Is. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening, lawrence. Such a small world, rachel, such a small world. Millions of americans have told pollsters the possibility of a Trump Presidency skashz them. There are new polls tonight that just might terrify them. And in breaking Campaign News tonight, a former republican governor says he would like to run for Vice President. A new National Poll shows trump leading Hillary Clinton by three points. Put an exclamation point. Trump released a formal list of 11 court nominees. Can we trust trump to stick with it . I am happily volunteering my services for mr. Trump. L. The guy has a channel pin see level understanding of National Security policy. Said sure a President Trump would sit down with north koreas kim jongun. Meeting today with Henry Kissinger. One stupid reckless thing after another. Ooh, okay, excuse me. Lets hope we get back to people running that actually understand policy and can read a book. I would love to sit down and read a book but i dont have the time anymore. Before we will have the opportunity to defeat donald trump were going to have to defeat secretary clinton. Sanders defiant. State after state the people have stood up and helped defeat the establishment. There is a way to deal with frustration over process. She has been working against Bernie Sanders. Theres no doubt about it. People are not going to just sit back and accept business as usual. Well take our fight into the convention. According to the latest National Poll, america is now closer to a Trump Presidency than it has ever been. After the Clinton Campaign squeaked out a onepoint victory in kentucky then lost to Bernie Sanders by 12 points in oregon, the Clinton Campaign is staring at shocking new poll that shows donald trump ahead of Hillary Clinton. The fox poll released tonight shows donald trump at 45 and Hillary Clinton at 42 with a threepoint margin of error. That poll is a statistical tie. Its a reversal of fortune for Hillary Clinton from the last fox news poll which showed her at 48 and donald trump at 41 . In tonights fox news poll, donald trump still trails Bernie Sanders as he always has with Bernie Sanders at 46 and donald trump at 4042 . If the fox news poll results are duplicated by other reputable polls, the Clinton Campaign will be in full on crisis mode because Hillary Clinton as a and can dpat has never been able to reverse a polling trend. Hillary clinton polled at 56 with her opponent polling at 23 . On election day, Hillary Clinton won with 55 of the vote and rick lazio had gained 20 points to 43 of the vote. In other words, over a year of campaigning and 30 million spent it did not change the minds of more new york voters in favor of Hillary Clinton. She held on to her large lead as her opponent narrowed that lead. In her Second Senate campaign, clinton polled at 67 a year before election and on the Election Night she won 67 of the vote against a totally unknown republican named john spencer. A year of campaigning then and 36 million spent did not turn any more voters in favor of Hillary Clinton. In the fall of 2007, senator Hillary Clinton was polling 33 points ahead of senator barack obama in the abc News Washington post poll of the democratic president ial campaign. Senator clintons poll numbers look straight down from there for months and by the beginning of january Hillary Clinton had a fivepoint need that abc poll by the end of january she was tied with barack obama in a cbs poll, then during february clinton and obama traded leads in the polls until late february when barack obama opened a small lead over Hillary Clinton which then became a double digit lead, a lead that rose above 20 points in some polls toward the end of the primary season. The polling history of Hillary Clinton indicates that she needs an enormous lead in the polls in order to hang on and win in the end. And 2008 showed that a 33point lead wasnt enormous enough against barack obama. Tonights fox news poll is just one poll, im going to say that again. Just one poll, but the fox news poll historically does conform to the basic findings of other major polls. If if the fox news poll is an accurate snapshot of the electorate at this time it contained some devastating internal information for the Clinton Campaign. On the question of are the candidates honest and trustworthy, Hillary Clinton actually does worse than donald trump. 66 of voters say Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy. 57 say donald trump is not honest and trustworthy. Two years ago, before she was officially a president ial and can date in that same fox news poll, 54 of voters said Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy. Only 42 said she was not honest and trustworthy. And in tonights fox news poll this is the first time that donald trump doesnt have the highest unfavorability rating. In tonights poll, 61 have an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton and 56 have an unfavorable view of donald trump. Earlier today, another disturbing poll result for the Clinton Campaign. This one from the state of New Hampshire which barack obama won by 10 points in 2008 and six points in 2012. A wbur poll of New Hampshire voters shows Hillary Clinton at 44 and donald trump at 42 which is a statistical tie within the margin of error. In that same poll, Bernie Sanders, who won the New Hampshire primary, beats donald trump by 16 points. 5438. Four years ago at this time, president obama held a 12point lead over mitt romney in New Hampshire. The president then went on to win New Hampshire by six points. Joining us now, michael steele, former Republican Party chairman and msnbc political analyst. Peter waner, senior fellow at the ethics and Public Policy center, he worked in the Ronald Reagan, george w. Bush and george h. W. Bush administrations, also the president of hart research, a Public Opinion research firm, an advisor for priorities usa, the super pac supporting Hillary Clinton. Jeff guerin, what do you make of tonights fox news poll . Well, weve said for a while now, for a couple of weeks, that this is going to be a close and competitive election. We werent saying that as spin. Its because thats what our polls were showing us then and there is something structural about this race that makes it close and competitive. In some ways its a good thing that people are seeing this now. It tells democrats very loudly that theyll have to defeat donald trump in november and the other thing it does is you were eluding to at the beginning is that americans are going to have to start reckoning with the reality that donald trump could be president and start to think very seriously about the consequences of that. As time goes on and people think more and more about those consequences he will be a more difficult choice for voters to accept. Michael steele, again, just the parentheses, its just one poll. Right. Right. But when you look at the way the polls charted in 2007 and Hillary Clintons last president ial campaign, just one poll became many poles. If this is a trend, if we see three of these, what does this mean to washingtons reception of donald trump . How does that change paul ryans calculations and others in washington. I think its begun to change that calculation. I think a lot of internal polls being taken by super pacs and other groups out there for and against donald trump are showing this very similar trend line. I think you make the important point, does this trend line we see something nationally is going on when other polls confirm that or augment that. Thats what i think jeff and others are going to be looking at on the clinton side and certainly Paul Manafort is going to be drilling down on the gop side with donald trump but heres the rub. This is may and so im not one of these after my years of experience in politics to hang my hat on one poll or even trending polls in the months of may, june, and july. Im looking to see where we wind up postnomination, postconvention late august, certainly labor day. That window kind of gives you a trend line, to jeffs point, of how the voters settle down on this race. Its important now to get everybody geared up for whats to come. But i dont think youre going to end or run away excited when you see these polls because of what theyre saying right now. Peter waner, eight years ago in may barack obama three points ahead of john mccain. Four years ago barack obama three points ahead of mitt romney. May certainly told the story then of what was going to happen in november. Yeah, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt. Remember Walter Mondale was ahead of Ronald Reagan at points in 1984 and weve had a whole history of races where they appear to be close, not even jimmy carter a we can before with reagan was up in the gallop poll and they lost 44 states. Id say a couple of things, one is there are real structural advantages to the democratic party. Democrats are Winning National elections, they have huge demographic advantages in others so i think starting out a democrat is going to be favored against a republican. Second donald trump is a targetrich environment and they havent turned their guns on him yet. Third and this is important Hillary Clinton is a weak candidate and seems to be getting weaker. Shes weaker than 2008. I think shes mechanical and uninspiring and viewed as inauthentic as well as that poll number that you underscored which is the untrustworthy and dishonesty numbers. Shes an ethical wreck. So i think shes a weak and beatable candidate, i just think donald trump is in the end more toxic and so i dont think hes going to pull this out but well see. Its a very weird time and theres a distemper in this country politically, unlike anything ive seen and that may play to trumps advantage. Jeff garin, please address my initial point that i made about Hillary Clintons polling history. Which in her campaigns shows no ability for her to gain ground. Shes never shown an ability in her campaigns to increase support by campaigning. Well, when you started im not sure that holds when you start at 67 , theres only so far to go. No, ill grant you that on the 67. But what about the 55. Even the 55 in her first race i think thats the fact that she was able to sustain a substantial majority as a firsttime candidate and her running as a first lady in new york was controversial at the time. To me that represented an accomplishment, not a sign of political weakness and ive worked with secretary clinton. The one thing that i know about her, she is extraordinarily resilient. She rises to challenges. I think shell rise to this challenge but it is a real challenge. Let me just note one thing about the fox poll can i ask one more thing, geoff . Yes, please. Continue with the model that i was using. What about the 2008 president ial campaign where she started high, more than a 33point lead and went straight down, she never built support. Well, i think that that you know, i think, a, she was running against a phenomenal candidate in barack obama but the reality of that race is that i believe she won seven of the last nine primaries that she actually did increase support in the later primaries up until the very last one. She won in ohio, she won in texas, she won in pennsylvania. Shi actually did very well at the end of the campaign so there in terms of the pattern of the primaries she did better as the race went on, not less well. She obviously had a her greatest problems were that, you know, in the month of february and march but as april, may and april she was a very strong candidate and i think that speaks to the ril yebs she has. She was i think people admired that about her. She was down but not out and she fought fought back in a way that people admired and respected and i think that thats the Hillary Clinton americans will see. Let me make one polling note is that part of whats happening in this structurally is that donald trump has secured the republican nomination, the party has rallied around him and hes not dealing with these negative attacks any long er and for better or worse Bernie Sanders staying in the race and the way he is has a consequence. Hillary clinton is going to be the nominee and if were serious about electing her in november and i think we ought to be serious about electing her in november because the consequences are dire i think senator Bernie Sanders has an important choice to make in this regard. Can i say a couple things, lawrence . Look, i think at the end of the day she does have a problem as a president ial candidate which is the more that people see her, the more they dont like her. Thats just there. Sometimes the dog doesnt like the dog food. And i just she may be successful, i think her record is sketchy, i dont think she was successful of secretary of state and she was the author of hillarycare. But at the end of the day she is just not somebody who is an overpowering political figure. Even her own Campaign People admit that she is an awful candidat candidate. Michael steele, i want to get a quick last word from you. This is not something i understand. I see the polling numbers but i cannot see what it is in a Clinton Campaign that as peter just put it the more people see her the more they dont like. Thats what youre seeing in the track of these numbers but i dont get it. I dont know what theyre seeing. What theyre seeing is 30 years of hillary, 30 years of hillary and bill. Theyre seeing a lot of things that have accumulated and its not selling for them and it will be a hard sell this year. Lawrence, i dont think theyve seen her yet and when they do, they like her. Theyve seen her for a lot of years. That will have to be the last word. Michael steel, geoff garin, peter wehner, thank you all. Breaking Campaign News, a former republican governor wants to run for Vice President. Just not with donald trump. And republicans terrified of Donald TrumpsForeign Policy ideas are eagerly awaiting word from their hero Henry Kissinger about what happened in that conversation today with donald trump. vo making the most out of every mile. Thats why i got a subaru impreza. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Conversation today with donald man 1 youre new. Man 2 i am. Woman exmilitary . Man 2 four tours. Woman you worked with computers . Man 2 thats classified, maam. Man 1 but youre job was Network Security . Man 2 thats classified, sir. Woman lets cut to the chase, here. 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Modern president s dont pick Supreme Courts, the congress does. The president lost the power to control the process decades ago and so in the first year of bill clintons presidency when a vacancy opened up on the Supreme Court, new york senator Daniel Patrick moynihan, who i was working for at the time, found himself in the company of the president on other business when bill clinton asked him who he would recommend for the Supreme Court. Senator moynihan had only one suggestion ruth gbader ginsburg. The president no doubt consulted at length with joe biden who was chairman of the Judiciary Committee in charge of confirmation hearings. Senator joe biden probably also suggested Ruth Bader Ginsburg, im not sure how many other senators might have suggested her or how many other names were suggested to the president but soon enough the president nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg and joe biden and pat moynihan were not a bit surprised. Thats the way it usually works. Call it a consultation with the senate if you like but depending on your perspective it can often look like the senate is telling the president what to do that. Is telling the president who the senate can confirm and confirm easily. But to all public appearance, Ruth Bader Ginsburg appears suddenly as the president s idea. Today donald trump made the transaction more transparent than it has ever been. He announced a list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees. He is, in effect, submitting that list to the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley and other republican senators for their approval. Chuck grassley applauded the move calling it an impressive list today. And it was a measure of how much donald trump is distrusted by republicans that his campaign felt compelled to release this list. Something no other president ial campaign has done. It was in effect donald trump genuflecting in front of the senate saying i know youre in charge, here is my lives. Which it turns out wasnt really Donald Trumps list. Its basically the same list a republican think tank in washington came up with, a think tank that reflects the thinking of republican senators. Also today the candidate who is described on this network last night as being an ignoramus on Foreign Policy had an important Foreign Policy meeting. I think he is a stunning ignoramus on Foreign Policy issues and National Security which are the issues i care most about. Nuclear arming south korea, pulling out of nato. The guy has a chimpanzee level understanding of National Security policy. Donald trump met with former republican secretary of state Henry Kissinger at kissingers home in new york city. Neither of the men made any comment about the meeting before or after the meeting. Joining us now Steve Clemens and john fund, columnist for the National Review john, so imagine yourself in the room with dr. Kissinger and candidate donald trump. Here is someone who has said could use Nuclear Weapons in the middle east, its okay with me if japan gets Nuclear Weapons so we dont have to spend so much money defending areas of the world like japan, that hes going to sit down with north korea and on and on and on. What would dr. Kissinger have said . Well, dr. Kissinger knows donald trump and if you know donald trump you know that if you dont like something he says, wait five minutes, hell Say Something different and if you do like something he says, wait five minutes, hell Say Something different. Donald trump has now said, for example, on the muslim ban to the United States it was only a suggestion. I changed my mind. I change my mind all the time. So i think if donald trump was smart, he just listened to dr. Kissinger, maybe took notes. If he wasnt smart he talked a great deal. Steve, give me youre what you would guess Henry Kissinger in an hour with donald trump would say to him based on everything Henry Kissinger has heard donald trump say already. Look, im probably in the track right now where the distance and gap between donald trump and how he imagines his Foreign Policy, though he really needs to go to school and learn from kissinger, is less than people think. Henry kissinger is an elite realist. He may say to him wrecking nato and institutional crises across the board reduces american ability to do things. But Henry Kissinger no great believer in international institution. He is one of the kingpins of american realism. So while kissinger has become seen as a mainstream guy who helped found and build the international order, hes someone not wed to that and i think hell probably in a humble and respectful way going to see kissinger as like doing the New Hampshire primary for gop candidates, you have to do it, but i think theres less distance between them than many people think. John, on china. Donald trump surely Henry Kissinger would have said something. Well, trump probably would describe it from his point of view as the art of the bluff. He has said well never have a trade war with china because i will convince them i mean business and therefore they will make concessions on their currency and other things and therefore well never get to the trade war. Now Henry Kissinger whos the modern american secretaries state would probably say if you can get away with that, that would be a good thing. Steve, what about that . Do you imagine that Henry Kissinger gave donald trump any personal advice about dealing with people like putin. Acting like personal insights to the them. I mean, Henry Kissinger wrote a book called on china and he talked about how vital getting that relationship is for the United States, the world and china itself. And so i think he would counsel them on that, that doesnt mean becoming a flak or acquiescing to china but it does mean meeting them robustly and the same thing with russia. And in the speech trump gave the only organized speech ive heard time give on Foreign Policy, the two countries he talked about in a semi more respectful way than most of our allies in europe were china and russia where he said we basically need to look at where we can square a deal. And this is at its core somewhat kissingerian and somewhat part of engaging foreign leaders that are important in the world that we dont get along with and that we have problems. Im not trying to legitimate trump, im not trying to whitewash stuff hes been doing but you need to look at what kissinger has said over his life and i think it is that we need to deal with the bad guys not just the good guys and thats to some degree what hes trying to counsel trump and also tell trump dont be as erratic, dont be as unpredictable in the world, you do need to deal with these people but hes probably saying dial it down a little bit. John, quickly on the Supreme Court, the list of 11, this, it seems to me, would calm republican senators and official republican washington about a Trump Presidency, certainly regards to the court. Well, originally donald trump said that diane sykes and bill pryor who were two judges would be top of his list. This is an outstanding collection of people. However back in march when he said i will produce this list he said this is the listly choose from. Per your point. Now when the list is out he says this is representative of the kind of people that i would a big difference. So donald trump isnt surrendering much, he is suggesting once again, not policy, suggesting these people not promising these people. Well have to leave it there. John fund and steve clemons, thank you for joining us. Coming up, the clinton and trump campaigns, using their candidates own words against each other. Thats in tonights war room. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animarescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing unless you have allergies. Flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray c say that. Go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. Flonase changes everything. The eclass has 11 intelligent it recognizes pedestrianss. And alerts you. 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Today Hillary Clintons super pac launched its first tv ads in the battleground states of florida, virginia, ohio, and nevada. The ads target Donald Trumps statement about women. You know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. Does she have a good body, no . Does she have a fat ass, absolutely . You like girls that are 51, they come up to you know where if ivanka werent my daughter perhaps i would be dating her. A person who is flat chested is very hard to be a 10. And you can tell them to go [ bleep ] themselves. The conservative super pac our principles launched a similar ad in march during the republican primaries that also attacked Donald Trumps statements about women. Bimbo. Dog, fat pig, real quotes from donald trump about women. A person who is very flat chested is very hard to be a 10. Id look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that . She had the height, she had the beauty. She was crazy, but these are minor details. With 174 days left for the campaign war rooms, joining us tonight in the last word, war room steve mcmahon, a veteran of three democratic war rooms, most recently howard deans war room. And careen jean pierre a veteran of Martin Omalleys war rooms. Corrine, what surprised me about the Clinton Super pac ad is it was basically a copy of the republican add which means wheres there idea . Wheres their own way of approaching this. I think what they were trying to do is remind voters. Donald trump is a wolf in sheeps clothing. They are trying to remind them that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing so as they try to pivot in the general election but have Bernie Sanders in the primary theyre trying to say hey, lets not forget who this guy is and they did this ad. But i think the think to remember is that what made it successful against mitt romney in 2012 is that we had one charge democrats had one charge and i can stuck and worked on mitt romney. This time around theres so much dirt on donald trump that its harder to find anything to stick and we have to figure out what to that is . Steve mcmahon, the clinton war room tonight with these two polls coming out, New Hampshire is now something theyll have to fight for and to be behind donald trump in a National Poll. Only one poll only one poll but we heard jeff garin polling for the Clinton Super pac basically say he wasnt surprised by the fox poll. Hes saying we basically saw this coming in our own polling. It depends on the sam the you draw and the assumptions you make about the white vote. But when youre in the war room, youre sitting there saying okay, if you take the fox news poll, for instance, donald trump has a 14 theres a 36 gender gap in the fox news poll which is much bigger than in 2012. Trump leads among when by 22, hillary leads among women by 14 which is better than president obama but shes only at 50. So when youre in the war room you say do we attack our weakness or do we leverage our strength . We think we have a strength with women. We can take that number up to 56, 57. If we can we put it out of reach. So they have a 14point lead in the fox poll among women, theyll try to drive that lead up to 16, 18, 20 points from 50 of the vote which is where she is among women to 54, 56. That makes it very difficult for donald trump if they can get that done. Thats what theyre probably thinking and thats why theyre going after these attacks on women that donald trump made over time. Karine, i would expect if there was a Clinton Campaign spokesperson here theyd dismiss this poll. But in the war room dont you take these polls and assume theyre right . Meaning you take you always want to work from the worstcase scenario . Well, look a poll is a snapshot of whats happening right now we are in may, the election is not until november so we have to keep this that in mind. The convention hasnt happened, we need to pick a vp nominee and look at whats going on. Its not a surprise that donald trump is where he is. The Republican Party has coalesced behind him, theyve come home, but he has not expanded his base. If you look at where africanamericans are in this poll, there is an 83point spread so that looks good to Hillary Clinton. Where i saw was the problem there was the latino vote which is she needs to continue to build on that. She doesnt yet have the margin within latinos that barack obama had. Where barack obama was. And also with the white vote, the thing that i thought about was because bill clinton did this for obama in 2012, shes going to have to put him out there to help her with the white vote because donald trump is certainly commanding that. On this point of ive always looked at the clinton Hillary Clinton candidacies efs when she was running for senate as the first time as behaving like incumbent candidacies and thats why i make the point that her number never goes up. Thats the way it works with incumbents. If an incumbent starts off with 55 of the vote a year out its not surprising if they end up with 55. Whereas barack obama when he was running against Hillary Clinton he didnt have that incumbency sense to him. So his numbers rose while hers went straight down and jeff made the point in the first block that, well, yeah, but Hillary Clinton won some races at the end of the primary schedule but in every one of those her number had gone down from where it started the first time they did a poll in that state. So how does she deal with the weight of that. Theres an extra weight that comes with that incumbency sense that is on a campaign, how you make a number go up there. Theres an extra way and you have to deal with it and its gone down but the way you deal with it is by disqualifying your opponent. Because a vote against donald trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton and thats what shes going to do and youll see that. That will be the last word. Karine jeanpierre, and steve mcmahon, thank you. Coming up, breaking news, Vice President news, a former republican governor has agreed to run for Vice President. Just not as a republican and an eyewitness to what happened in las vegas. Playing for the usual phil . Always stacy. At kpmg weve always believed leadership is about vision and integrity, confidence, inspiration, and passion. Pitching wedge. Thanks phil. And always having the courage to take your best shot. See the best of the best at the kpmg womens pga championship when aoment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . 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[ cheers and applause ] and let me Say Something that i think is enormously important and for me very gratifying and that is that in every state contest that we have been in, we have won and often by large margins the votes of young peop people. [ cheers and applause ] and that tells me and should tell everyone that our vision an america of social justice, economic justice, Racial Justice and environmental justice. If [ cheers and applause ] that is the vision of the america of the future [ cheers and applause ] and let me also mention something to you, and that is that every n every state pole, and in every National Poll that i have seen in the last two months we defeat donald trump. [ cheers and applause ]. Thats Bernie Sanders in vallejo, california, just north of San Francisco and berkeley in the bay area and hes certainly right about that result tonight in the polls that weve been looking at, he does do better against donald trump. Well be right back. 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Also, former republican governor of massachusetts, twoterm governor of massachusetts bill weld says he would proudly serve as the Vice President ial nominee of the Libertarian Party if nominated. Thats the latest on libertarian news and the possible third party alternative that republicans have been looking for. Well be right back. Surface. Surface. No one speed. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steeri, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 359 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Unless you have allergies. Flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. Flonase changes everything. Cleasee ya ake off. When youre living with diabetes. 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And what i saw there was hard to believe that it was occurring in the United States of america in the year 2016. I saw that they were poisoned by the lead in the water they were drinking. [ boos ] but if anyone thinks flint, michigan, is the only community in america which has unhealthy Drinking Water you would be wrong. Hundreds of communities in america have if not to the same degree have Serious Problems with their water. Thats Bernie Sanders campaigning in california tonight. Were going to be coming back to it. Were joined by jonathan alter, msnbc political analyst. Jonathan, Bernie Sanders made the point in his comments that he consistently polls better than Hillary Clinton does against donald trump. You have a fox news poll out tonight, a rough one for Hillary Clinton with her behiend donald trump in a National Poll but Bernie Sanders ahead of donald trump in that poll, polling better than Hillary Clinton. It reminds me, bill clinton in 1992 was running third in National Polls behind george h. W. Bush and ross pro. So the polls arent really that material right now. Hillary clinton has this nomination won, its just a question of letting Bernie Sanders have his people go all the way through the primaries, then the democrats are going to have to close rank. A friend reminded me of a Bumper Sticker that Edwin Edwards was running for governor of louisiana against david duke, the kkk wizard. And the Bumper Sticker said vote for the crook, its important. So if youre a Bernie Sanders supporter and lets say you think Hillary Clinton is terrible, you may even think like donald trump, that shes a cook, its still extraordinarily important for your country. That you set aside whatever differences you have with Hillary Clinton and get down to the business of preventing this man from taking office because he is a menace. What about the sanders supporters whose number one issue is american jobs and trade and i have played on this program before things that donald trump has said about that and Bernie Sanders said about that and Bernie Sanders says it eloquently. But donald trump is saying the same thing in rough trump language. On that particular issue, yes, and the politics of trade are very much in flex and sanders now has a big group of people who can pressure a president clinton on tpp and other trade issues. But trade is not the only issue. The first question you have to ask is is donald trump a con man . And if you believe hes a con man, as i do and i think anybody whos taken a look at his record does, you have to protect our constitution and our country from him. So thats job one and its like that Edwin Edwards david duke race. Youve got to take the lesser of two evils if youre a sanders supporter. Well have to leave it there for tonight. Jonathan alter goetzs tonights last word. Thanks, i came with up an idea that i would come up with a list of really really terrific acceptable judges. Donald trump names a conservative dream team. That would be the biggest breaking news and im very serious about that. Tonight a republican urging his party not to fall for the charm and how democrats plan to fight a candidate who will say anything. Then. But hes not a groeper. More pushback on the New York Times report on trumps treatment of woman. Tonight one woman standing by her story joins me live. Plus, assessing the damage of an ugly finish for democrats. And why weve been here before