Oh yes. Thats the chain of logic. Well so reduce defense spending and all of that stuff that we do because were nervous about russia that we will rebuild detroit. Thats the bannon theory. Yes, exactly. Trump says something nice about putin, you know, a vacant lot gets filled in in newark. We have the pictures and still vacant. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you, rachel. Well, Hurricane Irma is now Tropical Storm irma. After moving through florida with its high winds and heavy rain this weekend, one person was killed in florida and one in georgia. At least 36 other people in the path of irma were killed, most of them in cuba where 10 reported killed and the others on the other islands in irmas path. And the most damage done to this country was actually done in the United States virgin islands. Thats florida you are seeing there but the damage done in st. Thomas and st. John is much more severe than anything we have seen here in the mainland and well be hearing more about that as the week goes on. Officials in florida assessing the damage and will be for a long time. Part of the florida keys appeared devastated. Storm surge left massive flooding in jacksonville, florida, where flooding there set new records after the st. Johns river overflowed. More than 8 Million People in the southeast without power and 6. 5 million of those people are in florida. Tonight, Florida Governor rick scott tweeted more than 30,000 restoration personnel have been activated to help restore power as quickly as possible following the storms impact. Its not yet clear when people in florida will be able to return to their homes. Now, though, the message is not to rush reentry. Flood conditions, problems that would be compounded by your reentry. Listen to the local officials about evacuation and how to stagger the reentry for a reason. Irma is currently in georgia heading to alabama tomorrow. Its winds weakened to 45 miles per hour. The affects of irma are being felt as far north as charleston, north carolina. Irma is predicted to become a tropical depression by tomorrow. Joining us now from jacksonville, florida, nbc news correspondent katie beck. Whens the situation there tonight . Reporter good evening, lauren. Yeah. We are in a lowlying community that is right next to the st. Johns river in jacksonville and you can see were walking in what is the storm surge thats taken over so many neighborhoods here. Especially the ones along the river front. This neighborhood just a few hours ago water levels were significantly higher. At this point, the tide is headed out so a lot of this water is actually making its way back to the river. Around 2 00 a. M. This morning, that is expected to change. These waters are expected to come back into the areas and that is really going to be the balance. The struggle over a couple of days is making some progress and as the tide goes in and out, so do the water levels and you can return to the home but it could be at your own risk because you cant predict how high the waters are going to be as they come in and out. Now, the mayor of jacksonville said it could be a week or more before everything is restored back to normal levels in terms of the water here. But jacksonville was sort of in the perfect storm if you will of rain and obviously the river front and that surge just sort of all factors converging here and a lot of the downtown, a lot of neighborhoods look like this. We are literally, you know, a stones throw from i95 right in the center of downtown jacksonville. The financial district looks very similar to this. But right now, as i said, the tide has gone out. These water levels are significantly down from where they were but come tomorrow morning, come daylight, it will look much more flooded as it was here today. Lawrence . Katie beck, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Appreciate that. Were joined now from Coconut Grove, florida, by nbc news correspondent maya rodriguez. Whens the situation where you are tonight . Reporter well, lawrence, i can tell you that Miamidade County is a dark county tonight. About 960,000 homes here lost power. Now, Florida Power light with electricity here says about 150,000 of those homes have been restored but this still means you have quite a number of people here that are in the dark. The county also say that is about 60 of the traffic lights in the county are out. Now, at the major intersections they have people there directing traffic. They have police officers, Community Relations officers out there kind of directing traffic through the major intersections but at the majority of them which, of course, are much smaller, youre supposed to make a fourway stop and a lot of people are not doing that at this point. I want to explain where we are right now. We are in Coconut Grove and at one of the marinas here. Take a look. These boats were pushed into this area. This is a clump of trees here thats sort of lining the bank. These are the boats of a nonprofit here. Its called shake a leg. They basically take people who have disabilities out on the water. They have been around since before hurricane andrew, more than 25 years. A dozen of their boats have now been destroyed. These are boats that they were actually planning the use this weekend to take High School Seniors out with some of these particular students who had these special needs out on the water. Of course, that is not going to be happening. They say theyre in a major rebuilding process at this point because irma has hit them hard. Like so many other people here in this community. Were not just talking about boats but about peoples homes. There are so many trees down on the streets here blocking some of the roadways, some of them landed on homes. That part of the recovery, the cleanup is just beginning here and, of course, with no electricity, o it can only happen in the Daylight Hours and it is summer here in miami, it is hot and going to be uncomfortable here for the foreseeable future. Lawrence . Maya rodriguez, thank you for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Joining us now, msnbcs chris hays. Chris is in naples, florida, tonight. Chris, youre basically where the area that took a direct hit. What is the situation there now . You know, it is really interesting. Naples was spared a little bit because that storm first made landfall in marco island and the most crucial thing is that that storm surge feared to be about 15 feet peaked out at about 6 feet. Im three quarters of a mile from the beach and talking to residents here still the water came up to their knees here almost a mile from the beach. If that had been 16 feet like they said, this entire area would have been flooded out and we would be looking at massive devastation and probably a lot more death, frankly. So everyone in naples got really lucky. That was always the biggest concern. Still driving around today, you see tons of flooding and tons of trees down but by and large naples escaped the worst of it. You seeing much electricity there . Reporter you know, so, this is really sort of crucial i think to understanding the aftermath of disaster and it goes for florida right now and disasters more broadly. That first moment when the hurricanes passing and people need to be sheltered or when the rains or flood come, people focus on that and survive that and a lot of times the worst part is after. Right now, in southwest florida theres no power for hardly anyone. Some lights came on in the last hour. It looks like the line going to the hospital and knocked out last night. So, power is really scarce and fuel is incredibly scarce and gas stations need power to run the pumps and what that means is people with different resources, different amounts of money, frankly, are going to have very different options in terms of thousand they can negotiate what this next period is. If its two or three days without power is one thing, two or three weeks without power is a whole other story for folks down here. Is there a way for someone down there now to have a sense of when help will arrive . There really isnt. I mean, you know, we saw Florida Power light folks out here taking note and got one line up and which is impressive and the people we talked to in the building got it up were ecstatic as you might expect they are. This is a massive, massive, massive grid. That sustained a tremendous amount of damage. Both in power lines and also i imagine substations because of the pulsing of the power happening and the expectation, i talked to a county commissioner earlier today, and i could tell she wouldnt give me a benchmark for time for how long to take and clearly thinking i think in terms of weeks. Thats a real possibility for people here and going to cause tremendous hardship for folks. Now in some ways is really a tough period for people as they try to get their lives together and without access to gas, without access to electricity, with elderly relatives that theyre caring for, a case for many people down here, it is hard to get back into routine unless all that stuff comes back. Yeah. When you look back at katrina, there were people who left new orleans thousands and thousands of people, a lot of them ended up in houston and the kids just enrolled in school there because they knew they werent getting back even during that school year. This is probably surely in most areas going to be a faster recovery than that. But people have to think about that as the school year begins. What do we do . Yeah. And thats going to a lot of that turns on power. You know . Its an obvious point and anyone through a power outage knows this but the hours you go without power and gas, particularly when theyre combined, the sort of moorings of modern life start to slip away an you start having to make calculations. Thats for employment, our schools able to run, can you visit the doctor, dialysis . We talked to a family today at the germane arena. The car was flooded out in the parking lot. They went to the shelter. She doesnt have a car. She was calling the Insurance Company but good luck getting through in the wake of a disaster like this. Shes now doesnt have wheels and she probably is going home to a home without power. Thats really putting people in a tough spot and cant say it enough. The lower down you are on the Socio Economic scale, the less access to money and resources, the more tenuous the employment situation, the harder that hits you. Chris hayes, thank you for joining us from florida tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. You bet, my pleasure. Coming up, some of the president s lawyers were so worried about Jared Kushners contacts with russians that they advised the president to get Jared Kushner out of the white house, to fire him. Thats tonights breaking news story. Well discuss that next. And later, steve bannon says you can call him an antisemite or a racist. Only people i heard Say Something like that are antisemites and racists. [fbi agent] youre a brave man, mr. Stevens. Your testimony will save lives. Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. You know win control . Be this guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. Tonights breaking Washington News comes from the wall street journal saying that some of the president s advisers say that Jared Kushner should leave the white house and believed the summer the president would take the advice and get rid of Jared Kushner and wrote a statement explaining Jared Kushners departure from the white house, a statement that was obviously never used. Wall street journal reports some of President Trumps lawyers earlier this summer concluded that Jared Kushner should step down as senior white house adviser because of possible legal complications related to a probe of russias involvement in the 2016 president ial election. And aired concerns about him to the president and listen to this sourcing, people familiar with the matter said after some members of the legal team aired their concerns to mr. Trump in june including at least one meeting in the white house, press aides to the legal team began to prepare for the possibility that mr. Kushner would step down. Drafting a statement explaining his departure and, again, listen to the sourcing, said people familiar with the matter. Some of mr. Trumps attorneys worried that the continued employment carried risks to involve other white house officials, a person familiar with the matter said. If, for example, mr. Kushner mentioned the probe even casually in a meeting aides who heard his remarks could face inquiries from mr. Muellers agents, some lawyers were also concerned that mr. Kushner might discuss the probe with the president without a lawyer present. The journal reports tonight that the president s lawyers were aware of meetings that Jared Kushner had with russians that had not yet been become public and in particular of trump tower arranged by donald trump jr. The journal reports tonight anticipating that the meeting would become public, legal members had developed talking points the manage the political maulout and a statement to explain a potential kushner resignation. The statement on behalf of mr. Kushner expressed regret gnat political environment so toxic what he viewed as a standard meeting was a weapon for mr. Trumps critics according to two people familiar with the documents. Obviously, those talking points were never used or should we say have not been used yet. Joining us now, professor of law at Fordham University and max boots, senior fellow of studies of the council of Foreign Relations and adviser for mccain and rubio 2016 and peter baker, chief White House Correspondent for the New York Times and a msnbc political analyst. Professor sugarman, to this legal issue of advising the president that it is unwise to have Jared Kushner in the white house because he could be in conversations with white house staff that then would be of interest to the special prosecutor, what is your reading of that . It was actually nbc news with the headline. Was kushner seeking a russian bailout for Manhattan Building . Congress will ask and that was immediately before the testimony of congress and what was that Manhattan Building . This all centers on 666 fifth avenue, a disastrous real estate purchase, the biggest in manhattan history for 1. 8 billion. Somehow Jared Kushner put down 50 million on a 1. 8 billion purchase and its been a disaster. Bought it top of the market in 2007 and its been a burden on the family ever since. And the question is, could they get a bailout from qatar . That fell apart and then from china and then next step in december, all stems back to that secret line that kushner tried to spearhead of the Russian Embassy and the kremlin and that secret line is theres conjecture that was part of a meeting to set up a russian bailout from ve bank that was part of, you know, ill scratch your back, you scratch mine, a billion dollars of sanctions lifted for bailout. Thats the conjecture. Peter baker, this is the not just the leakiest white house in history, this is the leakiest legal team in history because all of the sourcing on this points to at some level the Trump Legal Team outside of the white house representing him in the investigation, the sourcing on this is all people familiar with the Trump Lawyers and the trump press, the Lawyers Press people and what they were preparing for Jared Kushner. And heres the president being represented now by an incredible leaky legal team. Well, thats right. Look. You know, that legal team by itself is tribal much like President Trumps own political team. You know, own rivals internal. Took a while to shook out to the point where today at least being led inside by ty cobb and outside by john dowd. That is not the case in june. There was a turmoil, the team sort of sidelined. No question that the previous legal team, the one basically sidelined, had the problem with Jared Kushner. He was talking to the president. Their client. Outside of the their presence on the issue of the investigation. They felt that undercut everybody and it was not the smart way to do business. That came to a head and i think a reason theyre no longer the main part of the legal team. We have a statement from one of President Trumps lawyers ty cobb apparently. The president s special counsel. He is not one of the lawyers that this article is actually talking about so he may not have the vaguest idea what hes talking about saying that wall street journal is completely false. Jared kushner is one of the president s most trusted, able and intelligent advisers. Kind of a meaningless statement that has only relevant line of completely false and, max, thats from someone not in the position to know its false. Mark carallo was the spokesperson for the legal team and an unusual position to exist for a group of lawyers to have heres our press spokesman in the world of Attorney Client privilege and not supposed to say anything. He quit, resigned sometime ago. People like that are out there, reachable possibly for stories like that. Theres no question the revolving door at the white house makes it difficult to keep the loyalty and secrets out of public view. So many questions raised about this story, why this was leaked and by whom, even more fundamental question i have is, why was Jared Kushner hired in the first place . Oh, that. I guess its sort of obvious why he was hired. Havent you seen his resume . 36yearold guy with no success in business. Buying and destroying the new York Observer and then a powerful aide in the white house. Be clear here. Does anybody think remotely theres any chance that if he hadnt been the president s soninlaw he was hired or if he hadnt been the president s soninlaw not fired as quickly as mike flynn or the mooch or the other people that walked in and out of the white house . This is a reminder of why congress and the wisdom in 1967 passed an antinepotism law. It is not a good idea to have close relatives on the payroll that you cannot get rid of no matter how incompetent or compromised they might be and on the evidence i would say kushner is both incompetent and compromised. He is somebody who in any other white house would not have gotten a security clearance and never kept it up until now. It is a scandal hes still at the very center of white house decision making. This i mean, leaving aside the legal liability involved, this is a National Security risk and just an embarrassment. And professor sugarman, an example of the Trump Lawyers would be nervous about is Jared Kushner according to all reports which have not been disputed, advised the president to fire james comey. One of the last people speaking to him before deciding to fire the fbi director to somehow help him in this investigation. And by all accounts it is only made things worse and if youre trumps lawyer and a guy in there saying to the client, hey, fire the fbi director, you know this person is harming your client from your perspective. Absolutely. I mean, i think what we learned with that letter that was being drafted by Steven Miller that he and trump drafted a letter about the firing of the real reason they were firing yeah. Allegedly that it was about the russian probe. And then, kushner behind the scenes advising the firing, he is the arguments that a prosecutor might be looking at are to look for evidence of conspiracy to obstruct justice, aiding and abetting and misprision of a felony. Yes. Steve bannon says the biggest mistake made by donald trump. Guess who advised him to do it . Jared kushner. When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. 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They can call may antisemite, a racist, anything you want. Okay . Okay. We got that settled. Charlie roses interview last night was extraordinary. Charlie rose do the usual excellent job as an interviewer and made the interview extraordinary is madness of steve bannon who for seven months donald trump thought was worthy of being employed in the white house at your expense, as taxpayer expense. Were all immigrants. America was built on dont give me this is the leftist. Charlie, thats beneath you. America is built on the citizens. Look at the 19th century. The american system. From hamilton to polk to clay to lyndon to the roosevelts. That was the beginning of the rant about how the United States business not built by ill grants but the citizens and the very First Citizen is Alexander Hamilton who was, of course, an immigrant from the island of st. Croix. The most important point is how he is wrong about everything and inconsistent and i mean inconsistent with steve bannon himself in the actual interview itself. Watch steve bannon absolutely refuse to name names, hes not that kind of guy and then so easy for charlie rose to get him to name names. Here are the people that steve bannon thinks are idiots compared to steve bannon the genius. I dont want to name names. You have to name names. Youre painting with a broad brush. Condy rice, george w. Bush, the entire apparatus. Condy rice . All of it. All of it . All of it. I dont want to name names. That was the first line. You heard in that dialect. He professed undying personal loyalty to donald trump and condemned anyone whose loyalty wavered. He promised the protect trump forever. Im going to be his wingman outside for the entire time. To protect not be attacking donald trump . I cant no. Our purpose is to support donald trump. By the way and destroy his enemies . To make sure his enemies know that theres no free and then steve bannon took a free shot on goal. I mean on donald trump. He said donald trump made the biggest mistake in modern political history. Someone said to me that you described the firing of james comey. Youre a student of history. As the biggest mistake in political history. That would be probably probably be too bombastic for me but maybe modern political history. The firing was the biggest mistake in modern political history . If youre saying thats associated with me, ill leave it at that. Back with us, peter baker, judge sugarman, this might be one of the best pictures delivered of why the Trump White House is the incoherent mess it appears to be. Well, look. You know, theres no question that the firing of james comey added to the president s troubles. I think anybody in washington with experience would have told him that. You theres a reason president s dont fire the people investigating their teams, because in fact, of course, it raises the question seemingly being investigated by Robert Mueller. Whether that constitutes obstruction of justice. Steve bannon said in the interview, he didnt think there was a special prosecutor Robert Mueller investigation of the white house. Clearly as a matter of politics, if nothing else, its created more problems than it solved. It does raise the question how did that happen . Who did advise him to do it . Why did the president ignore the advice of those that said dont do it . Does he regret that decision . Max, the notion that theres not going to be a special prosecutor is something we dont know because we dont know what donald trump could have come up with beyond just firing comey and whether Rod Rosenstein as the evidence emerged at a certain point said, okay, this is enough. We have to have a special prosecutor here so we dont know that. If bannon wants to claim im one of the people that advised him against it fine. That would be if you looked at the interview the only rational position he took in the entire interview. Thats what seems to be lost about the interview, its utter madness from start to finish. Well, tells you something on this matter at any rate of firing director Comey Steve Bannon was the voice of reason in the white house. Yeah. That tells you how crazy this white house has become. And i mean, he is right. A horrible decision. It doesnt necessarily mean theres not going to be an independent counsel absent the firing of comey and should have been before that. You said that. I said that. Others said that. As a practical, political matter, bannon has a point. This is what turned the temperature up and forced rosenstein to do it and people who might be reluctant to go ahead and support this. Theres no question it backfired badly because this is kind of typical of trumps m. O. Which is to do the first thing to think of like a petulent little child and in this case the consequences are pretty serious because he has Robert Mueller, this incorruptible former fbi director, digging around in the Financial Transactions and dealings with russia and i very much doubt that the record is will stand up to that kind of scrutiny but as bannon said and he is right, trump has nobody to blame except for himself with the fine mess. Bannon is trying to give Jared Kushner some of that blame. People forget that prior to the firing of james comey, the Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer was saying, if you dont appoint a special prosecutor well roadblock every single thing youre trying to do here so Donald Trumps new favorite partner in the senate Chuck Schumer would not have allowed an increase in the debt ceiling, would not have allowed an extension of the budget, nothing if he wasnt getting a special prosecutor. We were on the verge of politically speaking of the special prosecutor before comey was fired. I think thats probably right. I think theres a lot of investigations. Imagine if comey still in power in the fbi, the fbi was actively working on a lot of these threads. Right in their investigation was leading in these directions and they would have made recommendations. Within the protocol to the justice department, would it be proper for the fbi director to say to Rod Rosenstein, i think we need a special prosecutor here . That would be part of the i think thats advice within the scope of the fbi director could say. One more one point on bannon, you know, i think in the voice of reason, may have been a political prognosticator if this is worse than nixon in the oval office and predicting a similar if not a greater conclusion. Peter, theres reports out that steve bannon has a hit list out, trying to play real tough guy with charlie rose in the interview saying hes now indicating he may be going after some republicans in Senate Primaries and congressional primaries. Well, thats exactly right and thats exactly what republicans are so worried about. This is a president who while obviously a republican has not been sort of part and parcel of this party to make people feel loyalty toward him. He demands loyalty and doesnt seem to give it, thats the way people in the hill believe it. They saw that last week. And i think that this idea of going after republicans who are insufficiently supportive of the president then bears very ominously for the Party Heading into next years midterm election. Already facing a political environment in which they could be on the defensive. Imagine then if some of these incumbents are facing sort of fire from both sides. So, well see how you know, whether they follow through on that. Theres a lot of bluster to use his own word, bombastic i guess he said. But you can imagine the way people who are in office right now, republicans, are looking at that. Max, obviously, the democrats are cheering steve bannon on, please do as much as you can to attack republicans in primaries and the record is kind of weak. Last year, 2016, the steve bannon primary candidate, the attacker against Paul Ryan Paul nehlen, so paul ryan is telling the troops when bannon comes after you, he might be able do get 15 against you. I mean, theres not much evidence to suggest that steve bannon is a closet genius as he seems to imagine himself to be. He hitched a ride on the Trump Campaign and for a crazy reason trump managed to win and bannon anointed himself as the savior of american politics but as you say the track record in politics is spotty and the limited and the ideas are crackpot. Hes read a few books and the scary thing is he has trumps ear and somebody that trump is talking to and even though he is out of the white house and will continue exerting his loopy influence. Peter baker, max boot, judge sugarman, thank you. Coming up, President Trumps what President Trump had to say today about 9 11 and what he has said in the past. About 9 11. vo more doing chores for mom per roll more doing chores for dad per roll more earning something you love per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty the quicker picker upper. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Like most people. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. 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Get 4 rooms with hd, dvr, and every box included for 25 a month. Call 1800directv. This morning the president participated in a 9 11 Memorial Ceremony at the pentagon where 16 years ago today American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the west side of the building. To the family members with us today, i know that its with a pained and heavy heart that you come back to this place, but by doing so, by choosing to persevere through the grief, the sorrow, you honor your heroes. You renew our courage and you strengthen all of us. You really do. You strengthen all of us. Heres what candidate donald trump said about 9 11 when he was not reading a tell prompter last year. Excuse me. I lost hundreds of friends. The World Trade Center came down during the kept us safe . Thats not safe. I immediately pointed out that night that donald trump was lying about losing hundreds of friends. He did not lose hundreds of friends on 9 11. The next day on meet the press donald trump said this. I was there. I lost many, many friends in that tragedy. That was the worst tragedy in the history of the country. Worse than pearl harbor. I pointed out that was a lie, too. He didnt lose many, many friends. But it was hard to get anyone else in the media interested in that because trump lies were coming fast and furious every day, every hour and hard to keep up with. No politician had ever lied about losing about hundreds of friends on 9 11 or many, many friends. To politician had ever been caught trying to steal the grief of 9 11 families. And make it his own. Donald trump lost no friends on 9 11. None. Donald trump did not attend a single 9 11 funeral, not one. Donald trump did not participate in a single 9 11 commemoration until he was running for president. No president ial candidate other than donald trump has ever lied about 9 11 that way. Hes the only one who lied about seeing thousands of muslims celebrating in new jersey on 9 11. This was Donald Trumps first september, today was his first september 11th as president , and so, today the president of the United States spoke directly to familiar members of 9 11 victims about, quote, the grief, the sorrow. But he still has not apologized to them for trying to steal their grief and their sorrow and use it as his own political sledgehammer in a republican president ial debate as you just saw him do. Joining us now to discuss the first september 11th of the trump presidency, curt anderson, author of fantasyland how america went haywire and host of studio 360 and this book tells us how we ended up with a President Trump. We have to apologize. I urged you to buy this book and it was sold out of amazon. Back in stock. Okay. And it is all there. Your reflections on this first President Trump on 9 11 . Well, i have several reflections. One, i remember on september 11th, 2001, one of the first things he said was that because the world trade towers were knocked down he now owned the tallest tower in manhattan at 40 wall street and not only grotesque but not true. We actually have that here. Lets listen to that. Actually was the second tallest building in Downtown Manhattan and it was actually before the World Trade Center was the tallest and then when they built the World Trade Center, known as the second tallest and now it is the tallest. As ugly as it was, it is also a lie. It is a lie. You were talking about lies and thousands and thousands of muslims he claimed to have seen and might be a lie, might be a delusion, who knows with him . What really i find troubling about his use of 9 11 was during the campaign, the beginning of of 2016, when he said, he said at least one campaign rally, when i become president , youll find out you my followers and supporters and voters, find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Which is his way, of course, of embracing the untrue 9 11 inside job truther Conspiracy Theory that has still has many believers in the United States. And of course, he has been this promiscuous purveyor of inconsistencies like, okay, it is an inside job, thats what hes effectively saying with the statement and the muslims cheering. Wait. But arent you saying the bushes knocked it down or something . So, again, thats one of the ways in which hes the king of fantasyland. He is he is compulsive in telling whatever untruth for whatever set of reasons between lying and delusion that feels good at the moment. And convenient for him. Also feels like him saying ill tell you find out who really was behind 9 11 is his way of saying theres a big, dark, mysterious conspiracy. Deep state as they now call it and out to get me an and all of us. Correct. And, that kind of statement was appealing, is appealing to people. To some people. To many people. To way, way too Many Americans these days, as i describe in the book. Enough to make the winning margin in the Electoral College apparently. Even though he probably he would have won he won the popular if you dont vote the illegal aliens. You have to label thats irony . Yeah. You dont do that. Sorry. In other words in trumps fantasy, he won the popular vote. In trumps fantasy. Embodiment of everything im talking about, hes actually asked at one point right after he became president by the abc news world news tonight anchor, but dont you think its a terrible thing for our civic stability and republic that youre saying that millions and millions of illegals voted . And he said, no. No. Many, many people agree with me about that. Yes, yes. That its not about the factual accuracy of his fantasy, of his wishful lies. Its, no, people agree with me. Reality is majority rules. You taught me something again tonight. I didnt know. Talk about trying to keep up with the trump lies in the campaign, i dont remember him saying that he would find out who was really behind 9 11 when he became president. And thank you for reminding me of that grotesque. My pleasure. Thank you for joining us. Coming up, the stunning video damage of whats happened in the part of america, the part of the United States, part of this country, that is not being well covered in and that is the United States virgin islands. With my moderate to severe crohns disease,. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Ill have the langoustine lfor you, sir . I. The original call was for langoustine ravioli. A langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. A slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. I will have chicken tenders and tater tots. If youre a ref, you way overexplain things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Sir, we dont have tater tots. Its what you do. I will have nachos Hurricane Irma did the most damage to this country in a place that most people many people may not realize is part of the United States of america. 1100 miles southeast of florida in the caribbean, the u. S. Virgin islands of st. Thomas and st. Jhn were the hardest hit part of the quite of america hit by this hurricane. Nbcs ron mott reports from san juan. Reporter the usual lush green u. S. Virgin islands are a lifeless dull brown tonight torn apart by irma. Many hopes damaged and destroyed and looming and burglaries reported and American Service members arriving to clean up. Home invasions are high, armed robbery. Thats a big concern. Lots of people are Walking Around armed. Reporter Brittany Gonzalez worried about her husband still there. Its not going to be the same st. John and we dont know if it can even be our home again. Reporter further south, the hurricane is said to have destroyed more than 90 of the island. American medical student shot this video of the damage where he lives, cars tossed around the parking lot finally able to leave on an American Military plane. Tonight hes in puerto rico. There were plenty of times that night and throughout the week i really wondered, gee, how is this going to end. Reporter cruise ships are arriving to take others out. On barbuda, 100 destroyed and carrying people off the island. Families taking strangers into their homes. These families have lost everything. You couldnt believe that there was a town there before. It surreal. Reporter Officials Say reconstruction in barbuda alone could cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Richard branson today posting these images of destruction. Branson already helping with the relief effort. That was nbcs ron mott. Tonights last word is next. We have breaking news, the burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum whuuuuuat . Rtgage offer from the bank today. You never just get one offer. Go to lendingtree. Com and shop multiple loan offers for free free . Yeah. Could save thousands. You should probably buy me dinner. No. Go to lendingtree. Com for a new home loan or refinance. Receive up to five free offers and choose the loan thats right for you. Our average customer could lower their monthly bills by over three hundred dollars. Go to lendingtree. Com right now. We have breaking news, the daily beast said russia used facebook vents in the quite last year. Russian operatives used facebooks Event Management tool to remotely organize and promote political protest in the United States including an august 2016 anti immigrant, anti muslim rally in idaho and the anti immigrant campaign for president at that time is donald trump and those rallies obviously helped fuel enthusiasm for the anti immigrant president ial campaign. Thats tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts right now. Tonight, a new monster storm still going, still causing suffering and damage after grinding up parts of florida from the keys to the north. A live report tonight on the water in the streets of american cities. Also steve bannon thinks the firing of james comey was the biggest mistake in modern political history. Trumps former chief strategist speaking out on russia and the swamp in washington. And Hillary Clinton reemerges, shares her regrets about the 2016 campaign and her handling of her opponent donald trump. As the 11th hour gets under way. Good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. On this september 11th, 2017,

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