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Criminal conversation according to some democrats. Many of whom are now saying it might have been an impeachable conversation. It is the conversation President Trump had with ukrainian president , and it is sung of a expressed whistle blower report suppressed by President Trumps acting director of National Intelligence. Well be devoting much of the hour of the breaking news of the latest trump crisis. Joined once again by a reporter of the Washington Post who has been doing extraordinary work, repeatedly breaking news on this story this week. And well be joined by who dont remember undersecretary of state Wendy Sherman who will share her unique political perspective on all of this and well discuss the sound of silence from republicans who once claimed to be concerned with intelligence issues. At the end of the hour, we will talk about this historic day around the world, a Global Strike on Climate Change. Estimates of 4 Million People participating worldwide, making it possibly the largest environmental protest day in the world history. We will show you what 16yearold greta thunberg, Global Leader of this movement had to say at the strike here in new york city today. And we are lucky to be joined tonight by one of the founders of the movement here in the United States. She was also instrumental in making these events occur today. She spoke today at the event in new york. She is one of the prime movers behind forcing the Green New Deal onto the democratic agenda in congress. We begin tonight with a washington that is reeling once again from new accusations about President Trump that have inspired renewed calls for impeachment among democrats and democratic president ial campaigns. The breaking news was first delivered by the wall street journal today this way. President trump in a july phone call repeatedly pressured the president of ukraine to investigate joe bidens son, urging the president about eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani on a probe that could hamper mr. Trumps potential 2020 postponement President Trumps phone call with the president occurred two weeks before the whistle blower complaint from someone in the Intelligence Community, a complaint that the acting director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire hasnt passed along to congress as the law requires. President trumps interaction with the ukrainian president troubled the member of the Intelligence Community who filed the whistle blower report. In an interview with the wall street journal, Rudy Giuliani said that he did meet with top ukrainian officials about the prospect of an investigation in june and in august. The journal reports, he said he met with an official from the ukrainian Prosecutor Generals Office in june in paris and met with andrier mack in madrid in august. Mr. Giuliani said in an interview this month that he assured him the Ukrainian Government would get to the bottom of the biden matter. He said his meeting was set up by the state department and said he briefed the department on their conversation. The Washington Post adds this. The call is part of a broader set of facts included in the whistle blower complaint that is at the center of a showdown between the executive branch and congress. And the New York Times reports mr. Trumps desire for a ukrainian investigation mr. Biden is part of secret whistle blower complaint that is said to be about mr. Trump and at least in part about his dealings with ukraine according to two people familiar with the matter. One unnamed source told the wall street journal that the president did not mention foreign aid to ukraine on the phone call with president zel linenski. The Washington Post has new details tonight about the trump white houses role in preventing the acting director of National Intelligence. The Washington Post reports white House Counsel pollone has been engaged in the matter since shortly after whistle blower action surfaced, officials said, helping identity legal obstacles to the sharing of the information that could be politically damaging to trump. His involvement reveals a more direct white house role in the dispute than has previously been reported. President za linenski is one of the people President Trump is scheduled to meet next week at the u. N. General assembly in new york. Tonight House Intelligence Committee chairman Schiff Schiff issued a statement on twitter saying any pressure by trump to dig up dirt on his political opponent while holding up vital military aid to that country is both corrupt and a grave threat to american interests. No explicit quid pro quo is necessary to betray your country. This morning while speaking to reporters, President Trump said, quote, its ridiculous, its a partisan whistle blower. How did he know sns Kristen Welker asked the president do you know the identity, to which the president said, i dont know the identity of the whistle blower, i just hear its a partisan person. And then the president described his nowcontroversial phone call with president. Yes, it was a totally appropriate conversation. It was a beautiful conversation. Leading off our discussion tonight, ellen nag she marks one of the reporters who broke todays news about the president s phone call with the president of ukraine. Also joining us, jeremy bash, former chief of staff at the ceo and ned price, former cia analyst and former senior director and spokesperson for the National Security counsel in the obama administration. Ellen ellen, ellen, i want to go to the white house involvement in the National Intelligence refusal to follow the law. Do we know how it came to the white house attention that a whistle blower report existed . We dont know for sure exactly who brought it to the white House Counsels attention, but presumably it would have been either the director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, or his general counsel, who might have brought it to the white house. They also consulted let me ask if we have the consequence here. The Justice Department was also consulted at some point. Thats right. Do we know where it began . Was it the first consultation with the Justice Department then might the Justice Department have included the white house or do we have any understanding of that sequence . No, we dont know for sure whether it was the doj or the white house that was consulted first but what we do know is chairman adam schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has said that the behind this refusal to hand over the whistle blower complaint to congress is a Higher Authority. It was a Higher Authority holding the dni, Joseph Maguire, back from transmitting that complaint to congress. Who else is higher up than Joseph Maguire but the president , hes really the only person higher than dni in the chain of command. So thats sort of a hint that its possibly the white house that was calling the shots here. Ellen, i want to go to one point in the reporting weve been watching this week. Some reports indicate that there was a promise, the word promise being used in some reports in some news organizations that in the phone call the president of the United States made some kind of promise. That word does not consistently appear in all of the reporting. Does that mean theres some inconsistency or something about the sourcing of that word process a that is an issue . Journalism is the first rough draft of history. Each day we have a new rough draft. So our reporting evolves. What we were able to what we reported today was according to one source the subject of military aid to ukraine did not arise on the phone call. We have other sources, two other sources in particular, who did tell us that according to the whistle blower complaint, there was an allegation that trump made some quid pro quo offer with zelenskiy, perhaps at some other point. But we do believe according to our sources that there was a form of a promise or a quid pro quo form of military aid in exchange for the ukrainians opening reopening this probe of hunter biden. This subject is so vast and theres so many things to comment on and your expertise is so vast. I dont want to narrow focus you. But it is possible that a quid pro quo could involve something other than the military aid to ukraine. That is one thing that is on the table between the two countries, but there could be other things that could be promised that we dont know about. Thats a very important point, lawrence, because, of course, when the head of ukraine calls the president of the United States, its not just to catch up like old friends. Theres actually an agenda. And the agenda is what support will the United States provide to ukraine, a smallish and vulnerable country, given its proximity to the russian federation. Its also training that the United States conducts in western ukraine, its also other military equipment. Its also imf loans, its also whether or not states will participate at it minsk processes about the crimea. If the president of the United States is saying we are holding this over your head like a sort of damocles unless you give me information on my opponent, in effect, the whole conversation is a quid pro quo. Its implied. Ned, i just want to pull back one step here. Lets assume no problem, no quid pro quo, just the president of the United States saying to the president of a foreign country i need you to investigate the person who i think i will be running against for reelection. Lets just say its nothing but that without any promise that if you do that investigation, i will then do something positive for your country. What does that mean . Lawrence, lets suspend disbelief for just a moment and conjure a country somewhere in this world that doesnt need something from the United States of america. I say you have to suspend disbelief from every country needs something from the United States of america. But lets just play devils advocate here. It would still be a massive betrayal of the president s oath of office if he were in a conversation with a foreign counterpart to ask that counterpart not only eight times but to ask him once to dig up dirt, to create dirt in this case where none really exist, for the purposes of his electoral prospects. What President Trump would be doing in that case would be opening the door to continued foreign interference in our elections. Every country needs something from the United States, especially the ukraine. When that call took place on july 25th of this year, ukraine wanted three things specifically from us. They needed that 250 million in aid that had been suspended under review twehe week before. For months they were seeking an Oval Office Meeting between the ukraine president who was elected in april, months before july, and who had yet to get it. Even though President Trumps top advisers were advocating for an Oval Office Meeting, President Trump for some reason pushed back on that. Third, they needed the show of solidarity. The ukrainians need us more than most countries need us because they are vulnerable. They have been violated by the russians. They need this show of alliance and a united force. So there isnt a country that doesnt need something from us, and ukraine needs more than most countries do from us. I want to read a quote from a former Senior Administration official in the Washington Post. Whenever i see former Senior Administration official these days, i think john bolton, but the truth of it s john bolton just represents a pyramid of people who fit the description of former Senior Administration official. But this is a particularly negative quote. Its the kind of smack back at the president that you could expect at some point from john bolton if he did witness this and if it was true. That says former Senior Administration official who related to discussed the issue with trump said the president thought what we were doing in ukraine was pointless and just aggravating the russians. Who cares about the ukrainians said the official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Ellen, multiple times a day there are new stunning statements like that that are coming out in your reporting and the New York Times reporting and other reporting. It seems like theres an eagerness among sources to get this story out. Well, i dont know that i would say theres an eagerness among sources to get the story out, but we are finding people who are trying to help us understand and put in context the things we are learning and care enough about the issue to try to help people understand the stakes, whats at stake here. Jeremy, knowing the institutions involved as you do, and the range of people still working inside the Intelligence Community who could help reporters like ellen and others, what do you think is going on inside the Intelligence Community as they watch this story . What are they hoping for . Actually, i think theyre hoping for the rule of law to be followed. For the whistler blower process to be maintained, its integrity maintained. Theyre not looking to talk to the Washington Post with respect to ellen. Theyre pretty much nose down collecting and analyzing information for the National Security. Theyre not partisan people. Theyre not out to to get anyone, Political Party or president. But they recall really resolute in their integrity and honor. If they see something that is clear wrongdoing in our government, an abuse of power and authority, you know theyre going to speak out against it and they better be protected and not retaliated against. Thats what the law requires. Ned price, youve been brilliant in your coverage on this Program Since this story began. Im just wondering as we come to an end of what is week one of it because there will be more, do you have a feeling for where we will be next week in this story . Lawrence, what i cant help but consider as i think about what weve learned visavis the conversations with the ukrainian president is what the Inspector General reportedly told the committee on intelligence on wednesday of this week. Seems like an eternity ago, but he told congress then that there were multiple acts involved. This was a pattern, multiple acts at the heart of this whistle blower complaint. Now, you could one interpretation of that could be President Trump asked president zelenskiy eight times in a single phone conversation to cooperate with Rudy Giuliani, giuliani then went to madrid just a few days later and thats a pattern of behavior. But i cant escape the idea that this may be the tip of the iceberg, that it may involve other foreign leaders and other acts on behalf of President Trump, whether its to his ukrainian counterpart or even to other foreign leaders that they do the sort of business that our Intelligence Community is there to protect. And that is to ensure our elections free from foreign interference, to ensure the sanctity of your democratic processes. Ellen, before you go, i want to check something with you that i know the audience is wondering about. I have read the law on this program repeatedly, including the law that allows for the whistle blower to go directly to the house and Senate Intelligence committees. Yet at the same time people are saying the whistle blower could be in trouble or in jeopardy if the whistle blower tried to do that. The law says if the whistle blower is going directly to the committees, the whistle blower can only do that at the direction of the director. The director has to allow the whistle blower to go directly to the committees. If the director doesnt allow it, then the whistle blower with our in violation of the law. Is that your understanding of it . Lawrence, my understanding is that the whistle blower can go to the committee only after and if and after the Inspector General or if the Inspector General has not found his or her complaint to be credible. In that case, my understanding is in that case alone the whistle blower can seek guidance from the director of National Intelligence to go to the committee. If the whistle blower does not seek that guidance or if they whistle blower goes to the hill where the Inspector General has actually found the complaint to be credible, then the whistle blower risks not having the protections afforded him in the law against a preprizele such as losing their job or getting fired. Yeah, theres some trip wires here in the law between the whistle blower and getting to the committees. I think were all going to be studying that over the weekend and next week. Ellen nakashima, jerebko bash, ned price, thank you very much for starting us off. Really appreciate that. We have much more still ahead on this breaking news story that continues to develop. We have one house member who is not a democrat and was recently a republican who says this whistle blower complaint is very, very important. But from the rest of the republicans in congress, you get the sound of cowardice in politics, which is the sound of silence. Later, one republican whos not silent is Rudy Giuliani, who is constantly making statements now to news organizations, including the Washington Post, New York Times, and others. Some of those statements are startleingly incriminating of what Rudy Giuliani is admitting that he did. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. 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Lets hear from the whistle blower so we can clear the president or hold him accountable. That is the closest we have to a republican calling for accountability today about the allegations that the president of the United States pressured the government of ukraine to dig up dirt on his political opponent, joe biden and his family. Over the last 24 hours, some allies of the president have been appearing on fox to defend the president. But no Congressional Republican has managed to come up with even a word of criticism of the president s alleged actions. A word of discomfort about it that has led trumps conservative critics outside the administration to start asking some very sharp questions. We will get some of those now. We are joined now by bill kristol, the director of defending democracy together, and founder of republicans for the rule of law, also with us is evan nolan, former independent president ial candidate. Hes the cofounder of stand up republic. Bill, i know you tweeted today this would be a very good day to hear from publicly from some of the former Trump Administration officials who would be in a position to either enlighten us about this. Dan coats was the did he talk of the National Intelligence, did a pretty good job trying to keep trump in check and trying to prevent this thing. I think he quit shortly after this phone conversation apparently happened. He doesnt have to reveal private conversations with the president. He should reveal classified information. As you say, though, he could help us thinking about this and explain what is the problem here. He can explain how unbelievable it is for me that a president of the United States talking to the president of another country in effect who asks for help in damaging a political opponent and in effect subcontracts that aid wont be forthcoming unless the help is given. In other words the National Interest is working to the president s political interest. Thats the key thing. All the details of the ic, the ig of the Intelligence Community and who knew what, when, where the is interesting. But at the end of the day its like focusing on how exactly did the watergate burglar discover that the burglars were there. The important thing is what the president said and did. And its worse in a way that than a straightforward criminal send me 10 million to my bank account and i will release the aid to you. Thats just graft in a sense, this is really making our National Foreign policy contingent on a Foreign Government interfering in our election, doing a favor for this president against his possible political opponent. Congress has to get to the bottom of it, but republicans have either been saturday night or some of them amazingly rushing to defend the president. Yeah. Evan, much has been said today about the possibility of the president of the United States demanding, asking a Foreign Government to do him a political favor. Its being referred to as a political favor in trying to help out throw dirt on the biden family and therefore hurt joe biden who he expects hell be running against. But theres something important in Donald Trumps Reelection Campaign. Its not just political, its personal. His lawyers are saying he cannot be charged with a crime as long as hes president of the United States. And so this is a Reelection Campaign to, among other things, avoid criminal charges that could happen the afternoon after the next inauguration if its an inauguration of someone not named trump. Thats right. Lawrence, i think this is something i got used to overseas where you have a dictator come to power and commit a bunch of crimes in the process or commitment them while in power. Then as a result of that, become vulnerable to political or legal consequences should they ever lose power. And so it becomes all the more important that they hold on to power and theyre willing to take even bigger risks or make even more egregious or illegal or unethical or just downright evil moves in order to stay in power because, for them, their freedom, their lives in some cases depend on it. Of course here in the United States, the president s life isnt at risk as it might be in a thirdworld country. We still have a legal system that generally works. And because of that, he has concerns, im sure, about that very issue. And so hes going to fight harder and harder and harder, and hes going to be willing to break all kinds of laws and ethical norms in order to stay in power. Especially now, lawrence, i have to say i think its just clear to me that the president is now emboldened after 2016 where he received foreign help where he encouraged that publicly to happen. After the Mueller Investigation which was turned over, the results, to the American People and to congress. Hes not really being held accountable yet, at least by congress. That doesnt seem in the near term likely. And i think he looks at that situation and says congress isnt going to hold me accountable, so my real concern here is simple being reelected by hook or crook. So hes going to be willing to do almost anything, including using the powers of his office of the american presidency to not only welcome foreign assistance but to compel it, to coerce it. Thats what were seeing with ukraine. Were going to see more of that, but its all the more reason efforts in Congress Need to be stepped up. And we need to hear, of course, from republicans who are just incredibly absent and cowardly in this momentment we can talk about the politics of that, but we need to hear from them. This theyre worried about their constituents not understanding or supporting them, well, guess what, thats what leadership is, and there needs to be more of that from them if they Start Talking about why this is important, why its a true threat to the republic, then they can bring their constituents along. It may cost them their jobs, some of them, but damn it, its worth it and they need to take that action. He actually said, the president , a few weeks before the phone call in question that he would do the kind of thing that people are now supporting that he did do. George stephanopoulos asked him if he would accept interference in our elections, help from a foreign country he said, its not interference, they have information. I think id take it. Those are the words of the president. Bill kristol, evan mcmullin, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. When we come back, Rudy Giuliani has been saying some very strange things, including that his meetings with ukrainian officials were set up by the Trump State Department even though he had no government function. He also says he was meeting with those officials strictly as the president s personal lawyer for the president s personal benefit, not the benefit of the country. Theres Rudy Giuliani at the state dinner tonight at the white house. Former undersecretary of state Wendy Sherman will join us in a moment with what Rudy Giuliani has been up to. Performance comes in lots of flavors. Theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, every day can begin with flakes. Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. But what if your psoriasis symptoms didnt follow you around . Thats why theres ilumya. 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Now, abbott technology can target those exact neurons. Restoring control and harmony, once thought to belost forever. The most personal technology is technology with the power to change your life. According to the Washington Post reporting tonight, Rudy Giuliani said he was operating in his personal capacity as trumps lawyer, although he said the state department helped put him in touch withier mack yerk is an aid to president zelenskiy. Giuliani said his meetings with yerm yermak. The state department had no immediate comment. That raises the question what did secretary of state know about Rudy Giulianis ukrainian negotiations and when did he know it. Joining us is ambassador Wendy Sherman, former undersecretary of state during the obama administration. Also an msnbc Global Affairs contributor. Ambassador sherman, what should the secretary of state have known and done about what Rudy Giuliani was up to . If Rudy Giuliani was going to ukraine and meeting in other countries with aides to the head of ukraine, the state department is the president s political lawyer, the state department really should have had nothing to do with it. To put Senior Foreign Service officers, to put ambassadors, to put working people, Civil Servants in the cross hairs of a political controversy is completely inappropriate. What were seeing here is giuliani acting as the president s setup guy. His interview last night on a another network was really to get the story out there that this was all about going after investigating joe biden, when, in fact, Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post has long said that the facts do not support that theres any wrongdoing here whatsoever, been cleared by the ukrainians regarding Vice President bidens son. Theres no there there. And yet to keep trumps Group Supporting him and trying to ensure his reelection in part so he can ensure that he will not be indicted, he will not be taken to court, Rudy Giuliani its almost like a mob family, lawrence, where youve got the guy who goes in and says now you really dont want the godfather, the big guns to come in here. You want to make sure you do the right thing here. So there doesnt have to be even an explicit comment. It can be understood as your earlier guest said, there may never has been an explicit quid pro quo here, but its all understood. We know how to have such conversations, but they dont belong in the purview of the state department and giuliani is really along with the president debasing themselves when it comes to protecting our National Security. Does Rudy Giuliani have criminal liability here in what he is just outlined for reporters already that hes dealing with ukraine on behalf of donald trump on a personal basis, trying to get ukraine to basically cause problems for joe bidens family . Im not a lawyer, so i dont know whether theres criminal liability here, but its certainly inappropriate, and it is certainly not anything that i one of allowed anyone to be involved with. What we should be focused on here is that we protect whistle blowers because theyre a critical part of our system of checks and balances, that we protect our National Security, and this appears to be an abuse of power by the president of the United States, by an attorney general who believes in the expansion of president ial powers, by a former mayor who was once thought of as americas mayor who is now just i guess having a ball doing very screwy kinds of things on behalf of the president. And we have a president who serves his own personal interests every day and not the interests of our country. Were at a really tough place. Lawrence, when i was discussing this with my husband this evening, he said to me something that was very true. The president expects that we will all be exhausted by all of this and we will turn away. But for the sake of our democracy, i say we cannot turn away. We have to stay with this story. Its really about the survival of our National Security and the survival of the values of our country and our constitution. Ambassador sherman, will you stay with us . I want to stay with that when we come back after our break. Well be right back. Classical Music playing throughout vo vfundraising. Giving back. Subaru and our retailers have given over one hundred and sixtyfive Million Dollars to charity. We call it our love promise. And its why you dont even have to own a subaru to love a subaru retailer. Subaru. More than a car company. 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And when you see those words today, they seem to have been written for another era, the trump era, the idea of the Trump Presidency serving anything other than the president s personal interest seems like just a kind of accidental byproduct of what the presidency can feel to some people. The whistleblower statute, looks like one of those things written by honorable members of congress who presumed that everyone dealing with that statute or living under that statute would also be behaving in an honorable way. If we were trying to write that statute for a criminal administration or one that will violate laws willfully, you would have to write a very different statute. It seems like everything that surrounds this issue, it turns out to be weaker than we thought it was because the trump approach to this has no concern whatsoever, no concern at all for how the manipulation of these processes looks publicly. Indeed. The president has no respect for the institutions of our government. He works every day in so many ways to undermine those institutions, everything from making sure everybody is an acting this or acting that, so there isnt sufficient oversight from the congress so he keeps them all on their toes having to please the king in many ways. To the use of the military of his one of his resorts in europe because the military is not a fool. They know they want to stay in good stead with the president. There is no explicit statement by the president that the military has to go use turnbull. He does say he likes acting because he keeps them off balance and he gets to decide. So everything he does, starting with undermining the intelligence committees and the intelligence institutions of saying, in fact, russia, not some 400pound guy, not some other country, but russia was behind the interference of the election in 2016 that wanted to help donald trump at every level in every way. He has said i dont care. Im going to take care of myself. Hes very good at branding, very good at marketing, getting his rally crowds to agree with him in their own sense of being left out and left behind, that he is for them and and the real danger here is when people feel uncertainty, they go for leaders who tell them i will take care of everything, i will be your king, i will take care of you, and thats exactly why the United States of america was founded, not to have a king. Ambassador warden sherman, thank you very much for joining us on another Important News night, we really appreciate. It thank you. When we come back, these are the astonishing photos today of an estimated 4 Million People, video and photo imagery across the globe. Millions of people turning out for the Global Climate strike. We will show you more, including what happened here in new york, next. Erience for america. Thats why the nfl chose verizon. Because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. 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Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn san franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Today millions of people took to the streets in over 150 countries around the world to protest the Climate Change situation and what might be the largest environmental protest in history in the Global Climate strike as it was called today. Students and adults walked out of their classrooms and offices and jobs to demand their leaders do more to fight Climate Change now. In new york city hundreds of thousands protested the Trump Administrations inaction on Climate Change. 16yearold climate activist who led the protest in new york city is scheduled to address the United Nations on monday. Here is some of what she had to stay today in new york. We will not just stand aside and watch. We are united behind the science, and we will do everything in our power to stop this crisis from getting worse. We are doing this to wake the leaders up. We are doing this to get them to act. We demand a safe future. Is that really too much to ask . What an extraordinary speaker she is. The cofounder of the youth led Environmental Activist Group called Sun Rise Movement who helped organize protests around the country for the Global Climate strike will join us after one more break. Ate strike after one more break it all the. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief ok ill admit. I didnt keep my place as clean as i would like cuz im way too busy. Whos got the time to chase around down dirt, dust and hair . So now, i use heavy duty swiffer sweeper and dusters. For hardtoreach places, duster makes it easy to clean. It captures dust in one swipe. Ha gotcha and sweeper heavy duty cloths lock away twice as much dirt and dust. It gets stuff deep in the grooves other tools can miss. Yknow what . My place. Is a lot cleaner now. Stop cleaning. Start swiffering. Hed be proud of us. Protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you. See how lincoln can help. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. Your business and everyone who counts on you. Even a ernie lost rubber duckie . burke you mean this one . ernie rubber duckie cookie what about a broken cookie jar . burke again, cookie . cookie yeah. Me bad. grover yoooooow oh what about monsters having accidents . I am okay by the way burke depends. Did you cause the accident, grover . grover cause an accident . Maybe. bert how do you know all this stuff . burke just comes with experience. all muppets yup. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum here is more today from the extraordinary 16yearold greta thunberg. This is an emergency. Our house is on fire. Why should we study for a future that is being taken away from us . That is being stolen for profit . And some people say we should study to become climate scientists or politicians so that we can, in the future, solve the climate crisis. But by then, it will be too late. We need to do this now. Joining me is the cofounder and executive director of the sunrise movement, a group that joined senator ocasiocortez to launch the Green New Deal earlier this year. What was it like out there today . It was undescribable. There were just throngs of people. I was in a crowd of 100 to 150,000 people of prom determinantly children, high schoolers. It was heartbreaking to think that all these children are asking for is a shot at a livable future. In the imagery i saw, greta is the median age. There are so Many Elementary School kids, ten years younger than her, so many older college kids. It was just an Extraordinary Group of people to see. Thats absolutely right. And i think the reason why we are seeing this outpouring of support not just in new york but to mumbai and berlin and south bend, indiana because young people are fed up with the political establishment that appears to be asleep at the wheel when the planet is on fire. We are fed up with seeing politicians pad their pockets with big oil dollars when our futures feel like theyre on the line. It feels like the keyword in this is global. Weve known this forever now. Environmental issues like climate, the temperature of the earth knows no boundary. So, the activism within one country is not enough. This was clear today. Thats right. And thats why we have got to continue to keep the pressure up. So, theres already another climate strike on the calendar. It will be in november. So, for those who werent able to join today, i fully recommend you join us then. We have to continue mounting the external social pressure. But on top of that, we have to be electoralizing this, we need to be getting hundreds of thousands of young people in november registered to vote ahead of the 2020 elections. We need to be ensuring that come 2020, politicians win or lose based on their position on this issue. Was today what you expected . Was it bigger than what you expected . It was much, much more than i expected. I was blown away. There were multiple moments when you just see fifth and sixth graders Walking Around asking for politicians to save our futures, and it really makes you take a moment and think about the world that we are creating for the generations that come after us. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Im glad you were out there today. That is tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight the stark question, did the president use the powers of his office to pressure a Foreign Government to help himself and hurt his opponent . The whistle blower story is potentially that explosive with a report claiming the president pushed ukraine eight times in one conversation. And about Donald Trumps interest in joe bidens son. Well talk to the only reporter that interviewed him. Plus as the trumps were hosting a state dinner, across the river came the announcement that the u. S. Troops are headed to the gulf to keep the saudis safe as the 11th hour gets under way this friday night. At the end of another week, good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. For guests and tonights state dinner for the australian prime minister, its a glittery night but all that glitters does not adequately describe the news we are covering out of

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