Heres another one. This one is from not very much later. This is from may 8th, 1945, the day after the successor to a very recently dead adolf hitler signed the Unconditional Surrender of the nazis in northeastern france. These three u. S. Soldiers in this photo are in beckham, germany, here. You can see the reason theyre holding what looks like pots and pans, theyre holding their mess kits in one hand. Theyve got the nazis quit, front page of stars and stripes in the other hand. And all three of them are wearing an ear to ear grin. Heres another shot from three months later. Japan surrenders as well. And the even larger headline that day was peace. We know from the caption on this one from getty images that the woman on the left, her name is johnnie dexter. The woman on the right, her name is lucille brennaman. And the man in the middle, the gi is robert ingraham. Peace. Japan has surrendered. The war is over. Heres another great one. This is 1952. The caption here says circa 1952, an american soldier reads the stars and stripes newspaper while eating possibly a biscuit with jam in the field during a lull in the fighting in korea. And you see his mess kit next to him there. Ten years after this photo again, thats 1952. Ten years later, of course we have the cuban missile crisis. It breaks out in midoctober, 1962. The whole world thinks the u. S. And the soef eyewitneviet union to have a nuclear war. It ultimately resolves on october 28th. It shot is from the day after it resolved. This is from october 29th, 1962. Four gis you can see there reading the stars and stripes. And you see the headline, will dismantle bases, khrushchev tells u. S. Just one more. I think this is an incredible shot just as photographic just as a photographic record. Look at that. This is a howitzer gun crew in vietnam. This is august 1970. Those are two american soldiers manning that howitzer. You see them bare chested, firing that huge gun. You see the shells for the gun in the right foreground. But next to the shells there in foreground center, again, its the stars and stripes. If you zoom in, you can see the headline says nixon no forced South Vietnam coalition. The stars and stripes is the newspaper by and for American Service members. Its been founded sort of three different times. It was founded and then it stopped, and then it was founded again, and then it stopped. Then it was founded again. The first brief one was 1861 during the civil war. Union soldiers fighting under the command of ulysses s. Grant took over a Printing Press that had been abandoned in missouri by a proconfederate owner. They took it over and printed the very first paper that was ever called the stars and stripes. The union, it must and shall be preserved. 1861, a short run. Then it came back in 1918 during world war i. General john j. Pershing said he wants a newspaper rin written b servicemen for servicemen. The library of congress has a bunch of stuff online about those early editions from a century ago, from the first world war, including you see it says a message from our chief there on the toronfront with a portrait of pershing. Theyve got the initial message that he put on that inaugural edition from world war i. It says in this initial number of the stars and stripes published by the men of the overseas command, the commander in chief of the American Expeditionary forces extends his greetings to the readers from the firstline trenches to the base ports. These are the men who have been honored by being the first contingent of americans to fight on european soil for the honor of their country. The paper written by the men in the service should speak the thoughts of the new American Army and the American People from whom the army has been drawn. It is your paper. Good luck to it. Signed john j. Pershing, commander in chief of the American Expeditionary force. That is the newspaper the stars and stripes that President Donald Trump has been trying his best to kill. The stars and stripes had those initial starts in the civil war, and then it ran in 1918 in world war i. But then they started it back up in 1942 for the farflung american soldiers fighting world war ii. And it has continued in print ever since. By Service Members and for Service Members with support from the Defense Department going all the way back to those initial well wishes from general pershing before we even had something called the Defense Department. Stars and stripes is editorially independent. It is occasionally ill tempered, and i mean that in the best possible way. Its pushy. It takes the gis side against the brass which sometimes annoys the brass. It has birthed some great journalists and cartoonists. It is an american institution, American Military institution, and an institution that means a lot to the power and practice of the First Amendment in this country and to the idea of an army, a military that comes from the American People and enjoys the rights that that military fights to defend. And did i mention that its got editorial independence . And so perhaps thats the thats the rub. Perhaps thats the problem. But the Trump Administration has been trying to kill it. They have been trying to zero out funding for it during President Trumps first term. Congress is happy to keep funding it. Actually, bipartisan, bicameral members of congress are happy to keep funding it. The democraticcontrolled house actually restored funding for it recently. They said they wanted to keep funding it, but the Trump Administration has nevertheless been hellbent on killing it. News emerged this week that they not only are planning to kill the stars and stripes, they were in the process of doing so this month. A memorandum from the Trump Administration just made public that tells stars and stripes that they needed to submit their plan, quote, for the dissolving the stars and stripes by from 15th. Included in the plan had to be their plans for vacating any and all of their office space anywhere in the world. They were orders to have the stars and stripes as an organization completely dissolved by january, and their last edition to be published at the end of this month, september 30th, 2020. Orders from the Trump Administration. The ombudsman for the stars and stripes told the a. P. Today that the Trump Administrations plan to kill stars and stripes would be fatal interference and permanent censorship of a unique organization that has served u. S. Troops reliably for generations. Yeah, to say the least. But President Trump, for whatever reason, has been hellbent on killing it off, and hes been working on it all this year. But today, less than two weeks out from that mandated kill date, he finally relented and said, oh, no. Im going to make sure that stars and stripes stays in business. And the president apparently finally relented on this because honestly they are just drowning in this mire now. They cant let this keep getting worse. This last 24 hours has been the biggest political crisis for them since the start of the covid pandemic. I mean it may be the biggest political crisis for the president since before then. I very rarely show clips from the Fox News Channel here as part of our own news coverage, but this is some Important News from the Fox News Channel today. The atlantic magazine claiming President Trump called americas fallen Service Members suckers and losers. The president denying that report vehemently. Top pentagon officials are weighing in. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has more on that. Jennifer. John, ive spoken with two senior u. S. Officials who were on the trip to france who confirmed to me key details in the atlantic article and the quote as tributed to the president. My source told me when the president spoke about the vietnam war, he said it was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker. The president would say about American Veterans, whats in it for them . They dont make any money. The source said it was a character flaw of the president. He could not understand why someone would die for their country. Not worth it. When asked if the president could have driven to the aisnemarne cemetery, this former official said confidently that there was not a security reason not to drive to the cemetery, which is about 40 miles from paris. Quote, the president drives a lot. The other World Leaders drove to the cemeteries. He just didnt want to go. Regarding the president s july 4th military parade planning, during a Planning Session at the white house after President Trump said, regarding wounded guys, quote, thats not a good look. Americans dont like that. Thats not a good look. Americans dont like that. To be clear, this is the Fox News Channel National Security correspondent confirming the worst of this new reporting over the past 24 hours about the president s repeated denigration and scorn for americans who serve in our military and specifically the allegation that hes expressed disgust and revulsion for wounded veterans and that he doesnt like to see them and he doesnt want them seen in public. Quote, thats not a good look. Hes reported to have said. Jeffrey goldberg was the reporter at the atlantic magazine who First Published these comments from the president last night. The white house initially seems to have thought they could brush this off with their usual bluster and saying its all lies. But within less than two hours of the atlantic publishing goldbergs piece, a. P. Investigative reporter James Laporta was able to confirm for the Associated Press the entirety of the atlantic story, and as he told us last night, he was able to confirm that with senior dod sources from the u. S. Marine corps. Beyond the confirmation from the Associated Press, by late last night, the Washington Post has also confirmed the main points of the story, and then later yet, the New York Times today confirmed the main points of the story. Each of those entities adding their own further detail to this very granular reporting, again, with multiple sources. So what the white house woke up to today, along with its newly public plans to kill off the historic centuryold gis newspaper in this country for no reason, was reporting confirmed by multiple sources that the president has repeatedly called American Service members who have been killed or captured losers and suckers. That the president has asked his staff to not include wounded veterans in military parades and events because he doesnt like to see people with injuries or amputations, and he thinks other americans dont either. That when he canceled a world war i centennial visit to an American Veterans cemetery in france, the president reportedly told advisers, why should i go to that cemetery . Its filled with losers. In a separate conversation on the same trip, the president said that the 1,800 u. S. Marines who lost their lives at belleau wood were suckers because they lost their lives at belleau wood. The white house today woke up to this news that the president is confirmed by multiple sources to have derided john mccain and his service, but also former president george h. W. Bush, calling him a loser for having been shot down in combat in world war ii. The president and the white house contending with news today, confirmed from multiple sources, that on memorial day 2017, his first year in office, he stood at the grave of the son of john kelly, who was killed in combat in afghanistan at age 29. The president said to him at the grave site, quote, i dont get it. What was in it for them . And that particular anecdote about President Trump insulting general kellys dead son at his grave on memorial day, that reporting first advanced by the atlantic last night has now specifically been confirmed by both the Associated Press and the Washington Post. The post also adding that the president , quote, frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers who were missing in action, referring to them at times as losers. The post reporting that the president , quote, told advisers he didnt understand why the u. S. Government placed such value on finding soldiers who were missing in action because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got. The times adding confirmation from multiple sources that the president , quote, long scorned those who served in vietnam as being too dumb to have gotten out of it. And now of course tonight theres fox news itself adding the detail, the quote that the president specifically said he did not want, quote, wounded guys in any military parade because, quote, thats not a good look. Americans dont like that. I dont know who is going to contest if i just assert right here that that is not generally true about americans. But it is apparently true about the president. He finds u. S. Service members to be stupid for serving, losers, suckers. They deserve what they get. They dont deserve to be thought of as heroes. They dont even deserve to be looked for when theyve been captured. He doesnt want to be around them, especially if they shed blood for this country. He finds them and their injuries disgusting. He doesnt want to see it. Since this story broke last night, i still cant believe this is real and im not asleep and screaming in my sleep in some nightmare. Since this broke open last night, the president and the white house have been furiously denying the initial report and all the confirming reporting, all of it. This is a legitimate political crisis for them. And the fact that it is a political crisis for them may have saved the stars and stripes newspaper today as the president tweeted out hes not going to kill it now. Hes going to make sure it stays in business, right . Trying to find some way, any way, to make the president seem like hes not really like the way he actually is. But the problem for them here, the reason this is a political crisis that wont blow over like everything does for him, is that this one doesnt come out of nowhere, right . This stuff, as disgusting and raw as it is, it does admit it, you know it it fits with what we know of him and what weve seen of him. Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero. Hes a war hero 5 1 2 years. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured. The president s attacks on john mccain are well remembered as are his attacks on the gold star family who lost their son, captain humayun khan in iraq. But theres also the other ones that we noticed at the time and let pass, right . His attacks not just on Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman from the National Security council for his testimony in the impeachment inquiry, but specifically the president s attack on concern vindman for his military service. The president mocking his army uniform. The president putting that wounded combat Veterans Army rank in quotes. There was also the time the president derided admiral bill mcraven, deriding him specifically for the attack that he led that killed osama bin laden. But there has also just been the rank callousness to the family members of Service Members who the president had no political reason to attack, no beef with, no reason to criticize. He just couldnt muster the decency to even interact with them in a kind or basically human way. I asked Master Sergeant neal to put his phone on speaker so my aunt and uncle could hear as well. And he goes on to saying his statement as what he said was the president . Yes, the president said that he knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyways. And i was it made me cry because i was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said it. He couldnt remember my husbands name. Thats what hurt me the most because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risks his life for our country, why cant you remember his name . And thats what made me upset and cry even more, because my husband was an awesome soldier. What did you say to the president . I didnt i didnt say anything. I just listened. But you were upset when you got off the phone . Oh, very upset and hurt. Very. It made me cry even worse. The widow of sergeant la david johnson, who was killed in niger in late 2017. You might remember that the president has also publicly derided the very idea, the very significance of whats emerged as the signature wound of the post9 11 wars, which is traumatic brain injury. Mr. President , a question on iran. Initially you said repeatedly to americans that after iran retaliated for the soleimani strike, no americans were injured. We now know at least 11 u. S. Service members airlifted to iraq. Can you explain the discrepancy . No. I heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things. But i would say and i can report it is not very serious. So you dont think a potential traumatic brain injury is serious . They told me about it numerous days later. Youd have to Ask Department of defense. No, i dont consider them very serious injuries. This is how the president has talked about the u. S. Military and Service Members, even those killed in action and those wounded in action since he has been president. The veterans of foreign wars asked for the president to apologize after he derided traumatic brain injury as headaches and something thats not very serious. The president never apologized. And so weve seen that from him, and maybe some of those things have registered and lasted in the news for a while, and some have registered for a second and slid by. But because we have seen that in him, now it sticks that we have these reports of him calling u. S. Service members losers and suckers and him being repulsed by the sight of them, right . It fits with what we have seen. Its also causing unimaginable pain for some of our fellow americans, who have had way too much pain already. My stepson was not a loser. My son is not a loser. My son matthew is not a loser. My stepson was not a sucker. Land Corporal Alexander Scott Arredondo died in iraq in 2004. My son, Sergeant James anthony ayube ii gave his life in kandahar, afghanistan, in 2010. [ speaking Foreign Language ] honorably serving his country. That is something donald trump will never know. Thats something that donald trump will never understand. My message to donald trump is this. You have no right being commander in chief. [ speaking Foreign Language ] ladies and gentlemen, my name is paul eaton. Im a retired Major General, United States army, and i just read Jeff Goldbergs article in the atlantic. Im pretty unhappy with you, mr. Trump, so im going to keep this short for your famous short attention span. You have shown disrespect to the military on countless occasions. Im stunned that anybody in the United States military would consider you anything but a loser or a sucker. Youre no patriot. Let me tell you about a patriot. My father was killed in vietnam. He was shot down over a ho chi minh trail section just outside of vietnam in laos. He delivered ordnance to cut the trail and cut supplies, and then he delivered Close Air Support to special forces troops on the ground, and his airplane blew up. He went down in 1969, 13 january 1969. This dog tag was recovered at the crash site. My father was a patriot, well educated. He was a wise man. The best men and women in the United States of america are found in the armed forces of the United States military. Mr. Trump, come 3 november, were all voting for a real patriot, joe biden. And everybody who hears this, please take notice and please vote. Vote democratic. Our countrys honor depends on it. Thank you. Frankly if what is written in the atlantic is true, its disgusting. It affirms what most of us believe to be true, that donald trump is not fit to do the job of president , to be the commander in chief. The president reportedly said and i emphasize reportedly said that those who sign up to serve instead of doing something more lucrative are suckers. Let me be real clear. When my son was an assistant u. S. Attorney and he volunteered to go to kosovo while the war was going on as a civilian, he wasnt a sucker. When my son volunteered and joined the United States military as the attorney general and went to iraq for a year, won the bronze star and other commendations, he wasnt a sucker. The service men and women he served with, particularly those who did not come home, were not losers. If these statements are true, the president should humbly apologize to every gold star mother and father and every Blue Star Family that hes denigrated and insulted. Who the heck does he think he is . If i have the honor of being the next commander in chief, i will ensure that our american heroes know ill have their backs, honor their sacrifice, and those who have been injured will be in military parades. Im always cautioned not to lose my temper. This may be as close as ive come in this campaign. Its just a marker of how deeply President Trump and i disagree about the role of the president of the United States of america. This is a real political crisis for the white house and for President Trump tonight. It is also sort of a reckoning for the country in terms of the extremes of trumpism. Were going to have much more on this coming up tonight, including with general paul eaton, whos going to join us live. Stay with us. Usl these years its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Which is why when it comes to his dentures only poligrip cushion and comfort will do. The first and only formula with adaptagrip cushioning technology. Choose poligrip cushion and comfort. With adaptagrip cushioning technology. A lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesnt get everything clean. I tell them, it may be your detergent. Thats why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. With the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. For sparklingclean dishes, the first time. Cascade platinum. In august 2012, california congresswoman anna eshoo introduced this bill, which did not make national news, but for some people it meant the world. It was a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located in mountain view, confidential, as the lieutenant kenneth m. Ballard memorial post office. It passed and was signed into law by president obama in 2013. Now when residents of mountain view, california, go to mail a card or a payment or a ballot, it goes through the lieutenant kenneth m. Ballard memorial post office. Lieutenant ballard led an army platoon in iraq in 2003 and 2004. On the night of may 30th, 2004, he was killed in iraq. He was just shy of turning 27. His mother got the call just before 9 00 a. M. The next morning with the news that her only child wouldnt be coming home. Lieutenant Kenneth Ballard was awarded a purple heart and three bronze stars, two with valor for his heroism. His mother has set up a website to keep the memory of her son and his sacrifice alive, and theres the post office in their town. When the current president calls americans who have died for their country losers and suckers, however broadly he might mean that, for some individual americans like the family of lieutenant Kenneth Ballard, it lands differently, which is why lieutenant ballards mother chose to respond to the president directly in an ad that was released today by the group vote vets. My son is not a loser. My message to donald trump is this. You have no right being the commander in chief. Joining us now live is gold star mother Karen Meredith. Shes the mother of lieutenant Kenneth Ballard. Thank you for joining us this evening. I know its a really difficult time. It is. Good evening, rachel. When you first heard these reports a little bit more than 24 hours ago now about what the president has said about american troops and specifically about troops hurt or killed in battle, what was your reaction . How did that land with you . Well, i wasnt surprised because this does seem to be a pattern going back to even before trump announced running for president. But its always kind of a pin prick to the heart, that its just trying to pull the scab off. And for me after 16 years, youd think id be used to it. But those are pretty harsh words coming from my sons commander in chief, that he was a sucker and or a loser. And i dont feel that way, and none of the parents who did the video feel that way. Karen, can i ask you how the video came together . Theres been some sort of conspiracy theorizing on the right and with the Trump Campaign today saying that there must have been collusion. There must have been advance planning with you and other gold star families because that ad was turned around and put out so quickly that you must have known in advance that the atlantic was going to publish these allegations. Can you speak to that at all . Sure. Yesterday afternoon, i think it was right after it the story was published, i was notified by vote vets that the story was going to be pretty big, and so they asked if i could gather our group of gold star families that i work with. Ive been working with votevets for about five years, so were all on standby, ready to support the organization. Were all progressive and support veterans organizations. So some of us worked on it all night last night, and thats why we were able to get it out as quickly as we did. So there was no collusion. Karen, i know that you have been willing to speak publicly about your sons death and about the iraq war, and youve been public in your grief and in your feelings about the cause for which he lost his life for a long time now, which means you have been willing to talk about your son and this grief through different presidencies. And i just wonder if you in working with other gold star families, if it is a different calculation or if it is a different sort of balance of risk and potential benefit that the president really has shown no compunction at all about attacking gold star parents, about attacking the family members of people who have died in service to this country and even attacking those who have died or been wounded themselves. Does it change the way that you and your fellow gold star families think about whether or not its safe to speak out . Well, as you mentioned earlier, ken was my only child, so ive already had the worst day of my life, and nothing else can be northboubody else can anything as bad as what happened on may 30th, 2004. I know a lot of the other gold star families that i work with feel the same way. Not all gold star families work with votevets, so i am not speaking for all gold star families, just for some. But this presidency is different because he doesnt seem to have a concept of service. For instance, the bush family, as much as im not a fan, at least their family served in politics, and they served in the military, and in the obama administration, he has been serving starting out as a community organizer, so he knows what serving means and sacrificing because the military can get more pay on the outside, and being in Government Service generally you can get paid more too. So i think thats the biggest difference is that they this administration, im not sure who in this administration really understands what service and sacrifice means. Gold star mother Karen Meredith joining us live tonight from california. Thank you so much for talking to us. I know you have the choice whether or not to do this, but it means a lot to our viewers that youre willing to be here. Thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity. All right. From 2003 to 2004, while karens son was serving in iraq, Major General paul eaton served as the commanding general of the Coalition Military assistance training team, which means he was in charge of training iraqi troops during the iraq war. General eaton had followed his father into service, and we showed you moments ago in a video directly addressing the president , the now retired Major General eaton held up his fathers i. D. Tag which was recovered from the site where his plane went down in the vietnam war. Joining us now is general eaton. Thank you so much for joining us. Its a really honor to have you with us tonight. Rachel, my privilege. Thank you very much for the invitation. And id just like to say to everybody that Karen Meredith is a personal hero to me and to my wife, p. J. She is a brave, wonderful woman, and i thank her for coming on tonight as well. Thank you for saying that. Let me start by asking you the same question that i asked her, which is when you read or learned of the president s remarks that were First Published a little bit more than 24 hours ago now, how did it land with you . Rachel, it took me a couple of minutes to read the article. It took me a nanosecond to be truly angry. I shaved. I got in front of the camera, knocked out a 2 15 piece to get out on twitter and just to make known just how awful the level of disrespect in thought, word, and deed that we get out of this president and how it detracts from his capacity to serve as a leader anywhere, but certainly as a commander in chief. He has no right to be there. General eaton, i wanted to ask you specifically about that moment where you held up your fathers i. D. Tag and talked about your father being killed in the vietnam war. I just wondered now that we have learned more, theres been supporting reporting bolt bolstering what Jeffrey Goldberg put in the atlantic but also adding to it. And one of the things that was reported in the Washington Post was that, the president has told senior advisers he didnt understand why the u. S. Government placed such value on finding soldiers missing in action because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got. I have to ask your reaction to that given your connection with your father and his service and how he was lost in combat. Rachel, we have an ethos in the u. S. Military, and one of the reasons that the american soldier, marine, airman, sailor, coast guardsman will do Amazing Things is because they trust the chain of command to bring them back, that the chain of command will give the bullets and the food and the leadership they need in order to prosecute the mission. So this dog tag, this dog tag was found by a member of the joint Task Force Full Accounting team, the team that goes to former war zones and brings back the remains of our fallen. You can see that its mangled. What happens to a dog tag in an explosion when the aircraft goes down. Our country, this great country, goes to Great Lengths to bring back our fallen. And, again, the reason that the american soldier does so well is he trusts the chain of command to do just that. Unfortunately after what weve heard about this particular president , thats a hard sell to every drill sergeant trying to soldierize, trying to build a soldier out of every young man and woman who comes through our doors. Retired Major General paul eaton. Sir, it is a really honor to have you with us tonight. I know that, again, you have the choice whether or not to speak publicly on matters like this, and this was a big one. Thank you for helping us understand, and thank you for your service, sir. Thank you for what you do, rachel. Kind of you to say. All right. Weve got a lot more coming up here this friday night. In fact, im just going to stay on for two hours tonight. I have a lot to say. Well be right back. When its hot outside your car is like a sauna steaming up lingering odors. Febreze car vent clips stop hot car stench with up to 30 days of freshness. Get relief with febreze. You try to stay ahead of the but scrubbing still takes time. 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Quote, russian state media and proxy websites are denigrating vote by mail processes in the u. S. , alleging they lack transparency and procedural oversight. We assess that russia is likely to continue amplifying criticisms of vote by mail and shifting voting processes amidst the covid19 pandemic to undermine public trust in the electoral process. That warning from Homeland Security about what russia is doing. Of course that message that russia is sending, which Homeland Security says is explicitly designed to undermine americans faith in our own electoral process, weirdly that happens to be the exact same message our own president has been promoting about our voting processes, which is weird, right . Its the exact same thing that theyre saying russia is promoting. So strange. That report about russia denigrating mailin voting, trying to cast doubts among americans about mailin voting, came just one day after abc news was also first to report that the Trump Administration had kiboshed a similar Homeland Security Intelligence Report which warned Law Enforcement of persistent russian efforts to spread rumors about joe bidens unfitness for office, specifically his Mental Fitness for office. And lets be clear, again, that is the exact same message our president has been spreading and continues to promote on a daily basis while russian state propaganda does exactly the same thing. Now, at the same time this odd coincidental lockstep is happening between the white house and the kremlin, between the president and russian state media, the president has said virtually nothing about other stuff about russia, for example the continuing prodemocracy protests in the streets of belarus and russian efforts to prop up the belarusian dictator and undermine the protesters there. Until today, trump had not said a word about the poisoning of russian opposition figure alexei navalny. Today nato, the military alliance of 30 western countries that President Trump likes to denigrate at every turn, said that it agreed with jaugermany conclusion that there is proof beyond a doubt that na voluntarily was poisoned with a nerve agent. Asked about that conclusion by reporters today, President Trump said this. He said, quote, we havent had any proof, though. He said, it might very well be the case, but we havent had any proof. He then went on to scold reporters for always bringing up russia when they should be talking about china instead. He also told reporters, quote, i do get along with president putin. To be clear, he was being asked about president putin allegedly poisoning one of his opposition figures. I do get along with him. Dont you think chinas much worse . Thats where we are now. The president is actively in this campaign spreading lies that his own intelligence agencies say are russian propaganda while he is casting doubt on the conclusions of the Nato Alliance that we used to lead. More ahead on this. Stay with us. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. 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The doctors in siberia and the Toxicology Labs there didnt find any evidencedi of poisons even though initially medics and cops actually told navalnys family that he was poisoned before they changed their mind. Their line appears to be shifting if you look atrs what e kremlin has said and the increasing lines on russian tv that there was no sign of poisoning when he was moved to germany. So the germans may have somehow poisoned him with a russian nerve agent in germany to make russia look bad. So we saw this tonight, this what appears to be a fake recording released by belarusian authorities. It appears to be a recording of germany supposedly admitting that they faked navalnys poisoning. Is thatva something that is bei greeted with as much ridicule in russia as its is around the world . It seems quite cartoonish, at least from this perspective. There have been a lot of ridiculous fakeen things on russian tv f to help them try t deflect blame for various crimes over the years, poisonings of spies. This is the most ridiculous one ive everst seen. Its just completely absurd. And even russian propaganda so far isnt really picking this up. If anything, this is a kind of karmic payback. Theyre left with the likes of lukashenko, who is someone even theo kremlin cant stand. You can see yesterday when he made this claim to the russian prime minister, who is a smart guy, knows the west very well, isnt,ry you know, necessarily someone who is going to believe thisis nonsense. Lukashenko is just talking complete gibberish, and he has to sithe there completely stone faced trying not to react. This is really the bed theyve dug for themselves when their credibility is this shot, theres nothing left toil do bu to tryg and just really swallo completely patently absurd things like this. Yeah. When your credibility is shot, you can shoot the moon when it comes to trying to talk anybody into anything because nobodys actually going to legitimately assess the veracity of what youre trying to sell. Max seddon, thank you for being up at a crazy time of day to talk to us. We really appreciate your time tonight. Thanks for having me. Thats going to do it for us tonight. Have a great, great labor day weekend. Or powders. Try the cooling, soothing relief of preparation h. Because your derriere deserves expert care. Try new soothing relief. brad apartmentsdotcom makes easier than ever. W home woman 1 how hot do you think it is . woman 2 a million. If only we had a c. Im so happy. brad apartmentsdotcom. The most popular place to find a place. Im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. Weve had a ton of obstacles in finding ways to be more sustainable for a big company. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of zero emissions electric vehicles. 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And weve seen the clearest contrast yet between the two nominees. Voters choosing between a man who mocks those who treat the coronavirus seriously. Who traffics in conspiracy theories, who has doubled down on telling his supporters to break the law and vote twice and who thinks the military are losers. It was a fake story. I have done more for the milita

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