Apparently. She is psyched to having received the vaccine. She said she wished she would have gotten attention for Something Like this when she was 16 instead of 96, but at 96 shell take it. The nurse come up and told me that the vaccine was in, and she said i was going to get a dose of it. So i get up, i was happy. Reporter clussens, who is originally from charlestown served in the womens Army Auxiliary corps. She worked in georgia through the war and said on monday she was surprised how fast the vaccine came in. Thats what i thought when the nurse come up to me. I thought, oh, they really did get it in early. And i thought everybody was going to get it. Then i find out that im the only woman down there to get it. Im proud of her, i really am. Im happy for her. Sally clussens is one of margarets four children. She didnt know her mom got it until her mother called. Im glad she got it. She makes her own decisions. Shes highly competent, which is wonderful. Reporter monday night Margaret Klessens tells us shes still feeling good. They asked me after they inoculated me, and no pain, nothing. We want to get her out and about going out to dinner and swimming again. She used to swim all the time. Reporter margaret says she now hopes everyone can get the vaccine. She said shes grateful for the opportunity and laughs at her newfound fame. I love it all up. Why didnt all of these things happen when i was 16 . 96 years old, world war ii veteran Margaret Klessens. Were going to talk this hour not just about how its going in the first two days of the vaccine rollout but how the vaccine effort affects two other things. First of all, the record hospitalizations that we are seeing right now with all the joy over the vaccine starting to get out there. Tonight there are more americans in the hospital with covid than there have been at any other night in the entire pandemic. Over 112,000 americans hospitalized with covid right now, and it does not look like that number is going down any time soon. So how does the rollout of the vaccine affect everything we need to be doing to try to bring new case numbers down, to try to keep people alive who are already sick right now, and to help and support the Health Providers who are trying to keep our brothers and sisters alive, and all the hospitals and intensive care units around the country that are full up and getting worse right now . Hope helps and the vaccine provides hope. But what else can we be doing and how does the vaccine effort affect what we need to be doing given how absolutely overrun we are right now by sickness and death and new cases. Were going to be talking about that tonight. Were also going to be talking tonight about what it means that we may be soon getting a second vaccine approved, like really soon, perhaps by the end of the week. A vaccine rollout for a single vaccine has been fascinating, and as i said, it has inspired hope over these last couple of days. If we get a second vaccine approved and started to roll out by the end of the week, how do those two vaccines dovetail, essentially, in the rollouts. Well get expert help on both those questions coming up tonight. In washington tonight, the special guest star making a surprise appearance in the news is shame, the return of shame. Or at least embarrassment in the last days of the Trump Administration. This is a surprise to me. I never thought shame would come back, but here it is. Trump National Security adviser Robert Obrien had been planning to spend all week long this week on a european and mediterranean junket paid for by the taxpayers and accompanied by his wife. Trips to switzerland and germany and london and rome, and paris. Paris, where the trip reportedly included a planned private tour of the louvre, the famous louvre museum. A private tour for Robert Obrien and his wife, even though the louvre is closed to the public because of covid concerns. He apparently played the i am National Security card to get that. It does sound like a fantastic trip, right . It sounds like tons of fun, huh . Nobody is traveling everywhere. Museums are closed around the world, but taxpayers sending you and your wife on a tour of the european capitals, with private museum tours just for you two, travel in a government aircraft no cost to you. Boy, that sounds fantastic. Until shame returns. And it gets reported that thats how the National Security adviser is using up his last days in the lame duck, and then suddenly Robert Obrien decides tonight, apparently, that maybe it might be a good idea to heed the call of shame and head home. Jennifer jacobs at bloomberg the first to report tonight that National Security adviser Robert Obrien cut short his jackpot vacation. He says hes now heading home to deal with the massive consequences of the russian intelligence cyberattack on u. S. Government agencies. This is this big attack by russian government actors. It was first reported over the weekend. It now turns out that it was incredibly widespread and potentially incredibly damaging. The russian government hackers infiltrated and compromised Computer Systems at the u. S. State department, at the Homeland Security department, at the department of defense, at the treasury and commerce departments. Most worryingly, the Trump Administration appears to have had no idea that the attack had even happened until a private company told them about it last week thats bad. Perhaps even more worryingly than that, the white house and senior Trump Administration officials have been basically silent on the attack. Silent about who did this to the u. S. And whether there will be any consequence for the attackers. It should be noted that seems to be sort of par for the course in this administration when we get hit by attacks from that one particular country. This is the New York Times today, quote, analysts said it was hard to know which was worse, that the federal government was blindsided again by russian intelligence agencies, or that when it was evident what was happening, white house officials said nothing. But this much is clear. While President Trump was complaining about the hack that wasnt, the supposed manipulation of votes in an election he had clearly and fairly lost, President Trump was silent on the fact that russians were hacking into the building next door to him, the United States treasury. Dont worry. As much of a bummer as it was for his cool world tour, Robert Obrien is coming back to washington, coming back from his trip early to work on this matter. Well see how this goes. At Buzzfeed News today, reporters Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier pried loose a document we have not seen until today, until mr. Leopold and mr. Cormier got from the information act to get this thing. We have never seen this document before. We have never seen this document before. It was the criminal referral that was made to the fbi and the Justice Department concerning President Trumps behavior, specifically about his call last year to the president of ukraine where President Trump told the president of ukraine that ukraine would only get its military aid from the u. S. Government if that countrys president helped trump get reelected by announcing some ukrainian investigation of joe biden and his family. Bring it all back, right . Why does this sound so familiar . Oh, yes, we forget, donald trump was impeached a year ago. Donald trump was impeached. We are a country. It will always go down in our permanent record that we are a country that elected donald trump to be president of the United States. But it will also go down in our permanent record that mr. Trump twice lost the popular vote and he was impeached by the house before he was voted out of office by the American People, by a pretty impressive margin after just one term. Its all sort of a mixed bag. Its funny, as weirdly hard as it is to even remember that trump was impeached, its even harder to remember that within the impeachment saga, there was a moment when the sitting president of the United States was referred for potential criminal prosecution. Referred by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community who looked into the allegations, said these are worth passing on to the Justice Department for potential prosecution. And now for the first time, we can see that criminal referral. It is addressed to the Counterintelligence Division of the fbi. Its copied also to the head of the criminal Justice Department. It says, on behalf of the office of the Inspector General, the aig is formally reviewing allegations, among other things, alleged violations of law relating to a telephone call on july 25th between President Trump and the president of ukraine. According to the allegations, the president of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 u. S. Election which includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the president s main political rivals. More specifically, the complaint alleges that President Trump during a phone call with the ukrainian president , sought to pressure the ukrainian leader to help with trumps 2020 election bid. If true, that might violate criminally enforceable laws. The icig conducted a criminal review of the complainants allegations. Based on the criminal review, i determine that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the allegations appear credible. If so, such allegations may violate law which prohibit a Foreign National of contributing money or other things of value. They also prohibit such a donation from a Foreign National directly or indirectly. In addition a conspiracy to engage in such illegal conduct might also violate other criminally enforceable laws. And thats about the president. And that was sent to the fbi and the Justice Department. Hey, look, these look like these might be crimes by the president. You guys going to handle this . We forget, i mean the scandal Mountain Range is so high you lose track of the elevation of each individual peak, right . We forget, we forget that trump was impeached. We forget that the way the impeachment of this president started was that he was referred for potential criminal prosecution. And remember what happened to that criminal referral about the president s behavior. Attorney general william barr and the Justice Department under him said, no, no, that whistleblower complaint about what the president did here, that should not go to congress. Instead well take care of that here at the Justice Department. We will evaluate whether these are indeed potential crimes by the president. Just leave it to us. And then having for the moment, temporarily, blocked the complaint about trumps behavior from being considered or seen by anybody else william barr and the Justice Department very promptly decided that everything trump did was fine, that they actually didnt even need to investigate it. It definitely wasnt a crime, everything President Trump did was super cool. So that had to be the end of it, and nobody ever needs to hear about it. I mean, it was that whistleblower complaint about President Trump escaping the Garbage Disposal that william barr and the Justice Department shoved it into. That complaint escaping the Justice Departments efforts to cover up what the president did and to secretly exonerate the president without ever investigating what he did. That is how we got the impeachment of this president last year. And we know from the record that the person who actually led that effort at the Justice Department to keep this thing under wraps is named Jeffrey Rosen. When bill barr became attorney general he insisted he needed to bring on his own handpicked deputy. Rosen was there throughout barrs tenure at the Justice Department. But we know from contemporaneous reporting, quote, the Justice Departments review of the criminal allegations against the president was overseen by Deputy Attorney general Jeffrey Rosen. It concluded there were no grounds for a criminal investigation into trumps behavior. That was how trump getting impeached started. The Justice Department grabbing that whistleblower complaint, having Jeffrey Rosen review it to say so he could say theres nothing to see here. And then them trying to keep it from congress and anybody else knowing about the complaint having been made. But now as of today thanks to Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier, we can see this criminal referral from the Inspector General whos like i looked into this in a preliminary way. He put it in writing. We can see that document for the first time today. And we know how that story ends, right . That Inspector General who made that criminal referral about trump, trump fired him several months later. Fired him in april of 2020. But the guy who was given the criminal complaint to deal with, the one who buried it and tried to make it go away and said there doesnt need to be an investigation of this, that was Jeffrey Rosen. And Jeffrey Rosen just got named to be attorney general for the last month of trumps time in office. We learned that william barr was pushed out or resigned last night, and we learned that his handpipicked Deputy Jeffrey ron will be taking barrs place and running the Justice Department until trumps no longer president. His key role in trying to cover up the scandal and alleged criminal behavior by the president that led to trumps impeachment, its interesting to me. It hasnt had much scrutiny at all since the announcement hes going to be the new attorney general. But if hes taking over the Justice Department for just the last month of the Trump Administration its worth thinking about the kinds of things trump might want to do in that last month. Its worth remembering the role that rosen had in trying to make that alleged criminal behavior by President Trump not only disappear but disappear in a way that would submarine those allegations and prevent anyone else from looking at them. But look at what else has happened for Jeffrey Rosens tenure, since he and william barr has been in office. As reported, quote, mr. Rosen has kept a low profile. But with attorney general barrs pending resignation rosen is set to become the nations top Law Enforcement official for the delicate final month of mr. Trumps presidency. It will be an extraordinary responsibility for a man who has no prosecutorial experience and who has participated in several decisions in which the Department Took steps that favored the president s friends or punished his perceived enemies. I would add to that steps that benefitted the president directly against serious allegations of criminal behavior. But the litany of things rosens been involved in is amazing. Among other things it was Jeffrey Rosen who tried to force an indictment of andrew mccabe, who was the acting fbi director who took over the fbi after trump fired comey. Mccabe had overseen the important parts of the russia investigation. President trump demanded that mccabe be prosecuted and locked up. It was Jeffrey Rosen who tried to insist mccabe must be indicted, he must be prosecuted against the views of career prosecutors. It was also Jeffrey Rosen who was put in charge of reviewing the work of career prosecutors who took on the case of roger stone. The result of rosens review is that doj came in and tried to overrule those prosecutors to insist roger stone get a much lighter sentence. The prosecutors on that case quit in protest after Jeffrey Rosen did to that case with roger stone. It was Jeffrey Rosen according to the New York Times who quarterbacked the case against trumps National Security advisor bolton when bolton set out to write a book critical of President Trump. Trump apparently demanded the Justice Department go after bolton. For have the temerity to write a book against President Trump. It was Jeffrey Rosen who led the Justice Department in that effort to in fact put the power of the u. S. Justice department into an effort to go after bolton. It was also Jeffrey Rosen who decided ryan zinke shouldnt be prosecuted even after zinke was indicted and career prosecutors convened a grand jury in that case. It was Jeffrey Rosen who kiboshed that. It was Jeffrey Rosen who intervened with prison officials to make sure that Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort would not have to set a delicate foot inside the jail on rikers island, like any other prisoner would have had to do if that prisoner was in federal custody but also facing criminal charges in new york state court. It was Jeffrey Rosen who intervened to make sure manafort wouldnt have to go to rikers. The crime of trying to overthrow the u. S. Government, that was Jeffrey Rosen who wrote to prosecutors to tell them thats how they should treat antiracism protesters. With sedition. Sedition. Overthrow the u. S. Government and throw the book at them. Thats Jeffrey Rosens record under william barr at the Justice Department. And now hes going to be taking over the Justice Department. For the last month that trump is in office when im sure trump wont insist on doing anything weird at all with the powers at the Justice Department. What could possibly go wrong . So from the trump side the lame duck period is as weird as its ever been and unnerving as well, right . That said, one of these things is not like the other. From the biden side, the side of the Incoming Administration theyre conducting a normal transition and rolling stuff out as normal or at least as normal as things can be done during a pandemic. Today new president elect biden appointments were announced or reported for a bunch of important positions including pete buttigieg, former democratic president ial candidate for transportation secretary. If mr. Buttigieg is confirmed he will be the first lgbt cabinet secretary in the nations history. Also theres reporting tonight that the president elect is choosing Gina Mccarthy to be his domestic climate coordinator. So Gena Mccarthy will work on climate on the domestic side. Mccarthy of course was epa administrator in the obama administration. She knows of what she speaks on this issue. Also reporting tonight the former michigan governor Jennifer Granholm will be the Energy Secretary in the biden administration. So on the side of the Incoming Administration the president elect and his team are sort of rolling things forward in an orderly and fairly noncontroversial way. The transition appears to be on pace and again kind of normal looking from the side of the Incoming Administration. But in terms of the Outgoing Administration its definitely still crazy town. I mean, forgive me its a technical term. But the president today retweeted this statement that the republican governor and the republican secretary of state in the state of georgia should both prepare to go to jail. You see the thing he retweeted there has Governor Brian Kemp and secretary of state Brad Raffensperger both wearing face masks showing their secret communist chinese agents. I mean, its one thing its actually a pretty considerable thing for one of the lawyers who the president has used for his postelection legal challenges to say this and put it online. But for the president to boost this and endorse this is amazing. Thats what things are like on the outgoing president s side of the transition. I mean even with the Republican Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell saying publicly today, finally, that joe biden is the president elect, took him six weeks to say it, even Vladimir Putin congratulated biden before Mitch Mcconnell did. But even with mcconnell finally getting there today and mcconnell telling other republican senators they shouldnt try to mess with the electoral vote when those votes come up to congress to get counted on january 6th. Even with some republicans finally, begrudgingly coming around to the fact that we had an election and their guy lost, it is still nuts on the republican side. And its not getting better. It really did end up being six states yesterday six states won by joe biden were nevertheless republicans in those states decided they would form fake republican slates of electors who are not the actual electors from those states, but they would go through the sort of pageant of declaring themselves to be electors and fake casting their fake electoral votes for trump from their states even though their states in reality went to biden. Six different u. S. States did that yesterday. Wisconsin u. S. Senator ron johnson told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today that he no longer contests the fact that biden won the election, but hes nonetheless going to chair the Senate Hearing tomorrow on what he sees as irregularities in the election. Hes going to bring up the Trump Lawyers to bring up these cases that have lost at every level of the legal system in order to talk about what their cases were that lost when exposed to the first brush. With actual legal scrutiny. Theyll get a platform at a u. S. Senate hearing tomorrow. Democrats for their part are going to call chris krebs as the Cyber Security chief at Homeland Security who trump fired for saying the election was secure and sound. Were now at the point where the democrats are calling trumps own appointee, his Cyber Security chief who he picked and put in the job, the democrats are calling that person in order to reality check what the republicans are continuing to allege about an election that they still dont believe really happened. But round two is coming, right . The day before the Electoral College votes are finally going to be counted up on capitol hill, whether or not the republicans try to Monkey Wrench that whole process, that is going to happen on january 6th. The day before that, january 5th is the Georgia Senate elections that will determine which Party Controls the senate and will determine in large part whether or not joe biden can get anything done in his first two years in office. President elect biden was in georgia today campaigning in a straightforward way for the Democratic Candidates in those elections. Jon ossoff and raphael warnock, biden doing a big rally and event for them today in georgia. Meanwhile on the republican side the president was calling for the imprisonment of the states republican governor and secretary of state. Michael flynn, President Trumps former National Security advisor just did a fox news interview in which he insisted to the audience they shouldnt pay any attention to the Senate Runoff in georgia because the real election Everyone Needs to be worried about is the one that was stolen from donald trump in november and who cares about that we are a twoparty political system. But one of these things is not like the other. One side over a twoparty political system is having a much harder time of it than the other right now in ways that i think in a sort of underappreciated way do setup a scary present, a scary current moment for the lame duck on National Security issues, for entities like the u. S. Department of justice, which when they go haywire can cause mass, mass damage to our constitutional republic. But that imbalance between the parties while creating a dangerous situation for this adrift lame duck, very distracted, very out of touch with reality outgoing president. It also has political consequences. The difference between the parties right now also sets what i think is a truly unknowable future for impending political things like that big next election in georgia. Were going to get into that straight ahead. Plus weve got more on vaccine day two. I guess a lot going on. Stay with us. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again every minute. Understanding how to talk to your doctor about Treatment Options is key. Today, we are redefining how we do things. We find new ways of speaking, so youre never out of touch. Its seeing someones face that comforts us, no matter where. When those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. The first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. Theres resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. When we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. When we understand whats possible, we wont settle for less. The best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. Managing Heart Failure starts now with understanding. Call today or go online to understandheartfailure. Com for a free Heart Failure handbook. Today president elect biden flew to georgia for his First Campaign stop since the president ial election. It was a drivein rally for Democratic Senate candidates jon ossoff and raphael warnock. You see them there bepresident elect biden. Control of the u. S. Senate hangs on their elections on these two january 5th Senate Runoffs. Early voting is under way as of yesterday. Initial turnout for early voting appears to be indicative of a strong amount of interest in georgia in these races. Georgia in many ways is the center of the political universe right now. As far as joe biden took the stage today he shouted out three people who were there joining him. The mayor of Atlanta Keisha lance bottoms, former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and also thnikema willia. Nikema williams will be joining biden in washington next month as a newly elected member of congress. This past july when beloved u. S. Congressman john lewis died at the age of 82 an odd quirk in georgia law meant the Georgia Democratic party had just three days to decide who they wanted to nominate in his seat. The state of georgia, the whole country was only just starting to mourn the passing of john lewis, this icon of civil rights and american civic virtue, this moral giant who walked among us. But even in the initial plush of grief in this passing georgia democrats had to make this lightening fast decision who they wanted to replace him on the ballot. And those allies who knew him best, his parties in the home state of georgia they chose state senator Nikema Williams. Just a few months earlier, shed become the first black woman to be elected the leader of the Georgia Democratic party. Last month in the november elections not only did senator Nikema Williams win her house race, shell take john lewis seat in congress in january. But with her at the helm of the Georgia Democratic party, georgia in that election went blue in a president ial race for the first time in nearly 30 years. Yesterday as one of georgias 16 democratic electors she cast her Electoral College vote for biden and harris at georgias state capitol. Joining us now is congresswomanelect Nikema Williams. Who was elected last month to the late john lewis congressional seat. Thank you for making time to be here tonight. Thank you for having me, rachel. I imagine that you are somewhere you and other georgia democrats are somewhere between euphoric at what you were just able to do in the state of georgia in the president ial race and also on a tightrope in terms of the import of this difficult task youve got with these two u. S. Senate runoffs on january 5th. Let me just ask how you and your colleagues in the Democratic Party in georgia are feeling and doing right now. Its definitely a balancing act, rachel. While we want to celebrate because what we did on november 3rd was no small feat, we also understand we have to finish the job and weve got work to get us to january 5th. So, we were back out there. And were still talking to voters and were making sure that were organizing, were at the doors and were talking to people about what matters. Thats what our new president , joe biden was doing here in georgia today, rallying the troops because we know this is the turn out game. So im excited. Im still celebrating from us flipping georgia blue, but i also know theres still work to be done for us to bring it home for the entire country on january 5th. I have to ask how if at all how you and your colleagues have to adjust and account for or even make sense of some of the crazy dynamics that are happening on the other side, on the republican side right now. I wanted to read you something from politico. Com today about President Trump and his influence on the republican side and these Upcoming Senate races. President trump couldnt make it any clearer. He needs his supporters to fork over cash for the all important georgia runoff elections. He wrote in one recent text message we must defend georgia from the dems. I need to you secure a win in georgia. Theres just one hitch, though, trumps political machine is pocketing most of the money. The campaigns of the georgia senators competing in the january 5th races arent getting a cent. The president has made georgia the center of the universe because he wants to talk about his own loss there. But hes not helping and National Republicans seem to be tied up in knots what theyre going to do with their own candidates in georgia. Rachel, i think you said earlier when i was listening to you, crazy town is exactly what it is. And i cant make it make sense. Yesterday, as i was casting an official Electoral College vote, one of the 16 from georgia, we had georgia republicans downstairs doing their own little circus show. And i mean, none of it makes sense. They are making a mockery of our democracy in this country, and we are just staying focused. Were staying the course. Theyre playing the games on the other side and doing whatever theyre doing that makes zero sense. And we are talking to voters. Were organizing. Were talking about the issues that matter. How do we get our children back to School Safely . How do we make sure we get this pandemic under control so that our economy is back on track and start moving forward with a plan for health care for everyone in this country . And theyre over there playing games. I we dont have time for it, and i kind of pay them no attention. Congresswomanelect Nikema Williams, the leader of the Georgia Democratic party. My door is always open whenever you want to come back and talk georgia politics and talk about your district and talk about whats going on right now. With your state as the center of the universe right now, id love to have you back, stay in touch. Love to have you back soon. Im going to have to come back and celebrate, rachel, after we win on january 5th. I will hold you to it. All right. Okay, up next earlier this week we found something really, really really interesting and sort of heartwarming in our archives. It is very newly relevant given what is happening right now. In the country with the vaccine efforts. This is one of those cool things from history i want to show you. Thats coming up. Stay with us. A live bookkeeper is helping customize quickbooks for me. Okay, youre all set up. Thanks that was my business gi, this ones casual. Get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. A massive assault on polio gets under way in texas. As ten counties aim to reach a million and a half people with doses of an oral vaccine. A Concerted Campaign brings long lines of people to School Centers on the first day to the delight of authorities. It was recommended even those who had already taken the three shot soft vaccine received the oral doses, doses that are taken painslessly on a lump of sugar. Its a striking display of community cooperation. There are special arrangements for those two young to swallow the sugar, a drop of health. Authorities worry later that the youngsters took to the immunization plan looking on it as one big lark. An ounce of prevention multiplied by a million and a half. It was 1961 when a scientist named albert sabin developed a vaccine for polio that did not require a needle for a shot in the arm. For the sabin vaccine the medicine could just be dropped onto a cube of sugar, so kids were happier to take that. They could just pop a sugar cube into their mouth instead of getting a shot. The vaccine developed by jonas salk, of course, changed the world in polio, but the saban vaccine sealed this human achievement, conferring lifelong immune to polio. And on sundays when the vaccine was reldy the u. S. Would hold these massive vaccine drives at schools and churches, the lines around the block to get the sabin oral polio vaccine. At some of those drives they gave out commemorative spoons. You could get the Souvenir Spoon to mark the occasion. And if you put aside for a second the medical marvel of administering a vaccine on a sugar cube, it was these really, eely long lines that built excitement around the sabin vaccine, the vaccination effort was going to work because the uptake was so strong, the American People were so interested in getting it. You could hear the narrator marveling over it, a striking display of cooperation. Because a vaccine is only as good as the number of people willing to take it. The federal government was super worried at the time people would be too scared to take the sabin oral vaccine against polio. The cdc even developed a special cartoon character to use as a cheerleader. He was a bumblebee called well be. When they put him on these psastyle poster, says wellbee says be well it might seem a little silly looking at it now but those kinds of efforts to reassure and educate the public to know what to expect and encourage you to go do it, those things are really important when it comes to vaccines. If you dont build confidence that taking a vaccine is safe and that it will work, it doesnt matter how many doses you produce, its effectively useless unless the Vaccine Program work tuesday get those vaccines into humans. You might as well dump them down the drain if people are not going to voluntarily line up to get this thing done. Its something were bumping up right now. As the rollout of the Covid Vaccine gets under way, a recent poll done by the Kaiser Family foundation says that they would probably or definitely not take the Coronavirus Vaccine. Thats not good. The good news is that the number of people open to taking the vaccine appears to be quite fluid. Its up a lot from a few months ago. Back in september the number of people who said they were willing to take the vaccine was 63 of the country. Now its 71 so its moving. But moving Public Perception on this kind of thing can be slow and it can be difficult and it does take concerted effort. Building confidence and trust in a big vaccination effort, it isnt something you can manufacture overnight, which is why it was a bit alarming this week to learn that the Trump Administration has just this week begun the work of thinking about how they might try to convince the American Public to take the Coronavirus Vaccine. They didnt start working on this in the spring or a few months ago when the vaccines were starting to look promising. Theyre just starting that work this week. Just convening the first focus groups to talk about it while the first shots are already being administered. They literally started Holding Focus Group Meetings today for the first time to come up with some language about how they might talk to the public about this stuff. Yeah, no time like the present especially with a second Coronavirus Vaccine barrelling toward what appears to be fda approval. The vaccine made by pfizer is the one being given right now. A second vaccine made by moderna is expected to be approved by the fda potentially as soon as friday this week, which raises all sorts of interesting and important questions about what this means for the effort to vaccinate the entire country. And again, its instructive to look to the past here. When some American Kids were getting albert sabins oral polio vaccine on the sugar cube there was still the more traditional polio vaccine, too, that one that went into your arm. Developed by jonas salk, right . That kind of double barrelled approach to large scale vaccination is not just common in a wide scale effort like this one, it can even be necessary to beat back a widespread outbreak like the one were fighting right now. And also has implications in terms of supply chains, in terms of had relative and comparative value of different vaccines. I mean, today, were only in day two of whats going to be we think the largest vaccination effort in the history of this country. How will having two or potentially more vaccines that are all slightly different from one another . How is that going to affect the rollout . What should we be looking for . Weve got help next. Stay with us. Start with all the moms in the world. Narrow it to all the karate moms. In desperate need of brown sugar. Meaning, you. Youre the one we made mywalgreens for. With pickup in as little as 30 minutes. Hiya get 30minute pickup at walgreens. Com every minute. Understanding how to talk to your doctor about Treatment Options is key. Today, we are redefining how we do things. We find new ways of speaking, so youre never out of touch. Its seeing someones face that comforts us, no matter where. When those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. The first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. Theres resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. When we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. When we understand whats possible, we wont settle for less. The best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. Managing Heart Failure starts now with understanding. Call today or go online to understandheartfailure. Com for a free Heart Failure handbook. This is the allcaps headline across the whole front page of the New York Times today. You can see it there. Healing is coming u. S. Vaccinations begin. And then below that, dread persists as death toll tops 300,000. But still, hope at last for those in the medical trenches. Theres the front page of the Washington Post today, underneath a headline about the Electoral College formalizing bidens win, you see there mass vaccination effort begins at u. S. Hospitals. And then look right in the middle of the page there, disparaged by trump, scientists deliver. Thats one for the ages. Todays Hartford Courant in connecticut, all caps, the dawn of a new day. Beacon for today. Akron beacon journal, a moment of hope. In florida, the tallahassee democrat, 20,000 doses of hope. You see an icu nurse there in the featured image shes been treating Covid Patients since the pandemic began, you see her wiping a tear as shes getting her vaccine. Front page of the Dallas Morning News today, let the healing begin. In nebraska, heres the omaha world herald today, hope in a bottle vaccine arrives. And on top of that, this historic these historic editions of all local newspapers across the country, now new headlines about a second lane opening up on this highway. The Associated Press this afternoon, second covid19 vaccine, this one from moderna and nih nears approval from fda. That second vaccine could be approved by the end of this week. How is that going to impact the effort thats already under way . I have lots of questions. I hope answers to those ones are cause for yet more hope. Joining us, dr. Ashish jha. Dean of the university of health, dr. Jha, its always a real pleasure seeing you. Thanks for making time tonight. Thank you, rachel. How different are the pfizer and Moderna Vaccines . Theyre really similar. Theyre both mrna vaccines. They work in very, very similar ways. Little bit of difference in how theyre stored and how stable they are in warmer temperatures. Pfizer needs to be minus 96 degrees and the Moderna Vaccine can be kept in regular freezing and refrigerated more for a longer period of time, but thats it. Thats the only difference. That means that there will be different logistics necessary for both delivering and storing and ultimately administering the vaccine. Obviously, its better to have more available and have multiple sources of relief in the pipeline here, but will should we expect an impact on the vaccine rollout to have two different vaccines, again, broadly similar, but with some different handling requirements . Yeah, they definitely have different handling requirements. Youre going to want to see them in different places so the Pfizer Vaccine in large hospitals, in major institutions, that can handle the minus 96 degree freezing temperatures that are needed, whereas i think the Moderna Vaccine is going to be easier to get to rural areas, pharmacies and doctors offices. From a clinical effectiveness point a view, not much of a difference in safety. I would personally be happy to get either one. Small differences in dosing as well. After 21 days you get the second shot. The other one, 28 days. Other than that, i think the logistics is where the differences are going to play out. And, dr. Jha, as we see this major logistical effort, you see the hopes of the nation riding along with the u. P. S. And fedex drivers who are delivering these things, everybody in the country is watching videos of vaccine delivery, weeping while we see it. With all that effort, that support, whats the parallel impact . I dont know if that phrase make sense. How should we expect this effort to interact or not with the effort to try to keep americans alive who are sick with this illness right now . Weve got a Record Number of americans hospitalized right now. Americas hospitals and icus stretched tonight like they never have been before. Do you see these efforts as helping one another or will there be some competition of resources between the two different tasks . Yes, i hope there isnt any real competition of resources. There need not be. There were different sets of issues. But one contrast the other really in a very striking way, doesnt it, that were so close to putting this pandemic behind us and, therefore, like anybody who gets infected today whether we lose in three, four weeks from that infection is somebody who could have gotten vaccinated six or eight weeks from now. It makes it compelling to save lives. To protect people, given how close we are to vaccines. Thats right, even if people cant imagine themselves, keeping themselves as safe as possible indefinitely, knowing that you have to do it with closed brackets somewhere on the horizon, to where we can get past this thing. That you just need to keep yourself and your family alive through the time we can make this more safe. Maybe that gives people more impetus to do it. Dr. Ashish jha. Sir, its always really, really helpful to have you here. Thank you. Rachel, thank you. Well be right back. Stay with us. One last story for you lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. Our friends sold their policy to help pay for their medical bills and that got me thinking. Maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. 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The easy way to a happier business. One last story for you tonight, do you remember the u. S. State department Holiday Party with 900 people on the guest list . Indoor party, 900 guests inside all in one room at the state department. That party is tonight and the good news is it was apparently a gigantic failure. Good news in the covid sense is what i mean. Washington post reporting in the last few minutes, only a tiny fraction of the more than 900 invited guests actually showed up. Secretary of state mike pompeo was due to give a speech at the event. He canceled and got somebody else to do it. Thats perhaps because of out of the 900 invited guests only 70 rsvpd yes. As of yesterday, even fewer than that actually turned up. In one nod to covid compliance, at least, santa reportedly had a mask on at the event. You can see him there. But they invited 900 people for an indoor event. Everybody they invited was like, are you kidding . You want to do something nice for the holidays. Thats not it. Best party fail ever. Thats going to do it for us tonight. Thanks for being with us tonight. I will see you tomorrow. Way too early with kasie hunt is up next. Like it or not, 36 days from now, we will have a new president , but dont Tell White House secretary kayleigh maccerroni, she seems to think theyre there to stay. Does joe biden acknowledge the president is still ongoing with ongoing litigation. What is the reaction to leader mcconnell today congratulating joe biden and calling him the president elect . I havent gotten the president s reaction yet. But the president is pursuing ongoing litigation. By the wa

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