Donald trump of rape was his first wife ivana trump. And the book lost tie kuhn records ivana trump gave a report assaulting her and pulling out her hair because his own hair didnt turn out right. He finished the violent attack with rape. Ivana told closest confidants at the time he raped me then retracted her under oath testimony after reaching a financial settlement in the divorce case and donald trump got the publisher of the back to to include this note in the book. State of ivana trump. During a deposition given by me i wish to say on one occasion we had Marital Relations in which he behaved very differently than me than during our marriage. As a woman i felt violated and the love and tend herbness usualusual exhibited to me was absent. I dont want my words to be interpreted in a literal sense. Donald trumps new rape accuser tells the story eerily similar to the rape ivana trump described in that under oath deposition. In her first person account it appears as an excerpt of her new book in new York Magazine encht e. Jean carroll says when i had the most to say i said the least. Now telling the story of the day donald trump attacked her. It should be noted President Trump issued a statement today, a written statement, denying he raped e. Jean carroll the president saying it never happened and also ive never met this person in my life. Now here is a picture of donald trump in one meeting with e. Jean carroll. And so the president s defense as stated is easily proven false with one photograph. A photograph that now appears in new York Magazine ironically includes the president s first rape accuser, ivana trump as well as his newest rape accuser e. Jean carroll. The other man in the photograph is e. Jean carrolls then husband john johnson who many will recognize as former abc news anchor. E. Jean carroll says he feetings revealing what donald trump did to her began to change when the New York Times began its reports of powerfulpowerful men and raping women beginning with harvey weinstein. This is the most serious allegation of Sexual Violence against trump ever made. Aside from the marital rape claim that ivana later walked back. Before there was an msnbc news in this very spot on your list of cable channels there was a network owned by nbc called americas talking and e. Jean carroll was that networks biggest star. Her show called ask e. Jean gave audience advice on that show especially relationship advice. A frequent guest on the today show in those years. E. Jean carroll is now our longest running advice columnist in america. But she needed advice herself. After what donald trump did to her and so she told two of her Close Friends about it. New York Magazine confirmed those two friends spoke to her about it at the time. Nbc news has been able to confirm one of those friends speaking to her and giving her advice at the time. Here is her description what her friends told her. First the journalist magazine writer correspondent on the tv morning shows author of many books et cetera begged me to go to the police. He raped you. She kept repeating, when i called her. He raped you. Go to the police. Ill go with you. Well go together. My second friend is also a journalist, a new york anchor woman, grew very quiet when i told her then grasped both my hands in her own and said, tell no one. Forget it. He has 200 lawyers. Hell bury you. Now, i urge you all to read every word of e. Jean carrolls account of what happened to her in new York Magazine all of the context is there. You will better understand her reaction to what happened to her if you know what happened to her at camp when she was 12 years old and in college on a difirst date and understand passages like this. Many women my age just get on with it. It is how we handle things. Chin up. Stop griping. We do not cast ourselves as victims because we do not see ourselves as victims. Her account of what happened with donald trump is complete, which is to say it is graphic. It includes details which we probably wont include in the discussion youre about to hear. The story begins at bergdorf, highend Department Store across the street from trump tower when e. Jean carroll ran into trump leaving the store and he was entering the store. First words were, hey, youre that advice lady. Joining our discussion now is e. Jean carroll. Thank you very, very much for being here tonight. That was a ravishing introduction. Thank you very much. Let me say that just as a writer, because weve known each other a long time as writers. The writing in both new York Magazine and your new book is just riveting and its odd to use the word beautiful when youre talking about tragedy, but prose is often a work of art and it is in this, but its also journalistically very powerful, very precise, very careful. And you you describe things that way when you describe what happened when donald trump walked into bergdorfs. He asked you as the advice lady for advice on buying a gift for what he identified simply as, a girl. Then what happened . Well, i said, standing right near the handbags. I pointed to the handbags and, of course, the idea of a handbag, he put you know the expression he makes both of his lips rise up, like balancing a spoon. So the handbag idea was not going to fly. So i said, hats. Every woman loves a hat. Because the hats were displayed right next to the handbags. We stroll over to the hats and hes he greets the people like he is the king of siam. Fabulous to see him. And he goes right straight for a fur number. And i thought, well, i said out loud. A woman doesnt want to wear a dead animal on her head. So he you know, holding it in his hand and i say, how old is the young woman, or how olds the were choosing a present for and he looked at me and said how old are you . And the way he looked at me, you could see he was trying to calibrate how old a person, my thigh bone in a knee ander th r neanderthal. I wish i said, ill tell you my age if you show me your tax returns. Yeah. Uhhuh. Would have been well, how would i so eventually he says lets go look at the lingerie and gets you to the Lingerie Department . Lingerie. Knows where that is and gets you up there. May have shouted under way. So up the escalators we go and at this point in Bergdorf Goodmans the greatest Department Store, its cozy, posh, take care of customers beautifully. Were going up. The store is not very crowded. It is like 6 37 in the evening and we go, walk down Lingerie Department nobody is there. Empty. On the counter to the left as you enter, this is in 1995, 1996, there were a couple of really fancy lingerie boxes and there was this really beautiful filmy, gray, seethrough bodysuit and he snatched it up. He said, go put this on. It struck me as one of the funniest things ive ever heard a man say. I said, you put it on. He said, no, no. Youll look good in this. Try this on and holds it up against my body. I said, no, it goes with your eyes, put it on and i used to be a writer at saturday night live. So this whole situation struck me as one of the funniest things, donald trump is standing with this filmy thing and i have the idea that im going to make him put it on over his pants. That was my idea. Uhhuh. As you go towards the changing room . As we start to move towards and he said, after you. So walked the other odd thing. The dressing room doors, i dont remember, i only remember one door was unlocked and open. Very unusual for bergdorfs. Nobody was there and the door was open. Bergdorfs usually keeps their dressing room doors locked. He goad like this. I walked in. He shut the door behind us and threw me up against the wall and kissed me. I couldnt believe it. I am laughing all the way in to the room and he i was smacked against the wall. Lawrence, ive never been so shocked. Its the last thing i expected. Heres the thing. I kept laughing, because i thought, this is not a good situation. If you laugh at a man it will usually you know, crush his ego. So i am laughing to beat the band. In trying to countersignal what hes actual doing . Im laughing, yeah. Youre trying to change the situation . Exactly what i was trying to do. This is when i was still able to think. I had just about 25 seconds there before the adrenaline started to pour in so i could actually make a decision that was a conscious decision to, aha, youre so fun. This is hilarious. At about 30 seconds he pushed himself up against me with one shoulder. You know, hes a large man not as large as now but hes 63. At the time wearing sixinch heels and 61 and a competitive athlete. Hell have to struggle to do anything and hes trying to kiss me again which is just which, stopped me laughing a minute but then i could push him back. The next thing he did was put his shoulder against me and then his hand went i was wearing just a black donna karan coat dress and tights and it was the work of a second to reach in under my donna karan, threw it open in the front and the donna karan dress and pulled down my tights. Thats when i thats when my brain went on when the adrenaline started and it became it became a fight, and it was, it hurt. And it was against my will, and it i dont know where i got the strength, because he was big, but i think i was stomping my foot. I had my handbag in this arm. I never put it down. Im holding it. I have no idea the only reason i know im holding it when i got out on the street i still had it in my hand so somehow i got my knee up and pushed him back and the minute he backed up i was out the door, and right down the the steps and i dont know if i went to the elevator or the escalator. I have a feeling i just took the slow escalator down and made it out to fifth avenue. The exact details of what happened are very precise in your article. They, a prosecutor earlier on msnbc news going through the details said that she would describe it as firstdegree rape. It did include every element that people think of as classic rape. A man raping a woman. In that space that you say was probably in your memory about three minutes f. Tha if that, yes. And youre out the door. And when you get home, you take off what you were wearing. And in your article you point out in the last lines that youve never worn it since, and it was still hanging exactly as you left it that day unlaundered and thats what youre wearing on the cover of new York Magazine. Why do you keep it . Why was it there that way . Well, do you have lucky clothes . Do you have, like a lucky jeans . I have a baseball glove. Oldest thing i own. Lucky glove . Yes. From high school. So we have lucky things and this dress was unlucky. So when i hung it up, i wasnt thinking, oh, in sis a i just never wanted to put it on again. Because it had horrible memories. So it just hung there. I didnt bag it up. I didnt do anything. Just sat there behind the raincoat. Thats it. I want to listen to what mya wily said two hours ago on chris hayes show about this evidence that you describe including the clothing. Lets listen to this. New york state no longer has the statute of limitations on firstdegree rape. That doesnt mean that in this case she is necessarily saying she would bring a rape charge, but this would be a first, from what i understand of the facts, this was potentially a firstdegree rape case which doesnt have a statute of limitations and she has the coat. And she also indicated if the coat a has not been laundered there could conceivably be evidence of some kind. How can that be possible . Shes a prosecutor. She should know. Would you consider bringing the rape charge against donald trump for this . No. Why not . I would find it disrespectful of the women down on the border raped around the clock without any protection. Theyre young women you know there by the thousands. The women have very little protection there. It would just be disrespectful. Mine was three minutes. I can handle it. I can keep going. My life has gone on, im a happy woman but for the women down there and for the women actually around the world, and every culture this is going on. No matter high or low in society. It just feels disrespectful that i would bring it just doesnt make sense to me. This is part of the spirit that is described about the way youve looked at things through life. That is carefully chronicled in your book and theres a quote where you say, im a member of the silent generation. We laugh it off and get on with life. Theres a kind of toughness, dont worry about me, that you bring to experiences like this . Well, lawrence, you know either you laugh or you cry. If you cry, the burden is double. Soon as you if you laugh, it were recede into the part and women you know for centuries thats our way of dealing with things. Humor, and i think that tragedy and comedy are like married, right . Uhhuh. We use humor to move on. Theres been a discussion today and as journalists have been reading your story the question of corroboration and the two people you talked to at the time that serve as corroboration for new York Magazine. The magazine has spoke ton them and offered that. I want to offer one more piece of corroboration what youre talking about from the other person who was there when it happened. Lets listen to donald trump. Im attracted to beautiful women, just a like a magnet. And when you say, they let you do it. You can do anything you want. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. What did you feel the first time you heard that . I was astounded. I was absolutely astounded, to just i couldnt believe it. And i still cant. When that tape came out it was astounding to me. Isnt it to you . It was exactly what you describe him doing to you, exactly. As the first move. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He yes. Hes a powerful man. He take whats he wants. Thats the thing. And the American Voters liked it, a referendum are they going to vote for a sexual harasser . Yes, they are, because he is, his power is so great it doesnt matter. He can have whatever woman he wants, and going on. Knowing you as i do, knowing your writing as i do for decades now, what i was reading prior to this story going very bad is e. Jeans in bergdorfs working on a story about tlaurump when she tells it at dinner and what you were working on until the moment he changed what was happening in that dressing room . Yes. Thats exactly yes. And this this issue you have about asking people really not to worry about you, and youll be okay. Youll be fine. Yes. When i read your book, you do have a bigger regret than not reporting donald trump at the time, and its the Camp Counselor when you were 12 years old who abused you when you were 12 years old and in the book about that when you talk about that you say, its cam who when he dies at the age of 72 and the story starts going around that he was suddenly dismissed from coaching causes me the most pain. I could have spoken up. Maybe not when i was 12 but when i was 25. He died when i was 34. I might have stopped him. One thing i get as i read about these different experiences youve had are these different kinds of consciousnesses. You didnt have the consciousness at 25 to say anything about it. No. You do now. And yet even now you still seem to be holding back on how much anyone should be concerned about you in any of these stories . No. I also. Thank you, lord. I felt that the situation at bergdorfs was my fault. I blame myself for that. I said i am the stupidest woman whos ever walked and did that for years and took my ask e. Jean letter writers who wrote in and say, my boss is harassing me what do i do . Do i go forward . Dear e. Jean, my husband, if i dont serve him the meal he wants he gets mad at me and i would say over and over its not your fault. Youre not stupid. Youre doing right. You know . I was just saying this to all of these women for all of these years. And i never came forward and said, i understand. And i still cant kick that feeling that it was my fault. I cant its hard to get rid of that. In the president s denial today in which he denied ever meeting you. We showed thats false. He certainly knew your then husband john johnson. He also says that youre telling the story just to sell books. Well, a woman is not allowed to take a pen and put it to a piece of paper . Its my normal this is how i do it. You know, its you know whats so strange is, lawrence, have you noticed that big, powerful men who come on tv shows are not asked, did you write this book to sell kpecopi . No. Its ask a poor, elderly woman like me who just wrote a book. Oh, its not a crime and, you know, thats so. No. Its my normal way of living. I write what happened to me and put it in a book. You also talk about your experience as a midwestern cheerleader and the spirit of that about where you talk about youre always urging people to be optimistic. The team can be losing by 50 points and your job is to be optimistic and i find that spirit going through the way never lose hope. Yes. Its in the way you deal with these kinds of events including this event with donald trump. Its that youre your way of not feeling victimized by it is to say it doesnt hurt that much. It doesnt, actually. It doesnt hurt me now at all. It hurt a little bit that day. But i very quickly well, i think i very quickly. I think i i think i got over it quickly. Because my whole thing is put it behind you and go enjoy life. Right . Go enjoy life. Its a smorgasbord. Living a luxurious life, dont lock yourself in the house. Lets go, jean, get up. Dont be a nitwit. You know . When readers get to the last few lines of your account in new York Magazine i think theyre going to see something that you might not even see in your story about whether, just how much of this youve left behind. That outfit is still hanging in that place. E. Jean carroll. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Really appreciate you sharing this very difficult story with us. Really appreciate it and a the book, which is coming out next month is called what do we need men for . A modest proposal by e. Jean carroll. Remember, she is a comedy writer, made her living most of the time and throughout this work. You never, you never lose your comedy writing touch. Even in material like this, and im not sure thats a compliment, because im not sure youre using the comedy to hold yourself at a certain distance from these things. So dont we all . But its beautifully writtens really is. Thank you very much. Appreciate you being here. Well be right back. Thank you. Thank you x maximum strength. It relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort fast. So no one needs to know youve got gas. Gasx. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . 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And then his hand went, i was wearing just a black donna karan coat dress, and tights. And it was the work of a second to reach in under my donna karan, through my open in the front and through the donna karan dress and pull down my tights. Thats when i thats when my brain went on thats where the adrenaline started and it became it became a a fight. And it was it hurt. And it was against my will. And it i dont know where i got the strength because he was big but i think i was stomping my foot. I had my handbag on this arm. I never put it down. Im holding, i have no idea the only reason i know im holding is when i got out in the street i still had it in my hand so somehow i got my knee up and pushed him back and the minute he backed up i was out the door. Joining us, former u. S. Attorney for the Northern District of alabama also an msnbc legal analyst. Joyce, thank you for joining us tonight and i know you also read the second by second detail that e. Jean carroll provides in her new York Magazine article description as well as what we heard tonight. With the elements you heard described tonight and wa you read her describe in the article, what is it that youre hearing . Is this what is the crime youre hearing here . Were hearing a description under new york state law of a crime of firstdegree rape. And this is something that e. Jean carroll is not going to pursue and we heard her say some things about why she didnt pursue it then, and blaming herself, actually. Blaming, to this day, saying she cant quite release the idea of blaming herself for allowing herself to get in that position. This is such a classic sort of refrain that you hear from women who have been the victims of sex walt assauual assault. In my mind its credible she spent these years torturing herself knowing something was against her will and believing in some part shes responsible and thats the societal pressure that led so many people over the years not to report these kind of crimes. And she did talk to two Close Friends of hers, new York Magazine has spoke ton both and confirmed that those conversations occurred at the tile. What does that say to you in terms of corroboration . Thats a key piece of evidence for prosecutors. When youre looking at prosecuting a crime that occurred some time back, even if its just a few months, but here many years, and, of course, were not talking about prosecution because of statute of limitations. In assessing her credibility knowing there are two individuals she had conversations with who recall those conversations, those strongly support her recollection of events and those can be key pieces of evidence with a jury. And then, joyce, in 2016, we get the other person in the room, donald trump, saying on audio tatape video recordings saying that this is what he likes to do. Exactly how he first is described attacking e. Jean carroll, exactly the way he describes how he likes to grab women on that access hollywood individuals video. He himself is part of the public corroboration of this now . He really tells the story, the best himself. We have it in his own words sounds remarkably familiar. In a court law prosecutors cant use evidence to prove somebody has bad character but you can use it to show motive or the way somebody operates. This is classic trump. This is not the only time we hear he shoves, he grabs, he forces himself, and we hear it in his own language on the access hollywood tape, which makes it very believable when we then hear the story from ms. Carroll. Joyce, let me just give you a wideopen field here, because i know you read this material today. I know youve listened to this and i dont claim to be in a position where i should be guiding this discussion in any particular way. Just any reaction that youve had in your reading of this today and what you heard e. Jean carroll say tonight . You know, its really difficult, lawrence, i think to question women who have been victims of these kind of crimes but in your interview theres a moment where you ask her about the dress. Why did she keep the dress all of these years . And we hear her explanation saying it just hung in the closet. It was a bad dress with bad memories. She didnt want to touch it or do anything with it. Those details i think are ultimately the most compelling when talking about a he said she said sort of thing. He says it didnt happen, she says it did happen and theres that dress she hasnt been able to get rid of all of these years and doesnt even want to go near it. That, to me, is very compelling. Joyce vance thank you very much for joining our discussion. When we come back well would examine Donald Trumps account of why he reversed the mission to strike iraq after iran after ordering the mission to strike iran. See if theres anything believable of what donald trump is now saying about that. When crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. Scholls massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, youll move over 10 more than before. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv with three different medicines to help you get to undetectable. That means the amount of virus is so low it cant be measured in lab tests. 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Last night the New York Times reported there were planes in the air on their way to attack iran when President Trump gave the order to turn them back according to the New York Times the operation was underway, early stages when called off a Senior Administration official says planes were in the air and ships in position but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down, the official said. By the time President Trump sat down with chuck todd for an interview today he came up with a completely unbelievable story claiming that no one told him what the loss of life might be in the attack. And that is not the way the American Military advises the american president. Heres President Trump trying to sell his story today. Were planes in the air . About ready to go. No. But would have been pretty soon and thing wos have happened to a point you wouldnt turn back or couldnt turn back, so they came and said, sir, were ready to go would like a decision. I said i want to know something before you go. Home people would be killed . And in this case iranians. I said how many people are going to be killed . Sir, id like to get back to you on that. Great team, these generals. They said, came back, said, sir, approximately 150. And i thought tababout it a sec and said you know what . They shot down and unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it, and here we are sitting with 150 dead people that would have taken place probably within a half hour after i said, go ahead. Yes, and i didnt like it. As usual, Unnamed Trump Administration officials are calling the president a liar. The daily beast reports tonight according to two senior Trump OfficialsPresident Donald Trump approved preparations for military strikes against iran fully aware that dozens or more iranians might die as a result. Joining us now is ryan goodman, former special counsel at the Defense Department. A law professor at New York University and the coeditor in chief of just security. Ryan, how does this work . The president is thinking of a military strike. Who tells him what the possible casualties would be . Secretary of defense and chairman of joint chiefs of staff definitely tell him that. How early in the process . When they give the proposal. It would have to be vetted. They would have to approve it themselves and consider the casualties. They approved that thats acceptable and then frent to the preside present it to the president. Times more than one option . Might go in with option one, two and three or option one and two or sometimes just option one, given the circumstances. But are you saying in any one of these options, before theyre even discussed with the president , there is always a Collateral Damage assessment made . Thats right. They have to. And especially for Something Like this when the Collateral Damage say or the casualties of 150, you would think that would not be the normal, include as a topline issue and impress upon the president , if you do this, 150 casualties. The most important thing. What the president described to chuck todd is absolutely impossible . Theres no one working in the Defense Department who would go to this president with an option that didnt include this information . Thats right. Its unbelievable and its not just unbelievable hes basically casting aspersion on the military. The military would nerve verify a disproportionate number of people and not tell him until just before takeoff until he asks. Hes saying hes smarter than anyone involved in the planning because hes the only one who thought to ask how many might be killed in this situation . Sounds like what hes trying to say. Thank you for joining us tonight. Appreciate it. Thank you for your experience on this. 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Today Mitch Mcconnell announced Republican Leadership would be opposing roy moore vigorously. Last month President Trump insisted he had nothing against accused child molester roy moore but said roy moore cannot win. Heres what roy moore said today. The president himself ran in the time that they said the president couldnt win. You remember that . They said President Trump couldnt win. I think the president s being influenced by other people up there. The establishment, i dont know why. I havent had a chance to talk to him, but the president is wrong . He will be running against democratic senator doug jones. Senator jodoug jones joins us nt with his reaction to roy moores reaction. I switched to liberty mutual, because they let me customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Thank you for joining us tonight in fact i appreciate it. My pleasure. Thanks for having me. Roy moore thinks donald trump is going to vote for him. I guess im going to generously take that to mean support him, i think even roy moore knows donald trump isnt registered to vote in alabama. One would assume that, but i dont know what one can assume. One would assume he would ultimately throw his support to him. And if it got down to a general election, if he survives the republican primaries which hell have a strong chance of doing like he did last time, do you believe donald trump will once again be standing in front of rally audiences saying youve got to vote for roy moore . Well, you know, i think he probably would. I mean, at this point he did it the last time. And coming on the heels of those allegations. I think he probably would do that. I mean, i think judge moore has got i hes got to get through a tough primary. Senator mcconnell is going to throw a ton of money at this race. He made it clear hes going to throw as much money that will rival the Defense Budget we have coming up in the next year. Its going to be a tough race and a divisive, expensive race. It will be interesting to watch. Ultimately, i think what we saw in the last election was ultimately the president put his party before dignity and civility and respect. And so ill probably expect him to do that again. The difference will be i wouldnt expect donald trump to be in alabama very much in the last 30, 60 days of the campaign. If hes in alabama, hes in trouble nationwide. Lets listen to this roy moore said about why hes decided to run for senate once again. Your reputation went through a lot. In 2017, why subject you and your family to that again . Well, thats part of what i believe about god. I prayed for gods will. I got it. Sometimes you know, god means you to suffer as did his son. I believe it was just part of gods will. Senator, he believes his campaign is gods will. Well, thats okay for him to believe that. Theres probably a lot of people that believe that the last time that god voted for doug. Well see how this goes this time. I mean, you cannot base you cant base your campaign on just simply divine intervention. You got to get out there and work. You got to try to give people some respect and dignity. Roy moore tried to do that the last time and the people of alabama rejected that. They wanted something different. They didnt want a throwback from the past. They want to go forward. I think thats what theyre going to have this year. They want to see somebody who has worked hard for them on the Kitchen Table issues we talked about in 2017. Jobs, the economy. Health care is still going to be a big issue in alabama. Let me ask you about the trump tariffs in alabama. I know you have a lot of Foreign Companies that do automobile manufacturing in alabama, honda, mercedesbenz, i believe, maybe a couple others. How are the trump tariff playing in alabama . Well, theyre beginning to feel effects. Businesses left and right are feeling the effects. And theyre concerned about it. The Automobile Industry makes no bones about the fact that theyre concerned. Weve moved now with Automobile Industry from being concerned about the tariffs to now just the uncertainty. The president s been sitting on a report since february about whether or not these tariffs, these bmws and mercedesbenz are National Security threats. We had a nominee from the Commerce Department in front of the Banking Committee the other day. No one will tell us. No one will let congress see that report. And hes postponed it again. The uncertainty is hurting just as much as the tariffs are at this day and age. Our farmers are beginning to hurt. The threatened tariffs with mexico the other way when we were talking about mixing tariffs and trade with immigration policy had a lot of businesses in alabama very, very concerned. And theyre certainly relieved now the tariffs are not on there, but when the president says theyre still on the table, that makes for some very unsettling Business Decisions that have to be made going forward. Credit decisions. You name it. Alabama is an exporting state. We depend on trade. And this needs to get over with quickly, and id like to see more people on the other side of the aisle speaking out. This trade war with china needs to end . What will be your number one, number one issue in this campaign and what do you think roy moores number one issue will be . Well, apparently roy is just nothing but religion. Thats all hes ever run on was his religion. And thats fine. If thats what all he wants to run on, but the fact is i think generally i would say the number one issue right now in alabama is still health care. Alabama is still a pretty unhealthy state. Were a poor state. Alabama did not expand medicaid when they had the opportunity to do it. And ive been trying to preach that left and right. It would bring in billions of dollars to the state. It would bet health care to about 360,000 additional people. It would be a huge boon for the economy, and senator warner and i have a bill that allows states to get the three years of 100 reimbursement. People are concerned about where the Affordable Care is. The president and the republicans are trying to dismantle. We have the lawsuit pending in texas. People with preexisting conditions in alabama and thats probably close to 1 Million People under the age of 65 are very concerned about whats going to happen with the aca is ruled unconstitutional. Health care and the ability to have Rural Health Care is a driving issue in alabama. People are losing their Rural Health Care facilities left and right. Senator doug jones gets the last word tonight. Thank you for joining us, senator, appreciate it. Thank you. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight, the president says he had minutes to spare before calling off strikes on iran. Our exclusive nbc news interview and what donald trump had to say about iran and impeachment. Also the Text Messages between Paul Manafort and sean hannity out tonight. Well tell you the people manafort says he would never give up. And fish is on the menu. So is retail politics. Democratic candidates descend on a fish fry. The 11th hour on a friday night starts right