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Somehow it was worse that this was imported human sewage. This is human sewage that was generated is the right word . Generated in the first instance by humans in new york and new jersey, and then got shipped on a train down to alabama. Now this sewage was treated and on paper theoretically it was supposed to be a totally inoffensive thing to ship by rail and park in your town. But that turned out to be a load of, ah, lets call it claptrap. This stuff stunk so bad as it passed through town after town after town in alabama that town after town after town and county after county, every place it turned up, the locals realized, whoa we have no choice. We have to fight back. Well need to get this stuff out of here. We need to do something to keep this stuff away. At one point early last year, the poop train ended up parking in West Jefferson, alabama. And it parked way out at an outoftheway railyard. I think they thought that was going to be sort of out of sight, out of mind. It was not out of stink range. That railyard was not enough out of the way given how bad this stuff smelled. The town of West Jefferson, alabama, revolted literally. A judge ultimately allowed the town to kick the poop train out of that distant railyard as a zoning violation, because the people in that town literally could not stomach it. That same train then moved on to a town called parish, alabama. Before the poop train arrived in parrish, the town mayor told the local press she didnt have any objections. She didnt think the train passing through her town or loading or unloading at the railyard this her town would pose any particular problem. But, oh, man, that was just in theory. When the train actually showed up full of human sewage, that same mayor of parrish, alabama, her name is heather hall, she told al. Com, quote, the smell really started getting bad here. I mean, it was terrible. Quote, it greatly reduces the quality of life of anybody that this is around. You cannot go outside. You cannot sit on your porch. And this stuff, its here in our town. Its not like its an industrial area. She told the paper, quote we were hoping things wouldnt be like they were in West Jefferson, that maybe the reactions in West Jefferson were overblown, but we came to realize real quick like that they were not blowing it out of the water. This stuff does not need to be in a populated area, period. And so parrish, alabama had thought it would be fine. It was not fine. And the poop train got moved out of West Jefferson. Then it got moved out of parrish. People in parrish had thought those West Jefferson people complaining were big wusses, making a big deal out of nothing. They were quickly disabused of that notion. The poop train was moved out as well. Where did they move it to . They moved to it birmingham, alabama, i you have heard of, because birmingham is a big place in alabama. And when the poop train moved into town there, the reaction was instant and soon became national. A councilman for the area in birmingham where the train had stopped turned up at the next Birmingham City Council Meeting to raise the alarm about Railroad Cars in his area of the city, quote, that may be carrying feces from other states. Quote, when they get stopped on the train tracks in your area, the stench is almost unbearable. In the local press and local social media, the reaction was even stronger. Some local businesses reportedly started getting calls that there must be a dead body nearby somewhere. Because nothing else could possibly explain a smell that awful. Eventually alabamas poop train troubles made National News all over the country this past spring, and a lot of that coverage came from the explicit or implicit angle that somehow new jersey and new york had done something wrong here, right . New jersey and new york had foisted this train full of yankee poop on alabama without alabama having any say in the matter or having any idea that it was coming. The problem for that angle in the National Coverage of this strange story from earlier this year, the problem for that angle was that the state of alabamas department of environmental management, the state Environmental Agency in alabama had actually approved this whole plan. Theyd approved this whole idea. Apparently, they didnt look into it at all that much detail when they agreed that alabama would receive like 10 Million Pounds of this stuff, indefinitely, on an ongoing basis from the northeast. They just decided oh, well tuck into it a landfill somewhere. Nobody will mind. The state environmental authorities in alabama are not known for their stellar modern track record. The previous administrator of the states Environmental Agency had been embarrassed and ultimately forced out of office after what seemed like a never ending series of ethics scandals, including accepting baseball tickets and other gifts from a company that his agency regulated. He accepted private plane trips for his whole family to disney world from another company who had business before the state. He also as a state official had approved payments to a company that was run by a guy that he was applying for a job with. The Alabama State Ethics Commission unanimously referred him for criminal prosecution on that one, and that really means something in alabama. Alabama has been really kind of busy recently on ethics issues. Just within the past few years, alabamas speak over the house, the serving speaker of the house was convicted on multifelonies. That happened roughly the same time what states governor was forced from office in a sex and ethics scandal. And that happened around the same time that the states chief Supreme Court judge was kicked off the bench in an ethics scandal. You might remember him, actually. His name is roy moore. He went on to be the republican partys nominee for the u. S. Senate seat that opened up when Jeff Sessions moved from the u. S. Senate over to the Justice Department to become the Trump Administrations first attorney general. Roy moores Senate Campaign was the point at which pedophilia and its Public Defense became part of the trump era of republican politics. Its also how we got a democrat in the United States senate from the great state of alabama. When alabama decided they couldnt stomach roy moore in that capacity. So alabama has had a busy few years in general on ethics issues, but on environmental stuff, alabama has been even worse than that. I mean, it has been a poop train couple of years in alabama. That same administrator of the states Environmental Agency, that one who got referred for prosecution, the one who left office under this cloud of mushrooming ethics controversies, after he left office as the top environmental official in the state, he left to go work in his private business career. In his private business career, he became a key player in the worst criminal environmental scandal to hit that state in years. I mean, even after losing the top person in the legislature, the top person in the Supreme Court, and the governor to ethics scandals almost simultaneously, the state of alabama has since subsequently had to endure a huge criminal bribery and moneylaundering scandal involving top businesses and law firms in the state. Who were trying to stop the epa cleanup of a radically polluted, densely populated black neighborhood in north birmingham. That scandal is ongoing. It has resulted in multiple, lengthy prison sentences. It has even ensnared attorney general Jeff Sessions. Remember, he is from alabama. As the senator turns out, he got lots of money from the people behind the scheme. As a senator, turns out he loybd against that epa effort which was apparent what they were paying people for. Jeff session even turn upped on a witness list in a felony trial that sent a wellknown businessman and a top alabama lawyer to prison in that environmental scandal. I should also mention that once Jeff Sessions stopped being a senator implicated in that scandal and started being attorney general of the United States, he never once said he was recused from overseeing that matter as a federal prosecution despite his personal and direct involvement in it. But when it came time to staff up the Trump Administration, they didnt just go to alabama for an attorney general. The Trump Administration also went to alabama for environmental expertise. That guy from the state Environmental Agency in alabama, the guy who was referred for criminal prosecution, the one who got in trouble for accepting all the gifts and private plane rides from his family for companies he was supposed to be overseeing, the one who left state office in a cloud of scandal and then got involved in what turned out to be a giant criminal scheme to keep a poor black neighborhood polluted and not cleaned up, that is who President Trump named to run the Environmental Protection agency for the whole southeastern United States. Was anybody else on the short list . His name is trey glenn. President trump appointed him to run the biggest region in the country for the epa. It covers eight states in the southeast. John archibald, the Pulitzer Prize winning coliseumist wrote a column at the time when trey glenn was pointed in which he John Archibald could not contain himself. He wrote, quote, ha ha exclamation point, that guy now heads the Environmental Protection agency . Its like roy moore leading the aclu. But then it got better. After trump appointed that guy to run the epa for the whole quarter of the country, for the whole southeastern United States, that guy now is a highranking federal employee eventually had to make financial disclosures. When his disclosures came out a few months ago, alabama learned for the first time among the folks who had been paying him since he left his job running the state Environmental Agency before he got appointed by trump to run the epa for the whole southeastern United States, among the people who put him on the payroll were the poop train folks. Yeah, literally the Landfill Company that brought the poop train into all of those towns in alabama. They had this guy on their payroll as the former top environmental official in the state. Here is John Archibald again. Quote, trey glenn, the trumpappointed epa director has more ties to that poop train and its dumping ground than the Railroad Track it ran on. Quote, all the charm minuin in world cant wipe it away. Aint enough bubbles in the world to clean the stain. As of tonight, trey glenn still serves in the Trump Administration as the head of the epa for the whole southeastern United States. Its hard to believe that will stay the case, however, because today trey glenn was indicted for multiple state crimes related to his time so ably administering Environmental Issues in his home state of alabama. Weve been i got to tell you, weve been trying to get ahold of the charging documents from his indictment in alabama today. Its been a little tricky to get ahead of them, but it appears he has been basically charged with corruption charges, akin to bribery and conspiracy. So the administrator, the head of the largest region in the country for the epa is now under criminal indictment in alabama. This comes, of course, after the head of the whole epa for the Trump Administration scott pruitt was forced out of office, forced out of the cabinet in his own maelstrom of scandals. We actually lernled after scott pruitt was forced out at least one of the scandals that forced him out of office also resulted in a referral of scott pruitt to the u. S. Justice department for criminal prosecution. We learned that after he was already gone. We learned that around the same time this we learned another trump cabinet official, the current secretary of the interior, ryan zinke has also been referred to the u. S. Justice department for potential criminal prosecution. So given the alabama background of the trump environmental official who was indicted today, its easy to see that maybe as an alabama scandal, right . There has been a lot of alabama ethics scandals there has been a lot of alabama ethics scandals related to the environment. Maybe its an alabama thing. I will mention that its a little bit weird to see a state court indicting a highranking federal official rather than the corruption charges being brought as federal charges. Kind of makes you wonder if the stench of this alabama case followed Jeff Sessions all the way into the Justice Department in one way or another. How come the feds arent in on this . This is a high level Corruption Case involving a federal official. But the latest indictment of someone serving in a high level in the Trump Administration at this point, whatever the fine points are of his alleged crimes and his culpability, at this point you also have to see it as just the latest tilt in a white house and in an administration that appears to be going quite wobbly at the moment. I mean, ever since we learned, for example, that ryan zinke has been referred to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, theres been an open question as to how he can still be in the cabinet, right . Serious questions about how long he can stay in the job when hes under federal criminal investigation. When he become the next Trump Administration cabinet official to resign in an ethics scandal and under the threat of federal corruption prosecution . The last couple of days have also been filled with news stories suggesting that Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen might be about to be fired. The president today canceled what was supposed to be a trip to the southern u. S. Border with secretary nielsen. Maybe thats because he is going to fire her. Maybe because he is a afraid it might rain, i dont know. But the white house is sort of gleefully stoking the idea that another cabinet secretary is about to be fired there have also been a new round of reports, including tonight, that the president is on the verge of firing his second chief of staff, john kelly, which may or may not be true. Who knows. Right . But there is more, right . In the middle of the afternoon today, there was even a brief flurry of weird stories that the first lady of the United States, the president s wife had somehow arranged the firing of the Deputy National security adviser. And i know that sounds crazy. I mean, yes, first ladies in the past have clashed with white house staffers up to and including famously the white house chief of staff under president reagan who was disfavored by and ultimately axed to please first lady nancy reagan. Again, white house staff and the first ladies sometimes clash. But a National Security job . Melania trump wants to fire the Deputy National security adviser . Is that how we do things . Nobody knows if thats how we do things. I mean, there were these initial reports today, first in the wall street journal that the Deputy National security adviser of the United States ricardel had been marched out of the white house and had her pass revoked at the insistence of the first lady. Those proved to be inaccurate when other people produced information that the Deputy National security adviser was still inside the white house. None of that conflicting reporting could erase this actual statement which really was put out by the office of the first lady today. Quote, it is the position of the office of the first lady that she, ricardel no longer deserves the honor of serving in this house. It is the position of the first lady. Apparently tonight the Deputy National security adviser still enjoys the honor of serving in this white house, but now everywhere she goes its under an imaginary ban theyre floats over her head, right, that says the first lady wants me fired. Can i still stay . The white house, the Trump Administration more broadly appears to be in a kind of rattly phase. They appear to be in an even more chaotic state than usual there have been ethics troubles in this administration from the very beginning. Some of todays wobbles appear to be the inevitable product of investigatory pressure on ethically challenged highranking individuals including those who are either facing investigation or flatout indictment in the case of this epa official. So some of it i think is driven by the way ethics scandals tend to end up, which is not good for the ethically challenged official. A lot of this, though, appears to be driven by the political pressure that the white house is newly under in the wake of last weeks elections results. Tonight marks one week since the polls closed in the midterms. The scale of the Democratic Partys victory in last weeks election is still coming into focus one week later as vote tallies get certified and recounts get fought over. The turnout appears to be the highest Midterm Election turnout in more than a century. The percentage of the popular vote by which democrats won congressional seats around the country appears to be even higher than the popular vote percentage that gave republicans their massive landslide win in 2010 which president obama famously called a shellacking. Democrats did better in terms of the popular vote this year in 2018 than republicans did in the shellacking year of 2010. Democrats appear on track to gain 37, if not 38 seats in the house of representatives from these elections, which would be their largest congressional gains in a Midterm Election since the immediate aftermath of watergate, right after Richard Nixon resigned. In the georgia governors race and in the Florida Governor and senate races, what appeared on Election Night to be republican wins, those are now turning into fullblown ballottoballot battles in both states, including in the courts where today the Big Development was a federal court judge ordering the delay of the certification of the vote totals in georgia, which is what the Stacey Abrams campaign has been fighting for because she says not every vote has been counted and what they want is for every vote to be counted. So there is a lot going on right now in the news there is a lot of pressure on this white house in this administration. And from everything we have seen thus far, this is a president who does not handle pressure particularly well. To the extent that his political fortunes and his legal jeopardy are tied up into one great double helix of a story right now, the president s firing of Jeff Sessions in the immediate aftermath of last weeks elections, his effort to put in charge of federal Law Enforcement in the entire u. S. Justice department a random loyalist who was never approved by the senate i think ultimately this may be seen when we look back on it some day as the president s big hail mary pass at this point in his term in office. His one big desperate probably wont work effort to try to fix all of his problems all at once by trying to fix Law Enforcement so it starts to help him out instead of continuing to threaten both him and senior members of his administration. And hail mary passes occasionally do work, right . Thats why its still a play that people try in football there are reasons tonight to think that this one is probably not going to work. Weve got that story for you next. Stay with us. 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Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360 tm technology. The most available Driver Assist technology in its class. the new 2019 ford edge. i am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Maryland is not that big. Maryland is the ninth smallest state in terms of square mileage. Its about the size of belgium, if youre counting. But that didnt stop maryland today from taking on President Trumps administration in a punch above its weight kind of way. Back in september, maryland had filed a lawsuit against the federal government, arguing that obamacare, the Affordable Care act is constitutional and the Trump Administration should stop trying to sabotage it. That lawsuit is little old maryland against several federal government defendants, from the irs to the Justice Department, including specifically, attorney general jeff sessionis. That ends up being assistant. Stick a pin in that for a second that absolute lute was brought by the attorney general of maryland, a democrat by the name of brian frosh. Today brian frosh on behalf of maryland threw another wrench at the Trump Administration, trying to stop their works. Maryland today challenged the president installing right after last weeks elections Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general. The maryland challenge promises to show that whittakers appointment is unlawful, in part because Matt Whitaker is not Senate Confirmed, unlike Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who is, which they say would, quote, make rosenstein the proper successor to Jeff Sessions. Maryland is arguing that because theyre just in the process of suing Jeff Sessions over the aca, this whole thing needs to be cleared up fast. They dont want Matt Whitaker sticking his nose in their Affordable Care act lawsuit if hes not lawfully able to hold that job. Quote, once whitaker appears as acting attorney general, it will be difficult to unwind any positions that the attorney general takes. So this is a federal lawsuit, right . If the judge rules in marylands favor here, what would happen to Matt Whitaker . Could this federal judge order that hes not really the acting general and effectively install Rod Rosenstein in his place . If the judge ordered anything like that, right, the Justice Department would almost certainly appeal that would ultimately send this case hurtling towards the Supreme Court. Were sort of in permanent hearing loss zone now when it comes to alarm bells being sounded over Matt Whitaker being installed to run the Justice Department, what that means for the Justice Department, what that means in particular for the mueller investigation, but now weve got a whole bunch of open questions that need to be answered quickly. The question of whether whitaker will recuse himself from the mueller investigation, given his history of outspoken public statements against it. Including how he thinks the Justice Department could undermine the mueller investigation, all comments that he made before he himself joined the Justice Department. Hes prejudged the case in the russia investigation. Does that mean he can legally and ethically oversee the investigation of that case . The Justice Department keeps just putting out the same statement, saying whitaker is fully committed to consulting with ethics officials on whether or not he needs to recuse, but they wont say whether that consultation has happened or whether he will recuse if the ethics officials a the Justice Department tell him to. Some time tomorrow, the office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department is expected to weigh in. Theyre expected to issue some sort of letter or ruling explaining why its okay for whitaker to have been appointed to that job, even though he is not Senate Confirmed. So i have a bunch of questions here. That judge in the maryland case, that judge effectively remove Matt Whitaker as attorney general . Could a Federal District court judge essentially insert himself or herself into the process that the president has gummed up already at the Justice Department in terms of whose running doj . What about that office of Legal Counsel advice thats due to come out tomorrow . What if the office of Legal Counsel and the judge say two Different Things about whether whitaker is legally allowed to be in that job. Will any of this or any of these things being fought over now pose any real problems for whitaker staying employed as acting attorney general . Will it make any difference in terms of what he can do while he is there . Im hoping my next guest can help us through some of this. Joining us now is matt axelrod. He is a senior at the Justice Department. He was deputy at the Justice Department to then acting attorney general sally yates. Thank you for being here. Thank you. There is a number of things going on, a number of fights on a number of Different Levels about the installation of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general. I havent had chance to talk to you since the president put him in this job. Can i just ask you big picture sort of topline level, what is your reaction to the president installing him in that job . Its really extraordinary. Never before in our countrys history have we had an acting attorney general who didnt come from a Senate Confirmed position. Its such an important job, obviously, its top Law Enforcement official in the country. Why it is so important for that job to be a Senate Confirmed person . So and thats part of what the legal fight about is whether it has to be a Senate Confirmed person or not. But regardless of that legal fight, the tradition has been that it has always been someone who has previously been confirmed by the senate, that the president has nominated and the senate has fulfilled their constitutional role of providing advice and consent. And there are legal arguments about whether thats required or not. But what i think is so interesting here is that it just so happens that the first time in our countrys history that we have an acting attorney general who is not in a Senate Confirmed seat is the same time that that person is going to oversee prosecution investigation being carried out by the special counsel that involves not only the white house, but the president himself. In terms of this legal challenge that is unfolding interestingly with this maryland case, because maryland was suing anyway over an unrelated matter. One of their named defendants was attorney general Jeff Sessions. That apparently gives maryland, at least in their view standing to sue against this appointment. What do you this of those kinds of Court Challenges . I imagine that the maryland case isnt the only one that well see. It will be interesting to see how they play out. The maryland motion today that you were describing in terms of relief that it requests, it actually asks for a declaration from that federal judge that Rod Rosenstein is the proper acting attorney general. Now if the judge were to grant that relief and issue an order saying Rod Rosenstein is the acting attorney general, i think you can expect an immediate appeal, but for the time being, and unless the judge enters that order, and unless a court up above on the chain stays that order or reverses it, Rod Rosenstein would be the lawful acting attorney general. And really, what we have is a mess. And i think the American People deserve to know unambiguously who their chief federal Law Enforcement officer is. And were entering in a period where unfortunately that may not be the case. There is going to be some murkiness about it until all this gets straightened out. Since whitaker was installed in this position, we have learned a lot about his background, including the kind of things that would come up if he were being confirmed by the senate. His involvement with a company that appears to be under fbi investigation, according to public reports. His involvement today reported in a publicly supported land deal that he appears to have walked away from that left a lot of victims and unhappy people including Government Agencies that appointed money for it. There is also his public statements about the mueller investigation. All of these things would go into his vetting by the senate if he were up for confirmation, which he is not. On the issue of overseeing the mueller investigation, though, the question of potential conflicts of interest, the question of him prejudging the case, presumably the ethics officials at the Justice Department would consider those when deciding whether or not he should be recused from overseeing mueller. How does that process work, though . And how much transparency are we allowed to see . How much transparency are we allowed into that process in terms of seeing whether he has been given that advice . So the way the process works is that the attorney general would ask the career ethics folks at doj for their view on whether recuse kusatsule is required. Then hell receive that advice. But confidentially. Its not made public. Then he will make a decision based on that advice as to how to proceed. Unlike with a court case where there is a ruling that is public, here that all happens behind the scenes. Can congress ask to see it . Yeah. I know that democrats have written to the top ethics officer at the Justice Department asking whether these consultations have happened. I think thats the mechanism by which this advice at the career ethics folks give is likely, although its not guaranteed, but likely to eventually become public, both congressional requests and also media requests. I think the past precedent here is pretty clear. Jeff sessions recused himself from this same investigation after receiving advice from the career ethics officials. If you go back to the last administration, Loretta Lynch also sought advice from the career ethics officials about whether she had to recuse from the clinton email investigation. Was told she did not. So there is clearly a past pattern of both attorney general asking for that advice, receiving that advice, and then following that advice. And so i think the sort of the forcing mechanism here, if Matt Whitaker did ask for that advice, did receive that. Have but didnt follow it, there would be a lot of questions asked which the press, a lot of questions asked by congress, and you would think with enough of those questions being asked with enough force over time that eventually the truth would come out. There youre talking about the laws of political pressure. And sometimes those work and sometimes those dont, but im starting to see how they all line up here. Matt axelrod, former senior official at the Justice Department. I really appreciate you being here. Thanks. Thanks. All right. Much more ahead tonight. Stay with us. At booking. Com, we cant guarantee youll find gold on your wild west vacation. But we can guarantee the best price on that thar rental cabin or any hotel, home, boat, yurt, whatever. Just dont get carried away with the wild west thing. Hey guys. Get the best price on homes, hotels and so much more. Booking. Com, booking. Yeah up here at the dewars distillery, all our whiskies are aged, blended and aged again. Its the reason our whisky is so extraordinarily smooth. Dewars. Double aged for extra smoothness. Not to the finish. T. But to the beginning. A fight that can only be won, if we stand together for one cause. Him. Expert care for every new beginning. Sfx stair creak sfx clink sfx deep breath sfx grunt sfx tinny headphone music sfx feet shuffling sfx slice sfx gasp sfx inhale. Exhale. Sfx lights scraping on roof sfx metallic scrape sfx grunt covered california. Its more than just health care. Its life care. Tonight were continuing to watch big high stakes and increasingly dramatic electoral fights in the two great states of georgia and florida. In georgia today, more than a dozen people, including a sitting state senator were arrested at the State Capitol as they urged authorities to count every vote after a federal judge ordered a review of all provisional ballots in the state and a delay of the certification of the vote totals. In florida, a statewide machine recount continues in all 67 florida counties. That will end up deciding not only the Florida Senate race but also ultimately the makeup of the u. S. Senate, what will be the partisan balance of power in the u. S. Senate. Even once that u. S. Senate race is settled in florida you also have to remember there is still one more u. S. Senate race that remains to be decided. That will be the Mississippi Senate runoff which is scheduled for november 27th between the incumbent Republican Cindy Hyde Smith who is an appointee to that seat and the democratic challenger for that race, mike espy. And you know, honestly, it is hard to imagine a democrat winning a u. S. Senate seat in mississippi. That said, there is currently a democratic u. S. Senator from alabama right next door, which seemed unthinkable less than a year ago. You might have heard yesterday about the controversy in this Mississippi Senate race after cindy hydesmith talked about a friend she likes, saying, quote, if he invited me to a public hanging, id be on the front row. What do you mean by public hanging in mississippi . This is mississippi, a state which has seen more public lynchings than any other in the United States. That controversy erupted yesterday for senator hydesmith. It got worse since then because this is now how she is publicly fielding questions about that remark. Put out a statement yesterday, and we stand by that statement. Could you expand on it then, why you said it, what you meant by it, and why people in the state should not see it as offensive . We put out the statement yesterday, and its available, and we stand by that statement. Senator, are you familiar with mississippis history of lynches . I put out a statement yesterday, and thats all im going say about it. You mentioned that it shouldnt be viewed with a negative connotation. Could you at least explain why it could be positive . I put out a statement yesterday, and we stand by the statement. And thats all im going to say about it. Is that your everyday lingo, vocabulary . I put out a statement yesterday. Local reporters, as you can see there, apparently interested in but not about to get more than a twoline statement on that topic from their sitting United States senator as she heads into election to try to hold on to that seat two weeks away. So who knows how this race is going to play out on the ground in mississippi between now and then, but one thing seems quite clear, that in some important ways, cindy hydesmith doesnt appear ready for prime time in mississippi, and republicans may not be ready for the new wave of Democratic Energy that they are facing all over the country, which has become increasingly clear in the last week since polls closed in the midterms. And weve got more on that story next. Stay with us. Liberty mutual accident forgiveness means they wont hike your rates over one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Answer, if youre holding an oppositional sign, staffers will almost certainly not give you or the people with you the chance to get the mike or ask a question. Okay, got it. Heres another. Question, help my members of congress are pretty good. Now what . Answer, do not switch to targeting other members of congress who dont represent you. They dont care what you have to say. Instead, praise your own member of congress for doing the right thing. It will help ensure that they continue to do the right thing. Dont know what to say when you call your member of congress . Here. Use this script. Dont know what to do when you go to your senators town hall meeting . Here. Use these step by step instructions. Get there early. Spread out. Ask good questions. Record everything. This google doc is just 24 pages long. Its called the indivisible guide. It was written by former Democratic Congressional staffers right after the 2016 president ial election. What they were trying to do with this google map, which became this guide was essentially come up with a road map for democrats during the trump presidency, a guide for people who wanted to push back against the president s priorities. These congressional staffers took what they had learned working on capitol hill to try to teach people what works, to give people specific clear, granular tactics they could use to break through and be effective with their member of congress. All these people showing up at congressional town halls with prewritten questions, that was a suggestion from the indivisible guide. All those people going to the home offices of the home district offices of their members of congress . Thats on page 20. Scheduling a meeting with your representative . Check the indivisible guide. Organizing as a group . Check the indivisible guide. The reason we have all of these pictures and videos and tweets, thats from the indivisible guide too. Take pictures. Tag your congressman. Record everything. The whole point of this instruction manual right after the trump and republican victory in 2016 was to put power in the hands of democratic voters at a time when democrats held no power at all in washington. The indivisible guide right after the 2016 elections, it caught on. Since it came into existence less than two years ago, it launched more than 5,000 indivisible groups all across the country. And honestly, part of the reason democrats do have a little power in washington now, part of the reason they were able to win back the house in this Midterm Election is because of some of the tactics and instructions that were borne out of that tiny little guide. All that organizing and agitating with people with their home representatives . It ended up pushing a bunch of republican members of congress to quit. They didnt want to deal with their constituents showing up at their office ever tuesday. Enough republicans quit that that really did help democrats shift the balance of power in congress. So now that the Playing Field looks a little different, now that democrats do have some power in washington, now that they are poised to take control of the house, now indivisible has done 2. 0. Theyve put out new instructions. This is the indivisible guide 2. 0. It has just been released this hour. Its brandnew. Just like the first indivisible guide, this one is super granular and specific. A lot of the tactics are the same. Visit district offices for your representative. Go to town halls with your representative and your senator, spread the word on social media, tag your representative, record everything. But there is a whole new genre of instructions that werent in the original guide, because now that democrats have power, their constituents get to tell them how to use it. This is from the offense through oversight and investigations section. If youre concerned for example that hud secretary ben carson spent 31,000 of taxpayer money on a dining room set for his office, you can tell your member of congress to investigate this misuse of public funds. You can tell your member of congress they can bring on a formal congressional investigation. Here is a starter list you could pass along. Tell your member of congress to use their vote. Tell them to sponsor a bill. Tell them to introduce new legislation. Tell them to write letters to the administration. We are in a new phase of the trump era in american politics, one where the power of the white house is no longer unchecked. So the objectives have changed, and now as of this hour, as of tonight, the road map from the indivisible folks have changed has changed too. One of the former congressional staffers who wrote this joins us next. And this is franks record shop. Frank knowns northern soul, but how to set up a limited liability company. Whats that mean . Not so much. 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So, the last guide was defense basically. It was about how democrats could stop republic cans and Congress Given the levers they had in power. This is about offense. What is the tactical difference . We are incredibly excited for this tactical difference because the first two years, the last two years that we spent had been on desk, like youre saying. We didnt have the house, the senate or the presidency. So when we put out the original indivisible guide, we started from this place of weakness. We knew we didnt have agendasetting power. Democrats did not have agendasetting power. Instead they had the power to respond. Now thats different. Because of the house of representatives, because that house is in control of democratss hands, they can go on offense in two key ways. They can go on legislative offense, means they can pass bills. They can introduce bills. They can get cosponsors. They can choose what gets a vote and they can go into oversight offense. So all the stuff that has been going on under this administration in the dark for two years without any real oversight, that ends. Now we can shine a light on it and thats the big, big difference heading into the next two years. But in terms of legislative offense, i mean, you say explicitly in the guide that we can safely assume that the vast majority of good legislation passed in the house will die in the republican controlled senate. If nothing they pass will become law or policy, then how much offense is that . On legislative there are two types this gets complicated which is why we put out a guide, right in there are two types of legislative offense. One is there are mustpass bills that are going to go through in the next congress. Things like a budget. In order for government to keep on running, theyve got to pass a budget and every budget requires both republican and democratic votes. Now, what were seeing now is in the house of representatives, democrats are going to be able to put their stamp on any budget that goes through. Thats a chance to actually get real wins. Not just pass bills that are going to sit in the senate. But actually change law. The second thing is what youre pointing to here. A Republican Senate or President Trump is not going to sign a good progressive bill. Look, i think thats right. But the next two years are going to be when the Democratic Party debates what is our policy on the environment . What is our policy on immigration . What is our policy on taxes . So that when we get control of the house and the senate and the presidency in 2021, when we have a unified progressive government, we know what our first bill is going to be. The next two years are debating that. Thats why these legislative vehicles that were going to see progressives introduce over the course of the next two years are so important. In the first guide i think the thing that made it catch on the way that it did we talked about this the time that it came out was that it was a little bit counter intuitive. Youre telling people dont pick the worst person in congress who bugs you the most and then go bug them. Youre only allowed to talk to your own member of congress because other representatives dont care what you have to say if you dont they dont represent you. But it was also very practical in terms of how to most effectively communicate with and pressure your representative whether they were on your side or not. Do you feel like at indivisible you guys learned anything that you were either doing wrong or that you might have rethought over the past couple years the way that advice was implemented . Yeah. So one thing that we saw early on in the Congress Last year is that people were just overwhelmed with a number of folks who were showing up at these indivisible meetings. If you remember the original guide, if you can get ten people together, that would be great. We saw some folks with hundreds and then thousands of folks showing up. So figuring out how to take folks who were brandnew to this movement, who had not been engaged in political activism before and teach them how to do the basics of just organizing, how do you develop a leadership structure, how do you build for the long haul, i think thats what a lot of the first two years were about. The people who have been out in the streets marching and getting behind kands datuk seri and registering voters and getting out to vote, theyre not professional political organizers and professional political folks. Theyre just people in their communities who are organizing to take back control of their communities. And so one of the things were trying to emphasize in this new guide is precisely that. This is not going to be something where we just felipe switch and suddenly we accomplish everything we want to do. We have to fight on our home turf. So the thing that does not change is something you brought up here, which is, look, were in a Representative Democracy and what that means is like them or hate them talk to your own representative. Talk to your own representative. Your representative is your voice in the house. Your two senators, your voice in the senate. And thats where were going to have power. One of the really exciting things about our moment right now is it doesnt matter if your member has been there for years, if they were just elected. They sit on subcommittees, they sit on committees that have power over oversight. They can actually launch investigations. They can use hearings in order to really shine a light and thats what the opportunity is for the next two years. Indivisible 2. 0, indivisible on offense, appreciate it. Well be right back. Stay with us. Ack. Stay with us want a performance car that actually fits your life . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge st. Capability meets power. In the first suv from the Ford Performance team. The new 2019 ford edge st. That does it for us tonight. We will see you again tomorrow. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening, lawrence. Good evening. It turns out the first lady is now apparently firing people who worked for the president of the United States and the president of the United States is finding that out after the first lady does it publicly. What level of control is that . You know, i mean, the fact that its the Deputy National security advisor that the first lady is firing sort of puts a little frosting on that cake if you know what i mean. I think that first ladies and white house staffers have clashed in the past, but to the point where you get to fire the number two person at th

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