level two and one trauma systems throughout the state. >> can you give us any indication who these victims are? >> they are mixed, male and females at this point at various agencies. >> we're going to honor the privacy for the patients. >> what is the age span? >> the age span i would say was on the younger side. >> reporter: doctor, there were ten patients admitted here. explain what you just went over. >> we received ten patients from the ucc. of those three were transferred for a hyper level of care. two were treated and released from the emergency room. four required operating room procedures. one person was deceased in the emergency room. of the four that underwent surgical intervention, one was discharged yesterday, one will likely be discharged today and the remaining two, one is in critical condition and one is in stable condition at this point. >> can you say what type of injuries? >> all of the injuries were gunshot wounds to abdomen, thorax, head, extremities at this point. >> there as a disparity between the sheriff's office saying there were seven wounded and you have ten people here? >> we received ten patients here. that's the information i can vouch for. >> when you have so many coming at once, how do you respond to it? >> we trained for this. the outpouring of our staff, people on their days off coming in, retired physicians coming in. one of the challenges honestly is coordinating support for the families and friends and coordinating information. >> has this personally many pacted you as well sp. >> i have staff members who have been impacted and at this point we do not know all of the names of the victims. >> for you personally, this is your town. to see this happen here and just trying to -- how do you cope with helping these people and dealing with the emotion of this at the same time? >> that's been one of our biggest challenges, supporting not only the patients, the family but our own caregivers as kelly mentioned. yesterday was a challenging day. the days and the wooks eeks to will be the most challenging and how do we continue to support our staff and victims here. >> you say you do not know all the victims and you've been taking care of them? >> we do not know all the names of the victims. >> you said these were the more severe, more life threatening injuries? >> the patients which were transferred required services that we don't have available, typically neurosurgery. >> the one deceased, is it in addition to the ten that were announced yesterday? >> you know, i cannot vouch. >> we don't know if that's one of the ten or not. but again, all ten here expected to survive and do well. one's already out, another one leaving today. >> in your background, doctor, have you seen something of this nature before? >> in a small community like this, this is the first time in a small community. as kelly mentioned it, shows how our community came together, we look at the first responders, law enforcement, community outpouring. we've received support all over, pizza ordered and sent from hospitals in other states and coffee. we're focused on treating the patients. and us and the staff, you go through the range of emotions from disbelief to anger and sadness and resolution. it's still less than 24 hours. it's still very raw for a lot of people. most people are quite numb. >> what's next for you on the staff? you have two more people you're tending to. then what? >> reporter: is it two or three more? >> there are three. one will likely be discharged today. >> we have our pastoral care team ready to go to have some time with our employees today, as well as early next week so they can walk through the emotional trauma also. >> the people who have been transferred, can you describe the difference their injuries? >> the three that were transferred with either services that we don't provide here or that in our state trauma system met the criteria to be transferred to a level one or level two trauma sector. >> that was in springfield they were transferred? >> peace heart sacred medical center said two were listed as critical and one in serious condition. have you heard that as well? >> that would fit with the description at the time of transfer. >> do either of you know anyone personally at this school or have any family members of your own at this school? >> i think all of us have different family members or friend that work out there or are students. we don't know who the victims a at this time. every single hospital here in our hospital in the community will be impacted by somebody out at ucc. >> reporter: when can we expect another update on victims or the victims you have here? >> once we have an update on the three people here, i'm sure we'll send out a press release on that. for the victims out at the college, that's something you'll need to work with the sheriff's office for. >> we understand the shooter was also treated here. can you talk about his treatment? >> we do not believe the shooter was treated here. >> reporter: what can the community do to help you? >> i think this is a time of trying to pray as much as we can, to be peaceful, to be supportive of each other. we are going to have a blood drive later today at our community center. that will be at noon. if people want to participate in that, that would be really helpful. but i also think just spending time with friends and family to support them as we walk through this. we know it going to be a long process of grieving, as well as support. that's what we're going to need from everybody here at roseburg. >> reporter: do you have other people who were in shock who -- >> i'm sorry? >> reporter: people are in shock, not necessarily relatives who collapsed -- >> none of those were admitted but obviously a lot of emotional and pastoral support. >> our mental health professionals are available here, whether you're employees or from the community. that's what we want to coordinate also with the community. >> you said definitively the shooter was not treated here, correct? i wanted to make sure i understand. >> to the best of our knowledge, the shooter was not treated here. >> thank you. >> that's the very latest from roseburg, oregon, a news conference -- an update on the condition of the people taken to the hospital, ten people total. >> thomas roberts joins us as on what would have been a beautiful friday. thomas? >> reporter: it would have been. they were all put into a hyper shocked mode at 10 a.m. when the shots rang out on campus. we can put some pieces together. one is a student, chris mints, he was an army vet, served for about ten years. the average age here is about 38 for other students. his and you said he was trying to save other students. he was shot in the back, abdomen and hand. a teen student named anna boylan who was injured underwent surgery for a bullet that was lodged near her spine. anna was, this is according to her mom, able to talk before the operation. the teen saying the shooter entered her classroom, shot her professor and then this is where we get specific about what happened from the shooter to the students, according to anna boylan, the shooter asked what the religious affiliation of students were. if you said you were a christian, he shot them in the head. if you said you weren't, you were shot in the leg. jacob was listening to the details for the patients treated there. were they able to clarify about the fact that there were seven injuries but they received ten patients? >> initially we were told here that they saved ten patients. today they reaffirmed they received ten patients. it appears there were at least ten injuries initially. as you heard, they transferred many of those away. they weren't able to do some of the work needed, like doing surgery on the brain. three of them were transferred out, with, one of them today and the other soon. they're all expected to survive. last night the vigil where hundreds were gathered in the community. one woman i talked to, her brother survived the shooting and he was at home at the time not doing well. she said that he was inside of a classroom when the shooter asked some of the victims to stand, asked them if they were chris n chrissin -- christian and if the answer was yes, he shot them in the head and if the answer was no, he shot them in the leg. >> come as? >> jacob, thanks so much. joining us now is duringly sheriff. what can you fill us in about it latest of details? i know it still a crime scene here on campus. >> all night long we had investigators working out at the crime scene, door to door, trying to learn any more information i could possibly, they were also at the shooter's residence, conducting investigations there. the oregon state medical worker's office was working all day long. >> sir, is your office ready to address and release the names? have you been able to contact all immediate family of those that were lost? >> the names of the victims will be released by the oregon state medical examiner's office. this is a mash casualty -- >> parse of. we anticipate that should happen in the bs next 24 to 48 hours. >> sir, have you had contact with the shooter's parents, specifically his mother? >> i'm not aware of that. i know the investigation would include that and i haven't been briefed on that. >> is there anything more that you can inform us about the profile of the shooter and whether or not he had any type of affiliation with this campus. we've heard he's not a student here. >> i'm sorry. >> i happened to pick up the wednesday copy of the news review. you were the top headline. you've been part of the 27 do you feel that these laws are not representative of something that would have stopped the tragedy on this campus. >> >> well, i can say that i know that the conversation around guns and gone zg. right now my focus is getting a thorough investigation completed in as timely a fashion as we can. and more importantly, my focus is on the families of the victims and ensuring that they get through this most difficult time and receive the resources they need to heal. >> sheriff hanlin, thank you for your time. we know we're going to be hearing from you later today when we get another update from your office as well as from the governor. >> justice correspondent pete williams is stand i by? how local, state and federal havingors have all -- sure. that is one of the big questions here, obviously why did he choose this school and what affiliation, if any, did chris harper mercer, the gunman, have with this college. he was certainly not a student we're told. what is his association with the school and why he chose the school is at this point a mystery to investigators. but you're right, the sheriff's department have the lead on the case. they want to answer some questions, where did the gunman from et go in -- he'd never been adjudged mentally effective infall but the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms will do that aspect of the investigation. the evidence has interviewing it's a local investigation and it will remain so. >> the background of gunman, chris harper mercer, he did live in the community with his mother, recently moved there a couple of years ago, after roog family members were surprised because they always thought he was a considerate prn. he said on one social media posting that he did not like organized religion. so it may not be he was opposed to some specific religion when he was asking people whether they were religious or not but he does like -- would the fbi consider looking at this in the lens of app anti-christian hate crime? >> well, they would but that comes into play when you're going to prosecute. when you're think about which federal stad utilities, if any, to use. the suspect is dead here. there's not going to be ne i'll certainly assist the sheriff's partner in terms of. >> pete williams. thank you, sir. we'll have much more straight ahead as we continue our coverage from the college campus in roseburg and my early morning interview with the governor. >> my bag, my phone, my wallet, my car keys, we just dropped everything and ran. i think we were the first class to know something was up because everybody else was still this we don't know what's going on but you have to get out. dvr at the dmv. change channels while he changes pants. you don't have to be a couch potato, you can be a train potato! and let them watch all the shows they love, inside the ride that you really kind of hate. introducing the all in one plan. only from directv and at&t. so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. 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yesterday he tried to throw himself in front of other student and was shot multi- time the one thing that is amazing is receipt responsible time that may have served more lives we've been trying to figure out the layout of the community. we're at the base of the campus. but you've been able to find out how quickly those races were able to get on sight at 10:00 a.m. is the first time they got the 911 calls of an active shooter on campus here. we're told also that two u.s. marshals were here. they heard on the scanner the report of gun fire and immediately went to the campus. this were among the first responders to help neutralize and take out the shooter. it is in those critical moments that you're saving lives. he was armed to the teeth. he had three guns, a long arm, ammunition and a ballistics vet. he was ready to tack kaer of is unclear at this point in time but what is clear are the heroics that we're starting to hear about. chris mints, what an incredible story. an army met ran of ten years, back here to learn some skills, to get a new degree so he could continue on with. >> even two broken legs. >> we don't know how that happened but his aunt said he was a wrestler so maybe in some type of schedule. given, thee details will learn more frofrm and you have to consider as well this is a school. and we don't know this for sure yet but this is a school that trains a lot of people to be nursing students. it's one of the best nursing schools, we're told. >> a student earlier was talking about how they witnessed one of her classmates being pulled back in and how they performed cpr. one thing i had an opportunity to do was speak to the oregon state governor brown. she is new to the position. and she feels heartsick. -- i have been focused right now on providing fair and comfort to the roseburg community, along with my fellow oregonians. we are working hard to make sure that they have the support that they need. oregonians across the state have provided donations and are giving blood. dwl do you believe that this is an emdem being we're my focus right now is providing care and comfort for the community of roseburg. >> so sheriff han ll ni doesn't want to, there are some reports that this could be a situation where the shooter was targeting christians. are you open to the fbi being involved in potentially moving forward to process this as a christian hate crime? >> i'll leave the investigation details to law enforcement at this time. >> with the conversations that you've had so far with anyone from the federal government, what has been the coordination for the fbi and local state level investigators? >> suffice to say that the level of coordination amongst the law enforcement community has been incredible. yesterday when the tragedy happened, our first responders, our firefighters, our police reacted immediately and were there to do everything they could. our entire emergency can ko the level was incredible yesterday. >> we know this community has come together and a lot of people have been proud of the work that you've done because in august you were able to enforce more co -- what do you say to the critics that the strengthening of the gun laws don't really matter? >> i don't think there's any question that we must do everything we can to prevent these horrific acts of violence. my folks right now along with my fellow oregonians is providing the support and comfort and care for this community. this the rose en. >> and, governor, finally your thoughts for the families, for those that are dealing with the tremendous loss of their loved ones here at our community kej. >> governor, thanks so much. >> and our thanks to the governor of oregon, kate brown, who joined me earlier this morning. we have a lot more coming up here in the moment live on the scene as we continue our team coverage in roseburg from the community college of umpqua. less than 24 hours later, people starting to understand the grief that lies ahead of them and the healing as well. we'll speak to two students on the campus yesterday who survived the attack. 130 yards now... bill's got a very tough lie here... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric... ♪ everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid. this morning we are also following two developing weather stories. hurricane joaquin continues to make its way east. residents up and down the coastline brace for potentially unprecedented rainfall and life threatening floods due to a major weather pattern. meteorologist bill karins is with us this morning. from the hurricane what should we expect sm. >> not a lot from the hurricane. the problem is in the central bahamas. this will be compared to andrew and floyd. it's lingered down here for 24 hours, category four storm, there are people sheltered in schools, wherever they can find shelters and they are still sitting there. thankfully it's finally starting to move out. they won't have many ways of getting information out of the central bahamas. even bermuda splits the uprights. a little bit could affect cape cod but as of now you're looking pretty safe. all of this rain looks like it would be associated with the hurricane but it's not. this is associated with a stalled out frontal boundary off the east coast, tropical moisture is being drown and thrown into it and we're getting torrential rains and flooding reports no east carolina, 3 to 4 inches have fall i don't know. we're still looking at the possibility of a foot of rain this weekend in areas of south carolina and especially charleston to colombia areas upstate of south carolina and finally the flooding, the continual fetch of the east i recall winds, we're expecting top ten all-time tidal levels. these records go back 80 years. eventually the dunes won't be there and the water will rush in. >> dylan dryer, good morning. >> the track of joaquin is well away from the u.s. coast line. that being said, we still have a huge threat of coastal flooding as bill mentioned with those high tides. look at the rough surf behind me. it's hard to believe the storm is still in the bahamas when you look at the surf like this. that strong east i recall wind is dragging all of that atlantic water. the water levels will be much higher than normal that will lead to coastal flooding today, tomorrow, sunday and on top of them, we're looking at the threat of even more rain. we have coastal flood warnings and wind warnings along the coastline. then as that moisture gets drawn in, parts of this region which have already been dealing with rain for the last week with several inches of rain on the ground, the ground is saturated so 5 to 15 to 20 inches of rain will cause more flooding. even though the storm is pulling away, we'll still have a dire situation this weekend. >> we'll continue to monitor the rain along the east coast. in afghanistan, six members of the u.s. military have been killed along with civilians after the transport plane they were in crashed. two afghans on the ground also died. the five civilians on board working with nato. the tall ban claim they shot the plane out of the sky but u.s. officials say there is no indication of hostile fire. when we return, we'll return to roseburg. earlier we heard thomas mention 30-year-old chris mints. he's being called a hero for apparently trying to protect others. last night his aunt told us he was shot seven times, hit in the back, the head, the abdomen, also has two broken legs. he was in the army and just started college this week. while his family is in shock, they say they're not surprised he tried to save the lives of those around him. we'll be right back. 2% back at the grocery store... and 3% back on gas... vince of the flying branzinos got a bankamericard cash rewards credit card, because he may earn his living jumping through hoops, but he'd rather not earn cash back that way. that's the spectacle of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. you think it smells fine, but your wife smells this... sfx: ding music starts luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics there's febreze fabric refresher it doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors...'ve gone noseblind to woman inhales use febreze fabric refresher 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patients from the ucc. of those, three were transferred to a higher level of care for services which we don't have available. two were treated and released from the emergency room. four required operating room procedures. one patient was deceased in the emergency room. of the four that underwent surgical intervention, one was discharged yesterday, one will likely be discharged today and the remaining two, one is in critical condition and one is in stable condition at this point. >> my colleague thomas roberts is in roseburg to continue our coverage. good morning. >> reporter: jose, we are watching and listening to helicopters that are flying above over the campus here. but we are watching the sun come up over what is likely to be a beautiful day here in the rural community of roseburg. and this would be the first friday of the new fall semester here at the college campus for umpqua. now that campus is closed until at least monday because it's an active crime scene. students who survived remain in shock about what happened for them, what they witnessed. for first year students, it was just the fourth day of being on campus for class. earlier i spoke to two students, sara cobb and cassandra weldings. they innocently thought the sound of gunfire could be the noise of a dropped book. but when the screams started, they knew it was something much more dangerous. >> i thought it was like a loud book that dropped or maybe the teacher dropped something on the ground or, you know, i just thought it was a table. and then i knew something wasn't okay, all of our classmates were just doing our homework on the computers and we pretty much knew something wasn't okay because we heard within five seconds two more and more and more. a classmate of mine went to see what was going on and she opened the door and she said "what's happening"? and i saw her step outside and then i did not see the shooter but i witnessed her get shot. and she collapsed in the doorway so the doorway was slightly open and so we're all freaking out like close the door, close the door. and we closed the door, locked it, luckily all the blinds were closed in the classroom and we barricaded to the right of the classroom all together, we huddled, were pretty much on top of each other. >> do you know the person who got shot? >> i think her name is kim. i don't know her last name but her first name is kim. >> what were the injuries? >> she got shot in the left shoulder and i think in the lower abdomen part by the rib cage. >> what were you hearing? >> i didn't really see anything. i heard the first gunshot and so i looked around thinking maybe also it was a textbook or a table ran into the wall but then i hear screaming and chaos in the room next door and i've always been told to be alert, be aware of your surroundings from my parents so i was looking around, making sure everything was all right and i could see people running from the building. that's when i knew what it was. i recognized the sound of a gunshot. my family hunts and stuff. once i realized that, the teacher almost reached to open the door and she draws her hand back and says maybe i shouldn't open it and i said to her we need to get out of here. we got to get out. this isn't safe. then i heard the second and third shots and at that point the door was open and i was sprinting down across campus. i needed to get away from the area. i want about to stay there. >> reporter: have you both heard about the injured and the loss? have you lost friends? i know it's the first week. today should be the friday of the first week of the fall semester. >> i don't know many. one of my classmates was shot, he really is a hero. >> reporter: was this chris mints? >> yes. he was able to run over to the gunman and at least distract him for a while and probably save dozens of lives. >> reporter: what is chris like? it has been reported he was shot multiple times, sustained injuries, broken legs. >> i don't know what he's like as a person so i can't really say that. >> i mean, in the gym i saw him a lot and he would always smile at you. he sealed like he wemed like he friendly guy. everyone the ucc is friendly. i never met anyone who wasn't friendly? >> reporter: how does this change your own perception of your safety and going to class? >> oh, i don't feel safe. i don't even know if i'm going to go back to school monday. i think we should be off more but that's just my opinion. it's going to be really hard for everyone. i just can't imagine. >> from a community standpoint, you said you went to the vigil last night. how do you think that the support has been? for you and your school? >> it's been incredible. there was a lot of tears shed and a lot of the statement here, i am ucc and it's just people -- it was just an amazing thing that the community came together for and it's a horrific thing to happen but the community came together and it was amazing. >> reporter: from the standpoint of who this shooter is, you've never seen him before? >> no. >> reporter: you don't know who it is? >> i don't really know anybody in roseburg. we just moved here about three months ago from eugene. i never thought something like this would have happened in such a small town like this. you never think about something like that happening. to both cassie and sarah for taking time to speak to me. this is just one of the bigger questions remaining about why the shooter came to this campus. again, they're saying that he wasn't a student here, but there have been reports that he was involved in a theatrical production on campus, and we're waiting for more clarification about what his connection is and why he would choose to come to umpqua. but joining me now is colin goddard. colin was shot four times and survived the mass shooting at virginia tech in the spring of 2007 and he currently works as a senior policy advocate for mayors against illegal guns. colin, thanks for joining me. i just want to show everybody today's headline. the "register guard" has "campus horror" and shows people on the front, the images of the grief of when people realized what was happening here. this is all too common now as we cover this, and i know we've talked many times, and we typically do, after there are shootings. what was your reaction when you heard about what happened here in oregon? >> i have the same reaction every time i hear about a shooting like this. you just kind of deflate, you know. it takes you back to your own experience. it's retraumatizing. it's terrifying, you know. as much progress as you think you've personally made in the year since virginia tech, you know there's now, you know, two dozen other families on day one, you know, of a long journey where their lives will be forever different. and you know, that feeling of hopelessness lingers for a long time. and however, working on gun violence prevention, you know, you have to find a way to take that feeling and put it towards, you know, a drive to continue talking about the issues that are problems in our country and finding solutions so that these situations become less likely to happen to more people, and that's what keeps me going. >> reporter: colin, we heard the president last night speaking passionately, strongly about gun control in this country, and this is something that we discuss after every mass shooting. do you think what happened here in roseburg will have any impact on the conversation and the movement for proper, stronger gun control legislation? >> i mean, thomas, you know, it's sometimes more difficult than hearing the news story is coming to media interviews and having the same conversation with people over and over again and having our elected officials do absolutely nothing on this issue. i mean, the president has spoken repeatedly on the need to do something, to effect this issue, to make progress, but it's not really in his hands, right? we need to have some action in the house of representatives, for example. you know, we had a debate after sandy hook in the senate, you know? we've had nothing in the house. there are over 100 gun bills just sitting there, ignored. people like john boehner can bring this up and have a discussion. people like congressman bob goodlatte, who runs the judiciary committee, where these bills in theory would go and be debated, have done nothing, right? they need to understand that they can no longer do nothing, that the american people are going to demand that something happens and a conversation and work is done. and so, people agree, they need to join us in every time. text "now" to 877877 and join us in demanding that our elected officials no longer remain silent and actively do something so we are not having the same conversation over again the next time this happens. >> reporter: colin goddard. colin, thanks for joining me today. i do appreciate it. we're going to have much more live, our team coverage, as we continue to follow the developments from the umpqua community college campus, where they suffered a major tragedy less than 24 hours ago after a gunman opened fire, taking the lives of nine people and injuring at least seven more. we'll have updates from the hospital and also an update from investigators when we come back. surprise!!!!! we heard you got a job as a developer! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to 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received the victims and three remain there this morning. doctors expect one of those patients to go home today. of the other two, one in critical condition, the other described as stable. >> the initial emotions are disbelief, that it can't be happening here. and then it's focused on treating the patients, on that. and then us, the staff, we go through the rest of the range of emotions from disbelief to anger to sadness, to resolution. and still, it's less than 24 hours. it's still very raw for a lot of people, and i think you'll find most, many people are quite numb. >> this morning police have identified the gunman, but what they don't know yet is why, why he killed nine people and injured more than half a dozen. the school will be closed at least until monday. and we'll be getting an update later today from police in oregon, governor kate brown. msnbc's thomas roberts picks up our coverage now from roseburg, oregon, when it's just now 7:02 in the morning. thomas, good morning. >> reporter: jose, good morning to you. and yes, it is just starting to become the light of day here, and we're seeing a beautiful sky above the campus. there were some helicopters that were flying over earlier, and a lot of people as the sun is coming up have the long journey ahead to start the healing today. we've had the opportunity to speak to students who were on site who survived what happened, the attack on this campus, but so many questions remain about who is this shooter, what is his connection to umpqua, if any? so, we want to go to the command center and jacobson ruoff is there. and we don't have any information about the shooter, other than he wasn't a stupid here and may have been involved in a theatrical production, but they haven't given much more concrete detail, have they? >> reporter: no, you're right, thomas. over here on the other side of town, we expect a lot more information at 10:00 a.m. local time. i just spoke with a public information officer who's come down here from portportland, wh is over 100 miles to the north. here at the roseburg safety center, it's a joint police and fire location. and of course, it was the roseburg police department, two so-called heroic officers, in the word of the douglas county sheriff, that were the first responders on the scene yesterday. i did have a chance to talk with sheriff john hanlon after you spoke with him earlier this morning, and i asked him about president obama's remarks last night, asked if he watched president obama's remarks about gun control, and he said he did not watch the remarks. i said, do you expect a phone call from president obama? and he told me, "i wrote a letter to the vice president, and he didn't answer, so no, i don't." and he was sort of chuckling when he said this, but of course, he's referring to the letter that he wrote to the vice president opposing gun control regulations in which he said that "offending constitutional rights of my citizens," thomas. so of course, that will be a conversation here later today as well. >> jacob soberoff, thank you so much. there are so many people that are asking questions about how this investigation will unfold, especially as there is a coordination taking place between local, state and federal officials. our justice correspondent, pete williams, is in our washington bureau, and i know he's been speaking to his sources. and pete, explain what we know about the profile that has started to emerge, at least from the internet postings, the public life of the shooter. has anything more crystallized? >> reporter: i think so. it seems pretty clear now that this is going to be another case of someone who has severe or profound emotional problems. his mother has talked about that to neighbors. his own social media postings suggest that he was a pretty well-developed loner. he said on a dating site he had never actually dated anyone. he had an interest in the irish republican army, perhaps reflecting his family's heritage from the united kingdom. he was 26. as you say, they don't know why he targeted this school. they haven't -- the sheriff said they had been going door to door trying to talk to neighbors, family members, trying to understand why he came to that school. did he have some affiliation with it? is there some reason that he hated it? he did leave behind, we're told by investigators, a document. i'm not sure whether it was in paper form or on a computer storage device, which one official described as full of hate, expressing a philosophy of hate. 26 years old, had a great interest in guns. law enforcement officials say he took four guns to the scene, three handguns and an ar-15 assault-style rifle, that he had additional clips or magazines to hold -- high-capacity clips -- to hold more rounds than were in just a single weapon, and that additional guns were found at his home. one question, of course, is how he got them, where he bought them. that is now being traced by the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. but there's nothing in his background, despite his emotional problems, that would disqualify him from buying a gun, because under both oregon and federal law, it takes more than just having problems or seeing a doctor. there has to be court action to disqualify someone from buying a firearm on those grounds. >> pete williams reporting from our d.c. bureau. pete, thanks so much. back here on site, as we are at the base of the campus of umpqua community college. i'm joined now by one of the students who is a freshman on campus here, sarah cobb. >> yes. >> sarah, thanks for joining me. >> thank you. >> reporter: and this is supposed to be the first friday of the fall semester, first week. >> yes. this is only my fourth day on the campus. >> reporter: yeah, yesterday being your fourth day. so, you were in class when this happened. and you remember hearing those first sounds of gunfire but not thinking that it was gunfire. you thought it was something else. >> yeah. initially, i thought it was maybe like a textbook behind me that had fallen on the floor or a desk getting rammed into a wall or something. and the teacher -- we hear a commotion over on the other side, so the teacher goes over to the door that leads to the other classroom that's separated by the wall, and she goes to go open it, and then he pulls her hand back and she goes, i shouldn't open this. is everyone all right? are you okay? is anyone hurt? and she at first didn't know what was going on either. then i looked out the window, because my parents always told me, if something happens, be alert, be aware of your surroundings. so, i was looking around and i looked outside and there were people running from the building. so, i immediately knew that was a gunshot, that was gunfire. and i told the teacher, we've got to get out of here, we need to move. that's when i heard the second and third shots. by that time, she had opened the door, and i was booking it across campus trying to get away as far as i could. >> reporter: so, when you think about that now, what was it like when first responders finally got on the scene, when you started to understand what you could have risked your own life for, as you took off, instead of staying in place and trying to shelter, you actually took off and could have been jeopardized, jeopardizing your own safety. so, have you thought about that? >> i think, honestly, the best thing that i did was to run from the scene. >> reporter: is to run, okay. >> i ran the opposite direction of where the shooter was. if i took a right instead of going left, i probably would have been in the middle of it. luckily, it was on the opposite side of the building from where i was, so the door that i ran out of to run away from the scene was totally on the other side of the building. so, i was able to get away without having -- >> reporter: and so, what are your impressions of the campus? you're a freshman. it was only your fourth day. but talk about this community, which you're also new to. >> yes. >> reporter: but talk about the campus, the people, what you were impressed by, why you wanted to go here. >> basically, i, honestly, it's a beautiful campus. it's a great place. and i felt safe. it was amazing. it was a first great three days there, and fourth day, this happens, and i never would have thought something like this would have happened. but i chose to get there just to get some prerequisites and things done, just at a lower cost, you know. school tuition is outrageous, and i mean, it was already a stressful week having to deal with financial aid and not going through with it. so, i still don't have my textbooks. i was going to do that yesterday, but -- >> reporter: well, right now school remains closed until at least monday. >> at least monday. >> reporter: it's an active crime scene for now. and i know along with your mom and the rest of your family, i'm very glad that you're safe. we'll continue to update everybody on your classmates. we want to go back to mercy medical center. nbc's jacob pass cone is there with more information on the people taken there after the shooting here. jacob? >> reporter: we're about three miles from where you are, and all of the ten patients who were wounded with taken here initially. one of those ended up passing away here. several others were transported to other hospitals with more complicated injuries. and the rest stayed here. and if there was any good news, it's that we were just told that out of all of the complicated and serious injuries, only one person is still critical, and everyone else is expected to survive. among those expected to survive is chris mints. he's hailed by many as a hero, said to have charged the shooter and shot many times. and we believe, in fact, that he may be here, since we're told that those at the other hospital are female. and one of those who is here is expected to be released today, and the others, as i said, are expected to survive. meanwhile, we're hearing many stories of heroism and other stories that are very interesting from inside when the shooting happened. i spoke to one person yesterday at that vigil that hundreds attended whose brother survived. and she told me that he described how the shooter walked into the room and opened fire and asked those victims who hadn't been killed to stand up. and he asked them whether or not they were christian, and if they said yes, the shooter apparently shot them in the head. and if they said no, then he would shoot them in the leg. and that person, j.j., ended up surviving, not doing very well there at his home. there are many stories like that of people that have survived and who are wounded emotionally and otherwise. thomas? >> reporter: the healing is just starting for this community, as we have a new day. we are less than 24 hours after the fact of when that shooting happened here on the campus yesterday at 10:38, and a lot of questions remaining about what this shooter's connection is to this campus, why did he target this? jacob, thank you so much. keep us posted from mercy medical. we'll be right back with much more live, our team coverage here from the campus of umpqua community college in roseburg, oregon. stay with us. >> i feel awful. i feel awful. i mean, to witness the families that were waiting for the students in the last bus and to see all of the hugs and weeping and trauma that's gone on. more people were hurt than just the ones that were shot. when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects 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was just after 1:38 eastern time. i was on the air when this happened. and now we are here to cover this, and it really is an amazing thing to see up close and in person and talk to people who were on campus and who have survived this and also learn their stories, the acts of heroism that a lot of students performed in saving the lives of others, especially a man by the name of chris mintzmintz, who w ten-year war vet just starting at this campus for the fall semester. and his family saying in tha they're not surprised that he would put himself in harm's way to save others, but shot multiple times, two broken legs, but currently at mercy medical and in recovery. another student, a teen, anna boylan, we heard from her family that she's been in surgery. they were able to remove a bullet from her spine, but they're still working on some numbness in the back of her leg. but she was able to tell her family and give a firsthand person account of what it was like when the shooter entered her classroom and shot her teacher and then started to ask students about their religious affiliations, whether they were christian or not. and according to her, if they replied christian, he would shoot them in the head. and if they replied that they weren't, he would shoot them in the leg. in total, though, there have been nine deaths caused by the shooting that happened on this campus yesterday, and the shooter, he was also killed. so, that brings the total number of ten, and the injured is roughly about seven. but we're going to get more information from mercy medical today as we learn about the details for those that were transported there and that have been in surgery, and there are some that are going to be actually released today because they've been able to rebound so quickly. i want to bring in, though, to the conversation, security expert peter martin. he's ceo of afi mac global. and peter, we wanted to talk to you about what a community college like umpqua means to a security scenario. i'm standing here at the base of the actual campus. it is really the only main way in and main way out. as we understand it, this campus only has three security guards for a student body of roughly around 3,000. none of those security officers being armed. when you look at a strategy of a campus like this, is that the right way to go? >> well, thank you, thomas, for having me. it's very hard to armchair quarterback a situation like this. we've got a lot of details that are still coming in, but we can look at some of the things that we've learned from the students in the interviews that you've done. in these types of situations, they're very chaotic. one of the things the students talked about a lot is i wanted to run. i didn't know where the shooter was. and one of the things that we advocate is, obviously, having mass notification systems. you want to get as much information to the students as you can. in the methodology of run, hide, and then as a last resort, fight. >> reporter: and we know that in a lot of scenarios from people that we're hearing that all three of those things played out, with run, hide and fight. it just depends on the conflict that that student was found in or whether or not they were able to get out of the classroom that they were in when the shooter walked in. and i know you have worked with companies to help limit security risks. so, would you say for schools that are looking at this, and unfortunately, peter, we're covering these way too often with school shootings -- but should campuses really consider having some armed personnel on site? >> i think definitively at this stage now. when we look at campuses and we talk a lot about motive, what is the motive behind the shooter, ultimately, all of the motives behind all of these types of shooters is to find a large population of unarmed individuals. in my business, we call it a target-rich environment. and as long as you have schools, movie theaters, malls, you are not going to stop those types of incidents, unfortunately, from drawing those types of individuals. access controls are very important -- how did the individual get on to campus? how did they get into the classrooms? were the classrooms able to be locked down? we talk about hearing him going from one building to the other. well, how did he access the second building? why wasn't that locked down? and does the campus have lockdown procedures? finally, time is of the essence. looking at changes in law enforcement, dynamics and tact yikdz, they would rally on the scene, identify the shooter's position and advance. now all officers advance quickly. we know that these situations are obviously going to be ended usually by the shooter themselves or suicide by officer, so police officers know the time in which they can get to that individual will be the determination of how big the body count is. having armed officers trained to respond on these campuses that can limit that amount of response time would obviously be a situation, or in situations like this, be a benefit. >> reporter: as we look at the timeline of this, we know that the response time was brief, and we can estimate out of that that it could have helped save a lot of lives here. peter martin, thank you. i appreciate it. want to bring into our conversation now forensic psychiatrist dr. daniel bover. and we wanted to speak to you about this, because as we're starting to learn the type of life and profile of this 26-year-old shooter, a lot of investigators typically look to see what type of internet trail they have left behind and for warning signs. but this morning, the sheriff said that he wasn't aware of any pacific red flags about this shooter. we do have a myspace page that appears to be linked to the shooter, and on that page, we have some postings that are sympathetic to the i.r.a. -- that is the irish republican army. he says he's not religious, but spiritual, and that this is the type of, i guess, background or profile that starts to make a very clear picture for what was going through this young man's head. but does that mean we can only figure this out in hindsight, that there really aren't red flags that could prevent something like this? >> you know what, we really can't figure it out, and we probably never will. and the reason is, you can't take a complex psychosocial phenomenon like this and break it down and say it's one thing. think about how many thousands of people there are on facebook who have rants that are similar to this, and those people will never be violent. you can't just say it's guns, you can't say it's mental illness. we can't confuse prediction with prevention. we can create an environment that will reduce the risk, but we can never eliminate these events when you're dealing with a lone wolf scenario. if one deranged, determined individual wants to hurt people, they're going to do it and there is very little we can do to stop that. >> reporter: you make a good point about someone being determined to do this. and as we learn more about the shooter, there is some reporting that i've been reading about the fact that as a young man and growing up, graduated from a school that helped deal with kids that had some emotional difficulties. but also, there's been reporting that this young man may have spent some time with one of his parents learning how to use a firearm. so, when people hear those two things coming together, it's a little hard to understand how you say you wouldn't be able to predict something like this, when maybe you could have. >> you simply can't. you know, it does remind me of adam lanza, the newtown shooter. this was someone who was also socially awkward, didn't relate well to people. and obviously, combined with firearms, it turned out to be a lethal combination. i think as a society, we need to start thinking like a community and just stop thinking about the individual. when we see people like this that are exhibiting behavior, there is always signs, but you know, we fall victim to hindsight bias and think that we could have changed the outcome after the event actually happens. so, i think we need to, you know, as they say on the subway, when you see something, you need to say something about it and actually intervene before it happens. but ultimately, it's very hard to predict. >> reporter: you make a great point about hindsight bias, and we are less than 24 hours after the fact of what happened here on this campus, and we are trying to figure out the answers to so many questions, but a lot of people would think that gun control might be the answer, and some people would say that it's not. dr. daniel bober, thank you for your time. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> reporter: and we're going to have much more as we continue our live, team coverage here from the campus in roseburg, oregon, after the tragedy that happened here at umpqua community college. nine students were killed. the shooter is dead as well. seven others injured. >> i heard a really loud noise, and i thought it was a book dropping or a table that fell or something. and then i realized -- or a balloon that has a really loud pop. then i realized something wasn't right. and so, a fellow classmate of mine went out the door to see, and she got shot twice by the sho shooter. and so, she fell, she collapsed, and we were all in panic mode then, and we closed the door, locked it, turned off the light, huddled in the corner of the room, and we continued, because we heard shots after shots. is o. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. 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>> thanks, jose. we are watching, we are approaching high tide now on the east coast, especially the jersey shore, down towards the outer banks. it's going to happen over the next two hours, so the water levels are really building up right now. this will be the highest high tide cycle we've seen so far with this storm event. it's not a nor'easter. it may feel like it with the wind direction, but it's not a wintertime scenario. we just have a strong, easterly fetch because of high pressure to the north and a low pressure system down in in the carolinas, and that's just funneling a strong east wind. it could gust up to 60 miles per hour as we go throughout the day today. even high wind warnings in southern new jersey and into areas of maryland. we think this is going to happen throughout about six high tide cycles. there are two high tide cycles each day, so today, saturday and through sunday. the water could be highest in hampton rhodes, norfolk area and virginia beach and as far as the western shore of the chesapeake. that could be sunday when we see the worst flooding there. he here's the rainfall. we've had reports in eastern carolina, pivoting through the day today and into tonight. it's going to pivot back into south carolina, and that's where we're concerned saturday and sunday morning for a lot of heavy rain. but right now, it's focused in eastern north carolina. flood watches are up, but we're expecting a significant amount of rain. let me take you through the computer models, the guidance we get. this is why we're so confident that a possible, historic rainfall event in south carolina. our gfc computer model is saying 13 to 14 inches of rain. our gfs model says 10 to 12 inches of rain. notice they're all pretty much in agreement. our rpm model goes up to 12, so everything is pinpointing south carolina, jose. as far as the hurricane goes, it's still sitting in the central bahamas. we don't want to forget about our friends down here. they're in the middle of a category 4 hurricane. a lot of the beautiful resorts down there, probably won't even be able to open back up for months after this because it's just going to be a devastating blow. once we get pictures -- and the reason we can't show you video and pictures, there is no power. no one has any way of getting anything out. you can't take a plane or a boat. everyone is stuck where they are until this storm exits tonight. >> bill, quickly, how long has that category 4 been over the bahamas? >> about 24 hours. it started this button hook and became a category 4 right about here and went to the south and then did a little button hook. that's a nightmare scenario. for miami or a city on the coast, for a category 4 storm to sit almost over top of you for 24 to 48 hours, i mean, it missed this, but the central bahamas, there's going to be horror stories by the time, once we hear them, once they can get the word out. >> bill karins, thank you very much. we also have developing news out of eastern afghanistan. six members of the u.s. military have been killed along with five civilians after the c-130 transport plane they were in crashed just after midnight afghanistan time. two afghan civilians on the ground also died. six service members made up the crew of the air force plane. the five civilians on board were contractors working with nato. the taliban claimed they shot the plane out of the sky, but u.s. officials say there was no indication of hostile fire. let's go to wall street. stocks are taking a beating this morning after new, disappointing jobs reports. the labor department says 142,000 jobs were added last month. that's well below expectations for around 200,000 more jobs. the unemployment rate remains steady at 5.1%, but that's because more americans stopped looking for work, and they're not included in the jobless rate. let's take a look at the numbers from wall street right now. we're going on a downward slope all morning, down 205 points in this first hour of trading. we'll, of course, keep a watch on that for you, continue to get, meanwhile, terrifying accounts of thursday's shooting from students that were on campus when the rampage began. here's what one witness says he saw and heard. >> i didn't hear about it up until my teacher came running into the room in a very big panic, telling the students, 20-plus, to come into a teacher room in the back and hide, duck down, shut off all the lights and don't make any noise. >> one woman says she spoke to her brother who was in the classroom in snyder hall when the shooting started. listen to this. according to her brother's account, autumn vicari said at one point, the shooter told people to stand up before asking whether they were christian or not. her brother told her that anyone that responded yes was shot in the head. if they said other or didn't answer, they were shot elsewhere in the body, usually the leg. we have more breaking coverage from roseburg, oregon, next right here on msnbc. you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. want bladder leak underwear that try always discreet underwear and wiggle, giggle, swerve and curve. with soft dual leak guard barriers and a discreet fit that hugs your curves. so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. get your free pair and valuable coupons at always like limiting where you earn bonus cash back.hings. why put up with that? 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>> reporter: so many people wondering what the connection is between mercer and this campus. we'll wait to see. nbc's joe fryer. again, thank you. and we are joined now to talk more about this by john rose rosenth rosenthal, chairman of the group stop handgun violence, and he co-founded the american hunters and shooters association. that's a group that he formed as an alternative to the nra. it's good to have you with us today. and again, we're still waiting to put together and connect the dots for all the details here, but last night we saw the president come out on the heels of the shooting, the tragedy that happened here, making this impassioned plea for the nation to strengthen our gun laws. and i just want to remind everybody what the president had to say. take a look. >> this is a political choice that we make. to allow this to happen every few months in america. we collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction. >> reporter: so, when we think about the headlines that we have now, this being the local newspaper, saying "campus horror." we see headlines like this all too often, but oregon is a state where over the summer in were able to enact stricter gun laws, better background checks, also being able to limit the issue of private sales and that transfer. so, how can something like what happened at umpqua community college be stopped in relation to legal gun access? >> well, first and foremost, i'm a gun owner myself and i live in urban, industrial massachusetts, where we worked with our legislators to enact the most effective gun laws in the nation, and we have the lowest firearm fatality rate of any state in the nation right now, except for hawaii. so, you can reduce injuries and deaths from really preventible gun violence without banning most guns, but you need to hold gun owners responsible, you need to have a background check for all gun sales. and in the absence of federal l law, even requiring a background check, individual states need to do more. if the goal were to reduce injuries and deaths from guns, you'd follow the massachusetts model. but instead, congress has literally prohibited holding gun manufacturers liable for even selling guns to criminals. there is no background check requirement for all gun sales, unless you're stupid enough to go to a gun store like me, the criminals and terrorists and mentally ill know that they can go to 33 states and 5,000 gun shows would the any i.d. or background check requirement. and as a result, there is more gun violence, more gun violence, more fear, more fear, more gun sales, which is exactly what the gun industry is up to. and congress is more interested in taking the gun industry special interest campaign contributions than public health and safety. and for the members of congress that are watching today, because i've been in their offices and they've got msnbc on all the time. they should look in the mirror and ask themselves why they allow guns to be sold without i.d.s or background checks across this country instead of doing what they can do, which is enact national laws, uniform laws that make it more difficult for criminals and the mentally ill to get guns without banning guns. and they need to find their backbone. >> reporter: what would you say, though? criminals will show up on a background check if they have been popped before, but somebody who is coming up as mentally deficient and hasn't been categorized as such would still be able to access a gun and be able to commit, potentially, a crime like what we've seen here. >> right, because they can go to 33 states and at 5,000 gun shows, they can buy an unlimited number of concealed handguns and ar-15s and large ammunition magazines, the common denominator in every mass shooting -- >> reporter: but what would your goal be to put in somebody's background that you're mentally deficient? what would the categorization be so you would not have access to buy a gun legally as your american constitutional right? >> what i would do is have that database include mental health records if you've been adjudicated mentally ill, which don't exist in most states. it's voluntary, not mandatory. and you would have licensing and registration of firearms. you would have a training requirement, so that there are a number of different checks, but none of that exists in most states. so, look, there's mentally ill people all over this world. we just don't happen to arm them undetected. we also make law enforcement the enemy of gun rights. the fbi does a background check through a gun dealer, but they have to destroy that gun purchase record after 24 hours because congress doesn't trust the fbi to maintain gun purchase records, and the atf isn't even allowed to regulate secondary sales, including at 5,000 gun shows every year. so, we have an epidemic of gun violence. we all know that. there have been 45 mass shootings this year alone, 142 since sandy hook, another 90,000 americans have died since sandy hook alone. and congress can't even find their backbone to require a background check for all gun sales. >> reporter: john rosenthal. john, thanks for making time for me. chairman of stop handgun violence. i do appreciate it. we're going to have much more as we continue our live, team coverage here on msnbc from umpqua community college. and we're also going to be getting more developments, more information from investigators as they start to reveal the information about the shooter and also about how they were able to stop him yesterday. it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid. before i had the shooting, these feet grew up in a family diabetic of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. 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(vo) purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. purina pro plan. nutrition that performs. want to get back to thomas roberts in roseburg, oregon, momentarily, but first, we want to bring you up to speed on the weather affecting much of the east coast. hurricane joaquin slammed into the bahamas earlier today, continues on an eastward path, but it now appears it may not be hitting the mainland u.s. the weather channel's mike seidel is in virginia beach, virginia, this morning. mike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jose. once again showing you today that even though the hurricane is hundreds of miles away and it's going to stay away, you don't need a hurricane or a comparable storm to get major, major impacts. here on the coast in virginia beach, we're approaching high tide, and if you were watching yesterday, you'll remember we had about a 2-foot drop. now we've lost -- we've got about a 4 to 5-foot drop about here. we've got about a 10 to 15-foot width of beach. and we're pretty confident, the homeowners, too, that by the time we get through the weekend, all of this right here is going to be gone. these winds are coming in sustained 25 to 30 miles an hour, gusts up to 40, worse than last week when we had five days of this. so, major coastal flooding, moderate to major coastal flooding on tap, high tides right now through saturday and sunday. so, this is another prolonged event of this long fetch of wind because the high to the north, the low pressure to the south -- another mouthful of salty water. so, it's going to pile the water up through the weekend into monday. by monday, joaquin will go by us, but way off to sea. you may get off-shoot wave action as well from that. and not only along the coast, but also inland, we're talking horrific rainfall totals, some sections of south carolina picking up a foot of rain. most of north carolina, south carolina, virginia, under flood watches for the entire weekend. a big, big mess, and joaquin having little to do with this at all. jose? >> that's what's amazing. thank you very much, mike. what's amazing is, as you say, it has nothing to do with joaquin, and yet, the conditions are very, very dangerous. mike seidel, thank you very much. we'll take a short break. it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. 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"news nation with tamron hall" is up next. thank you. ♪ it's time for the "you're business entrepreneur of the week." bill shaffer saw opportunity in the midst of california's record-breaking drought. using a trick of golf courses for years, his bay area company, brown lawn green, uses an organic grass colorant to make a dry lawn look lush, healthy and green with minimal watering. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying power at ♪ everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. ...intercourse that's painful due to menopausal it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia, so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. ♪ good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall. we begin with breaking news on that mass shooting at a community college in roseburg, oregon, that left ten people dead, including the shooter, and at least seven more injured. in the last hour, officials at mercy hospital said one patient remains in critical condition this morning. now, we're also learning new details about the man police have identified as the gunman, even as key, important questions remain about why he targeted the school and certain individuals. investigators say 26-year-old chris harper mercer left behind a document at the shooting scene, which one official described as expressing a "philosophy of hate." mercer lived in oregon with his mother, not far from the umpqua community college. and neighbors say he was a loner, fond of guns, who liked to practice target shooting. family members of students who were there in the classroom tell nbc news that the gunman asked people what religion they were before firing and that he specifically targeted those who answered christian. mercer's father spoke to reporters briefly last night. >> i can't answer any questions right now. i don't want to answer any questions right now. obviously, it's been a devastating day, devastating for me and my family. all i ask is --

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