but the u.s. says that just isn't so. >> certainly the greatest majority, 90%, is not in isil territory and not against ice it groups or activities. >> meanwhile the pentagon assists it is not coordinating air strikes with moscow, but russia has leaked air tapes of how to avoid each other. and russian aircraft have come within several miles of u.s. aircraft drones since this began. richard, when this started a week ago, things seem to be escalating quickly. >> reporter: nato officials meeting here in europe have come out against russia's increasingly aggressive policy in syria, but they have been mostly mild in their statements. the nato secretary-general said today that russia's actions are not helpful. so if people were expecting nato to come out strongly so far, that has not been the case. just this sort of mild rhetoric. but what we are seeing in syria is a much more aggressive policy from moscow with air strikes, those cruise missile strikes you were just talking about. that is allowing the government forces, the forces of bashar al assad, to go on the offensive. . i've been told by u.s. officials that russians are also acting in an advise and assist capacity with russian forces providing similar type of role to what u.s. special forces do in iraq and afghanistan now. so that is something that is concern and needs to be deconflicted when you have u.s. aircraft in the sky over syria and russian aircraft in the sky and both are fighting for different objectives. >> given that, richard, what more do we know as far as talks to deconflict the situation there with the united states saying not necessarily that's happening, russians continue to insist that they are targeting specifically isis targets. >>. >> there is another level to all of this that isn't getting a lot of attention, which is that on some level washington is happy with what russia is doing and you're not going to hear washington talk about that much publicly, but in some cases, russia is attacking people in syria that the u.s. would like to attack, in particular the nusra front, which is an al qaeda-linked group. so some have mixed feelings about it. they want to see russia fight against isis. they are happy that russia is fighting against the nusra front. they're not upset that russia is trying to back up bashar al assad because washington doesn't want to see bashar al assad run out by rebels. >> certainly that near miss we just saw. richard engel, thank you very much. >> he was a member of staft department for years, he is now dean of the joseph korbel school of international times. ambassador, are you surprised how quickly vladimir putin has come in and tried to become the dominant power on the syrian battlefield or was this his goal since day one? >> i don't think it was his goal from day one but he moved very quickly. for better or worse, russia has a policy to back the central government in damascus and clearly they are coordinating with that central government on how -- which targets they hit and how that government then moves in with ground troops. on the other hand, the united states doesn't have a ground components when we hit targets. i would say the government in damascus is more concerned with the sunni insurgency groups further to the western part of the country than out in the eastern part. i think the idea is isis is less immediately important to them and that's why 90% of the russian targeting has been among other the otherinsurgent groups. in any event, the russians have a policy to work with the damascus government and we don't. >> we see how complicated it is when it comes to syrian airspace here. what do you have make. communication, some call it the lack of communication between the united states and russia when it comes to avoiding each other in syrian airspace, especially with that near miss. how concerned are you that there could be sort of miscalculation that may lead to even more of a conflict or even something more catastrophic? >> war is a very dangerous business. the extent to which everybody is saying russia should be more focused on isis would bring russian aircraft closer to our aircraft. as ash carter has pointed out, there have been some tactical discussions to make sure there aren't those kind of accidents and i think it's a dangerous situation. it's probably in our interests that the russians stay away from where we're operating. if there is an incident, it could be very ugly very quickly. i think we do need more of those tactical discussions. i would say looking more broadly, we need to sit down with the russians and others and come up with some kind of strategy. if they're going to back assad to the hilt and we're not, there is a problem there and i think it's time that we relacked what we were doing and figured out how we're going to go forward. i think most of us just don't understand what the end game is here besides some provisional election idea. >> even tough as it is, even with their conflict on what kind of talks are being hild held, ambassador, thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> big news this morning, hillary clinton breaking with president obama yet again on another controversial issue. she now says she is not in favor of that massive 12-nation trade deal known as tpp. she's getting an earful from the right who is accusing her of flip-flopping on the right who is accusing her of flip-flopping on the issue. steve kornacki is here. you have taxes, parts of immigration and now tpp where she's pushing back against the administration. >> let be clear, this is a imagine reversal on hillary clinton's part when you look at those polls who have struggled in terms of whether they can trust her, wondering what she believes in. the problem for her is as secretary of state she called the start of this trade agreement, her words here, she called it "the gold standard." now she's changed her mind. this what she told pbs "newshour" last night trying to explain this. >> are you saying as of today this is not something you can support? >> what i know about it as of today, i am not in favor of what i have learned about it. what i know, and again i don't have the text yet we don't have all the details, let look at the details of this. people say it's a classic clinton flip flop, clintonian, but where she's had this challenge in the primary, where joe biden is looking to get into this race, what does this do to her positions within her own party? >> it shores up her left flank. you on have to look at new hampshire, which is supposed to be clinton country and where she's been behind in the last eight consecutive polls, to understand what kind of pressure she's under from the left. she's also in this night fight with him for union endorsements, battling him one by one. we have the first democratic debate coming up on tuesday and now they can't really hammer her with this. i think we have some tape of what bernie sanders had to say yesterday about this. >> whether it the keystone pipeline, whether it is tpp, these are issues that have had a very strong opinion on from to be very frank with you, it would have been more helpful to have her on board a few months ago. >> so sanders might be right about that. in congress, it's already a done deal since they already approved. they're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. >> you wonder what joe biden is thinking sitting on the sidelines. if he gets in this race, he'd have to defend. >> turn now to the republican side, ben carson over there not backing away from comments he made in the wake of that deadly shooting out in oregon earlier this week. carson said he had never seen a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking away the right to own a gun. he also suggested that people should attack a shooter and he would sacrifice his life if he were face to face with a gunman. we have a new look into who been carson supporters are. bloomberg politics put together a focus group of republicans in iowa and new hampshire. they were asked their thoughts hon on the newcomer who has been surging in the poles. >> common sense. >> clearly one of the most intelligent people in the race right now. >> he has everything i'm looking for. think he true. >> who to himself. deep, thoughtful. seems generalon. >> i want to play one little clip right now. >> do you believe that islam is consistent with the constitution? >> no, i don't. i do not. i would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge of this nation. i absolutely would not agree with that. >> how many people agreed wi wi what ben carson said there? everybody. >> agree. >> one nation under god. >> who else agrees? >> spot on. >> how many people in the room can imagine ben carson as president of the united states? how many of you can imagine ben carson not only becoming nominee but becoming president. raise your hand. >> he would be going into negotiates or meetings with things well thought out. whatever cabinet has does pogt to the. >> i think it would bring a lot of massachusetts to the country. >> he doesn't have a lot of experience but i think that can be refreshing. >> i really think he could create a much more peaceful world. >> his strength is that he's so thoughtful. but then his weakness would be that he can't make those quick, hard deing ises. >> the myselfage she's. [ being. >> and, mark hal personal, he put that survey together. this question of ben carson, if. >> i thought there were some very revealing comments you got from some voters there. a lot of these controversies ben carson stepped into actually seemed to be resonating with the republican base. >> people talked about a disconnect between washington and new york and the success of donald trump so far. i think the gap between the elites and understanding carson is swa -- somewhat even wider. this focus group begins to allow some people to better understand what the attacks is based on. at the like his personality, like he's an outsider. these are undecided voters. that want cherry picked. that was very representative. >> i think we have polling on this. yesterday some swing state numbers came out from quinnipiac. this really caught my eye. it matched ben carson up against hillary clinton. he almost catches her in florida. way ahead of her, 9 points in ohio and pennsylvania. no republican did as well against hillary clinton as ben carson. obviously ben carson maybe hasn't been exposed to the type of media scrutiny these other candidates are. do you think the kind of comments that have resonated with the republican base if he gets further along and starts winning a republican nomination hurt him with a wider audience? >> he's going to get more scrutiny. there are people like ted ruse, the interview he did with chuck on meet the press," you can imagine a cycle in which someone saying that would be out of the race. he's said many controversial things yet all 11 participants in iowa liebtd what he said. 7 of the 11 in new hampshire thought of as a more. >> mark tall principle, rg stuff. with that, we'll send it right back to you. >> we'll see how much the demeanor of ben carson resonated with people in that focus group. we did hear from one who said washington is going to eat him up. interesting across the board. thank you very much. still much more ahead in this hour. plnd also on the hill, voks wag i don't know's top u.s. official will be in the hot seat, sinning which check out this crazy video from an accident on the new jersey turn fyke that stopped traffic for close o 13 hours. we'll bring you those details coming up here on msnbc lf ♪ ♪ the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. we heard you got a job as a developer!!!!! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira 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all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. in just a few hours, the house judiciary committee will holding hearing on planned parenthood. last week they came under fire for more than five hours before the house committee on oversight and reform. yesterday they voted to create nor committee to further investigate planned parenthood after video shows activists allegedly discussing aborting fetuses. we remember the grilling last week and saw the fireworks that happened afterwards to her salary and the number of mammograms done there. what can we see today? >> today is another example of a public witch hunt against planned parenthood. it about planned parenthood yet they don't have one witness against planned parenthood. if they were serious, they would have at least within person from planned parenthood. this is outrageous. >> we know this special committee is going to be looking into investigating abortions, procurement of fetal tissue as well as the federal funds. some of your democratic colleagues have called it basically look the benghazi committee and see it as a witch hunt. >> i believe it exactly like the benghazi committee. he allowed $4.5 million on that committee that hasn't even had a meeting since january. now we have this other committee being created, which i believe is highly choreographed as well. as a matter of fact, there's evidence the raspberry sat on these videos and are only now releasing them. i believe it their ultimate goal of trying to control the budget and have some leverage. >> what ultimately is the goal as far as being productive and seeing an outcome from these talks? >> i believe that the republicans are going to be just talking about abortion. in fact, actually i think their ultimate goal is to teak away our constitutional right -- in fact, actually there have been three investigative committees in the house, all three of them so far have found no wrong doing. there have been seven states that have done an investigation into planned parenthood, they have found no wrong doing so what is this committee doing? >> that's certainly something people are asking. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> still to come after the break, we will look at some of the other head lines, include -- in case you needed another reminder of how cool king james is, he stopped to tack a selfie with some young man's phone, becoming the first player to take a selfie actually during a game. why put up with that? but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. real simple. i'm talking easy like-a- walk-in-the-park, nothing-to-worry-about, man-that-feels-good simple. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's a simple question. what's in your wallet? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable 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tanker truck going off the edge, flipping over after another car swerved right into its path. police say a mattress and box spring in the highway there may be to blame. the driver of the tanker truck died in the crash. no other injury were reported. >> another day of violence in israel in west bank. israeli police say a man stabbed someone in the shoulder. police shot him. four israelis have been killed in stabbings in jerusalem and a shooting in the west bank in the past week. >> commerce secretary wrapped up a two-day visit to cuba by meeting with cuban officials. up next, a fascinating subject into the missiles the russians are firing from syria from more than a thousand miles away. plus, we are watching live pictures from capitol hill where the house armed services committee is holding a hearing on u.s. strategy in afghanistan. we're sure it hear more about the u.s. air strike on a hospital there. >> plus, also we'll go live to -- it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but 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fit into your life. not the other way around. front-runner hillary clinton might be set for a collision course with her closest rival bernie sanders. senator bernie sanders is getting big audiences and doing very well in new hampshire and even out in iowa. but the party is still a political party. it's just a question of who gets to carry the democratic mission. here's a chance to reset the table. let talk policy now. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. . welcome back. the mission in syria is being supported by warships which has fired missiles from the caspian sea. as we were looking at that video and looking at your map, it's really astounding, a thousand miles away, certainly far from a straight shoot as indicated in your map seen in the blue dotted line there, right? >> on purpose. the russians have a fleet in the caspian sea which is landlocked. no capital ships, pbig one like aircraft carriers. but lots of guided missile frigates and guided with cruise missiles like we have. you pointed out the route going from the southern part of the caps sea over iran, over iraq to syria. but not over turkey. they want to tweak our nose a little bit but they don't want to get in a confrontation would withes so we done ne they say about 28 missiles hit their targets right on. >> we're talking about in syria, a quarter of the state of texas to put it in some perspective there. we saw the terrain there. we're talking about a mountainous region where they are shooting those missiles, obviously programmed. yes, they're programmed but anything can happen. we've seen in the past mistakes happen. >> mistakes do happen but these missiles are capable of hitting certainly within one meter. not only that, they can be reprogrammed en route so they can change where they're going any time. they're very, very accurate. >> does it surprise you at all that a week in to this offensive on their part that this is where they are now and that they're using this type of ves snell. >> into, not at all. pubt and -- >> that's the missile right there that we're talking about. >> here's the war head. it can be packed with almost anything. you can actually put new mexico in there. here as the rocket body. it flies napa the earth just a few but at the end of the day what putin and iran is looking for, when the music stops, they want to be in syria. when assad is gone, they in and he's telling them to stay out of their as or when it comes to strikes and the shared airspace and the u.s. and the talks -- >> we're going to talk about that later. >> looking forward to that. good to have your perspective. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> we want to talk you to capitol hill where the house arms committee is beginning a hearing on committing troops to afghanistan. it comes after president obama apologized for a deadly air strike on doctors without borders. let's get the latest from luke russert. let's start with this big vote for house speaker. talk to us a little bit about the expectations. >> well, there is no doubt that kevin mccarthy will win this vote, frances they only need because the margins were very ait andable, he vefs confident when he went in morning to address his fellow colleagues. tack a listen. >> good morning. >> how's it going to go? >> it's going to go great. >> of course he's there walking in with his wife. he said it's going to go great because thereies no question he'll get the 124 votes within the conference. the question is, frances, is on october 29th when the actual vote for the speaker goes to the house floor where he then needs a majority of 218 votes, will he be able to get 218 republicans? it unclear right now. when john boehner ran for speaker two and a half years ago, 25 conservatives defected. mccarthy can only afford to lose 29 conservatives. he's going to have to make concessions between now and then to get those votes? to be could be a good day for him if he at leasts secures the nomination. >> we did hear from general campbell before where he basically said he can't give or disclose details on exactly what went wrong, ma -- >> a hospital was mistakenly struck and we would never intentionally target a protected medical facility. i must allow the investigation to take its course and, therefore, i'm not at liberty to discuss further specifics at this time. i'm sure the results will be thorough and transparent. >> that is general campbell speaking in front of the committee. as i was hearing him live, sounds pretty much the same thing he said last time around, not really divulging any information about the fact of how that attack on doctors without borders was made and where that was said that we will make sure this doesn't happen again. did someone in the special regime forces not follow protocol to the needed level? there will be ongoing investigations, make no mistake about it. the other thing that will up is this idea of keeping troops in afghanistan past the initial withdrawal date. there's a real concern that there could be a repeat of isis in iraq if the u.s. were to leave too early. >> we know from the past that he's called for the review of the strategy there. we'll continue to see what else he says. luke ruk effort -- >> the death toll has risen to 19 after two more died in floodwaters. tell us about the improvement they're seeing and progress being made. >> hi, frances. the river levels have dropped at one point offer this railing, slowly returning to normal levels, but it's going downstream and going to the coast. right now there is concern for those coastal areas about possible flooding. meanwhile here in columbia, officials caution the danger is not over. they are closely watching 62 dams in this year, and these two enough deaths reminding people to please do not drive around the barricades, respect the road closures and pay very careful attention. for homeowners, the cleaning process is going to take months, if not years. we visited pun one house yesterday where volunteers had stripped the years and stripped the cabinets. it was down to the studds. >> the homeowner told us she has been overwhelmed by the vol ear people we know, people we don't know, we had some people come here yesterday afternoon and they were like we'll be back tomorrow, we're going to get you a dumpster. it amazing. unbelievable. >> the national guard continues to send troops. 5,000 boots expected on the ground by tomorrow. five more counties have been declared disasters. that will help the victims get federal aid. >> thank you very much for that report. still ahead, devastating news for the families of the 33 crew members on board that cargoship during hurricane joaquin. but first vladimir putin took time out of his busy schedule do this -- play a little bit of ice hockey. he teamed up in a game against some told friends. putin led his team to a 15-10 win. we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at open.com. so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. 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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to cialis.com bis committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is always number one. we leave out poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat and soy. and, we own where our dry food is made - 100%. can other brands say all that? for grain-free nutrition you can trust, does your food go beyond? learn more at beyondpetfood.com the search is now officially suspended for the missing 33 crew from the ship that set sale during hurricane joaquin. it's heart breaking for those families who were really hoping for the best. >> it really is, frances. so many people here, including us included, were hoping for a miracle. unfortunately today many of those families headed home with heavy hearts and two mothers are saying they're going home with just a small vial of seawater because that's all they have of their children. >> that's the worst. the -- jackie jones jr. was supposed to retire next year. his father isn't ready to give up the search. s >> six days? come on, it's too early. >> the el faro sank between jacksonville and puerto rico and after finding debris and a badly damaged life boat, this edetermined that they doesn't believe anybody could survive. >> i want the families to know how committed we were to finding our loved ones. >> the ntsb is being brought in to low the ship's voice data recorder. >> we'll be able to hear what happened on the bridge and determine what happened and why those decisions were made. >> the owner is now refusing to answer questions, while the family begins the painful process of saying good-bye. >> i'll never see my son again. have i nothing but memories and pictures. i'll never see him again. >> now, the company insists that it will take care of those families. it also says it will cooperate in the ntsb investigation and says there is a lot to learn in this investigation and even talked about the possibility of industry-wide changes, frances. >> kristen, thank you very much. >> "people" magazine takes on a call to violence next. iyaki gri. and yeah, it's endless, but it won't last forever. excellent. researching a hunch, and making a decision. time for a change of menu. research and invest with e*trade's browser trading. e*trade. in the wake of the mass rooti i shooting in oregon, "people" is declaring this a call to action to its readers, and it's putting the power in their hands by providing the contact information for all 535 members of congress. with me now is nbc's stephanie gosk. stephan stephanie, "people" going way beyond celebrities and red carpet in this push. >> absolutely. if you think about it, gun violence is one of the most contentious issues in our generation. and this week, as you said, they're paying tribute to the victims of roseburg, but then they go a step further and they call on their 75 million readers to do something about it. >> reporter: "people" magazine has a message for the people. rise up, reach out, and tell congress to do something. >> one thing is very, very clear, and that is as a country, we are not doing enough about gun violence. >> reporter: "people" posted and published the contact information for all 535 voting members of the senate and the house. along with this fact. over 10,000 people have been killed this year alone by guns. editor jess cagle says the idea was inspired by president obama's speech following the shooting in roseburg, oregon. >> somehow this has become routine. >> i was watching president obama give his speech. and when he got up to speak, i rolled my eyes and i thought, oh, here he is again. there has been nothing done about the last mass shooting. >> reporter: cagle says this is not about an agenda. >> i think that any time you try to start a conversation, some people take it as you want to take away my guns or you want to take away my liberties. i was very careful not to even take a side. >> reporter: the sides are already well staked out. echoed over and over on the campaign trail this week. >> the idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive. >> name a case where gun rights being restricted out of washington would have changed the course of any of those cases. >> reporter: cagle says he is tired of the rhetoric. >> let's hold our representatives' feet to the fire, and let's let them know that these kind of routine responses are just not going to cut it anymore. >> reporter: but like it or not, "people's" call to action has thrown the magazine into the political fray. on social media, there was applause mixed with vows to cancel subscriptions. proof that when it comes to guns, everything is political. there is a long history of inaction after these mass shootings, and the editor of "people" is really trying to move that needle. but the question is, will voter outcry be enough to overcome the political realities? >> at least everyone can agree that after so many lives lost, time after time, that something different has to come out of it each time around. >> you'd hope people could agree on that. >> thank you very much. still ahead, we have a big hour ahead. we've been watching general john campbell testifying before the house armed services committee about u.s. strategy in afghanistan. also next hour, we'll hear from the head of volkswagen's u.s. operations about the emissions scandal. and there's also a hearing on threats to the homeland. we have it all covered for you, watching it closely here on msnbc. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time... 2% back at the grocery store... and 3% back on gas... vince of the flying branzinos got a bankamericard cash rewards credit card, because he may earn his living jumping through hoops, but he'd rather not earn cash back that way. that's the spectacle of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. more data means more freedom to do..whatever. that's why at&t is giving you 50% more data. that's 15 gigs of data for the price of 10. because the more data you have, the better. and right now at at&t get $300 credit for every line you switch when you trade in a smartphone and buy any smartphone on at&t next. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? 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(girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. welcome back to msnbc live. i'm frances rivera. we begin in syria where russia's assault from air and sea may be turning the touride. and as we speak, the syrian military is launching a new ground offensive along the western coast. nearly two dozen russian jets launched new attacks this morning purportedly going after isis targets, although the united states insists they are going after syrian opposition. and now russian warships have joined the fight firing long-range missiles from nearly 1,000 miles away from the caspian sea. our foreign correspondent ayman mohyeldin is on the set with me. when it comes to putin flexing his muscle in the middle east, this is a matter of time before we saw this. >> absolutely. what we've seen emerge over the last several days of russian airstrikes now is a strategy that's meant to shore up support for assad and not simply degrade terrorist organizations within syria like isis and others. but with this development that now russia is firing both long-range and airstrikes, long-range missiles and airstrikes into syria, it seems to be coordinated with a syrian military approach, a ground offensive to try and push out some of the territories that they have lost over the course of the last several years of fighting against opposition groups. now, the concentration of that fighting happens to be in the western part of the country. that is close to where russia has its naval sea base in syria as well as its presence on the ground. but it's very important for the syrian regime now that they have air support to try and take some of the territory and ground that it has conceded over the last several years and by the regime there at least some more time. over the course of the last several months, there were growing concerns from the syrian government's perspective that the opposition was gaining ground. in fact, the syrian military was really struggling to kind of rebuild its manpower. its army was dwindling in size. and they really were simply relying on barrel bombs being dropped by the syrian air force. but that was not enough to tilt the balance of power on the ground fighting. now with russia's involvement, they certainly have the aerial momentum to try and push forward on the ground, frances. >> talk about the challenges here where we're seeing this is the case of russia and putin wanting to fight opposition forces there. but then you have the united states targeting isis. where does that put us, the united states, and our goals in fighting terrorists? >> well, the u.s. is fighting two separate fronts in this case. on one hand, they are fighting isis directly, very openly. and the united states has been very clear that they will continue their airstrikes along with other arab allies to degrade and destroy and decimate isis and disrupt their ability to carry out attacks. but the other part is much more complicated, and this is at the core of this syrian civil war which is that the united states is supporting, arming, equipping, training either directly or through its arab allies several syrian opposition groups that are fighting on the ground against the assad regime. the united states has been clear. they want assad to go in a political transition to ensue. that now has completely been stalled if not completely been disrupted by russia's presence to try and shore up support for the assad regime. it now comes down to whether or not the united states is going to support its opposition forces with the same rigor to achieve what it has always demanded, which is president assad to step down from power, or whether it's going to continue just to focus on fighting isis while letting the other track, if you will, which is the syrian opposition fighting assad, for now to continue the way it has been, which is being degraded by russia. >> all right. these are those questions loom as far as u.s. strategy in syria. thank you very much, ayman mohyeldin. i want to bring in jane harman, president and ceo of the woodrow wilson center. congresswoman, thank you very much. i want to talk to you about vladimir putin, seen they're especially in this latest move, the escalation of use of these missiles, pretty much taking over as a major player in syria. would you see that as a result of russian strength or america's failure to fill that role with the question of american and u.s. strategy now in the balance? >> well, the answer to all of that is yes. russia has effectively become syria's air force, both long and short-range attacks on civilian populations. let's understand that, that want to remove bashar assad, one of our objectives, as ayman just said, is so remove bashar assad, too, but it's made our options much more limited. i am sad that we have spent three years with basically a very modest tentative strategy, and that has closed the window or closed it almost totally for our main objective, which was bashar change. not regime change but bashar change in syria. and now at this point, what we can do, i think, is to continue and ramp up our fight against isis. we have to understand that isis threatens us. and then hope for, as soon as possible, the window opening again so that we can have a political process to remove bashar. that is something actually that i think iran and russia will ultimately agree to, but they want to structure the government that comes afterwards, and that government may not be friendly to our interests. we're in a bad spot here. we should have had a more muscular policy over three years. we should have, in my view, done limited airstrikes over syria when we had a chance to take out the helicopters that have been dropping these barrel bombs in response to syria's use of chemical weapons on its people. something we said was a red line. >> let me ask you this. you're saying we're in a tough spot now. if you go back and time and you look so far as russia's muscle with crimea, taking over that, and the invasion of the ukraine, in failing to stop putin then, is that the reason we're here now? >> well, it's much more complicated. russia is -- or putin wants to russia to reemerge as a global power. this is tricky since he has no economy. let's understand that with the implosion of oil prices and the bite of sanctions which will remain in place, he's got a withering economy. his gdp has gone way down. ours is up. but he's put his money into a robust military effort, and he's playing all his cards now. long term he probably can't kuk seed with this. he is changing the subject from ukraine, let's understand that. no one's talking about ukraine anymore, but this is a similar playbook. and ukraine wasn't the first chapt chapter. the first chapter was the country of georgia which russia invaded in 2008. and the world did nothing about it. >> yeah. i know this was a concern for you when it comes to miscalculation on the heels of this near miss. >> huge possibility over turkey, nato. i mean, it's all on the table. it's a new global confrontation. it's not the old cold war. this is a very different set of circumstances and nonstate actors play a big role. let's remember hezbollah which threatens israel is also part of the fighting force to prop up bashar in syria. >> i know this was a concern for you even sometime ago, last year when he wrote that article for "the new republic." jane harman, thank you very much for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you, frances. today the house judiciary committee will be holding a hearing on planned parenthood. the hearing comes a little over a week after that tense hearing went on for more than five hours with planned parenthood president cecile richards. adding to the house panel's already investigating planned parenthood. all of this after claims of fetal tissue and organ sales were brought to life released over the summer by anti-abortion group. karen bass is part of the committee that will be questioning planned parenthood today and joins me now. congresswoman, what is going to be one of your first lines of questions to planned parenthood today? >> actually, it's not going to be of planned parenthood. it's going to be of the other side which is why are we having this hearing? there have been over 16 votes that we've held in the last few months limiting a woman's right to choose, which is really the underlying issue in this whole debate. and i just think it's so sad, given all that's going on in the country and the world, that we would be wasting time like this. >> talk a little bit about the makeup of this committee and what can we expect when it comes to men, women, republican and democrats and given that democratic -- that demographic, what we can expect from these discussions. >> well, i think it's very important that you mention the demographic because on the republican side, there are about 22 men and i believe 1 woman that sit on that side. and so when we've gone through these hearings before and, you know, we have had many hearings dealing with the issue of a woman's right to choose, i unfortunately have to sit there and listen to my male colleagues who really need to go back and take basic physiology courses to understand the way a woman's body functions. it's really sad because this is just a staging area. we are very clear that this is about limiting a woman's right to choose. and we need to be more specific because planned parenthood services are utilized primarily by low-income women, and we know that planned parenthood does a variety of basic health care services. and so this is who we are attacking. and i really think that it's sad that we are spending time like this today. >> you talk about that, the services provided by planned parenthood. abortion is the law of the land. some of the practices planned parenthood being accused of are not. what type of consequences are they potentially facing? >> well, i mean, i think we will do that we have done so many other times before, which is vote to defund planned parenthood completely. and you know very well that planned parenthood's services that they provide very limited abortion services are not supported by federal funding at all. so when you're talking about cutting back services and cutting back funding for planned parenthood, you're talking about basic ob/gyn services that all women need. you are talking about breast exams. you are talking about primary health care. and as a former health care clinician, as a physician assistant, those services are vitally needed. >> as we've heard from time and time again there, congresswoman karen bass, we appreciate your time. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me on. developing now in south carolina, scores of residents forced to flee their homes from flooding earlier this week. they're returning to utter devastation. for many virtually nothing is left. and volunteers are helping clear several homes of all of their water-damaged possessions. meantime, the flood threat remains very real for coastal areas as storm water from the historic rain continues to make its way to the ocean, causing swollen rivers and bulging dams. and the death toll has now climbed to 19 with 2 more confirmed deaths. let's go live to charleston and nbc's sarah dallof. another day with the sun shining and good news with some of the waters continuing to recede. >> reporter: yeah, that's correct, frances. at its peak here in columbia, the water was well over this railing here behind me, as you can see now. they are receding dramatically, but all of that water has to go somewhere. and that's prompting flooding concerns in coastal areas. meanwhile, cleanup here continues. homeowners and volunteers working round the clock to move out all of those waterlogged possessions and get inside those homes, begin stripping them of damaged drywall and cabinetry. it's a huge effort, and it's going to take weeks, months, possibly years for everything to get back to normal here. meanwhile, we've been talking to homeowners. and the thing we've heard over and over again is that they are simply overwhelmed by the amount of love and support they've received from volunteers. >> these angels, they appeared. >> reporter: just incredibly emotional. >> it is. when people are kind, it touches my heart. and everybody just spread their wings and helped us. >> reporter: not only do volunteers continue to turn out, but so do national guardsmen. more than 5,000 boots expected on the ground in these affected areas by tomorrow. meanwhile, five more counties have been declared disasters. frances, that will help victims get federal aid. back to you. >> they need along with support they're getting from other members of the community. sarah dallof, thank you very much. still to come, a lot unfolding for you in this hour of msnbc live. a lot of action on capitol hill. we're watching the head of u.s. forces in afghanistan is getting grilled by a house panel about the deadly hospital airstrike in kunduz. and the heads of homeland security, the fbi and the national counterterrorism center are about to testify on current threats to america. plus, volkswagen's u.s. president is in the hot seat about to speak about the unprecedented emissions scandal that's plagued the world that's top automaker. all this plus the latest from the campaign trail next. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. ...intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes.it... it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin 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train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california. we are following news on multiple fronts this morning in the race for the white house. there is a new divide on the democratic side of the race. hillary clinton now going against the white house on the new transpacific trade deal. this now would make vice president joe biden the only democrat backing the agreement if he ultimately decides to get into the campaign. msnb host steve kornacki is with me. steve, good morning. interesting when you have hillary clinton being criticized for flip-flopping on tpp and others as well, and then you have bernie sanders saying from day one you knew how i stood on this. >> yeah, you can see the realignment, the primary politics. it's a very interesting story. you mentioned it is a fresh split between hillary clinton and her former boss, president obama. this trade agreement, tpp, the transpacific partnership, it is a huge part of the president's legacy, or what he hopes will be his legacy, at least. the white house has been pushing this deal for the better part of a year now. and now hillary clinton has aligned herself against it. also, as you say, she has put vice president biden's back against the wall about he decides to get in this race. he'll have to defend that deal as obama's vice president. this is a stunning reversal from when she was secretary of state. how stunning is the reversal? well, back then she called this deal "the gold standard for trade deals." and now also "the washington post" pointing out this morning that in her 2014 memoir "hard choices," clinton actually wrote, quote, it's safe to say that the tpp won't be perfect. no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be, but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit american businesses and workers. now, of course, she is saying something very different from that. nbc's peter alexander is live at the white house. peter, thanks for joining us. politics all over the place on this one. let's start with this. the tpp is not yet a done deal. it's still going to have to face a vote in congress. president obama still going to need some democrats to come on board. with hillary clinton aligning herself against this, has she just complicated that effort for them? >> reporter: well, i think that's possibly the case. a lot of people here in the obama world, as it were, at the white house want to stay above the fray on this, but they do believe that hillary clinton is the best general election democratic candidate out there despite poll numbers that have shown joe biden would fare very well on that front. but if they wanted to, they could point out all those contradictions that you noted, what she wrote in her book, she helped advocate for this deal before the details were ultimately negotiated, of course. analysts will tell you that they believe that bernie sanders is really not going to defeat her when it comes to the democratic nomination and that if this is a political move, it may be shortsighted. they make some other points as well including the fact that republicans in a general election campaign may be able to use this against hillary clinton as a flip-flop. and beyond that, they suggest that organized labor, obviously a group that will be satisfied by what clinton is now saying is not the force among democrats that it formerly was. steve? >> those general election concerns about flip-flopping, obviously that could be a huge consideration. but let me ask you about the biden piece of this because joe biden is somebody, his whole career he's been pretty close to organized labor. if he runs, he would definitely want labor in his corner. now here's a situation where clinton has aligned herself with labor. >> reporter: yeah. >> joe biden would have to be against them on this issue if he runs. has she boxed him in here? >> reporter: it's interesting, joe biden will be speaking here in washington on the topic of job creation. elizabeth warren also expected to be in attendance at that event today. but, you know, in terms of joe biden's situation right now, whether or not he's boxed in really ultimately depends on whether or not he gets into this race. a longtime donor and supporter told me within the last 24 hours that biden is still deliberating, that he doesn't believe biden himself has made his mind up right now. one of the real questions, of course, is if he does this, when would he do it, and would it be too late? the first democratic debate is next tuesday. some people suggest that's not the real deadline. the real deadline could be early in november when the first state ballots, the filings, are due. nonetheless, joe biden keeping a lot of people waiting here patiently to see what he will say. but some people say their patience is starting to wear out. steve? >> yeah. this waiting game, if you're a political junkie out there, it might remind you of mario cuomo. he put people through this about 24 years ago. peter alexander at the white house, thank you. also we should tell you something else this morning. hillary clinton making more news today. she is expected later on to roll out a wall street reform plan. this is an issue that has galvanized much of the left since the meltdown back in 2008. we can tell you the highlights of what clinton is expected to propose. they include tougher penalties against financial firms that commit wrongdoing including specific punishments for executives. also strengthening the so-called volcker rule. thatten bans proprietary tradiy commercial banks and calling for a new tax on high-frequency trading. the context for these new proposals from hillary clinton, we are less than a week away from that big first democratic debate. full frontal attack on wall street is essential to her chief rival, bernie sanders. this is a topic that you can expect him to be talking about extensively when the candidates meet next tuesday night. now clinton hopes she'll have something to say on the subject, too. now, all of this as we say while joe biden is finalizing his plans and the rest of the elm dids prepare for that debate next week, meanwhile, republicans are continuing to watch donald trump. he's going to be in las vegas for a big campaign rally later today. trump was in iowa on wednesday where he got a glimpse at what "the washington post" is calling his second act. well, the republican front-runner says he doesn't plan to change his confrontational style, he did go out of his way to defend his closest rival, ben carson, who's been criticized for comments on how he'd react in a mass shooting. trump tweeted, quote, ben carson was speaking in general terms as to what he would do if confronted with a gunman and was not criticizing the victims. not fair! msnbc's anthony terrell is with the trump campaign, is up early for us from las vegas. anthony, so that's an interesting tweet there from donald trump. he was going after ben carson a few weeks ago. we know he's going after marco rubio now. we know he went after jeb bush, he went after rand paul. is this trump 2.0 we're hearing about, a kinder gentler donald trump? >> reporter: right. yeah, that's right, steve. good morning. this is part of the next phase of the donald trump campaign. we saw yesterday when donald trump was campaigning in iowa in front of 1100 people, he was a little kinder and gentler where there was -- he never went after any of his opponents, and he always says that he only counterattacks once he's attacked. now, ben carson, when he was defending him there, is to gather the second amendment supporters, the gun vote. we also saw his campaign actually expressing to those in the crowd how to caucus. so part of this next phase of the kinder, gentler donald trump is also winning. and you can't win if you don't organize. and so instead of posters of donald trump and "make america great again," we saw instructions for those in the audience how to vote on a cold, cold february night in iowa. and then there's also donald trump praising hillary clinton to my colleague, katy tur, she, as you know, sent her books out to all the republican candidates. and he said it was a nice book, and he received a nice letter. steve? >> some of the old tricks are still there. but here's what i'm curious about with trump. we talk about this second act. you say instructions for caucusing so they're putting an organization together. they're talking about a media strategy, putting out television ads, the sorts of traditional things you'd expect from a campaign. but the appeal of trump to this point has been that he's the anti-candidate. he does things and says things that no candidate will ever say. is there a risk and are there aware that there's a risk of looking too much like a conventional candidate? >> reporter: well, he could still be the anti-candidate. i'm here in las vegas, nevada is also a caucus state, has a very libertarian-leaning streak. he'll be here at treasure island about 1500 people. we're about a mile away from trump tower, and that anti-establishment streak could work here in las vegas if they also organize like they're trying to do in iowa. the republicans vote here february 23rd. and in the local media here in las vegas, the only real mention of donald trump's event today was by robin leach from "lifestyles of the rich and famous," highlighting his appearance and then pointing out that marco rubio will be in the city tomorrow. steve? >> the coveted robin leach endorsement. there you go. nbc's anthony terrell in las vegas. thanks for that. and let's head back over to franc frances. >> wasn't donald trump supposed to be having melania and daughter ivanka? >> supposedly he's going to bring his wife and daughter out on the campaign trail. again, you talk about the things that typical candidates do. that's part of it. you start bringing the family in. >> although they're not the most typical family. that part of it may not be so typical after all. steve kornacki, thank you so much. good to have you here. up next, we'll get a check on wall street. right now the dow is slightly. taking a look, down negative 38 points. china, the federal reserve and earnings are all in focus. we'll get a check with cnbc's mandy drury. first, a virginia woman is facing criminal charges after security video caught her doing yoga, out of all places, on subway tracks outside washington, d.c. the video shot back in december. it shows that woman striking yoga poses as her partner took photographs. well, the pair was approached by a metro employee before they hopped on a train. the woman was eventually tracked down and charged with misdemeanor trespass looks like some folks have had it with their airline credit card miles. sometimes those seats cost a ridiculous number of miles... or there's a fee to use them. i know. it's so frustrating. they'd be a lot happier with the capital one venture card. and you would, too! why? it's so easy with venture. you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. just book any flight you want then use your miles to cover the cost. now, that's more like it. what's in your wallet? when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung,h. it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody 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all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. we are following developm t developments this morning on capitol hill where the u.s. official, the top u.s. official for volkswagen will be on the hot seat this morning. michael korn will take tough questions on the volkswagen emissions scandal. there he is now live saying that he was informed of this back in 2014. let's take a quick listen. >> -- any reason to suspect or to believe that our vehicles included such a device. i was also informed that the company engineers would work with the agencies to resolve the issue. later in 2014, i was informed that the technical teams had a specific plan for remedies to bring the vehicle into compliance and that they were engaged with the agencies about the process and you mentioned this also in your statements. on september abo3rd, volkswagen disclosed at a meeting with the u.s. environment protection agency that emissions software in the vehicles from model years 2009 until 2015 contained a device in the form of hidden software that could recognize whether a vehicle was being operated in a test laboratory or on the road. the software made those vehicles emit high levels of nitrogen oxide when the vehicles were driven rather than laboratory testing. in volkswagen's recent ongoing discussions with regulator, we described to the epa that our emissions strategy also included a software feature that should be disclosed to and approved by them as an emissions control device which is also called aecd. in connection with the certification process, as a result in order to show that we act immediately, we have withdrawn the implication for certification for all model year '16 vehicles and we are now working with the agencies to continue the certification process. these events, and i fully agree on this, are deeply troubling. i did not think that something like this was possible at the volkswagen group. we have broken the trust of our customers, dealerships, employees, as well as the public and the regulators. and let me be very clear. we at volkswagen take full responsibility for our actions, and we are working with all the relevant authorities in a cooperative way. i'm here to offer the commitment of volkswagen a.g. to work with this committee, to understand what happened, and moving forward. >> words from the head of volkswagen u.s. here, testifying on capitol hill on that emissions scandal there. this controversy surrounds up to 11 million vehicles that were equipped with software that allowed them to cheat on u.s. emissions tests. you heard there from michael horn saying that he didn't think that this was possible, saying that -- and admitting that volkswagen has broken the trust of the public and their customers, and they are taking full responsibility. that testimony will continue as representatives from the epa are expected to speak as well. we'll continue to watch this especially that gets heated. we'll bring you updates as we get them. we're also following developments from wall street where stocks are slightly lower despite an upbeat report on the job market. the dow jones down 24 points. cnbc's mandy drury is here with a market rundown. mandy, good morning to you. bring us up to date about this. before we start talking about holidays because it's still way too early for me to talk about it. i know you will. >> yeah. so we got the initial jobless claims that you're referring to as the good data this morning which fell to 263,000 from 276,000 last week. so that's near a 42-year low, and it really does seem that employers at least in certain sectors are keeping a time hold on their employees because it's basically getting tougher to find people with the right skills because the participation rate in the job market is also continuing to fall. so why is the market a little jittery? well, you know, we've got the minutes from the fed's september meeting at 2:00 p.m. eastern. so no one's taking any big bets there. of course we're looking for clarification on a number of things, right? like how close a call was it in september? what exactly do they see as the impact of those developments abroad that supposedly stayed their hand. you know, and also what their view of the job market was because they made the decision without seeing that weak payroll report we got on friday. lots of things we're watching for today. >> i know you have that new report on holiday shopping, but i'm not even in holiday shopping mode at all. >> not even close. >> we'll save that for another time. mandy drury, thank you. >> u ththank you. up next, a troubling escalation in syria where president assad launched a ground offensive backed by the russian military. those details and three big events we're watching on capitol hill. a house panel seeking answers about the accidental hospital airstrike in afghanistan. also, the senate assessing threats to the homeland. and as we just heard from the head of volkswagen united states testifying on the emissions scandal, admitting that they have broken the trust of the public and their customers, and they are taking full responsibility. we have you covered on all events right after the break. it's a fact. kind of like playing the boss equals the boss wins. wow! ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ it's the brand more doctorsose recommend for minor arthritis pain. plus, just two aleve can last all day. you'd need 6 tylenol arthritis to do that. aleve. all day strong. back now to capitol hill where the ceo of volkswagen in america is testifying before a house subcommittee. that panel is investigating the company's admission last month that it installed on-board computer software designed to cheat on government emissions tests in nearly a half million cars starting back in 2009. joining me now is cnbc's eamon javers. as we're listening to this testimony from michael horn, the head of volkswagen here in the united states, he read that prepared statement earlier going so far as to say yes, they broke the trust of the public, but they didn't think this was possible for this to happen with volkswagen. what was he meaning by that? >> reporter: he was talking about the corporate culture. he said he didn't think this was the kind of thing that could happen inside the company he worked at so many years. but obviously it did happen. he also said that he was informed as early as the spring of 2014 that there might be a potential emissions problem. he doesn't say who informed him about that, and he doesn't say anything about exactly who was responsible for that. we can expect that these members of congress are going to really grill horn to try to get to those answers. but he is offering a full-throated apology. let me read you exactly what he's saying. there's no mincing of words. he says on behalf of our company and my colleagues in germany, i would like to offer a sincere apology for volkswagen's use of a software program that served to defeat the regular emissions testing regime. obviously, a whole lot of questions here still to be answered, though. >> absolutely. when it comes to the software specifically, it's basically being called a defeat device that results in cars emitting up to 40 times the emissions that are allowed to ensure public health care. it's also interesting that he also mentioned when it comes to 2016 models of jettas, golfs, passats and beetles with diesel engines that they are basically withdrawing applications for certifications. what's the impact? >> reporter: that's going to have a big impact on volkswagen going forward. and the big question here is what is all this going to cost volkswagen and how exactly are they going to make volkswagen owners good on the damage they've suffered? a lot of people who bought these cars now are feeling really in a pinch because the value of the car will go down as a result of all this negative publicity and a result of the emissions. the question for owners is what is volkswagen going to do to make me whole on this? not a lot of answers yet on what they plan to do here, but they are saying that they are withdrawing the application for certification for their 2016 models. that is a big step, and obviously we'll have to see what the impact is on the company here going forward. >> absolutely. across the board, when it comes to the epa, the business aspect and also the pr aspect from volkswagen as well. eamon, thank you very much. also closely following a house armed services committee hearing on the u.s. strategy in afghanistan. and right now lawmakers are hearing from uf afghanistan commander john campbell who addressed last weekend's deadly airstrike on a doctors without borders hospital. >> to prevent any future incidents of this nature, i've directed the entire force to undergo in-depth training in order to review all of our operational authorities and rules of engagement. >> let's get the latest from capitol hill and nbc's luke russert. luke, thanks for being back again with us. the general's promising what he calls a thorough objective and transparent investigation. but when i hear that, that's exactly what he said during the last hearing, last time. what's going to be different this time around? >> reporter: well, it remains to be seen. and that's really what members of congress are trying to get at related to that specific incident regarding doctors without borders. i think you're going to see a real hardcore line of questioning on why the story changed from the u.s. intelligence community over the course of a few days. originally it was afghans called that special -- that air force strike and the u.s. special forces took responsibility for it. the other interesting development here in this hearing is you're starting to hear from democrats, frances, acknowledging that the drawdown of u.s. troops down to about half the force that is there now by the end of 2016 probably is not the best idea, considering the recent lapses in security that have happened in afghanistan. the northern part of the country engaging in tough fights with the taliban. so you're starting to see a bipartisan desire to keep troops in afghanistan longer because there's the fear of a repeat of what happened in iraq with isis. that's a very significant development, especially because this marks the 14th year this week that u.s. forces actually started to go into afghanistan militarily. >> a lot to watch in that hearing. also another one, the big vote at noon for the next speaker of the house there, expected to be quick with no surprises. with kevin mccarthy there. tell us a little bit more. >> reporter: well, that vote's coming up at noon. kevin mccarthy is going to win. he needs 124 votes, but essentially half the gop conference. however, he is getting some competition from some more conservative colleagues. jason chaffetz, the house oversight committee chairman, threw his hat into the ring. he said this recently about his long-shot chances. >> clearly i'm an underdog. i get that. look, i ran because i'm trying to bridge the gulf of the divide that is within the republican conference. that's what i try to do. and say hey, it's time for a fresh start. >> reporter: so chaffetz's strategy is kind of emblematic of the struggle within the house gop conference now, frances. there's no doubt that mccarthy is going to emerge from this as the gop nominee for speaker. that race happens on october 29th. the question will be whether or not he can get 218 votes on the house floor. he's going to need those conservatives. a lot of conservatives are uncomfortable with kevin mccarthy. there's a lot of outside pressure from those groups to go against him because he's too establishment. so jason chaffetz sees maybe i can be a compromise candidate at the end of the process. highly unlikely with that strategy. >> we'll see the vote on october 29th. nbc's luke russert, as always, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. turning back to the war in syria, a country about the quarter of the size of texas ux and there are at least four different countries that have some sort of aircraft operating in that space, the u.s., russia, turkey and syria and the u.s. wants to talk to russia to make sure there are no monre confrontations. jack jacobs, good to have you back with us in the discussion in further talking about those four countries and the complexities and the dangers of sharing that airspace. >> yeah. you can see it looks big, 268 miles by 500 miles. but you said it yourself. in terms of area, it's only about a quarter of the size of texas. and you've got all these air forces, russia, syrian, american and turkish flying around the area, and to say nothing of the cruise missiles that were just fired in from the caspian sea and more to come, perhaps both from the united states and from russia, in extremely crowded airspace. plenty of room for a big mess, accidental confrontation. russian soldiers or american special forces on the ground getting hit by errant bombs, really, really dangerous. and what we're looking for is an opportunity to work out who's going to take which area. the russians don't have any interest in doing this. they would prefer to carry on the way they are now with almost complete control of all the airspace. i don't think they're going to sit down and talk seriously about it. >> how do we go about in ensuring that safety? i remember when news broke of these strikes first started. you were on msnbc. we asked you what was a concern for the united states. and you called it. you said right then and there, it would be the fear of something catastrophic happening, an accident, that this is dangerous stuff. when you talk about speaking with russia and this deconflicting meetings that are taking place, how do you push that beyond talking about talking? >> well, you're not going to. i don't think russia wants to. i remember years ago when the war in vietnam, we were negotiating an end to the war, and the north vietnamese who did not want to get involved in a discussion about the conclusion of the war, they spent, oh, maybe six months, nine months, almost a year talking about the shape of the table. and who would sit at the table. and never got into talking about substance. i think the russians are in the same mode. they do not want to have us in their airspace, and i don't think they're going to come to any sort of agreement with us about who's going to control it. >> and we're talking about another plane here where the use of those missiles, 1,000 miles being shot. and us the united states has to be concerned the fact that they're using them at all. >> there's plenty of stuff flying in this airspace. a good opportunity for a mistake to occur. >> colonel jack jacobs, as always, thank you very much. appreciate it. up next, the battle over immigration heats up with democratic candidate bernie sanders taking direct aim at donald trump. first, former first daughter chelsea clinton gets serious with comedienne ellen degeneres, opening up about her mom's presidential run. the full episode airs this afternoon, but here's a little bit of a preview. >> when i see her being attacked, i just have even more respect that she keeps fighting. because i think she could have stopped a long time ago. she still would have accomplished a lot. but that she keeps going because there's so much unfinished business to ensure that every little girl and every little boy has a chance to live up to their god-given potential. d of you, s. ge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. 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i'd steer clear. really? really. straight talk. now based on your strategy i do have some other thoughts... multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. bis committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is always number one. we leave out poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat and soy. and, we own where our dry food is made - 100%. can other brands say all that? for grain-free nutrition you can trust, does your food go beyond? learn more at beyondpetfood.com presidential candidate bernie sanders coming out swinging, taking direct aim ati. the vermont senator spoke yesterday at the annual conference in washington, d.c. and he slammed trump's comments about some undocumented immigrants from mexico being, quote, rapists and criminals. >> there is no justification for racist attacks against one group of people, to call people, for example, who come from mexico rapists or criminals. that is not acceptable, and that is not the kind of discourse we should be seeing in the united states of america. >> and as vice president biden weighs a run of his own, he didn't hold back with latinos in the nation's capital earlier this week. >> make no damn apologies for anything. just go out and make our case straight up, straight up. we will win just simply on the decency of what we are fighting for. >> joining me now is editor of latino coverage and buzzfeed news, adrian. adrian, thanks for being with us here. i want to get to a lot here. but first, the comments by vice president biden. how are they resonating, especially given he hasn't made an announcement on his decision so far? >> i mean, he sure sounds like a candidate. last week he was talking to the human rights campaign calling the republican field homophobes and here he was talking about the republican field being a bunch of nativists and, you know, he said something interesting. he was at an hispanic heritage month event, and he felt that everybody was depressed and sad. he even hung his head and said that he had never seen this before, and he said he feels it's because was beatdown that hispanics are taking from the republican party. you know, he sounded like a candidate. and, you know, everybody that i spoke to and some of the younger folks seemed kind of excited that he might jump into the race and add his voice and the gravitas as the vice president to this conversation around immigration. >> talk about bernie sanders here. when he slams donald trump's comments about undocumented immigrants from mexico, and we see the surge with sanders, it's been continuing on. he's filling these venues with this kind of rock-star support. what is the sanders campaign strategy when it comes to getting more latino votes? >> it's very interesting. the sanders campaign acknowledges that they need to be more known among hispanics. they don't have the name i.d. of course, no one has the name i.d. that hillary clinton has, but they've already started. they're making hires in nevada. here making hires in texas. you saw yesterday at chci, the congressional hispanic caucus dispute, when he made his speech, he talked about economic inequality. hispanics make up 16% of the population but only have 2.2% of the wealth in this country, he said. but most of the focus was on immigration. he wanted the crowd to know that he's an ally on immigration. he talked about the senate bill, how he supports the signal -- how he supported the senate bull but talked about how he didn't like some of the path to citizenship stuff was tied to border trigger. he very much wanted crowd to know that he's an ally on immigration. >> also interesting how hillary clinton will factor in. this week she, in a telemundo interview, kind of went against the white house, the obama administration's deportation policies, calling them too harsh. one of kind of a growing list of policies where she's been kind of separating herself from president obama and those policies. so what is she doing as far as the strategy and winning those latino voters and how that may be resonating? >> i mean, hillary clinton has a long, enduring relationship with the hispanic community going back decades to south texas in the 1970s. but at the same time, what you see now is interesting because biden might be jumping into the race. to a latino audience, she says, well, the administration has been too harsh and aggressive on deportation policy. that's very interesting, and that's not something that she's really said before in that way. and so you already see a little bit of kind of separating herself from the administration and saying if she were president, you know, she would use, you know, deferred action. she would use sort of the enforcement priorities as the way that she seems them to be less harsh, to keep more undocumented in the country as opposed to getting deported. it's a very interesting strategy. >> absolutely. especially with that landscape that may change if and when joe biden announces that decision. and if he'll run. adrian, thank you, as always. >> thank you. >> and we'll be right back. ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. 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[engine revving] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ right now on msnbc, hillary clinton's strategy to break from the obama administration over the pacific trade deal. it's clinton's biggest move yet to show she's not running for obama's third term. and today both president obama and secretary clinton will be at the very same event. and developing now, senate democrats are vowing to block other bills until their new gun-control legislation gets a vote. right now, they're introducing the sweeping new proposals in the wake of the oregon school shooting. we'll get a live report for you from capitol hill. and new jersey health officials are urging dozens of patients to now take hepatitis and hiv tests after a nurse reused a syringe while giving flu shots. we begin with hillary clinton's most dramatic break yet from her former boss, president obama. she's now opposing the president's signature transpacific partnership trade deal that as secretary of state she called, quote, the gold standard in trade agreements. >> what i know about it, as of today, i am not in favor of what i have learned about it. but i know and, again, i don't have the text. we don't yet have all the details. i don't believe it's going to meet the high bar i have set. >> clinton's decision to oppose the deal now puts her in sync with her democratic rival, bernie sanders. >> i'm glad that she reached that lu