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Story of the current president has been about Donald Trumps buffoonery, lies, racism, criminality. But also about the Republican Party enabling his assault on the presidency and our democratic systems. Donald trumps unprecedented second impeachment trial is heading to the senate. And republican senators face a decision that will define them and their party for generations. Whether or not they will convict a president who spent months pouring gasoline on a lie that whipped up a lynch mob to attack the u. S. Capitol with the intent to hard, kidnap or kill members of congress and even trumps own Vice President. Senate republican leader mitch mcxonl refusing to disrupt his vacation to bring the senate to bring the senate back immediately to put trump on trial. A move that allows trump to serve out the remainder of his term. Theyll need 17 republican senators to break ranks and convict trump. Republican senator Lisa Murkowski who called on trump to resign issued a statement saying the house responded swiftly and appropriately with impeachment adding she will consider the argument on both sides. With less than a week left in office, trump continues to retreat in a rage. The Washington Post reports that his inner will is shrinking and White House Offices are emptying. Even the legal flunkies are staying far way from this one. Bloomberg reports some of the lawyers privately said what trump did was indefensible privately. It took four years of toxic lies, two racist campaigns, two impeachments, obstruction with russia, a failed coup and a failure to even respond to the pandemic which is marching toward 390,000 dead americans. Well, trump may finally be alone in the dark without even his tweets. Still, the possibility remains that senate will save americas biggest ever con man one last time. Joining me is a congressman from colorado. One of the nine house impeachment managers. Thank you so much for being here this evening. I want to start with the question of can you get to 17 . The first impeachment of donald trump featured a masterful prosecution by the house managers. They were not able to get past one. Let me play for you one of the jurors that you will be presenting your case to. This is one Lindsey Graham. To the american people, what good comes from impeaching President Trump after hes out of office . Thats an unconstitutional attack on the presidency. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. And impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office. When you have somebody that disingenuous, that lack of self awareness, that much of a hypocrite, hes he represents more republicans in the senate than, you know, Lisa Murkowski does. Even shes up in the air. Can you get to 17 . I certainly hope so. And were going to work as hard as we can to make that happen. The Lindsey Graham of 1999 sounds different than the Lindsey Graham of 2021. But nonetheless, we effort some promising signs from a number of different republican senators including senator murkowski and sass and others who committed to look at the evidence that we will present in the United States senate in the impeachment trial. I believe if they do so that theyll reach the same conclusion that so many republicans and democrats did just yesterday. That this president clearly committed high crimes and misdemeanors and he must be removed from office. So, look, were working hard. As you said, there was a very talented team of managers like chairman schiff and so many of my close colleagues and friends that did a masterful job in the first impeachment. Clearly, things changed. The fact that we are autopsy witness of insurrection, i was on the floor of the house as the rioters descended and stormed into the capitol, the first breach of the capitol since 1812. The senators were there as well. They lived this experience. So i think were going to have a very compelling case to make as the trial commences. Were going to make our case. I have to ask you, you are with on the floor at that time. She represents your state as well a you do. With people like that in the republican caucus, do you think the Republican Party is even capable writ large of holding this president to account with people like her . Well, i take pride in the other members of congress that have been elected by the great state of colorado. People like congresswoman diana deget who is joining me as we try a case in the United States senate. Clearly im as disturbed as every american is and has been since january 6th to learn more details that we seemingly learn each and every day about the potential complicity of various members of congress including one that you mentioned. I think its going to be important for the congress and ultimately the Ethics Committee to get to the bottom of it to do a full investigation to determine the level of complicity of the various different remembers. And ultimately make recommendation to the broader congress about punishment. But lets [ inaudible ] liz cheney, the number three [ inaudible ] put out a forceful vote yesterday. There were nine other republicans that joined hr. I believe that Senate Republicans will follow the evidence and reach the same conclusion we have in the house. All right. Congressman of colorado, thank you very much. Appreciate you being here this evening. Joining me now, Michael Steel, former chairman of the rnc and former chairman of harry reid and author of kill switch. Thank you both for being here. Lets talk about this sort of procedure. I want to go to you on this first. You worked for the great harry reid. No relation. Donald trump, whether or not he would be called to testify in a case like this we know that Ronald Reagan did testify. The New York Times reported he wanted to go to the house floor to defend himself. Had to be stopped from doing that during the first impeachment in december 2019. If you were running the ship in the United States senate, would you suggest that they call trump . I dont think that they should. I think its better just to bring this vote to a head. I think that if you, you know, trump lost the twitter account. Hes been banned from social media platforms. I think that he would probably relish the spectacle of being brought to the floor. The other factor to testify in this trial, the other factor to consider here is its not like they need any new information from him. Everything that has been done has been done right out in the open. Its been done on his dime. They have the evidence they need to convict him. I dont think his presence there will help persuade the republican senators that they need to persuade to get to 67. Im not sure what you gain from bringing him to the floor other than possibly giving him a platform to rally his base. I think its probably better not to bring it to the floor. Yeah. Probably he also would physically intimidate the people there. They seem to be terrified of him. I want to play the sound from the invasion of our capitol that seems to be damning for trump. Here the are the rioters that brought them there. We wanted biden we wanted biden here we were invited here by the president of the United States we were invited here we were invited by the president of the United States, michael. That sounds like case closed. Yeah. In many respects, it is. And i think that evidence along with the lot more of it coming out here will come out in the next days and weeks ahead. Will affirm and verify how those individuals got there, why they were there, which members of congress escorted them to the capitol the night before the attack on wednesday. All of that now is part of the narrative of the impeachment. In one sense, the trial itself in the senate is the sort of the, it will be what it will be. The stain is there on trump. And the stain is there on josh holly. And ted cruz and others who participated willfully in this process. So to the point of what addition is gained for trump, my concern is that folks dont overplay their hands. Dont give him more of a platform to play the martyr, to play the victim, to play the one who is being put upon. No, for four years we as a nation were put on. And we saw that at the ballot box many times over. You lost many times over. And now as nation were ready to move on in the final what happened there in the white house this week with impeachment. And so no matter what happens in the senate, that impeachment stain is there on this legacy. Hes done something no other president was able to do and thats get impeached twice. Yeah. Andrew johnson. It is four years that weve been under this . Let me play a little montage. It feels like this brand of the right that has been embedded in the Republican Party dates longer. Take a look at this montage. He said that our troops in afghanistan are just air raiding villages and killing civilians. I hope americans know that is not what our brave men and women in uniform are doing in afghanistan. How do you stop these people . You cant. Thats only in the panhandle you can get away with that. You know, adam, the second clip in that trio there were members of Congress Going up to that same capitol, some of whom got spat on because they were trying to Pass Health Care reform. That was a tea party. And that just got embedded into the Republican Party. You were there. You were fight ago long with senator harry reid trying to get health care reform. Does it feel like were presending something is new that isnt new . And how much fault would you put on people like Mitch Mcconnell who played to that group then and now here we are . Yeah, i think they deserve an enormous amount of thought. I think the establishment of the Republican Party thought they could ride this tiger and feed it. But they got theyve been eaten by the beast they tried to feed. I think its important for us as a country not to look away from this. We have to be extremely clear on about the fact that donald trump didnt create a new Republican Party. He met the party where it was. He was embraced by the voters almost immediately. He entered the primary, he seized the lead and never lost it. And i think that, you know this is a party that even after hes gone is going to continue to respond primarily to the type of people who offer them the same types of things that trump offered them. They responded to the people before trump came on the scene. And they will continue to respond to those types of people after he leaves the scene. And that is a big long term problem for us as a country that were going to have to deal with. I mean Michael Steel, i remember the tiger on the tail analogy. You making that to me when you and i talked about the tea party back in the day, before we had donald trumpism. And this was the case with the tea party as well. You served as rnc chair right at the height of this. And so dont doesnt the Republican Party have to take a deeper look before and beyond donald trump . Oh, yeah. That was in 08. And a lot of folks, i agree with that. A lot of folks focus on sarah palin because of what she came to represent in that 2008 campaign. Joy, you dont have to start with sarah palin. Go back to the 1980s and the ground war that was asserted by Newt Gingrich in the take over of the house. And while we applaud republicans taking control of the house after 50 years of 40 years of democratic control of the house, 1954 to 1994, at the same time, you have to look at the tactics that forever changed the way our politics was going to be played out in that chamber and how that then spilled out on to the streets. Or more importantly, how the street came into the house. Thats effectively what the one minute speeches did. They spoke directly to the nation to pockets of the nation and drew them into that chamber in a way that was not necessarily the most constructive at all times. Yeah. Indeed. Adam, you know what i want to give you the benefit of being up close and personal dealing with Mitch Mcconnell. He will be minority leader. Weve been through this movie before. He was a nightmare as minority leader before in all of the obstruction that he pulled off. What should we assume is going to happen when this impeachment trial begins . What kind of shenanigans could he pull off from the minority . Well, i wish i had had a more optimistic view of this. But i think that what mcconnell is probably going to do is make the case that trump is gone from office and it will be better for the healing of our country, its going to be rhetoric that is very hard to swallow and hard to take, but hell try to seize the high ground and say that republicans are acting in the best interest of healing the country by letting us move on. Trump is gone from office. So why bother enflaming it . Let him fade out. So theyll try to seize that moral high ground. It will be a lot to swallow and i think mcconnell has a tendency to do that and i wish i were more optimistic about the chances for conviction but right now looking at the statements of senators like rob portman who is a bellwether from ohio who is up for reelection in the cycle, theyre not leaning in that direction. I think that they will try to make that moral high ground case during the trial. Yeah. Well, as long as hes forced to say i, the grim reaper approve this message. You cant be the grim reaper and the heal america guy. You cant be both things. And everyone already understandeds, you know, what he s i want yall to Pay Attention to that little screen there at the bottom of your screen. Were waiting for president elect joe biden to come on screen. We were going to take a quick break. I dont think well have time to do. That we dont want to miss the top of what he has to say. Were just waiting for him. You can see the prep is being done there so he can go ahead and come on. I want to thank Michael Steel and adam gentleson. Were moment as way from president elect joe biden who is set to unveil a 2 trillion emergency coronavirus plan. Joining me now is msnbc correspondent jeff bennett. Were waiting for this to start. Jeff, give us a taste of what were going to see coming up here. Yeah. Joy, people close to the president elect say this plan is ambitious and achievable. So hes going to call on congress to pass nearly 2 trillion in the covid19 relief package which will do a couple of things. One, it calls for raising the minimum wage, federal minimum wage to 15. It would boost the direct payments to americans from 600 to 2,000. It also has money in there to safely reopen schools. But the biggest thing, the biggest take away here is that joe biden is calling for billions of dollars, roughly 200 billion to create a National Vaccine program. And the reason why that matters is because our team is told that the biden transition only this week with six days to go before he is sworn in as the next president , that the Biden Transition Team this week got access to the federal Vaccine Monitoring Program that they use so track the distribution within states. And what they learned is that Trump Administration never really fully invested in an infrastructure to help the states get the vaccines basically from the trucks and into peoples arms. And so now the biden team will be caught having to course correct in real time this vaccination plan. This, of course, goes back to testing and ppe shortages and the early days of the pandemic with the Trump Administration put all of the onus on the states and gave them no help. Now joe biden is trying to change that. A 180degree flip. In order to do it, he Needs Congress to basically fund it. So this will be an early legislative test for him. It will be an early legislative test for the republicans who say that they, you know, want to work with him and turn the page and all of that, joy. It looks like president elect biden has come out. Lets list in. Its been 343 days since the virus tragically claimed the first life. On february 6th in 2020, Patricia Dowd took her last breath at home under the california sun in santa clara. S she was 57 years old. A beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister. She never knew she had the virus. At the time when most folks never heard about the virus. But just like that, she was gone. And almost exactly one year later, nearly 400,000 400,000 of our fellow americans have met the same cruel fate. Countless families and friends left behind with unrelenting grief and guilt, anger and frustration. And the emptiness felt by the loss of life is compounded by the loss of our way of life. During this pandemic, millions of americans through no fault of their own have lost the dignity and respect that comes with the job and a paycheck. Millions of americans never thought theyd be out of work. Many of them never even can vision the idea are facing eviction, waiting for hours in their cars to feed their families as they drive up to a food bank. Millions have kept their jobs but have seen their hours and paychecks reduced barely hanging on as well. Thats happening today in the United States of america. Just in the midst of a dark winter of this pandemic as cases, hospitalizations and deaths spike at record levels, there is real pain, overwhelming the real economy. When people rely on paychecks, not their investments to pay for their bills. And their meals and their childrens needs. You wont see this pain if your scorecard is how things are going on wall street. But youll see it clearly if you examine what the twin crisis of a pandemic and this sinking economy have laid bare. The growing divide between those few people at the very top who are doing quite well in this economy and the rest of america. Just since this pandemic began, the wealth of the top 1 of the nation has grown roughly 1. 5 trillion since the end of last year. Four times the amount for the entire bottom 50 of american wage earners. Some 18 million americans are still relying on Unemployment Insurance. Some 400,000 Small Businesses have permanently closed their doors. Its not hard to see that were in the middle of a once in several generations economic crisis with a once in several generations Public Health crisis. The crisis of deep human suffering is in plain sight. Theres no time to waste. We have to act and we have to act now. This is what economists are telling us. More importantly, its what the values we hold dear to our hearts as americans are telling us. A growing chorus of Top Economists agree that the moment of crisis in this moment of crisis, with Interest Rates at historic lows, we cannot afford inaction. Its not just a smart fiscal investment including deficit spending are more urgent than ever. Its the return on the investments and jobs, racial equity, will prevent long Term Economic damage and the benefits will far outsurpass, far surpass the cost. A growing number of Top Economists has shown even our debt situation will be more stable, not less stable if we seize this moment with vision and purpose. Seen tonight id like to talk to you about our way forward. A two step plan of rescue and recovery. A two step plan to build a bridge to the other side of the crisis we face to a better, stronger, more secured america. Tonight i lay out my first step. The American Rescue plan that will tackle the pandemic and get direct Financial Assistance and relief to americans who need it the most. Next month my first appearance before a joint session of congress i will lay out my billed back better Recovery Plan. It will make hiss tore investments in infrastructure that build back better plan. Infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, research and development, clean energy. And investmentes in a care giving economy and skills and training needed by our workers to be able to compete and win in the global economy. Moodys, an independent wall street firm, said my approach will create more than 18 million good paying jobs. Our rescue and Recovery Plan is a path forward with both seriousness of purpose and a clear plan with transparency and accountability with a call for unity that is equally necessary. And unity is not some pie in the sky dream. Its a practical step to getting the things we have to get done as a country get done together. As i said it passed in december, the bipartisan covid19 relief package was a very important first step. Im grateful for the, republicans and independent members of congress that came together to get it done. But i said at the time just a down payment. We need more action, more bipartisanship and we need to move quickly. We need to move fast. Our rescue plans starts aggressively in order to speed up our national covid19 response. The vaccines offer so much hope and were grateful to the scientists and researchers and everyone who participated in the clinical trials. There is a review in testing that led to millions of people around the world already being vaccinated safely. But the vaccine rollout in the United States has been a dismal failure thus far. Tomorrow i will lay out our vaccination plan to correct course and meet our goal 100 million shots at the end of my first 100 days as president. This will be one of most challenging operational efforts we have ever undertaken as a nation. Well have to move heaven and earth to get more people vaccinated, to trade more places for them to get vaccinated. To mobilize more medical teams to get shots in peoples arms. To increase vaccine supply and to get it out the door as fast as possible. Well also do everything we can to our educators and students safe to safely reopen the majority of our k8 schools by the end of the first 100 days. We can do this if we give the School Districts the schools themselves the communities, the states the guidance they need and resources they need that they cant afford right now because of the economic dilemma theyre in. That means more testing and transportation. Additional cleaning and sanitizing services in those schools. Protective equipment and ventilation systems in those schools. Need to make sure that workers who have covid19 symptoms are quarantined. And those who need to take care of their family members with covid19 symptoms should be able to stay home from work and still get paid. This will reduce spread of the virus and make sure that workers get the support they need to maintain their families. But they need about 400 billion in funding from congress to make all of what i just said happen. Were ready to get this done. The very health of our nation is at stake. Our rescue plan includes immediate relief to americans hardest hit and most in need. Well finish the job of giting a total of 2,000 in cash relief to people who need it the most. 600 already appropriated simply not enough. If you just have to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table. Even for those who kept their jobs, these checks are really important. You see if youre an American Worker making 40,000 a year with less than 400 in savings, maybe you lost hours or maybe youre doing fewer shifts, driving a truck or caring for the kids or elderly. Youre out there. Putting your life on the line to work during this pandemic. And worry every week that youre going to get sick, lose your job or worse. 2,000 will go a long way to ease that pain. Also provide more peace of mind for struggling families by extending Unemployment Insurance beyond the end of march for millions of workers. That means 18 million americans running on Unemployment Benefits while they look for work can count on the checks continuing to be there. Plus, it will be a 400 per week speed limit. So people can make ends meet. This gets money quickly into the pockets of millions of americans who will spend it immediately on food and rent and other basic needs. As the economists tell us that helps the whole economy grow. Well also tackle the growing hunger crisis in america. As i speak, and the Vice President elect has spoken to this many times, one in seven households in america, more than one in five black and latino households in america report they dont have enough food to eat. This includes 30 million adults and as many as 12 million children. Its wrong. Its tragic. Its unnecessary. Its unacceptable. So were going to extend emergency nutritional assistance for 43 million children and their families enrolled in the snap program. Through the rest of this year. Well help restaurants prepare meals for the hungry, provide food for the families who need it. Well invest 3 billion in making sure mothers and their Young Children have the nutrition they need. This would not only meet our moral obl gagts we have to one another but spur our Economic Growth, get restaurants and workers back on the job. As we work to keep people from going hungry, well also work to keep a roof over their heads, to stem the growing housing crisis and evictions that are looming. Approximately 14 million americans have fallen behind on rent. Many at risk of eviction. If we dont act now, there will be a wave of evictions and for closures in the coming months. This would overwhelm emergency shelters, increase covid19 infections as people have nowhere to go and cant socially distance. Next week well take action to extend nationwide restrictions on evictions and foreclosures. This will provide more than 25 million americans greater stability instead of living on the edge every single month. And im asking congress to do its part by funding rental assistance for 14 million hard hit families and tenants. It will be a bridge to economic recovery for countless mom and pop landlords. These crisis are straining the budgets of states and cities and travel communities that are forced to consider layoff and Service Restrictions are the most needed workers. It means that people putting their lives at risk are the very people now at risk of losing their jobs. Police officers, firefighters, all first responders, nurses, educators, you know, over the last year alone, over 600,000 educators have been lost have lost their jobs and cities and towns. Our rescue plan will provide emergency funding to keep the essential workers on the job. And maintain essential service and ensure that vaccines are administered and schools can reopen. Vice president elect hair ans are speaking with mayors, governors on both parties on a regular basis. Were ready to work with them. Help them get the relief they need. The rescue plan will help Small Businesses that the engines of our Economic Growth. The glue that holds communities together as well. But theyre hurting badly. And you realize they account for nearly half of the entire total u. S. Workforce. It will provide grants for those hit hardest hit, Small Businesses, survive the pandemic. And low cost capitol that will help entrepreneurs of all backgrounds create and maintain jobs plus provide the essential goods and services that communities depend upon. Last week i laid out how well make sure that our emergency Small Business relief is distributed swiftly and equitably, unlike the first time around. Were going to focus on Small Businesses, on main street. Focus on minority owned Small Businesses. Women owned Small Businesses and finally having equal access to the resources they need to reopen and to rebuild. And we will be responsible with taxpayers dollars ensuring accountability that reduces waefrt and fraud and abuse like we did in the recovery act. That i administered in our administration. Direct cash payments, extended Unemployment Insurance, rent relief, food assistance, keeping essential front line workers on the job, aid to Small Businesses, these are the key elements to the American Rescue plan. That would lift 12 million americans out of poverty and cut Child Poverty in half. Thats five million children lifted out of poverty if we move. Our plan would reduce poverty in the black community by one third. Reduce poverty in the Hispanic Community by almost 40 . And includes much more like an increase in the minimum wage. To at least 15 an hour. People tell me thats going to be hard to pass. Florida just passed it. As divided as that state, is they just passed it. No one working 40 hours a week should luf below the poverty line. Thats what it means, if you work for less than 15 an hour and work 40 hours a week, youre living in poverty. It includes access to affordable childcare. Women can get back to work. I look forward to working with members of congress from both parties to move quickly to get to the American Rescue plan to the american people. Then we can move with equal urgency to the build back better Recovery Plan that i will call for next month. To generate even more Economic Growth. American manufacturing was the arsenal of democracy in world war ii. It will be again. Imagine the future. Made in america. All made in america and all by americans. Well use taxpayers dollars to rebuild america. Well buy American Products supporting millions of American Manufacturing jobs and enhancing the competitor and strengthen and increasingly competitive world. Imagine historic investments and rfrp and development to sharpen americas innovative edge and markets where Global Leadership is up for grabs. Markets like the about a theory technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, clean energy. Imagine confronting the Climate Crisis with american jobs and ingenuity leading the world. Its time to stop talking about infrastructure. And to finally Start Building an infrastructure so we can be more competitive. Millions of good paying jobs that put americans to work rebuilding our roads, bridges, ports, to make them more climate resilient. To make them faster, cheaper, cleaner. Thats how we compete. And imagine millions of jobs and care giving economy to ease the financial burden of caring for Young Children and aged loved ones. Lets make sure our caregivers mostly women, women of color, immigrants have the same pay and dignity that they deserve. So we can do the bold practical things now. Now. And i know what i just described is not come cheaply. But failure to do so will cost us dearly. The consensus among leading economists is we simply cannot afford not to do what im proposing. Independent respected institutions from arounded world from the Federal Reserve and International Monetary fund have underscored the urgency. Even wall street firms are reinforcing the logic. If we invest now boldly, smartly, and with unwaivering focus on American Workers and families, well strengthen our economy, reduce inequity and put our nations long term finances on the most sustainable course. And where were making permanent investments, reoccurring investments, as i said in the campaign trail, well pay for them by making sure that everyone pays their fair share. Not punishing might be. You can do without punishing a Single Person by closing tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas or to allow American Companies 90 of the top fortune 500 to pay zero in federal income taxes. Asking everyone to pay their fair share at the top. So we can make permanent investmentes to rescue and rebuild america. Of its the right thing for our economy. Its the fair thing. Its the decent thing to do. We not only have an economic imparityive to act now, we have a moral obl gagts. And this pandemic in america, we cannot let people go hungry. We cannot let people get evicted. We cannot watch nurses, educators and others lose their jobs we so badly need them. We must act now. We must act decisively. My fellow americans, the decisions we make in the next few weeks and months are going to determine whether we thrive in a way that benefits all americans. Or do we stay stuck in a place where those at the top do great, all Economic Growth for everyone else is just a spectator sport and where american prospects dim not brighten. These investments will determine whether we reassert American Leadership and outcompete our competitors in the global economy. Were better equipped to do this than any nation in the world. To pass us by. Together, i know which path well choose. We can own the 21st century. But even with all of these bold steps this can take time to get where we need to be. There will be stumbles. But i will always be honest with you about both the progress were making and what setbacks we meet. And there will heres the deal. The more people we vaccinate, the faster we do it, the sooner we can save lives and put this pandemic behind us. And get back to our lives and our loved ones. And the sooner we can rescue and rebuild the american economy, the biggest and most profitable engine in the world, i know its been nearly a year. It has tested us beyond measure. For all of you that lost someone, my heart goes out to someone. I no he that feeling looking at an empty chair across the table. All of you fallen on hard times, i know you can never get back what you lost. I know that every day matters and every person matters. And the very first to the nearly 400,000 lost american souls and counting, to the millions of you just looking for a fighting chance in this economy, i promise you, we will not forget you. We understand what youre going through. We will never, ever give up. And we will come back. Well come back together. We didnt get into all this overnight. We wont get out of it overnight. And we cant do it as a separate and divided nation. The only way we can do it is to come together, to come together as fellow americans, as maybes. As a United States of america. And when we do, there is nothing beyond our capacity. Ive said this many times, when america acts as one, there is never a single thing weve been unable to do no matter how sons consequential this year has been. Out of all of the peril of the moment, i want you to know a given word i see the promise, a promise of what we have seen clearly what we face now. As optimistic as ive ever been. We have everything we need but the will must be demonstrated. So come wednesday, we begin a new chapter. Vice president elect and i will do our best to meet all the expectations you have for the country. Im confident. Im truly confident together, together we can get this done and come out better off than when we went into this crisis. God bless you all and may god protect our troops. There he is, president elect joe biden. Walking off stage after giving his address on his plan to address the economic and Health Crisis that we face right now due to the coronavirus pandemic. He said we have to act and act now. He called the current vaccine rollout a dismal failure so far. He laid out what he would do differently. Still with me, also joining us is lois pace, a member of president elect joe bidens covid19 advisory boars. To summarize, joe biden planning to put in 1400 additional dollars on top of the 600 people already received. He has some other proposals including raising the minimum wage to 15 an hour nationwide, asking congress to extend the eviction for closure moratorium and adding a snap increase for those that are hungry. On the rescue side on the covid19 side, 20 billion for a National Vaccine plan launching Community Vaccination centers. Adding local places for people to be vaccinated. I want to go you to dr. Gup that. From what you heard about that side of the plan, the vaccine side of the plan, what did you make of it . What did you think . Joy, you know, its the type of think big disaster mindset that we needed all along. Im glad that were seeing it now. We need more places for americans to get shots. And more people frankly to administer the shots. So some sort of train the trainer program. You dont have to be a Health Care Worker to give the vaccine. We have people giving insulin to themselves all the time. Im encouraged by that. You know, mobilize, as i say this as a reservist in the air force, we need to mobilize our military. No the just expecting governors to mobilize the National Guards but mobilize the federal military asset set that they have at hand. Sow that will be vital as well. If i can quickly say this is where messaging is going to be key. It now we have a president that is messaging on point to the science and evidence and im hoping the governors across the country are paying attention. When it comes to schools, im hearing from different teachers unions. Why are we going back into in Person Instruction with a new strain that is transmissionable whether we can be impacted. Teachers deserve to be vaccinated. Airlines are going to start flying to full capacity. What happened to social distancing . We need private sector partners that play their part. Governors in 40 states still endure to have restaurants open. We need them to be partners for the biden add administration so we can decrease transmission. You know that, is an excellent point. At this point in our country, we have 23 Million People who are infected with covid19. 388,000 people died. Among the infected, we just got another member of congress of new york also testing positive. The vaccine rollout so far has been slow. 11 Million People have gotten the shots. 30 million doses distribute. That is a pittance of compared to what we were promised. I wonder as you listen and youre a part of this plan, why roll this out in february . Why not make this immediate in the first days of the new Biden Administration . And why not as dr. Gupta said include enlisting the military in getting this vaccine out. Having teachers, training people in schools to be vaccinators so that we can make this happen faster for tichers and other vulnerable workers . Some of that is actually happening, joy. I really appreciate you and beth raising it. We absolutely need to bring the full breath of our capability to bear. And that includes working closely with these very communities and leaders in the communities to make that happen. There are 100,000 Community Health workers and acknowledgement that there are even more people beyond that number working with local networks, clinics, Community Based organization thats can be of assistance. Absolutely, thinking of this as disaster plan and there is a commitment to bringing in the National Guard as the states need them. Not only that, but fully funding that on behalf of the states if required. I think what im impressed by is the fact that the president elect is bringing the full resources of the federal government to bear or is at least wanting to do so as he steps into this role. To your other question about timing, i think the reality is we have next wednesday as a starting point. There are still things that we dont know and we dont want to act too prematurely too. We dont want to rush into this and continue to make mistakes in the process. I think the team going in needs to truly understand what theyre dealing with. There are still things they may not know. Im encouraged by the conversations that the Advisory Board and transition staff have been having again with the state, local, and tribal leaders to truly understand what they need and i think that this is how the president elect and Vice President elect is trying to step up. Indeed. I think everyone can agree that it is refreshing to have empathy from the leader of the country. A plan thats helpful as well. And at least what looks like a determination to finally get this virus under control. That was very good news. Very good to hear. Dr. Gupta and loice pace, thank you. D. C. Locks down and thank you and armors up ahead of the Biden Inauguration less than six days away. New information tonight about the potential for deadly violence ahead. Dont go anywhere. 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House democrats are demanding an investigation into the republican members of congress who were seen giving reconnaissance tours to people who appeared to are associated with the rally at the white house the day before the siege. All of washington is on high alert through mlk weekend in advance of wednesdays inauguration with upwards of 20,000 National Guard troops gathering in the nations capital. As politico reports, those troops are being told to prepare for the potential threat of improvised explosives. D. C. s mayor is encouraging people to stay away from the city. The fbi continues to round up suspects involved in the deadly assault. Recent arrests include a retired firefighter who allegedly threw a fire extinguisher at police, and a man seen parading with a Confederate Flag who said he was just following trumps instructions. Im joined by natasha bertrand, paul butler, and glenn kirschner, two former federal prosecutors. The Washington Post reports that dozens of people who were already on the fbi terrorist watch list came to washington, d. C. Yahoo news reporting that bitcoin payments were being made to rightwing activists a month before the capitol riot from a foreign account. This sounds like a massive security failure. Do you think that there is more information being professionally used ahead of the inauguration . Yeah, i think that this was more a failure to act on the intelligence than it was a failure of intelligence. I mean, it seems like Law Enforcement and the fbi had plenty of indication that this could turn violent and that people were communicating in these chat rooms and trying to organize to storm the capitol specifically and potentially even take hostages. So i think that the fbi in particular is now trying to step and up say, look, we have been collecting this intelligence, we shared it with our local partners and state partners, and its really up to them, up to Capitol Police, up to the National Guard, up to all of these security actors, to provide the appropriate kind of perimeter around the inauguration to keep people safe, particularly obviously the partly cloudy and the Vice President elect. But i do think more is probably going to come out about the security failures we saw last week. Just the fact that were learning people on the terrorist watch list were there is alarming to say the least. The fbi did warn some of those people, reportedly, to stay away from washington, d. C. For last weeks rally. But a lot of them did not stay away. So now with this fence around the capitol, with all the preparations being made, i think that were hoping that its going to fizzle. Glen kirschner, you have paul waldman, Washington Post, saying republican politics is now defined by people not afraid their base wont vote for them again, theyre afraid theyll literally kill them, thats what republicans are now afraid of with their own base. How do we prevent this with the laws that are on the books . Walk us through sedition laws and how they can be helpful in this moment. Sure, joy. This to me looks like a number of different federal crimes. Seditious conspiracy, for one. Insurrection or inciting insurrection. Seditious conspiracy can be proved in a number of ways. One way is to prove that two or more persons conspired to overthrow the government, or they conspired by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority of the United States. Thats a 20year offense. What i expect to see is the u. S. Attorneys office for the District Of Columbia has been bringing some of the relatively lowerlevel charges, the easier charges to prove immediately. But then they will begin to build in the grand jury, and i expect we will see some far more significant charges, like seditious conspiracy, and like insurrection. Paul, it was a failure of not using intelligence, as natasha said, also a failure of imagination. The seeming inability of these agencies to imagine people who are not black or brown being dangerous, right . You had hundreds of black Police Officers on the Capitol Police who have sued the department, who have said, look, there are racist folks in here. Nobody listened to them and they were suing. Do you think we now have to go through the Capitol Police, top to bottom, for reform here . Absolutely. Hundreds of black officers have sued the Capitol Police for race discrimination. And now we know theres actually an investigation to see if some of the officers were complicit in the takeover of the capitol. 12 officers have been suspended. We saw one capitol hill officer taking selfies with rioters. Another one had a make America Great cap on. These africanamerican cops have been warning about some of their fellow officers for 20 years, but it was like they were howling in the wind, now the cost of ignoring racism is evident. And very quickly, im going to give you the last word on this, glen. When can we start seeing people in court, do you expect . Were seeing them in court now. Theyre being arrested in realtime. We see these people, and we have to call them what they are, they are domestic terrorists. And i was so disappointed when the acting attorney general, jeffrey rosen, but a 3 39 video on the department of justice website late last night, and he called them violators, wrongdoers, intruders, like they were littering and jaywalking. They were domestic terrorists and we need to call them out. Paul, that is the same thing, again. Isnt that the same issue we were just talking about . Yeah. Its the same thing as when africanamericans make claims about racism. We typically arent believed. Until white people, frankly, pay the cost. Now the cost of ignoring this racism is a threat to our democracy. I havent seen this many troops in d. C. Since the black lives matter rally. Yeah, and youre quite right. I dont think we have much time. Absolutely. Natasha bertrand, paul butler, glen kirschner, i apologize, we dont have much time. Thank you for being here. That is tonights reidout. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in. The incoming president addresses the nation as the moving trucks pull up to the white house. The seat of american democracy remains a target. We were invited here by the president of the United States tonight as arrests continue, what were learning about how the insurrection was planned and new warnings about the threat we still face. This was taped to my office door a few minutes ago. Our expectation is someone may try to kill us. As the economy moves in the wrong direction,

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