Mean it. Car stereo blowout blitz. Communications on sale now crazy eddie prices are insane like i said, his prices are insane starting in 1975 and running through the end of the 1980s, there were more than 7,000 of these various, deliberately manic screaming crazy eddie ads. They all end with that tag line, his prices are insane the guy who actually appears in those ads was not crazy. He was an actor. There was a real crazy eddie. There was a real crazy guy named eddie running the company. His name was eddie antar. I think its fair to call him crazy not just because of the name of his business but because eddie and his cousin cooked the books at that Company Really terribly. They ripped off something like 100 million in cash out of that company. Crazy eddie, according to court documents, he would tape wads of cash all over his body and then fly overseas and stash the money he was stealing from the company in cash in all sorts of various foreign hidey holes. They were ripping tens of millions of dollars out of the crazy eddie stores for years. In the end, the worst thing about it for crazy eddie himself, when they got found out, when their scheme was uncovered, when they got caught, eddie fled the country but his cousin did not. The cousin with whom he had been stealing all the money, the cousin stayed behind and the cousin ultimately went state evidence against crazy eddie. He also found time to do this crazy eddies crazy cousin interview on cnbc. It was one of the most successful electronic chains in the u. S. Blowout prices are insane crazy eddie, controlled by the brash eddie antar dominated the market. But there was a dark side. Built on deceit. Behind the scenes, eddies Cousin Sam Antar was cooking the books. What i did was pure evil. Im probably going to fry in hell for many years before i get upstairs. They scammed shareholders more than 100 million. Eddie fled with the cash. Sam turns states witness. You turned around and turned on your family . Yes. I put them all in jail. He did put them all in jail, including crazy eddie himself, his cousin, who got seven years in the pokie. Now, speaking of pokey, stick a pen in that for a second. You know how Donald Trumps sister is a federal judge it hasnt really been a big point of discussion in this campaign but his sister is a federal judge. It came up a little bit during the republican primaries. He asked who he wanted to put on the Supreme Court and the first name suggested was his sister and then we all had to check to see if he was joking. He said he was joking. But his older sister is a wellregarded moderate federal judge on the Circuit Court of appeals. Donald trumps sister, the federal judge, was married to the man who was the lawyer for crazy eddie all through the crazy, crazy eddie scandal. His name was john barry. He did White Collar Defense and corporate litigation. Hes passed away now. But he was crazy eddies lawyer through the wads of cash, taped to crazy eddies body and the cousin narking them out and the whole thing. Crazy eddies lawyer was married to Donald Trumps sister. Crazy eddies lawyer was also Donald Trumps personal lawyer for years. And on top of all of that, john barry was also the lawyer that is freaking out the party right now. New jersey is one of those states that holds its statewide elections in off years. Their race was not in 2012. It was in 2013. The next one will be in the fall of 2017. They hold their statewide elections in odd number of years. New jersey has been that way for a long time. Virginia is the same way. There arent many states who do that. One of the consequences of being an offyear election state is when they elect their governor in these weird, odd numbered years, they dont have a lot of competition for attention, right . There are not a lot of big ticket races going on to compete for everybodys dollars and the National Parties to get involved. Just by virtue of the weird schedule. They can get a bunch of national attention and thats what happened in 1981. So in context, that was a year after Ronald Reagan was elected to the presidency in 1980. The year after that, november of 1981, new jersey had its governors race. And in that governors race in 1981, the National Republican party newly energized from that huge win with reagan and how they took the seats in congress and the senate, Republican Party decided they had another shot to go for another big race and they decided to basically flood the zone in that new jersey governors race in 1981. The republicans flew in National Political operatives. They launched this very aggressive scheme where they challenged the registration of thousands of new jersey voters who turned up to the polls in newark, camden and trenton. And in about 75 minority heavy precincts across new jersey that year in that race, they put up these fourfoot tall warning signs. When i first saw images of these signs online and in Old Newspaper articles and stuff, i thought these were like flyers and the piece of a paper and put them on Telephone Poles or something. They were Sandwich Board posters, fourfoot tall signs that they put outside of Polling Areas saying, warning, this area is being patrolled by the National Ballot Security Task force. Its a crime to violate election laws. And they were not bluffing. The rnc did actually invent something called a Ballot Security Task force and put these guys on patrol in minority heavy precincts. Its interesting. Nobody had advanced warning that they are coming. They just showed up on election day and nobody knew to expect it. They had offduty Police Officers and Sheriff Deputies carrying walkietalkies wearing Ballot Security Task force arm bands. Many were openly carrying guns and they stalked around Polling Places in minorityheavy districts while they demanded that election workers strike these people off the election rolls. Several of these signs were reported at Polling Places at newarks fourth ward. Poll watchers, some of them offduty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls as part of the task force set up by the republican and National State committees to guard against fraud but democrats charge it was a Scare Campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. Yeah, you think . Who knows how many people were blocked or intimidated from voting in that election in new jersey in 1981. But as Voter Suppression schemes go, this one clearly worked. Both parties would claim that it definitely worked. There were 3 million votes cast in that governors race. It was decided by less than 1800 votes. And the republican won. And then the democrats sued. The democrats sued the Republican Party over this Ballot Security Task force stunt. And you know who the republicans used as their lawyer to defend them in that case . Donald trumps brotherinlaw. The Crazy Eddie Guy who was married to Donald Trumps sister. He was the lawyer for the Republican Party in that case in new jersey. And he got creamed in court. I mean, the damage was already done in terms of that governors race. The republicans won that election by this many votes, right . And the democrats werent going to be able to get that election back. But what the democrats did get was something called a Consent Decree, which bans the Republican National committee from doing this kind of thing again, from doing anything like this, that problem hib bits them from being involved in any pollwatching shenanigans that targets minority voters. And now today, in 2016, now the snake starts eating its own tail. In 2016, its not Donald Trumps brotherinlaw, its now donald trump who is losing that exact case all over again for the Republican National committee. Go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people dont come in and vote five times. So important that you watch other communities because we dont want this election stolen from us. So go and vote and then Go Check Out Areas because a lot of bad things happen. When i say watch, you know what im talking about, right . You know what im talking about. Take a look at philadelphia, whats been going on. Take a look at chicago, take a look at st. Louis. Every time he says that, you can go ahead and picture Reince Priebus hiding under a desk, because thats a really dangerous path for the Republican Party to be on legally. The Republican Party is still bound by that Consent Decree from that case in 1981. That case that was lost by Donald Trumps brotherinlaw on behalf of the Republican Party. Because of that case, the Republican Party has promised they are legally bound to not do the kind of racially charged poll watching they got caught doing back in the battle days in new jersey in 1981. Theyve promised not to do it. They are legally bound not to do it through the end of that Consent Decree and that Consent Decree was put in place by One Way Or Another since the early 1980s. It is finally set to expire next year. In 2017. The Republican Party would desperately like to get out from under that Consent Decree that they have been under since the 1980s but they will not get out from under it if they get caught violating it. They wont get out from under it if they get caught doing racially charged, racially targeted poll watching again like they used to do and that they got caught for. They will not get out from that Consent Decree if they actually do what donald trump is now asking all republicans to go do now on his behalf. Go down to certain areas and watch. Watch other communities. Go check out areas. When i say watch, you know what im talking about, right . You know what im talking about. Take a look at philadelphia, chicago, st. Louis. Or dont. Or dont. Or dont. Thanks to that old case, lost by Donald Trumps brotherinlaw in the early 80s, one of this years more unexpected freakouts within the Republican Party is now officially under way. The Republican Party has issued a special request to all rnc members to please not do what donald trump is asking them to do, to please not gather around Polling Places in philadelphia and st. Louis and chicago or anywhere no matter what the republican president ial candidate is saying on the stump. The National Party sent a whole the whole rnc a memo to, quote, remind you of the restrictions placed on the rnc by the Consent Decree. Quote, you are encouraged not to engage in ballot security activities even in your personal state party or Campaign Capacity if you elect to do so, please be aware that the rnc in no way sanctions your activity. I mean, right now, as it stands, the Republican Party is legally bound to not do any racially specific poll watching through next year, through 2017. If they get caught doing it, though, the Consent Decree gets extended until 2025. And the Republican Party does not want that. They really do not want that. Crazy eddies lawyer is now long gone. But it is kind of amazing that it is now his brotherinlaw, the republican nominee for president this year whos the one screwing up that big case, that john barry lost for the Republican Party back in the 80s. I mean, in the waning days of these elections, in the last two weeks, donald trump is telling his supporters that he doesnt trust the polls anymore and neither should they. He tweeted this this morning. We have not edited this in any way. See if you can figure out why im saying this. Major story that the dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the trump. We are going to win. Democrats are making up phony polls to suppress the the trump. Is that the the so . Anything could happen. Election day may be a hullabaloo. If they do go try to have a task force or what have you, anything could happen. But right now, the New York Times probability that the the trump will lose this election is 93 . The 538 probability is more conservative. They put it at 86 . Those are pretty high numbers. It may be that the actual drama in this case is moving down. 538 says theres a 74 chance. The democrats are going to take the senate. New york times puts that probability slightly lower at 67 . Because of those kind of numbers, democrats are thinking about long term, right . Democrats are thinking about how they can make this a big win for the Democratic Party beyond winning the white house for hillary clinton. Weve got a bunch of interesting reporting on that subject still ahead tonight, including one race that the democrats are really screwing up. On the other side of the aisle, though, republicans are also thinking long term. Republicans are looking at donald trump and thinking about what else it is that they have to lose this year besides the presidency. The republicans basically know now that picking donald trump to be their president ial nominee has almost certainly cost them the white house. What they have to worry about now is whether thats it, whether the price of choosing donald trump might actually be sort of insane. Weve got more ahead tonight. Stay with us. His prices are insane. Hit me, hit me. Ha, ha. Whenou he cold, you just want powerful rief. Ly new alkseltzer plus fr oarfici dyes d presvative liquid Gels Delive Towerful Co Symptomelief You Needithout Thennecessa dives you dont. Store manager cln up, aie alkaeltzer plus liquidels. On this show a couple of days ago. Ill correct it this evening. Theres something that i think the Democratic Party is currently getting very, very wrong but in that case i have no expectation that they will correct it because i dont think they think that they are wrong. But i do. And that story is next. Ing 60,000 points from my chase ink card i boug allhe frark. Wire. And plants needed to give my sh. A face. Neededno oneill forget. E what the power of poin can do forour business. Learn more at chase. Com in e t the best place Toren Castart is in the forest. Ku i y somethin beginnin e t the best place Toren Castarbeetle snow. Orest. Kubo . Etle snow covered trees. Monkey nothing to do with snow. Narrator head outside to Discoverncredible Animals and beautifuplants that come together narratorto can outside to diunfoettae adnture. Imals kubo wow and beautifuplants that come together narrator so grab your loved ones monkey nt even. Narratorand explore a world of possibilities. Ku comen, this way. Narrator visit discoverthorest. Org to find the closes forest or park to you. He thinks that because he has money, that he can call women fat pigs and bimbos. He thinks that because hes a celebrity that he can rate womens bodies from 1 to 10. He thinks that because he has a mouthful of tictacs he can grope any woman within groping distance. Ive got news for you, donald trump, women have had it with guys like you. [cheers and applause ] and nasty women have really had it with guys like you. Yeah. And get this, donald, nasty women are tough. Nasty women are smart and nasty women vote. And on november 8th, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. Elizabeth warren i think coining nasty feet for the first time in political history. We keep saying things are unprecedented and then we keep saying, oh, yeah, in the 1860s. I think nasty feet is first. I think that was a first. Elizabeth warren on the campaign trail with hillary clinton. This is the first time they have campaigned together in the same place since the democratic convention. As you saw there, Elizabeth Warren scorched donald trump but she saved some of her other best bolts for one of the Senate Colleagues for kelly ayotte of New Hampshire who is up for reelection who may not survive. Donald trump, call latinos rapists and murderers, trump stayed with him. Trump called them thugs and kelly stuck with them. Trump attacked a Gold Star Family and kelly struck with him. Trump even attacked kelly ayotte and called her weak. And kelly stuck with him. I mentioned at the top of the show that the chances of the Democratic Party taking control of the senate are pretty good right now. Thats 67 from the New York Times, the highest probability the times has put on that yet all year long. And that is just one number for an overall probability that the democrats will win control of the senate. But its not just one election, right . Taking the senate doesnt happen in one fell swoop, it happens race by race and candidate by candidate. Thats why the top Campaign Events now sound like this. Marco rubio said donald trump is a con man and donald trump is dangerous. Therefore, i support whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. How can that work . If he wont stand up against donald trump and there are plenty of republican who is are standing up against donald trump and calling him out. Marco rubio wont. And Patrick Murphy will be a great u. S. Senator. Tim kaine taking some shots at republican senator marco rubio who is up for reelection in florida. Senator kaine there also talking up the democratic candidate in that race, congressman Patrick Murphy. And you would think things would be going reasonably well for Patrick Murphy right now. The polls have definitely tightened in that race. The latest poll in florida shows him within two points of marco rubio. Last week, Patrick Murphy got the endorsement of marco rubios hometown paper, the miami herald. Hes been endorsed by all four of floridas largest newspapers, three of which backed marco rubio when he first ran for the senate. Also, the prevailing climate looks good for democrats in florida. Hillary clinton leading trump by about four points at the top of the ticket. Democrats running a huge Ground Operation in that state. And so, mystery, heres the mystery. Why is the Democratic Party just pulled its money out of the senate race . Last week, the campaign arm of the Senate Democrats canceled millions of dollars of florida ads they were going to run against marco rubio and for Patrick Murphy. That followed by a couple of weeks the biggest democratic super pac doing the same thing. Why is that . I mean, i know that the democrats have to make choices. I get that, obviously. Democrats want to win as many seats as possible advertising florida as expensive. The amount of money it takes to advertise a week in florida, you could spend the same amount of money and advertise in two or three cheaper states, states like North Carolina or missouri. The timing and strategy of this is still weird. Florida would really appear to be a winnable race for the dems. These are the last three polls. Theyve either shown a tie or its within two points. Early voting has started in most florida counties. Democrats are psyched with where they are. They believe they are ahead of where they were four years ago when romney beat obama in florida. The latino vote in florida is up, oh, i dont know, 99 , from this same point in the race four years ago. 99 increase in the latino vote. How do you think Donald Trumps going to do with the latino vote . By all objective measures, marco rubio would appear to be beatable in florida in a race which could determine control. He got shellacked there in the president ial primary. Now, hes going to win there while donald trump likely loses the state . Really . Why are democrats giving up on this race . Does it make sense . Joining us now is steve, former state director for the 2008 Obama Campaign in florida and Senior Adviser in 2012, now a democratic strategist. Mr. Shell, its really nice to have you here. Thanks for having me on, rachel. Do you think i mean, first of all, am i describing the democratic calculus here right, that its so expensive to spend money in florida that maybe youre better off spending that money in the same states in is that basically the map that they are doing here or have they got other factors . They viewed this very antiseptically. The reality is, Patrick Murphy Shouldnt Be Standing and i think they were right in september when down 7 or 8 points to slow walk the race. But the last four polls have shown even two and down one in two polls and down in another. Were basically in a dead heat. 14 days out, its like it was and i dont understand the decision at this point. Well, and is this the sort of thing where in these last two weeks money from the Democratic Party is what he needs . Obviously you think that hes in shooting distance but in terms of what he needs to do to win, would tv ads and radio ads be the sort of thing that would make the difference here . Yeah, absolutely. Theres an old saying in florida that the win state you have to lose statewide and it comes from name i. D. Or without money. Murphy really Shouldnt Be Standing. Hes out 41 since the primary but he is. And what he needs is help with hispanics, which the president has cut an ad in spanish for him and needs help with name i. D. And the i4 corridor. Places li places like tampa and orlando and i think with the clinton turnout operation, today the early vote numbers and major i4 counties are phenomenal for us. I mean, really almost shockingly good. I think hes right in this thing. In terms of the more personal picture here, its also not that its just any senator. Its marco rubio. Yeah. And i wonder, within florida, having been beaten so badly in his home state primary, i mean, he lost the republican president ial primary badly but he really lost at home, whats marco rubio standing in the state and what are his longterm prospects as a politician coming from florida right now . Well, i think theres two ways to look at it. First of all, if you look at our u. S. Senate races, in the same term as president ial elections, our democratic nominees are usually within a point or two of the top of the ticket. The only exception is bill nelson who outperformed President Obama in 2012. Marco rubio is no bill nelson. He didnt get a majority of the year when he ran and, you know, we go into this thing and republicans acknowledge its a race at this point and, again, i dont really want to have this conversation with you in 2019 and say, wow, if we had only spent 4, 5 million more, we could have taken him out when we had the chance. Senior adviser, 2012, democratic strategist, steve, thanks for being with us. Nice to see you. Thanks again, rachel. All right. Still ahead, some surprising and slightly nauseating news from a person who i think is the most surprising Senate Candidate of the year. Thats ahead. Stay with us. Miles per ho. To wboth on the track matters. D thousands of miles away. Wi t help of at t, Red Bull Racing can sha critical information about every inbrakes a gettingarm. Tually anywhere. Coirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. Vi tm the agility to hek 2ally spee precisn. Becae no one knows l at t. [a[oer] im lindsey. Im the shipfounder ofzpz. And iveet my accouant. Hs almost like my dad in this wrd way. Yeah, im proud of you. You actually did some of the thgs i asked you to do the otheday laughs . [owner, ha. [account ive been able to say,kay. The otheday laughs . Es the chalngesoure [owner,into have. And wean get it confmed rough our ickbooks. And what ste are we going to e toeat the obacles before they really become problem. [announcer] t 30 days free at quickbooks. C [baby talk] [child giggling] child look, m nhas. Children i j, k. [bicye bell rings] [indistit chatter] [telephone rings] man hello . [boing] [lghter] man you may ks e bride. [applause] woman ahh. Ndistinct conversation] announcer a full lifemeasus starts with the righ early on. Car crashes are a leading iller of children 1 to 13. Learn how to prevent dehs and juries bysing the right c seat for yourhilds agand size. The ku klux klan. Despite being a wellknown, fullon white supremacist, proud racist, wearing a bed sheet with arm holes, david duke really did win a seat in the Louisiana State legislature in 1989. He served just a single term. Since then, hes been to prison for a good long stretch but now hes back in politics and running for a United States senate seat in louisiana this year. Its the race to replace republican senator david vitter. Theres a giant field of 16 candidates in that senate race. David duke, for his part, says he has benefited in this race from having donald trump as the republican nominee at the top of the ticket. He says trump voters are duke voters. Naturally. Well, now we have news that david duke, former imperial wizard of the ku klux klan and republican hopeful, he has qualified to participate in the next debate for that Louisiana Senate seat. He needed to clear 5 in a statewide poll to make the stage. He made it with 5. 1 . That debate is going to happen next wednesday, including the klansmen. If your stomach is turned by that news, its about to turn further when you hear the rest of it, which is at the location of that Senate Debate is an issue here. That Senate Debate is going to be held at Dillard University in new orleans. Dillard is an historically black university. Michelle obama gave the Commencement Speech there a couple of years ago. Now its 2016 and the former klansmen is on the way to the black college that did agree to hold the debate but honestly they did nothing to deserve this. This election is going to be over before you know it this year, but in a lot of places, its stink might last longer than a few weeks. Watch this space. Wh powers the digital rld. Communicatio atwhy a cutting Ed University Counts On Centuryli keep eiglobal campus nnected. Fiberenabled broadband to more than 65,0 fans. Ve and why a leadg r and countsn to ep thr Dealer Network streaed fiberenaband nimble. D to more than 65,0 fans. Ve business cntn counicationdomnication counts on centurylk. If youre former speaker of the house john boehner, retirement looks a little bit like this. This is the coolest wine opener ever. I dont remember the last time i did an interview with a glass of wine. [ laughter ] cool. Hes pouring like fish bowls full of red wine there. The key to a happy retirement, everybody says, is to keep busy. Now that john boehner has escaped washington and floor votes and Object Stin Nant caucus goers, he can drink wine and take care of his lawn. Also, hitting the open road in his rv on his Youtube Channel he says hes out in freedom one in this clip, thats the name of his rv, freedom one. He says hes, quote, somewhere upon americas asphalt prairie. Retirement looks different for everybody, right . President obama is about to have his own political retirement, forcibly thrust upon him as of late january. Weve now got word that his retirement is apparently going to involve a lot more politics than what john boehner has been doing. Weve got some of that reporting ahead. Stay with us. Have fun with your replaced win. Run away [ grunts ] leave hi leaim [ music continues ] brick and ar, what . [ music continues ] [ Tires Screech ] lahs ] [ Doorbell Rings ] when you bundle home and Auto Insurance with progresve, you get more than a bigiscount. Thats whayou get for bundling home and auto jamie u get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. Were gonna live forever im one unluckyuy. The chance of being involved in a robbery is 1 in 757. The chces ofeing struck by lhtning. [thuder] [coughs] 1 in 750,00 [ding] woman p. A. Please Fasten Ur Seatbelts for uxpected tubulee. The chces of being iold in a carrashre far greater than Lightning Strikes and plane crashes. And if y are texting ile driving, no i may be an unlucky guy but i dont have to be part of that statistic, and her doou drive reonsibly. 2008, republican political operatives started a project they called the redistricting majority project, red map for short. The idea behind red map was to flip as many State Legislators from blue to red. And the timing was important because every ten years when they do the census, State Legislators get to redraw election districts. In the leadup to the 2010 Midterm Election, Red Map Starting Raising Money to flip districts, to flip legislative seats, to approach that whole problem systematically. They raised a little over 30 million and thats a lot of money. Its not a ton of money for a political project. But heres the genius. Instead of pumping that 30 million into highprofile senate and congressional districts and all of the big races, instead, they put all of that money into states where the legislators would have the most control over the Redistricting Process that was going to happen after the census. They focused scientifically on Finding Flipable seats in key legislatures around the country and because they were obscure races, they had to spend very little money to flip these seats. They flipped a bunch of these seemingly obscure seats in places like new york where they ended up losing control at the new York State Senate and alabama, where they flipped the house and the senate from democratic control to republican control and they picked off these key seats that they targeted around the country, they executed this plan that basically had them strategizing all the way down the ballot, specifically so they could get control over redistricting. So by doing that in that lowprofile way out of that one election, they were able to impact the results of their congressional districts for at least a decade, until the next census, in 2020. You want to know what everybody keeps saying, the way the house districts are drawn, even if the democrats have a huge night on november 8th, this is why. Because the districts are drawn in the way they are drawn and they are drawn that way because of some genius Political Strategizing went in to who would be in power to redraw those districts. At a certain civic level, you probably hate this, right . Redrawing congressional districts along party lines feels flatout wrong but it is, in most cases, how the system is built and republicans really did pull off this amazing trick in 2010 with very little money and no hoopla and republicans have had nothing equivalent to this in their toolbox. After President Obama won in 2008, republicans mobilized this little thing, they were able to mastermind it and execute this plan. It was political genius. Mr. Jankowski, welcome to genius week. I think you were a genius. President obama has 87 days last in office. Hes almost done. We have now learned a little bit about what hes going to do next after leaving office. And so, behold, the National Democratic redistricting committee. Hes going to be focused on Redistricting Reform for democrats. They are going to organize initiatives and legal challenges to Redistricting Maps and push for democrats winning in downticket races. President obamas former attorney general eric holder is going to chair the group and President Obama has decided he wants this to be the main political focus of his postpresidency life. Redistricting. What a better time to start than now. And as of right now, President Obama is taking his first president ial jab at those key downticket races. Hes doing something hes never done before. This week, President Obama is endorsing 150 candidates for state senate and Senate Assembly across 20 different states. He specifically is targeting State Candidates who win might flip a State Legislature. This is a huge effort. This is something that President Obama has never done. Its something no president has ever done. But what does this mean for democrats downticket in this Election Cycle and in Election Cycles to come . Is this a good answer which republicans did so effectively after President Obama was first elected in 2008 . How effective will this be . Joining us now, steve kornacki, host of the 4 00 p. M. Hour here on msnbc and an allaround smart man. How you doing . President obama is am i right to say that President Obama is doing something that president s otherwise havent done . Weve never seen this kind of an effort systematically. Yeah. Weve entered into a new era. Its on peoples radar in a way it hasnt been before. Its a strategy and on the minds of democrats and they feel they need to do something. Theres a structural component of this, too, where republicans can come up with a plan they came up with and they are sort of running downhill. They are at an advantage when you Start Talking about redistricting, when you Start Talking about congressional district lines or state legislative lines. This is the legacy of the obama era, how the two political coalitions have evolved. The Democratic Coalition right now probably has the numbers to win a national election. You talk about it all the time. Its young people, single women in particular, nonwhite voters, white collared professionals. Those people more and more ever are packed more and more tightly into cities in metropolitan areas. The Geographic Reach, if youre talking about square miles, if youre talking about land mass, area, the Geographic Reach arguably has never been smaller. So the numbers are there but they are increasingly packed into smaller and smaller really into smaller numbers of districts. Uhhuh. Its much easier, if youre a republican and want to draw lines to give yourself control of the State Legislature or congressional map, its much easier to do that because you dont have your voters arent in these rural areas, you might not have 90 but youve got 60 . Democrats are sitting on 90 in a lot of heres the stat that i think explains the evolution of politics better than anything else. Go back to 1988. Michael dukakis got wiped out in a landslide loss. A solved victory for barack obama. He wins 690 counties. The Gentlemen Graphic Share shrinks that much that in a big win they lost ground. If em democrats dont want to concede, that geographic is destiny. If they want to roll that stone up that hill, is this the way to do it, to try to be strategic about winnable seats, to try to flip legislatures in a way thats advantageous . Absolutely. Its a longerterm question and the best news for democrats on that front is, look, in 2010, which is the legislatures that were seated is a result of the 2010 election. It was an offyear election and a Midterm Election with a democratic president. This is a democratic president. That recipe is the best thing republicans could ever hope for. The next time thats going to happen, 2020, not a midterm year. They have maybe more of an opportunity in 2020 than in 2010. And maybe by starting it in 2016 theyll get their Training Wheels on. Exactly. Lots more to come, stay with us. And i could take him behind the gym, thats what i wish. I westeish we were in high sl and i could take him behind the gym. Apology presumably coming from the Vice President s office in three, two lets check it. For saying on friday that he wishes he could take donald trump out behind the gym and teach him a lesson, joe biden would soon issue an apology. Was that true or was that false . Very false. Not only did Vice President joe biden not apologize for saying that, he said it again today in toledo, ohio. Ill get myself in trouble and Say Something like id like to take him behind the gym if i were in high school. All kiddin aside, wouldnt you . I mean, for real. Can you imagine a guy in the locker room talking that way and your sisters out there watching the game . Not a joke. If i were in high school. I want to make it clear. I understand what assault is. Im not in high school. If i were in high school. I ued to be, i used to have a temper in high school. I dont have a temper anymore. I dont ever, nothing ever bother the me. Look, folks. I get it, no. No. Vice president clearly working it today, restraining himself, having a little fun, but in no way apologizing for saying that he wants to take donald trump behind the gym to teach him a lesson. Our playfully pugilistic Vice President. I was very wrong about that. We dont know who the next Vice President will be. But tomorrow night we will have a chance on this show to get a really close look at the leading contender. Democratic Vice President nominee tim kaine will be joining us exclusively here in studio. Senator kae eoe Eor Kaine Has B before, but weve not talked to him since hes running for vp. Im very much looking forward to that. Thats tomorrow night. Stay with us. Using 60,000 ps fr my cse ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And ts a face. No one wilforget. Learn more at chase. Com in no one wilforget. Esurance does Auto Insurance a smdiscnt. They offer a claime Beuse Ferivers Cost less to iure, which saves mey. And when they save, you save. Ths auto home inscefor the mod. Esurance, an allstate company. Ance does Auto Insurance a smarter way. Like tir photoims ol. Hpsete your claim quy, Whh Sas Timewhh ves money. D when they save, you sav. Thatsuto and home insuran r thmodern world. Esurance, an allstate company. 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Tonight thanks to you guys we can add the times gazette. Theres also for the first time, a big one. Shelton adeleson, a big League Republican donor, funded the Gingrich Campaign all by himself in 2012. This winter, when a paper got a mystery owner, it was the Las Vegas Review journals own staff who was forced to ferret out their own owner. That was sheldon adeleson. Its not at all weird for super rich people to give money to political candidates nor weird for them to buy newspapers. It was weird that he tried to buy and run a newspaper anonymously, but his reporting staff caught him. He went into this Election Cycle planning to donate 100 million

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