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Day after day the u. S. Continues to set new daily records for coronavirus cases. Yesterday nearly a quarter Million People were diagnosed with covid19. Just yesterday. More help is on the way with this second vaccine. The moderna drug could reach Health Care Workers as early as monday. Between pfizer and moderna, nearly 8 million doses will be distributed nationwide this week. This morning operation warp speeds chief operating officer general gus perna said hes confident that 20 million vaccines will be allocated this year. So whats the difference between the two drugs . Well, both the pfizer and the Moderna Vaccines are proven to be more than 94 effective regardless of race or gender or Underlying Health conditions. Both have shown only mild and temporary side effects. The big differences are storage and timeline. Modernas vaccine can be kept in a conventional freezer at minus 4 degrees. Pfizers needs a special freezer set at minus 94 degrees. Both vaccines require a second dose, but modernas come four weeks apart. Pfizers come three weeks apart. We will look at the production of these vaccines and see who could get the first doses. Meanwhile, the uk has already started vaccinations, but thats not canceling other precautions. Millions of people in london and most of englands southeast are being forced to cancel their christmas plans. Today Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced these regions will be placed under the strictest lockdown rules, what they call tier 4. Those restrictions effectively ban holiday gatherings beyond individual households. This decision came after the emergence of a fastspreading variant of the virus. A mutation that is up to 70 more transmissible than previous versions. Hundreds of antilockdown demonstrators gathered outside parliament to protest these new restrictions. It is worth noting this coronavirus has already mutated. A lot. And yet the vaccines are still considered extremely effective. Speaking of vaccines, lets start there. Today a Cdc Advisory Committee voted to recommend the Moderna Vaccine for emergency use authorization on americans ages 18 and up. The vote was 110 with three recusals. Nbcs Shaquille Brewster starts us off tonight from olive branch, mississippi that is southeast of memphis, tennessee. Give us the timeline for distributing the Moderna Vaccine. Reporter joshua, the cdc said the work to distribute this vaccine came as soon as the authorization came on friday night. Mckesson is the distributor moderna is relying on. And work began to essentially break down that stockpile of Moderna Vaccine into individual shipments based on the cdcs recommendations. And that is the work that has been going on since then. What we heard this morning from the chief operating officer of operation warp speed is that we can expect to see trucks leave this facility and another one in louisville tomorrow morning at some point. And make their way out across the country. We know that the first shipments of this vaccine can come as early as monday. Remember, moderna is promising to deliver 20 million of these vaccines by the end of the month. You mentioned the key differences between the Pfizer Vaccine that we saw last week and the Moderna Vaccine that will be rolled out this time around. Its that storage capacity. What that means in implication is this vaccine will be able to go to more places more quickly than pfizers vaccines. Were talking about places like pharmacies, doctors offices, nursing homes, especially in those hardhit rural communities. This was expected to have a major impact once it leaves the facility. Joshua . There are some states who say their vaccine allocations for next week were sharply reduced. There was some controversy in terms of the administration saying that pfizers having trouble producing the vaccine. Pfizers been saying theyre not having any trouble producing the vaccine they just need to know where it needs to go and then they can meet the need. Whats actually going on . Whos right . Reporter it essentially boils down to a giant miscommunication. We heard from the general, general perna of operation warp speed, and he said and explained that essentially when he was laying out that initial forecast for states misallocated or underestimated the amount of vaccine that was going to be available for each individual state so that was the number that was conveyed to the governor. But you know, listen to what he told us this morning because youll hear from the tone of the general when explaining his mistake, its a tone that you dont hear too often coming out of washington. Listen here. I am the one that approved the forecast sheets. I am the one that approved the allocations. There is no problem with the process. There is no problem with the Pfizer Vaccine. There is no problem with the Moderna Vaccine. So to the governors, to the governors staffs, please accept my personal apology if this was disruptive in your decisionmaking and in your conversations with the people of your great state. I will work hard to correct this. Reporter he says that problem has now been solved and it wont affect his estimation that when you combine the vaccines from moderna and pfizer from last week and the ones that will be going out next week, that they believe theyll be able to hit that 20 million dosage target by the end of the vaccine or within the very first few days of january. Joshua . Thank you, shaq. Thats nbcs Shaquille Brewster joining us from olive branch, mississippi. There have been problems with National Distribution of the covid vaccine, as you heard. And there are more local issues as well. Yesterday protests broke out at Stanford University Medical Center hospital in california. Frontline workers staged a walkout shouting first in the room, back of the line. Demonstrators accused the Medical Center of prioritizing vaccinations for senior doctors and medical workers who are not directly caring for covid patients. Stanford has since apologized for its Distribution Plan and says its working to develop a revised version. Californias icu bed capacity has dropped to 2 statewide and that is a crisis at facilities like Hazel Hawkins hospital in hollister, inland from monterey bay. That is where we find nbcs scott cohn joining us now with more on the Vaccine Distribution and the challenges hospitals are facing. Scott, how are hospital workers doing where you are, particularly with cases going up and bed capacity going down to almost nothing . Reporter yeah, its really rough, joshua. As you know, hollister, as you said, its inland and sort of on the edge of the central valley. So they get a crosssection here of people commuting to Silicon Valley about 40, 50 miles away and agricultural workers. This hospital, Hazel Hawkins in hollister, is the only hospital in the county and it is now operating at 130 of capacity. Not just the icus but the whole hospital. Theyve had to double up patients in what were single rooms. They have patients that are staying in the emergency room. And of course a lot of it owing to that surge of covid patients. And people here wonder if theres any sign of it letting up. Its like a war zone inside there. We are kind of treating this as a mass casualty event. The hospital has come together as a team and were treating the sickest patients and were treating every patient that comes through the door, were getting them in, giving them treatment and were seeing everybody that shows up. Reporter now, the hospital staff here is getting vaccinated. Thats the good news. They got about a little more than 200 doses of the Pfizer Vaccine last week. Theyve done half of it up till now. Theyll do the rest next week. And theyll get about 300 doses of the Moderna Vaccine next week. So theyll be able to vaccinate not just the frontline staff but also eventually some support staff as well. But of course that doesnt do anything about the surge in the community. And they also know here that theyve only had the first dose of the vaccine, so they wont be fully protected until they get the second dose, which they expect in january. Its a tough time here, joshua. Scott, there are so many different kinds of Medical Centers in california. You know, stanford is different in that it deals with a different kind of clientele in palo alto, in Silicon Valley, where you are its kind of in san bonito county, kind of inland from monterey bay, just south of the bay area as we think of it. Away from interstate 5, which runs right through the central valley. Its kind of squished between all of these different population centers. What kinds of hospitals are the hardest hit right now . Is it just the ones in the big dense areas like l. A. , san diego, San Francisco . Is it the ones that are kind of squeezed between areas . Whos struggling the most . In a lot of ways its sort of equal opportunity. The state divides things up by region, and theyre rook looking at icu bed capacity. In Southern California the most populous part of the state theyre tapped out of icu beds. Los angeles, san diego, santa barbara. Zero icu capacity. Also here, this is considered part of the central valley, the san joaquin valley, also no icu capacity. In the bay area, the greater bay area, were talking about 12 . The cutoff for the state, for the expanded stay at home orders is 15 . The bay areas below that. And sacramento now sitting right at 15 . The only area where its a little bit less severe is in the northern part of the state. Theyre operating with about 25 of icu bed capacity left. But even that is pretty striking. So its in a lot of ways, its equal opportunity. Its a tough time, as i said. Thank you, scott. Thats nbcs scott cohn reporting for us from hollister, california. Covid was not the only virus that made news this week. Computer viruses did too. Yesterday the white house was prepared to release a statement that would formally blame a Hacking Campaign against the federal government on russia. But they were told to stand down. Its unclear who gave that order. This was first reported by the a. P. And confirmed by nbc news. Today President Trump downplayed the hack and tweeted that china might be at fault. He cited no evidence for this, just said it might be so. Two officials with knowledge of the situation say these tweets caught white house officials off guard. The tweets also directly contradict yesterdays statement from secretary of state mike pompeo. He said it was in his words pretty clear that russia was the culprit. Joining us is democratic congressman ted lieu of california. He serves on subcommittees that focus on the internet and Homeland Security and his district includes malibu and santa monica. Congressman lieu, good evening. Thank you, joshua. Honored to be on your show. I wonder what you make of the president s comments about this hack . Is there any evidence that china might have had anything to do with this . We do know that china is very technologically sophisticated and this is not beyond their capability. But do we know that this was china . The answer is no. What we do know is that in 2016 russia engaged in a sweeping and systematic attack of our elections including a massive cyber hack and we know that russia continued to attack the United States in these last four years including this very recent hack of solarwinds that secretary pompeo said was essentially done by russia. I did not understand why donald trump still has yet to condemn Vladimir Putin for any of his attacks on the United States. I dont understand why when it comes to putin donald trump bends the knee. Something is really wrong with our president when it comes to russia. How do you think this hack happened . Do you think this is more about russias technological sophistication here or is this the kind of thing where you had enough federal employees who just refused to update windows on time and it exploited a vulnerability that could have hit anybody . We do know from public reporting that on the dark web they were selling access to solarwinds, which is the company that was hacked, and this company had at least over 18,000 customers that may have been affected including numerous federal agencies. The reporting also says that one of their passwords was literally solarwinds123. If thats true, then solarwinds should be firing its employees right now who were responsible for that. At the same time we know that the Trump Administration also eliminated multiple positions in cybersecurity including a National Security Council Position in cybersecurity and in 2019 a number of Cybersecurity Administration officials left. So its no surprise that our cybersecurity has been weakened and foreign powers took advantage of it. Solarwinds 123 . Really . Seriously . Please tell me you just made that up, congressman. That is the dumbest thing i ever heard. It may have been solarwinds 1234 now that i think about. For those of you who have a password like, that do yourself a favor, go google password generator right now and make up an honest to god not stupid password because that is a very bad password. What are we doing about these attacks . Is this the kind of thing we have the capacity to push back on or should we just kind of get used to this being the nature of how the world is going to work for the future . So im one of four recovering Computer Science majors in congress. Its going to be one of three next year because a persons retiring. And its clear that one of our weaknesses are thirdparty vendors. The opm hack during the obama administration, which was a massive hack where millions of security clearance records were taken by a foreign power, that was also done through a thirdparty vendor. So we have to do a lot more testing and surveillance of thirdparty vendors that provide software to the federal government. Im working on legislation to do that right now. But thats a weakness in our cybersecurity. President elect biden has tapped Alejandro Mayorkas to tap the department of Homeland Security. That is his nominee. What do you make of him in terms of his ability to deal with threats like these . I am so happy that Alejandro Mayorkas was nominated by president elect biden. I knew him when he was a u. S. Attorney, the Central District in california. He is an amazing, smart, passionate, hardworking person. And he was also deputy secretary at a department of Homeland Security working on cybersecurity issues. So he gets it. And hes going to make sure that we get back on track in cybersecurity. At the same time we have to streamline cybersecurity in the federal government because right now you have the department of Homeland Security, you have the office of national budget, and then previously you had a cybersecurity czar. Its all over the place. I think we need a Central Point of contact. Hopefully the Biden Administration will fix that in the next couple years. And briefly, sir, before i have to let you go, whats your sense of how much can actually be done about this . I mean, china and russia have the at least military advantage of making these kinds of hacks in a very centralized way. North korea as well. The United States as you mentioned does a whole lot of contracting. Although a lot of our cybersecurity operations are governmental. This feels like were fighting a very asymmetrical war with countries who just dont play by the same rules as the United States plays by. Are you more optimistic about the future or more pessimistic about the future . I am optimistic because we do have the Bidenharris Administration coming in that will take cybersecurity much more seriously. They also believe in facts and in science. So thats good. In addition, we know that we have not enough cybersecurity professionals, not only in the private sector but also the public sector. So i have legislation which is a new collar jobs act that will provide a tax act for companies to send their employees to get trained in cybersecurity because we just need more cybersecurity professionals at all levels of Government Plus in the private sector. Conversation for another night. Id love to talk to you about the future of recruiting cybersecurity professionals because youre right, theres been an effort for years to try to get more people to if theyre looking for a career shift to consider this as a future career. Conversation for another night, though. Would love to talk to you more about that. Democratic congressman ted lieu of california. Congressman, thanks very much. Thank you, joshua. Theres plenty more to come tonight. Later on, lawrence odonnell, the host of the last word, will join us live. Also coming up, congress is working through the weekend. Lawmakers have until midnight sunday to reach a deal on a Government Spending bill including Coronavirus Relief. Will they make it . Well speak to michigan senator Debbie Stabenow. Then early voting began in georgia this week for two senate runoffs. The outcomes will determine who controls the senate. Well bring you the latest. And some are calling the british Prime Minister the grinch who stole christmas or rather canceled it. The uk is under new coronavirus restrictions after finding a worrisome variant of coronavirus. How much should the u. S. Be worried about that variant . Thats all ahead as the week continues on msnbc. Limu emu and doug. And if we win, we get to tell you how Liberty Mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Isnt that what you just did . Service stand back, im gonna show ya how doug and limu roll, ya you know you got to live it if you wanna wi. [ music stops ] time out only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Damom, look get sare you okay . . Head home this holiday with the one you love. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedesbenz winter event. We have to find somethingust else. Good luck ut it. What does that mean . We are doomed. [ laughter ] thats it. I figured it out were going to give togetherness. That sounds dumb. Were going to take all those Family Moments and package them. Hmm. [ laughing ] that works. Let me first of all just say to everybody whos made plans for christmas, as i said earlier on, everybody whos thought about it, all the care and love thats gone into plans for christmas, we of course bitterly regret the changes that are necessary. But alas, when the facts change you have to change your approach. Christmas in the United Kingdom will be very different this year. Today Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered the highest level of coronavirus restrictions. Its early sunday morning in the uk right now. So those restrictions are now in effect. The new rules prevent people from mixing with other households unless its only one other person and outside. Nonessential shops, movie theaters, gyms and hair salons will be closed for two weeks. The change came after scientists announced theyd found a new strain of coronavirus. This mutation is up to 70 more transmissible than others. Also breaking this evening the cdc released new guidance on allergic reactions to the vaccine. A small number of people whove gotten the vaccine have had reactions to it. Today the cdc also gave the goahead for pilots to get vaccinated. Officials say it is safe for them to get the shot and then fly. Spacex is asking the cdc if its employees and astronauts should be considered essential workers so that they can get the vaccine soon. Lets discuss all this with dr. Lippi roy, an internal medicine physician and msnbc medical contributor. Doctor, its good to see you. I wonder what your thoughts are on this new strain of coronavirus with the understanding that viruses mutate. This is what they do. The minute a virus gets in your body it starts to change. Thats how it works. So how worried should i be about this more transmissible strain, especially since its been mutating and the vaccine is still 90plus effective even with these mutations . Well, a happy saturday evening to you, joshua. Its always good to see you. And you pretty much summed it up right there to be honest. Its important for your viewers to understand that the emergence of new strains is actually a normal part of virus evolution. Emergence of new variants come and go over time. And emerge and evolve over time. They come and go. Experts in the virus, epidemiologists by the way, kudos to the british Surveillance Team for detecting this particular strain. But the data right now is showing that this current strain in the uk is while its moving faster, its growing faster, theres no evidence that its causing more serious disease, a. And b, theres no evidence to suggest that this particular strain will not respond to the current vaccines that are rolling out, joshua. I realize thats a weird way to start a conversation with you on a saturday night. Dr. Royg to see you, is this going to kill me . I know thats a weird way to start a conversation. Im used to this with you, joshua. You and i have been talking about this since march. We have. So you and i have had lots of normal conversations. All year long. What happens now . The chief medical officer for london said theyve alerted the world health organization, theyre going to look into this. Whats the next step, particularly in terms of trying to stop the global spread of covid . Does this help in terms of knowing that there is this new kind of variant . So the short answer is that we dont know. To reassure your viewers, theyre gathering data literally this minute. Theyre constantly gathering data. Theyre doing active surveillance. Theyre watching as you and i just discussed, viruses mutate. Thats what they do. The seasonal flu vaccine. Why do we have a different vaccine every year . Because the influenza vaccine mutates that rapidly and that frequently. We already know that. So its not really surprising. Whats going to be key is noting any biologic difference as far as humans go, as far as any clinical manifestations, as far as disease severity. These are the things to watch out for. As far as you and me and the general population, the Public Health guidance and recommendations remain the same, joshua. Its wearing a mask, maintaining that distance, and when your turn comes up get the vaccine. Joshua. Let me ask you about these new allergy guidelines from the cdc. They say that anyone thats ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a covid19 vaccine should not get that specific vaccine. Im not sure what to do with that guidance. I dont know what ingredients are in a vaccine. Peanuts, soy, i can tell you if im allergic to those. But the components within them, especially because the vaccines have been developed in some new ways that use different kinds of technology and mrna and so on, how do we as everyday people deal with that advice and know whether to take the vaccine or not . Yeah, those are really great questions, joshua. So to your point, the cdc just came out with guidelines, very specific recommendations for the public when it comes to severe allergic reactions. So youre right. If a person has a severe allergic reaction to a specific ingredient in one of the vaccines thats out right now, they should not get the vaccine. As far as what the ingredients are, i believe the Pfizer Manufacturing guidelines information has the specific ingredients. The fda website does. And possibly the cdc website does too. And let me just continue on. The cdc also recommends that if a person has any severe allergic reaction to any other vaccine to not to ask their doctor whether they should get it. Any severe allergic reaction to any nonvaccine nonmedication like food or latex its okay to get it. Any allergic reaction to oral medications its okay to get it. But if you have a severe allergic reaction to the first shot, they do not recommend getting the second. But you know, honestly, joshua, i know that some of this can be really confusing, so i recommend for your viewers look at the cdc guidelines and then talk to your doctor. If theres any confusion, just talk to your doctor if you have any concerns or issues. Joshua. Dr. Lipi roy, msnbc medical contributor and internal physician, we appreciate you talking to that and to the point you just made because there are so many questions about this were bringing dr. Roy back tomorrow to answer some of your questions about the coronavirus, about this new strain, and the vaccine. So send your questions our way. No such thing is a stupid question. Email your questions to the sf week msnbc. Com. Or tweet us at theweekmsnbc. Well get to some answers tomorrow. Coming up, a new covid relief package has hit a major roadblock. Can lawmakers reach a deal before they head home for the holidays . Well hear from senator Debbie Stabenow of michigan when we come back. Gillette proglide and proglide gel. Five blades and a pivoting flexball designed to get virtually every hair on the first stroke, while washing away dirt and oil. So youre ready for the day with a clean shave and a clean face. Subaru created the share the love event. N years ago, where our new owners could choose a national or hometown charity. And subaru and our retailers would proudly make a donation. But now, in times like these, companies are having a hard choice to make. But subaru is more than a car company. And as charities struggle, we cannot just stand by. Which is why we plan to donate over twenty four million dollars, again this year. The subaru share the love event, going on now. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. 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This morning on capitol hill there was growing optimism that a Coronavirus Relief deal was imminent. Again. Now it seems the negotiations have hit yet another snag. This time its a provision from republican senator pat toomey of pennsylvania. He wants to limit the Federal Reserves authority, particularly related to a small and medium size business lending program. Will this be enough to torpedo a relief package before the new year . And if not, how will congress get this done in time . Joining us now is democratic senator Debbie Stabenow of michigan. She is a member of the Senate Budget committee and Ranking Member of the subcommittee on health care. Senator, good evening. Good evening, joshua. Its always good to be with you. Good to see you too. I wonder what you think about pat toomeys objection that basically slowed down what would have been pretty much a voice vote on this and kind of derailed the process. Do you think he has a point in his objection . Well, im very frustrated about this, and let me just start by saying, joshua, having been involved in many of the discussions including the lead democrat with food access and agriculture provisions which we have something important to get more people food and support for our farmers, to see this derailed is very frustrating because people across the country, people in my home state of michigan need help. They have needed help for months. Weve tried to put together a bipartisan effort all summer and into the fall with Mitch Mcconnell. And finally, a Bipartisan Group came together after the election, which was terrific. And weve got all the elements now to do something to help people who are out of work and Small Businesses and people who need food access and protections in terms of losing their homes right now. Thousands and thousands of people losing their homes in january if we dont act. We have to act. And then at the last minute we are seeing an effort that really as we hold on to it, and ive been involved in a number of discussions today with senator toomey and others, the concern is that he really wants to tie the hands of the next administration in terms of the treasury and the Federal Reserve and the president to be able to act when there is a crisis. So we know hes objecting to the cares act lending provisions, but whenever we talk about how to address that and i disagree with him on that. But theres always an effort to go further. And basically limit what can be done in a financial crisis. And were not done with the crisis. We are not done. We dont know exactly what will be happening in the new year. And its really outrageous to think about limiting the tools of the new president to deal with the economic crisis we have. Well, could i get you to react to something that another senator said in terms of how this whole process is playing out . Heres what republican senator john cornyn of texas had to say about how he sees all this. Watch. First of all, given the way that this is being negotiated, basically there are four people who are negotiating this massive spending package on behalf of the 535 members of congress. And essentially because this has been pushed off until these last days of the 116th session of congress the only thing most rankandfile members will be able to do is to vote up or down. In other words, theres no opportunity to amend it through regular order. I just have to say this is a terrible way to do business. And in the future i hope we do better because this is almost the worst of all worlds when it comes to legislating. Senator, i know our time is tight, but i wonder how you feel about that. Do you kind of feel like senator cornyn feels that youre sort of along for the ride with these negotiations . Actually, ive been involved in a number of the negotiations. I have to say, i find it almost humorous that senator cornyn, whos number two only to Mitch Mcconnell in the senate, would be acting as if hes not involved in those negotiations. He certainly should be. In congress unfortunately things never seem to happen unless theres a deadline, unfortunately. Which is incredibly frustrating to me and certainly to people across the country. But i will tell you that there are a number of us, each of those that represent the pieces that are being talked about, the unemployment. It goes through finance committee. The agriculture and nutrition piece goes through the agricultural committee, which i am the ranking democrat on. We have all of these committees who are signed to negotiate on their pieces of this, which we have been doing. And now its true that in the end you get to the top four leaders to put it together. Would i like to have had this done sooner . Absolutely. We tried to get senator mcconnell to work with us in the summer when he said we didnt know whether or not he didnt know whether or not there needed to be anything more done or not. And then half his caucus said they wouldnt support anything more, which is the position that weve had to deal with. The great news is that some of the republicans in the senate deserve great credit for stepping forward with democrats to negotiate after the election and have done a great job of giving us a framework. They gave us a framework. Then the framework was given to each of the committees. The four leaders in the house and the senate of the committees were asked to negotiate their pieces, which we have done. They now put it together with the top leaders. And at the last minute senator toomey, being fully backed by the republicans, has come in to say wait a minute, we know youre trying to help people, were trying to help people, but we want to take away a big tool for the next president to be able to help people if we see a real downturn in the economy. And it makes no sense. Senator Debbie Stabenow of michigan, a state whose former governor has been nominated to be energy secretary. Would love to talk to you about that another night. But for now thanks for making time for us. Youre welcome. The covid vaccines are giving doctors new protection and new hope. The powerful story of a doctor whos back at work after getting his shot is just ahead. Stay close. I was just thinking to myself, you know what . I may get to see my elderly father and see him in a safe manner. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. 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Com diddeodorants onlysome alumask odor . Secret aluminum free helps eliminate odor instead of just masking it. And is made with 3x more odor fighters. With secret, keep it fresh every day. Secret. Fixodent ultra dual power provides you with an unbeatable hold and strong seal against food infiltrations. Fixodent. And forget it. Health care workers across the u. S. Are rolling up their sleeves to receive the first batches of covid19 vaccines. It should keep them much safer as they continue helping us if we get sick. A doctor in colorado is back at work in the e. R. After getting vaccinated this week. From our nbc affiliate kusa Mark Salinger has the story. Reporter in a year filled with so much darkness light is something weve all been searching for. There are so many emotions with this. True confession, i didnt really sleep great last night because i was just so pumped up about this. Reporter dr. Ben eusatch woke up thursday morning knowing this random day in december is the one hed been waiting for since the first covid19 patient was admitted to his emergency room nine months ago. I got my vaccine this morning. Just light at the end of the tunnel. Reporter he says he didnt even feel the shot going into his arm. He blames that on his adrenaline. What he did feel was a cocktail of emotions that can only come to life after seeing the sights he lives through every day. Theres nothing that is more gutwrenching to me than knowing that as i admit somebody and i put them up into the icu that they very well may not make it. Reporter dr. Wasatch has treated hundreds of covid19 patients as the medical director for the Emergency Department at uc health Highlands Ranch hospital. The vaccine now gives him protection against a virus thats killed so many. It also gives him hope beyond the doors of the e. R. As i was getting that shot i was just thinking to myself, you know what . I may get to see my elderly father and see him in a safe manner. Reporter the vaccine brings with it a time to celebrate. Inside dr. Wasatchs emergency room there are signs the fight is not over. When you and i are finished im going to put on my mask, put on my ppe and send the doc thats on duty today to get his shot. And that feels just as great as getting my own shot. Reporter off to treat more patients, this time knowing the future looks a little brighter. That was kusas Mark Salinger reporting. Georgia is counting down to two senate runoffs. The polls show both races appear to be basically tied. Well take you there next. Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. Wow whatd you get, ryan . Its customized Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual what does it do bud . It customizes our Home Insurance so we only pay for what we need and what did you get, mike . 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Purdue leads ossof by 0. 8 . Both races clearly are well within the margins of error. And that last race, loefflerwarnock race, is getting nasty. Nbcs janelle ross is reporting that loefflers campaign and some outside groups are using racial attack language. It is reminiscent of what we used to see from anticivil rights politicians. Ja nell ross joins us now. How racialized is it . I think so understand it as purely racialized, you would have to understand a little bit about the history of race in american politics, which is generally speaking to try to maintain control of the legislative bodies, of legislative offices. There have typically been efforts to describe, depict, declare black politicians at illegitimate, as somehow unamerican or simply not functioning within the mainstream, and that is the language you see here. There is a lot of talk about her as a radical, as a socialist, as unamerican. There is commercial after commercial after commercial sort of repeating these ideas. Sometimes those words are put into the mouths of people in the commercial who are sort of there to serve as the voice of voters. Sometimes it comes out of the mouth of other candidates or other officials. On the flip side of this, i think you have a growing dynamic where the warnok campaign would lie to tie the opponent to extremist voices on the right, in particular one gentleman who does in fact have some ties to or at least a past connected to the ku klux klan and a whole series of activities including a conviction that involved some racial violence. And the Loeffler Campaign denied any connection to this gentleman. But one of his groups provided campaign funds. What you are seeing that is most shocking is you hear some of that language coming out of the mouths of ordinary voters. I think because there are so many ads on air. This stuff is being drilled in every day, two, three times an hour, so it is pretty hard to escape. What is that doing to the overall tone of the campaign. There are also some big political heavy hitters that are coming to georgia, have been and will continue to come to georgia between now and election day on january 5th. What is the mood of voters overall as you see it . I think there is this sort of interesting blend of things happening here in georgia. I think a lot of people are quite exhausted. I think in the same way that Many Americans are ready for the november election to take place and move on to other issues in their lives, you certainly hear people Say Something of that nature. And as i said, here in georgia, the public has been absolutely inundated with ads coming to their phones, to their tvs, calls, polls. Theyre just inundated. There is a sense of exhaustion. At the same time, i think both campaigns and more broadly the parties have done a very good job making it very clear what the stakes are here in georgia. On the one side is the idea of the ability to perhaps legislatively enact critical portions of a biden agenda or perhaps on the other block aid to critical parts of the biden agenda and to rev up the concern level are the other arguments i had mentioned earlier. Covering news from africanamerican perspective. Check it out online. Thanks. The negro leagues now have major league status. Mlb made that move this week. But what is the right way to honor black americans who played during segregation . Breeze drifting on by you know how i feel [man coughing] its a new dawn, its a new day. No matter how you got copd its time to make a stand. And im feelin good start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. With three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. It also helps prevent future flareups. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. 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A statement from the team reads, quote, we have decided to move forward with changing the current team name and determining a new nonnative american based name for the franchise, unquote. This follows a similar move in july by the nfls Washington Football Team whose name i will not say. It retired that name for the same reason after years of criticism from the public and years of resistance from that teams owner. Now neither franchise has chosen a new name, but the decision to applaud it as a positive step toward inclusion. Major League Baseball announced a, quote, long overdue recognition. Its elevated the negro leagues to major league status. Now more than 20 years of records of black players will be included in the games official statistics. From 1920 to 1948, a loose collection of seven major circuits, what we now call the negro leagues featured names that could become better known that their impressive statistics will stand alongside players like hank ar raraaron. This is widely seen as a positive development. But still some see those negro League Statistics as tainted. After all, the conditions in the separate leagues were not equal to the majors. The schedules were inconsistent. The fields were not nearly as well maintained and recordkeeping was hit or miss at best. Plus, the black players were not playing their white counter parts at all. Espns Senior Writer wrote in part, quote, just as in 1954 when the u. S. Supreme court concluded in brown v board of education that separate was inherently unequal, separation devastated the negro leagues. It did what it was intended to do, unquote. But it could materially change baseball history. One negro League Historian told an mlb podcast there is a record of another home run from will i mays and that could

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