And then with william barr mmmhmm. He was a party to. He knows every single thing that rosenstein allowed them to do or maybe was reluctant to allow them to do. Hes just filled with a level of detail that i think is invaluable. And because of that, because of his role as the person who was running the daytoday operations of the office but also that gobetween role at the Justice Department, youd sort of be i think particularly interested in what zebley might have to say about, you know, charging decisions around obstruction of justice and some of that really controversial stuff from volume ii of the report. Volume ii of the report is going to be what theyre discussing in the morning with the Judiciary Committee, which is the time youd want zebley to be able to answer those questions. As of right now we dont think hes going to be answering questions, hes just going to be sitting there whispering in muellers ear. As i said, i dont know if the Judiciary Committee has it within their power to change that arrangement, but now that intelligence has, way dont they . But even that role in the Judiciary Committee is also very valuable because we all know the Mueller Report is a massive document and it actually does not include every single thing that they experienced during that investigation. Of course. And to have somebody there at your side to be able to remind you or quickly point to page 78, paragraph 2, this is this is the best answer for that. Mmmhmm. And thats invaluable. This would be a better show, you know it, if my staff was sitting here throwing in the better questions that i could come up with, but we just dont have the physical room for it and theres other tv conventions about why that doesnt happen, but we know how valuable it is to have more than one voice reacting to these kinds of things. If you ever wanted me to anchor buddy like that for you in your hour, i would do it as long as you would do the same for me in the proceeding hour. Oh, boy come on. I need that help so bad. Wed do it like doubles. All right. Well do it. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you, rachel. Katie porter is back. Congresswoman katie porter has been on the Deutsche Bank case and the New York Times has reported that convicted sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein now facing new charges in new york has had dozens of accounts at Deutsche Bank which some of the employees have flagged for possible illegal transactions. Well get congresswoman porters reaction to Deutsche Banks handling of Jeffrey Epsteins accounts at the end of the hour tonight because we have so much to cover before that. And we begin tonight with the mueller hearings. The breaking news at this hour is that the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff has sent a letter to Robert Mueller contradicting the letter that the Justice Department said to sent to Robert Mueller last night. The Justice Department letter to Robert Mueller insisted that he comply with very strict restrictions on his testimony that would mean, in effect, he could not say anything that does not appear in print in the Mueller Report already. Chairman schiffs letter to Robert Mueller tonight says, the doj letter attempts unduly to sir come scribe your testimony and represents yet another attempt by the Trump Administration to obstruct the legitimate investigations of the committee and accordingly i fully expect that the doj letter will have no bearing on your testimony before the committee tomorrow. Robert mueller is going to have help in his testimony to congress tomorrow. Also the breaking news tonight, attorney aaron zebley will be sworn in as a witness along with Robert Mueller at the House Intelligence Committee hearing. Aaron zebley will also accompany Robert Mueller to the house Judiciary Committee hearing but will at this point anyway as far as we know not be sworn in as a witness in the Judiciary Committee hearing. There he will be appearing as Robert Muellers counsel at minimum to advise and assist him with his testimony whenever necessary. Aaron zebley first worked with Robert Mueller when mueller was the director of the fbi and zebley was his fbi chief of staff. He then joined the same private law firm that Robert Mueller joined and left that law firm with Robert Mueller to work at the special counsels office where aaron zebley was the deputy special counsel. Aaron zebley had wideranging responsibilities oversees the entire mueller investigation. Volume i and volume ii of the report. And he was the primary gobetween with the Justice Department. That puts aaron zebley in a position to know everything about the mueller deeps communications with Deputy Attorney general rod rosenstein, who was supervising the investigation, and then attorney general william barr when he took over the supervision of the investigation. The chairman of the Judiciary Committee and the Intelligence Committee both said today that they believe Robert Mueller does not have to comply with the restrictions on his testimony that appeared in last nights letter from the Justice Department to Robert Mueller. I think its incredibly arrogant of the department to try to instruct him as to what to say. Its part of the ongoing coverup by the administration to keep information away from the American People. But i think that its not going to have a real impact. We dont recognize that limitation at all, and whats more, they dont recognize that limitation. They say its wellestablished doj policy that the prosecutor cant talk about this. The department doesnt comment on people not indicted, tell that to bill barr. If the attorney general ignores the doj policy, then how does he have any right to ask bob mueller or anyone else to follow this policy when its not a policy at all . And we are lucky to be leading off our discussion tonight with two members of the committees who will be questioning Robert Mueller tomorrow, democratic congressman jamie raskin of maryland. Hes a member of the house Judiciary Committee and democratic congressman peter welch of vermont. He is a member of the House Intelligence Committee. Congressman raskin, let me go to this issue of will Robert Mueller be testifying alone or how is it going to work . Will it be different . I wasnt a party to those negotiations but last i heard he is the only witness there. The republicans undoubtedly will try to draw everybody into it, and, you know, on the assumption that if youre sitting at the table youre fair game, but i dont think that our chair will put up with that. The republicans seem to be objecting to any version of mueller being accompanied by anyone to your committee. Yeah. They dont want him accompanied. They also want to put him in a complete straight jacket and have him operate under a gag rule. But, look, thats consistent with the whole effort to cover this thing up from the beginning. Remember, the report came out on march 22nd, and attorney general barr didnt get it to us until april 18th, a day or two before easter and passover took place. Large parts of the most critical elements were redacted from it and they spent many weeks misleading the country about the contents of the report prompting the special counsel, prompting mueller to write two letters of protest that the attorney general was confusing the country. So weve got this thick fog of propaganda and deception thats out there and the most we can hope for now is that muellers testimony in his own voice, in his own words about the actual findings of the report will pierce through this fog of propaganda and let the people see that there were ten episodes of president ial obstruction of justice, and as my colleague will i think help us to get to, that there was lots of interaction between the Trump Campaign and the russians as they opened the doors and threw open the windows to this attempt to undermine and derail our election. In your committee tomorrow, aaron zebleys going to be a sworn witness at this stage. Do you expect Committee Members to solicit testimony from him as well as Robert Mueller . As much as Robert Mueller . Our focus is going to definitely be on mueller, and our goal is to let mueller speak because if he just describes what is in the report, thats very, very damaging to the president. But it is very good that zebley is going to be there as well because if its just to give advice, hes going to have specific details about all of those interactions you mentioned. Also, were establishing the precedent that weve been fighting for that some of these investigators, we have a right to call them. Yes. To inquire whats going on. Mueller is at the top, but a lot of the people doing the details, where they know what the negotiations were, they know what happened, theyre relevant to get the story out to the American People, so we think were glad that hes going to be there and we are glad that hes going to be sworn in. And the every member of the committee has a staff member nearby. When youre not coming up with exactly the right thing in the right moment. So the idea that mueller will have somebody there to also make sure that his answer is focused, you know, its one of those situations where mueller might give an answer and he could easily lean in and say, you know, you might want to add that. If you watch can hearings, it happens all the time, you know, with the members and with the chairman. Well, muellers been clear that hes not going to venture outside the four corners of the report. In other words, theres not going to be any new factual bombshells, but the report is filled with bombshells for the 99 of the American People who havent read the report yet. So it will be astonishing and astounding to people to hear in his own words the description of the president attempting to obstruct justice, attempting to tamper with witnesses. Essentially cooperating with the russians. Not turning any evidence over to Law Enforcement or the fbi about all of these attempts, you know, to get into the dnc and the dccc and so on and encouraging this subversion of our election. So i think that this whole hearing could be like a Second Chance for american democracy. Barr and trump with their moronic mantra of no obstruction, no collusion, have set the country back. They derailed us. But this is an opportunity for us to try once again. But even up to the last minute, there are all these desperate ploys from the Trump Administration to shut it down. If mueller does confine himself to strictly whats in the report, that means he will not answer what i think is now by now the number one question that people have been saying they want to hear for months now, which is if donald trump were not the president of the United States, would he have been charged with a crime . Thats right. According to the not going beyond the report, mueller simply will refuse to answer that question. If hes going to stay confined to the report. Which would show the limitations. I mean, i do believe mr. Mueller is going to try to get the truth out from his report, and if he is given a chance to do that, were going to hear how the Trump Campaign actually provided detailed polling information to the russians knowing that it was intended to sow social media disinformation. And it was the internals, not just the horse race numbers, and thats just a vivid example of how there was cooperation between the Trump Campaign and the russians. And thats a pretty shocking thing. Never before done in american history. A lot of whats going on now is the drama about the battle that is essentially between mueller and barr. Muellers job through the report was to get the information out. Barr has defined his job as to conceal it. Thats essentially whats going on. And these sideshow fights are essentially just the relentless effort on the part of the Trump Administration now, unfortunately, with the assistance of attorney general barr to conceal the facts through obfuscation. The one of the ongoing conditions of this investigation was something weve never seen before, which is the president attacking the special investigation of the president. Previous president s had never gone into that kind of pure attack mode. President in effect threatening to fire them all publicly saying publicly i can fire them, i havent fired them that, that sort of thing. Then in the course of the investigation, White House Counsel Don Mcgahn testifies to the special prosecutor that i was ordered to fire you and i was ordered to fire you twice, and here is what is not in the Mueller Report. What was Robert Muellers reaction to that as a prosecutor . Did he take any precautions . Now that the threat of firing was so vivid, did that in any way affect the way he or his staff approached this work after knowing that the president tried to fire them . And if Robert Mueller sticks to the report, he will not answer a simple question like were you concerned or were any of your staff concerned about being fired by the president . Well, i think youre right, hes not going to answer that question, which goes to his state and mind and subjective impressions and sentiments that he had. Hes not going to go there. He wants to stick to a it may not necessarily be subjective, meaning the answer the true answer could be, and we may discover this some years from now, the true answer could be we sped up the investigation because we were afraid of being fired or we didnt subpoena the president because we were afraid of being fired or we didnt subpoena donald trump jr. Because we were afraid of being fired. That is not a subjective feelings reaction. Its a process question that hes going to avoid. Hes going to say that goes but is that is that a service to the country . No. No, it is not. Its not. You know and not reveal things like that. What we know, mueller wasnt afraid of being fired. Hes just got too much credibility, too much integrity, too much respect, but a lot of people working for mueller might well have been afraid of being fired, and essentially what you saw with the Mueller Report being shelved while mr. Barr put out his fourpage summary was the two men were in a fight, and one showed up with a gun and another showed up with a knife, and barr won. What the question is for mr. Mueller, whats his higher duty . Is it to defend his report and does that have does that require him to go out beyond his comfort zone when his report is being so eroded by a take no prisoners attorney general barr . Yeah, and thats actually why im hoping theres two comfort zones in the hearing. Muellers and aaron remember, the Mueller Report itself doesnt deal with any financial wrongdoing. It doesnt deal with Money Laundering from russian oligarchs through the office tower in the hotels. It doesnt deal with financial fraud. It doesnt deal with repeated and continuing violations of the emoluments clause by pocketing money from foreign governments so its not the be all and the end all. So lets let him convey what he has to say according to the terms that he set for himself, and i think that that will do a service to the public. I mean, we can be disappointed in some decisions hes made, but thats water under the bridge. Lets let him speak and then weve got to look much more broadl at the corruption, the obstruction of justice of this administration. Thats all on us. We cant pin it all on the special counsel. Weve got the responsibility to move against the lawlessness and the criminality taking place in the white house. That is something that Robert Mueller could make verbally clear. I think his point makes that clear, that it is your responsibility, especially in the end of the report. Thats right. You know, essentially what i hope we have an opportunity to do is let mueller talk about his report because what that report shows is that there has been a shattering of important democratic norms. No candidate for president in our history has cooperated with a foreign power, and you can call it whatever you want. Ill let the lawyers argue about collusion and conspiracy. Just the facts of what the trump team did knowingly, and then secondly, to have the president leading the charge and trying to cover up what happened and then to launch in to his attacks on fake news on journalism, on the courts, the things that hes doing as standard procedure, reveals that started from the moment candidate trump came down that escalator and started their ethnic origin. You recently came out in support of impeachment. Are you hoping that tomorrows hearing helps clarify that for other members of the house . Not really. Because i think that does get it into the partisan aspect of this. What im hoping is that just the report gets out because i it hasnt been read. Mmmhmm. And if people are aware of what the facts are, its going to allow them to come to their own conclusion, and thats what we have to do. So i see this as essentially a duty that we have and see where it leads. But there has been no wide dissemination of the actual details that are in the report. This is an opportunity for mr. Mueller to do it. Do you think there are any house members who are just in effect waiting for this testimony and then will announce their support for impeachment after it . I think there are some. You know, justin amash is an instructive example of this. I mean, he read the report and he said the conclusion was irresistible, inescapable in his mind that there was substantial or overwhelming evidence that the president had committed high crimes and misdemeanors and he challenged all of his colleagues to read the report. He was one republican who did. Hes no longer an republican. I think thats an enormously promising sign. The original groups of people to come out for it are the ones on the investigative committees who are most closely connected to the investigation, and weve seen real up close and personal the trampling of the norms that peters talking about but also the violation of the laws and the absolute defiance that this administration has shown for it. I was going to say, i did come out for impeachment. It was reluctant. Weve got to honor the outcomes of elections, but theres two things that have happened. Our constitution says no person is above the law and every person is entitled to the full protection of the law. And donald trump every single day is repudiating that. He is not submitting to any recognition of article i responsibility to congress and hes attacking people not for what they believe or what theyre doing, its on the basis of who they are. Whats their ethnic origin . Whats their race . Whats their gender . And that is a complete shattering of those norms that hold us together and allow us to make progress in difficult times. Congressman peter welch gets the last word in this round. I dont think youre going to get the last word in the hearing tomorrow. I think thats going to be Robert Mueller. Thank you very much for starting us off tonight. Really appreciate it. Thanks for having us. When we come back, John Heilemann will join us to discuss some of the political aspects of tomorrows hearings. And congresswoman katie porter will join us to discuss the New York Times story reporting of Donald Trumps bank flagging suspicious transactions by Jeffrey Epstein. 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So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Democrats are approaching tomorrows mueller hearing as a fact illuminating forum for voters who have not taken the time to read the Mueller Report and republicans seem to view tomorrows mueller hearings the way they seem to view everything, a trump reelection rally. Republican congressman matt gates will be questioning Robert Mueller in the Judiciary Committee hearing. He told the New York Times that his goal for the mueller hearing is this. We are going to reelect the president. Joining our discussion now, John Heilemann, National Affairs analyst for nbc news and msnbc cohost and executive producer of showtimes the circus. John, when you listen to matt gates approach, thats a very different thing than what we heard from the two democratic members of congress. Well, it certainly has the virtue of honesty, lawrence. Yes. At least its straightforward. Something we rarely see from republicans, straightforward honesty. Thats what this is for them, a political exercise and theyre going to do everything they can to try to discredit bob mueller, to try to bludgeon bob mueller. Theyre not interested in trying to find out the facts of what happened or even to have a real engagement with the facts that are in the Mueller Report. So i think we know what theyre going to do and its not really of much consequence, i think. I do think that its also the case that although in no way discrediting in the comments that you heard in your that you got in your a block from congressmen, its also clear this is a huge political moment for democrats on the committee. This is, i think, you know, i dont think its overstating things to say that the stakes politically could not be higher if you are a democrat who hopes to still have a chance to impeach donald trump or open up an impeachment inquiry into donald trump. This has to go well for you. You know, i think history will be very will have a lot to say about whats happened over the course of these three months. Since the Mueller Report came out to this day. But there is no doubt that there is a lot on the line here and that Public Opinion needs to be moved in order to create the kind of the kind of Political Support that nancy pelosi and others in the democratic leadership desperately need and want if they are going to do anything other than continue to sit on their hands when it comes to the impeachment question. One of the interesting aspects of the reporting on this is that republican congressman jim jordan says that he wants to stress that phrase insufficient evidence. That there was insufficient evidence to find a conspiracy yeah. Between the Trump Campaign and the russians. Now, the insufficient evidence line is seen as very condemning by democrats, and meaning there was evidence that there was a certain amount of evidence but it was insufficient evidence. What you want in politics is there was zero evidence. Yeah, right. Of any kind of conspiracy. But jordan seems very happy with insufficient evidence and he seems to say thats what hes going to be playing on tomorrow. Yeah, and if you think, lawrence, the argument here is going to be this is something the democrats have to get right if they want to make this a political winner is try to make people understand that insufficient evidence to charge a criminal conspiracy to defraud the American People in the 2016 election is a is an extraordinarily high bar. I mean, the reality is what the report is replete with is evidence all over the place of conduct that was obviously corrupt, conduct that was obviously inappropriate, conduct that was obviously unpatriotic, conduct that was that was that should be politically damaging to the trump forces, and if democrats can get Robert Mueller, who seems in this area to be very eager to talk. I mean, if you take him at his word from his press conference, though, he said he wanted to stick within the letter of the four corners of the report and the report is his testimony. The report itself is incredibly damning in its first section with respect to what it says about the trump organization, the Trump Campaign did in the 2016 campaign to solicit help from a hostile foreign power. So i think in that sense properly framed, the elucidation of that evidence, the recitation of that evidence could be incredibly damaging if Robert Mueller goes as far as i think he wants to go, because i think he feels as though the first part of the report has gotten a short shrift in the public conscious us in. John heilemann, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. And when we come back, in just a few hours, the british version of donald trump will officially become britains next Prime Minister. And if you think our Electoral College is crazy, wait until you hear how he became Prime Minister. And congresswoman katie porter will be joining us later in the hour. Work so hard give it everything you got strength of a lioness tough as a knot rocking the stage and were never gonna stop all strength, no sweat. Just in case you forgot all strength, no sweat. No no no sweat. You should be mad they gave this guy a promotion. You should be mad at forced camaraderie. And you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not mad, because you have e trade, whos tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad. Get e trades simplified technical analysis. If you think the Electoral College is crazy, the United Kingdom has just outdone it. Boris johnson just became the new british Prime Minister without even having an election. He was chosen by a private vote of members of the conservative party to replace conservative party Prime Minister theresa may who quit because of the impossibility of implementing britains exfrom the European Union, commonly referred to as brexit. Just over 0. 10 of 1 of the British Population actually voted in the conservative party choice of a new Prime Minister. The voters included children because there are no real laws about this kind of private voting within a party. And the voters were obviously dominated by people who like Boris Johnson do not distinguish between fact and fiction. A New York Times oped piece by british writer james butler says, Boris Johnson is how britain ends. Such is the gloom in britain tonight. Boris johnson is regarded as the donald trump of the United Kingdom, which means that donald trump likes Boris Johnson. Theres a britain trump. They call him britain trump. People are saying thats a good thing. No british Prime Minister has ever been has ever been more unpopular on his very first day in office than Boris Johnson. Like donald trump, Boris Johnson made it to the top of british politics with the help of Vladimir Putin and russians who attacked the british Voting System and helped deliver an electoral victory for brexit in a referendum three years ago, 51. 9 voting in favor of brexit with Russian Support and 48. 1 voting against brexit. Like his predecessor, Boris Johnson is promising to do the impossible and negotiate a new exit deal with the European Union, but unlike his predecessor, he is also promising to do the impossible when he fails to negotiate a new exit deal. Boris johnson says he will simply lead the United Kingdom out of the European Union without any exit deal at all, which would instantaneously bring a level of chaos to britain not seen since world war ii. The Washington Posts brian closs and National Security expert jeremy bash will join us after a break to discuss Donald Trumps new competition for most reckless and incompetent leader of what once was one of the most important and stable governments in the world. You try hard, you eat right. Mostly. You make time. When you can. But sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just wont go away. Coolsculpting takes you further. A nonsurgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. Discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. Some common sideeffects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Dont imagine results, see them. Coolsculpting, take yourself further. Did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes . Try dawn ultra. Dawn is for more than just dishes. With 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. Try dawn ultra. 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[ laughter ] and there may even be some people here who still wonder quite what they have done joining our discussion now, brian klaas columnist for the Washington Post and jeremy bash, an msnbc National Security analyst and former chief of staff at the cia and defense department. Brian, let me go to you in london. What is the mood in london tonight . Well, disbelief. I think that this is, you know, its a trumplike figure rising in britain. You now have on both sides of the atlantic a narcissistic serial liar who has larger than life hair, who was born in new york, who has made racist statements and who has encouraged Political Violence in power both in the uk and in the u. S. Now, and i think that there is also a lot of worry because there is 99 days until this socalled do or die that Boris Johnson has pledged to remove britain from the European Union, even without a deal. Which would cause catastrophic chaos. And, you know, at one point the British Ministry of defense was the largest purchaser of refrigerators in the entire world because they were stockpiling medicines in peace time for this. There is serious risk ahead and Boris Johnson may not be up to the task. Jeremy, another big win for Vladimir Putin. Thats right. Because of course there are strong allegations that russia interfered in the british selection of brexit as their future path, and its not its not a mystery. We know what putins end game is. He wants to obviously separate the uk, which is americas key ally in the transatlantic alliance, from the rest of europe. So he wants to break the European Alliance just as he wants to break apart nato which binds the United States, canada and our transatlantic allies. This is putins game. When he goes oneonone against a country he feels he can win, its when he goes against an Alliance Like nato or the European Union, he feels completely isolated and small. Brian, for putin, he wants to weaken every institution involved. He wants to weaken britain and the government. He wants to weaken the European Union. This brexit, this hard chaos stuff would do that. Yeah, were talking about serious economic damage. Were talking about serious divides between brussels and london. Which will have knockon geopolitical ramifications. Which are very, very welcome for Vladimir Putin. As jeremy rightly points out, if you have the u. S. Retrenching, being Donald TrumpsAmerica First strategy combined with an economically declining United Kingdom, all of that is music to the ears of Vladimir Putin. So i think that over the long run this is something that we should Pay Attention to in the United States as well in the sense that this is bad for american interests to have a close ally, an important ally like the United Kingdom inflicting such obviously avoidable damage on itself. This might be a very shortlived British Government. Boris johnson is going in there without an electoral mandate of any kind. Brexits a terrible idea. Its even worse with no deal with the rest of the continent, so i cant see how britain escapes this moment unscathed, but i think the broader issue and its kind of a momentous matter here, lawrence, that we have the election or the selection of Boris Johnson within 24 hours of Robert Mueller going to the hill tomorrow to lay out in grave detail the way donald trump requested russian assistance, he received russian assistance, he welcomed russian assistance, he covered up russian assistance and then he rewarded russian assistance. And how did he reward russian assistance . In part by denigrating nato. In part by cheering on brexit. In part by cheering on the breakup of the European Union. So here you have putins handy work that will now be on full display on capitol hill tomorrow. And brian, it is such a powerful coincidence because Robert Mueller will be testifying, especially to the Intelligence Committee, about the ways in which russia does this. And theyre very similar to what we saw in the United Kingdom with the additional element of some ability to trace what appear to be russian financial contributions to the brexit campaign. Yeah, thats right. And i think, you know, this is something where the disinformation playbook, the Information Warfare playbook that Vladimir Putin has started to fine tune in running up to the 2020 elections in the United States is something that everybody in europe and in the uk is getting used to. Its the new normal. And i think part of that is because as Robert Mueller will likely point out tomorrow, there has been no serious consequences to it, both in the from the British Government or from the United States government. So i think thats something that well have to look at, whether Boris Johnson is actually up to the task of standing up to Vladimir Putin. And the problem is because he needs new allies, because the alliance with the European Union is being downgraded, he wont have the luxury of being tough on authoritarian adversaries like russia and china, which is, again, all very good news for autocrats around the world that donald trump loves and admires and that are going to inflict serious damage on western democracies. Brian klaas and jeremy bash, thank you both for your expertise on this important subject tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. And when we come back, congresswoman katie porter has some questions about the New York Times report that Deutsche Bank flagged suspicious transitions made by Jeffrey Epstein, flagged those transactions to the Treasury Department earlier this year. Congresswoman katie porter will join us coming up. 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Tonight the New York Times is reporting that Deutsche Bank reported some suspicious transactions to the Treasury Department this year made by convicted sex criminal and now accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The times reports Deutsche Bank reported the transactions to a federal agency in charge of policing financial crimes, according to people familiar with the banks internal processes. The report came as the bank started looking for signs that mr. Epstein was using his Financial Resources for the purposes of sex trafficking. Earlier this year, as the bank rushed to disentangle itself from him, officials discovered additional transactions that they saw as problematic, the people said, that prompted the bank to submit a suspicious activity report to the Treasury Department. This is not the first time Deutsche Bank had raised concerns about Jeffrey Epsteins financial transactions. The times reports in 2015 and 2016 antiMoney Laundering compliance officers in Deutsche Banks offices in new york and jacksonville, florida raised a variety of concerns about the work the bank was doing with mr. Epstein. The compliance officers on at least one occasion noticed potentially illegal activity in one of mr. Epsteins accounts, including transactions in which money was moving outside the United States, the people said. The compliance officers produced a socalled suspicious activity report, but it is unclear whether the report was ever filed with the Treasury Departments financial crimes division. Deutsche bank has been under public scrutiny since it was revealed that they provided donald trump hundreds of millions of dollars in loans over a period of two decades when other banks refused to do business with donald trump. Congresswoman katie porter has questioned treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin about Deutsche Banks handling of suspicious transactions by President Trump. Congresswoman porter will join us after this break with her reaction to the news tonight about Deutsche Banks handling of Jeffrey Epsteins banking transactions and what she expects to hear from Robert Muellers testimony tomorrow. Thats next. You dont really tak about your insurance unless youre complaining about it. You go on about how. Its so confusing it hurts my brain. Ya i hear ya. Or say you cant believe. How much of a hassle it is and tell anyone wholl listen. garbled . Its so expensive she said its so expensive. Tell me about it. Yes. Well im telling the people at home. Thats why esurance is making the whole experience surprisingly painless. So, you never have to talk about it, unless youre their spokesperson. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. Scholls massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, youll move over 10 more than before. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. I felt i couldnt be at my best wifor my family. 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Work so hard give it everything you got strength of a lioness tough as a knot rocking the stage and were never gonna stop all strength, no sweat. Just in case you forgot all strength, no sweat. No no no sweat. Most people think a button is just a button. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. Convicted sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein has had dozens of accounts at deutsche plank which flagged suspicious transactions to the Treasury Department. The times reports the bank decided to sever ties with him after there was an investigation of the earlier sexual allegations against him but the process was more time consuming than initially anticipated. As of late spring there were still transactions taking place. Executives believe theyve closed all of mr. Epsteins accounts. Joining us now is freshman democratic congressman katie porter of california. Shes a member of the House Financial Services committee. I know youve been questioning the administration about Deutsche Bank involving President Trump. Whats your reaction to this story tonight . I think this is exactly on brand for Deutsche Bank. They seem to be the lender of last resort for unsavory characters. So if youre a russian zblark or President Trump, you give Deutsche Bank a call. This is what weve seen a pattern of over a series of years from Deutsche Bank, a failure to follow antiMoney Laundering laws. Would this provoke the Financial Services committee to drag in Deutsche Bank to say what are you doing with this socalled Private Banking service . This is something we should be asking about with Deutsche Bank. Weve been trying to get information with them related to their banking with the president. I think this is another sign in a pattern. I think this is the least surprising thing is the Financial Institution banking mr. Epstein was Deutsche Bank. If you had to ask me, where does epstein bank, i would say probably deutsche. That seems to be their clientele. The fact they took him out as a client, keep in mind, he was looking for a bank because jpmorganchase wouldnt be business with him. The fact that deutsche took him on said something and they ignored the suspicious activity. The positive element is when you read the story, its very clear that this story is coming from people inside the bank who dont like this aspect of their own banks business. No. This is what happened. The banking compliance folks do their job. These are hardworking americans who are carefully trained. They tried to raise the concerns. What happened . The upper crust people at the bank decided it was worth it to them to take on this business, to do business with any rich person whether he was involved in lawful activity or really unlawful and immoral activity like mr. Epstein. I think this should hearten us there are people trying to follow the laws. We should ask why are those people not running these institutions . I want to go to the big business of the house tomorrow. You are not on the Intelligence Committee or the Judiciary Committee. If you were, what would you be asking Robert Mueller tomorrow . My first question would be based on your investigation, can you exonerate the president of federal crimes . Yes or no. And the answer, if youve read the report, has to be no. So this is the first rebuttal to what President Trump has been tweeting. Mr. Mueller cannot exonerate him, and my second question would be based on the evidence, is there substantial evidence that the president committed one or more acts of obstruction of justice . The answer to this has to be yes. It states that in the report. And then i think i would say how many acts of obstruction of justice did you find substantial evidence of . One, two, three, four, five, six . Because there are up to 14 acts in which theres evidence of obstruction of justice. Theres at least four acts where he says all the elements of obstruction of justice are met. When you did that stop me when i get there on the number of, the reason i chuckled is because that is the katie porter hearing style. I have seen you do exactly that kind of thing with cabinet members, with banking executives. You have a method in the way you kind of make the outcome inevitable in. The outcome of the hearings should be inettable. It should be the truth for the American People. Theres a purpose to asking these questions. No matter the witness, i want to truth for the American People. I try to frame the question in a way that will get us to the truth. The goal is the truth. That should be the goal i hope both colleagues bring to the table. Mueller is not going to say anything that isnt in his helping the American People understand what are the basic conclusions out report, which is that director mueller d especially counsel mueller cannot exonerate the president. Based on his investigation, he cannot exonerate him. And i would ask him to name each of the four counts of obstruction of justice. Now, you are came out in favor of impeachment after careful deliberation about it. Youre in one of the districts where reportedly pelosi worries about members like you who are representing previously republican districts and that you might not be able to go as far on these issues as some other members. What has been the experience been . By my memory its over a month you came out in favor of impeachment. What happened to you . People talk to me about all the issues they were talking to me about. Theres separate things here. One is did the special counsel conclude that the president broke the law . Yes. He did. He said theres substantial evidence. Thats my job in the house of representatives. If theres evidence of a federal crime by our president , then we have a duty to begin an impeachment inquiry and put it forward to the senate for trial. Separately from that, i dont think anyone should be concerned im not on my job with Financial Services. I have banks coming in tomorrow to talk about one of the largest bank mergers in recent history. Im preparing for that hearing. I hear people talking about prescription drugs. Wheres the effort to reduce the cost of prescription drugs . Whats going on with the deficit or transportation . I definitely can take on all of these issues at the same time. Congresswoman katie porter, everyone watching this wishes you were in one of the hearings tomorrow. Katie porter, the 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight on the eve of Robert Muellers appearance on capitol hill, all the preparations and planning now give way to what could be the most consequential testimony in years. And late word on who will accompany mueller at the witness table. What will this man reveal about his work, his report, what will he say about how attorney general barr got out ahead of him . What more will we learn about the Russian Influence Campaign in the last president ial election as we head toward another. And then the presidency under criminal investigation and the man who may not like what he hears tomorrow. All of it as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. Good evening once again from o