Rachel Maddow takes a look at the days top political news stories. Charge of grand larceny, a big stack of charges involving a large amount of money and potentially a large amount of jail time. The story they uncovered at the courthouse that day, for some reason, friedman had gotten this huge Criminal Liability he was facing winnowed down to almost nothing. All the prison time and felonies evaporated. Instead of being tried for evading 5 million in taxes, prosecutors let him plead guilty to one count of evaluating 50,000 worth of taxes. Not 5 million, 50,000. Instead of decades in potential prison time the deal he cut with prosecutors got him zero prison time. People do plea deals all the time they offer their testimony for prosecutors letting them off the hook and going easier on
them. This was like the mother of all plea deals. The amount he offered must have been very very valuable to the government given how sweet the deal was he got from them in return. That happened in late may. Great catch by the new york times, super intriguing story, a good reminder its good journalistic practice to hang out at the courthouse and see what happens. Since then we havent known Whats Going On with gene the taxicab friedman and his deal. Gene friedman, the taxi king and Michael Cohen hadnt been just Business Partners in the Taxi Business they had shared an accountant who had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors. Now, we see where thats
heading. In this list of charges he pled guilty from you see where all the stuff may have been leading, the tax charges cohen pled guilty to yesterday are in large part the work in the Taxi Business, personal loans, tax transfers, illegal Banking Tricks can be boring to describe if youre looking for a Cops And Robbers Story but easy for prosecutors to prove, once they have the paperwork to prove it, if theyre really lucky, have the testimony of an accountant or Business Partner to explain whatever documentation they can get from the banks. For obvious reasons, there has been Intense National and political focus on the final two charges Michael Cohen pled guilty to yesterday, the Campaign Finance charges in which he remarkably directly implicated the president of the United States as his criminal coconspirator, the person who
directly directed him to commit those crimes but it appeared to have evolved from the financial case from him and his Taxi Business and that case appears to have de75ed insignificant part from that little courthouse story out of albany. The new York State Attorney general and the new York State Tax Department bringing a big criminal case against cohens partner in the Taxi Business and flipping him like a flapjack in sleepy little state court in albany, new york, three months ago today. The Law Enforcement official who made that happen is somebody you might not known, Barbara Underwood, you probably remember the previous Attorney General very high profile who was turfed out of office on allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct. His name was Eric Schneiderman and aggressively pursued a national profile. When he imploded, new york state lawmakers decideed they would have the Solicitor General from the state of new york slide over from schneidermans office and become the temporary acting ag. Thinking we need a legal official, solicitorgeneral argues cases, can she take over for a second . I dont even know if the new york state lawmakers knew what they had done when they picked Barbara Underwood, who this was they were putting into the Attorney Generals Office in their state. She is a bigger deal than any of them. She is freaking impressive, argued 20 cases before the Supreme Court, Magna Cum Laude at harvard, first in her class at georgetown law school. Clerked for Thurgood Marshal and became acting Solicitor General in the United States made her the first woman to ever hold the
solicitor title in this country and been a lead prosecutor in multiple Injures Dikceds Serving in the another jurisdictions, serving in most of the blockbuster cases. She has an impeccable reputation and lifelong reputation and nothing to be messed with. Totally unassuming. She was 74 years old, when she suddenly became a state Attorney General, they were like, we dont have any pictures of this person. She stepped in that role in the state of crisis and she did not miss a step. I know what youre thinking, this is fascinating, i have an interesting biographical sketch, and if it ever come understand at pub quiz i will win cash and prices. How does it appear . This around the president being a possible crook or foreign
agent and what we will do about it, this is where that goes. Biggest of big picture here is that scandal surrounding the president , right, different than any other scandal any president has ever faced. The absolutely unprecedented scandal concerning this particular president , number one, russia, when they interfered to sway it in Donald Trumps direction, did donald trump or his campaign conspire with russia to help them do that. Absolutely unprecedented. The other part of it, separate and potentially related is whether scrutiny of this president brought on by the russia investigation or just by the normal scrutiny that comes with being president will end up turning up business and financial dealings including during the campaign that could represent serious Criminal Liability for this president and campaign and potentially his
family. Thats the two sides of the unprecedented scandal for this president. Russia scandal and worries about his business and financial scandal. That brings us back to Barbara Underwood. A month after she flipped gene the taxi King Friedman securing his cooperation with prosecutors in return for lean jens that led to the leanence for guilty pleas of Michael Cohen, she filed a civil lawsuit against President Trumps Charitable Foundation, people of the state of new york, by barbara d. Underwood, Attorney General of the state of new york, against donald trump, donald trump jr. , ivanka trump, eric f. Trump and the domnald j. Trump foundation. For more than a decade the donald j. Trump foundation has operated in persistent violation of state and federal law. This pattern of illegal conduct by the foundation and its Board Members includes improper extensive political activity repeated and wilful selfdealing transactions and failure to implement formalities required by law. Alleging the Trump Foundation that before trump ran for president he used his charity as a fake charitable enterprise that only benefitted himself. Once he started running for president he basically converted his foundation into a fake Charitable Foundation that didnt just benefit himself anymore and now a vehicle for Illegal Campaign expenditures. Once she filed that lawsuit in june, a lot of allegations she made were familiar, particularly
anybody that follows David Fair Ren Holds Pulitzer Writing in new york that included then not at all chair about foundations. But added specific evidence, including dropping pictures of some of it right into the text of the lawsuit. She put in stuff like this handwritten note. See that. Handwritten on donald j. Trumps stationery, all caps style written with a sharpie, to the person listed as the treasurer for a decade without even knowing he was listed as such until he got deposed by her investigators, im what now . Im the treasurer how long . Nobody told me. Theres this note in the lawsuit. Allen w. , 100,000 payment to
fisher house. It says, what for . Settlement of flag issue in palm beach. Okay, signed d. Donald trumps private club, i maralago had been sued with violating zoning restrictions having to do with its flagpole. When that lawsuit got settled and trump had to pay money, trump said, pay that out of the charity funds, thats not coming out of my pocket. You cannot use your charity for that. Barbara underwood caught him doing it and filed this blistering lawsuit with lots of evidence including literally embedded in the text of the lawsuit, a civil lawsuit she brings in new york state but she forwards all this evidence she gathered to the irs for them to investigate as potential criminal tax matter and to the Election Commission to investigate as a set of campaign
violations andss it to the Integrity Division at the New York Justice department. Within new york state the state Tax Department starts investigating that evidence as well as laid out by Barbara Underwood to see if in addition to the civil lawsuit there should be a State Criminal Referral against the Trump Foundation and President Trump personally and each of his three eldest children personally. Thats where the subpoena came for michael colen. T Michael Cohen. The Tax Department subpoenaed him. I said he had a response in The Daily News. Heres how that went down. The state Tax Department investigating President Trumps Charitable Foundation today issued a subpoena to trumps former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen and it received a direct
immediate response. A source with knowledge tells The Daily News shortly after the subpoena went out Michael Cohen personally contacted the Tax Department to talk. The source would not say what the response was from the Tax Department but typically in such cases where someone has a lawyer, investigators deal with their counsel and not directly with the person. In new york state, Barbara Underwood and the Tax Department are the ones that brought these devastating charges against gene friedman, the taxi king all these movement felony, put that pressure on him and flipped him. It appears that Cooperation Deal probably led to the charges Michael Cohen just pled to. Boom. Now the same dynamic duo, new York Attorney general Barbara Underwood and Tax Department of new york state are investigating
trumps supposed charity for referral. We know they have a ton of evidence because Barbara Underwood laid it out in her civil case. That is the origin of the subpoena for Michael Cohen today. He responded immediately by personally calling back the Tax Department. They didnt even know how to deal with it. Were assuming you have a lawyer, sir. You want to just come right in. Okay . You want us to fix you a sandwich or anything . Youre right outside, all right. Michael cohen pled guilty to eight felonies yesterday. Hes out on bail today. That thing that started yesterday at almost exactly the same moment Trumps Campaign chairman was being convicted of eight felonies, trumps personal lawyer, Michael Cohen pleads guilty to eight felonies and personal behavior and pleaded guilty that starts yesterday and Michael Cohen is out on bail and
apparently still unfolding today. In this lawsuit brought by the new York Attorney general, brought against trumps foundation, trump himself, ivanka and eric and don jr. And she accuses them of abdicating all responsibility that the money was used in compliance with the law. If that will be a criminal case and not just a civil lawsuit by the state of new york, that could end up being a very serious matter for not just trumps charity and the president himself but also for his three eldest children. We should also note because its a states case there wont be a way to pardon people out of jeopardy in that case. You can only pardon someone if youre president for federal crimes but serious laelgss about
the Trump Campaign in this same lawsuit. In 2016 the board knowingly permitted the foundation to be coopted by mr. Trumps president ial campaign. His Political Committee extensively directed and coordinated the activities and ceded control and making an improper in kind contribution of 2. 82 million to the campaign. The foundations grants made trump and the campaign look charitable and increase the profile to the voters. Mr. Trumps wrongful use of the campaign was wilful and knowing. Damning stuff about the campaign in this lawsuit from new York Attorney general Barbara Underwood. To the extent Michael Cohen may be helping with this participating into what may be a criminal inquiry into the trump
foundation, don jr. , eric, ivanka and for the Trump Campaign. And then there is also the Trump Organization. The trump business, which is also apparently quite seriously implicated in Michael Cohens guilty plea yesterday in federal court. Michael cohen made an illegal payoff to Stormy Daniels to keep her telling about an alleged affair with donald trump. Prosecutors allege they filed around this plea donald trump directed him to do that, but then also Michael Cohen there after, got paid back for having put out that money in that illegal payoff. As prosecutors tell the story, it was the Trump Organization used as the entity to pay cohen back. On or about february 14, 2017, the day after mike flynn was fired just in case youre counting. On or about february 14, 2017,
Michael Cohen, the defendant sent an executive of the company, the first of his monthly Invoices Payment for services for the months rendered january and february of 2017. The invoice listed 35,000 for each of those two months. Executive one forwarded the invoice and it was approved. Executive 1 forwarded it to another employee of the company stating, quote, please pay from the trust, post to legal expenses. Retainer for the moernts of january and February 2017 in the description. The months of who are executive 1 and executive 2, we dont know. That notation that the money to cohen, paying him back for the illegal payoff during the campaign, that should be paid from the trust, the trust in
this case is that Supposedly Independent Entity donald trump signed all his Business Interests over to when he was sworn in as president. Thats the entity the month after he was sworn in that systemically started paying Michael Cohen for having made the illegal payoff during the campaign. Thats where the money came from. Who controls the trust making these payments . The president says the trust is run by these guy, his eldest sons, donald trump jr. And eric trump. The president put his sons in charge of him, the trust that paid him back for his felonious payments during the campaign. Executive 1 forwarded that email to another employee saying, please from the trust. They directly implicated the president to two felonies to
which Michael Cohen himself has now pled guilty. Last night on cnn, Michael Cohens lawyer, lanny davis, suggested Michael Cohen has information to share that would be of interest to prosecutors from the Trump Foundation, the charity. Today, that made something happen in the world, the people investigating the Trump Foundation as a potential Criminal Matter subpoenaed Michael Cohen to give them whatever information he has about the Trump Foundation. He apparently sprinted right over. In addition last night, he told us he had advance notice of the criminal hacking during the campaign in which Russian Hackers hacked democratic computers to steal information and help trump win the election. We dont know what lanny davis meant by that carefully worded statement he made on the show
last night. Today, there has been a lot of statements about the reference on page 16 in which prosecutors say when lanny cohen got his Michael Cohen got the payment for the expenses we know is an illegal expenditure, when he got paid, he asked the Trump Organization to pay him back 50,000 for text services. Prosecutors sane the criminal information that 50,000 claim in fact cohen had solicited from a Technology Company during and in connection with the campaign. Michael cohen Supposedly Wasnt Part of the campaign at all. So under what circumstances would he have been spending a nice round 50,000 on something tech related that in fact was for the campaign that he would later seek reimbursement for from the Trump Organization . He sought that reimbursement for that 50,000 in tech expenditures for the payoff to Stormy Daniels he is going to do prison for. We dont know what that was and then paid back by the Trump Organization. We dont know what that was. I will note for the record so you know that is out there, what Michael Cohen is accused of in the steele dossier is meeting with kremlin representatives to discuss operatives participating in the anticlinton hacking campaign. The agenda comprised questions of deniable Cash Payments to be made to hack erbes who had
worked in europe under the kremlin direction against the Clinton Campaign and various contingencies for covering up these. If that happened, thats something you might bill to the Trump OrganizationAztec Services alongside the Porn Star Payoff you billed as legal retainer. Last night we talked about the fact the closest parallel in president ial history, what happened to donald trump yesterday was probably march 1st, 1974, the day Richard Nixon saw the indictment of his Campaign Chairman and Chief Of Staff and other white house aides. When the grand jury indicted those top staffers in 1974 we would soon learn the grand jury named the president himself as Unindicted Coconspirator. By the end of that summer, nixon resigned the presidency, which then led to a fascinating few days of Fierce National legal
debate whether nixon could get indicted then, once he was no longer president , once there was no longer any constitutional issue he was protected from indictment because of the fact he was a sitting president. Well get to that. In this case in 2018, this president , there is no grand jury here and no indictment because Michael Cohen pled in open court rather than going on trial. And he apparently wants to talk about everything he knows. No less so than in 1974, because of Michael Cohen this president has been named as an Unindicted Coconspirator. There are constitutional questions whether or not any president can be indicted while theyre still serving as president. But there are no such constitutional issues of indictments coming down this road for entities not specifically named. J. Trump, the
Trump Campaign, people who served on the Trump Campaign, the Trump Organization, people who work at the organization, the Trump Foundation and importantly people who are on the board of the Trump Foundation named donald j trump, eric jump and ivanka trump. Nothing in the constitution protects anybody but the president while still serving as president. Nothing protects his family or Business Entity is of accountability. Its inspected by mercedesbenz factorytrained technicians, or it isnt. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event, now through august 31st. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thats a prop apple. Now, you might not believe any of this since this is a television commercial, but thats why theyre being so transparent. Anyways. This is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. It was always our singular focus. To do whatever it takes, use every possible resource. To fight cancer. And never lose sight of the patients were fighting for. Our Cancer Treatment specialists share the same vision. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. And these are the specialists were proud to call our own. Expert medicine works here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com Appointments Available now. Along with them, Arthur Andersen, sounds like a mans name but Arthur Anderson in the enron case was not a person, a firm. They indicted Arthur Andersen of obstruction of justice. They called it the equivalent of the Death Penalty for their firm. That was not far off. Arthur andersen llp as an entity got convicted in june 2002. By august of 2002, Arthur Andersen had gone out of business. The point being you dont have to have an actual pulse to get indicted, just ask Arthur Andersen llp, not a person but very much dead. In the allegations laid out by the seventh district of new york, Michael Cohen, they mention corporation one, a quote Media Company that owns among other things a popular tabloid
magazine that. That Media Company is ami that owns the national enquirer. Ami is described as participating in the crimes to which Michael Cohen pled guilty yesterday. Ami as an entity was not indicted. N neither was the Trump Organization indicted and mentioned as well including carefully laid out evidence by prosecutors the Trump Organization paid cohen back for his Illegal Campaign payoffs using a system of bogus invoices. In fact, they paid him a lot more than paying him back. Appeared they paid him a big bonus for making that campaign payoff. Was that a we love you for making this or never talk about this bonus. Part of Michael Cohens scheme, the organization is not indicted or charged. The president himself is
described as the person who directed cohens crimes. That continues to be the most important fallout from yesterdays guilty pleas. But the criminal information for Michael Cohen also names the chairman and Chief Executive of corporation one, we understand to be david p. Who helped him with organizations with women. David is said to have taken an active part and david is not indicted. This is an answeringble question. All those individual people and companies and entities are described in this plea deal as taking part in the crimes Michael Cohen pled guilty to. We know theres constitutional questions whether or not the president can be indicted if he
directed these crimes Michael Cohen swore under oath yesterday he did. What about the other people described as taking part in these criminal schemes . Are they at risk for having been indicted . If they havent been indicted already should we watch for them in the future and if not should we assume theyre cooperating with prosecutors . These are answerable questions. Hold that thought. Whoooo. Tripadvisor makes finding your perfect hotel. Relaxing. Just enter your destination and dates. Tripadvisor searches over 200 Booking Sites to find the hotel you want for the lowest price. Dates. Deals. Done tripadvisor. Eight felonies and almost at the exact same moment the president s lawyer blessed guilty 0 eight felonies, most of us went slackjawed. 40 years from now this is a day ill brag about having been alive for. The day you saved the newspaper, right . If youre an experienced federal prosecutor you likely had a different response to yesterdays remarkable confluence of events. According to prosecutors i talked to and i read analysis to over the last 24 hours apparently the way they responded yesterday they all started talking and wondering about whats going to happen next. Joining us now is joyce nantz, former u. S. Attorney in alabama. Good to see you. Looking at the criminal information filed in the Michael Cohen case, reading the transcript of his remarkable moment in court where he pled guilty and explained in his own words what happened and
described the president as having directed him to commit these felonies, i think we as nonlawyers think the Michael Cohen case got a lot of other people in trouble. As a prosecutor, do you see that as a fair conclusion or should we be more careful about viewing it that way . I think that the answer is maybe. Maybe it does. The governments evidence is only about cohen but not limited to cohen. Cohen was very engaged. Ive rarely seen a defendant who so wanted to speak his piece during a guilty plea. In terms of the way in which he implicated the president , he described the Campaign Finance
felonies he committed having been done not just in coordination with but at the direction of the federal candidate in this case was unavoidably President Trump. If that federal candidate was somebody other than a president , which of course raises constitutional issues whether or not you can indict a president , would you expect a person described that way in court to be on the hook in some way, the subject of an investigation or to be expecting indictment himself or herself . I think thats fair we would expect them to be under investigation. We have to be careful implicating people because evidence has to be developed separately for every defendant in a case and is on knowledge and intent in a case like this. To say you implicate someone, cohens statement raises
eyebrows as to persons but prosecutors have to dig deeper to get to the point they can indict. Why do you think all that information was in cohens remarks in court. He obviously wasnt speaking offthecuff. Those were prepared remarks, carefully designed. Between his remarks and what was in the criminal information there was stuff about other entities, executives with the Trump Organization, ami, a specific executive at ami. And the stuff about the president himself. Why was that all there . There was a lot of information. Cohen spoke from written notes im sure he prepared with his lawyers. It seems unlikely he wouldnt have shared the substance he was about to say with prosecutors in advance so it passed muster. Someone, perhaps cohen, someone else, was interested in filling in lines in the narrative. We frankly dont know the
reason. Perhaps cohen is trying to sell himself a little bit to the prosecutors hed like to cooperate. I heard that Remarkable Television proffer that took place with his lawyer last night with lanny davis. Ive never seen a proffer take place like that in public. It seems Lykohike Cohen is tryio sell what he has a little bit and maybe wants to take his public shot at a president whos deserted him. Hard to say just yet. Joyce vance, from arizona. Thank you. And what could that pain mean . Joint pain could mean joint damage. Enbrel helps relieve joint pain, helps stop irreversible joint damage, and helps skin get clearer. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, Nervous System and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Since enbrel, dads back to being dad. Visit enbrel. Com and use the joint Damage Simulator to see how your joint damage could be progressing. Ask about enbrel. Enbrel. Fda approved for over 15 years. Instead of as president in the United States. In our view there is clear evidence richard m. Nixon participated in a conspiracy to obstruct justice by those convicted of the watergate breakin. He is subject to the rule of law. Accordingly one begins with the premise if there is sufficient evidence mr. Nixon should be indicted and prosecuted. At this point, the grand jury had already named Richard Nixon as Unindicted Conspirator in the watergate coverup. No sitting president had then or has now ever been charged with a crime. A lot of legal experts dont even think its allowed, at least under current d. O. J. Rules. Back in 1974, once nixon resigned, once he was no longer a sitting president , watergate prosecutors did aggressively chew on that question whether they would indict him. There was a big public debate about it for weeks until that got cut off when the new president decided for them. September 8th, 1974, a month after nixon resigned, gerald ford issued a full, free and absolute pardon of any crimes he had committed in office erasing any chance he would have been indicted or sent to jail. Thats how we sorted it out last time as a country. No more looming indictment, no chance of prison time for the former president the guy everybody knew was an Unindicted Coconspirator in the watergate coverup. Yesterday, president nixon got company in president s known as Unindicted Coconspirators when Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight felonies he said the president directed him in two. He is named as individual one. It is likely President Trump
will stay unindicted, at least on these charges, that he wont Face Criminal Charges of any kind, in fact, while he still has the keys to the oval office. What happens when it comes time to hand the keys to the next president when ever that day comes and is there protection that extends beyond the president in terms of his interests and the people close to him at least in a way that will a matter him while hes considering his own fate. Joining us is a president ial historian. It is very important you are here. Thank you for being here. Thank you. My pleasure always, rachel. Lots of lawyers an lots of laymen and lots of observers and regular citizens talking about whether or not a sitting president can be indicted and what it means to be an Unindicted CoconspiratorVersus Grand Jury and charges from a prosecutor. Before nixon got his pardon, did people expect that he would get
indicted . Was that an active concern that led to gerald ford pardoning him . Yeah. There sure was. In fact, rachel, there was a gallup poll taken not long after nixon quit of americans, should nixon be tried in a criminal trial, 56 of americans said, im still so outraged and indignant i think nixon should go to trial. That was a big worry for nixon and nixon would call up members of the senate and cry to them, literally cry, i cant take anymore, please get me out of this. He had a little bit more bravado with other people and call up friends and say, if it happens, i go to jail, some of the best political writing in history has been done in jail, look at lennon and gandhi. Wow. He was citing lennon as his potential prison author inspiration. He had come a long way from his early years in southern
california. Nixon stayed on as president for months, a scandal ridden few months, after he was named as an Unindicted Coconspirator in watergate. You coconspirator. Michael cohen and Paul Manafort suggesting that those indictments of all those watergate related figures might have been an equivalent here. Once the public knew that the grand jury had concluded that he was a coconspirator in this crime, what was the public reaction to that . How did that affect him over the remaining months that he remained in his presidency . The reaction was that once americans found that the grand jury that had indicted seven nixon aids, including his campaign manager, all these big aids, that they had also named nixon in secret as an Unindicted Coconspirator, that was a
watershed in that presidency. Nixon was oftentimes referred to from that moment on as the unindicted cop wall u. He was viewed as a criminal president. Then that summer the House Judiciary Committee met. There was hearings on impeachment and then the Supreme Court told him he had to release the tapes and it was all over. Nbc news president ial historian. Thank you. My pleasure. I think were all trying. Absolutely. Sometimes with more success than others. Well be right back. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Its about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. Invented in boston, made and sold around the world. Order now at gilletteondemand. Com. Gillette. The best a man can get. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Plus One Thousand Dollars bonus cash. Thanks, janet. Its welcomemy happy place. Store. You can learn how to switch to xfinity mobile, a new Wireless Network that saves you cash. And you can get 5 lines of talk and text included with your internet. And over here im having my birthday party. Dj fluffernutter, hit it Dj Fluffernutter simple. Easy. Awesome. Ask how to get 300 back when you sign up for xfinity mobile, and purchase a new samsung phone. Visit your local xfinity store today. There is yet another front on which President Trump could be facing increased legal jeopardy tonight. It has to do with an incident outside of trump tower in september 2015, three months after trump announced he was running for president. This video from local station new york one is an exhibit in the lawsuit brought by protesters who say they were violently attacked by trumps personal Security Team during this campaign event. The guy in the center, the bald guy ripping down signs is Donald Trumps head of security and his director of oval operations in the white house for the first few months of the trump presidency. No, i dont know what that job title means. Mr. Shiler says he was acting in selfdefense. It might be helpful to note,
after he left that strange job he had at the white house, he got put on the payroll of the Republican National committee in a 15,000 a month job where nobody knows what he does. Its a deal that sounds a lot like the 15,000 job that amarosa was offered to be, quote, positive about trump when she too left the white house. Now a judge has ruled that the lawsuit is going forward. It is, in fact, going to a jury, and a jury will decide if those defendants are responsible for trump Security Team beating people up during the campaign. In his order, the judge noted that trump, quote, authorized and condoned these specific type of conduct that schiller and others are accused of. Trump said, quote, maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing. This case is now headed to a jury trial. So you can add it to the list of things for which trump potentially faces legal jeopardy. It is hard to keep track of them all. I know. Stay with us. Applebees to go. Order online and get 5 off 25. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. And if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. Man toms my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house. Tom its a 10 cover . Oh, okay. Didnt see that on the website. Hes been acting more and more like his dad. Come on, guys jump in the waters fine tom pritchard. How we doin . Hi, there. Tom pritchard. Can we get a round of jalapeno poppers for me and the boys, please . Ive been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. But we can protect your home and auto i dont care where we go and i dont care what we do
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