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Ceremony coffee roasters, one of the five States Holding primaries next tuesday, its the second biggest prize after pennsylvania. For the republicans, 38 delegates. The latest polls show donald trump and Hillary Clinton fresh off the landslide wins in new york with double digit leads. Early voting in maryland ends today. Meanwhile the city were in still struggling to cope with the death and Police Custody of freddie gray. One year two days ago and violent protest that followed. It helped propel the black lives Matter Movement and now the retrial of one Baltimore Police officer and trials of five other officers charged in freddie grays death are scheduled to start next month. Well talk about that during this hour. But we start with politics. Donald trumps calling for ted cruz and john kasich to get out. Gop race after the Associated Press declared that they been mathematically eliminated from clinching the nomination before the convention. The republican frontrunner appeared in an exclusive town hall on nbcs today show. We have two more left and they are really they have absolutely no path to victory. In fact it was announced this morning they have no path to victory. And we have a very easy path to victory. I think theyll be gone very soon. So trump was also asked about North Carolinas controversial socalled bathroom law directing transgender people to use bathrooms matching the gender on their birth certificates and how he would be inclusive as president. Leave it the way it is, with North Carolina, with the business leaving and strife, thats on both sides, leave it the way it is. There have been few complaints the way it is. People use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble and the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and economic, the economic punishment they are taking do you have any transjendser people working in your organization . I really dont know. I probably do, i dont know. Caitlyn generaler would walk in trump tower, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses. Thats correct. Ted cruz about to hold that rally about 40 miles west of here in frederick, maryland. It comes a day after in july in cleveland. There you see him right there. Ted cruz, well keep our eye on that event. The senator will head to indiana holding its primary on may 3rd. Where the stop trump movement. John is itch and Bernie Sanders will be campaigning in pennsylvania. Later this hour Hillary Clinton takes part in a roundtable in Hartford Connecticut, in a state where the sandy hook shooting happened. Shell talk about her proposals to crack down on gun violence. Our nbc news correspondents fanned outstanding by to cover it all on this thursday. We start we start right now with jacob rascon, covering the Trump Campaign for us. He joins us live from indianapolis where the republican frontrunner held that rally yesterday. Were learning about new developments in morning involving the Trump Campaign. What can you tell us about those . Reporter so, were sort of been talking about trump 2. 0 for a while now. Now were really expecting a different tone when it comes to victory speeches and the policy speech, first of which weve learned will happen next week on foreign policy. And as well weve learned hes hired a speechwriter and practicing with teleprompters, totally new. Something important to realize about the tone of donald trump, in the rallies, wherever we go, even after a more president ial sounding victory speech, we always see him return to the same old trump. And we think its on purpose hes been asked about this before. For example, why did he not say lyin ted and not say senator cruz instead. He said i dont want to look like that and say that name with all of those people watching. On bigger stages when hes going to do a policy speech and at apec, hes going to sound different. Well see more of that. The first policy speech next week and it will keep going. Watch for that, craig. Jacob rascon for us this morning in indianapolis, Donald Trump Holding a rally there later today. Lets turn now to kasie hunt. Hollywood, florida, a stop trump movement, a meeting under way there. Donald trump has made a habit of bashing and making friends with the rnc, gathered for the final time there in hollywood before the partys convention in july. We know that trump sent reps to the meeting and john kasich and ted cruz appeared there. What else can you tell us about these meetings and whats supposed to happen . Reporter good morning, these meetings right now, Paul Manafort and rick wiley, those top aides to the Trump Campaign tasked with trying to make sure he wins at this convention are behind closed doors with these critical members of the rnc. All delegates themselves bound in many cases by different sets of rules depending on which state they come from. But manafort and riley have the tough task of convincing these Party Members that trump is up to beating Hillary Clinton and thats the main concern for most people here is making sure republicans regain the president ial. Of course, theyve had questions all the way along whether or not trump would be capable of doing that. I talked to some members planning to attend these briefings and they have questions about that. Whether or not the fact that hes late to the game on delegate process means he could get a campaign up and running that could beat Hillary Clinton. Whether or not he would be capable of raising a billion to billion and a half dollars that its going to take to run against her. Thats where these members head are. The question whether theres going to be an open convention and how to approach that. Ted cruz and john kasich both here yesterday making the argument that there is absolutely going to be an open convention and then of course that each one is in the best place to take advantage of that. Cruz calling kasich a spoiler, kasich getting a little angry about that saying hes not running to be anyones Vice President ial nominee. Were looking to see whether or not its starting to feel as if trump is inevitable. There are people i talked to here who say this game is already over, its clear that trump is going to win. On the flip side of that, craig, most i talked to have said the only chance trump has to actually be the nominee is to get to the 1237 on the first ballot at the convention. If hes not able to do that, all bets are off, craig. Kasie, what are they saying about possible rules changes. Reporter theres a rules meeting later today. They are being careful about not wanting to make it seem as though they think the rules should be changed ahead of this convention. This group of people all they can do is recommend changes to the rules committee that will convene that week before the convention, thats very important. Theres some discussion about the procedures on the floor and doesnt look like thats going to succeed. The key question, who is Reince Priebus going to put in charge. That person will have a lot of say over how this plays out, craig. Kasie hunt, thank you. Ted cruz holding an event right now. Not too far from where im sitting in frederick, maryland, at the Weinberg Center for the arts. Keeps government from getting in between us and our doctors. Were going to present a simple flat tax. This week was tax day. In a couple of years, every one of us will fill out our taxes on a postcard. And when we do that, we should abolish the irs. Were going to reign in the epa. And the federal regulators who have dexrended like locusts on farmers and ranchers and Small Businesses killing jobs all across this country. And were going to stop amnesty and secure the borders and end sanctuary cities and end Welfare Benefits for those here illegally. Let me tell you whats going to happen when we do all of that. Were going to see millions and millions of new high paying jobs coming back to america. Were going to see manufacturing jobs coming back to america, coming back from china, coming back from mexico. Were going to see wages rising again for working men and women and see young people coming out of school filled with hopes and filled with dreams and with two, three, four, five job offers. Well see morning in america again. The second critical issue in this election is freedom. Just a few weeks ago ted cruz there in frederick, maryland. Nbcs Hallie Jackson is also in Frederick Maryland at that ted cruz event. She joins me live now from inside. Whats the scene like there. Reporter hey, there, craig, im talking in a little bit of a golf whisper, were in the balcony here as ted cruz is speaking on stage. This is one of the areas where hes campaigning today in frederick, maryland. Its a full house. Downstairs is packed and people started to fill in the balcony as well. Cruz message today is focused not just on the race coming up but the comments donald trump made in that town hall. Cruz is taking aim at trump and he went on glenn beck radio a few minutes ago talking about how he believes thats a position that he wouldnt take essentially. Hes arguing donald trump is bowing to Political Correctness on this. Watch for cruz to underscore his position that he believes hes the only true conservative in this race and likely use this as an attack line against trump moving forward as he tries to draw contrast with the frontrunner. After this event in maryland, cruz will head to indiana. He has a retail shop and shaking hands at a restaurant. Then he has a republican dinner tonight and is set to meet with governor pence of that state. Lots to watch for today on the campaign trail and back to you. Hallie jackson in frederick, maryland, thank you. Join eed now by katrina pearson. Always appreciate your time. Thanks for being with me. Thank you. Lets start with mr. Trumps appearance this morning on today. I want to play a piece of sound from the town hall. This is where he talked about transgender people, using quote, the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. Heres what he said. Theres a big move to create new bathrooms, problem with that is for transgender, first of all i think that would be discriminatory in a certain way but it would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and the country. Leave it the way it is. Lets talk about abortion, another potent social issue. The republican platform every four years has a provision that states that the right of the unborn child should not be infringed and makes know exceptions for rape or incest or life of the mother. Would you want to change the republican platform to include the exceptions that you have . Yes, i would. Absolutely. For the three exceptions i would. Katrina, those two positions right there on transgender bathroom use and abortion, youve got a number of folks, ted cruz who we just saw who have always said that donald trump isnt a true conservative. Are we concerned these turn off more conservative voters . No, mr. Trumps positions havent changed. He has always said hes prolife with exceptions. Why wouldnt he want the platform to reflect the same thing. Nothing has changed there. His position on the bathrooms, if you listen to the entire discussion was simply about economics. When he talked about what was actually happening in the state and how they were being punished economically and businesses and people were suffering, really nothing has changed here. This is a talking point for someone like ted cruz now slipping into third place in fay lot of these upcoming states. We should note mr. Trump has acknowledged changing his position on abortion, he said 15 years ago on meet the press he was prochoice. Not as a candidate and not recently. Thats my point here. Another issue that came up during the town hall, tax reform. Heres what he said. There are some people out there not good people. For most part i have to say wall street people, they are aggressive, they are tough and smart and they bring a lot of money and a lot of jobs into this country. Do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy . I do. Including myself. I do. All right, so heres the thing, katrina and ive got a copy of trumps tax plan, it actually appears to cut taxes for the wealthy and calls for a cut in the top income tax rate from 39. 6 to 25 . Lowest level since 1939 and calls for cutting Corporate Tax rate to 15 , offering a special tax rate of 15 to business owners. Thats less than half what they pay may pay under todays rules and abolish state tax entirely. How exactly does that square with his belief in raising taxes on the wealthy . You can go back to several of his speeches when he talks about hedge funds specifically. If youre just talking about income business income, thats different. What mr. Trump is talking about, the super wealthy and super rich what some call the 1 , their income comes from other places. When you look at these hedge fund managers, supporting ted cruz and Hillary Clinton and not trump, thats what hes talking about. Were not talking about who just built a business and been successful. Were talking alternative incomes here. That again, just doesnt square with the plan outlined on the website. When asked about the controversial comments hes made in the past about muslims and immigrants and women. This is what he said this morning. Look, i did some things and ive said some things in fun. Said it as an entertainer doing the apprentice and i just saw steve said they wanteded tory new me for two years and didnt do it because of this. Theres nobody that respects women more than i do. Theres nobody that will take care of Womens Health issues better than i will. Hillary cannot do it. She doesnt have the strength or energy. She will not be able to do it. Okay, katrina, again, thats something that weve heard a number of times that he would be great for women specifically what would he do for women, are we talking equal pay here and paid parental leave . What are we talking about specifically . How is he going to be so great for women . Hes talking about his policies, this isnt just a one issue type of thing when it comes to women. Were talking about the economy. Whether or not youre bringing back jobs or securing the border or building wall which naturally will increase wages as i will Legal Immigration tends to depress wages. Whether its Getting Health Care back on track, he was the one being criticized for appreciating what planned parenthood was doing with regard to Cervical Cancer screenings without abortions, he wasnt closed minded to these issues and why he won women in new york overwhelmingly and women in pennsylvania today. Name one policy that will benefit women specifically . Trade policy. Were talking about immigration policy. All of these issues affect women. Women are not single issue voters and i think this is the point the media misses all the time. Women want jobs and want children to have a good education and be able to find jobs and husbands to be able to find jobs. Its not just a one issue talking point for women. This is really going to hurt. You have Hillary Clinton whos been saying the exact same thing for 40 years. Her husband served two terms as president. The democrats have been in control for the last two cycles and in the very first term of president obama, democrats were in control of everything. If shes still complaining about things that havent been fixed for the last 40 years, thats a bigger problem. Mr. Trump isnt interested about talking about the problems. Hes talking about resolving those problems and those problems begin with the bigger issues of immigration, trade and taxes. Katrina pierson for the Trump Campaign, thank you so much. Great to be here, thanks, craig. The possibility of the first contested convention in 40 years throwing the gop into chaos. Coming up, ill talk to shawn spicer, the republican spokes person, well find out how the party thinks this is all going to play out over the summer. Innovative sonicare technology with up to 27 more brush movements versus oral b. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. 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Get a free sample at depend. Com. Let me ask, have we gone stark raving nuts . This is the Political Correctness. This is basic common sense. Let me ask you, are there any parents of daughters here . Im the father of two little girls. Here is basic common sense. Grown adult men strangers, should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls. That was ted cruz a few moments ago in frederick, maryland, talking about the transgender bathroom law. Results could play a big role in whether the Republican Convention this summer becomes contested. Thats a major issue looming over the rnc spring gathering in florida as we reported in a few hows, the Standing Rules Committee set to meet. They are going to be facing tough questions over what would play out if no candidate reaches 1237. Its an issue that triggered an internal debate over proposed changes to the rules. Im joined now by the rnc chief strategist. Sean spicer. Always good to see you. I do want to start with what were seeing play out in maryland now this morning with donald trump and town hall blowing up on social media as well. Whos right on the transgender bathroom issue, cruz or trump . Im sorry, craig, what was that . On the transgender bathroom issue, the back and forth between cruz and trump, whos right . Im not going to go there. Each candidate will articulate what they want we have enough going down here at the rnc spring meeting. The chairman has come under fire for his objection to any rules changes. Its been widely reported in a letter obtained by the Associated Press, rules committees of the chairman, bruce ash, accused priebus of a breach of trust for trying to stop one proposed rule change. Why is the chairman against the proposed rule change and what rule are we talking about here specifically . Theres a lot of confuse whats happening. Generally speaking, before a convention, the rnc rules committee, a separate body, makes recommendations to the convention about rules that need to be changed or they suggest to be changed. The Convention Rules committee which is 112 individuals, one man, one woman for every state sean territory look at those recommendations and pass new rules for the regular party for the succeeding four years. This year with all of the scrutiny going around, the chairmans position is that the rnc shouldnt make any recommendations ats all and should leave all decisions to the elected delegates who have been chosen by the grass roots Republican Voters from coast to coast. Why is that . Well, because i think theres a lot of confusion and scrutiny. With everybody trying to figure out is that recommendation hurt or hinder one particular candidate, the chairmans view is that the less we do, the more transparent we are, the more that people see that all of these decisions are being left entirely into the hands of the delegates who are elected by our grass roots voter, thats better for the system and allows people to see whats happening and doesnt make people believe that something is occurring behind closed doors or smoke filled rooms. Trans parentscy is best, allow the democratic system to work its will. Lets talk about another issue that the party seems to be facing. Folks not showing up in cleveland, john mccain, one time president ial nominee has added his name to the list of folks who will not be at the convention. Telling the hill, quote, i have to campaign for reelection and i have always done that when im up. We have a late primary in arizona. He did attends conventions in 2004 race as well. Kelly ayotte and rob portman, who represents ohio, how bad does it look for the party that you have so many senators worried about even attending the convention . Well, as you said, every one of those senators is up for reelection and focusing on their race. It makes a lot of sense. I know people want to make a big story out of it sean craig, no, i managed a race in 1996, freshman congressman, he didnt attend the san diego convention. That happens. People who have tough races are smart to concentrate on their races. The bottom line is, the demand signal to get a room in cleveland and space in cleveland is off the chart. Every one whether its the media or delegates or guests or outside interest, the number of people that want to come to cleveland to be part of the convention is unbelievably phenomenal. Thats the facts. Its unreal. Unless youre a senator whos in a tight race apparently. Sure. But why if youre in a tight race, why would you spend a week in cleveland when you can be back home trying to get reelected . It happens. I would suspect if you ask members of the Democratic Party who are in tight races whether they are going to hang out in philadelphia, theyll give you the same answer. Sean, weve heard donald trump continue to talk about how rigged this entire process is if he does get the nomination, how do you work with him . How do you go to the prom with a guy whos called you ugly all year . Well, were going to be the professional group that weve always been. Were focus ug on building an amazing ground game. This is our job. Weve said it all along. When the voters choose a nominee, well march behind them and propel them to victory in november. I understand a lot of words get thrown around during primary season. Sometimes they are not as constructive as they can be. But all three of those campaigns for what its worth are down here during our meeting talking to rnc members and talking to supporters and activists, why they would be the best nominee for our party. I hear a lot of rhetoric on the campaign trail but the reality is, each one of them understand what a great rnc we have. The successes that we have and resources and staff and equipment that we offer. Those candidates, were the only entity focused on the general election and have the tools to beat Hillary Clinton in november. Sean spicer, forgiving and for getting not just the spokesperson for the rnc, the chief diplomat as well. Always good to see you, my friend, thanks for being with me. Thank you, craig. Lets get to the democrats now in maryland, where Hillary Clinton is expected to do very well. Shes beating sanders by more than 20 points. Clinton in Hartford Connecticut meeting with family members, victims of gun violence, including families of the sandy hook shooting. That event expected to begin any moment now. This as a new analysis from nbc news projects that clinton could reach the magic number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination as early as may 17th. The latest she could reach it after california and new jersey, june 7th. Kristen welker is with the Clinton Campaign in hartford, connecticut. Kristen, the scene there in hartford, we understand in addition to this rally, shes also going to be spending some time talking with family members as well. Reporter thats right, this is an issue that resonates in the state of connecticut, particularly in the wake of the sandy hook tragedy. Secretary clinton out with a really moving new ad that features the daughter of a sandy hook victim. Erika will be here at this round table later on today. This is an issue that allows secretary clinton to argue that she is actually stronger when it comes to taking on the gun lobby. Shes been slamming senator san sanders for opposing legislation that would allow to sue gun manufacturers. This is an issue they have gone back and forth about quite a bit on debate stage. Its one of the few points where she can say shes further to the left than senator sanders. The fact that she is making such an aggressive play here in connecticut, underscores that the Clinton Campaign not leaving any stone unturned. You just mapped out the broader picture. The fact that secretary clinton could clinch this nomination by the middle of may but the Sanders Campaign arguing they still have a path, look, in order for them to still have a path, he has to win states like connecticut and states like connecticut by huge margins. And what were effectively seeing in secretary clinton being here today, shes trying to stop him on his turf. Hes of course from neighboring vermont. This is arguably a state where he should be able to do well, where his message should resonate. The Clinton Campaign trying to have an all out run the ground game, if you will next week and blow him out in these states. So that they can essentially blunt any momentum that he might gain next tuesday, which would make it a lot tougher for him to stay in this race, craig. Kristen welker, thank you. Lets turn now to bernie sandsers the vermont senator returning to the campaign trail after taking a rare day off yesterday following that tough primary loss in new york. Chris jansing is in scranton, pennsylvania, where sandsers will be holding the first of three rallies in the next half hour. We see another packed Convention Hall behind you. About 1800 people, a lot of them college students. There are a number of colleges here in scranton. The point that Kristen Welker is making, this is a campaign that believes it still does have a path forward. Its not an easy path by any stretch of the imagination. They talk about these superdelegates and people who have pledged themselves to Hillary Clinton, who they think with momentum they can turn, how do they get momentum . One place is here in pennsylvania where they think that working class voters are going to have his message resonate. But shes up by double digits. In addition to that they point to the fact yet again last month, he outraced Hillary Clinton not by a little, pretty significantly. And hes been closing on her in the national polls. So they arent giving up. They said theres zero chance that hes going to drop out. There was a little bit of a back and forth by one of the prominent Hillary Clinton surrogates. David plouffe, who tweeted yesterday it is a fraud to state that you have a path to the nomination in raising money by having a path to the nomination. So i called jeff weaver, who is the head of the Sanders Campaign and said it shows you how hollow how the clintons are when they want to talk about unity. They are using surrogates using a machete. It doesnt sound like a lot of love lost there. One of the things well be listening for here is whether or not there is a change in tone from senator sanders as that path to the nomination gets so difficult for him. There have been calls by a lot of democrats, particularly obviously, clinton supporters who say he needs to back down on the direct hits hes been taking at her. Well see what we have here and whether or not he goes right for Hillary Clinton or whether or not its a little more subdued stump speech, craig. Chris jansing, in scranton, pennsylvania, Bernie Sanders set to hold a town hall in 20 minutes or so. Coming up a look at grass roots efforts to change the streets of baltimore for the better and how this years political season is playing into all of it. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. So i need nutrition. That wont weigh me down. For the nutrition you want without the calories you dont. Try boost® 100 calories. Each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protei and its available in two new flavors, vanilla caramel and Double Chocolate fudge. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. The church has often play a major role in bringing the black community together. In the era of black lives Matter Movement, the relationship between activism and socalled establishment, that relationship is changing a bit. I sat down with the old and new guard and we talked about a host of things, a 76yearold woman named harriet latdson and davon lee. We talked president ial politics and faith and grass roots efforts. Heres what they told me. We got a lot of men that are in programs that are my main thing is out on the street. We need to pull those gentlemen in, put them to work, pull up their pants, make them active and do the job. We keep talking about them out on the street doing nothing. But we are not trying to train them to do something. We do a lot of talk and no action. We go on the corners where our young men are and we do not even want to speak to them. Heres the other thing that doesnt get talked about a lot. There is an industry an exploiting our suffering. Right . Theres an industry around people making money doing programs and usually folks who come in and think they can save us and fix our problems and its really important for us, we have the capacity to fix the problems in our city. This needs to be the right resources invested in the right places and needs to be folks that highlight the work happening and scaling that work up. Theres all of this conversation we need new ways to do certain things and certainly there need to be some things. When people say we need new ways to do things, they are saying it out of ignorance thats happening and what has already worked. There sneeds to be an investment in that and the scale that up, instead of folks outside of our communities coming in with these new ideas that are more beneficial to them than it is to the communities that actually doing the work. What role should the church play . We need to as a congregation, come together and mentor not that we dont mentor, more mentor the young women, to teach them certain things not only about god and the bible, but we need to teach them the natural and what i mean about that is how to dress, how to present themselves, and how to be a young lady. The other part is the young men in the churches, we need to teach them how to respect the women, the young women and not to use them. Is there a candidate thats running that gives you more hope for the future than others . I believe in miss Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump, okay, i do not respect him but i hear what he says. Really . Because a lot of things that he has already said the public out there have said the same thing. He is totally speaking of what a lot of ill say us have said i dont believe it like what . Say, for instance, talking about integration, we talk about integration all the time. You see, we as a black community, we have been so download in all a lot of years and to talk about what we cannot do and what we can do, thats disrespectful to me. And to other countries. National politics is something that distracts a lot of folks from whats going on locally. I think sometimes theres too much emphasis placed on the national elections, a lot of these institutions, talking about the Democratic Party or republican party, a lot of institutions serve as intermediaries between where the resources and people are. Theres an exploitation of where the people are, where black folks in many ways are told to be dependent on the Democratic Party establishment without any actual power to make decisions or where resources go. And unfortunately, many of us have just accepted that. But i think whats happening in baltimore, theres a shift. We understand the goal isnt ininclusion, whats necessary is to build independent black led political socioeconomic apparatus that we can project our own interest. Own time you see a lot of politicians and pastors when there are cameras around. Exactly. Why is that . Why dont groups like yours hold them ktdable . Weve been criticizing a lot of our elected officials, starting from the mayor. Part of the reason why we havent endorsed any of the mayoral candidates, one is many of them are supported by infrastructure thats outside of our community. All they need to do is look like they care and some of the people in our Community Buy it. And so thats all they need. The other piece though. Because there isnt a black led infrastructure to be pro active about issues, politicians are just responding to disasters. They are not part of me proactive measures to build community unless theres other folks inside our community that want to plan something. Part of it is changing the culture around that and saying that, you know, if people want to invest in baltimore or invest in elected officials, you need to invest in a infrastructure that is independent and doesnt have to take its cues from the Greater Baltimore Committee or whatever developer or whatever. It needs to come from inside the community. Thats why elected officials behave that way and it works for them. Thats the thing. Its not an accident. Its not like the failing to do something that they should otherwise do. They are doing what makes sense for them as individuals. You know what i mean, not coaligned with the community. Theres more people starting to realize that is the case but its going to take again being proactive instead of being reactsive to address it. 28yearold davon love who has become the face of activism, if you will, so to speak here in baltimore. And his new friend, 76yearold harriet who has been living in the city more than 60 years. Well be right back. Ve access to bas banking, but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. The microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten Million People in just two years. Its transforming our worl we stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. 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Right now a live look at two events were right now a live look at two e events we are looking here. Hillary clinton is expected to take the stage any in a moment on the right side of your screen in scranton, pennsylvania where Bernie Sanders is expected to take to the podium any moments now. The first three events today is still ahead here on msnbc. We caught up with the ice cream duo, ben and jerrys of the special flavor they created. They talked to thomas roberts. It is a good thing you are working with your doctors. Great ings are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. Whats that . The number of units well make next month to maximize earnings. Thats a projection. No, its a fact. Based on hundreds of proprietary and open data sets folded into a realtime, actionable analytics model. Nine. Eight. Three. Five. Two. Youre not gonna round that up . You dont round up facts. Powerful analytics driving decisions for the worlds most valuable brands. Democratic president ial front runner, Hillary Clinton has taken the stage in Hartford Connecticut, holding a roundtable there. Lets listen in. The importance of those results is because of the people on the stage so we dont have to continue to add seats. Thats why i am here today. So it is my absolute honor to introduce to you the next president of the united states, Hillary Clinton. [ cheers ] thank you, thank you all so much. Thank you. Wow, well, i am really honored to be here. Back at hartford, i am so grateful to each of these panel lists and so many in the audience who like me are determined that we will do whatever we can to save lives in america. On average 90 people a day die from gun violence, thats 33,000 people a year, a year. If anything else, we are killing 33,000 americans a year. You can bet we would be fully mobilized doing everything we possibly could to save lives. I am really proud that your leaders here in connecticut have shown the way and i want to thank governor dan malloy whos here and lieutenant governor, Nancy Weidman is here and your young mayor whos a friend of my daughters which of course makes that even better for me with his daughter who is here. Thank you, mayor and thank you to everyone i want to also call out reverend henry brown for his leadership as well. [ applause ] i know how hard it was to do what connecticuts governor and legislature did after sandy hook. So i am not here to make promises i cannot keep. I am here to tell you i will use every single minute of everyday if i am so fortunate enough to be your president looking for ways that we can save lives and change the jugun culture. It is just so easy for people to reach a gun to solve their problems. It makes no sense. We could do this consistent with the second amendment. We could do this with the support of responsible gun owners. Thats exactly what well do. And, i want you to know [ applause ] that i know i dont have all the answers. You will hear from the panelists today both about their personal experiences and about what they are doing to organize in their communities and across the nation. To come up with common sense gun safety reforms. I am advocating for comprehensive background checks, closiing every one of the loophole and the online hoop hole, under the gun laws, your entitled to get the gun you want to buy after three days whether or not the background check is completed. The reason is called the charlestons loophole is the young killer in charleston went to get that gun and came back three days later and the background check was not completed but under the law, the seller had no choice but to sell the gun. 24 hours later, they learned he never should have been able to buy the gun because of his record. He took that gun and he went to that church in charleston during a bible study and he was invited in and ended up murdering nine people. I was in philadelphia yesterday. There were twelve shootings just over the weekend, four deaths, a Police Officer shot and injured, and a four years old girl killed when her father was playing with his loaded gun. Because in that 33,000 deaths every year, there are homicides to be sure and there are suicides. And there are tragic avoidable accidents. Too many of them including children who find that loaded gun. So, it is with incredible gratitude to the people you are about to hear from. That i ask you to please join us in this effort. I am raising it everywhere i go because we need a national movement. The gun law lobby is the most powerful lobby in washington, you can talk about wall street, Drug Companies and Insurance Companies and big oil theyre all powerful, dont get me wrong. Nobody is more powerful than the gun lobby. They have figured out how to intimidate elected officials at all levels who basically stop thinking about this problem because they are too scared to stand up to the nra. Thats why what happens here in connecticut needs to be a model. To stand up and fight what you have done politically and convince the majority of the people to stay with you. Thats what we have to do in washington and nationally, we have to turn this into a voting issue. So we are now going to hear from the panelists and i have asked each of them to talk about their personal stories but also to share their ideas of what could be done. We have a good Diverse Panel and if we have time, i would love to hear from the people in the audience, too. Erika. My name is erika. Good day to you, i am Peter Alexander in new york. You can see we have been watching Hillary Clinton, shes in hartford, connecticut, shes been speaking with grun control with the families of sandy hook shootings. Clinton has been emphasizing her views on gun safety legislation

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