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Person is going to be that were going to run against. I look forward to it. I look forward to it. I really do. Together with your help, your voice, your vote, we can achieve more than anybody. Again, i really believe. Im not saying this as bragadocious. The tax bill when we got the individual mandate but we got one of the biggest fields in the world. Theyve been trying to approve it for 40 years. That was a part of the tax bill. Theres nothing beyond our reach. Nothing. We need republicans put in office. We need senate. I think were going to do pretty well with the senate. The numbers are looking pretty good. Did you see the numbers from about two months ago . You see numbers now, its like from a different world. People are seeing what were doing. Were going to do things that nobody has been able to do. Its very funny. Every time i go out to speak, we have these massive crowds. Thousands were turned away. We let thousands in. She wrote an article about me. I went to the Wharton School of finance. Then you have to read how were like is trump a good speaker. Shes talking about he uses a language that, you know. Remember i used to tell you how easy it is to be president ial. Youd all be out of here now. Youd be so bored. Im very president ial. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here tonight. Rick saccone will be great, great congressman. He will help me very much. Hes a fine man and a wonderful wife. I just want to tell you on behalf of the United States of america that we appreciate your service. We appreciate your service. To all of the military out there, we respect you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Then you go, God Bless You and god bless the United States of america. Thank you very much. See, thats easy. Thats much easier than doing what i have to do. This is much more effective. This got us elected. If i came like a stiff, you guys wouldnt be here tonight. Shes a nice woman. I like her. She doesnt like me much. Shes writing like im some kind of a neanderthal. Im really smart. They all talk about how theyre telling us they said we couldnt get elected. I say we because you came from areas. Some you have never voted before but you love the country. Great congressman from tennessee. They vote early. The voting gets started. He was asked a speech i was making in pennsylvania, believe it or not. He was there because one of his friends and it was lou. I didnt know him. They had early voting in tennessee. He said, you know, mr. President and at that time i wasnt president but he called me that because he saw it was happening. He said in tennessee the early voting started. Id been doing this stuff for 32 years. Ive never seen anything like it in my life. Those people are coming out of hills. Theyre coming out of valleys p th. They are coming out of everything you can come out of. These are people that love the country but they never saw anybody they wanted to vote for. Now theyve got trump. Trumppence. Theyve got all the stuff. Usa. It has to be right. Maybe its just pure ideas. I love that guy. He said its heart. We all have heart. I can only tell you if the rest of the country is like tennessee youre going to win this election and its going to be easy. We got 306 to 223. Remember they said, 270. Remember the famous 270. He cannot win the election because he cannot get above 270. We needed 270. In fact, they couldnt get me to 270. We had 269. He cannot get remember, to to 270. We didnt. We got to 306. We got it. Somebody said ive been running for the senate six times. You ran for president. You won. What happened is pennsylvania. Remember that night . If i lost ten points. There was no way you could lose. We were winning by thousands and thousands of votes. They refused to call pennsylvania. I wanted to win. I wanted to win with pennsylvania. It was so befitting bau inting y had spent ten times more in the state of pennsylvania than i did. Im sighing come on. Go. One point. I win. We win easily. They wouldnt call it. Then what happened . Wisconsin came in. We won with wisconsin which hadnt been won in decades. We won with michigan and finally they were devastated. They were crying. Shes crying. Oh, my god. Remember john king with the board. The red board is like red. That board was red meaning republican. Popular vote you go to three or four states. I was like 19. I went to maine four times because i needed town one vote. That was going to be 269 to 270. What happened was an incredible. It was an incredible evening. One of the greatest nights in the history of television in terms of numbers of poem watching. We have done a job. Let me give you the bad news. The bad news is they want to take it away from us. Theyre doing everything they can to take it away. That starts with the election coming up in a few months. We have to win it. We have to get out and we have to win. I love the school. I went to wharton. I love pennsylvania. How can i not love it, right . Somebody else would show up here and honestly, rick, what would it be 50, 60 people in front. You wouldnt have this. Youd have a little place. Ill really feel strongly about rick saccone. I know him. Hes an incredible guy. Number one, i dont know that this is important but to me it is. Hes a very fine human being. Hes a good person. Hes really a good person. Rick, come up here. Hes a really good person. Hes a good person. Does that mean anything . Hes a very hes a very competent person. Hes a very hard worker. He knows things that many people dont know. He understands north korea may be better than anybody. I spoke to him about north korea. He was there for a long time. I spoke to him about north korea. Im telling you i learned things that all of these great Generuis Genuines geniuses did not tell me. We need the republicans. We immediate the vote. They will take away your tax cuts. They will take away your Second Amendment rights. Theyre going to take away in the military big military place. Theyll take that away too. Our Military Wads really depleted. I came tonight because this guy is special. Remember this, the other opponent, his opponent is not voting for us. Theres no way hes voting for us ever. Ever. He could be nice to me. He is. Theres no way hes ever voting for me. Rick is going to vote for us all the time. All the time. I want to ask rick to say a few words and again, its an honor to be with you. Go out on tuesday and just vote like crazy. You got to get out there. The world is watching. I hate to put this pressure on your rick, theyre all watching because i won this district like by 22 points. Its a lot. Look at all those red hat, rick. Look. Look at all those. Its a lot of hats. We just had a poll. Were more popular now than election day. This guy should win easily. Hes going to win easily. You got to know him. Hes an extraordinary person. Go out and vote on tuesday for rick saccone. Go ahead. Do we love our president here in Western Pennsylvania . I just is a couple of words. You already heard me speak earlier. I want to thank President Trump. As i said before, President Trumps in your corner, how can you lose . Hes the best man to be in your corner. As any good businessman knows, you work on a deal but there comes a time to close the deal. This is the time to close the deal. We got two days left. Are you going to help me on tuesday . Lets close this deal. With that, well say good night. Go out, vote for rick. Hell never, ever disappoint you. Hes a winner. Hes never going to disappoint you. Vote with your hearts. Vote with your brains. This is an extraordinary man. Im going to be home watching the returns and i hope that i have to make a call on tuesday night where i speak to you and young and i say great job, great race. The whole world remember that, theyre all watching. We want to keep it going. We want to keep the agenda, the make America Great going. You got to get them in. This is a very important race. Very important. Thank you all. God bless you. We love you all. Thank you. President trump there wrapping up this Campaign Rally near pittsburgh for a special congressional election. One that is very, very tight between republican rick saccon and conor lamb. We did some time keeping. The president spoke about 1 10. He was on the stage there at the podium. We did mention he did mention rick saccone off the top. It was 25 minutes in when he spoke of the candidate. The reasons why he supported him and 1 10 before we saw Rick Saccone On Stage with the president. A lot of the speech was touting his president ial win, the jobs report, economy, north korea as well. Saying that we have to be very, very nice. Basking or bashing the media, fake news as well. Also hitting his former Campaign Rivals and even oprah winfrey. Sharing his new 2020 slogan saying i cant say its make America Great again. Lets keep America Great. I want to bring in our panel. Political reporter for politico. I appreciate you sticking around and listening to this. This is my question, was this about President Trump or was this about rick saccone . Lets start with you. Its not ma surprising if you look at past speeches that the president has given on behalf of candidates. Hes talked about his own agenda, a little less about the candidate. I was keeping track of the amount of times he mentioned rick. It was about half a dozen times in that speech that lasted over an hour. Fairly typical of the president. Alex, what is rick thinking . Is he thinking there standing going this is what the president needs to say to put me Over The Edge for a win. Look, obviously hes probably happier than not that the president came. He needs the president to come here and sort of energize those voters that saccone needs. This is what trump rallies are like. You have seen this happen at past trump speeshs. Obviously saccone is happier than not the president came in. Well see in that translates into votes on tuesday. I want to bring in jeff bennett. You were listening as we were here. Classic Campaign Mode trump that we saw there. I wasnt able to hear the question. I think i know where youre headed. Ill tell you what i found to be fairly striking about what we saw here. I heard you sort of tick through the Greatest Hits from the hour nar that the president spoke. I thought what was really particular is the way the president paved in his attacks on conor lamb in much the same way he did when he was in alabama campaigning initially for luther string. The president chose to not stick it to roy moore in the way he could have. Here he says because conor lamb the democrat, because hes said things favorable to the president and also this race is neck and neck the president is saving his fire. He did make one tick that could be fairly effective in this district. He said conor is trying to present himself as a moderate but if he gets to washington, he wont be able to keep up the act. Well have to see how many swing voters there are in this district who might have been watching the speech who would agree with the president when they turn out on tuesday. Thats right. He did bring up the candidates instead of bringing up rick saccone. 25 minutes in he brings up lamb and then goes into saccone saying i like him. Hes handsome. That may be a reflection of how close the race is now. Polling is showing a tight race. Hes trying to really drive that message home that lamb isnt what hes saying and he will support nancy pelosi. He would be independent in his party in congress. Is there anything that stoo s out to you. We know this is pretty much familiar trump when it comes to these style rallies. Anything in his message when it comes to tariffs he brought up in pennsylvania and not touting his own accomplishments . It was interesting he talked at one point towards the end of the speech about pennsylvania and how spornt that state is to him. One of the things to look for on tuesday should he fall short is this is going to be seen as major embarrassment for this president and this white house because trump is made pennsylvania such a key part of his political and electoral colicoh coalition. It was a big deal that he made a big deal of it during the campaign and the state helped to really put him over the top. Its really going to be a big embarrassment for the president if conor lamb comes out on top. Who will be the finger pointing there. You have the member of the gop who have bashed him to give him the safety net if he does lose saying expectations are not met or he loses, we told you so. Who will the president be pointing to . Thats a good question. Seems Like National republican strategist are putting the blame on rick saccone. It will be interesting to see if the president follows suit. Conor has raised four times as much money as rick saccone in this case and they see that as major liability in terms of competing in Television Advertisements and things like that. Well have to see who the president ends up blaming if he does end on losing on tuesday. Looks like people are starting to blame rick. Before i let you go in my last minute here, what will be the headlines on wednesday morning . Well, either its going to be republicans dodged a bullet in this race or its going to be major black eye for the white house, for this president and the gop as they head towards november. Its really important race and no one knows exactly whos going to win at this point. Polls are very tight. Very quickly in the short seconds i have. Well were going to have to wait and see. People are looking at this race for national message. Are democrats going to be energized going into the midterms. Is that going to work . I think thats what youll see the day after. All right. Well see what happens in next couple of days before then. We shall all see together. We thank you for being with me for this specific coverage. Back to our regular programming on msnbc. We send it now to hardball. Have a great evening. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour Roadside Assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. Flonase. This changes everything. Welcome back to hardball. Over the past few weeks a slew of stories relating to film actor Stormy Daniels have continued to plague this president. Today in an nbc news exclusive we learned Michael Cohen, Donald Trumps personal lawyer, used his Trump Organization email as he made arrangements to pay that 130,000 in hush money to Stormy Daniels. Nbc has also learned that Stormy Daniels earn attorney at the time address correspondence top cohn as Special Counsel to donald j. Trump. Didnt do it on his own. Cohn back in february told nbc news neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump Campaign was a party to the transaction with mrs. Clifford. Of miss clifford rather. And neither reimbursed me for the payment. Either directly or indirectly. Paint to miss clifford was lawful and was not a Campaign Contribution or expenditure by anyone. In an Opinion Piece published two days ago, the Government Watchdog Group common cause argued opposite to that. By failing to report the payment as a campaign expense, the Trump Campaign violated multiple federal disclosure laws and depending on the source of the 130,000 paid to daniels, the payment may also have been an illegal contribution. The president s Press Secretary has denied allegations of an intimate relationship between the president and daniels. For more im joined by katie phang. I guess a lot of people watching are wondering, does this mean that robert mueller, the Special Counsel looking for any crime by trump involving the 2016 election certainly in that much wider orbit than that but in the target zone, was the law broken by someone paying 130,000 to this person to keep quiet about something that would hurt his campaign and the payment made a week before the actual election makes it look like a campaign related event . Your thoughts about the exposure as you lawyers say, exposure of mr. Trump here . Well, exposure seems to be a word bandied about a little bit when it comes to daniels as a porn star. To your question, chris, anybody remember john edwards . He got indicted for doing exactly the same thing, taking Campaign Contributions and money to basically silence his mistress so as to influence the outcome of the president ial election that he was running for. So is that weve got going on here . But that was a hung jury. That wasnt resolved in court. That jury couldnt decide. Bunny said she just liked john edwards and did it as a favor and didnt see it as a Campaign Contribution. Thats her Point Of View the. Heres the thing. It begs the question. Michael cohen said he took out a Home Equity Line of credit to put it in an llc account to be able to pay off Stormy Daniels. Why . Why is he randomly paying 130,000 . Now you have a problem. People like the fec is interested. The House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Michael Cohen and two other gentlemen saying you might want to explain why you gave this money and by the way, there might be tax issues because the Tax Treatment on this money would trigger other violations of federal law. So Michael Cohens now opening a huge pandoras box because he keeps on opening his mouth and keeps on trying to give excuses that dont have legal viability in terms of being credible. Just to make an argument against it, is every aid you give, every contribution to a candidate a Campaign Contribution . You can say i drive his kids to school or anything that helps him. I helped his wife carry account groceries home. Is anything a contribution to the wellbeing of a candidate a Campaign Contribution . Heres the thing. It has to be a reported in kind contribution. Theres a certain valuation amount that gets triggered. 130,000 pursuant to a Settlement Agreement that Michael Cohen, The Llc And This Dennis Son Guy who we know is donald trump is implicated we know this is hush money paid to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet. Now were going to go back to the litigation. Were going to figure out where had goes. Heres the problem for Michael Cohen and for donald trump and heres the problem for the Trump Campaign and here is why mueller might be interested. Through the course of the discovery process, youre going to have depositions. Youre going to having Discovery Requests and Bank Statements turned over and you know that mueller is the key guy to follow the money. So heres the essential question, chris. Where did that money come from . Did it really come from a heloc . If it was think all of Rules Of Professional Conduct Michael Cohen is in violation of in his home state of new york where he is a licensed attorney. The Attorney General of new york might be interested. This president cant pardon his own behavior in new york state. Thank you. You followed it all the way. Thanks so much, katie phang for being our expert. Up next, President Trumps go it alone approach. Hes willing to rely completely on his own instincts even if it puts him at odds with everyone around him his experts, Secretary Of State, National Security adviser. They were all ignored yesterday when he went to town on this north korean gambit. Youre watching hardball. Its time for the sleep number spring clearance event on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Its the last chance for clearance savings up to 600 on our most popular beds. Ends soon. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. But having his parents over was enlightening. You dont like my lasagna . No, its good. Hmm. Oh. Huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. Blow on it. You see it, right . Is there a draft in here . Im telling you, its so easy to get Home Insurance on progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents. But we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. Problems. Trump put his go it alone strategy on display this week first with his move to impose new steel and aluminum tariffs then to meet with north Korean Leader kim jongun. Time and time again he made it clear its his own judgment alone that matters. Im an outsider. Used to be an insider to be honest with you, okay . I know the inside and i know the outside. And thats why im the only one that can fix this mess, folks. Nobody is going to be able to do the kind of things i can do. But let me tell you, the one that matters is me. Im the only one that matters because when it comes to it, thats what the policy is going to be. Youve seen that strongly. The New York Times peter baker writes, whether its middle east peace or trade agreements trump has repeatedly claimed he can achieve what has eluded every other occupant of the white hourse through the force of his personality. So far little to show it. Could north korea be the exception . Theres one crucial variable at play this time around. And well get to that next with the hardball roundtable. Nough for everyday use and cleans better than regular toothpaste . Try polident cleanser. It has a four in one Cleaning System that kills ten times more odor causing bacteria than regular toothpaste, deep cleans where brushing may miss, helps remove tough stains, and maintains the original color of your dentures when used daily. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture, use polident every day. Youve got to get in i know what a bath is smile honey this thing is like. First kid ready here we go by their second kid, every parent is an expert and. More likely to choose luvs, than first time parents. Live, learn and get luvs the sanctions have been very, very strong. And very biting. And we dont want that to happen. So i really believe they are sincere. I hope theyre sincere. Were going to soon find out. President trump was joking about his role in opening nuclear talks, you could say, the decision to september kims offer was trumps alone. Just a short time ago trump tweeted the deal with north korea is very much in the making and will be if completed a very good one for the world. Time and place to be determined. Lets bring in the roundtable. Clarence page from the Chicago Tribune did, gibson from the rioters news service and gabe a political reporter for politico. Where are we headed . Not toward the apocalypse i hope. What do you think . This is something that trump really wants. He doesnt know very much how to get there, but its going to take longer than he thinks though. Hes already conceding that. And this is just an opening something kim jongun wants. I cant help but think like a lot of people do that kim is just waiting to get into a room with trump and roll him. If little kim decides hes going to make an ass out of himself before the world, i dont see how thats a victory for him. If he pounds his shoe on the table like khrushchev, doesnt he need a resolution to look good . Donald trump is learning in his time as president that negotiating as the Chief Executive is not the same as negotiating the price of windows whenever youre building a new hotel. Its a lot more complicated and comprehensive than that. You cant just have one meeting where you say, yeah, youre going to give me a good price . Well let everyone else work out the details and well call it a day. Thats what hes used to. Theres a ton of variables that could make this look different or feel different. Hes already seeing his own white house walk back some of the things hes said. But they were talked back themselves an hour later by the white house. Already more complicated than that. The thing to watch here is not whats going to happen when the meeting happens, its what the rhetoric out of the white house and some of our allies across the World Including Asia is over the next few weeks. There was a lot of consternation when it came out. Chinese dont want peace in the peninsula there. Forget the chinese for a second. Even the members of the president s own administration dont necessarily like this. Lets not forget he clashed with Secretary Of State tillerson over the north korea issue before. I dont care about the bureaucratic problems. Are we going to end the Nuclear Threat from north korea and will this get us there. Whats he willing to give up. He wants to travel the world and live like a normal world leader. With the draw of u. S. Troops. He wants to be recognized. He wants to be guaranteed we wont invade him. Whats trump willing to give up is the question. A man who railed against. Thats giving it up. To recognize north korea is not going to be popular on the right. He has to find success and what success means and whats a fair trade. He controls a lot of that image and discussioning. The reason that i bring up the bureaucratic infighting, there is real substance aligned with that. Whenever two leaders meet especially in situations like this it tends to be after months and months of negotiations with their teams. Very clearly ha hasnt it this time or not in the way it traditionally does. We have to watch whats happening behind the scenes and in public what some of our allies say. That will give us real hints what this will look like. If that doesnt happen, theres a chance they sit down in a room with no cameras and we have no idea what he comes out of it. Obviously kim wants to be recognized on an international stage. Thats not ideal for trump but we dont know what he wants out of this except for recognition hes sitting down with kim jongun. Dont they both want to avoid a war . Trump wants a place in history. Dont they both want to avoid Nuclear Conflict . I would hope so. Theres interesting commentary how if shes talks fail, we go back to the default position which is already who your threatening possible strikes that or some type of combat. The danger of these talks coming apart is that it will make Trump Angrier and kim more unstable. The roundtable sticking with us. Up next, they Tell Me Something i dont know. Youre watching hardball. No, please, please, oh shrieks in terror Heavy Breathing and snorting no, no. The running of the bulldogs . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money aleia saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Jen, ive got questions. Boots or flipflops . Boot great. Smokey or natural eye . Ugh, natural. Good choice. How about calling or texting . Definitely calling. Puppies or kitties . Sorry, cats. Dry eyes or artificial tears . Wait, thats a trick question. Because they can both get in your way. Thats why it is superimportant to chat with your eye doctor if youre using artificial tears a lot and your eyes still feel dry. Next question. Guys, its time for some eyelove were back with the hardball roundtable. Clarence, Tell Me Something i dont know. And watch for lewis fair rare can to be the litmus test in this election. A chicago man. Ive been covering him since the early 80s when he was disrupting Jesse Jacksons campaign and later became a litmus test around Barack Obamas campaign. Now were seeing on the right danny davis and various other folks. Where we shook hands with Louis Farrakhan in the past. This is something well see. Thats not going to defeat him. Depends on the district. Danny Davis District wont make a difference. The Swing Districts you never know. Jinger. The fight over tariffs is not over. American lobbyists are gambling on eu Retaliation Methods changing the president s minds. At the end of the day, these tariffs that the president has signed off on this week could end up being something he does a lot more talking than doing. What about peanut but thor . I was amazed. Peanut butter, whiskey, thats a big one. They wont buy our Peanut Butter or our whiskey. It will disrupt the price in america. I want to bring everyones attention to a senate race. The one to replace jeff flake in arizona. Bernie sanders is going out to arizona this weekend. Hell do a rally with two progressive congressman out there. I asked him what he thinks about the democratic standard bearer out there. Shes conservative. Said the party is moving too far to the left. Doesnt like all of his ideas about free college. He said i dont want to talk about this. Im not talking about the senate right now. Theres clear tension there. That sounds like a smart move by hip. Dont get in the wave a race you cant help. Thank you. When we return, let me finish tonight with trump watch. Youre watching hardball. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour Roadside Assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Spring clearance event. The dual adjustability of the Sleep Number Bed allows each of you to adjust to your ideal level of firmness, comfort and support. Your sleep number setting. For your best. Sleep. Ever. In the morning, youll discover the amazing effects the bed is having on your sleep quality. Your sleepiq score. And snoring . Does your bed do that . Only at a sleep number store where queen mattresses start at just 899. Last chance for clearance savings up to 600. Plus, free Home Delivery on all sleep number 360 smart beds. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Trump watch friday march 9th, 2018. President trump is aiming high. Hes hoping to kill the Nuclear Threat from north korea and a high stakes meeting with the countrys dictator. Who among us doesnt want him to succeed or worry that it could fail leading perhaps to an even more heightened state of danger. In agreeing to parlay, trump is committing himself to a historic challenge, now the little boy President Kennedy once imagined who throws his cap over a wall to force himself to climb over it. Once having agreed to a Meeting Trump must contend with all the consequences. Hes not the first president to trap himself into a contest that offers swift victory but also colossal embarrassment or something worse. Nixon went to china in 72, splitting the worlds two greatest communist powers and opening the door for us to beijing. Jimmy carter invited and war sa bat and beginton to camp david. Ronald reagan and Mick Cal Gorbachev signaled the end to the cold war. Before these events, there was one directly affecting korea. With 20,000 americans killed in the conflict, Dwight Eisenhower made this promise on the eve of the 1952 president ial election. I shall go to korea. Within months of taking office, President Eisenhower succeeded in Brokering Armistice on the peninsula that has sustained to this day. Ike made that promise in 52 based on a unique track record. He Dwight Eisenhower was the allied leader who accepted the Nazi Surrender Seven Years earlier. For donald trump, success in north korea would be less of a proven leader delivering on his

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