Some breaking news out of pennsylvania. This is on the fbis ten most wanted list. There they are. Eric freen is accused of killing a Pennsylvania State trooper and wounding another trooper with a sniper rifle last month in pike county, pennsylvania. The trooper who was killed was corporal brian k. Dixon. He was 38 years old. Since that shooting on september 12, eric frein, trained survivalist has been on the run from police sparking a sevenweek long manhunt. They picked up various items they say tested positive for eric freens dna, including a diary in which he allegedly laid out in detail his escape from authorities. Quote, got a shot around 11 00 p. M. And took it. He dropped. I was surprised how quick. I took a follow up shot on his headneck area. He was still and quiet after that. Another cop approached the cop i just shot. I shot at him. His legs were visible and still. Frein jumped in his jeep to flee the scene. He only made it half a mile away before he heard helicopters above and then he accidentally drove into a pond. Police later found that jeep. They also found whats believed to be his ak47, as well as used diapers and food and clothing. Two pipe bombs, ammunition that matched the weapon that he allegedly used to shoot those two Pennsylvania State troopers. But tonight, the big news is that after 48 days of looking for him, the fbi, look, has updated their tenmost wanted page. Their tenmost wanted page now includes this caption on the photo of eric matthew frein. Captured. That one word in red. Nbc news confirmed tonight that eric frein has finally been captured in pennsylvania. He was found at an abandoned airplane hanger at the birchwood pocono resort in tannersville, pennsylvania. That airfield is no loner active. The u. S. Mash shalls task force was at the airfield scouting that area earlier this evening when they spotted the man who turned out to be frein. They captured him outside the hanger. A rifle and a pistol, were told, were found inside the airfield. Were still waiting more details, exactly on the capture or how they found him, how they knew to be scouting this location, or whether it was a coincidence that he was found there. But again, as of tonight, eric matthew frein is in the custody of Pennsylvania State police after 48 days of a manhunt. Joining us now is an Investigative Team reporter at the nbc affiliate wbre. Hes in Blooming Grove, pennsylvania. Thank you for being with us. Appreciate your time. As you can imagine, rachel, its been a crazy night unfolding literally minute by minute. But he is, as you say, in custody. Im told without incident. He was armed, he is in custody. Right now, where i am, the Blooming Grove township municipal building, this is where media staged for a press conference sometime tonight. The barracks about a mile or two miles from here. I was just down there. Its a beehive of active tif. State troopers, thats where the ambush took place. Seven weeks ago tomorrow night, ironically, theres where the troopers were gunned down. What else is expected tonight, andy . Do we have any details yet . Or are we waiting to hear them at the press conference in terms of how this capture happened, whether they were at this airfield, specifically whether they thought thats where eric frein might be or whether they just stumbled upon him . Any details . Those are the details wes expecting here. But sources told me that they were widening their search. Its not that far from the immediate area that you were reporting from for weeks, as we have. Its about 30 miles southeast of the city of scranton. They felt he was in that general area somewhere. So its not that far off. They were steadfast in believing, and they only know what they know. So were hoping the details of why they went to the airport. But the u. S. Marshals, im told, they were the lead agency. They actually took him into custody. You know, once they put frein on the fbi most wanted list, that brout in the authority to bring in the full resources of federal investigators including u. S. Marshals. They took him into custody. He was armed. Sources tell me at this point that he did not resist, that there was no gunfire, there was no trouble. Okay. In terms of andy, as someone whos been covering this from day one, in terms of why this took so long, obviously theres great joy now in that region and for the people who grieved the loss of that trooper and for everybody who has been looking for him. Theres great joy this manhunt has come to an end. But in terms of us understanding why it took so long, what was it about the way he hid out that allowed him to evade capture for so long . Do we understand yet about the kind of tactics that he used, the kind of training he put to use in order to evade capture for so long . Well, thats the question they maintained from day one is that this guy was a selftaught survivalist. He was living a fantasy life of an eastern european, a serbian soldier. The enemy was law enforcement. And keep in mind, this was his backyard. We all grew up in neighborhoods that we know, you could bring in navy s. E. A. L. S. S and fib fi, they dont know the fbi like he does. He apparently, one, planned it oit. The but two, he knew literally every nook and cranny. I can tell you the terrain in eastern pennsylvania, very rough, very rocky, very deep vegetation. But ironically, rachel, to catch him, they narrowed him down now, the leaves are falling off the trees. Its getting colder. Im confident were going to hear that the weather turning colder was a factor in helping maybe make him sloppy. Maybe making him leave evidence where he was caught. The Investigative Team reporter, nbc affiliate, thank you for keeping us up to date. Were awaiting the press conference. Well get more details there. Its good to have your updates. Theres a lot more to cover tonight. Well keep you appraised when we learn more when that presser is expected. But again, breaking news tonight, eric frein, captured after a 48day manhunt in the woods of northeastern pennsylvania. Well be right back. The largest continent on earth, asia. Even with absolutely enormous countries like china and russia and india taking up big chunks of asia, asia is still big enough that it has tons of other countries there. Theres, like, 47 Different Countries in asia, all on that one continent. Asia is just enormous. Second largest continent on earth is africa. Similarly huge but even more nationally subdivided. There are more than 50 countries in africa, and of all the more than 50 nations on the vast continent of africa, only three of them right now are said by the World Health Organization to be dealing with significant outbreaks of ebola. Its epidemic in guinea, sierra leone and liberia, three small nations in just the portion of africa we are showing here, which is western africa. And thats it. So there are dozens of other countries on that same continent who do not have that same problem, even though they are also countries in africa. Thats possible because africa is big. Its an enormous place. Its diverse. Now, it doesnt seem like a very complicated idea, in the united states, we sometimes have trouble with that idea. We sometimes, embarrassingly conflate all of the Different Countries in all the different parts of africa into one big african thing. One big giant nation of africa. About which we are not only usually confused but definitely afraid. Wednesday morning hundreds of parents removed their children from the middle school after hearing rumors about the principals recent trip to africa. Panic then spread to the elementary and high schools. Thats local footage from central mississippi, just south of jackson, mississippi, where in a place called hazelhurst, parents pulled hundreds of kids out of a middle school then high school and Elementary School all in this one central Mississippi School district because the principal of the middle school had traveled on vacation to a country called zambia. Now, for the record, zambia is in africa, but it is literally nowhere near, it is thousands of miles of way from the countries that are dealing with ebola crises. That was enough to get hundreds of kids pulled out of school because africa. On the same day, nbc news and cnbc both reported that a college in texas, a called college called Navarro College sent out a rejection letter of several students of nigerian origin. We are not able to offer you acceptance for the spring term. Unfortunately, Navarro College is not accepting International Students from countries with confirmed ebola cases. Now, the Prospective Students who got these rejection letters in texas, they were from a nation in africa that has, in fact, been actively affirmed by the World Health Organization to have no cases of ebola. After this bizarre admissions policy was widely reported, they changed their explanation. No, they say now they just prefer students from china and indonesia this year. Thats more their focus this year. Okay. Two days later, texas struck again when an Elementary School in friendswood, texas, announced that that school would not be allowing one of their Elementary Schoolteachers to return to school to start the school year because she had also traveled to apparently what Many Americans believe is the nation of africa. She traveled to a country called tanzania, which is even slightly further away from the ebola epidemic than zambia is. But lest you think this is just a south of the Mason Dixon Line kind of experience, dont go too smug yankees, because two days after that one in burlington county, new jersey, an Elementary School there freaked out and decided to keep out of school two kids who had moved to burlington county, new jersey, this year from the east african nation of rwanda. Rwanda, for the record, is over there by tanzania which, again, is thousands of miles away from the three countries that are having such trouble with the ebola epidemic. Literally the distance between where those kids were from in rwanda and, say, liberia, its roughly the same distance as between San Francisco and bangor, maine. Yeah, but, you know, when you sneeze, cant be too careful. That lums up our cant be too careful local Decision Making about this disease. I have to tell you, though, today there was a little green shoot of not stupid which popped out of this terrible, terrible mud. One of the places that had made one of these absolutely ridiculous, ignorant decisions was a School District in millford, connecticut, which decided to exclude a 7yearold girl because she had taken a trip to nigeria with her family to be a flower girl in a relatives wedding. Again, the World Health Organization certified there is not any ebola in nigeria. But millford, connecticut, when they squibt at africa, it all looks like one big thing. So this little girl who is not sick, never been around a person with ebola, never been in a country that has ebola in it currently, other than the united states, this little girl, third grade, 7 years old, was being forced to stay home. What has turned out differently in millford, connecticut, though, as opposed to all those other bastions of wrong is that in millford, connecticut, the familys daughter was being excluded from school, they decided to sue. And tonight, there is late word from the family of that little girl that finally she is going to be allowed to go to school. The family sued, they reach a settlement with the millford School District tonight. The School District concedes the girl is perfectly healthy. Shes had no contact with any ebola patients, sh edoes not present any health risk to any individual, and finally, finally after all of this idiotic rigamarole, she will be allowed to go back to school as of tomorrow. Happy halloween. The School District still insists they were acting out of good faith. So who knows how this would have resolved had the family not sued to get their little girl back in school, but now she will be back in school. The history of feardriven ignorant Public Health panics is a long one. And so it is not surprising that confronting Something Like ebola has led to a lot of ridiculous, irrational, inane, panicked decisions. But we have now, certainly as of today, we have now entered the phase of our nations response to this, where we are both continuing to make ridiculous, irrational, inane panicked decisions. But at the same time, some people are also fighting back against those decisions. And so this family in millford, connecticut, fought back and their little girl gets to go back to Elementary School tomorrow. And in louisiana where bobby jindhals Health Department has written to the tropical medicine and hygiene who is having their annual meeting in new orleans next week, hes written to all the doctors and told them not to come to new orleans if theyve been working on fighting the epidemic in western africa. That group of doctors is basically the collection of global experts on how to actually deal with of this disease. They know that louisianas order to them is ridiculous. They are now considering how to fight back against that. My guess is that if louisiana, out of ignorance, is telling all of those doctors that louisiana is too afraid to have them come visit, then maybe those doctors will find somewhere else to hold their annual conference. Im just guessing. So theres pushback happening in connecticut, theres pushback happening in bobby jindhals louisiana today. Theres also pushback in the great state of maine. This fight between the doctors of borders and the state Health Department in maine and new Jersey Governor Chris Christie before that, this fight with the nurse has had a ton of attention this week. Consider, though, as context that the state of maine has not exactly distinguished itself in terms of how stupid it has been thus far in panicking about ebola. It was the town of strong in franklin county, maine, which decided that they would keep one of their own Elementary Schoolteachers home recently, keep the teacher home and out of work, not because she had treated an ebola patient, not because she had traveled to a western african nation dealing with ebola, not even because she had traveled to anywhere in africa. No, they decided to keep her home and not allow her to teach school because she traveled to texas. What . In franklin county, maine, travel to dallas, texas, is enough to so panic a town confused about ebola that they were willing to keep a teacher out of school about that. So that unfortunately is also the home state of Doctors Without Borders nurse kaci hickox, the one who has pushed back so hard about the decisions, first by new jersey and now by the state of maine to try to force her into basically house arrest, involuntary strict quarantine, even though she does not have ebola, she has not tested positive of ebola, she has no symptoms of ebola and as an experienced health worker, shes perfectly capable of monitoring herself and knowing how to report it to authorities in the unlikely event she ever did develop symptoms. Maines bombastic walking carnival of a Governor Paul Lepage has now personally responded to the nurse, the nurse doing things like talking to reporters and going for a bike ride today. Governor lepage has basically now threatened that that nurse may not be safe in maine. Hes basically saying that he cant be responsible if anything, you know, happens to her. Her response today to that nurse was just astonishing. Watch what he said. Right now she can come out of the house if she wants, but we cant protect her when she does that. The reason theres a police car there is to protect her more than anybody. The last thing i want is for her to get hurt. But at the same token, her behavior is really riling a lot of people out there. And, you know, i can only do what i can do. Were trying to protect her, but shes not acting as smart as she probably should. We have 1. 3 Million People to protect. So under one hand, im trying to protect the entire state, but at the same token, i dont want her to get either. Tempers get flared when people are scared. And this is not a nice position to get in. Shes allowed out of the house and go about business, as long as she doesnt come into contact yeah, well, she cant go into establishments or other places. I would think that she would restrict herself to what shes been doing. So you dont want her getting in among other people . I dont want her within three feet of anybody. What happens if she does . Is there any legal ramifications . Lets put it this way. Im going to use the Legal Provisions to the fullest extent that the law allows me. And i just hope that she recognizes that. The response to those threats from the governor of maine well, i mean, the verbal threats from the governor, but legal threats from the state to forcibly confine this nurse, based on apparently evolving standards in maine about what they think they oug to be doing despite any relevant sciencebased guidelines, the Maine Medical Association and a bunch of top Infectious Disease experts from the state of maine have now written to Governor Paul Lepage in maine protesting the way that maine is handling this case. Governor lepage has apparently not hired a state epidemiologist in maine. The two former ones have signed on to this letter today, as well as former state health officers. Theyre criticizing what maine is doing as basically a kneejerk panicked reaction that isnt based on science, and that will make everything worse. Quote, ultimately we need to be guided by science and not emotion. An epidemic of fear can be as dangerous as an epidemic with a virus. Joining us now is gordon smith, the executive Vice President with the Maine Medical Association. Thanks very much for being with us. Its my pleasure, rachel. Why do you and your colleagues at the Maine Medical Association think that this evoling quarantine policy, why do you think this has been handled the wrong way. While it may be well intended, it actually will do much more harm than good. In a number of contexts. None of us expected fort kent, maine, to be the epicenter of the ebola controversy, but today patients were calling the northern maine medical center, cancelling appointments and procedures because of an unfonded fear who somehow having kaci hickox, to us is a hero, in the community, was making their health care unsafe. So its creating a Chilling Effect on people getting what they need to do for their own health care. Secondly, if, in fact, everybody who treats every Health Care Worker who treats an ebola patient, and that such a patient might arrive someday in maine, if they have to be if those workers have to be quarantined for 21 days after treating a patient, then regardless of the science, we dont have nearly enough Infectious Disease. We wont have enough nurses to take care of maine people. And finally, you know, every day around the globe, there are maine doctors and nurses and support staff going to places, putting themselves at risk and taking care of people you should the worst imaginable conditions. And we dont want to do anything to discourage that. It is that type of activity that will help the west african nations, you know, control the epidemic. And to do anything that would make these make it more difficult for these folks to take two weeks off of their vacation and go and help people, if they have to then be quarantined for three weeks when they get back, even if they have no symptoms, have no risk, then they wont go. Those are three of the chief concerns that we have. And also this nurse, kaci hickox, ive never met her, but she should be a hero for the work shes done throughout the globe and not be vilified and not have the stigma that our own elected officials and many members of the public are manipulating in. Participating in. Its embarrassing and its not the way we would expect maine to be. Now that the Maine Medical Association has objected in this public way to what the state is doing, and what the governor has the response the governor has led, are you expecting a response from the governor . Are you expecting any sort of meeting or chance to be involved at the expert level in terms of effecting what the state does next in this case . Well, we eastern certainly in touch with the director of the cdc, and we have communication with her. And we are we would hope that the Infectious Disease doctors in the state would be looked to for advice, and a reasonable accommodation would be based upon science, not based upon emotion, not based upon politics. Its particularly disconcerting that this is now five days before an election. Weve already seen ebola come up in one of the political ads opinion and so that just makes it that much more difficult for people to sit in a room and discuss this in a common sense way. Gordon smith, executive Vice President at the Maine Medical Association, which today publicly objected to the way that state is handling ebola and the threat of ebola will in that state. Thanks for helping us understand the position of the Maine Medical Association. I appreciate it, sir. Thank you. My pleasure. All right. We will be right back, including with the unexpected uproar caused by this. A single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. That single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you cant control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at fireadapted. Org so five days out from the election, its a little weird theres so much uncertainty about whats going to happen in the election. Usually five days out, you see headlines like this, and then they come true. This was 2006, and that is what happened in 2006. This was 2008. And that is what happened in 2008. This was 2010, and that is what happened in 2010. This year, with the same number of days out from the election as all those headlines, but its nothing like that. People are making predictions. People do have feelings about how its going to go. But nobody know what iss going to happen with the kind of certainty that weve had at this point in the cycle in previous years. I think part of that is because it seems to be close this year. But part of that is because weird stuff keeps happening in important races at the last second. And the latest total surprise involves crying on the campaign trail. Its a very strange story. Its broken very late in the game. And thats next. It was one day before the democratic primary in New Hampshire. Candidate barack obama had just come off a big win in iowa. He was steam rolling into New Hampshire. He had one day to go until New Hampshire voted. Things were looking great in the polls. And then this happened. You know, i have so many opportunities from this country. I just dont want to see us fall backwards. You know . So, this is very personal for me. Its not just political. Its not just public. I see whats happening, and we have to reverse it. Hillary clinton with her president ial cam pane on the line sort of breaking down a little bit on the campaign trail in New Hampshire, showing real emotion after being asked by a New Hampshire voter how she stays so upbeat during a campaign that had so many ups and downs. It did not seem to be a planned thing. It seemed to take the candidate by surprise as much as it took everybody else by surprise. But that ended up being a standout moment for the hillary for clinton for President Campaign in a good way. It was a window into Hillary Clinton the person that the public didnt often get to see. And it worked. Whether it was due to that moment or not, Hillary Clinton the very next day won the New Hampshire primary going away. And even though she didnt go on to win the nomination, that moment is locked into political history as a winning moment for her. A candidate who can break through like that in human emotional terms, that is a priceless thing. And its unforgettable. But you cant just try to do it, right . It cant be planned. Crying on the campaign trail is sort of an allornothing proposition. If it happens, authentically, then yeah, you probably do end up looking great. You look like the most relatable person ever. But if its inauthentic or you force it or fake it, thats so much worse than never trying it in the first place. And with that, enter Charlie Baker. Republican candidate for governor in massachusetts. Hes in a tight race with democrat martha cokely. He has been dinged in this race for being a little stiff, a little nonemotional. But earlier this week in their last tv debate before the election, Charlie Baker got his chance to pull a Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. It was one of those wild card questions that sometimes happens in a debate. The moderator a asked both candidates when was the last time you cried. And i dont think theres any reason to think that Charlie Baker knew that question was coming, but boy was he ready for it. As soon as the tell me about you crying question was asked, as if on cue, Charlie Baker just turned it on. Watch this. So i got asked the other day, and i may not make it through this story. I got asked the other day if to tell somebody some interest stories of interesting people i had met over the course of the campaign. I told a story about a fisherman in medford down at the docks. Big huge man. Completely soaked in sweat and salt water. And i said i wanted to talk to him about the business and the have i. Industry. And he looked at me and he started to cry. I gave him a hug. He was a big huge guy. It was like hugging a mountain. And he shook for a while, and then we started talking about the business and the industry and the federal government. And then he said see those two kids out there . And he pointed to these boys on the boat. He said those are my sons. And he said, they were both spectacular Football Players at New Bedford High School who were given College Scholarships to go play football. And i told them no. I said, youre youre going to be fishermen. I was a fisherman, my brothers were fishermen, my father was a fishermen. Youre going to be fishermen. And you hear those kinds of stories every day. That moment, that raw emotion became the story of the campaign so far in massachusetts. In the boston globe, it was, quote, the moment that defied democrats attempts to cast Charlie Baker as a heartless technocrat. When Charlie Baker lost it tuesday night, i was standing in my kitchen finishing the dinner dishes i swear to god i felt a lump in my throat, too. In a tight election thats going down to the wire, it instantly became mustsee tv. It was live, it was riveting, it was cringe worthy, it was real. Except maybe now it wasnt. This is such a weird story, but within the last 24 hours, Charlie Bakers story of the moment that made all of the Massachusetts Press swoon, it has sort offalen apart. That story that Charlie Baker told during that debate was about a new bedford fisherman he met during this campaign, he said, who forced his two boys to forego their College Football scholarships to instead become fishermen themselves, thus ruining their lives. Cue the water works. After Charlie Baker broke down telling that story in such great detail, the local press tried to report out that amazing story. But that means asking for specifics. When did you meet his guy . What is his name . Can we talk to him . Can we talk to his sons . And when asked those questions, the press started coming up dry. Youre going to be fishermen and it runned their lives. Charlie baker getting emotion during last nights gubernatorial debate. He said he was recounting the story of a new bedford fisherman whos been burdened by unfair regulations. We spent the day looking for that fisherman. When i saw him on the news this morning crying, he came off to me as genuine. Reporter hes talking about republican candidate for governor, Charlie Baker, the final debate at the wcb studios. Baker was asked when he last shed tears. He related the story of a new bedford fisherman talking about his sons. And he said, they were both spectacular Football Players at New Bedford High School who were given College Scholarships to go play football. And i told them no. I said reporter so exactly who was Charlie Baker talking about . No one here seems to know. No one here seems to know. In fact, no one anywhere seems to know. Heres the local newspaper in new bedford where Charlie Baker says he met this fisherman. Quote, people intimately involved with the citys fishing industry and High School Athletics say they dont know of a family that fits bakers description. Quote, no one comes to mind that i can think of said jim kendall. Ive got several calls on this, texts and emails, too. No one seems to be able to put a finger on who it would be. A source with a longtime association with New Bedford High School athletics said after many years familiar with the program, he didnt know of any two brothers there receiving football scholarships, never mind going fishing instead. So after asking and asking and asking, finally, the Charlie Baker campaign was forced to acknowledge today that the story that Charlie Baker turned on the waterworks for at that debate to such great effect was actually a 5yearold story, and youll just have to believe them that its true because no, they cant remember who Charlie Baker talked to or where that guy might be now. Charlie baker just got grilled about this today on the campaign trail. I remember things that people tell me. I heard that story four years ago. And every time i tell it, its like it happened five minutes ago as far as im concerned. Its like it happened five minutes ago. And look at that. Charlie baker then told reporters that he may have gotten a detail or two wrong, but the fisherman, quote, certainly existed for me. This race is deadlocked right now in massachusetts. The latest poll out today shows Charlie Baker with a threepoint lead. Thats within that polls margin of error. But i should tell you, that polling was done before massachusettss voters had any idea what a good actor Charlie Baker is. Joining us now to talk about the state of that race and other great governors races on deck right now is our own steve kornacki. Thank you for being here and bringing your maamic wall. Lets take a look at massachusetts now. You just cited the most recent poll in massachusetts. What we have here, what youre looking at here, this is the average of the polls. You take all the polls out there in massachusetts right now, average them together, it takes out a lot of noise and margin for error. You see a 2 1 2point lead for baker. As you say, before all of this sort of erupted, baker ahead in this race by a small amount. Well see what happens over the next week as a result of what youre talking about. Now, in terms of why baker is ahead, we can show you exactly whats going on here. We see these are the biggest cities in massachusetts. A couple of things to keep in mind. The city of boston has been producing obviously the biggest city has been producing huge, huge pluralities for Democratic Candidates for massachusetts. Charlie baker has had about 150 events in boston. He has worked the wards of boston like no republican candidate in recent memory. Hes not going to win it, but right now, he is cutting into martha cokelys normal democratic edge in boston. Worcester, this is where martha cokely struggled against scott brown. A lot of emphasis here in lowell. I put this one up, its near where i grew up. Its farly why its in there. This is the fourth largest city in the state. And its a city that martha cokely lost to scott brown. A lot of working class, white ethnic democrats, catholic democrats. Scott brown won them. Charlie baker going after them. If he can cut down the democratic margins in the city, thats the recipe in this campaign. We can broaden this out a little bit. Like a lot of other governors races going on, we just showed you, massachusetts, a state currently controlled by democrats that is in danger of going the republicans way. Youre seeing here, all of the state where is we say partisan control of a governorship is at risk. Next week, you have eight red states here. These are eight states that are colored in red that republicans now control where there are now republican governors. In these states, the democrats have a real chance of winning next week. These are eight governorships democrats could take over. The blue states, we have eight of these as well. Eight states where democrats are now governor and republicans could win next week. Thats a total of 16 governorships were looking at potentially a Different Party taking control of. Its a very high number for this time of year. So we showed you massachusetts. One of the biggest blue states thats at risk of going red next week. We thought we would show you a couple of the republican states at risk of going blue. At risk of turning democratic. The biggest one, the biggest target for democrats, no surprise here, you all know the basic story in florida. Charlie crist, the former republican governor running against rick scott, the current republican governor. What i want to point out whats interesting about this race, these are the polling averages youre seeing. Now, if you look at the bottom, this is where the average stood about six weeks ago. The middle of september. It was a small lead. The average of the polls, scott was slightly ahead. That was a sumner which rick scott spent 25 million blanketing the airwaves against charlie crist. He was not able to answer those ads. In the last six week, hes been able to. The whole episode with the fan at the debate happened. Some things have happened that have not been so fortunate for rick scott. You see now in the polling average, a lead of almost two points for charlie crist. This looks like slight movement. This is actually very significant when youre talking polling average. Its gone to a race from scott had a slight advantage to where has the slight advantage. This is an interesting race. Thats another poll average . Leading by a point in the average. But heres what i want to show you in kansas. Heres a map in kansas. Theres one county in a sea of squares. This actually accounts for about one in every four votes cast in the entire state of kansas. And it is the story of why Sam Brownback is in trouble. We say big republican state, mitt romney carried it by 20 points. But what is Johnson County . It is an affluent suburban county right outside of kansas city. This is filled with republican voters, but theyre suburban republican voters. They like their public schools. They want their kids going to good colleges. They are the republicans who are most upset with Sam Brownback, the tax cuts, the cuts in education. These are as goes Johnson County next week, thats how kansas is going to go. If you want all these counties, look right there. This is going to be obviously Election Night is always fun no matter what happens. In terms of whats going on with the senate, its been so chewed over. The stuff going on with the governors right now is not only less chewed over, but its so up in the air and the details in every state are so lurid and fascinating everywhere from kansas to massachusetts. I cant wait till tuesday. Thank you for being here for the preview. Appreciate it. Steve will be back with his magic board on Election Night. As you can see, h ecan telestrate with his index finger exceptionally well. If you do not yet have plans for tuesday night, plan to spend them here with us. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like youre underwater . Try zyrtecd® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. So you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtecd®. Find it at the pharmacy counter. Zyrtecd®. Takyou havent seen ep like. Your bed in days. No, like you havent seen a bed in weeks zzzquil. The non habit forming sleepaid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. Okay, so last night i may have crossed the line. I went a little too far and said something that offended some of our viewers and rightly so. It was not my intention to offend. We have a department of corrections on the way. If anyone who likes to watch this show because you like to yell at me on the screen, you will like this next thing that i have to do. I have an important correction to make. Last night we had a report from jony ernst say sheg took a page from sharon engle when she threatened to use Second Amendment remedy whence she threatened she would use a gun to fight against the government if she didnt get what she wanted through the political process. Tonight i have a correction to make about that. Ill tell you, though, that this correction has nothing to do with joni ernst. Here in our offices at 30 Rockefeller Center in our Office Closet actually, we have sort of randomly a really hideous, complete set of kitchen canisters. These exact same canisters were the folksy kitchen scene backdrop behind a republican candidate named sharon engle when she clutched a coffee cup and announced her political comeback. I would say watch this space, but i know all your watching right now is these hideous kitchen canisters. Turns out, i was wrong about that. And heres how i know it. Ahem. Subject line, my canisters. Quote, i was insulted that you referred to the canisters as ugly. As i had bought that same set many years ago, i wish i still had my cute, adorable canisters. Quote, hey, rachel, my mother has a set, too. We could use a matching set. Quote, dear rachel, if you dont have a use for those canister, i would love to get them off your hands. They were fact exactly the ones i wanted when i was first married. Then there are your tweets. Look. Quote, if by hideous you mean the most awesome canisters of all time, then you are correct. Not only do quite a lot of you own a set of mushroomthemed canister, some our yor sets are twice the size of ours. Some of you are still pining the mushroom canister sets long gone, complete with spoon rest, napkin holder and wall clock. Its been a 24 hours of mushroom canister love and appreciation. So much so that i have been aesthetically swayed. And so a correction. Yes, i once believed those mushroom canisters were hideous in the context of threatening armed violence against government officials, a la sharon engle in nevada and joni ernst in iowa. I also still do kind of think theyre hideous in my office. But in real life on your shelf, on your kitchen counter, in the recesses of your childhood memories, the merry mushroom canisters your mom bought at sears in the 70s, which happened to match your curtains, those mushroom canisters really arent hideous. They are lovely. So thank you for Fact Checking me on this. I sincerely regret what i now believe is an error. I love your mushroom canisters. And your kitchen. I love all of it. Sorry. Happy halloween. Indeed, a very happy one for pennsylvania residents where suspected cop killer eric frein alluded police for seven weeks before being captured. The battle between a nurse who helped ebola patients in the state of maine heats up. A homecoming king in cleveland. Number 23, lebron james good morning. So nice being with you. Im frances rivera. He was on the run for seven weeks. This morning, cop killer eric frein is sitting in a state police jail. He was foundan

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