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Because he was afraid his hair might get injured in the rain that day and the attitudes in that article that he expresses about the military. We got a statement from mary trump, and i was so about this, i was so fascinated to see you begin your coverage tonight with mary trump because as i was reading this, thats who i was thinking about this because Jeffrey Goldberg has taken us inside a very preverse section of Donald Trumps mind, which is his attitude toward the military, as you pointed out. And that footage that we have never seen before about your interview with mary trump was so helpful on this. This is what he said in an exclusive statement tonight in response specifically to the reporting of Jeffrey Goldberg that you have been going through for the last hour. Mary trump said anybody who is surprised by donalds comments is once again letting him off the hook when he has time after time demonstrated himself to be nothing but an antiamerican, antimilitary traitor to this country. So that is mary trumps specific response tonight to what she has read in Jeffrey Goldbergs reporting. Wow. And you couple that with the fact that she is the one who just, in her book, reported that the president threatened to disown his own child if he chose to enlist in the military because the president was so against it and so repulsed by that prospect. I feel like this is a part of this president that im not sure i ever wanted flushed out. And that cemetery that he refused to visit, of course, has many marines from world war ii. And so i immediately wanted to reach out to seth molten, congressman, former marine captain, four tours of combat duty. Hes going to join us tonight. As i was in the middle of the article article, i wanted to reach out to bob kerry who left after a leg in vietnam. Rachel, that was before i got to the horrible, horrible ending of this article in which you quoted where donald trump talks about his attitude toward not wanting to ever see amputees and wounded veterans because he said nobody wants to see that. Yeah. And i just i dont have room in my you know, hopefully mildly em pa thet ek understanding of the range of Human Emotions that is available to any of us to be able to con your that. I cant think my way into somebody feeling that way, let alone being repulsed by someones decision to join the military. Goldberg reports he sees that as a sign of a lack of intelligence or a lack of talent that you would sign up for the military and that hes repulsed and doesnt want to see anyone thats been injured, let alone pay them any respects. Honestly, i wouldnt believe it, too, were it not for these sources. As a marine corps veteran and a reporter, he didnt believe it when he read it. Then he started calling his own sources and got multiple confirmations. No. It is as horrible and ugly a donald trump story as weve ever had. Thank you, rachel. As i say, we begin tonight with the breaking news from Jeffrey Goldbergs new report in the atlantic that tells one of the ugliest stories ever told about donald trump and it begins with that ugly confection on the top of Donald Trumps head that is designed to hide what for donald trump is a painful truth. In trying to hide that truth, donald trump reveals so very much of who he is in trying to desperately to hide the truth about how much hair actually grows on Donald Trumps head. He combs over the spots of his skull that he doesnt want you to see and the crown he creates is so absurdly elaborate and obviously fragile that it screams a constant warning of the fragility of the ego that needs to create that ridiculous lie on the top of his head. And when donald trump enters, his hair is lying to you before he opens his mouth. Donald trumps hair tells you, here is a man who will lie to you and does not care how obvious and ridiculous his lies are. Donald trumps hair gives you the shortest shortcut you could ask for in measuring his insecurity. And then he speaks and tells you how smart he is so you know hes wildly insecure about how smart he isnt. As he goes on to compliment himself about everything, you know hes wildly insecure about everything. Everything about donald trump is as insecure as the hair he has tortured into position on the top of his head. And we know tonight that hair is more important to donald trump than life and death, the life and death of others, the lives and deaths of american soldiers buried in a cemetery in france that donald trump refused to visit because it was raining and he worried about the fragility of his hair. The current commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States of america was afraid that his hair could not endure rain drops in a place where american soldiers endured so much more and so many made the ultimate sacrifice. You might recall that in 2018 it was a lastminute change to Donald Trumps schedule in france when he canceled a visit to the American Cemetery in paris saying that the helicopter could not fly because of rain and that the secret service couldnt drive, didnt want to drive because of rain. They didnt want to drive there. Now, there was no reason to believe any of that story at the time, and many of us publically said we did not believe that story at the time. But now, now Jeffrey Goldberg has now reporting saying that none of that was true, that the helicopter couldnt fly and it was not true that the sec set service couldnt drive to the cemetery. Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain and because he did not believe it important to honor american born dead according to people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day and a conversation with senior Staff Members on the morning of the scheduled visit, trump said, why should i go to that cemetery . Its filled with losers. In a separate conversation on the same trip, trump referred to the 1,800 marines who lost their lives as suckers. It is a consequencial battle in American History and the ground on which it is fought is venerated by the marine war. They dropped the german advance toward paris there in the spring of 1918. But trump on that same trip asked aids, who were the good guys in this war . He also said that he didnt understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the allies. When the marine corps arrived at belleau wood, french soldiers retreated and warned the marines that german attacks were going to increase and urged the marines to retreat, to which captain Lloyd Williams said retreat . Hell, we just got here. We have known that donald trump does not understand or respect bravery since the very first time he opened his foul mouth about john mccain. Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured. When mccain died in august of 2018, trump told his senior staff, were not going to support that losers funeral and he became furious according to witnesses when he saw flags lowered to halfstaff. What the f are we going that for . The guy was an fing loser the president told aidsment trump was not invited to mccains funeral. On at least two occasions since becoming president according to three sources with direct knowledge of his views, the president referred to george h. W. Bush as a loser for being shot down in world war ii. When donald trump does visit a Military Cemetery, he doesnt get it. And he has actually admitted that. On the first memorial day of the Trump Presidency in 2017, donald trump went Arlington National cemetery accompanied by former marine corps general john kelly who was then Donald Trumps secretary of Homeland Security. John kellys son was killed seven years earlier in afghanistan when he was 29. And he is buried at Arlington National cemetery. Jeffrey goldberg reports, according to sources, trump while standing by robert kellys brave turned directly to his father and said, i dont get it. What was in it for them . Kelly, who declined to comment for this story initially believed that trump was making a ham handed reference to the selflessne selflessness. But he later came to realize trump does not understand nontransactional life choices. He cant fathom the idea of doing something for someone other than himself. He just thinks that anyone who does anything when there is no direct personal gain to be had is a sucker. There is no money in serving the nation, kellys friend went on to say. Trump cant imagine anyone elses pain. Thats why he would say this to the father of a Fallen Marine on memorial day. Donald trump sees military parades the way dictators do. So even though he thinks the military is for losers and suckers, for years now, donald trump has been trying to mount a military parade in washington, not to honor the troops and their sacrifice, but to honor their commander in chief. Jeffrey goldberg ends his report with this description of a white house meeting about planning a military parade. In a 2018 white house planning meeting for such an event, trump had not to include wounded veterans on the grounds that spectators would feel uncomfortable in the presence of amputees. Nobody wants to see that, he said. When i was working in the United States senate, it was my honor to see that every day. There was the republican leader of the senate bob dole, wounded by machine gunfire in world war ii and unable to use his right arm and right hand. There was senator john mccain who was held az a prisoner of war for five and a half years. His injuries left him with limited movements of his arms. On the other side of the aisle, the senator of hawaii who lost his right arm in world war ii and was awarded the medal of honor and senator bob kerry of alaska who left half of his right leg in vietnam. And it is my honor to be joined in this discussion tonight by former senator bob kerry who served as a navy seal in vietnam and a captain in the marine corps. Gentlemen, what i would like to do is get out of the way and let you, with your expertise, respond to what you have heard in this report by Jeffrey Goldberg. And, seth, you know this show has a bias for the United States senate going first. So well let senator kerry start us off. Well, look, its completely consistent. There is nothing surprising about the president s attitude towards people who choose to serve their country. What concerns me, lawrence, we have a higher fraction of men and women who served in the military who are committing suicide. And oftentimes they feel like theyre losers. They feel like theyre suckers, especially those of us who are injured. We do feel that we might make people uncomfortable when theyre around us. And i just say to those men and women who served, you are not losers. You are not suckers. You served your country, and we value that service. You have given us more than we have a right to expect, frankly. And dont be concerned that the president doesnt understand service because all of us who have served do understand and were very grateful to you, seth, and others who have stepped to the plate and served in two wars at that time that were very unpopular, very much like vietnam. Well, senator, you set an inspiring example for many americans, myself included. I mean, look, this isnt surprising. Donald trump is the most selfish person in Public Service in American History. And yet tonight might be the first time that i actually feel sad for donald trump, because this is just so pathetic. I mean, hes clearly sick. Hes clearly ill. And i feel sad for the american troops who are under his command as our commander in chief. This is a dangerous man who has this job. Senator kerry has explained just one reason why its dangerous. But to think that to think that Young Americans on the front lines in places like afghanistan tonight have to rely on this man to make decisions about their lives, its just a sad day for america. Jeffrey goldberg has this report inside the mind of donald trump, as it were, saying several observers told me that trump is deeply anxious about dying or being disfigured. And this worry manifests itself as disgust for those who have suffered. Bob kerry, what is your reaction to that . Well, again, i mean, im no longer worried about what you think of me, lawrence. Im actually wearing shorts right now. But it took a while to get over it. It took a while to get to a point where i didnt feel like i was upsetting people as a consequence of their seeing the disfigurement that i suffered in vietnam. To every man and woman who has been disabled, every man and woman who stepped forward and volunteered to serve, you are not losers. You are not suckers. I know many, many people who served in vietnam who felt that way because the war became unpopular. They felt like they were losers. They felt like men like donald trump who claimed they had bone spurs and got out of it that they were the smart ones. The men and women who served our country in the unpopular wars in many ways are the ones who we should respect the most. They ask for nothing but respect, and we should give it to them. Speak directly to the men and women wearing the uniforms of the army, air force, navy, marine corps because theyre the ones we ought to be concerned about, not the president and his attitude toward service. It seems that many in the military can see donald trump in the way that he can being seen tonight. We have a recent poll in military times saying 49. 9 military have an unfavorable view of donald trump. Only 38 with a favorable view of donald trump. Thats in the military times in Syracuse University poll of active duty troops. In that same poll joe biden is ahead of donald trump 41 37. What is your sense of what the troops will be thinking as this story sinks in . I mean, i hope that it opens the eyes of the 37 to really see who this man is. You know, he dodged the draft for a reason. He refused to go for a reason. And there is nothing more important in america than our values. Thats why when you swear that oath to serve in the military, you swear it to the constitution. Y you dont swear it to a political party, to a president , to any leader. You swear it to a set of values. And the willingness to put your life on the line for those values is just its the most selfless kind of service there is. Thats why i was inspired to volunteer myself, just to be a volunteer like senator kerry and so many who have gone before us. And when you undermine that, you undermine the essence of america, our fundamental values. Thats why this is so dangerous. There are a lot of commander in chiefs, commanders in chief that i have disagreed with. I served four tours under george w. Bush. I didnt vote for him twice. I was an outspoken critic of his war. But i was proud to serve. And i never once questioned the loyalty of george w. Bush, for all my disagreements with him, to our constitution. But you cant trust that. You cant trust that loyalty with donald trump. In fact, weve had it proven to us that hes disloyal. I mean, he is a traitor. Mary trump is right. Lawrence, one of the great things about america is a willingness of men and women to help each other, to serve, when there is nothing in it for them. Does donald trump think that mothers that dedicated their children are suckers because they ask for nothing in return but being a good mom. Are they suckers because they respond when there is a flood or a tornado and some devastation happens in their community . Are they losers for going out on the line because they dont get anything in return, hes not paying them . Theyre not losers. Theyre not suckers. Its what makes this country great, not selfishness, selfishness is not what makes this is a great country. I thought of you both as i was reading this story. I feel very lucky that you were able to join this discussion tonight. Couldnt thank you more for the service that you have done for this country in so many ways. Thank you both. Looking good, seth. You too, senator. And when we come back, joe biden went to kenosha today to meet with jacob blakes family and he managed to actually speak with jacob blake in his hospital bed by phone. That and more next. That and more next vo verizon knows how to build unlimited right. Start with americas most awarded network. Im on my phone 24 7. vo then, for the first time ever, include disney , hulu, and espn . Were a big soccer family. Handmaids tale. I love frozen. vo then give families plans to mix and match so you only pay for what you need. You get so much more, and its a great network. vo with plans starting at just 35. Plus, get up to 1,000 off our best phones when you switch. The network more people rely on gives you more. Thats verizon. If i could, baby id how can i, when you wont take it from me you can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Today joe biden went to kenosha, wisconsin to meet with relatives of jacob blake jr. The conversation lasted 90 minutes. Later joe biden said that jacob blake jr. Himself managed to join the conversation by phone. I had an opportunity to spend some time with jacob on the phone. Hes out of icu. We spoke for about 15 minutes. His brother and two sisters, his dad and his mom on the telephone. I spoke to them before, but we spent this time together with my wife. And he talked about how nothing was going to defeat him, how whether he walked again or not, he was not going to give up. Joe biden then participated in a Community Meeting in kenosha after listening to several speakers. Joe biden addressed the attendees on how President Trumps reaction to the violence in charlottesville in 2017 exposed what joe biden called institutional racism that still exists in the United States. He said there are very fine people on both sides. No president has said anything like that. The generic point im making is, not all his fault, but it legitimizes. It legitimizes a dark side of human nature. And what it did, though, it also exposed what had not been paid enough attention to, the underlying racism that is institutionalized in the United States still exists, has existed for 400 years. And, so, whats happened is that we end up with a circumstance like you had here in kenosha. Abc news reports russia has sought to amplify concerns over the integrity of u. S. Elections by promoting allegations that it will lead to widespread fraud. An litss of the department of Homeland Security issued the warning on thursday to federal and state Law Enforcement partners after finding with high confidence that russian maligned influence actors have targeted the absentee voting process by spreading disinformation since at least march. Just like donald trump. Two House Democrats are urging the director of National Intelligence to make public what they argue is crucial information about the extent to which foreign actors are exploiting recent racial and social unrest in the United States to advance their own agendas. Congresswoman value demmings wrote to the director of National Intelligence, quote, we strongly believe that keeping all this information classified will severely hinder our ability to combat foreign meddling and allow the United States government to repeat the same mistakes as 2016. Joining our discussion is value demings of florida. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. I just want to begin with your reaction to what we have learned in Jeffrey Goldbergs reporting tonight about President Trump refusing to visit an American Military cemetery in france because he was afraid his hair would not survive the rain. Along with other den grading comments he made about the military. Lawrence, its good to be back with you. And, look, donald trump believed his hair could not stand the visit. But what we know is that his heart could not take the visit. Mia angelo, we all know what he said. When people show you who they are, believe them and believe that the first time. Donald trump has demonstrated that he has no compassion, no empathy. He doesnt even get the men and women of the military. Those who would leave home to go to a foreign land to fight for something greater than themselves. Donald trump does not get that. And we clearly understand why he was a draft dodger. Im not surprised. I wish i was. Im not surprised, nor shocked that this president has said the things that he did about the war dead. We continue to honor them and celebrate them. I want to get your reaction to joe bidens visit to kenosha today with your experience in Law Enforcement and now in the congress. With the aftermath of these kinds of events, it is always a delicate question about who should visit, when and how. Well, today Vice President biden really showed us exactly what being a commander in chief looks like, what it sounds like and what its supposed to feel like. There has been a lot of talk about unifying our community, unifying our nation during times like this. And we look to our leaders to be that calming voice, to provide the unity we so desperate ly need. He met with the face to face leaders. He met with the former police chief and a police officer. He met with some of the demonstrators. And he also, imagine this, met with the family of mr. Blake and also took the time to have a phone conversation with mr. Blake in the hospital. That is exactly what a commander in jeff, if you are going to visit the area, that is what you are supposed to do. And i know kenosha needed that today and, quite frankly, the nation needed to see that and hear that today. What can you tell us about what you and congressman are trying to find from the director of National Intelligence . Well, its really shocking when we have to send a letter to the director of National Intelligence reminding him really of what his Job Responsibilities are, to share information with the Intelligence Committee so that we can make sure that the American People have the information that they need to be able to ensure that we can have a free and Fair Election process in 60 days. And so our letter is really reminding mr. Rad cliff who you know served on the Judiciary Committee and on the Intelligence Committee of what his responsibilities are. Thats to share the information. And quite frankly, we expect to get that information from them. But he has been resistant and has said that he does not intend to have anymore verbal brief oral briefings of the committee. I know thats what John Radcliff said. He talked about that he was afraid of leaks. We know that thats another madeup excuse. The president of the United States who has demonstrated that he will lie, steal and cheat, invite foreign governors to interfere in our election. He does it in private and doesnt mind doing it in public. John radcliff knows that. He has an obligation to make sure that we have the information that we need. This concern is not from the intelligence community. His concerns is that the president will not be able to steal and invite foreign influence into this election. And were going to do everything within our power to make sure that he does the job and the work before them. How do you see the next two months of the president ial campaign playing out . You yourself were on the short list for consideration as a possible Vice President ial running mate. You will be supporting the ticket. Where do you think the ticket needs help, especially in your state of florida . Well, lawrence, we are excited about this upcoming election. We waited for almost four years. You know what we have been through. Were excited about this ticket. But we are taking nothing for granted. As i just indicated, were dealing with a president of the United States that will lie, steal and cheat, invite foreign governments to interfere in the election. We know that russia interfered in 2016 and really never stopped. We know what they are up to now in terms of sewing disinformation so we can take nothing for granted. We see whats happening with the United States Postal Service as we push vote by mail all over the nation, particularly in battleground states around the nation, in florida. So we are going to make sure that we are doing everything we can to take absolutely nothing for granted and make sure that every registered voter has the opportunity to either go to the polls or cast their ballots through the mail to make sure that the u. S. Postal service has the infrastructure support that they need. Although, we know the president is trying to sabotage their efforts as well, with the help of one of his donors. But were on it. Under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi and other leaders in the house, we thank god for the majority, the fire wall that we have in the house of representatives, and were going to do what we need to do up to election day. Congresswoman, thank you for joining us again tonight. We always appreciate it. Thank you. When we come back, senator ed markey will join us for his First National Television Interview since his victory in the Massachusetts Democratic Senate primary on tuesday. Senat. Just press firmly and it continuously eliminates odors in the air and on soft surfaces. For 45 days. vo through our love promise, subaru and our retailers are proud to be replanting 500,000 trees. In areas devastated by wildfires. Subaru. More than a car company. Where Everybody Knows someyour name ant to go and theyre always glad you came applebees. 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History was made in massachusetts tuesday night when congressman joe kennedy became the first kennedy in massachusetts history to lose an election in massachusetts when the senator ed markey won the democratic primary for United States senate in his bid for reelection this year. Ed markey is the lead sponsor of the Green New Deal in the United States senate and he was endorsed by the house sponsor of the Green New Deal, congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez. Joining us now is democratic senator ed markey of massachusetts. Senator, welcome back to the last word. We really aapproaeciate you joig us. Jeffrey goldbergs reporting in the atlantic that donald trump two years ago refused to visit that cemetery in france about 50 miles from paris where so many u. S. Marines are buried, and he refused to to it because he was afraid the rain would upset his hair. The article is filled with denigrating comments donald trump has made about the military. Joe biden has issued a strong statement about what donald trump had to say tonight. What is your reaction . I dont have any sound. I dont know if the control room has any sound. I dont know if you at home have any sound. There he is. I apologize, lawrence. Thank you. It is not enough that hes a racist. Its not enough that hes criminally negligent in the way in which hes handling the coronavirus and the Great Depression that our country has sunk into, but he just come bounds it by insulting those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, those who preserved our freedom, and he does so in a way which once again just says that he has a severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder that is completely untreated because he thinks that everything is about him, his hair, his reelection, its just about him. And of course its all about every other family in our country. Thats really what politics is supposed to be about. Thats why i think our country wants an fdr moment in 2021. They want a country that cares for every other family because donald trump only cares about one family, and that family is the trump family. And what he says and does and believes is just ant thet cal to everything that our country should stand for. But insulting those who have served us on the front lines is almost the most heinous of all insults that a president can deliver in the name of the American People, and thats why he has to be removed as our president. Senator, what does it mean for the Green New Deal that you didnt just sponsor in the senate but you took it into your campaign. You had alexandria ocasiocortez headlining in some of your commercials. You wanted massachusetts to have a referendum on this deal as it seemed during some days of the campaign. I did. And thats what happened. So the Sunrise Movement, these thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of young people across the country joined this movement so that we can have a real solution to the climate crisis. They had my back in this race. And by the thousands, they joined my campaign. They think big. They want Big Solutions as young people. And my feeling is that if they if we trust them, they will save us because theyre right on climate change. Theyre right on racial injustice. Theyre right on economic unjustice in our country. They want fundamental change, and they want it on the floor of the senate and in the house and put on the president s desk next year, president bidens desk. So they didnt many experts did not have my victory up on the scoreboard as this year unfolded, but my partnership with and work with this Sunrise Movement with alexandria to case you cortez and with older climate veterans who joined together resulted in a really impressive victory for the Green New Deal on the ballot in massachusetts on tuesday night. The other thing that i was watching in the way that you campaigned in massachusetts was, and this is something you do in the senate, too, who you were always linking the Green New Deal to jobs. The other side of the coin of the Green New Deal the way you present it is basically a jobs program which seems to me to give voters a choice. You can vote for it either way. You can vote for it as a jobs program or you can vote for it as the best thing to do environment tally. Well, when we introduced the Green New Deal, it got attacked by the president. It got attacked by fox news as being socialism. And so what i say in response to that, what do you call tax breaks for 100 years for the oil industry, the gas industry and the coal industry dipping into the pockets of all of the taxpayers in our country. And it looks to me like its socialism. And all were saying is give us a regulatory policy. Give us a tax policy for wind and so lar, all electric vehicles, plugin hybrids for Battery Storage technologies, for Energy Efficiency technologies, for agricultural, industrial, commercial sector and we will have people looking in a Rearview Mirror towards the fossil fuel industry. And we can do it, we can save all of creation by evngaging in massive millions of Jobs Creation in our country. Union jobs in our country. It is the new job center of this generation. The greatest blue collar job creation sector in our economy in two generations. So from my perspective, it is necessary to save the planet. The planet is dangerously warm. There are no Emergency Rooms for planets. We can do it, as youre saying, by creating millions of jobs and doing so in a telescope time frame in the same way that fdr used the wpa and other agencies to help pull us out of that Great Depression. Senator ed markey, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you for having me on sglrchlgt. If the election were hold tomorrow, donald trump would lose and he would lose big. Every poll shows joe biden with a solid lead. Thats next. Go go go go go go go on a real vacation. Visit go rving. Com or your nearest rv dealer. Its ubrelvy. For anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if its too late, or where i am. One dose of ubrelvy works fast. It can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours, relieving pain and debilitating symptoms. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. Migraine hits hard. Hit back with ubrelvy. The anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. Hit back with ubrelvy. 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Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. And our breaking News Coverage of Jeffrey Goldbergs reporting in the atlantic tonight, donald trump is now tweeting his defense against the reporting in the atlantic that donald trump refused to go to a Military Cemetery in france because he was afraid the rain would hurt his hair and that donald trump called the soldiers buried in that cemetery losers, and he called other soldiers wounded and dismembered in battle losers. Donald trump has said, i i never called our great Fallen Soldiers anything other than heroes. This is more made up fake news giving by disgusting and jealous na failures. Thats donald trump tweeting tonight. He will be tweeting about this because the white house and donald trump and the Trump Campaign know this is very, very serious stuff. This is the kind of stuff that can derail his president ial campaign that is already in trouble. If the election were held right now, joe biden would easily be elected the next president of the United States. In the last 48 hours, six National Polls show joe biden ahead of donald trump from anywhere between 7 and 11 points. Election day is exactly two months from today. The first votes of the 2020 president ial election will be cast in a matter of days. North carolina is the first state in the country to mail out ballots, and those ballots will start going out tomorrow. That means next week, voters in North Carolina will start casting their votes. A new poll released today from Monmouth University shows joe biden leading donald trump in North Carolina 4846. Very close there, within the margin of error. A new poll released today from quinnipiac Shows Florida voters show joe biden leading 4845. In a quinnipiac pole, pennsylvania. Today in kenosha, joe biden said this. I think whats been unleashed with a lot of people is they understand that fear doesnt solve problems. Only hope does. After this break, Zerlina Maxwell will join us. Well get her reaction to Donald Trumps defense that he is now trying to mount against Jeffrey Goldbergs reporting in the atlantic. Thats next. Im a verizon engineer, and im part of the Team Building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband, and its already available in parts of select cities. Like los angeles and in new york city. And its rolling out in cities around the country. With massive capacity, its like an eight lane highway compared to a two lane dirt road. 25x faster than todays 4g networks. In fact, its the fastest 5g in the world. From the network more people rely on. This is 5g built right. Only on verizon. If i could, baby id how can i, when you wont take it from me you can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. To think that i would make statements negative to our military and our Fallen Heroes when nobodys done what ive done with the budgets, with the military budgets, with getting pay raises for our military, it is a disgraceful situation by a magazine thats a terrible magazine. I dont read it, but i just heard about it. They made it up, and probably its a couple of people that have been failures in the administration that i got rid of, and i couldnt get rid of them fast enough, or it was just made up. Zerlina maxwell, that sounds like donald trump panicking tonight. I think hes panicking. The visual of him standing in the dark outside of the plane definitely shows a campaign that feels like this could be damaging in a moment where the polling shows that theyre already behind. But one of the things i think is really important to highlight in just that clip you played, lawrence, is the fact that hes basically denying calling people losers while calling other people failures. Like every time he tries to defend himself and say, im not the kind of person that would do that, i would never call people in the military or people who had been captured like john mccain losers, and then he proceeds to insult the person who perhaps spoke to Jeffrey Goldberg at the atlantic. So i think he feels the pressure of the polling and all of the data showing that he is predicted to lose the election if the election is fair, lawrence, and thats always what we have to say. And of course Jeffrey Goldbergs reporting is being supported now by other reporters. Zerlina, this seems like something that could be a turning point if this election if this campaign can have a turning point. I definitely think it could be a turning point, lawrence. But i want to remind everybody that there were several turning points in 2016. I think a lot of folks forget that Hillary Clinton probably would have won the election and the Electoral College but for the comey letter, which actually happened in the middle of early voting. So its critically important that biden run through the tape all the way through election day to ensure that every Single Person that supports him is able to cast their ballot and its counted. Zerlina maxwell runs out the clock for us tonight. Thank you very much for joining us, zerlina. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. That is tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Good evening once again. Im Steve Kornacki in for Brian Williams, who has the night off. Day 1,323 of the Trump Administration and 61 days to go now until the president ial election. Tonight donald trump and joe biden are exactly two months out from november 3rd. That mea t

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