Condemnation, after an attack hit another u. N. Shelter wednesday, killing more than a dozen. The shelling of a u. N. Facility that is housing innocent civilians who are fleeing violence is totally unacceptable and totally indefensible. And it is clear that we need our allies in israel to do more to live up to the high standards that they have set for themselves. Nbc Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel joins me live from gaza. Richard, as i just mentioned, israel is saying they are not going to stop until all of those tunnels are destroyed. Do we have any sense of how long that would actually take . Reporter we think we have a sense, and we think we know what the israelis are thinking, and its not clear that theyre going to destroy all of the tunnels. Im not even sure if the israelis know where all of the tunnels are or believe that they know where all of the tunnels are. We saw that very strong statement from netanyahu saying there will be no ceasefire until our mission to destroy the tunnels is complete. And quite a definitive statement from the israeli prime minister. Israeli military sources tell us that israel thinks that it needs another four or five days to complete the military mission, to destroy the tunnel network. If not all of them, most of them. And then at that stage israel could pull back the troops it has on its border, pull back the reservists, send the reservists back home, which would be good for the israeli economy, which has been somewhat on pause during all of this, and perhaps we could see a deescalation, but i say perhaps, because a lot could happen between now and then. Israel only gets a vote in this conflict. Hamas has a vote as well. Today here in gaza we saw hamas rockets, maybe ten of them, flying from the gaza strip toward israel. We were watching the smoke trails. At least eight israelis were injured by those rockets. And today and we can hear them right now weve been watching israeli drones flying in the day circling. Today was a particularly clear day today in gaza and the drones are low. So where we are right now, we could look up and watch the drones circling. We could watch f16s circling as well and even see when they were dropping the bombs on their targets here in gaza. So this is clearly not over yet. The inner yssue about the humann crisis, the schools used as shelters, six hit so far, the latest one on wednesday, the latest deadly attack on wednesday. That is a major problem here. People in gaza simply feel that they dont have anywhere safe to go, krystal. Thank you so much, Richard Engel. Please stay safe. Breaking news now out of washington. Lawmakers 11th hour scramble to respond to the humanitarian crisis at our border, earlier today house lawmakers debated a gopbacked supplemental bill to deal with that crisis. Debate was supposed to be followed by a vote and potentially debate on another bill, that one aimed at stopping president obama and the deferred action for Childhood Arrivals Program or as we call it daca, but in a lastminute maneuver just motel ago, house leadership bailed on the vote and went directly into debating a highway funding bill. Congressman Henry Cuellar is a democrat from texas. A large portion of his district borders mexico. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much. So a lot of confusion there with your colleagues on the hill. I want to read a little bit of a statement that we got from Republican Leadership on the fact that the vote was pulled and did not occur on the 659 million border bill that they had been proposing. They said this situation shows the intense concern within our conference and among the American People about the need to ensure the security of our borders. The president s refusal to faithfully execute our laws. Congressman, whats your sense of what happened there today . Unfortunately, were going to leave washington without coming up with a practical solution. Its disappointing because i love there, i work down there, you know, this is an area that i represent and i know whats happening down there, so its very unfortunate that both democrats and republicans couldnt get together. Theres just been so many undercurrents. As you know, president obama was in favor of the policy change and now hes against it, which is unfortunate that we couldnt get democrats and republicans to Work Together on this humanitarian crisis that we have. And i want to talk about that policy proposal in a minute. But on the specific proposal that the republicans were thought to offer today, the 659 million that they were expected to vote on, that you were expected to vote on today, how were you planning to vote on that piece . I was going to support that. Thats only for it was going to be only for 60 days, thats why its a small amount. It had the language of the 2008 policy change that a lot of us feel that we ought to make a change so we can close that loophole. Unfortunately, you know, like president john f. Kennedy said, im not looking for a democratic or republican solution to this crisis, we need to find an answer and people need to get together, so its very disappointing that we didnt come together as a congress to address this issue. And congressman, as you are referencing there, you partnered with texas senator john cornyn, republican obviously, to put forward whats been called what youve named the humane legislation. Part of what that would do would be to make changes to that 2008 law dealing with how unaccompanied children from Central American countries will be handled and how they will be processed before sending them back home, if that is indeed what should happen in that process. And what you wanted to do in your legislation is make the handling of children from Central America the same as handling of children from mexico, that essentially puts the burden on Border Patrol agents as the line of First Defense in deciding whether or not these children should be classified as asylum seekers. Are Border Patrol agents the right people to make that determination . Well, first of all, youre working off a false premise. Border patrol under the law, and i live down there and i work with this on a daily basis, all theyre going to do, how they treat mexicans is they ask them from ages 14 and above if they want to voluntarily return themselves. If they say no, i want to go, i have a claim, i have a credible fear, then they go through the regular process that everybody does, and thats the problem. Theres a lot of misinformation and understanding of how this does let me stop you there because there was a u. N. Report, a secret u. N. Report that looked into the way that mexican children were treated, which again is the way that youve proposed that all Central American children be treated. And what they found is even though as youre saying practically it should be the Border Patrol agents asking the first questions and then moving on with the process, what they said in that report is that in all sectors of the border visited, Border Patrol communicated to the u. N. That mexican unaccompanied alien children are always returned to mexico. Arent you concerned about that . Again, youre basing this on a false premise. Again, its ages 14 to 17. If its somebody under the age of 13, they go through the regular process, thats what the law calls for, number one. Number two, if its ages 14 and 17, if they have a claim, they go through the regular process. If they want to voluntarily return themselves, then theyre handed over to the Mexican Consulate. The Mexican Consulate again reviews the record, talks to the teenager and asks them are you sure . Youve got a right under the law to stay here and go before an immigration judge. So then at that time if the Mexican Consulate feels that thats the way to go, then they hand them over to a social agency. So again, there is so much misinformation out there again, this came from a u. N. Report which i take to be a pretty credible source. But congressman, i did want to get your thoughts real quick on a separate but related issue. The president has indicated he may be willing to go forward with another executive order, Something Like the daca program that he already put in place, extending that potentially to a larger population. What are your thoughts on that . What are you hoping the president will or wont do . Again, i have no idea what he wants to do. And again, let me wait to see what he says. Do i believe in the dreamers who are here . Absolutely. Do i feel that we ought to address the human traffic 2008 law, border crisis that we have . Thats totally a different issue. Once a Human Trafficking law and again, you can base it on the u. N. I trust more the Border Patrol, also the Mexican Consulate to work on this on a daily basis. And again, i dont know what the president wants to do, but i do know that even on this current issue, he was for it before he was against it. Its unfortunate because weve got to address the humanitarian crisis and were going home without addressing this crisis. Congressman Henry Cuellar, thank you so much for your time. Nbcs luke russert joins me now live from capitol hill. Luke, they were so confident this morning, the republican caucus, the leadership, it seemed like they had all come together around the 659 million, plus the vote on daca. What the heck happened . You know, krystal, ive been here since the beginning of John Boehners leadership on capitol hill and ive seen a lot of these where the vote gets pulled last minute because they just dont have the support. I have never been more shocked about one than what just happened today. The house gop leadership was very confident all week theyd of support for this plan. They brought this down from originally 1. 5 billion to 660 million to appease the conservative right within their conference. This was done to make sure this could get through, because john boehner did not want to go into the august recess allowing the president to slam the house gop for not doing anything. Well, guess what happened . Last night some conservative members met with ted cruz. They said they would not support this bill, even though you had democrats, a few moderate ones saying they would support it. So ted cruz literally just cut off the house gop at the knees as they head into a fiveweek recess regarding the issue of immigration and the border crisis. This is amazing. Its also amazing, krystal, because this was the first vote the new house gop leadership had. This is Kevin Mccarthy and steve scalise, the new whip. But the grade on this one is a fail because they werent able to get this forward. A few republicans were very perplexed. They were ready to start going over to vote. It was so surprising that the democratic whip operation had put out an email get ready to vote no on this and then pulled it right back. This was signed, sealed and delivered and they were not able to produce a real terrible blow to the house gop leadership in this new team thats been put together, krystal. Wow, that is remarkable. Now they go home and nothing is accomplished. Unbelievable. And ill throw this in real quickly. The week the house gop voted to sue the president over his issue of executive actions, they are now encouraging him on a statement to act by himself regarding the border. You really cant make that up. That is just remarkable. Never a dull moment over there, luke russert. Thats it. Take care. Now to the ebola outbreak. Just about an hour ago the centers for Disease Control had just warned americans to avoid nonessential travel to guinea, liberia and sierra leone. Meantime the two americans who have ebola, dr. Kent brantley and Nancy Writebol are in stable but serious condition. Dr. Brantly asked that it be given to writebol. Brantly received blood from a 14yearold boy who survived because of the doctors care. The evacuation of personnel should be complete by this weekend. The World Health Organization says ebola is now blamed for 729 deaths across west africa. Coming up, a first look at a new documentary about five american soldiers who were accused and charged in the killing of three afghan civilians, and what that teaches us about the new mode us operandi of war. First, republicans follow through on suing the president for what they themselves today refused to do. They have announced that theyre going to sue me for taking executive actions to help people. So, you know, theyre mad because im doing my job. And by the way, you know whos paying for this suit theyre going to file . You is is kathleen. Setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. Afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. Thats two more pills. The evenings event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. When jamie says. Whats that like six pills today . Yeah. I can take 2 aleve for all day relief. Really, and. And thats it. This is kathleen. For my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. 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If you want to do business with the United States of america, youve got to respect our worker, youve got to respect our taxpayer, and well spend a lot of time working with and listening to Business Owners so we can implement this that you feel thought fully and manageable for everybody. That was president obama signing a new executive order just one day after john boehner and House Republicans voted to sue him for taking too many executive actions on wages, workers and health care. The order is sort of an ask and you shall receive moment on this show. Yesterday i suggested that the president do something very similar and use his power to take on federal contractors with the worst labor violation records and to give their workers more rights. Prior to the signing, Speaker Boehner spoke in general of the president s executive actions as examples of his, quote, legacy of lawlessness. Jason johnson is a professor of Political Science at Hiram College and also the politics editor at source magazine. Jason, thanks for being with us. Glad to be here. Im feeling drunk on my power here. Yesterday i asked him to do something similar, he went ahead and did it. I have to say on the substance of the executive order that the president signed today, it may sound like nothing. Its not nothing, though. In fact 35 of the 100 Largest Labor violators in terms of the fines assessed were federal contractors. So why should our taxpayer dollars be going to bad actors in terms of their labor violations . So i think this makes a lot of sense here. Yeah, i think its a brilliant bill. Its one of those things when the public hears about it, were all thinking, wait, this wasnt law already . About time. The United States government has always been able to or should always set the standard for effective workplace policies as far as diversity, as far as discrimination, as far as health, as far as safety, so this is another example of the president actually doing his job, believe it or not, and taking care of a policy that i think long term everyone in this country will benefit from. Jason, just when i think i have the Republican House caucus figured out a little bit, they throw another loop at me. And today, so after suing the president for too many executive actions and then saying theyre going to vote on this immigration bill today and then pulling the vote, the leadership of the house caucus, which luke russert just pointed out is now saying they want the president to take action on his own, they say there are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now without the need for congressional action. So in the very week when john boehner and the republicans voted to sue the president for too many executive actions, they are now saying you arent doing enough exec uchb actiutive acti this is just the bizarro universe republicans live in. In some ways its john boehner and some ways the tea party extremists. They dont know if hes a golf playing president or an evil dictator who forces laws down the throats of the American People so they do absolutely nothing. The president then is required to actually do his job. And so the irony of this is that the more incompetent and ineffective the republicans are, the more they create this superpowerful presidency because obama actually wants to see something get done over the next two years hes in office. I think this is turning out to be a huge mistake on the part of the republican party. Both this lawsuit, any discussions of impeachment, the failure to get this sort of law passed. Its just empowering democrats heading into the midterms. Its been a huge fundraising boom for dems. 7. 6 million overall since the house gop announced the lawsuit. This doesnt seem to be doing much for the republicans but it is doing something for the dems. And its cowardly. Lets be honest. If the president has actually done something bad enough to impeach him, then go after him. If we founding out that he was directly telling lois lerner, hey, use the irs to go after my enemies, fine, impeach him. The idea they keep dancing around this impeachment threat but want to do the lawsuit demonstrates the absolute vapid nature of the republicans claims here. This is a mistake. They should be trying to push through policy heading into the midterm, not empowering the president of the United States. They dont actually agree on much on policy, so going after the president is the only thing they can all seem to agree on. Thank you so much, jason johnson. Thank you. Now three things to know this thursday. Eric cantor receiving a standing occasion on the house floor today on his very last day as majority leader. Youll recall, of course, cantor lost his primary last month. While hes stepping down as leadership, cantor will still serve as a member of congress until next year. Cia director john brennan has apologized to Senate Intelligence Committee Leaders after Inspector General found cia employees acted improperly when it searched Senate Computers earlier this year. A accountability board will investigate the conduct of the cia officers and discipline them if need be. The Senate Committee was investigating the cias interrogation techniques when that search happened. And two Big Decisions from the wisconsin supreme court. First, upheld a law that effectively ended collective bargaining for most public worker unions. That law was so controversial that it led to massive protests and Governor Scott walkers recall election. In another ruling, the court also upheld a requirement that voters must show photo i. D. At the polls. Theres no Immediate Impact yet, as other rulings must be appealed first. Captain obvious i probably wouldnt stay here tonight. Man thanks, captain obvious. Captain obvious id get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from hotels. Com. And you might want to get that pipe fixed. I got this. , whenever youre ready. No, ill get it let me get it. Ah uh, i dont want you to pay for this. Its not happening, honey. Let her get it. She got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. And its her treat. What about a tip . Heres one. Get an allstate agent. Nice switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. Only from allstate. Call 8667880900 now. Hold on man, is that a leak up there . Thats a drip. Now thats a leak. That is a leak and if you dont have allstate renters insurance. Game over. 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The leader announced a ban on polish fruits and vegetables yesterday targeting one of the e. U. s biggest supporters of tighter sanctions against russia in the wake of the downing of mh17. Poland is also the worlds biggest apple exporter. In response the people of poland, of course, took to social media tweeting pictures like this. In addition to creating a Facebook Page called eat apples to annoy putin. That is putting your politics where your mouth is. Now to ruth bader ginsburg, a fan website called notorious rbg got some great press. With a recent interview with katie couric, the 81 reeryear rbg is a star for her strongly worded dissents. She approves of the toughtalking moniker and the creator of that web page. I think she has created a wonderful thing with notorious rbg. I will admit i had to be told by my law clerks whats this notorious, and they explained that to me. I love that so much. 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The film, which opens tomorrow, raises some pretty pressing questions about the dehumanization of war at a time when the ground war between israel and hamas is intensifying. As aptly observed in the new york times, the latest flareup between israel and the gaza strip has brought a new level of dehumanizing hateful language and a muddying of official talking points with incendiary threats. So the question is when it comes to war, be it iraq, afghanistan or the middle east, are moral lines blurred beyond recognition . Dan krause, the director of the kill team joins me now. I want to mention before we jump into this segment that we did reach out to the army for comment and we received this statement. We are aware that a film entitled the kill team is appearing in theaters. While we dont have any specific details about the production, to the best of our knowledge the film was produced by a commercial Production Company without official u. S. Army support. All the opinions and discussions reflect the individuals only and do not represent the views or opinions of the u. S. Army. Dan, thank you so much for joining us today to discuss the film. Thanks for having me. So you look indepth at one soldier in particular. That was adam winfield. You focus in on him, and you were intrigued by the question of how he went from originally being a whistleblower in this unit, to trying to call attention to the abuses and the war crimes that were happening there, to actually then participating in the murder of afghan civilians. How did he how did he make that switch . Well, it was under extreme duress. He was part of a unit that was in an isolated segment of southern afghanistan where it was very difficult for him to seek the kind of authority that he thought could put a stop to this, which is why he reached out to his family to ask them for help in alerting the military. After that attempt failed, he was overtaken by fear. He was paralyzed and there was a sense, a strong sense that his life was under threat. He received he received a great deal of pressure from his platoon mates to keep quiet, and he felt that at a certain pointing the best course for him was to lay low and try to report the crimes when he returned home. But of course that strategy didnt work in the end. And of course none of that is to justify a murder. No. But its important to prevent similar incidents in the future to dig into some of the root causes here. Youve got some really quite shocking interviews with a number of his platoon mates as well as adam winfield. Lets take a look at a little bit more of the film. The first conversation was it was based around the idea of a drop weapon. Ive always heard about people in iraq or afghanistan or whatnot, when you find a weapon, you know, you hold on to it in case you need it. During one of our smoke sessions, morelock brought up the fact that he could get easy kills by setting people up. Just buy a hand grenade off the books, thats all you need. On our minds youve been here for months and nobody is innocent, because these guys either know the taliban, theyre either working with them, theyre not working with us. And the leader of this unit was Staff Sergeant calvin gibbs, whos portrayed as being sort of the ring leader here, coming up with the plans of how they would murder these civilians and hopefully get away with it. Was this just, you know, a rogue commander, a rogue unit or do you think this is a broader problem within the military . Well, i certainly think that this in some sense was an isolated incident and that its not widespread. I mean were not talking about premeditated murder occurring on a wide scale in afghanistan. But certainly i think theres an argument to be made. Weve seen other episodes of atrocities occurring in afghanistan and other conflicts going back decades, hundreds of years, to the annals of history. So we know this kind of thing occurs. Its hard to say how widespread it has been in this conflict. Certainly these crimes are unique in the sense that they were premeditated. They talked for weeks and days ahead of actually perpetrating these crimes, and thats what makes them a little bit different. Its a really fascinating documentary, dan. To me one of the more troubling aspects was the fact that adam tried to be the whistleblower, tried to go around and do the right thing and was not able to be successful in that regard. Dan krauss, thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Breaking news from capitol hill. About 40 minutes ago, House Republicans pulled their border bill from a vote. Now just moments ago on the house floor, congressman Kevin Mccarthy announced additional votes are possible. Here is the response from the members. The house will be in order. Wow. Chaos down there. Nbcs luke russert reports there is a special house gop Conference Meeting at the top of the hour and they could vote on a border bill after. 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Obviously a lot is going on down on capitol hill today, particularly in the house where first we thought there would be a vote on an immigration bill, then we thought that there would not be a vote on an immigration bill and now were hearing there might be a vote on an immigration bill. We had to bring back nbcs luke russert to help us understand. Luke, what is the latest . Reporter well, krystal, the house was going to recess after not being able to conjure up the vote with the house gop leadership border crisis bill, the one they cut in half to appease conservatives. Then there was an outcry from a lot of republican rank and file members that said, no, no, no, no, this cannot happen. We cannot go into the recess without having to do something about the border crisis and said weve got to figure something out. There is then im told from sources on the floor a sort of discussion going on between the more conservative members who oppose the bill, the more rank and file who support it. At which point they made a decision to have a meeting today at 3 00 p. M. This is a special meeting. Mind you theyre all booked on planes to head out of here for their fiveweek recess, to try to figure out a way forward and possibly vote later today on the border crisis bill. Now, what does this mean . If they in fact say theyre going to go back to the floor and vote on this border crisis bill and they dont have the votes, that would be an unbelievable embarrassment. So if they are going to move forward on a border crisis bill and they make they cant really make any changes to it unless they do an emergency rule, they have to do it very quick because everyone is ready to go, it will be quite interesting to see. Luke, is this already sort of an unbelievable embarrassment . Reporter yeah, it is, for a variety of reasons. This was the week in which the house gop moved to sue the president over his use of executive actions and they basically released a statement saying obama should act on this border crisis with the tools he has available at his disposal, so thats number one. Number two, this was the first whip operation for the new house gop leadership team. Steve scalise of louisiana, Kevin Mccarthy, and thats been a failure. So those are two black eyes right there so far. One thing were hearing from more conservative members is that if only this idea of repealing daca was included in this bill, that was the president s executive order from 2012 that allowed dreamers to stay here, if that was included there would be more support. One thing the leadership did after the right wing met with ted cruz, all right, you support this bill for funds to the border and well give you that bill to repeal the president s daca thing. Maybe we see something along those lines again. But i can tell you since ive been covering the hill, about five years now and ive been here through the entire boehner speakership, they have never been called back into a meeting after a bill was pulled like this on a day they were supposed to go on recess. This is unprecedented. This is wild, to say the least. Something that going into the recess if they give up this amount of leverage to the president , i think a lot of members realize that its a terrible thing to do, but right now that seems to be their play. Quote from luke russert, this is wild. Thank you so much. Next, conquering the gender gap in americas board rooms. Why its so much more than just a battle of the sexes. This is kathleen. Setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. Afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. Thats two more pills. The evenings event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. When jamie says. Whats that like six pills today . Yeah. 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On wednesday American Apparel announced a new slate of directors, and for the first time in the companys 25year history, a woman is joining the top brass. Its a move that just might pay off. An ongoing Study Finds Companies with women cofounders are more likely to generate revenue than those with only men. When more Companies Look for women to diversify their board rooms, joy reid recently talked with two women warriors who are out to change the face of corporate america. Natalia is the founder and ceo of the pipeline fellowship and lauren bias is an entrepreneur and the author of the faith of the path redefined, kwegt to the top on your own terms. Thank you both of you for being here. I want to start with you, natalia, and ask about this question of women in leadership. Why would it matter . What difference does it make to have a woman as the boss, a woman at the leadership of a company . Joy, thats a really great question. Just to put it into perspective, the feminist Majority Foundation said that if we kept at the same rate of progress that were having right now, it would take about 500 years to reach gender parity, and thats something that we have to change. One of the reasons being that when we do see more women at the helm of startups, for example, we actually see greater returns for the startup. Lauren, you know, we do still see even with all of the advances that women have made in business and successful entrepreneurs, yourself included, we still see women very much underrepresented as a percentage of ceos and people in the fortune 500 or running fortune 500 companies. Why do you suppose that is . The reason that i wrote the path redefined was it was an opportunity to synthesize my story and hopefully empower and inspire some other women to own it and to feel as though they deserve it. I think that we dont have enough women who sincerely wake up every day and say i own my place at the table. I own my corner office. I own that opportunity. And sometimes its just in knowing that we can and in figuring out a way, because you have to of course remember that women have far more jobs outside of work than men ever will. So weve got to hopefully find a way to talk about modern day success and getting to the top on your own terms in a new way. And so there are ways that we can do it and there are ways that we have to feel comfortable and confident in doing it. Na tallia, you wrote a piece in Time Magazine and this came in response to a Sexual Harassment lawsuit by tinder. You said what if in addition to getting women to consider entrepreneurship, venture capitalists joined me in asking men pitching to them do you have a woman cofounder. If they discover is a woman is a leader, can it sometimes be a detriment to things like financing . Joy, its a very simple question that i pose. Do you have a woman cofounder and the response that i have gotten has been tremendous. One of the reasons is because a lot of people dont think about it. Rachel sklar of the list has a saying which is privilege is like oxygen. You dont realize its there until its gone. For a lot of us that dont have as much oxygen as a lot of straight white guys, its something that is really at the forefronti forefront. There was a study recently published and will be announced at the association of management, and it shows that women and people of color get penalized if they promote someone who looks like them. And that is exactly why we need the straight white guys to be our allies, to promote us, because guess what, were getting penalized by doing the hard work ourselves. Interesting, because we try to encourage women to empower each oar but theres also a Penalty Associated with it. Lauren, im interested because youre in finance. Youre in a field thats very male dominated. At this point 19 of u. S. Angel investors were women as of 2013. Only 4 were minorities according to the center for venture research. Youre both a woman and a minority. How do you survive in that world of venture capital, and did you have resistance to you as a woman . And as a woman of color . So i have to say it is one thing when youre standing in that situation and you kind of check two boxes and then suddenly find yourself in the minority of all minorities. So, you know, is it difficult . Yes, i think its more difficult to be taken seriously than anything else. And i think that the opportunity that ive been given, its so tremendous because its not just about me, its about also Opening Doors for other women, for other women of color. Its about pulling other women forward. Its about giving them a seat or opportunity when someone elsetn create a network for women. Tell me a little bit about that, the pipeline fellowship its called. Its great. We have three main components. Education, mentoring and practice. And it just so happens that lauren has been one of our fantastic early mentors. And just to give you a sense of how much we have achieved, in april, 2011, we launch andy i was invited shortly thereafter to attend a network of a meeting of angel investors. The whole room, there were about 22 people. Two of them were women, including myself. Two of them were people of color, including myself. They were waiting to decide whether or not to invest in a certain company. I kid you not, this is where the lbgt latina comes out, i will out myself. Triple minority. Yes. They kept going around the table saying either, my wife and her friends think this or my girlfriend and her friends think that. And so it was so obvious that the wisdom, knowledge and the network of the women was in the room. Guess who wasnt in the room. Just being utilized by the men. Isnt that the way it always is. Natalia and lauren, thank you both for being here. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Powerful interview there. And that wraps up things for the reid report. I am krystal ball in for joy reid. I will see you back here tomorrow at 2 00 p. M. Eastern and be sure to visit us online at thereidreport. Msnbc. Com. The cycle is up next, guys. Krystal, we cant wait to see you in just a few minutes. Its going to be a very busy hour, as you know. This is the last day congress is in session before five weeks of vacation and a little craziness right now on the hill. Well get luke russert on to tell us about whats going on. Weve got Ayman Mohyeldin about gaza and the latest there. Senator bob casey, well talk to him about the latest with ukraine and russia. And im going to rant about gay marriage and how you can still believe in god an also support samesex marriage. Sounds like a good show to me, guys. Ill see you over there in a minute. The cycle is up next. Avo waves dont care what age you are. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . 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Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Cycling right now on msnbc, president obama will make himself at home at the Housing Department this hour with a live speech. Im guessing he wont be rolling out the welcome mat for those republicans who want to sue him. A Health Emergency declared in parts of west africa as the ebola crisis worsens of the here at home it is the rush to find a cure. And the dow eraces a month of gains. Not the best day to be on wall street, but always a good day to be in the cycle. Good afternoon, i am abby huntsman. Breaking news as we come on the air. House republicans have pulled their border bill, for now at least, hours before they are scheduled to leave for august recess. Heres what the house floor looks like right now. Not a lot of activity. Thats because House Republicans are conferencing as we speak in an emergency meeting to try to whip their members into shape. Ahead of this big new development, both parties draw a line in the sand. Republicans are committed to addressing the humanitarian crisis on the border in a responsible way. The first bill on the floor helped secure our border and speeds return of unaccompanied children back to their home countries. The president , the white house, has abandoned all pretense of governing. Today to follow up on their tirade against the poor children, they have a bill

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