a statement from Prince Andrew ooch andrew, not from booking ham palace. The statement, it is apparent to me since the suicide of mr. Epstein there has been an immense amount of media speculation about so much in his life. This is particularly the case in relation to my former association or friendship with mr. Epstein. Therefore, i am eager to clarify the facts to avoid further speculation. He goes on to say, i met mr. Epstein in 1999. During the time i knew him, i saw him infrequently and probably no more than only once or twice a year. I have stayed in a number of his residences. At no stage during the limited i spent with him did i see, witness or suspect any behavior of the sort that subsequently led to his arrest and conviction. I have said previously it was a mistake and error to see him after his release in 2010. I can only reiterate my regret that i was mistaken to think that what i thought i knew of him was evidently not the real person given what we now know. I have tremendous sympathy for all those affected by his actions and behavior. His suicide has left many Unanswered Questions and i acknowledge and sympathize with everyone affected and who wants some form of closure. Stlfs a difficult time for everyone involved. Im at a loss to understand or explain mr. Epsteins lifestyle. I deploy the exploitation of any human being and would not condone, participate or encourage any such behavior. It is signed then at the bottom Prince Andrew. This communique coming directly from the duke of york after a number of questions have circled about his rich with mr. Epstein. Sarah harmon with the update. Thank you very much. Lynette lopez, eddie glaude, kimberly atkins, thank you for being here. Coming up, Anthony Scaramucci coming up, Anthony Scaramucci joins joy reid on am joy. Kraft for the win win. 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