if i figure it out during your show i'll call in. >> is there a possibility of some horrible tragedy here do they suspect circumstances? >> it doesn't seem to be humans doing anything either from the air or land. it doesn't seem to be weather. doesn't seem to be anything toxic or disease. i'm going with aliens until we have something better. >> we will stay on. >> it thank you, lawrence. she accepted his money for her campaigns and she attended his wedding. okay. just one of his weddings and now hillary clinton has answered her first campaign question about donald trump. >> this is go ing to be competitive. it should be competitive. it is only the presidency of the united states we're talking about. >> this is not a coronation. this is a fight. >> this is my last rodeo. >> transition to bernie sanders. how is he able to get these huge crowds. >> in case you didn't notice this is a big turnout. >> i feel very good about where my campaign is. i couldn't be happier about my campaign. >> i know hillary very well. i do. i can beat her. >> how many people running for president on the republican side tried to demean immigrants? >> the first republican debate is less than a month away. if it were held today the following candidates would make the cut. >> i will give it my all. >> we want something new. we want new leadership. >> i have been thinking a little about 2016. >> i'm really rich. i'll share that. >> what is great about america is anyone can run for president. that is literally true. there are about 20 declared candidates for president and only one of them has ever attended any of donald trump's three weddings. today that candidate was asked about donald trump. >> donald trump is creating quite a lot of commotion on the other side. he's a friend of yours, has been over the years. he donated to your senate campaign the clinton foundation. what's your reaction to his recent comments that some mexican immigrants are racist and criminals. >> i'm very disappointed in those comments. i feel very bad and very disappointed with him and with the republican party for not responding immediately and saying enough. stop it. >> as of this hour nine businesses have stopped doing business with donald trump. the professional goefrls association has decided not to hold next year's grand slam of golf at a trump course in los angeles. as usual, the trump organization issued a statement that claimed that lose ing an important pga tournament was with all the trump team's idea. they issued a written statement saying due to the controversy surrounding statements made by mr. trump having to do with illegal immigrants pouring in though united states in mexico and other parts of the world mr. trump does not want his friends at the pga to suffer any consequences or backlash with respect to the grand slam of golf. of course no trump statement is complete without an advertisement for a trump property. the statement goes on to say mr. trump stated i have great respect for for the pga of america and everything they stand for. this allows me the time to rebuild the golf course in los angeles and considered to be one of the finest parcels of land anywhere in the united states in to the course i always wanted it to be. joining us now from iowa jeremy peters political reporter for the "new york times," covering the 2016 presidential race and msnbc political analyst from south carolina joy reid msnbc national correspondent and david corn, washington bureau chief for mother jones and political analyst is in the studio in new york with me. david, so hillary clinton is very disappointed in donald trump. >> i know. >> i have to say i find a little strange. i don't want to get too semantic tick here but in order to be disappointed don't you have to have an expectation below which donald trump falls. who expected more from donald? >> it sounds like maybe she was surprised he would say something denigrating about somebody. was it was school marmish but she used it to try to cast donald trump glow across the entire gop field, which you will see increasingly from the democratic side because, you know donald trump has become this wonderfully tanned albatross around the neck of the republican party. he's the only presidential candidate who gets a lot of media attention. i know our own traffic at mother joans a lot of other candidates don't have a lot of interest 0 out there but anything you say about trump the public eats up which is why he got to be where he is. she and other democrats have this trump bludgeon to hit the goppers with again and again and try to create more of a civil war inside the republican party. >> i wonder if she missed an opportunity to reach back eight years to obama supporters people who decide to vote for barack obama instead of hillary clinton in 2008 in that primary and express her outrage about what donald trump had to say about president obama four years ago. never mind being disappointed now. it certainly includes something about what he said now. why not reach back to what he was saying about president obama when she was serving as secretary of state and it wasn't appropriate for her to say anything about that. >> that's an interesting point. in addition to, that of course, hillary clinton has put a lot of stock in her position on things like immigration reform to really put that stake down in terms of being the candidate who should be of the most interest to latino voters. when it comes to african-american voters black voters are saying hold on a second, donald trump has been offending us for years and years in the things he said about barack obama. so it was a golden opportunity. particularly because hillary clinton has known him so long. i was a sister soldier opportunity moment. to say i have known him a long time and have no idea what is wrong with him and he has fallen far field from what i think. hillary clinton needs to take every opportunity to remind a couple of core constituencies she's their girl african-american and hispanic. important she do that every time. perhaps her staff didn't prepare her for the question but she needs to be more aggressive in pushing back against donald trump. >> some republican donors are trying to figure out what to do here. these are the investors in these candace cities. they know donald trump will not be on the republican ticket and they are worried what damage he might be doing on that debate stage to whoever the candidates are that will end up on the republican ticket. no one seems to have come up with a solution yet. they are definitely worried. >> that's absolutely right. i find a number of things rather surprising and outrageous about this episode. i find it surprising and outrageous that the presumptive democratic nominee is asked what purports to be a serious question about donald trump. i find it amazing that you have the republican party grappling with an issue that it thought it solved. that's how to handle these presidential debates. remember how much control republicans tried to exert over this process. they tried to control which networks, who would moderate them and who was going to be in them. in this case something that was completely unexpected, donald trump running for president -- i mean he had been threatening to do it for the better part of two decades and he finally did to everyone's surprise. he is threatening to disrupt the entire process and it is giving serious minded republicans a lot of heart ache. >> the reason he is able to do that, not because he is a tv star or because he has $9 billion or whatever he does have. there is a strong con stitch swin in the party for him. the tea party has a strong feeling about immigration referment. a cultural reaction their form of culture wars an he is appealing to that in the most demagogue way possible and that's giving him the standing in the poll that will keep anymore the debates and to say no you don't make the cut. as much as the republican poobas want to control things they can't control the base pulling them to trump towers. >> that's why it is cost free for hillary clinton donald trump is trolling the world with this pretend candidacy. there is no cost for hillary clinton to go after him in the fiercest way. he's insulting his constituency. there is not much republicans can document so much of the base agrees with what donald trump is saying about immigrants coming from countries. they agree with the things he's saying about people of latin descent. they are trapped in a box that donald trump is putting them n. i don't think it hurts hillary at all. in fact it helps her. there is a residual reminder to african-american voters that listen, i remember he offends president obama, talked about his birth certificate issue and he's been an equal opportunity offender of people of color. if i was hillary clinton, i would be going after him every day. there's no cost. he's not a real candidate. >> joy makes a good point there. >> go ahead, jeremy. >> joy makes a good point in that this is starting to hurt donald trump's business and this probably surprised him most about the process. here you have somebody who got in to, we assume because he wanted to enhance his brand and promote his business interest. all it has done so far is to hurt business. >> i want to go back to the hillary clinton interview with cnn. she was asked about raising taxes. before that i want to show what bernie sanders said about raising taxes this week. when you ask are we going to have to raise income taxes listen to the way he answers. >> we have to do a away with corporate tax havens and yes, we have to raise individual tax rates substantially higher than today because almost all of the new income is going to the top 1%. >> let's listen to how hillary clinton answered that question on cnn. >> is raising taxes on the table? >> i'm going to put out my policies and i will let other people speak to their policies because i think we have to both grow the economy faster and fairer so we have to do what will actually work in the short term, the medium and long term. >> that seems to be the difference between these campaigns right now. bernie sanders will answer any question actually answer your question. hillary clinton gives the standard democratic candidate answer about raising taxes, which is a bunch of words that mean nothing and don't answer the question in any way. >> bernie's cannes candidacy is about really not bernie so much as the issues. he's adopted the elizabeth warren set of issues in the democratic wing of the democratic party and that's why people are flocking to him. it is not his charisma or oratorical skills, past legislative accomplishments but he is speaking about the issues. hillary clinton -- i'm not sure that works in a general election but it will get him a pretty good amount of votes in the democratic primaries. hillary clinton is running sort of the democratic, again network leader of the pact who is worried as much about general election as the primary and doesn't want to say she is going to raise taxes. walter mondale in 1984. she will be overly careful and he will look heroic next to her and that's a challenge for her. >> i mean -- >> go ahead, joy. go ahead. >> except that in the current it ration of our politics particularly with president obama out there having said this many times hillary clinton has the golden path ahead of her. she can say that bernie sanders is right about one thing, the rich should be paying more. this is something what republicans are nervous, this idea of equality. she could answer the question. there is a way for her to finesse that in which she doesn't say i will raise everyone's taxes but says the super rich would pay more. i think that would have ban much more simple answer. >> coming up lindsey graham issues a warning about the debate rules for republican candidates. and president obama met with senate democrats tonight. all were invited. one of the senators that was there with will join us. remember when this happened during occupy wall street? that illegal use of pepper spray just cost the city of new york a lot of money. one of the women who was hit with that spray will join us. ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage , horse power... torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. in just under 5 minutes you 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spend money to get their national numbers up. you will reward a guy like trump who's got a tv show. it is about name i.d. and about coming from big states about having run before. it's going to destroy the early primary caucus process. we need to push back to the rnc. this is a dumb way to do it. at the end of the day, brad pitt would be in our debate. iowa, south carolina and new hampshire are good for the party. they are good for democracy. >> joy reid you are in one of those states tonight. there's lindsey graham saying iowa south carolina and new hampshire are good for the party and democracy. is he right? >> well with i mean this process has been good for iowa new hampshire and south carolina. that's for certain. they have had tremendous power. increasingly south carolina lindsey graham's home state. if you think of it lawrence with so many candidates running and really every presidential cycle for the last several if iowa and new hampshire split f the same person doesn't win both south carolina has been a tie breaker state, very important. doing well in the polls in those individual states hazmatered a lot. lindsey graham has a point. if now you have to do well in a national poll it diminishes the importance of doing well in one of those discreet states particularly for south carolina that depended on being the tie breaker. so he has a point. >> jeremy peters, for years and i know many liberals have been complaining those early voting states which are not representative of the united states of america get to make decisions who the viable presidential candidates are and never hear from the big population centers. there's no voter in california whaz w.h.o. has anything to say about this or the state of new york who has anything to say about this. >> that's right. personally just speaking for myself here i for one think a republican debate without lindsey graham would not be nearly as entertaining. >> i think you are right. >> just for those reasons i think the republicans should let him in the debate. that aside, you are right. what you see over the course of the last few gop primaries is this gradual naturalization of the primary process. the local parties in iowa south carolina, new hampshire very much feel they had no choice but to cede broadcast authority and give up a piece of their role in the early nominating states. it has been happening for a while but this cycle with so many candidates has given the network an outside role in picking who will go in the debates has made it worse. >> david corn what do you think. >> there are two issues here. iowa for the republicans has pulled the candidate far to the right and given people like mike huckabee and rick santorum who don't have much competitive chance in a national election and even further down the line in republican primaries and caucuses. i think that needs to be revisited. i feel for lindsey graham. if you look at donald trump and other people getting to the debate while this lofty senator, who cares about national security matters is out because he is dmoun the polls. i feel bad for him. i think using the national polls when candidates are focused on individual states is not a good indicator. i think letting fox news be the determine natter of this important thing is bad for the public, bad for the republican party, bad for the rnc and bad for at least half of the candidates. the rnc mess ed up doing this. it is a disservice to its party and they will have to revisit it down the road. >> i think the great benefit here in terms of using national polls for this qualification any way is that you don't have to go out to iowa and say silly things about ethanol and new hampshire to say specialized targeted things for small groups of voters. joy reid as we know, the demographic composition of iowa and new hampshire does not reflect the united states of america. there's all sorts of voters who are basically disenfranchised and not represented in those early voting states. >> one reason that new hampshire and nevada has become more important in recent contests is because iowa and new hampshire are so unrepresented demographically. not the republican party. iowa -- iowa represents how far right the party has drifted. i'm not sure it that unrepped but the way that republicans will choose their candidates. let's face it they have built a network where republicans trust, that's where they get the information. the candidates are cycled through there any way. i guess it makes sense they would be the place where people could choose their candidate. people in iowa are accustom to having the candidate come home with them. that's how specialized it is. is that a bad thing for that to change in terms of our politics? maybe not. i think the debates lvn will be diminished for not having serious candidates not on the stage and having donald trump on stage when she doing the marketing thing. there's two ways to look at it n. terms of who the republican party is becoming maybe this is the best way to do it. >> should be a super delegate thing jeremy peters. if you are sitting united states senator or governor you get in to these debates. if there is a cut off of ten use the combination of top ten in the polls plus all sitting senators. >> you mean affirmative action. >> what we know -- can you imagine if you were john kasich. you are the sitting governor of ohio. and you might get excluded from the debate happening in your home state. he's not really registering high enough in the polls to be included at this point. he might be left out. lindsey graham could be left out, rick perry could be left out. all of these people. more sitting governors, bobby jindal. carly fiorina, the only woman. but i will say it is not only fox news that shoulders the news here. cnn deserves its share of blame because they have a top ten criteria here and if they were honest about making sure this was a process where all of the candidates got a fair hearing they would split it down the middle and say a through k, you go in this debate. m through z, you are in the next one. >> david, go ahead. >> why have one debate when you can have two? particularly for ratings for fox. the debate will be a big rating booster. so if you -- don't do it in the top and bottom ten. mix it up. maybe there's a way to come up with a final four or round robin way to do this. so people who poll well afterwards can sget get a special post-debate appearance. is many creative ways to do this. what do you think, joy? >> they have turned it in to the republican version of "the hunger games." >> if only. if sglonl the survivor or something. i think from a pure standpoint of allowing voters to have real choice, i think, yes, all of the 25 or 38 or however many candidates they are running they should all get an opportunity to be heard. there should be a way to get an a and b debachlt it seems odd and unfair that candidates who may be more substantive and don't have name i.d. at this point in the process it is all name i.d. >> the difference between being eighth in the polls and 12 in the polls is like 2, 3 percentage points. so it is really -- with a field this big getting 4%, 5% puts you in the running but maybe not close enough. >> that will have to be the end of the debate about the debate tonight. thank you for joining us tonight. thank you. coming up great news for simpson fans around the world, including a new look tonight at how donald trump gets the simpsons treatment. fire it up! ♪ am i the only one with a meeting? i've got two. yeah we've gotta go. i gotta say it man this is a nice set-up. too soon. just kidding. nissan sentra. j.d. power's "highest ranked compact car in initial quality." now get 0% financing or a great lease on the nissan sentra. ♪ this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out ...with humira. humira works by targeting and 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the list is long and my instructions to my team and my instructions to myself have always been that we are going to squeeze every last ounce of -- of progress that we can make when i have the privilege -- as long as i have the privilege of holding this office. >> in pursuit of every last ounce of progress tonight, president obama invited all of the senate democrats to the state dining room at the white house. pennsylvania senator bud casey was there and is joining us now. senator casey, what was the agenda for tonight's discussion? >> well lawrence most of it was forward looking in terms of what we have to doing to in the last 18 months or so of the president's second term. mostly about the future. we have a lot of work to do, whether it is a transportation bill, or the export/import for example, focusing on job creation but most of it was about working together in the future. we did have some discussion about the way we have worked together in the past the affordable care act being one notable example of that and where we disagreed, but it's been as you know fairly limited. trade being one of those areas where we disagreed but i thought it was a good discussion of the issues on the mind of a number of senator answer the president spent a lot of time probably the better part of two hours. >> senator, was this one of those situations where individual senator s could make suggestions about what the party should be pursuing and did you have any that you were able to make in this meeting? >> mostly on the order of folks asking him questions, and also asking for his help. for example, we have a major challenge ahead of us making sure the republicans know that we are going to do everything we can to prevent sequestration from continuing. and that means having some tough battles on appropriation bills some that discussion about getting help from the president working with the president where we can. but there were opportunities to raise issues. one issue i'm working on have been working on for years and especially the next week to ten days will be early learning. i had a chance to talk to him briefly about that. >> you have been through some -- universal pre-k and you have a novel way of paying for it. a thing that normally isn't used in education bills and that is ending the corporation tax hole. it is a complex thing but makes it cross jurisdictional in terms of committees and that. makes it tricky. was there any question of coordinating these ideas, using the closing of that loophole for this program instead of that program? >> sometimes it didn't get to that level of detail in termss of the substance coordination but certainly the message coordination where we need the president's help to move forward on a lot of these areas of our agenda, and he needs our help as well. mostly along the lines of prioritizing. but i think on early learning, lawrence this is a great opportunity, even though it is uphill to get the quotes to put it squarely before the u.s. senate, are we going to make a substantial investment with the states in partnership in a full-day prekindergarten program and pay for it with a tax change offset that will fully pay for a program over the course of five years. >> senator bernie sanders and elizabeth warren were there. they were his loudest critics on trade promotion authority. did they get in to it much there? was there anything unusual about senator sanders being there now that he is out there as a very popular with the crowd presidential candidate? >> well it is interesting, lawrence. you know senator sanders well. you know that he focuses on priorities, like social security, for example. that's what he asked the president about today, about ways to work together to strengthen, which seems counter to what some in washington want to do to strengthen social security. it was a good exchange. the president was kidding him that he is on the campaign trail and maybe he shouldn't be spending time with him and be out there. that kind of exchange was even prevalent when the issue of trade arose. that came up periodically. but not in ways that were adversarial, even though many of us will be in a different place than the president but even ways we can work together on issues that have some relationship to the trade agreement. for example, what will happen with regard to tobacco. a lot of news in the last couple of days of what the chamber of commerce is doing overseas in conjunction with big tobacco companies and there may be ways to shortchange that so that in the final trade agreement, which many of us won't -- a group of us won't vote for -- there maybe a way to strengthen those provisions. >> senator, david corn has a question. >> good to see you, senator. i wondered, a big part of the president's legacy she working on is this nuclear deal with iran. i wondered if that came up tonight and what you think the prospects are, if indeed a deal is reached, for a fight on the senate side and can the democrats an the president win that? >> we didn't get to that tonight because the president hasn't been briefed by the time we got there. we got there a little before 6:00. he had not been given the briefing yet on developments today on the negotiation. so we didn't get an update or up-to-the-minute sense of what is happening. but he did make a point and i think an important point. for those of us in washington especially those who will cast a vote at some point on this agreement in some fashion, if there is a deal or an agreement not to prejudge it before you look at what's been agreed to. that up until now what we have is four pages of so-called parameters, the outline of an agreement. he was very determined to deliver that message a. i think it's the right message for today, even though we have -- we don't have any sense whether there will be an agreement because the iranians in my judgment seem to be changing the terms or throwing new ideas on to the table, which creates some doubt we don't know if there wb an agreement. if there is an agreement it is essential and obligatory for people like me to spend a lot of time, not just reading the text and the annexes but also getting both classified and unclassified briefings to get a full understanding of what our vote would be if there is an agreement. >> senator bob casey, thank you very much for joining us tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> david corn, thank you for joining us tonight. >> good to be here. >> coming up one of the occupy wall street protesters, one of the women who was pepper sprayed. you are seeing it in this video. will join us. we will find out what happened to the officer in this video who did this and what it cost the city of new york. and there's a new video tonight from "the simpsons" and it is about, who else the man on the escalator donald trump. 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[ cheers and applause ] >> i'm right behind him. not supposed to stare at it directly but i can't help it. if i touch it will it heal my baldness? ♪ ahh, so wispy. it is a gravity defying combover. i can't believe this was once on his ass. it's as blond as a golden marmoset and gray as a long dead donkey. the all the women he's married. less than $1 million for it. it's a steal. ahh! >> i'm officially running -- >> no don't take me out. no. >> up next new york city police commander illegally used pepper spray on occupy wall street demonstrators. the city is now paying big for that mistake. expected wait time: 55 minutes. vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ guys, it's just the two of you. the setting is just right. but here's the thing, about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? song: rachel platten "fight song" ♪ two million, four hundred thirty-four thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. and only one me. ♪ i'll take those odds. ♪ be unstoppable. the all-new 2015 ford edge. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. remember anthony ba kwleen? i didn't remember his name and i talked about him on this program a lot four years ago. you remember what he did. he is the new york city police officer who was caught on video violating police department rules by using pepper spray on some people mostly women, involved in the occupy wall street protest. here's that video again. anthony bologna is the officer in the white shirt. >> now we're going to slow that down so you can get a clear view of anthony bologna using that pepper spray. >> now here's a video that you may remember from an angle showing the victim's reaction to what he did. [ screaming ] >> nypd rules say pepper spray can only be used when an officer, quote, reasonably believes it is necessary to effect an arrest of a resisting suspect. there are no resisting suspects in that video and none of them women sprayed were actually arrested. they were just sprayed because anthony bologna felt like doing it. anthony bologna was no inexperienced rookie. he was one of the highest-ranking officers on the street that day and one of the highest paid. he was a deputy inspector, then paid $154,000 a year. he was supposed to be the commander on the scene. one of the commanders making sure his officers were doing the job the right way, meaning obeying the rules of anthony bologna's police department. the deputy inspect er bologna became a perfect example to other officers about how not to do the job. anthony bologna should have been fired for breaking his department's rules and bringing worldwide disgrace to the department through that video but of course he wasn't because that's not the way the nypd or any other police department handles officers who break their rules, at least of all commanders. he lost ten vacation days and not one penny of income. he was transferred to staten island, which was in effect a promotion for him because he lives in staten island and the transfer there saves him the daily commute across new york harbor to manhattan. cops are always trying to figure out how to get transferred to staten island. it's the best assignment you can get in the city. now new york city taxpayers are getting the bill for anthony bologna's unjustified use of pepper spray. $332,500 for that little outburst. that's how much the city of new york has agreed to pay the people who sued anthony bologna and the city for spraying them. none of that will come out of anthony bologna's paycheck or his very substantial pension. 23-year-old woman will be paid $45,000 in a separate case where new york city taxpayers because anthony bologna that day grabbed her from behind and threw her to the payment and a young man will be paid 55,000 there's because he was illegally aesed while shooting video of the police actions. none of that will come out of the paychecks or pengs of the officers involved in that illegal arrest. none of them will be paid anything. none of these victims would be paid a dime if it -- were not for the heroic protesters there who continued to video police activity knowing the police might beat them and arrest them for exercising their constitutional right to record that video. if deputy inspector anthony bologna had not been caught on video, we would not know his name. the nypd would have never investigated the case and taken those ten vacation days away from him. kalely deed rick was one of the victims that day. that is her in the video. she will be our next guest after the break. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. when it comes to medicare, everyone talks about what happens when you turn sixty-five. but, really, it's what you do before that counts. see, medicare doesn't cover everything. only about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is on you. 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[ male announcer ] go long™. listen up team i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized! i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength to keep you active. come on pear it's only a half gallon. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. all in 160 calories. ensure. take life in. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? >> screaming ]. >> joining us now kayly dietrich who you saw in the video and robert also on the scene that day. caylee, you reached an agreement for $55,000 along with several other victims of this. tell us how that came about. >> originally we went to press charges against anthony bologna and it proved unsuccessful. he got ten days vacation taken from him. and he was transferred to staten island. it was a very disappointing outcome. my lawyer and i decided we would continue with the charges. and hope that something more direct would come out of it. >> you filed a civil suit and the city realized things could be worse if they went to trial and went to a jury. robert, tell us how you -- you met kaylee that day as a result of that pepper spray incident, didn't you? >> yeah. i had seen her in days previous just kind of in passing, but that day i was down the block when the incident happened. i was one of the street medics that was there responding to anything like that. it was the first real you know big issue that had come up. and i treated one girl who had come down the street towards us and after a while she waved me on and said no you don't understand there are people who have it worse down the block and me and a few other people ran down and that's when i met kaylee. >> let's turn to the happy side of this story. kaylee you and robert have seen a lot of each other since meeting on the pavement there at occupy wall street with you injured. tell us about how your lives have grown together. >> it's been absolutely incredible. maybe a year after we met we found out that i was pregnant. we had a daughter. and it's been almost three years, and she's the most incredible amazing little girl. it had changed our lives completely. it is amazing and it's -- it's the best thing that could have happened. it really is. >> so robert your occu-baby is now an occu-toddler huh? >> yep. yep. a little bit of a handful but she treats us pretty well. >> this is just a beautiful outcome for this story. have you thought about when your daughter asks the question of how you met, how that story will go down? >> oh i'm very excited to share the story. it's -- i feel like not a lot of parents can explain to their child, oh you know we met in this kind of circumstance. it's very fantastical -- it's a fantastical story to tell. >> really is. she's going to love it. kaylee dedrick and robert thank you for joining us. i'm glad the situation has been resolved in your favor. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you for having us. >> chris hayes is up next. tonight on "all in" -- >> sit down and shut up. >> chris christie threatened with a bill that would make any new jersey governor quit if they run for president. >> you will be the governor of new jersey at the end of this? >> that's my plan. >> a top lawmaker pushing the plan joins me.

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