for benjamin netanyahu to come and also there has been concern on their part that timing is bad, as they're in the middle of these delicate negotiations over iran's nukes. having said that you heard secretary kerry yesterday trying to tamp down what has been a lot of conversation especially among analysts who say that the relationship between the u.s. and israel is at or very near a new low. take a listen to john kerry just yesterday. >> obviously, it was odd, if not unique, that we learned of it from the speaker of the house, and that the administration was not included in this process, but the administration is not seeking to politicize this. we want to recognize the main goal here is to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: and while that is the goal on both sides, there is absolutely no doubt this is highly political. we'll see today sort of a preview of the back and forth. first you're going to hear at the apac conference samantha power, the u.s. ambassador to the united nations. then bebe netanyahu and then susan rice and then of course the big speech tomorrow by netanyahu in front of congress. about 30 democratic members of congress will not be there. the vice president's going to be in guatemala. secretary kerry is in geneva today. but this is a very important time in these conversations as well as in these negotiations, jose. >> chris, we're also learning there were a couple of security breaches in the past 24 hours at the white house? >> reporter: yes that is true. well, they were stopped, first of all we should say that. yesterday somebody tried to get over one of those bicycle fences that's sort of outside of the main fence now. and then this morning somebody tried to sort of slip through when someone who legitimately should have been here got through. what secret service officials will tell you is these are never going to stop. i mean and i don't think it's necessarily a coincidence, jose, that the warmer weather suddenly we're seeing a few of these. they're not uncommon. the question is can they stop them after all of the kroefrgs controversy of the secret service including the man who get well into the white house. these two were stopped, handled very quickly and both of the people arrested jose. >> chris jansing, a pleasure to see you. thanks for being with me. >> reporter: you too. that case of deja vu off capitol hill after friday of last-minute one-week extension for dhs funding. days to go before the deadline. the weekend did not appear to bring house republicans closer to figuring it all out. >> the house is a rambunctious place. 4. 435 members. a lot with different opinions what we should and should not be doing. >> can you lead those members? >> i think so. it's not easy. >> number two kevin mccarthy looking for help from fellow leaders in the house and senate calling for the bill to go to conference to hammer out differences. the senate votes on that question later today but harry reid's spokesperson says the minority leader isn't interested. the senator cleared on the fact there will be no conference. that seems to put us right back where we started with a group of house conservatives determineded to use dhs funding as a leverage to derail president obama's immigration action but getting plenty of pushback even from inside their own party. >> there's a wing within the congress which is absolutely irresponsible. they have no concept of reality. listen, i am as opposed to the president's immigration action as they are, but the fact is it's essential that we fund the department of homeland security. >> reporter: nbc's kelly o'donnell is live on capitol hill. kelly, good morning. tell me about the attempt to send the bill to conference? >> reporter: well conference is something that usually isn't all that newsworthy jose. one of the things that is a typical tool of congress. when one house pass as bill and the other chamber pass as bill, and they're not quite the same. they go a conference where they appoint members from each chamber. so some senators and some members of the house would work together and hammer out what would be ultimately the compromise and then each chamber votes on it. pretty basic stuff. except when you've got hot button issues at centers of if. you've heard democrats in the senate do not want to have this happen. what it would do bring the original bill the house passed that includes defunding some of the president's immigration actions and put that on the table along with a clean funding bill. and there's concern that there would be some attempt to meet in the middle that would impasse the action and democrats don't want to see that happen. house republican whose believe in the idea say that's the only solution, because they can't get something passed. they don't see another short-term extension as working. so we could play some highlights of our conversations from last week and it would still work today. we just don't see an end game yet. this frustration within the house republicans is real. more time may not lessen that small group that does not want to see this go forward. democrats sort of came to the rescue late friday by voting for the one-week extension to take the heat off to not have the department close to not go through all of those steps needed to be taken if employee was told to stay home. those not deemed essential. so conference is supposed to be the way to work out differences, but they're disagreeing over the way to work out differences. here we are. >> and kelly, seems there's no c.r., no conference, and there are a couple of days left. doesn't sound promising right now? >> reporter: another friday night deadline and so they'll work on some of this today. we'll get some indications as the week begins to unfold because the real key players here who know the strategy of using the rulebook and there are complex rules that govern how these two chambers work and deep within those rules, i'm always struck by how this is some little fenger to pull out and make something happen and masters of the rules are certainly mitch mcdonald and harry reid john boehner and kevin mccarthy. they'll be looking at how can they make this work? but we don't know the road map just yet. another week of waiting, counting down and more frustration for many people following this. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. bringing in jackie kucinich senior politics editor for "the daily beast." >> good to see you. >> the bill that failed in the house wasn't to fully fund dhs but extend the deadline three weeks. what are the chances we'll do better by this friday? >> the real question. might end up having to see boehner enlisting democrats to pass a clean bill a bill without the immigration language enraging conservative whose have been the problem all along, but all indications, i was talking to members of the republican staff this morning, they do expect this to go down to the wire. >> you know the question is if it goes down to the wire, and there is no possibility of any compromise, it doesn't -- it's not only that it's going to shut down this friday but there's no future possibilities? >> right. and they have to work on that. if it shuts down that increases pressure, you can imagine. a lot of conservative republicans, these ten members leading the charge on this they got the wrong message from the last shutdown. they saw gains in 2014 after they shut down the government. after being told that oh the political sky is falling for republicans. but as we know 2016 is a very different electorate. why you have some of the more moderate member senator mark kirk from illinois charlie dent from pennsylvania, house member. really screaming and saying guys, we need to pass this. this isn't only the dhs funding, this is their political futures at stake here. >> and jackie you know all of this has to do with the funding for the president's executive actions, but right now those executive actions are frozen by a judge in texas, could continue to be frozen for some time. isn't this a moot point if the situation still stays in the judiciary? >> this is a moot point for lots of reasons. not only that the agency that they're trying to shut down is self-funding. at the end of the day they can't really do anything about this anyway. so really this is deja vu all for naught and they have to cave. depends when. >> jackie kucinich thanks for being with me. >> good to see you, too. another dramatic video over a police-involved shooting that happened in los angeles. it's sparking debate across the country. the fatal police shooting of a reportedly unarmed man. nbc's gabe gutierrez is in los angeles with the latest developments. good morning. >> reporter: jose, good morning. police say the man was shot as he struggled to take an officer's gun. overnight multiple videos of the incident have been viewed more than 6 million times on social media. we want to warchn you we won't show you the fatal gunshots, the scene is disturbing. the video is posted on facebook sunday showing a group of officers confronting a man they say is a robbery suspect. he's taken down and several officers try to cuff him. as they wrestle you hear a taser. >> drop your gun! >> someone yells "drop the gun." then -- [ gunfire ] >> reporter: at least five gunshots from three officers. bystanders are stunned. >> during the attempt to detain him this individual resisted our officers. they struggled with him. they tried to tase him a couple times, that was ineffective and eventually the struggle occurred where the officers that were struggling with the individual over one of the officer's weapons. >> he's guilty. >> reporter: the shooting sparking outrage on l.a.'s skid row. police have not released the suspects's name but witnesses say he was homeless. >> he didn't bother nobody. he didn't have no weapon. they just shot him. >> i think it was extreme. >> no reason for them to do that. the guy, he wasn't no threat to hem. >> reporter: dennis horn took one of the videos. did he reach for the officer's weapon? you didn't see that? >> my footage don't say that my eyes didn't see that. >> reporter: the lapd is promising a thorough investigation. around the country confrontations involving officers has become increasingly scrutinized in the wake of ferguson. in this case there are still many unanswer pd questions. >> i think it's unjust and unfair. but it's a catch 22. at the same time just doing their job. >> why? >> reporter: police say the suspect was not carrying his own firearm. at least one of the officers was wearing a body camera and investigators are now checking to see what it recorded. jose? >> nbc's gabe gutierrez. thank you. getting started on this monday edition of "the rundown." after the break, in awe photo and new information about the isis executioner known at jihadi john as isis reportedly threatens twitter. we'll have the latest on these two developing stories. and this morning's commute is better known at slip and slide in parts of the mid-atlantic and northeast after another storm moved through overnight. a live look at pittsburgh where snow showers are in the forecast yet again this morning. march coming in lie a lieke a lion. more on the winter weather coming up. can you keep your lifestyle in retirement? 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[ gunfire ] the iraqi military's launching a major offensive against isis to take back the town of tikrit. saddam hussein's hometown. showing military launching attacks on the outskirts of tikrit and as the iraqi military stephs up its fight against isis the terror group is now apparently going after officials at twitter. isis is reportedly targeting twitter founder jack dorsey and employees for shutting down isis-related accounts. on one site isis reportedly says "your war on us will cause a real war on you." in a statement twitter says your security team sin vest gating the veracity of the threats with relevant law enforcement officials." joined by christopher dickie former editor for "the daily beast" and a combat veteran of the iraq and afghanistan wars. thank you both for being with me. chris, start with you. apparent threats of isis going after twitter? >> it's the kind of thing that isis does all the time to get publicity. they may be irritated their accounts is taken down not only taken down by twitter but youtube and facebook because, in fact, the accounts are putting forth grotesque, violent, savage imagery and threatening a lot of people in the world. so naturally, their reaction is you take down our threats and we'll threaten you, but i don't think that twitter has too many worries on that score. >> and amber, talk about thinking new iraqi military offensive in tikrit. as someone who has flown missions in iraq tell us about the challenges to take back tikrit? >> a major ground offensive going on in taikrit and they have strategic impontens in the fight against isis. 80 miles from baghdad and on the road to mosul. any future assault we see to take back mosul will really have to see the iraqi army and the iraqi government gain back control of tikrit first. so we're going to see air strikes. we're going to see xlees port from helicopters, artillery positions and the ground forces are surrounding the city right now to go door to door and flush the isis fighters out. but it does pose some very important challenges. isis has been in control of tikrit sis june. we'll see a well-fortified city at this point. >> could be a nasty battle for that city. and then the future holds for other cities. especially the second largest city in iraq controlled by isis. that's another battle we've got to be really concerned about, but christopher, let's also talk about, we're learning isis released 19 of the more than 220 syrian christians taken hostage last week. what going on here? >> releasing old men, people who wouldn't be of fighting age. the situation with christians in syria is problematic, because not only have they been persecuted by isiscesis just because their christians but christians taking up arms against isis. not effective militias but gives isis a reason to be more savage than they are. they'll releasing men they think are no longer of military age. >> targeting kisschristians or just anybody and everybody not willing to accept isis and its commands? >> christians are supposed to accept isis in medieval islamic terms meaning wee rain in isis-controlled territory if they pay a special tax as christians to their muslim overlords. or if they convert to islam, and if they do neither of those things they'll be killed. there is a special provision, if you will for christians but it's not -- it's as savage as everything they do at isis. >> and amber, talk about this jihadi john guy. we have a new picture of mohammed emwazi when he worked in kuwait. now that he's been unmasked has he lost some effectiveness as a frightening terror figure? >> he has. people see him as a human figure instead of an evil man with a black mask on beheading people on propaganda videos seen around the globe and really that terrorizes face to isis. now that he's been unmasked people see him as another man, and really now instead of in addition to just delegitimizing him and parts of isis he really is now a liability to isis. because u.s. intelligence british intelligence are hunting him down right now to find him. and so really isis is going to want to get rid of him, and you know, we have the best intelligence in the world and it's only a matter of time before he's found. we had run across iraq and seeyria and any other safe haven. it's only a matter time before caught and hopefully on the receiving end of the hellfire missile. >> thank you both for being with me this morning. appreciate your time. after the break, a check on the markets as we start a new week. and a little later on an incredible scare in the sky. show you what happened when a skydiver suffered a seizure at 9,000 feet. it's an amazing story. wheat be right back with that and more. tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. only one egg with better nutrition... like more vitamins d, e, and omega 3s. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland's best. the only egg that gives you so much more: better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. wvo: caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, like aricept® it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have or ever had a seizure disorder difficulty passing urine liver, kidney, or bladder problems, and about any medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body... and may increase side effects. the most common side effects... are headache, diarrhea and dizziness. wvo: all my life he's protected me. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about adding... once-daily namenda xr. ♪ building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do. ♪ that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. i'm a weight watchers coach, all of us have lost weight with weight watchers and are now helping other people do the same. log into your computer or your phone at anytime and you can chat with me. you're not alone and you can do it. i know you can do it because i did it. join for free today at we are just moments away from the opening bell and the start of the new trading week on wall street. mandy drury joins us with a market rundown from cnbc. >> good morning, jose. at this stage futures are flattish, remember coming off an amazingly good february for the stock market. it was the best since october, 2011. obviously now a kind of waiting for the next positive catalyst to push higher from here. you might have heard warren buffett this morning on cnbc talking with our becky quick and he did sound a bullish knode note saying if you're a 20 or 30-year-old invest american because he believes the best days of america lie ahead. really bullish note for go america. elsewhere, the dollar hitting around 11 jeer highs. more bang for your buck and more consumer spending this morning, which fell for the second consecutive month. good thing for viewers. income grew. what we want. right? wages, salaries increased. really good news. if we continue to get job gains remember the jobs number this friday, we should continue to see wage gains, and that should also pull up consumer spending as well. so let's hope it continues. back over to you. >> and mandy, how's the patrol petroleum situation? >> the petroleum situation? always sticky at the top. even though you know wti as in crude prices kind of sort of been stabilizing around a range, right? but gasoline prices you know naturally they rise and then takes a little while for them to fall. what we call sticky at the top. >> cnbc's mandy drury. thanks. great to see you. >> thank you. of course, keep ing aing a eye on the opening bell. minutes away. coming up the politics of security. the likelihood lawmakers reach a deal on funding homeland security in the next five days? while speak with a congresswoman about that next. and a live look inside a policy conference where israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is set to speak live minutes from now. we're mont thaerg event for you, plus a live look at boston. snow and snow has been in their forecast, but they got just two inches overnight, but still short of that all-time record. dylan dreyer with us to tell us what they're get next. and lady gaga took the plunge with her fiance. not married yet but did a polar plunge in chicago. starring in the nbc show "chicago fire." nothing fire about this political plunge. 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>> i think having the privilege of serving in the united states congress is equated to our responsibility our high responsibility, of the domestic security, the national security of this nation. it is really adults recognizing that we can have disagreements, but the disagreements should not interfere with the basic rights of americans. certainly their rights of the constitutional protections, but their rights to be protected. majority leader is absolutely wrong. he is misusing context and order, and changing it around and not telling the american people that we had an agreement. we had an agreement when we passed 11 other appropriations bills in the omnibus. an agreed upon department of homeland security funding by the senate and the house, and all we had do at the time we voted on the 11 other appropriation bims was to vote on that one, but it was the republicans who pulled it out promised our leadership promised leader pelosi the speaker did, we'll handful in february and all would be well. it did not happen and there is a side angle, if you will to your disagreement over the executive actions which i happen to agree with and as a member of the judiciary committee feel confident the president is within his constitutional parameters to do what he did. if you disagree take a different approach to raising your concerns. the lawsuit now has given an injunction. the court did not rule unconstitutional but pause for a moment. that's an out, and let's pass full funding for the department of homeland security in the backdrop of these enormous challenges that we have jose. >> yeah because, look even if the judge in texas takes apparently today was the first day he said he was going to even look at the white house's request. say it goes then to the court of appeals in new orleans, that's weeks, maybe moss, way from this being decided in the courts. that's a moot point right now. >> not only that jose that means those weeks will give congress, the republicans who are agitated opportunities to pass any number of bills that would eliminate the executive actions, take any number of votes. just last week the fbi director said he has a homeland terrorism investigation going on in every single state. that means all 50 states. what is happening now is that the republicans -- the republicans. let me be very clear -- in the house, are forbidding homeland security secretary johnson from the approach of fighting terrorism. the soft touch, which we spoke of at at counterterrorism meeting i attended at the white house a few weeks ago, but also ensuring that our border patrol agents customs in border protection, the faa which has, we have oversight over the i.c.e. office the fbi in terms of its coordination with the department of homeland security all of our cyber security review, our secretary of cyber security excuse me, said in a testimony last week before the homeland security she is devastated and will be devastated in her very crucial work if we don't have this continued long-range funding so they can do their planning. what more do our republican friends not understand? and that's the question. let me just say that there are republicans who are ready to vote for a clean funding for the department of homeland security. that's important to say, because i have worked with republicans on homeland security very closely, and they are dedicated, many of them wanting to move forward. why doesn't speaker boehner and the majority leader put a clean dhs funding on the floor of the house and, jose i can almost assure you, it would pass because people know members know that despite any conflicts in their district or people having different opinions and they have the right to they know that the higher responsibility the top responsibility, is securing this nation. >> and let's talk a little about that, congresswoman, because the fact is as you said on this hearing you attended just last week there are very real threats, terrorist threats against americans, and even right here in the homeland. how concerned are you about that reality in our futcher? future? >> jose, i have -- i call it a privilege. it certainly was a tragic privilege of serving on the homeland security committee since the heinous acts of 9/11. many of us were there on the first opening day gavel of this committee. i had the onerous responsibility of visiting ground zero in those early, early days. i would say to you that we are now at a stark moment in history, the convergence of the isis, the isil approach to establishing a state, its commitment to franchise terrorism, its direction that says, if you cannot come to be a foreign fighter, then stay at home and create havoc. that means that all of the world is facing a new phenomena of terrorism. the united states has been very fortunate. but the homeland security department, i must say, in the new legislative initiatives and pressures, to ensure there is communication on intelligence which did not occur in the way it should have pre-9/11 that there's is communication now that all of the agencies are talking, i can tell you that there is enough intelligence to suggest that we need to be careful. we need to be diligent and we need our agencies funded our fusion centers. we listen to law enforcement who say it's one of the greatest assets. we had a hearing in judiciary in the subcommittee i'm a ranking member, crime terrorism and the fbi specifically said that there are challenges we are facing that they are monitoring every single day. so to answer your question, we're living in a new era. we're living in an era where we could be subjected to a terror attack as any moment. >> congresswoman sheila jackson-lee, thank you for being with us. so appreciate your time this morning. i want to take you live now to the apac conference in washington, d.c., ambassador samantha power at the podium. let's listen in. >> -- a state that would be "be faithful to the principles of the charter of the united nations." so it is bitterly unjust that the united nations, an institution founded upon the idea that all nations should be treated equally, is so often used cynically by member states to treat israel unequally. [ applause ] these attacks on israel's legitimacy are biased they are ugly and the united states of america will not rest until they stop. now, as few of you may have heard, the prime minister of sir in town. of israel is in town. [ applause ] >> well the prime minister actually is going to be speaking right there at aipac moments from now. we will of course keep a close eye on that. meanwhile, a brand new poll is revealing what americans think about the controversy surrounding netanyahu's speech to congress. showing 48% of voters think congressional member shos not have invited netanyahu without notifying president obama. and bringing in mark murray. good morning. >> good morning, jose. >> we're expecting the prime minister of israel to speak any minute now but speaking to congress tomorrow. what are the potential ramifications here? >> the biggest political ramification is this further politicizes the issue of israel here in the united states and you mentioned the new poll numbers we ended up having yesterday, and there is a very big partisan split. 66% of democrats say that netanyahu shouldn't have been invited, versus just 28% of republicans. so it really shows you that there is a big difference between democrats and republicans on this issue and one way of actually almost viewing this entire spat jose is through the lens of u.s. domestic politics where there's a natural alliance in a lot of ways between netanyahu's likud party and today's republican party, and conversely the democrats seem to have more of an alliance when it comes to more centrist or labor parties in israel, and so when we have a big disagreement a lot of times between democrats and republicans they can't get, team sow get anything done including on dhs funding, well when you apply that same dynamic to this issue right now, when it comes to iran netanyahu's speech, can you see how it's breaking along partisan lines. >> and mark yeah. as a matter of fact it's really quite the divide. 66% democrats 28% of republicans didn't want limb him to be invited pap big divide. what an american's showing of israel right now? >> israel continues to be very popular. 47% hold israel in a positive light. 17% hold it in a negative light. once again, when you break into the partisan differences, democrats actually have a positive view of israel by only a small margin. it's a huge margin among republicans and, again, put this lens of domestic politics into this entire spat where republicans see this as an opportunity to stick it to president obama and his administration. >> just got word senator mikulski of maryland is retiring? >> right. my colleague kelly o'donnell confirmed that news and mikulski is up for re-election in 2016. a big democratic year in a state like maryland. so can you expect democrats are going to be able to hold on to that seat in a state that's traditionally got democrats' way although they lost the governorship in the 2014 cycle. interesting to see if o'malley runs. a potential challenger of hillary clinton and interesting to see with this open senate seat he decides to make a bid for the united states senate. >> pleasure to see you. thanks for being with me this morning. >> thanks, jose. back to aipac, samantha pow sir speaking. let's take a listen to that. [ applause ] >> now let me put president obama's commitment to denying iran a nuclear weapon in context. the obama administration has invested more than $20 billion in foreign military financing for israel. far more than for any other country and more than at any previous time in the history of the u.s.-israel relationship. and -- and -- the president not only committed to denying iran a nuclear weapon before negotiations with iran began, he has reiterated the same commitment during negotiations and he will keep his commitment whether negotiations collapse or produce a diplomatic solution that meets our bottom lines. maybe the president has made this point so often that it isn't heard in the same way anymore, but we have to keep repeating it. talks, no talks, agreement, no agreement, the united states will take whatever steps are necessary to protect our national security and that of our closest allies. we believe diplomacy is the preferred route to secure our shamed aim, but if diplomacy should fail we know the stakes of a nuclear armed iran as well as everyone here we will not let it happen. there will never be a sunset on america's commitment to israel's security. never. now, let me turn to aspects of the u.s.-israel partnership that get far less attention. what the united states is doing every day to combat anti-semitism around the world and to have israel's back at the united nations. we are living in an era where anti-semitism is surging by every measure. reported harassment polling data violent attacks, and we should all be extremely disturbed by it. last summer we saw rallies about the gaza violence in dorkman and frankfort protestorses chantsed and chanting, juice to the ivin . . . -- oven. children who walk through phalanxes of heavily armed guards to get through to their schools and walking through metal detectors to enter synagogues and we've seen murder. the attack in paris and the attacks before it on the jewish school in toulouse and the jewish museum in brussels. last month's attack on a synagogue in koeppencopenhagen. then the signs we cannot see no less chilling jews thinking twice before shopping in a kosher shopping market. putting on a kipa or hangsing a mezuzah outside a home. in 2004 all 55 countries in the organization for security and cooperation in europe including the united states convened in berlin to make a historic pledge to combat all forms of anti-semitism. when last november the countries ream assembled to mark the ten-year anniversary of that pledge, president obama asked me to lead the presidential delegation to the meeting. what i told the leaders gathered there is what you already know. anti-submitism attacks are not only a threat to the jewish community, they are a threat to european liberal ichl and pluralism. the very ideals oncarsky was willing to risk his life for. i told the european gathering while freedom of expression is a sacred right, criticism of israel can never be used as justification for incitement to violence. and i told them that when leaders speak up, nations take notice. unfortunately, president obama was one of the few leaders to send a cabinet-level representative to this important and necessary conference. even more alarming only two-thirds of the countries that participated in the 2004 anti-semitism conference were represented in 2014. given that the situation has only gotten worse i ask the european policymakers there, doesn't this issue at the very least merit the same show of solidarity and commitment from governments today as it did decades ago? a decade ago? we believe it demands that and more. we believe that as anti-semitism rises so too, must our collective resolve to defeat it. that is why's in recent years the united states has been relentlessly pushing countries to take swift, robust steps to address it from developing hate crimes legislation to prosecuting vigorously the perpetrators of anti-semitic acts to designating senior officials to coordinate efforts to combat anti-semitism as the united states did back in 2004. now, the last place you might expect meaningful action to combat anti-semitism is at the united nations. as you all know it was 40 years ago in 1975 that the u.n. general assembly adopted a resolution with the support of 75 of the then 142 member states. that resolution officially determined that "zionism is a form of racism." when daniel patrick moynihan the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. at the time, passionately objected to the resolution -- [ applause ] -- actually objected -- >> samantha power at the aipac conference and the just shortly after she finishes speaking we will hear from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we're going to take a short break and be back with a lot more of "the rundown." why can't we just get in the running car? 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(dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more gain scent, plus oxi boost and febreze for 3 big things in one gain fling. it's our best gain ever! there you see ambassador powers. after she wraps up, we expect to hear from benjamin netanyahu speaking to congress tomorrow. up next, we will tell you about a cool contest going on now for young innovators, meet a woman whose website pairs up latino students with mentors in the health care field. we will be right back. your eyes depend on a unique set of nutrients. that's why there's ocuvite. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. help protect your eye health with ocuvite. 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>> reporter: they're not going to take this sitting down. we saw samantha power. later we will hear at aipac from susan rice. the president is giving an interview to reuters later today. obviously as you know, jose they did not want netanyahu to come here because it was two weeks before the election in israel, also because they think it is a delicate time in iranian nuclear negotiations. given that he is here they're going to state their case. we just heard from samantha power who started out light heartedly saying you may have heard that benjamin netanyahu is going to be giving a speech or two while he's here. she also said the united states will not allow iran to get a nuclear weapon, period and she added this. >> we believe firmly that israel's security and the u.s. israel partnership transcends politics and it always will. >> reporter: but there's a lot of politics involved here. there will be 30 congressional democrats who will not go to this speech tomorrow on the floor of congress by benjamin netanyahu, and a little bit of a dustup when he suggested that he speaks for all jews we heard senator dianne feinstein saying today he does not speak for me i don't agree with him on what he says about iranian nuclear policy, so we are just getting started here two days of high drama, jose. >> kris as we see a picture of netanyahu, last time he was here, you see vice president biden behind him. that won't happen this time the vice president is in central america. >> reporter: he is in guatemala city. the secretary of state is traveling. they're not going to give a certain amount of legitimacy to it by having as you would normally see for a situation like this the vice president there. and you will not of course have a meeting between the president and benjamin netanyahu. what we will have though is people watching very very closely, particularly tomorrow to see the words he uses how strident his conversation may be benjamin netanyahu that is and in addition to that creating something of a tricky political situation for him back in israel in the midst of this intense election. there's some very fine lines that some members of congress have to walk in their reaction to his speech as well tomorrow jose. >> kris jansing at the white house, thank you so much. i want to go to iran we are joined by our bureau cheap, ali, good morning. start with tehran's view of the speech. >> reporter: turned the tables on benjamin netanyahu -- [ inaudible ] >> we are losing the signal. thank you for being with me unfortunately we are getting spotty satellite reception from tehran this morning. we will try to work on that get back to ali if we are able to this morning. i want to turn now to russia where tens of thousands of people are honoring a well known opposition leader gunned down near the kremlin. crowds gathered for a massive march sunday two days after he was killed. many waved russian flags saying we are not afraid. he was a vocal critic of vladimir putin. walking with his girlfriend friday night, a car pulled up shots rang out from the car killing him. opposition leaders say that murder is attempt to intimidate them. putin says it marks a contract killing, intended to embarrass the kremlin. joining us professor, pleasure to see you. >> thank you. >> tell us who he was? >> he was a charismatic leader. back to boris yeltsin presidency, one of the vocal liberal politicians at the time had a very promising career in politics and did have a very good career in politics. when vladimir putin came in in 2000 as president, he turned his voice to criticize the kremlin rather than to support it but he was very well known. i knew him well enough spent some tough political time together. it is a great, great loss for russia for the opposition force. it was a terrible loss shows that russia is falling into abyss quickly. >> it seems so far with ukraine and a number of things putin is pretty much the teflon leader. do you think this will effect him politically in the long term? >> predicting his falling down a long time. it seems no civilized nation should behave the way russia behave or has been behaving and putin the last few years, especially the last year with ukraine. now with that death happening next to the kremlin, suddenly they cannot know who the killer is already, you can't sneeze next to the kremlin without being arrested so that's already a bad sign there. i think putin will use this death very much in joseph stalin matter, he will go after the opponents pretending this death and they already speak about that that this death was done by those who want to embarrass the kremlin, and what supposedly or was seem to allow putin to tighten the screws rather than to ease up the political system. >> thank you so much for being with me this morning. so appreciate your time. i want to go back to aipac. keep a close watch on what's happening there for you. there is a speaker freefs the prime minister of israel. let's listen in. >> we welcome you both to this conference in celebration of the shared interests and values of two great democracies. and we stand here to send a clear message. we stand with the people of israel in their quest to stop iran. we stand with the people of israel in their quest for lasting peace with their neighbors. and we stand with the people of israel in their quest for a brighter future. ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the prime minister of the state of israel mr. benjamin netanyahu. >> thank you. >> wow. 60,000 people. anyone here from california? florida? new york? well these are the easy ones. how about colorado? indiana? i think i got it. montana? texas! you're here in record numbers. you're here from coast to coast from every part of this great land and you're here at a critical time. you're here to tell the world that reports of the demise of the israeli u.s. relations is not only premature, they're just wrong. [ applause ] you're here to tell the world that our alliance is stronger than ever. and because of you and millions like you across this great country is going to get even stronger in the coming years. thank you, bob cohen, michael kassen, howard core and all the leadership of aipac. thank you for your tireless dedicated work to strengthen the partnership between israel and the united states. i want to thank most especially members of congress democrats and republicans. i deeply appreciate your steadfast support for israel year in year out. you have our boundless gratitude. [ applause ] i want to welcome the president of the czech republic. mr. president, israel never forgets its friends and the czech people have always been steadfast friends of israel the jewish people from the days of thomas mass eric at the inception of sigh onnism. when i entered the israeli arm, i received a czech rifle, a czech rifle. that was one of the rifles given to us by your people in our time of need in 1948. so thank you for being here today. [ applause ] also here are two great friends of israel former prime minister of spain, and last month, former canadian foreign minister john baird. thank you both for your unwavering support. you're true champions of israel and true champions of the truth. >> i also want to recognize u.s. ambassador to israel dan shapiro, for your genuine friendship, dan, and for the great job you're doing representing the united states in the state of israel. and i want to recognize the two rons. ambassador ron prassor, for his job at the u.n. he is doing in a very difficult forum. thank you. and i want to recognize the other ron, a man who knows how to take the heat. israel's ambassador to the united states, ron dermer. ron, i couldn't be prouder to have you representing israel in washington. and finally i want to recognize my wife sarah, whose courage in the face of adversity is an inspiration to me. [ applause ] sarah divides her time as a child psychologist as a loving mother, and her public duties as the wife of the prime minister. sarah, i'm so proud to have you here with me today, to have you with me at my side always. my friends, i bring greetings to you from jerusalem, our eternal, undivided capital. [ applause ] and i also bring to you news that you may not have heard. you see, i'll be speaking in congress tomorrow. [ applause ] you know never has so much been written about a speech that hasn't been given. and i'm not going to speak today about the content of that speech, but i do want to say a few words about the purpose of that speech. first, let me clarify what is not the purpose of that speech. my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office that he holds. i have great respect for both. [ cheers and applause ] i deeply appreciate all that president obama has done for israel, security cooperation, intelligence sharing, support at the u.n., some things i cannot divulge because it remains in the realm of confidences kept between an american president and an israeli prime minister. i am deeply grateful for this support and so should you be. my speech is also not intended to inject israel into the american partisan debate. an important reason why our alliance has grown stronger decade after decade is that it is championed by both parties and so it must remain. both democratic and republican presidents have worked together with friends from both sides of the aisle in coming to strengthen israel and our alliance between our two countries, and working together they provided israel with generous military assistance and missile defense spending. we have seen how important that is just last summer. working together they made israel the first free trade partner of america 30 years ago, and its first official strategic partner last year. they backed israel in defending itself in war and in our efforts to achieve durable peace with our neighbors. working together has made israel stronger working together made our alliance stronger. and that's why the last thing anyone that cares about israel the last thing that i would want is for israel to become a partisan issue. and i regret that some people misperceived my visit here this week as doing that. israel has always been a bipartisan issue, israel should always remain a bipartisan issue. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen the purpose of my address to congress tomorrow is to speak up about a potential deal with iran that could threaten the survival of israel. iran is the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in the world. look at that graph. look at that map that you see on the wall. it shows iran training arming dispatching terrorists on five continents. iran envelopes the world with tenets. this is what they're doing without nuclear weapons. imagine what iran would do with nuclear weapons. this very iran vows to annihilate israel. if it develops nuclear weapons, it will have the means to achieve that goal. we must not let that happen. and as prime minister of israel i have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there's still time to avert them. for 2,000 years my people the jewish people were stateless, defenseless, voiceless. we were utterly powerless against our enemies who swore to destroy us. we suffered relentless persecution and horrific attacks. we could never speak on our own behalf and could not defend ourselves. well no more. no more. the days when the jewish people are passive in the face of threats to annihilate us those days are over! [ cheers and applause ] today in our sovereign state of israel we defend ourselves. and being able to defend ourselves, we ally with others most importantly the united states of america, to defend our common civilization against common threats. in our part of the world and increasingly in every part of the world no one makes alliances with the weak. you seek out those who have strength, those who have resolve, those who have determination to fight for themselves. that's how alliances are formed. so we defend ourselves and in so doing create the basis of a broader alliance. and today we are no longer silenced. today we have a voice. and tomorrow tomorrow as prime minister of the one and only jewish state, i plan to use that voice. [ cheers and applause ] i plan to speak about an iranian regime that is threatening to destroy israel that's devouring country after country in the middle east that's exporting terror throughout the world, and that is developing as we speak the capacity to make nuclear weapons, lots of them. ladies and gentlemen, israel and the united states agree that iran should not have nuclear weapons. but we disagree on the west way to prevent iran from developing those weapons. now, disagreements among allies only natural from time to time even among the closest of allies because there are important differences between america and israel. the united states of america is a large country, one of the largest. israel is a small country, one of the smallest. america lives in one of the world's safest neighborhoods. israel lives in the world's most dangerous neighborhood. america is the strongest power in the world. israel is strong but it is much more vulnerable. american leaders worry about the security of their country. israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country. you know -- [ applause ] i think that encapsulates the difference. i have been prime minister of israel for nine years. there's not a single day, not one day, that i didn't think about the survival of my country and the actions that i take to ensure that survival, not one day. and because of these differences america and israel have had some serious disagreements over the course of our nearly seven-year-old friendship. that started with the beginning. in 1948 secretary of state george marshall opposed david ben gur in's state hood he vehemently opposed it. but understanding what was at stake went ahead, declared israel's independence. in 1967 as an arab noose was tightening around israel's neck the united states warned prime minister that if israel acted alone it would be alone, but israel did act, acted alone to defend itself. in 1981 under the leadership of prime minister bagin, israel destroyed a nuclear reactor. the united states criticized israel and suspended arms transfers for three months. and in 2002 after the worst palestinian attacks in history, the prime minister sharon had operation shield the united states demanded they withdraw troops but they continued until the operation was completed. there was a reason i mention all of these. i mention them to make a point. despite occasional disagreements, the friendship between america and israel grew stronger and stronger. decade after decade. [ applause ] and our friendship will weather the current disagreement as well to grow even stronger in the future. and i'll tell you why. because we share the same dreams. because we pray and hope and aspire for that same better world. because the values that unite is are much stronger than the differences that divide us. values like liberty, equality justice, tolerance, compassion. as our region descends into medieval barbarism, israel upholds these values common to us and to you. as assad drops bell bombs on his own people israeli doctors treat his victims in our hospitals, right across the fence in the golan heights. as christians in the middle east are beheaded and their ancient communities decimated, israel's christian community is growing and thriving the only one such community in the middle east. [ cheers and applause ] as women in the reasonable on are repressed, enslaved raped, women in israel serve as chief justices, ceos, fighter pilots. two women chief justices in a row. well not in a row. but in succession. that's pretty good. in a dark and savage and desperate middle east israel is a beacon of humanity of light, and of hope. ladies and gentlemen, israel and the united states will continue to stand together because america and israel are more than friends. we're like a family. now, disagreements in the family are always uncomfortable, but we must always remember that we are family. [ applause ] rooted in a common heritage upholding common values sharing a common destiny. and that's the message i came to tell you today. our alliance is sound, our friendship is strong and with your efforts it will get even stronger in the years to come. thank you, aipac. thank you, america. god bless you all. [ cheers and applause ] >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at aipac. you saw and heard the prime minister's words, and saying that essentially he wasn't going to be talking about the details of what his speech was tomorrow but that he has the utmost respect for the president and the presidency. i want to bring in kelly o'donnell listening with us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jose. i think netanyahu was also trying to give a little bit of an invitation himself to some members of congress who have expressed discomfort about his appearance by trying to turn down some of the politics that surrounded this to perhaps make it easier for some of them to attend. there are a couple of dozen that are expressing a concern about being in the chamber when benjamin netanyahu addresses a joint session of congress. that is so unusual because typically when there is a joint session, attendance is very high. clearly the relationship between israel and the united states is important to members of congress all across the country, so it has been very sensitive, i think his remarks there were intended to try to soften some of the sort of build up surrounding this appearance and we will have to see if it actually does that. this also was a very important audience today in that room. you could hear how he has such connection to certainly americans who are supportive of israel in all the different ways financially, in terms of political power, and who stand up for israel. that long history is there, an important speech for him in a week that could be pivotal for his own future politically and the relationship between the u.s. and israel. jose? >> over and over again, he said the relationship with israel the alliance with israel is not a democratic issue, not a republican issue, it is an issue that transcends politics. but politics is very much in the mix here. >> reporter: the more he talked about how it transcends politics, the more we are reminded of the politics in play. it has been a difficult relationship with the president over time there are democrats that feel protective of the president, do not want to appear to enlarge the differences. at the same time you have republicans who say that speaker john boehner should have alerted the white house before inviting benjamin netanyahu to speak before congress. these lines certainly got hardened early. there was going to be no backing away from the invitation when it comes to speaker boehner and house republicans, and broadly there are certainly members of congress that want to hear from netanyahu, have concerns about the u.s. deal with iran talks that continue to go on and will it result in a plan they can support. there are many members of congress that want the final say on any pact that deals with iran's nuclear ambitions. white house is saying it does not want to see that they want to negotiate separately from congress. that is leaving many members of congress feeling like they have a voice and role to play here and should not be excluded so there are tensions that run deep on many levels and they cut across party lines to some degree. you have some members of congress who are much more focused on the international issues in both parties who are feeling like they have a voice and they have something to say about this and are frustrated at the way the direction of the talks, we don't yet know how it will end up. certainly tomorrow's speech by netanyahu is expected to give his perspective on where things stand and what the threats are. it will be very important for those members who are there to take that in. what happens after he leaves the house chamber will be critical. at this point, members who want to be able to have some authority to weigh in on that pact are feeling unsatisfied by the white house's disinclination to do that. >> kelly, we got word last hour senator barbara ma could you ski of maryland is retiring. >> reporter: it is hard to put into perspective how big her impact has been. she served longer in congress than any woman in american history. she has been the top democrat on the appropriations committee. she has a remarkable personality, a force of nature around here. one of the things she has done over time in addition to fighting for issues for the people of maryland she tried to bring together women of the senate who in her tenure have grown to now 20 and both parties having dinners they get together, don't talk politics try to forge relationships. the old school way of doing things. she has been a profound influence. she will complete her term we are told that goes through january, 2017 but is giving her state notice today that democrats and to some degree republicans that want to jump in there will be an open seat in the u.s. senate. that will trigger a lot of interest with maryland's elected officials of who wants to jump into that race. it will be hotly contested. >> kelly o'donnell. thanks for being with me. we will take a short break with that and more on this busy morning on "the rundown." thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours... and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? 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>> we are hearing reports from all over the united states that individuals who are daca eligible are being taken in custody and being deported as we speak. unfortunately it appears as though the deferred action mechanisms are back firing on the immigrant community. >> let's talk about that the president was clear with me wednesday on that town hall. he said there will be consequences for i.c.e. and border patrol people who do not listen to the directives that he and his administration have put forth, very clear directives. is this not getting to the people where the rubber meets the road matthew? >> well we are not talking rogue agents here. it is fairly clear now that i.c.e. is no longer considering daco eligibility with regards to favorable exercise of prosecutorial discretion. they acknowledged it on their 1-800 number that that is not a qualifying factor. the memorandum issued by jeh johnson in november 2014 is on hold now, and that memorandum superseded the previous guidance issued by john morton. now we are in a situation where the only operative guidance we have are deportation priorities and hidden within them it basically affords the administration and i.c.e. wide discretionary authority to decide who they want to deport. and unfortunately that appears to be happening in larger numbers. >> and is it not just one or two or three cases you're seeing this occur in? >> well it is hard to say, but from our network of immigration lawyers, it appears the number of people facing deportation or have already been deported in the last week is growing exponentially. obviously it is fresh, we don't have exact numbers. >> matthew, i wonder what the white house should do to stop this from happening, they're saying they don't want it to happening, and you're telling me it is happening. >> yeah. they need to issue a new prosecutorial discretion memorandum which incorporates the injunction and gives clear guidance to i.c.e. to give whatever discretionary authority they have to stop deportation of individuals that may qualify in the event there's change in the law or if the injunction is lifted. >> matthew kolken thanks for being with us. we will get to the bottom of the investigation. i appreciate you being on with me today. appreciate it. north korea missiles georgia execution and new images of fidel castro. north korea fired missiles into the sea after the u.s. and south korea began annual exercises. they say drills are preparation for invasion and regularly fire missiles to show displeasure with the war games. u.s. south korea military drill runs to the end of april. lawyers for a georgia woman on death row asking the parole board to reconsider request to have her sentence changed to life in prison. the 47-year-old is scheduled to be executed tonight for involvement in the stabbing death of her husband in 1997 she's the only woman on death row in georgia. prosecutors say she plotted with her boyfriend, gregory owen to kill her husband. she was initially denied clemency by state board of pardons and parole last week. new images of fidel castro published in cuba's state run newspaper. they show him with the cuban five, the five spies who spent years in u.s. prison after being convicted for spying in the united states released in december as part of a diplomat i can shift between the u.s. and cuba. state run newspaper says the photos were taken last saturday. up next boston is digging out again, now inches from breaking its all time snow record. we will have the very latest when we come back. this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. gps: proceed to the designated route. not today. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. don't stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once-a-day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto or visit ♪ ♪ ♪ tigers, both of you. tigers? 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tomorrow we have snow, then goes to rain and freezing rain. unlikely we get the 3.6 inches we need. may get snow wednesday and thursday. if we don't, we have to wait until sometime next week. it is not unusual to see snow well into march or april in boston jose. they average about two inches of snow. the winter is not done yet here in the northeast. and many folks wish it was done weeks ago. this is unbelievable. the other thing they're talking about is the famous saint patty's day parade in boston. the mayor will meet with the parade organizers to see if they have to postpone it or change the route. they can't have the parade as it stands now on that route. >> mike seidel thanks for being with me this morning. up next the labor market gets on track, a huge segment of the population being left behind. i will explain when we come back. but i thought you were the queen of the pre-treat soak treat soak? those are fond memories, but those things are amazing. once i saw what they did, i actually started to relax. don't touch my things. those little guys clean, brighten and fight stains. so now i can focus on more pressing matters. like your containers. isn't it beautiful? 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"newsnation" with tamron hall is next. don't forget the premier of live with thomas roberts at 1:00 p.m. eastern. that starts today. i will see you tomorrow. american express for travel and entertainment worldwide. just show them this - the american express card. don't leave home without it! and someday, i may even use it on the moon. it's a marvelous thing! oh! haha! so you can replace plane tickets, traveler's cheques, a lost card. really? that worked? american express' timeless safety and security are now available on apple pay. the next evolution of membership is here. (mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? 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