That and we have more than 100,000 americans in two states who have now been evacuated from their homes in devastating, but very opposite disasters. Also tonight some surprising, almost laughable news out of one of the reddest states in the country. So lots to get to tonight. Lots of diverse news to get to. Well start tonight, though, with a very, very strange letter, that was released this past december by a new york city doctor. One of the sort of strange but necessary things that happens in National Politics is that we get doctors notes about our president s and about our wouldbe president s. So even though it seems intrusive, even though it seems like we shouldnt be allowed to know this, were allowed to know that president obama is exactly 61 and a half, he weighs 175 pounds. Hes lost five pounds since his last annual ysical. He doesnt smoke anymore, but sometimes still takes nicotine gum and during the course of his presidency, hes developed just a touch of acid reflux. During this president ial campaign, we got to see the note to Bernie Sanders from his doctor. The gist of the note was, youre fine, alls well, youre perfectly fit to run for the presidency, but also for the sake of full disclosure. Over the years you have been treated for gout, mild hypercholesterol eemia, diver tick lightis. Laryngitis secondary to esophageal reflux, lumbar strain and completely removal of superficial skin tumors. Good to know. Also tmi, if you werent running for president. In which case, we get to know these things. In october, jeb bush released his doctors note, which says he takes a statin drug to lower his clefteral. Hes had colin polyps, gastritis, sinusitis, and lower back pain. Hes had his appendix remove, and his tonsils and hes had knee surgery. Chris christies doctor said the lap band surgery was a success and hes been losing weight steadily. You know, its creepy that were allowed to know this stuff. But we are, because it is part of how we evaluate the literal fitness of these candidates for the office of the presidency and its how we check in on the fitness of our current president. Its creepy, but weve gotten used to it. At least we had. Until last december when the Donald Trump Campaign released their version of this information. They released what may go down in American History as the greatest document ever concerning president ial health and fitness. This is it, the aleletter relea by Donald Trumps doctor. And all president ial candidates are supposed to do this at one point or another. A letter attesting to the candidates good health. But thereafter all similarities to any previous president ial bills of health come to an end. It starts, to whom my concern [ laughter ] sorry. To whom my concern, i have been the personal physician of donald j. Trump since 1980. Mr. Trump has had a complete medical examination that showed only positive results. Actually, his blood pressure, 110 over 65 and Laboratory Test results were astonishly excellent. If elected, mr. Trump, i can say unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. This is the letter the Trump Campaign released from a gastroent rolgs, from a doctor who specializes in digestive problems, who has a gmail address and a website address that does not work. But it tells us that Donald Trumps medical examination showed only positive results. Usually thats a bad thing when your doctor says it. All your test results came back positive. Usually thats a bad thing. But in this case, what the doctor apparently means by that is that donald trump will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. This letter was released in december. Its the sum total of documentation donald trump has released about his health and thats fine. Theres no hard and fast rule about what you have to produce or even how healthy you have to be. Lots of candidates never released anything from their doctors. But if there was going to be some kind of Health Controversy about a candidate in this years election, youd think this crazy letter would be it, right . This hilarious, misspelled, ridiculous, super sketchy letter, bragging about all the positive test results, supposedly from Donald Trumps doctor, attesting to how astonishingly excellent his health is. You would think if theres going to be a freakout about the health of the candidates, this would be it. But instead, its this year in politics, so its not the story. This morning as the entire political world was surprised and a little rattled to wake up to the news that the Trump Campaign is getting a whole new top Leadership Team less than 90 days from the election, headed by breitbart news, that was the mainstream, oh, my god political news story of the day. The front page of the drudge report instead led today with this. Pillows for hillary. And when you click through, you get this expose on how Hillary Clinton is supposedly constantly being dropped up on pillows. These photos with big yellow ai airs arrows. That Hillary Clinton likes lumbar support. This is the front page at the drudge report. What your conservative uncle thinks is the most important story in politics right now. What your conservative news consuming uncle who emails you a lot in all caps, what he thinks the most important story in the country is right now, is this Conspiracy Theory that Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a secret, grave, health crisis. And its a complex theory. There are fake Hillary Clinton medical records circulating in the rightwing blog sphere. They have her real life doctors name printed at the top, though not her correct title as a doctor. And this fake letter purports to show that secretary clinton has severe neurological impairments. Theres even a fake mri circulating in the rightwing twitter sphere, showing damage to Hillary Clintons brain. Cant you tell thats Hillary Clintons brain. Looks like her. Wearing a pant suit. Look both the fake records and the fake brain scan were tweeted out by a twitter account that has since been deleted, but theyve been shared over and over and over again on the rightwing web and talked about on rightwing talk radio. Theres a nut balls video produced by a Conspiracy Theory website that uses slowed down video of Hillary Clinton joking around with reporters, to claim that shes having a seizure. What was actually going on in that moment, she was joking around about the fact that reporters were all asking her a bunch of questions at the same time. But they slowed it down and made it seem like shes collapsing. I should tell you this is from info wars and for good measure, it also says that in addition to these seizures that they accuse her of having, they say she also has autism and that she has syphilis. They can tell. And then sure enough, this same Conspiracy Theory makes its way to the fox news channel. One of their hosts is named sean hannity. He devoted an entire segment of his show this past week to investigating whether Hillary Clinton is experiencing a serious undisclosed medical condition. Yesterday the morning show at fox news, which is called fox friends, they spent a portion of their morning asking whether Hillary Clinton is too tired or too unhealthy to be president. This whole fever dream has percolated up through so much of the rightwing media. And onto fox news, so that now, all the drudge report has to do is splash pillows for hillary on the front page and consumers of that kind of news know exactly what theyre getting at. They know what thats about. So thats what its been like on the right side of the campaign recently. Now that the head of a really, really con pir torrial rightwing website is running the Donald Trump Campaign, i think we should expect it to get more like that. But heres the really interesting thing. Its a question that is a legitimate open question to me and that i find to be a fascinating decision in the midst of this. While this is all going on, on the right, and its nuts, but while its going on, the Clinton Campaign has made a decision to respond to this crazy pants Conspiracy Theory. They are rebutting it. Yesterday the campaign put out an official Detailed Press release, pointing out this is happening on the right, ridiculing the Trump Campaign and conservative outlets for peddling these theories and for good measure, debunking all the records supposedly from Hillary Clintons doctor. Say say, as secretary clintons long term physician, i released a statement shes in Excellent Health. Ive been made aware of alleged leaked documents with nimy namen them, theyre not from me, they are false. Secretary clinton is in Excellent Health and fit to serve as president of the united states. So theyre rebutting it. Theyre saying, if you didnt know this was going on. This is whats going on, on the right. Its ridiculous, heres whats wrong about it, and heres the truth. And this is a fascinating strategy question. That a Political Campaign faces when confronted with something this nut ball. Are you digifying this stuff and spreading this stuff further by letting people know that its happening, or can you not afford to let this crazy stuff ride. Because believe it or not, this crazy stuff, as crazy as it is, it can hurt you. In 2004, the right went after john kerry with an absolutely insane attack that he didnt deserve his vietnam war medals. And people in mainstream politics couldnt believe anybody would go there, anybody would do that, and the Kerry Campaign didnt really respond much to it. Presumably they felt the whole story line was disgusting and beneath them and that it was too ridiculous on the face to digify with any sort of response to spread it around. Thats perfectly reasonable to think that. But in 2004, before they knew it, delegates at the Republican National convention were proudly wearing purple heart bandaids to mock the idea of a purple heart, to mock his war service, to mock the idea that his war heroism was somehow tainted. And it spread just beyond the fever swamps, and it spread beyond the Kerry Campaigns ability to contain it. That really did hurt john kerrys president ial bid. So if you were running the Clinton Campaign and this was the kind of stuff that you were realizing was now part and parcel of how the right was dealing with mainstream political news, this crap about her supposed health and all this stuff thats been made up thats plainly wrong. If youre faced with that, how do you make a decision about whether or not youre going to take it on . They decided to take it on. What was their thinking behind that . And what are they thinking of whats going on trumpville right now . Joining me now, someone who can answer this question. Robby mook and here, Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager. Thank you for being here. Thanks so much. It must be a hard call. Why did you make this call . Well, in this particular case, donald trump himself had begun advancing these theories and the campaign itself had weighed. And we thought it was appropriate to get the facts out there. As you mentioned in your remarks, this tells you something that the Campaign Donald trump is running and what kind of president he would be, that he peddles these conspiracy theories, its very troubling and its not fit for someone who wants to be president of the united states. So we wanted to get the facts out there and point out how absurd it was his campaign would advance a theory like this. Do you worry that you are further spreading the Conspiracy Theory that sort of mainstream americans, people who consume mainstream news sources wouldnt otherwise hear about . That you might be helping the Conspiracy Theoryists get this idea across . What were advancing is that donald trump is temperamentally unfit to be president , that he peddles conspiracy theories. So, sure, there may be people who think were reinforcing this information, but i think what were doing is making clear the kind of leader that donald trump will be and the kind of misinformation he has spread and will continue to spread. We saw today he said he thinks Intelligence Briefings are not trustworthy. This is one of many examples where hes just throwing out bizarre and in some cases just totally fabricated theories. There have been a lot of conspiracy theories that hes latched onto over the years, starting in the modern era of his political persona with president obama being secretly foreign and not really being born in this country, but everything thats cascaded through both the republican primaries, ted cruzs father being part of the assassination of jfk and everything he said about your candidate. I dont think it has ever hurt him to be seen as a person who peddles conspiracy theories. I think that the Republican Base and the people who are voting for him and enthused about the idea of how much hell shake up politics, they dont care. I dont think it hurts his image among people who are even remotely inclined to support him. I dont think it hurt him in the primary. Obviously he was successful and won that fair and square. I think his problem is, once he got to the general election, hes been unable to expand his base of support. And you see his unfavorability numbers only going up. You see him struggling to communicate a focused message. And again, we hear rehashed conspiracy theories, we dont hear much at all about what hell do to make peoples lives better. This is the fundamental problem of his campaign. He doubled down on this today by appointing someone to lead his campaign who makes these conspiracy theories basically his professional mission. So, yes, we are going to hear more of this. Its very disturbing. But i think its only fitting for a bully like trump to hire a bully to run his campaign. When i look at the breitbart history of conspiracy theories, i can sort of see whats coming in terms of where theyre going with this stuff. A lot of stuff about the muslim brotherhood. Weve seen the way the head of breitbart. Com, the way he trafics in political information on his website. Presumably the Trump Campaign will be more like that. Will you rebut each Conspiracy Theory in time . Or will you make a story by story decision about whether to go after them . Well have to go case by case. At the end of the day, what this campaign should be about and what all campaigns should be about is what youre going to do to make the voters lives better, to create jobs, get the economy moving. Thats what we want hillary to get out and talk about every day. There are going to be times where we have to respond to more conspiracy theories, more hateful and divisive rhetoric and we will do that. Well make sure the record is clear and that the voters know the facts. But what were not going to let happen is getting off talking about how hillarys going to fight every day, for everyday families to create more jobs, to help people afford college, and many other things, that hes going to actually do as president. But things we still havent heard trump talk about on his side. He did, mr. Trumps campaign did appoint new leadership today. They didnt have a Campaign Manager after they fired Cory Lewandowski two months ago. They have kelly ann conway, with a long history in relativelily mainstream republican politics. They have also brought on the breitbart guy to be the chief executive of the campaign. How do you as somebody whos in the Campaign Manager role have to strategize and run your own business differently, knowing youre up against paul manafort, we know what hes been like. This guy who ran breitbart, we dont know what hes been like. Hes never been involved in politics at any level, other than through the media. How do you prepare to make changes . Well just have to take this day by day. I think the campaign will be more unpredictable. Well see more conspiracy theories out there. I dont think well see trump become more serious, become more president ial. Every attempt to pivot the campaign and get him in a more serious mode has totally failed. I think what were seeing in this is him doubling down on his smallest, most divisive, most hateful inclinations, and so i think its going to be more of the same. Its probably going to be worse of the same. But like i said, we are not going to get thrown off. Were going to continue to make our case and fight hard to earn every vote. Not getting thrown off and rebutting these things is a fine line. Its a fine line. Its a tight rope well walk every day, but thats our mission and well get it done. One last question for you. Are you seriously going to try to compete in utah . Look, i think whats fascinating is the fact that were even having this conversation, or that youre even asking that question. I think its hard for any democrat to be successful in utah. But i think it says something about trumps divisive character, that in one of the reddest states in the country, in one of the most consistently republican states in the country, hes struggling. And the mainstream republicans are walking away. So well see what happens. I dont want to get overly eager. Were focused on core battleground states. Boy, the fact that this is happening really speaks to trumps character. Robby mook, Clinton Campaign manager, appreciate you being here. Thank you. Much more to come tonight. Very busy news night. Well be right back. Stay with us. They feel good . No. You wouldnt put up with part of a pair of glasses. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with part of a day . These are not useful. Live whole. Not part. Aleve. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Theres one more thing i feel like i really need to say about this, this Hillary Clinton being propped up by pillows Conspiracy Theory that i was mentioning. I just feel like i need to disclose. Ive interviewed Hillary Clinton four times in person over the past year. And not once was she propped up by a pillow. Unless maybe it was a secret, invisible, conspiracy pillow, but i cant speak to that, because they wont let me ill be right back, i have to change out the tin foil in my fillings, but then ill be right back. Only those who dare drive the world forward. Introducing the firstever cadillac ct6. Whmade plastics that tmake them lighter . Rs the lubricants that improved fuel economy. Even technology to make engines more efficient. What company does all this . Exxonmobil, thats who. Were working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. Helping you save money and reduce emissions. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Last night on this show, you might remember, we were a little confused, a little intrigued by something that seemed to be going on behind the scenes at the Donald Trump Campaign. Theyd planned to be airing a donald trump town hall on fox news last night at 10 00 eastern, but then there was a donald trump rally in wisconsin, which at the last minute, turned into a donald trump policy speech, which ran more than an hour and a half late. People who were there to see the rally speech, poured out of there and left. The thing started late in a hot room. It ended up happening live at the time the fox news things was supposed to be broadcast. We couldnt figure out why the campaign was running so late and why their whole schedule for the day was pushing into the overnight hours and screwing up their plans. It was a weird thing that was going on overnight and we didnt understand what might be causing that kind of chaos. So it was a little weird last night. But now we figured it out. We figured it out at dawn, when half an hour before sunrise today, at 5 38 a. M. , the Trump Campaign sent out this shock press release about hiring all brandnew leadership for the campaign. No matter what the circumstances, its always going to be an interesting story when a major Party President ial campaign picks brandnew leadership less than 90 days from the election. Thats always going to be crazy. In the case of this particular campaign, its intriguing news, because the donald trump for President Campaign has been so bad recently. Particularly since the convention. Theyve been so badly underperforming. I mean, theyre losing terribly right now. The reason i could ask robby mook a second ago about whether or not the Clinton Campaign is going to compete in utah, is because thats feasible. The polls are so bad for donald trump and so good for Hillary Clinton right now that the democrats are talking about utah potentially being in reach for clinton. Theyre talking about literally a 50state solution and theyre not just being romantic about it. They are not kidding. Theyre talking about 50 states being their game plan for november. Right now on the electoral map of the country. So many states are polling blue. Polling either solid democrat or leaning democrat, that if donald trump won every republican state and every lean republican state and every single one of the states thats considered to be a tossup, he would still lose, because theres too many blue states on the map. The Trump Campaign still has yet to un r a Single Campaign ad. If you went to any of these states on the donald trump for president website, say, nevada, say youre a trump supporter who lives in nevada and you want to know how to get involved in the campaign. As of yesterday, if you went to that campaign, what you got there was, state specific information advising you to make sure you got out the vote and got yourself to the polls on february 23rd, 2016. Because thats when the nevada caucus was, six months ago. The fact that the Trump Campaign was still trying to get out the vote in all the swing states for the primaries, those screen shots started circulating yesterday on twitter and they eventually finally took them down today after that circulated all day long yesterday. So, at this point, at this point, what were dealing with, is a Trump Campaign that is radically underperforming. Were dealing with a Trump Campaign as of this week, that has a grand total of one office and four staff people in all of florida. The Trump Campaign right now says theyre focusing laserlike on the state of north carolina. Well, in north carolina, they appear to have no office and zero staff members. As of this point, the Trump Campaign is a mess. Theyre just not there. And for a campaign thats that bad, that illperforming, that weird less than 90 days out from the election, yeah, its interesting theyre taking on new leadership, but of course theyre taking on new leadership. The older leadership wasnt exactly getting it done. Open an office in north carolina. Theres also another level to the story they think is way more important and that is going to go down in history as kind of a rosetta stone, a decoder ring, for what has otherwise been a very hard thing to understand about donald trump and his run for this presidency. Some of the strangest stuff that hes done, some of the stuff nobody saw coming, nobody knew why he did it, and nobody could fathom what the result lwould b, i think those things are explained by the change theyve just made. A lot of stuff thats been hard to explain, or make sense out, in terms of the actions of this candidate and the way hes behaved, i think we have a way to explain some of the craziest stuff thats happened and that story is next. For lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads to places like. This. This. Or this. Today, theres a new option. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. Its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like. This. This. Or this. And back to being yourself. Introducing new aleve direct therapy. Find yours in the pain relief aisle. Like their photo claims tool. It helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. 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Call today and ask how to get these savings plus a 250 prepaid card. Comcast business. Built for business. I supported her for president. I raised a million dollars. Thats a lot of money. He lost. He let us down. But he lost. So i never liked him as much after that because i dont like losers. But, frank hes a war hero. Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captur captured, okay . You remember the reaction when that happened last summer. Not the broad reaction in general, you remember your own reaction when you first saw that, right . Whether or not you like john mccain as a politician, whether or not you wanted him to be president when he ran for president in 2008, that comment from donald trump was like, woop, where did that come from . Not a war hero . John mccain spent five years getting tortured in a north vietnamese prison and he behaved with astonishing heroism as a pow. Anybody who knows anything about john mccain knows that. Who would even think to slander that part of john mccains record . Somebody who ought to be ashamed for having been shot down . I like people who werent captur who says that beyond that, at the personal level, what person running for office would think that uttering a slur like that against john mccain is something that would go over well . It would land well . People would with uhhuh. Whether youre conservative or liberal or underneath, anybody who operates in the normal realm of news and biography and politics would never Say Something like that about john mccain. Not only would they not think it in the first place, they would know it wouldnt make any sense if they said it. It would upset people and reflect poorly on them, regardless of how it reflected on john mccain. The only place where a case like that might make sense is in one fever swamp on the rightwing wing. At a place like breitbart. Com, this is how they talk about john mccain. John mccain may have finally lost it. Maybe hes just jealous that a fellow senator can stand, talk and refrain from urinating for 12 hours. Let alone 12 minutes. Hes letting his myopic world view question his already questionable judgment. Attacking john mccain the way trump did, it makes no sense. But in places like breitbart. Com, sure. There, john mccains no hero. Hes a scoundrel who needs to be debunked, a disgrace, a weakling. Go back even further, to the first time that donald trump, the celebrity, tried to make political hay out of president obama supposedly having a fake birt certificate. Trump got a lot of attention for it, but he first did it in 2009. When he did it in 2009, breitbart. Com, under normal political calculus, that would seem like a weird issue for somebody who wanted to run for president to plant his flag on. But when donald trump went there on the birth certificate thing, breitbart praised him as a selfless patriotic hero for bringing up president obamas secret foreignness and not having a real birth certificate. Its really specific and interesting when you look at it. For years, the stuff donald trump has crusaded on, that made the least sense when you looked at it through a normal political lens. For years, the stuff that has upset people the most in the moment and that has seemed most inexplicable in terms of where it came from, for years, the place where he has apparently learned those facts and found uncritical cheerleading critical support for it, while the rest of the normal political world looked on baffled, was breitbart. Com. After the Republican Convention this year, after House Speaker paul ryan chaired the convention on trumps behalf and oversaw the nominating process and he spoke at Trumps Convention and got dragged kicking and screaming into formally endorsing trump for president. After all of that, trump came out and complimented the guy running against paul ryan in his home district in the republican primary this month. Trump said he thought that guy was a great guy and running a great campaign. He said that he wasnt sure he would be able to endorse paul ryan. Where did that come from . At breitbart. Com in that time period, this is what was going on. Speaker ryan failing leadership test. Paul ryan running scared in final days ahead of primary election. 11th hour, paul ryan scrambles to explain away trade policy effects on wisconsin workers. Paul ryan bows down to nationalist populism as his career flashes before his eyes. His career was not flashing before his eyes. The guy running against him didnt even get 20 of the vote. But theres this one fairly obscure and fairly particular fantacist corner of the conservative media that, i think, is a pretty good decoder ring for what is otherwise inexplicable about Donald Trumps political behavior. The stuff he does that doesnt make sense even from a normal republican perspective, often does make sense if hes a person who was reading breitbart at the time. Remember him fighting with the fox news host, megyn kelly and fighting with fox news over the debates and the republican primary and them being biased against him. That made no sense for a republican who needs fox news as the official republican tv network, to be on his side during the primary. It makes no sense to attack their primetime hosts in that network. Makes no sense unless the world you live in is breitbart. Com, which was running stories like this. Trump loses zero ground after foxs unfair attack in debate. Megyn kelly legitimizes war on women, the arrogance of power. Quote, good journalism. Thats going on at breitbart,. Com. So, yeah, trump gets out there and says megyn kelly, shes terrible, fox news is terrible, Everybody Knows its terrible. The fact that this is the Political Landscape that donald trump rides through every day, that these are where he gets his facts, this is what he thinks is normal news. That he thinks this is the real world of news and politics, that goes some distance, i think, to explaining some of the really dark, really troubling stuff about how hes behaved as a candidate. One of the most upsetting things, i think, to a lot of people, about Donald Trumps campaign for the presidency, is that repeatedly and over a long period of time, he has retweeted or approving cited a bunch of different White Supremacists and neonazis online. And thats a strange thing trump has done. It would be one thing if hed done it once guy accident. But hes done it a bunch of times. Normal republican politicians dont do that, they dont even really accidentally do this. And i say this as somebody whos done a lot of reporting connecting the far right to the mainstream right. But donald trump is different. He consistently seems to bump into White Supremacists online and consistently seems to come across neonazi stuff that he likes, and when he sees it, he thinks it will resonate with his follows. Thats not normal republican politician behavior. That is Donald Trumps repeated pattern. And that is not strange, given the landscape at breitbart. Com. Here are some of the low lights of one of breitbart. Coms editors online. Last month their Technology Editor was banned for life from twitter for leading a campaign of deliberately racist and sexist abuse targeted at the comedian lesley jones, one of the lead actors in the new ghost busters movie. Its a strange thing, but they think it it will resonate with their audience. Its less weird if it turns out that the president ial candidate is operating from the mindset of breitbart. Com which would run a headline like this. Bill cristol, republican spoiler, renegade jew prepares to block trumps path to the white house. So this Campaign Story operates at two levels. On the one level, the Donald Trump Campaign is doing very badly and picking up new leadership. Got it. On the other hand, this is a bigger story, because theres been so much stuff about the Trump Campaign and his world view that has been inexplicable in terms of normal politics and our n our normal understanding of how other people see the world. But it comes from a specific place and now he has named the chairman of breitbart. Com to be the chief executive of his president ial campaign. A lot of the weirdest things about donald trump and the most offensive and outrageous things about donald trump come from a specific place. Hes now decided to live in that place full time. 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Kubo wow narrator so grab your loved ones monkey dont even. Narrator and explore a world of possibilities. Kubo come on, this way. Narrator visit discovertheforest. Org to find the closest forest or park to you. So weve got a little bit of breaking news that we are following tonight. Its actually from the rio olympics. You may have seen news about a controversy today involving three u. S. Swimmers who reported being robbed at gunpoint in rio. Brazilian authorities tried to seize the passports of those swimmers and not let them leave the country. One of those, ryan lochte, turns out to be already back in the united states. But the other two american swimmers have apparently tonight been pulled off a plane in rio by brazilian authorities. We are just getting in the first details about this news story right now. Were getting the reporter to join us from rio in just ate mome a moment. Well have that story from rio straight ahead. Stay with us. To amaze his audience. Well have that story from rio straight ahead. Stay with us. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. Nexium 24hfor their own 1 choice of docfrequent heartburn. S for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your 1 choice. Igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. Was he said sure. But dont get just any one. Get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head cups your teeth to break uplaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. Llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. At 1 09 a. M. Eastern today the wall street journal tweeted out its new front page. Trump overhauls campaign team. Scoop the story itself had not yet gone online, but still scoop and a surprising one. The reporter who got that scoop joins us live. Monica langley, she broke that story overnight. Monica, thank you very much for being with us. Congratulations on this. Thank you. So the timing of this was so strange. It was a weird night. Trump turned a rally into a speech, then he pushed the speech into the late night. That postponed a big fox news interview, which was supposed to be last night, and then the whole thing got blown out of the water and that whole message was lost by your scoop that he was undoing his campaign. How did you get this and when did you get this . Well, okay, it was pretty confusing to me as well. What happened is, hes obviously had a bad couple weeks. And so i knew something was going to give. He couldnt go on like this. So i started calling my sources inside the campaign, and found last night, in fact, something was afoot. So i kept pushing and found out he was getting ready to name a couple advisers to come in at the top. And it was pretty clear that he got tired of the Campaign Running him, and he wanted to be back in charge of the campaign. And he felt that a lot of what happened was because he was trying to be himself and they were trying to put him in the mold of a politician, which is exactly opposite of what hed been running on as an outsider. So hes bringing in these two people, one of which youve been talking about from breitbart, and the other is kelly ann conway, longtime pollster, known in the republican circles. So what happened is, i could not go with the story, i felt, until i talked to donald trump himself. So i was one of the reasons that maybe kept him from getting on stage, because he told me he had 7,000 people out there on stage, and i said, youve gotta tell me, is this a shakeup, are you doing this, you know, just two months after you did it before when you fired Cory Lewandowski. And i said, why are you doing this now . And he said, i want to win. So it was pretty clear to me that he felt if he didnt do something, that was a chance he could lose and he would not he would not go with that. So he said, ive got to do this my way. And this is the way i think i can win. So basically what he wants to do is now restructure the campaign into his image. So the breitbart guy, steve bannon, is clearly a noholdsbarred kind of guy. Thats going to let trump go and take things on full force. And at the same time, hes not ousting paul manafort, who was trying to bring him into bringing a regular politician, because he does see theres some merits to being a little more polished, but trump will be himself for the next three months. Monica langley, thank you for being with us. Thank you. Well be right back with a live report from rio on the latebreaking news tonight concerning the u. S. Swimmers. Stay with us. Wendys only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. So we dont have to freeze it. Add six strips of thick, applewood smoked bacon. And Wendys Baconator isnt just different, its deliciously different. Here you go. Picking up for kyle. Woul you t put up with part of a pizza. Um. Something wrong . So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . You want the whole thing . Yes, yes live whole. Not part. Aleve. Lepes foods is a locally owned here in santa rosa. As a small business, were always looking to save money, and pg e was able to help us. 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Brazilian authorities have now raised some questions about that account. Theyre alleging that Surveillance Video supposedly taken after the mugging appears to show the men joking and unshaken as if they had not just been robbed at gunpoint. One of the four swimmers involved in this incident has already returned to the united states. But tonight two of the three other swimmers were on a flight at rio airport when they got pulled off that flight. The fourth swimmer we believe is still likely in brazil. But at this point the u. S. Olympic committee is not confirming where he is. Joining us now is nbc news correspondent miguel almaguer, whos in rio right now reporting on the olympics. Miguel, correct anything that i said there that was wrong, and let us know what else is going on with this dramatic story. Rachel, you got everything right. Gunnar bentz and jack conger are the two u. S. Olympic swimmers who were pulled off that plane late tonight, we just know, and that third olympic swimmer who you were alluding to, jimmy feigen, is also still said to be in brazil, said to be cooperating with police. In fact, the u. S. Swim Team Officials tell us all three of these swimmers are cooperating with authorities. They are working with them. None of them face any criminal charges right now. But as you mentioned, that fourth u. S. Swimmer, probably the most famous of the four, ryan lochte, is the one who initially went public with this story that over the weekend the four swimmers were out late at night at the french house, at the hospitality house, partying when they were headed back to the Olympic Village at around 6 00 in the morning. Lochte said in an interview with the today shows billy bush that the men were pulled over by gunmen who appeared to be a police officer. He showed them a police i. D. , a police badge for that matter, and then held a gun to his head. According to lochte, held the gun to his head and told him to turn over all of their i. D. , all of their money. And then of course that Surveillance Video surfaced earlier today of those four olympic swimmers coming back to the athletes village. A judge ordered that two of those passports be seized. Two of the swimmers that gave official statements to the police. Because she had said that they seemed to be pretty happy in the video, they didnt seem to show any physical or psychological concern after being held up at gunpoint. So of course that is unveiling here. Rio police say they have not been able to find the socalled taxicab driver that was involved in this incident. So this investigation still ongoing. At this point we have the u. S. Olympic swimmers saying one thing. We have rio police saying they have not been able to confirm that story and a judge saying, well, she doesnt quite honestly believe that story. So thats where we stand tonight. Three of those swimmers are still here in rio, are still in brazil. Clearly officials have more questions for them. So tonight it looks like they are going to be questioned more by authorities, rachel. What a remarkable what a remarkable news story in general. What a remarkable turn of events in the story. Miguel, thanks very much for helping us understand this news tonight. Really appreciate you joining us. Again, that news tonight, two u. S. Swimmers pulled off their plane at rios airport tonight as they were attempting to return to the united states. This following their report this weekend that they were robbed at gunpoint. This storys getting weirder and weirder by the day. Its now taken a sort of alarming turn. Well be right back. Stay with us. Where we explore. Protecting biodiversity. Everywhere we work. Defeating malaria. Improving energy efficiency. Developing more clean burning natural gas. My job . My job at exxonmobil . Turning algae into biofuels. 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A high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. For deep penetrating relief at the source. New aleve direct therapy. Some new news weve just gotten in tonight concerning the president ial candidates and their Intelligence Briefings. Donald trump today received his first classified intelligence briefing as a president ial candidate. Theres been some controversy raised around this, but all president ial candidates dating back to 1952 get these kinds of briefings. Trump got his first one today. Because of that we were surmising that president ial candidate Hillary Clinton would also receive her intelligence briefing sometime soon. The two candidates every four years tend to get their briefings around the same time frame. Well, what we reported last night was that the Clinton Campaign would make absolutely no statement as to whether the Clinton Campaign had already received its briefing, whether the candidate had already done it or would sometime soon. All they would give us was no comment. Tonight we got a little bit more out of them. Tonight when we asked the Clinton Campaign again about Hillary Clinton and her first intelligence briefing as a president ial candidate, they told us, we will tell people when the briefing is done. So unlike the Trump Campaign, we apparently will not get advance news that thats going to happen before it happens but theyll tell us when its done. Its a little more than we had. That does it for us tonight. Thank you for being with us now. Its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening, lawrence. Rachel, were going to have Walter Isaacson join us tonight to talk about the trump intelligence briefing. Hes not just the auth ort of the steve jobs biography. He also wrote a biography of henry kissinger. He knows this stuff inside out. Were looking forward to that. Nice. Particularly with trump saying he doesnt trust the intelligence community. It was a great way to begin intelligence day for donald trump. Exactly. Thank you, rachel. Well, would you hire a pilot who had never flown a plane . Of course not. Donald trump wouldnt either. But he