With lawrence odonnell. Very powerful statement. Really impressive. Thank you. Donald trump got beat. He got beat by the union leader who was my first guest here last night. Why cant they have people of modest means . Because i want people that made a fortune billionaire andrew puz nur is trumps pick for labor secretary. It would be the most fun you could have with your clothes on. Machines are always polite. The man has created thousands and thousands of jobs. Heading in the direction of the bosses, not the workers. Theres new fallout after the president elect went after a union boss on social media. Trump has not changed his tone. Hes punching down. Hes just correcting the record. Ha yewere not going to be the stupid people anymore. Facebook has filed a patent to remove posts containing fake news and just after the nick of time. Fake news can have realworld consequences. Its a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly. Chuck jones beat donald trump. He shut him up. By trumps own terms of combat, chuck jones crushed donald trump. Chuck jones said that donald trump lied his ass off. Those were judchuck jones word about saving that carrier plant in indiana. Donald trump fired off two angry, unpresident ial tweets at chuck jones last night, blaming chuck jones and the workers at carrier for carriers decision to move their jobs to mexico, which carrier is still doing, even though donald trump arranged a tax break to keep some of the jobs in indiana. Chuck jones then came on this program last night after the Trump Twitter attack and said this. The whole thing is ridiculous. Im not backing up on my position one iota. Hes wrong, im right. And well move on. You know, if he wants to keep on tweetin ill keep on respondin. And donald trump did not keep on tweeting. And in trump world, that is surrender. Donald trump surrendered trump style. He stopped tweeting about chuck jones and the workers at carrier. Not another word. Chuck jones shut him up, because donald trump and his handlers realized, no one can do more damage to Donald Trumps claim to be the champion of American Workers than chuck jones. At a trump rally tonight in iowa, donald trump did the same old song. That hes been doing about how hes going to threaten American Companies to keep jobs in the united states. Remember years ago we used to proudly display made in the usa. You go get a car right. We dont, have you ever seen it . Were doing a lot of talking to a lot of companies who are thinking about leaving, and i tell you, i dont think theyre going to be leaving so fast anymore. And you will never see made in the usa on any product sold by anyone in the trump family. Tonight donald trump barely mentioned his big triumph, saving those carrier jobs, because chuck jones has ruined that whole story for donald trump. Heres Donald Trumps only reference tonight to carrier. Dont forget, much harder when a Company Announced a year and a half ago. Some of these Companies Like carrier announced long before i even knew i was going to be running for president. Its very hard to tell somebody we dont want you to leave. We dont want you to go to mexico or wherever youre going, and they say, but sir, weve already built our plant. Thats not a great position, and yet we still kept so many of those workers of so many of those workers. Nothing about the over 1,000, nothing about 1100. Because chuck jones proved that that was a lie, that the number was much, much smaller. Donald trump does not dare mention the number of jobs that are staying in indiana now, because he exaggerated it so much before. And he has never dared to mention the number of jobs carrier is still sending to mexico, which is a larger number than the amount staying in indiana. Donald trump did things as a candidate that no other republican candidate for president has ever done to try to convince American Workers that he is on their side. The minimum wage has to go up. People are at least 10 but it has to go up. At the same time, people have to be taken care of, but what im really going to do on the minimum wage, so it has to go up. So i would like to raise it to at least 10. Today donald trump chose as his labor secretary a man who builds a company on minimum wage workers, and that man says donald trump is wrong about raising the minimum wage to 10. Donald trump will ask the senate to confirm andy puzner. He is opposed, vehemently opposed to a 10 wage. But he has not said that he is opposed to Donald Trumps 10 minimum wage. He did say he was opposed to a 10 minimum wage when president obama proposed it, which the president did propose two years ago. Andy puz ner attacked that idea when it was an obama idea, and he will have no problem stopping donald trump, because donald trump has already forgotten that he was in favor of a 10 minimum became. He hasnt mentioned it since the election. The minimum wage con did its job. It added to Donald Trumps image among Trump Supporters as the champion of American Workers, and now there is not one indication that anyone in the trump administration, including donald trump will propose an increase in the minimum wage or any policy idea that in any way benefits mAmerican Workers. Joining us now, robert reich, labor secretary under president clinton and is at university of california berkley. Also with us, leo girard from the united steelworkers of america. So the new candidate for your old job strongly opposed to Donald TrumpsCampaign Idea of raising the minimum wage to 10. An idea that im not sure donald trump remembers he proposed. I doubt that he remembers it. Lawrence, i dont think donald trump is very strong on principles. I mean, he is all about donald trump. Hes about revenge. Hes about dominance. Hes about getting others to submit to him. In terms of the minimum wage, that is the farthest thing from Donald Trumps memory or imagination. But this guy that he has nominated for secretary of labor is not only opposed to the minimum wage, a federal minimum wage at all. He doesnt like the fact that there are overtime and team aim a half for overtime regulations. He is opposed to president obama increasing the overtime regulations, the overtime hours. He also is very much against organized labor. Hes an antilabor, labor secretary. And in almost every respect, you couldnt imagine somebody who is further removed from being a champion of American Workers. I mean, here we have donald trump who is bringing in mull t multimillionaires and billionaires into his cabinet and putting into place people who are antiminimum wage. It was a con job and a fraud because donald trump is a con man. You joined us last night on the fly. Its your local president out there, chuck jones, who got into this situation with donald trump last night. And in the last 24 hours, it sure looks like chuck jones won this round. Donald trump has shut up about it. Well, look at, i think chuck did what any good local union leader should do. He went and got the facts and explained them to his membership. In fact, weve been overwhelmed with responses on twitter and facebook of people saying im with chuck. To go back with what secretary reich said. Theres a number of things that we said to president elect trump that we want to work with on him. Nafta. He said any company that fires workers and moves offshore and produces a product offshore and brings it into america, theyre going to have to pay a whack of a fine, a whack of a tax. Hes talking about 35 . I think we autd to do that and id be interested in your comments and secretary reichs comments, one of the things that drives Companies Offshore is going offshore drives up their stock price. Most of the executives of Large Companies are using stock buyback options to feather their own nest. If we want to stop some of these things going to offshore, lets stop the shared buyback. Lets give them a tax when they go take something, fire workers in america, go and make Something Else and try to export it back here. And when we talked about carrier, for the longest time, president elect trump said they made air conditioners. They make furnaces at that plant, and mexicans dont need furnaces. So theyre going there to make the furnaces in mexico so they can make them with cheap labor and send them back to america, and i think they ought to be punished for that. And i agree with that for president trump. But chuck jones went and got the facts, told those facts to his membership, and those that dont understand the workplace never worked in a factory. When president elect trump said youre going to save 1100 jobs, those people went home that day feeling some sense of security. They felt bad for the other couple hundred only to wake up the next day and find out they were at risk. Its only 730 jobs that were saved. So im very proud of chuck, proud of that membership. The reason that he, trump, got into this, that bernie got into it, that secretary clinton got into it is local 1999 and our union kept this issue alive. We refused to negotiate a closure agreement because we said were going to fight for every job, and we put it on the agenda, the national stage, and president elect trump had never heard of carrier until we put it on the stage through chuck jones and our membership. So im very proud of chuck and the local membership of 1999. And we still have a big job to do, but were fighting back and were not going to sit on our hunches. Lets listen to what Bernie Sanders said. What do you do when you have a president elect, soon to be president , who, when i say this not happily, but i think most people who have observed him would agree is a pathological liar, who changes his mind every single day. And robert reich, there is the essence of the problem. Its whether donald trump even knows tonight that he once proposed an increase in the minimum wage. We can never even be sure of that. No. Because the truth to donald trump is all relative. He lives in a factfree universe. He makes up facts. And he does this continuously, and its not just candidate donald trump. Its also president elect donald trump. You know, the other night he was talking about being elected by a land slide. He keep the on talking about massive voter fraud. And in terms of labor and being a champion of working people, he has installed as his chief economic policymakers in terms of his cabinet, this person named Steve Mnuchin from, originally, from Goldman Sachs who has spent most of his life actually helping Companies Push their pay rolls down, and, as a result, put employment abroad. Outsource abroad. And also wilbur ross for his secretary of commerce who is another one of these financial types who is actually spent most of his life using bankruptcy to protect the fortunes of major owners of companies and abrogating labor the contracts and at the same time leaving workers and communities high a dry. So the actual people who are going to be implementing policy, not just the new labor secretary, but also the rest of the economic policymakers, they really do not represent the working people or the interests of working people. Former labor secretary robert reich, thank you. Thank you. Coming up, reports tonight that Reince Priebus advised donald trump to drop out of the president ial race when the access Hollywood Tape emerged showing donald trump bragging about his preferred methods of sexual assault, and thats why people in the trump transition do not trust Reince Priebus. Also coming up, donald trump supports alex jones, and alex jones supports lies about what happened to the children who were massacred at sandy hook. That story coming up many many any y y. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Why Reince Priebus tried to force donald trump out of president ial campaign. Thats next. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. 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And there is some doubt about how much trump is liked or admired in the trump administration. The transition is becoming a power struggle between steve bannon and Reince Priebus. One transition staffer told a magazine, in this administration, titles will not matter. Its like game of thrones. The Bannon Priebus power struggle is impacting the secretary of state search, with bannon backing Rudy Giuliani and lobbying against mitt romney. Some are questioning Reince Priebus loyalty to donald trump. The report reveals that Reince Priebus urged donald trump to leave the president ial race in october after the access Hollywood Tape. Priebus went to trumps penthouse and advised the candidate to get out of the race. Priebus told trump if he didnt, he will go down with a worse election loss than barry goldwaters. Tonight politico reporting on another concern. A handful of trump originals, none of whom agreed to use their names said they were deeply frustrated about the lack of clarity around their futures. Some say they feel alien stated from the transition effort, especially from priebus. Joining us now, alex isenstadt, also Jonathan Alter for the daily beast. The trump originals, that sounds like oh, maybe Corey Lewandowski and others who do not have job titled identified for them yet in the coming administration. Thats right. None of the people who were with trump at the beginning of this campaign, who were working with him early on in the primary when none of the rest of the Republican Party wanted anything to do with donald trump, none of these people have jobs, none of them have been given any promise of future employment. Thats creating a lot of confusion, consternation and frustration among this group of people who were with trump when no really wanted anything to do with him. When you look think pugh poll, thats true of republicans, too. When donald trump tries to put together this cabinet, tries to put together an administration, its inevitable that hes dealing with people like mitt romney and others who have plainly expressed some of those sentiments that the pugh poll reveals. What i really like about alexs story and the other stories about chaos in the trump camp, and they are the only good stories in a week of terrible ones about a destroyer of the environment being head of the epa, a destroyer of labor becoming labor secretary. Whats great about these stories is that when you have this kind of chaos in the ranks, you dont have efficiency, youre not able to carry out the nefarious plans as easily. Resistance is easier. Its easier for reporters to get stories about whats going on when people are squabbling at each others throats this way, so all in all a good deal. The governing is not done much at the secretary level, the cabinet level. There are the undersecretaries, assistant secretaries, hundreds of those that need to be chosen in this administration. Is there any progress at all in this transition beyond the cabinetlevel positions . Its unclear. You know, it feels as if theyre pretty consumed by these cabinetlevel positions, and technically the secretary of state choice which now is going on for weeks on end. Theres some indication that that search may now be coming to an end, perhaps as soon as this weekend, perhaps later, early next week, but look, this is a transition thats been fairly consumed by these major cabinet picks, which its going through at this point. Theres this complaint, jonathan, in an ap story, saying that many within the trump team resent that he seems to be willing to reward people who thought he wasnt going to win. Yeah, you know, in some ways, its hard to feel sorry for the early loyalists, if theyre not competent, and, you know, they dont get jobs, why shed tears for them. Trump has no loyalty to any people who work for him. He also doesnt hold a grudge. So theres a lot of examples of people who are on the outs and then later get back in, like Corey Lewandowski. Theyre in, out, roger stone, many examples of people that this has happened with. On a reality show, people love each other, hate each other, love each other again. Its all part of the drama, which compels a lot of the tension, which makes, you know, progressives and opponents of trump frightened, because it seems chaotic, but ultimately might be good for the republic, because it makes it harder for them to do much damage. Do these trump originals as we call them roadblock . Absolutely. Theyre colliding with priebus who represents the Party Establishment. He got Corey Lewandowski fire. N and now you have a situation where priebus is trying to put in place a lot of allies, people who are his lieutenants at this rnc into major positions in the administration. What you have here is a situation where broadly speaking the Party Establishment is kind of taking control of this transition. Its fascinating by the way, at the end of this you could have two members of the Romney Family with major jobs. Mitt romneys niece could become rnc chair woman. So after all this, after Donald Trumps outsiderstyle campaign, could you have two members of the Romney Family taking on big positions in his administration. And jonathan, some of this says something good about donald trump, his ability to look beyond what was, in his view, a temporary enemy during the campaign and say, in governing, i need him. And so im going with him. Yeah, that would be good. But he hasnt done as much of that as one might have expected. So you might think since he is a prag mattist that he would have a cabinet with more democrats, people who arent quite as hardline right wing, but almost all the posts have gone to hardliners so far. Thank you to you both. Appreciate it. General Barry Mccaffrey has changed his mind about supporting Donald Trumps choice Michael Flynn after seeing his twitter feed, which general mccaffrey says is bordering on demented. General mccaffrey will join us. Are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Well, the worlds changing. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. Like their photo claims tool. It helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. Esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. Like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. 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Sandy hook is a synthetic, completely fake, with actors, in my view, manufactured. Alex jones believes that the 20 children massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School were actors. He believes no one was killed there. None of the children, none of the teachers. He brielieves it was all a show put on to support gun control legislation. To support alex jones is to support evil, and donald trump, of course, supports anyone who supports him. From alex jones to vladimir putin. He says great things about me, im going to say great things about him. And so supporting evil is simply transactional for donald trump. This week, a woman in florida, who, like donald trum supports alex jones, was arrested for sending Death Threats to lenny p posner, whose son noah was the youngest sandy hook victim. The woman believed that the School Shooting was a hoax and never happened. This follows sundays arrest at a pizza place in washington, d. C. Where a man fired a gun after reading fake news stories claiming that the pizza place was the location of a child sex slave ring somehow linked to Hillary Clinton. Today Hillary Clinton spoke about fake news. Its now clear that socalled fake news can have realworld consequences. This isnt about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk. Its imperative that leaders in both the private sector and the Public Sector step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives. Joining us now, kim snyder, a film maker who spent three years in the Newtown Community filming her documentary, newtown, and a reeves, sandy hook is now one of many such stories, but its hard to think of a worse one to lie about. Here is this uniquely american massacre of children, using this assault weapon. And theres alex jones, and conditi convincing, apparently, millions of people as far as we can tell, that it never happened. Its a surprising number of people who believe this. And of course the fact that it involves Young Children who were killed and it now involves people who believe this, going after the family members is i think whats kind of made this, this tragedy even worse than it already was. Yeah, and kim, thats what lenny posner was the first to discover that this world was out there of, the first parent in newtown to skdiscover that this world of Conspiracy Theory was out there and aimed at them, accusing the parents of newtown victims of being part of this conspiracy. Yeah, i mean, we were aware of this very early on after the tragedy. There were people who wanted to bear witness and be in the film who reluctant, who didnt, who wanted to do that and didnt because they feared the harassment that they were seeing, and then some of the folks whoarticipated were harassed or and chose to do this to really prevent other people and communities from going through this. So the resilience that we have seen is just in the face of this, to just try to help other people, its just, its so disturbing. Reeves, its one thing to disbelieve it and think the whole things a fraud. But, but to specifically attack the parents, why do these conspiracy theorists feel the need to specifically attack the parents . A lot of conspiracy theorists see themselves as investigators, and part of their investigation is the notion that these parents are somehow actors. And so i think for a lot of them so they see the parents as the chief perpetrators of the lie . They, one of many. And the theories are, to be honest, often so sort of connewsed that theyre hard to follow. But the parents are supposedly some of the prime perpetrators, and they, they go after them. And i think feel no real conscience when they do so, because, you know, they feel okay doing it. That this never happened, so how could i be, how could i be hurting you if you never lost a child. This feels like mental illness, this does not feel like, im going to bring a skeptical analysis to the news of. As weve said, whats troubling in the beginning, i thought it was this really small group. And i never spoke about it. The film didnt address it, because we took the lead of the community in not wanting to. But now i feel you just come across more and more people for Different Reasons who actually entertain this notion. And its not just the parents theyve harassed. You know the priest and the church, the neighbor in our film, the, you know, to the point where since the films release at sundance, we even have a film programmer whos been targeted as a fbi operative. So it just gets crazier and crazier. We have our newtown film site just all of these people coming in and saying this is hollywood fiction. Its, its and lenny posners life has just about been taken over by this. It has, and as kim said, the problems gotten worse. Early on, most newtown families just sort of wanted to ignore it and hope it went away. It didnt go away, and lenny posner was one among several, but the main person among the family members who said im going to fight back and has sort of started punching back in certain ways by filing charges, getting content taken off of the internet and trying to push back because these people arent just going to go away if you leave them alone. Kim snyder and reeves, thank you both for joining us. Thank you for having us. Up next, fake news and conspiracy theories are the reasons that former general Baron Mccaffrey is uneasy about Donald Trumps choice of general Michael Flynn. He joins us next. With advil, youll ask what bad knee . What throbbing head . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. General Baron Mccaffrey first endorsed Michael Flynn as Donald TrumpsNational Security adviser, but now hes got and look at Michael Flynns twitter account and describes what he saw in that twitter account as quote, bordering on demented. Michael flynn is of course Donald Trumps choice for National Security adviser. I was very strong in my endorsement of him when he was first announced for the nfc position, i said he was correctly, probably the best Intelligence Officer of his generation. But i must admit im now extremely uneasy about some of these tweets which dont sound so much as if they are political skullduggery, but instead, border on being demented. Barry mccaffrey who is also a msnbc analyst joins us, thank you for joining us tonight. Good to be with you, lawrence. So heres somebody you know is fully experienced in intelligence work, who in the twitter world seems to have a serious problem separating fact from fiction. Well, yeah. You know, this is the stuff of a parallel universe. You simply cant buy into a narrative that says secretary clinton and former white house chief podesta are involved in a pizza, secret sex slave ring operation. Look, the background of this, lawrence is we owe a huge debt of gratitude to general flynn and mcchrystal. They ran the Global Special Operations war against the jihadists. Weigh wou we would have had a dozen 9 11s if it werent for their troops. So, again, a remarkable Intelligence Officer, but the Trump Campaign needs to denounce this kind of nonsense, fantasy, defamatory story and get on with the adult business of governing. What about Michael Flynn himself . He has not denounced any of this. Well, you know, to be blunt, i think that president elect, who had millions of people vote for him, excited about him taking office, needs to take a careful look at it. The National Security adviser position is enormously influential. It brings together the policy papers on National Security and Foreign Policy from multiple departments. Weve got to make sure that we have wellgrounded, disciplined sensible people in those positions. This is what paul waldman said about this. He said there may be no more dangerous choice trump has made so far than picking Michael Flynn to be his National Security adviser, there are few more important positions in the white house and few where the wrong choice could have consequences quite as catastrophic. Give us some sense of what kind of catastrophic outcomes you could get with the wrong person in that job. Well, one thing, im encouraged by the fact that we have this general mattis being nominated to be secretary of defense. I think this fellow has integrity and judgment and experience, and that will be a sensible wall against any illegal or nonsense behavior. I feel the same way about general kelly going to homeland security. These are two solid people. So i wouldnt want to overstate it, by look, the National Security adviser is at the center of the web of not only department of defense, but attorney general, state department, secretary of the treasury. All of them bring together policies to that. The problem is in general flynns back groind or intellect, we need to take quick look at these tweets, though, and sort out whats going on in his head. Would you like to hear from him directly . Do you think this situation calls for general flynn to come forward, explain the tweets, why they were there, what he was thinking and what he thinks about those stories that he pushed around on twitter . Absolutely. I would have expected he would have done it immediately. He would have said, look, my son got out of line. There was an issue here, weve resolved it. I was very surprised that Vice President elect pence didnt do the same thing, and say we chagrined to find out a minor figure in our administration was retweeting this stuff. So i think general flynn ought to speak up and say, look, ive got a lot of background in National Security. You can trust me and put to rest these concerns. And if he doesnt do that, can he hold onto your support for that position . Well, look, my support is irrelevant, you know, the question is, do we have the right people in National Office that can deal with the u. S. Interagency process on National Security issues. Thats whats important. President elect trump won the election. Its important for him to succeed for all of us as americans. This is something that deserves close scrutiny. General Barry Mccaffrey, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Good to be with you. Coming up. The long and now complete fall from grace for Chris Christie. Donald trumps final insult to Chris Christie came today. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. 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There were various degrees of accusations of lying from both the federal witness who testified under oath and by his allies who said that christie was well aware that shenanigans had gone down while he was telling us that he didnt think anything wrong had had happened during this cover upscandacover somebody and call Chris Christie up. Not even trumps going to have to reach that low. Matt kaths, thank you. Msnbcs coverage continues now into the 11th hour with brian williams. Thats next. Want to give up his business just yet. An exclusive interview with republican. And god speed john glenn. The 11